Curriculum Vita - CEHD

Curriculum Vitae


Professor of Education


Professional Address: George Mason University

College of Education & Human Development

2503 Thompson Hall, MSN 1E8

4400 University Drive

Fairfax, VA 22030-4444

V-mail: 703-993-4123

Skype: Rebecca.K.Fox

Higher Education

George Mason University Fairfax, VA Second Language Acquisition Ph.D. 1999

Research and Education

Dissertation: This is Who I Am: The Role of the Professional Development Portfolio in Foreign and Second Language Pre-Service Teacher Education

Honor: Outstanding Ph.D. Award, 1999.

George Mason University Fairfax, VA French, with Distinction M.A., 1993

Randolph-Macon Lynchburg, VA, French and Music Lit B.A., 1972

Woman’s College

Université de Paris Paris, France Linguistiques Certificat Supérieur, 1971

Current Position

Professor of Education, College of Education and Human Development (CEHD);

Division Director, Division of Advanced Professional Teacher Development & International Education (APTDIE); Professor in Charge, Teaching and Teacher Education Specialization, Ph.D. in Education Program. Teaching responsibilities include teaching Master’s and doctoral level courses in teacher education, bilingualism and second language acquisition research, foreign/world language and international education; advisor for master’s and Ph.D. in Education students. Administrative responsibilities as the Division Director of APTDIE include overseeing and facilitating all aspects of the division’s budget, course implementation and class scheduling for all courses, management of division staff and meetings, and the scholarly requirements and activities of the four programs and four doctoral specializations housed in the dividion; overseeing the division’s marketing and outreach, managing university procedures and requirements. Writing and managing grant work to facilitate U.S. and international teacher education research and development.

Professional Honors, Recognition, and Awards

2020 Appointed America’s Languages Fellow, America’s Languages Initiative, Joint National Council on Languages. Washington, DC.

2019-2021 Co-Principal Investigator (with A. Evmenova), Russia-US Teachers (R-UST) for STEM education: Building teacher knowledge and leadership through international learning. Grant. U.S.-Russia Foundation, Washington, D.C.

2018 Elected to the Board of Directors, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Higher Education Research

2016 Dedication of the Dr. Rebecca K. Fox Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan, by Rector, Dr. Hasan Sohaib Murad.

2016 Chair of the NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Developing Intercultural Competence Through World Languages, New York City Hilton Mid-Town, February 2016

2015-17 Principal Investigator, Collaboration for Faculty Excellence in Teaching and Research, Grant, U.S. Department of State, Islamabad, Pakistan.

2007- ACTFL/NCATE National Program Audit team by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages in 2007, serving to the present.

2012-13Fox, R., & Hardy, S. Moving from face-to-face course delivery to hybrid and fully online learning environments. Internal GMU Grant to develop and pilot three distance education courses for the Advanced Studies in Teaching & Learning Program. Vice-Provost for Distance Education, George Mason University. [Awarded for AY 2012-13]

2010 Recipient “Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques.” This French chevalric order honors outstanding academic and cultural service to the French nation. Awarded by the French Government and presented by the Ambassador of France to the U.S. and the Embassy of France, July 7, 2010. American Association of Teachers of French: Philadelphia, PA.

2010 George Mason University “Excellence in Teaching Award.” George Mason University, Center for Teaching and Faculty Excellence.

2010-12 Board of Directors of the National Network on Early Language Learning (NNELL); served as the Board’s Executive Secretary.

2009-11 SIG Chair, Portfolios & Reflection in Teaching SIG of the American Educational

Research Association.

1999 Outstanding Achievement and Academic Excellence” Award.

George Mason University Ph.D. in Education Program., George Mason University

1993 Outstanding Teaching Award, George Mason University, Modern Languages.

Publications and Scholarly Work


Galluzzo, G., Isenberg, J., White, C.S., & Fox, R.K. (2012). The master’s degree in education as teacher professional development: Re-envisioning the role of the academy in the development of practicing teachers. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Book Chapters

Rafi, M.S, & Fox, R.K (2020, In press). Translanguaging and multilingual teaching and writing practices in a Pakistani university: Pedagogical implications for faculty and students. In G. Svensen & A. Torpsten, (Eds.), Multilingualism in the Individual and in Society. Sweden: HumaNetten Publishers.

Levy, J., & Fox, R.K. (2015). Preservice teacher preparation for international settings. In M. Hayden, J. Levy, J. Thompson (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of research in international education (Second edition), pp. 275-297. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Fox, R., White, C.S., & Tian, J. (2014). Investigating advanced professional learning of early career and experienced teachers through portfolios. In E. Pultorak, (Ed.), Reflectivity and cultivating student learning: Critical elements for enhancing a global community of learners and educators (pp. 3-27). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Fox, R. K. (2012). Critical languages: Working with world language students in the classroom. In B. Shaklee and S. Baily, (Eds.), Internationalizing U.S. teacher education, pp. 59-76. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Frazier, W. M., Fox, R.K., & Hjalmarson, M. A. (2012). STEM disciplines: Influences from an international perspective. In B. Shaklee and S. Baily, (Eds.), Internationalizing U.S. teacher education, pp. 175-204. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Fox, R. (2010). The world languages professional portfolio: A performance-based

program document aligned with national standards. In J. Davis, (Ed.), World language teacher education: Transitions and challenges in the 21st century (pp. 103-129). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Isenberg, J., Fox, R., Galluzzo, G., & White, C.S. (2010). Aligning post baccalaureate programs with national board standards. In M. Dillworth & E. Cleveland (Eds.) Accomplished teachers: Institutional perspectives (pp. 67-85). Arlington, VA: NBPTS.

Fox, R.K., & White, C.S. (2010). Examining teachers’ development through critical

reflection in an advanced master’s degree program (Ch. 11). In E. Pultorak, (Ed.), The purposes, practices, and professionalism of teacher reflectivity: Insights for 21st century teachers and students (pp. 231-253). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Shrum, J., & Fox, R. (2010). Unifying our profession through standards: Writing the ACTFL/NCATE program report. In C. Wilkerson (Ed.), Dimension 2010: Communication beyond the classroom (pp. 1-22). Roswell, GA: Southern Conference on Language Teaching.

