The Total Money Makeover: Summarized For Busy People (The ...

[Pages:5]The Total Money Makeover: Summarized For Busy People (The

Total Money Makeover, Dave Ramsey) PDF

The Total Money Makeover: Dave Ramsey's Best Seller Summarized for Busy PeopleLearn the Takeaways of The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey in less than 30 MinutesThis book contains the most important lessons and takeaways of the bestseller ?oeThe Total Money Makeover? summarized for busy people. And if you follow the guidelines of this proven system of sacrifice and discipline, you can be debt free, and begin to enjoy your life like never before.How would you feel if you can be free from debt? Would you like stop worrying about paying the bills? What about enjoying financial freedom?I have good news for you! All of this is at your reach but there is a small price to pay for it. The only thing you have to do is to do what rich people do. That is why I have written a summary of the most important takeaways of ?oeThe Total Money Makeover? by Dave Ramsay, to allow you to learn all these secrets even faster and without needing to invest the effort and time needed to read the whole book and create your own summary yourself.You can be debt free, begin saving, and invest like you never have before. You may build amazing wealth. However all of this is up to you, do you want all of that? Well take the first step today.?~If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.?TMHere Is A Preview Of the Book...Don?TMt be in denialBeware of credit cardsStart with baby stepsCure your debt fastInvesting for retirement and collegeThe three good things with moneyMuch, Much moreDOWNLOAD YOUR COPY TODAY AND GET INSTANT ACCESS TO THIS SPECIAL OFFERTags: the total money makeover, dave ramsay

File Size: 941 KB Print Length: 59 pages Publication Date: August 25, 2015 Sold by:? Digital Services LLC Language: English ASIN: B014I72FJY Text-to-Speech: Enabled X-Ray: Not Enabled Word Wise: Enabled Lending: Enabled Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled Best Sellers Rank: #8,178 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #3 in? Kindle

Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Personal Finance > Budgeting & Money Management > Budgeting #5 in? Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 90 minutes (44-64 pages) > Business & Money #6 in? Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Personal Finance > Budgeting & Money Management > Money Management

If you're looking for a book that will help you learn how to get out of debt, then this is the book for you. This book is based on Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover system and it's been proven to work. This book gives you the core principles in a nut shell and tells you how to put them into action. Great book summary and one that I'll be keeping around. I highly recommend this book. I know that I and my family can use the advice given in this book and plan to put it into use. It's written in an easy to read format that can be read through quite quickly.

This rendition of The Total Money Makeover summary is better than the other two I've read recently (which I suspect are by the same author) due to better formatting and less fluff. Also, the takeaway section at the end of each chapter nicely summarizes the content.I question the accuracy of cited statistics and statements, such as:"60% of people don?TMt pay of their credit card costs by the due date" - A web search indicates that the credit card payment delinquency rate is much less than 60%"69% of credit card use causes bankruptcy" - Might that be credit card misuse contributes to 69% of bankruptcies?"You can invest up to $ 5000 per year tax free at a rate of 12%, so at the age of 65 you will have $ 873,000, completely tax free, yet you?TMve only invested $ 90,000 of your actual money." - Starting at what age?Also, some info is contradictory, such as "If you?TMre sending your children to college because you want them to be guaranteed a job, success, and wealth, you will be dramatically let down. Don?TMt expect everything to come from a degree. A solid education is the best start they can have in their adult life." So, what's the actual message here? Seems to argue both for and against college.This may be an ok summary of the real Total Money Makeover but I suggest just getting the real book: The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

This book is incredible and should be mandatory reading for all students in high school or college. I wish I could have read it when I was that age and would not have made the stupid financial decisions that I've made in my lifetime. This book is the cheapest financial education you can get and anyone and everyone needs to read it.

For those smothered in Credit Card Debt, swimming in a huge mortgage, and living on the financial brink of disaster, this book will change you forever...BUT only if you are willing to follow it! For those who enjoy being normal (broke but looking good) there is now magic wand to make it all better. Just like losing weight, you have to choose to follow the plan. Such a great book about make over.

Are you looking for a book that will help you to learn how to get out of debt, then I think this is for you.This is a great guide to help you get rid of debt.This book will give you the basic principles in a nutshell and will tell you how to implement. This is an interesting book with interesting ways is to make some extra money at the time of need. It was also in need of some extra money and did not know how to do it until I read this book. Really really big thanks to the author!!

This book is awesome. It was well summarized for readers to understand it and pick the necessary point that was written in the original book. The first chapter of this book actually helped to change my approach toward debt. It also pointed why i should not loan large amount of money to friends and family.The other part of this book focused on reasons why i need to set goals for my self and also pointed out ways i can be able to achieve those goals. I also got to see the importance of investment too. Then finally the three good things with money which are fun, investing and giving. I am glad i read this book.

Condensed version of Helpful steps to take control of your financial life.This book is the cheapest financial education you can get and anyone and everyone needs to read it.This book is incredible and should be mandatory This book is based on Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover system and it's been proven to work. This book gives you the core principles in a nut shell and tells you how to put them into action.reading for all students in high school or college.This book guided me about how to start with baby steps and how to cure my debt faster. I am really glad to read this amazing summary guide book and by reading guidebook I am pleased.

The Total Money Makeover has discussed a lot of things on how one can be debt-free and how he can enjoy his financial freedom. I think this book has been written with the purpose of helping readers who are on their financial crisis. And I believe that this book has been inspiring enough. The topics given here, although it has been summarized, all helped in making this goal reachable. I appreciate the discussion about how one should beware of credit cards. This is an enlightenment

for me since I have been wanting to get one for quite some time now. But reading this book is making me think twice now. I learned a great deal from this book. The three good things with money also cleared some thoughts.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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