I, Ryan Torgerson, Clerk of Wayne County, in accordance with Utah Code Section 20A-5-101 do hereby notify the citizens of Wayne County that candidates are to be elected to the following offices at the upcoming General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.

The candidate filing period for qualified political party candidates begins on Friday, March 11, 2016 and ends at 5:00 p.m., Thursday, March 17, 2016.

The Declaration of Candidacy filing period for state and local school board candidates begins on Monday, January 4, 2016 and ends at 5:00 p.m., Thursday, March 17, 2016.

The Declaration of Intent to gather signatures period for qualified political party candidates begins on Monday, January 4, 2016 and ends at 5:00 p.m., Thursday, March 17, 2016. Candidates must submit nomination petition signatures no later than 14 days before the day on which the qualified political party holds its convention to select candidates for the elective office.

1. Federal

A. U. S. President and Vice President for a four (4) year term.

B. U.S. Senate. One Senator for a six (6) year term.

C. U.S. House of Representatives. One representative for a two (2) year term in each of the following U.S. Congressional Districts:

(1) First District. The First congressional District consists of Box Elder, Cache, Daggett, part of Davis, Duchesne, Morgan, Rich, Summit, Uintah, and Weber Counties.

(2) Second District. The Second Congressional District consists of Beaver, part of Davis, Garfield, Iron, part of Juab, Kane, Millard, Piute, part of Salt Lake, part of Sanpete, Sevier, Tooele, Washington, and Wayne Counties.

(3) Third District. The Third Congressional District consists of Carbon, Emery, Grand, part of Salt Lake, San Juan, part of Utah, and Wasatch Counties.

(4) Fourth District. The Fourth Congressional District consists of part of Juab, part of Salt Lake, part of Sanpete, and part Utah Counties.

2. State

A. State Executive. Each position will be elected to a four (4) year term.

(1) Governor

(2) Lieutenant Governor

(3) Attorney General

(4) State Auditor

(5) State Treasurer

B. Senate. One member for a four (4) year term from each of the following State Senate Districts:

(1) District One (1) is located in Salt Lake County.

(2) District Six (6) is located in Salt Lake County.

(3) District Seven (7) is located in Utah County.

(4) District Eight (8) is located in Salt Lake County.

(5) District Ten (10) is located in Salt Lake County.

(6) District Thirteen (13) is located in Salt Lake and Utah Counties.

(7) District Fourteen (14) is located in Utah County.

(8) District Sixteen (16) is located Utah and Wasatch Counties.

(9) District Nineteen (19) is located in Morgan, Summit and Weber Counties.

(10) District Twenty (20) is located in Davis and Weber Counties.

(11) District Twenty-three (23) is located in Davis and Salt Lake Counties.

(12) District Twenty-four (24) is located in Beaver, Garfield, Juab, Kane, Millard, Piute, Sanpete, Sevier, Utah, and Wayne Counties.

(13) District Twenty-five (25) is located in Cache and Rich Counties.

(14) District Twenty-seven (27) is located in Carbon, Emery, Grand, San Juan, Utah, and Wasatch Counties.

(15) District Twenty-nine (29) is located in Washington County.

C. State House of Representatives. One member of the Utah House of Representatives for a two (2) year term from each of the seventy-five (75) State legislative districts.

3. County

A. County Commissioner. One County Commissioner for a term of four (4) years.

B. Local School Board. Wayne County School Board members for a term of four (4) years.

(1) Precinct One (1) representing Fremont and Lyman

(2) Precinct Two (2) representing Torrey, Teasdale, Grover and Fruita.

(3) Precinct Three (3) representing Bicknell.

4. Judicial

A. Juvenile Court. There will be a retention election for eleven (11) Juvenile Court Judges in the following districts, provided that the incumbent(s) whose term is expiring files during the filing period:

1) Second District. One (1) Judge from the Second Judicial District, which consists of Davis, Morgan, and Weber Counties.

2) Third District. Four (4) Judges in the Third Judicial District, which consists of Salt Lake, Summit, and Tooele Counties.

3) Fourth District. Two (2) Judges in the Fourth Judicial District, which consists of Juab, Millard, Utah, and Wasatch Counties.

4) Fifth District. One (1) Judge in the Fifth Judicial District, which consists of Beaver, Iron, and Washington Counties.

5) Sixth District. One (1) Judge in the Sixth Judicial District, which consists of Garfield, Kane, Piute, Sanpete, Sevier, and Wayne Counties.

6) Eighth District. Two (2) Judges in the Eighth Judicial District, which consists of Daggett, Duchesne, and Uintah Counties.

B. Justice Court. Any Justice Court Judge whose term is expiring shall be subject to an unopposed retention election in the County or Counties in which the court to which the judge is appointed is located.

6. Ballot Propositions

H.J.R. 8 (2015). Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution – Oath of Office change.

Ryan Torgerson

Wayne County Clerk/Auditor


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