Lassonde, C., Ritchie, G.V., & Fox, R. (2008). Getting to know teacher research: How

teacher research can become your way of being. In C. Lassonde & S. Israel, Eds., Teachers taking action: A comprehensive guide to teacher research, (pp. 3-14). Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Fox, R., & White, C. S. (2006). Course-based performance assessments for

advanced degree work. In S. Castle & B. D. Shaklee (Eds.), Assessing teacher performance: Performance-based assessment in teacher education (pp. 127-150). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Fox, R., & Galluzzo, G. (2006). Summative portfolio assessment. In S. Castle &

B.D. Shaklee (Eds.), Assessing teacher performance: Performance-based assessment in teacher education (pp. 151-173). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Castle, S., Reynolds, A., Fox, R. K., & Souder, K. O. (2005). Value added: Using PDS

standards to provide context for research. In M. Levine & R. Trachtman (Eds.), Implementing PDS Standards: Stories from the field (pp. 35-58). Washington, DC: NCATE.

Akhmedova, M., Aliyev, M., & Fox, R. (2005). Assessment practices for the modern,

active classroom. In G. Varrella, (Ed.), A handbook for educators: Modern perspectives on teacher training and middle level teaching (pp. 223-291). Baku, Azerbaijian & Washington, DC: International Research and Exchange Board (IREX).

Haley, M. H., & Fox, R. K. (2004). Examining language proficiency of teacher candidates.

In G. Bräuer & K. Sanders (Eds.), New visions in foreign and second language education (pp. 261-272). San Diego: LARC Press.

Peer-Refereed Journal Publications

Fox, R.K., Corretjer, O., & Webb, K. (2019). Benefits of foreign language learning and bilingualism: An analysis of published empirical research, 2012-2019. Foreign Language Annals,52, 699-726.

Fox, R.K., Corretjer, O., Webb, K., & Tian, J. (2019). Benefits of foreign

language learning and bilingualism: An analysis of published empirical research, 2005 –

2011. Foreign Language Annals,52, 470-490.

Fox, R.K., Dodman, S., & Holincheck, N. (2019). Moving beyond reflection in a hall of mirrors: Developing critical reflective capacity in teachers and teacher educators. Reflective Practice.

Fox, R. (2017, December). Building deeper understandings of standards through research. NECTFL Review, 80, Special Issue, Fall, 3-8. Retrieved from

Katradis, M., Fox, R., & Tian, J. (2017, December). Learning to implement the Five Cs: Portfolios and reflection in an international teacher professional development program. The NECTFL Review, Special Issue, Fall, 45-76. Retrieved from

Fox, R.K. (2016). Developing intercultural competence through world languages: A synthesis of dynamic learning. The NECTFL Review, Special Issue, Fall, 3-10. Retrieved from

Merz, S., & Fox, R.K. (2016). An international education perspective study of teachers in the central United States. Pedagogy, Culture, & Society.

Fox, R.K., Muccio, L., White, C.S., & Tian, J. (2015). Investigating advanced professional development of early career and experienced teachers through program portfolios. European Journal of Teacher Education, 38(2), 154-179.

Banville, D., White, C.S., & Fox, R.K. (2014). Teacher development during advanced master’s course work and impact on their learning a year later. The Physical Educator 71(4), 558-579.

Samaras, A. P., & Fox, R. K. (2012). Capturing the process of Greek teachers’ professional

development through e-portfolios. Professional Development in Education.

Available online May 22, 2012

Fox, R. K. (2011, Fall). The role of scholarship in the quality of teaching and learning. Teacher Education and Practice, 24(4), 458-461.

White, C.S., Fox, R.K., & Isenberg, J.P. (2011). Investigating teachers’ professional learning in an advanced master’s degree programme. European Journal of Teacher Education, 34(4), 477-495.

Fox, R. K., White, C. S., & Kidd, J.K. (2011, February). Program portfolios: Documenting teachers’ growth in reflection-based inquiry. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and

Practice, 17(1), pp. 149-167.

Wiseman, A., & Fox, R. (2010). Supporting teachers’ development of cultural competence through teacher research. Action in Teacher Education, (32) 4, pp. 26-37.

DOI: 10.1080/01626620.2010.549708

Castle, S., Fox, R.K., & Fuhrman, C. (2009). Does professional development school preparation

make a difference? A comparison of three teacher candidate studies. School-University Partnerships 3 (2), 58-68.

Fox, R., White, C. S., Kidd, J. K., & Ritchie, G. V. (2008). Delving into teachers’ development through program portfolios: Case studies. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2 (1). Available online

Fox, R., Kidd, J., Painter, D., & Ritchie, G. (2007). The growth of reflective practice: Teachers’

portfolios as windows and mirrors. The Teacher Educators Journal, pp. 13-25. Also available online at

Painter, D., Ritchie, G., & Fox, R. (2007). The growth of reflective practice: Planting

the seeds. The Teacher Educators Journal, Spring, pp. 26-36. Also available online (Spring 2007) at

Fox, R., & Diaz-Greenberg, R. (2006). Culture, multiculturalism and foreign/world language

standards in U.S. teacher preparation programs: Toward a discourse of dissonance. European Journal of Teacher Education (29)3, pp. 401-422.

Castle, S., Fox, R., & Souder, K. (2006). Do professional development schools (PDSs) make a

difference? A comparative study of PDS and non-PDS teacher candidates. Journal of Teacher Education 57 (1), pp. 65-80.

Osterling, J. P., & Fox, R. (December 2004). The power of perspectives: Building a cross-

cultural community of learners. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 7 (6), pp. 489-505.

Haley, M. H., & Fox, R. (2001). Examining language proficiency of teacher candidates: A

critical issue in teacher preparedness. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 5(3), pp. 130-135.

Haley, M. H., & Fox, R. (1998). Educating for equity and excellence: Fulfilling the need for

teachers of color in twenty-first century pluralistic schools. Teacher Educators Journal, 8(2), pp. 1-11.

Research Reports, Conference Proceedings, and Other Scholarly Publications

Shin, J.K., Fox, R.K., Evmenova, A., Borup, J., Khakimova, D., & Kim, W. (2020). Context analysis report: Needs assessment results. English Speaking Nation Program, Embassy of the United States, Tashkent. American Councils for International Education. George Mason University: Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R.K., Bauer, S., & Samaras, A. (2018). From faculty agency to institutional change: Collaboration for faculty excellence in teaching and learning in a Pakistani university. Final full research report, U.S. – Pakistan Collaboration for faculty excellence in teaching and learning (CFETR). U.S.-Pakistan University Partnerships Program (UPP), U.S.-Pakistan Academic Linkages Program of the U.S. Department of State Public Affairs Section (PAS), U.S. Embassy, Islamabad. Grant award number SCA-ISB-15-AW-006-01152015 in accordance with the federal funding accountability and transparency act. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State. George Mason University: Fairfax, VA.

Murphy-Judy, K., Fox, R.K., & Abbott, M. (2018). Current state of world language education in Virginia, 2018: Looking toward 2030 and beyond. White Paper for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Alexandria, VA.

Fox, R.K., Samaras, A., Bauer, S., & Wrightsman, K. (2016, October). Learning and Outcomes: A year one overview, U.S. – Pakistan Collaboration for faculty excellence in teaching and learning (CFETR). U.S.-Pakistan University Partnerships Program (UPP), U.S.-Pakistan Academic Linkages Program of the U.S. Department of State Public Affairs Section (PAS), U.S. Embassy, Islamabad. Grant award number SCA-ISB-15-AW-006-01152015 in accordance with the federal funding accountability and transparency act. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State. George Mason University: Fairfax, VA.

Farooq, M.S., Abid, A., & Fox, R.K. (2016). A formal design for the lexical

and syntax analyzer of a pedagogically effective subset of C++. Conference Proceedings,

15th International Conference on Machine Learning Applications Conference (ICMLA),

Anaheim, CA.

Shrum, J., Bell, T., Fox, R., McAlpine, D., Morrison, S., Swanson, P., & VanVliet, E., (2016). Preparing the ACTFL CAEP program report. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages: Alexandria, VA.

Shrum, J., Bell, T., Fox, R., McAlpine, D., Morrison, S., Swanson, P., & VanVliet, E., (2016). Reviewing the ACTFL CAEP program report. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages: Alexandria, VA.

Fox, R.K., Katradis, M., & Webb, K. (2015, August). Research report and program outcomes- Teacher leadership in 21st century bilingual elementary schools: Effective learning and research-based practices. Comunidad de Madrid, for funded project, George Mason University, Center for International Education, Fairfax, VA.

Shrum, J., Glisan, E., Phillips, J., Fox, R.K., & Bond, N. (2014). ACTFL program standards for the preparation of foreign language teachers. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Alexandria, VA.

Fox, R.K., Corretjer, O., & Tian, J. (2013). Benefits of foreign language learning and bilingualism: What the research says, 2005-2012. Meta-analysis conducted for the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Alexandria, VA. Upload of full report, links, and abstracts by ACTFL to .

Frazier, W. M., & Fox, R. K. (2012, January). Research activities and outcomes U.S - Russia teacher professional development program. Grant award number: S-ECAAS-09-CA-175 (EB) in accordance with the federal funding accountability and transparency act. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State.

Fox, R.K., & Frazier, W.M. (2011, Oct. 26). Russian and U.S. teachers focus on global skills f

for 21st century education (Special Section, Russia Now, p. H5). Washington, D.C.: Washington Post. Online version available at:

Banville, D., White S. C., & Fox, R. K. (2011). Physical education teachers’ professional development during advanced master’s coursework. Research Quarterly in Exercise and Sport, 82 (1) (supplement), p. A-33-34.

Fox, R., Kitsantas, A., & Flowers, G. (2008). English language learners with interrupted

schooling: Do self-efficacy beliefs in native language proficiency and acculturation matter? AccELLerate!,(1)1, pp. 14-16. Washington, D.C.: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition. Available online at:

Strawn, C., Fox, R., & Duck, L. (2008). Preventing teacher failure: Six keys to

success in moving beyond the “sink or swim” mentality. Clearinghouse,(81)6, pp. 271-277.

Fox, R. (Section Ed.). (2007). Making global connections using French language and culture:

Standards-based lessons for novice through intermediate language learners (B. Adair-Hauck & N. Gadbois, Eds.), (pp. 51-61, 93-107, 119-123). Carbondale, IL: American Association for Teachers of French.

Levy, J., Shaklee, B., Steeley, S., & Fox, R.K. (2006). Pakistan Teacher Education and

Professional Development Project, Phase II: In Country Training [November 2005-September 2006], George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. Final Project Report submitted to the Academy for Educational Development (AED), Washington, D.C. & Islamabad, Pakistan.

Fox, R., & Diaz-Greenberg, R. (2005). Implementing multiculturalism and world

language standards in teacher preparation programmes. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Association of Teacher Education in Europe, Amsterdam. Retrieved January 30, 2007, from

Castle, S., Fox, R. K., & Souder, K. (2004). Aspects of teacher quality in PDS and

non-PDS teacher candidates: II. National Education Association Professional Development School Research Project, Washington, DC.

Castle, S., Fox, R., & Souder, K. (2003). Aspects of teacher quality in PDS and non-PDS

teacher candidates. National Education Association Professional Development School Research Project, Washington, DC.

Fox, R. (2002). Une visite virtuelle: Projet de communication (A culture based

communication project for the post secondary setting). In N. Gadbois (Ed.), AATF Student Standards Commission: Communication, Goal One (pp. 38-43). New York: AATF.

Fox, R. (2001). The Professional development portfolio: A performance-based document. In P.

Constantino (Ed.), Developing a professional teaching portfolio: Guidelines for educators (pp. 121-125). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Fox, R., & Duck, L. (2001). The teacher education licensure fulfillment (TELF)

initiative: A partnership venture for alternative licensure. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Dallas, TX. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED451188)

Haley, M. H., & Fox, R. K. (1999). A Celebration of Teaching: A conference for students

aspiring to become teachers. In C. Grant, (Ed.) Proceedings of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Seventh Annual NAME Conference (pp. 83-102). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Manuscripts in Submission and Preparation

Articles In Progress and In Submission

Holincheck, N., Dodman, S., Fox, R.K., & Webb, K. (In re-submission). Teachers’ engagement in the cultural inquiry process as a means to promote critical reflection and action.

Fox, R., Samaras, A., & Wrightsman, K. (In progress). Exploring purposeful change: Improving teaching practice and organizational learning through a U.S.-Pakistani international university partnership program.

Fox, R.K., Kim, W., & Mehdi, T. (in progress). Investigating Individual Growth and Change: Results from an Internationalization Project in a Pakistani University.

Fox, R.K., & Stehle, S. (In progress). Investigating the Development of Teachers’ Attitudes and Actions for Change: Programmatic Research Through Reflections

Holincheck, N., and Fox, R.K. (In progress). The essential role of research for IB teachers and IB teacher educators.

Grant Work and Revenue Projects

2019 – 2022 American Councils for International Education for the U.S. Department of State, Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Uzbekistan, Strengthening of English Language Secondary Education in Uzbekistan ($575,444)

Principal Investigator: Joan Kang Shin

Contributing Faculty: Rebecca Fox, Anna Evmenova, and Jered Borup 

Awarded a three-year training grant from American Councils for International Education for the U.S. Department of State, Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Uzbekistan; develop and implement initial, baseline assessment of Uzbek public school teachers’ English language capabilities and teaching skills; develop and implement a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) through Canvas Network called “Teaching English Through English (TETE)” focused on enhancing Uzbek public school teachers’ English language capabilities and teaching skills based on the initial needs assessment; develop and implement a two-week “Training-of-Trainer” program for 40 Core Trainers and 80 Resource Teachers in Uzbekistan; and conduct follow-up site visits to check on progress and assess of effectiveness of program. 

2019-2021 Russia-US Teachers (R-UST) for STEM education: Building teacher knowledge and leadership through international learning.

U.S.-Russia Foundation for Economic Advancement and the Role of Law, Washington, D.C..


Co-Principal Investigators: Rebecca K. Fox & Anna Evmenova

Contributing Faculty: Nancy Holincheck, Project Evaluator, Wendy Frazier

2019 IB Innovations

George Mason University, College of Education and Human Development


Principal Investigator: Rebecca Fox

ASTL & Educational Leadership Joint Faculty Team: N. Holincheck, S. Dodman, F. Shahroki, F., & R. Biggs.

2018 Interdisciplinary Innovations in ASTL.

George Mason University, College of Education and Human Development


Co-Principal Investigators: ASTL Faculty: S. Dodman, N. Holincheck, R.Fox

Contributing Faculty: Farnoosh Shahrokhi, and Joan Shin

2018 Faculty Learning Community on Engineering Education.

Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning, George Mason University


Faculty: A. Johri, J. Lester, N. Dabbagh, R. Fox, N. Holincheck, & M. Hjalmarson

2015-2018 U.S.-Pakistan collaboration for faculty excellence in teaching and research (CFETR). International grant, U.S. Department of State, Academic Linkages and Education Programs, U.S. Mission to Pakistan [SCA-ISB-15-AW-006-01152015]. ($432,555.52)

Principal Investigator: Rebecca K. Fox

Co-Principal Investigators: Years Two and Three – Anastasia Samaras

Year One – Supriya Baily

Contributing Faculty: Scott Bauer, Evaluator; Anna Evmenova, Nancy Holincheck, April Mattix Foster, Beverly Shaklee, Debra Sprague, & C. Stephen White.

2015 Teacher leadership in 21st century bilingual elementary schools: Effective learning and research-based practices.

Community of Madrid (Regional Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport)


Principal Investigator: Rebecca K. Fox

Contributing Faculty: B.Shaklee, J. Lebron, A. Evmenova, and A. Samaras.

Teacher Professional Development Program for Teachers serving as coordinators at Bilingual schools in the Community of Madrid. GMU Center for International Education

2013-14` Virginia Center for Excellence in Teaching (VCET)

Virginia Department of Education # DOE-VCET-2013-02


Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Sturtevant

Faculty Academy Leaders: Rebecca Fox, Seth Parsons, Libby Hall

2013 National University of Science and Technology (NUST) Faculty Professional

Development Program.

National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan


Principal Investigator: Eirini Gouleta

Faculty: Rebecca Fox, Anastasia Samaras, Debra Sprague

2013 Dynamic learning in 21st century EFL classrooms: Achieving proficiency-oriented and learner-centered instruction.

Beijing Normal University faculty. [Funded, Summer 2013]


Principal Investigator: Rebecca Fox

World language university faculty professional development program

2012 Dynamic learning in 21st century Chinese classrooms: Achieving proficiency oriented and learner-centered instruction.

Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), Taiwan Embassy, Washington, D.C.


Principal Investigator: Rebecca K. Fox

Taiwan World Languages Teacher Professional Development Program.

2011 Dynamic learning in 21st century Chinese classrooms: Achieving proficiency oriented and learner-centered instruction.

Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), Taiwan Embassy, Washington, D.C.


Principal Investigator: Rebecca K. Fox

Taiwan World Languages Teacher Professional Development Program.

2010 Dynamic learning in 21st century Chinese classrooms: Achieving proficiency oriented and learner-centered instruction.

Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO), Taiwan Embassy, Washington, D.C.


Principal Investigator: Rebecca K. Fox

Taiwan World Languages Teacher Professional Development Program.

2009-2011 U.S. – Russia Teacher Professional Development Program (USRPD)

U.S. Department of State


Co-Principal Investigators: Wendy Frazier & Rebecca Fox,

Faculty Contributors: B. Shaklee, D. Sprague, M. Hjalmarson, S. Cozart

International teacher professional development grant

2009-2011 Greek Teacher Professional Development Program (GTPDP)

Embassy of Greece and U.S. Department of State, Fulbright Foundation


Co-Principal Investigators: Debra Sprague and Anastasia Kitsantas,

Faculty and Researchers: Rebecca Fox, Anastasia Kitsantas

2005-2006 Pakistan Teacher Education Professional Development Program,

U.S. Academy for Educational Development, Washington, D.C.,

National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan


Co-Principal Investigators: Jack Levy and Sherry Steeley

Faculty: Beverly Shaklee, Rebecca Fox

2002 A Celebration of Teaching: A Conference for High School Students Aspiring to Become Teachers,

National Education Association SOAR Grant for Project Diversity and Minority Teacher Recruitment through High School Student Outreach


Principal Investigator: Rebecca Fox

2001 A Celebration of Teaching: A Conference for High School Students Aspiring to Become Teachers,

National Education Association SOAR Grant for Project Diversity and Minority Teacher Recruitment through High School Student Outreach


Principal Investigator: Rebecca Fox

2000 A Celebration of Teaching: A Conference for High School Students Aspiring to Become Teachers,

National Education Association SOAR Grant for Project Diversity and Minority Teacher Recruitment through High School Student Outreach


Principal Investigator: Rebecca Fox

PI/Co-PI Proposals, In Submission/Not Funded

Ginsberg, M., (PI), with Co-PIs Fox, R., Shin, J., & Shahrokho, F. (2020). Saudi Educators@Mason (SE@M): Building leadership for change. Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. $1,500,000. [Submitted, pending COVID 19 timeframe.]

Fox, R.K. Co-Principle Investigator), Evmenova, A. (Co-Principle Investigator). U.S.-Pakistan collaboration for excellence in teaching and research (CETR). International grant, U.S. Department of State, Public Diplomacy Programs for Afghanistan and Pakistan

[SCAISB-18-AW-007-02022018]. Amount $499,999.80. With faculty N. Holincheck, A. Samaras, A. Mattix Foster, B. Shaklee, D. Sprague.[Submitted 9 March 2018, not


Fox, R. K., (Principle Investigator). (2017-2019). U.S.-Pakistan collaboration for faculty excellence in teaching and research 2 (CFETR 2). International grant, U.S. Department of State, Education- Academic Linkages, U.S. Mission to Pakistan [SCA-ISB-15-AW-006-01152015]. Amount $499,996.52. With faculty A. Evmenova (Co-PI), N. Holincheck, A. Samaras, A. Mattix Foster, B. Shaklee, D. Sprague, and S. Baily. [Submitted, 28 April 2017. not funded]

Fox, R.K., (Co-Principle Investigator). U.S.-Russia peer-to-peer dialogues: Education for students with autism (USPPDESA). U.S. Department of State grant, submitted 1 March, 2015 in the amount of $98,937.72. With faculty A. Evmenova (Co-PI), B. Shaklee, C.S. White. [Submitted, 1 March 2015; not funded]

Fox, R.K., (Principle Investigator). U.S.-Russia peer-to-peer collaboration for education: Empowering teaching and learning. International grant submitted to the U.S. Department of State, March, 2014 in the amount of $93,736. With faculty C. White, B. Shaklee, E.Gouleta. [Submitted, 13 March 2014; not funded]

Fox, R.K. (Principle Investigator), Frazier, W.M. (Co-Principle Investigator). U.S.-Russia Peer-to-Peer Dialogues in Education Program (PPDEP). International grant submitted to the U.S. Department of State, August, 2013 in the amount of $99,972. With faculty E.Gouleta and C.S. White. [Submitted, 12 August, 2013; not funded]

Gouleta, E., (Principal Investigator), & Fox, R.K., (Co-Principle Investigator). (2012 – 2014). U.S. –Georgia English Language Teaching and Learning Program (ELTLP). International teacher professional development grant (two years) issued from the Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia in the amount of $1,037,965.12. [Submission, 31 August 2012; not funded]

Gouleta, E., (Principal Investigator), & Fox, R.K., (Co-Principle Investigator). (2012 – 2015).

U.S. – Pakistan Teacher Education University Partnership in English Language Teaching (TEUPELT). University Partnership in English Linguistics, Literature, and English Teaching with the National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan (3 years). With W. Frazier, A. Samaras, M. Haley, and L. Bland, Evaluator. Issued from the Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy Islamabad in the amount of $993,248.79. [Submission, 7 September 2012, not funded]

Research Conference Leadership – National/International

Fox, R. (Chair). (2017, March). Innovation and internationalization in Pakistani higher education. 2015-17 Program PI & Conference Chair. University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. Conference Organizer and Chair. Delivered opening keynote address.

Fox, R. (2016, February). Developing intercultural competence through world languages. 2016 Conference Chair, Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL). New York City, New York. Developed conference theme and delivered opening keynote.

Frazier, W. M., & Fox, R.K. (2011, May). U.S.-Russia teacher professional development program: Teachers-as-researchers conference for teachers of Primorsky Krai, Russia and the United States. Co-designed and organized the professional conference; delivered opening keynote address at the first teacher research conference in the Primorsky Krai region of Far East Russia in coordination with the U.S. Consulate, Asia-Pacific School, Vladivostok, Russia.

Frazier, W. M., & Fox, R. K. (2010, October 18 – November 18). U. S. - Russia teacher professional development: Research-driven methodologies and practices to support the development of STEM teacher leaders. Research-based program designed and led in coordination with the U.S. Department of State, U.S. Consulate – Vladivostok, Asia-Pacific School of Vladivostok, faculty of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST), and faculty of George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.


invited international, National, and Regional

Fox, R. (2020, June). Meeting the challenges of the “new now”: Interactive teaching and learning in online and remote instruction for university faculty and students. Keynote address at the E-Conference on COVID 19: The Changing Horizons, Lahore, Pakistan: University of Management and Technology. Lahore, Pakistan: University of Management and Technology.

Da Silva, A.C., N’Komba, R., & Fox, R.K., (2020). Meeting the challenges of instruction, practice, and feedback in world language teaching online. Webinar for Avant MORE Learning & FLAVA.

Fox, R. (2020, February). Collaboration for faculty excellence in teaching and research (CFETR): A faculty capacity building project in higher education. Invited address to the visiting delegation of international administrators. Sponsored by the U.S. State Department IVLP "Higher Education Capacity Building" Project for Pakistan. George Mason University, College of Education and Human Development, Fairfax, VA.

Bell, T., & Fox, R. (2020, February). ACTFL CAEP writers and reviewers workshop. Pre-Conference Workshop invited for the NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Fox, R. (March 2019). Considering the critical role of language and culture in clinical psychology: Opening a dialogue for pro-action. Invited keynote address at the 2nd International Conference on Preventative Strategies in Clinical Psychology: Preemption and Proaction. Lahore, Pakistan: University of Management and Technology. Lahore, Pakistan: University of Management and Technology.

Fox, R. (2019, March). Research to publication: Constructing, writing, and disseminationg research. Invited seminar for the Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.

Bell, T., & Fox, R. (2019, February). ACTFL CAEP writers and reviewers workshop. Pre-Conference Workshop invited for the NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Bell, T., Fox, R., Morrison, S., & Levy-Altstedter, L. (2018, November). ACTFL CAEP writers and reviewers workshop. Pre-Conference Daylong Workshop invited for the 51st Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). New Orleans, LA.

Fox, R. K. (2018, March). Supporting student learning through cross-disciplinary dialogue and educator engagement. Invited keynote address at the First National Conference on School Psychology. Lahore, Pakistan: University of Management and Technology.

Fox, R.K. (2018, March). Collaboration and cooperation: Promoting expanded learning through interdisciplinary application. Invited keynote address at the 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing (ICIC). Lahore, Pakistan: University of Management and Technology. Lahore, Pakistan: University of Management and Technology.

Fox, R.K. (2019, March). Planning and facilitating research for the doctoral dissertation. Invited workshop at the University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.

Fox, R.K. (2018, March). Action research: Activating change through inquiry and critical reflection. Invited keynote address at the 1st International Conference on Action Research in Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Technology, Social and Business Sciences. Lahore, Pakistan: University of Management and Technology.

Fox, R. (2018, March). Challenges in constructing and disseminating research. Invited seminar for the Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.

Bell, T., Fox, R., Morrison, S., & Levy-Altstedter, L. (2017, November). ACTFL CAEP reviewer workshop. Pre-Conference Daylong Workshop invited for the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Nashville, TN.

Fox, R., & Evmenova, A. (2017, October 28 Empowering students through outcomes-based education. Invited day-long workshop for Pakistani K-12 teachers in Punjab. Lahore, Pakistan.

Fox, R. (2017, October). Planning and facilitating research for the doctoral dissertation. Invited workshop at the University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.

Fox, R. (2017, October 24-25). Understanding diversity and differences: Promoting environments to foster inclusive education. Invited keynote address at the International Conference on Inclusive Education. University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.

Fox, R. (2017, October 24-25). Setting a positive tone for education in diverse classrooms: Embracing and supporting diversity. Invited keynote address at the International Conference on Inclusive Education. University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.

Fox, R. (2017, March 9-10). The power of multidisciplinarity in the exploration of issues,

challenges and solutions in the developing world. Invited keynote address at the 1st International Conference on Clinical Psychology and the Developing World: Issues, Challenges, and Solutions. Faletti’s Hotel, Lahore, Pakistan.

Wrightsman, K., & Fox, R.K. (2017, March). Preparing for publishing and demystifying the

publishing process: A primer for an early career researcher and the editor’s take. Invited speaker at a faculty seminar series, Research publications: Problems and solutions. University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.

Fox, R., (2017, March). Access and equity in higher education: A general perspective for multilingual contexts. Invited speaker at Expanding Access of Higher Education to Persons with Disabilities Conference. Department of Special Needs Education & Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.

Fox, R. (2017, March 15-16). The role of executive education in entrepreneurship development.

Keynote address at the Inaugural session of the 2nd Small to Medium Enterprises (SME) Conference International, Catalyzing SME Growth through Research. Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore, Pakistan.

Bell, T. & Fox, R. (2016, November). ACTFL CAEP Reviewer Workshop. Pre-

Conference Daylong Workshop Presentation invited for the 48th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Boston, MA.

Fox, R.K., (2016, September 24). International and inter-disciplinary professional learning for twenty-first century innovation. Invited keynote address at the International Conference on Innovative Computing (IC)2, Lahore, Pakistan.

Shrum, J., Fox, R., & Morrison, S. (2015, November). ACTFL CAEP Reviewer Workshop. Pre-

Conference Workshop Presentation invited for the 47th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), San Diego, CA.

Fox, R. (2015, June). Pakistan’s education crisis in context: Reflections on ways to face the challenge. Invited research talk at the U.S. Institute of Peace, Washington, DC.

Fox, R. (2015, April). U.S.-Pakistan plenary roundtable: High potential for strengthening cooperation and impacting educational practices. Invited talk at the Pakistan Legislators Forum, Comcast Corporate Boardroom, Washington, DC.

Shrum, J., Fox, R., & Morrison, S. (2014, November). ACTFL CAEP Reviewer Workshop. Pre-

Conference Workshop Presentation invited for the 46th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), San Antonio, TX.

Fox, R., & White, C.S. (2014, February). Investigating advanced professional learning of early career and experienced teachers through program portfolios. Paper presentation at the Association of Teacher Education (ATE) Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO.

Fox, R., & Morrison, S. (2013, November). Writing the ACTFL NCATE program report. Pre-

Conference Workshop Presentation invited for the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Orlando, FL.

Fox, R.K., (2013, October). The changing landscape of education. The master’s degree in education for experienced teachers: Rigor, relevance, return on investment. Series of invited research seminars presented to the faculty of the Graduate School of Education, Higher School of Economics, Moscow.

Fox, R.K. (2013). Part I: Critical reflective practice and the professional portfolio. Part II: Educational leadership through action research. Two-part seminar series for Pakistani Faculty of Engineering from National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan. Presented on 24-25 June, 2013, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R., & O’Toole, J. (2013, March). Taking an inquiry stance toward learning in world language education. Half-day teaching lab presented at the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Baltimore, MD.

Fox, R., & Bond, N. (2012, November). Writing the ACTFL NCATE program report. Pre-

Conference Workshop Presentation at the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Philadelphia, PA.

Fox, R., & Bond, N. (2011, November). Preparing the ACTFL NCATE program report. Pre-

Conference Workshop Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Denver, CO.

Fox, R.K., Filiatreau, S., & O’Connor, J. (2011, October). Teacher education in the United States: An overview. Open World Program, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.

Fox, R.K., & Samaras, A. (2011, July). Implementing critical reflective practice and teacher research into 21st century Greek classrooms. Workshop facilitated for Greek teachers at the Fulbright Teacher Symposium, Athens, Greece.

Fox, R., Bond, N., & Morrison, S. (2011, May). Strengthening language teacher preparation programs through the ACTFL/NCATE standards. Presentation at the Seventh International Conference on Language Teacher Education, Minneapolis, MN.

Frazier, W.M., & Fox, R.K. (2011, May). Teacher research and collaborative research for

STEM and world languages teachers in Russia and the U.S.: Rich possibilities for research and practice. Joint keynote address and opening remarks at the International Teachers-as-Researchers Conference for Teachers of Primorsky Krai, Russia, and the United States, Vladivostok, Russia.

Fox, R.K. (2011, May). Reflection and future goals from a world languages perspective:

Continuing collaborative research among world language teachers and teachers of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Teachers-as-Researchers Conference for Teachers of Primorsky Krai, Russia, and the United States, Vladivostok, Russia.

Fox, R.K., & Frazier, W.M. (2011, April). Fostering teacher leadership via U.S. – Russia teacher professional development (USRTPD): Program Experiences, cultural influences, & intercultural educational research. Invited presentation to the Eurasia Group, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R., & Bond, N. (2010, November). Writing the ACTFL NCATE program report. Pre-

Conference Workshop Presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Boston, MA.

White, C.S., Fox, R.K., Baker, P., Eremenova, A., & Filiatreau, S. (2010, October). Teacher education in the United States: An overview. Open World Program, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.

Samaras, A., & Fox, R.K. (2010, Fall). Greek Teacher Professional Development Seminar: Reflective Practice for Change and Teacher Leadership through Action Research. Co-delivered seminar series for the Greek Teacher Professional Development Program (GTPDP), George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R. (2010, Fall). U.S.-Russia Teacher Professional Development: Twenty-first century skills for world language teacher leaders. Seminar delivered at George Mason University and Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R. (2010, Fall). U.S.-Russia Teacher Professional Development: Reflective Practice for Change and the Professional Portfolio for EFL and STM Teacher Leaders. International seminar series developed in collaboration with U.S. Department of State, U.S. Consulate - Vladivostok, and Asia-Pacific School, Vladivostok, Russia. Delivered at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R. (2010, Fall). Action Research Practices for EFL and STM Teacher Leaders. International seminar series developed in collaboration with U.S. Department of State, U.S. Consulate - Vladivostok, and Asia-Pacific School, Vladivostok, Russia. Delivered at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R. (2010, Fall). Reflections on Field Experiences for EFL and STM Teacher Leaders. International seminar series developed in collaboration with U.S. Department of State, U.S. Consulate - Vladivostok, and Asia-Pacific School, Vladivostok, Russia. Delivered at George Mason University and Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R. (2010, August). Dynamic learning in 21st century classrooms: Fundamental principles of standards-based, proficiency-oriented, learner-centered instruction. American Councils for International Education, Washington, D.C.

Fox, R., Fredericks-Malone, C., & Jackson, C. (2009, September). C’est moi, Carole Fredericks:

Learning French interactively through music. Teacher Professional Development Workshop. Alliance Française, Washington, DC.

Abbott, M., & Fox, R. (2009, May). Meeting ACTFL/NCATE program standards: Preparing

language teachers for the 21st century. Workshop presented at the Sixth International Conference on Language Teacher Education. George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Shrum, J., & Fox, R. (2009, April). The ACTFL NCATE program report. Workshop for the

56th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Fox, R. (2009, April). The ACTFL NCATE program review process. Presentation at the

Accreditation, Accountability, and Quality: An Institutional Orientation and Professional Development Conference. Arlington (Crystal City), VA: AACTE and NCATE.

Shrum, J., & Fox, R. (2009, March). How to compile and write the ACTFL NCATE

standards program report. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT), Atlanta, GA.

Fox, R. (2008, August). Implementing the ACTFL standards into the world language curriculum. Invited two-day workshop for The Newman School, New Orleans, LA.

Fox, R., Kitsantas, A., & Flowers, G. (2008, March). Adolescent English language learners with interrupted schooling: The role of self-efficacy, first language, and acculturation. Invited research paper presented at the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition, The George Washington University, Washington, D. C.

Fox, R. (2007, October). Promoting active language learning in your world language classroom through technology. In J. Shrum, Learning Language in the 21st Century. Invited Plenary Session Panel Address for the 57th Annual Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference. Roanoke, VA.

Fox, R. (2006, November). Teacher research in world language education: where have we been,

where are we going? Invited panel address (N.Bond, Moderator), Discover the future through emerging research in world languages. SIG on Research at the 39th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Nashville, TN.

Fox, R., Gadbois, N., & Peru, J. (2006, October). Using technology to meet the needs of world

language learners. Invited statewide all day teacher professional development. Massachusetts Foreign Language Association (MAFLA) Conference. Sturbridge, MA.

Fox, R. (2006, February). Second language acquisition research and today’s classrooms:

Toward a culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy. Keynote address and two-day national teacher leader professional education for national representatives. America’s Choice, Inc. Washington, D.C.

Fox, R., Bond, N., & Magnan, S. (2005, November). ACTFL SIG on research: A 15 year

perspective. Invited panel presentation for the Chair’s Panel at the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Baltimore, MD.

Fox, R., White, C. S., Kidd, J. K., & Ritchie, G. V. (2005, September). Peering inside teacher

dispositions: Program-based portfolios and teacher development. Invited research presentation for the Accreditation, Accountability, and Quality: An Institutional Orientation and Professional Development Conference. Arlington (Crystal City), VA: AACTE and NCATE.

Fox, R. (2004, July). Portfolios as performance-based assessment tools. Invited half-day

workshop to the Washington, DC Institutes of Higher Education, DC Teacher Quality Enhancement State Grant Activity. Washington, DC: George Washington University.

Abbott, M., Kline, R., Fox, R., & Donato, R. (2003, November). The role and direction of

research in our foreign/world language classrooms: Where have we been, where are we going? Presentation for the President’s Panel at the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Philadelphia, PA.

Fox, R., & Ritchie, G. (2003, November). How higher education is improving teacher quality

and raising student achievement. Invited panel presentation for NCATE – NBPTS Higher Education pre-conference session. Washington, D.C.

Fox, R. (2003, February). Building critical reflective practice in teacher research. Gallaudet

University. Washington, D.C. Seminar for the Foreign Language faculty.

Isenberg, J., Fox, R., & Ritchie, G. (2002, October). Standards and the higher

education connection. American Association of School Librarians 2002 Fall Forum: The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and Library Media Profession. Chicago, IL.

Fox, R. (2001, December). Using the internet: WebQuests enhance learning and engage

students. Rato Bangala School. Faculty workshop. Patan Dhoka (Kathmandu Valley), Nepal.

Fox, R. (2001, December). Planning for learner diversity: A close look at the multiple

intelligences. Rato Bangala School. Half-day presentation and workshop.

Patan Dhoka (Kathmandu Valley), Nepal.

Fox, R., Bachman, L., & Sprague, D. (2001, August). Technology collaboration in FL/SL

methodology changes how we teach and learn. Symposium presentation entitled High Touch Mentoring Provides High Tech Integration at the Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology (PT3) Grantee’s Conference. Washington, D.C.

Fox, R. (2001, March). Alignment of master’s programs with NBPTS. Presentation at the

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Dallas, TX. Panel.

Fox, R., Bachman, L., & Sprague, D. (2001, August). Technology collaboration in FL/SL

methodology changes how we teach and learn. Symposium presentation entitled High Touch Mentoring Provides High Tech Integration at the Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology (PT3) Grantee’s Conference. Washington, D.C.

Fox, R. (2001, March). Alignment of master’s programs with NBPTS. Presentation at the

Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Dallas, TX. Panel.

Peer-Refereed International, National, and Regional

Fox, R.K., & Stehle, S. (2021). Investigating the development of teachers’ attitudes and actions for change: Programmatic research through reflections. Research proposal submitted for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Virtual.

Fox, R.K., Kim, W., & Mehdi, T. (2021). Investigating individual growth and change: Results from an internationalization project in a Pakistani university. Research proposal submitted for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Virtual.

Fox, R.K., Webb, K., & Corretjer, O. (2021). Benefits of bilingualism: World language education advocacy. Research proposal accepted for the 2021 Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL), New York City.

Fox, R.K., Webb, K., & Corretjer, O. (2020). Benefits of bilingualism or learning a world language: What the research says. Research presentation accepted for the 33rd annual convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, San Antonio [to virtual].

Fox, R., Holincheck, N., Dodman, S., Stehle, S., & Brusseau, R. (2020, April). Understanding experienced teachers’ learning through reflections and portfolio data: Results of longitudinal programmatic research. Research presentation accepted for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. [conference canceled due to COVID 19]

Fox, R, (2020, February). Changing the teacher education landscape: Teacher reflexivity as a catalyst to promote change. Research presentation at the annual conference of the Association of Teacher Education (ATE). Atlantic City, NJ.

Fox, R., & Webb, K. (2020, February). Examining the impact of cross-cultural professional development in the U.S. Research. Roundtable accepted for the 2020 NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Webb, K., Fox, R. (2019, November). Intercultural competence in teacher education faculty and programs. Research presentation at the 32nd annual convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Washington, DC.

Fox, R., & Holincheck, N. (2019, October). Understanding the role of language and culture through teacher research in international settings: Teachers' perceptions and actions. Research presentation accepted for the Alliance for International Education. International School of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.

Shaban, M., & Fox, R. (2019, April). Translanguaging and multilingual teaching and writing practices in a Pakistani university: Pedagogical implications for students and faculty. Research paper presented at the Third International Translanguaging Conference, Translanguaging in the Individual, at School, and in Society. Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden

Fox, R., Holincheck, N., Dodman, S., & Webb, K. (2019, April). Developing teachers’ critical reflective capacity to support teacher learning for change. Paper presented at the Symposium, Critical reflection and diversity: Prospective and in-service teacher learning to teach diverse students. at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.

Webb, K., & Fox, R. (2019, February). Investigating world language teacher educators’

understanding of intercultural communicative competence. Research Roundtable at the 2019 NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Webb, K., & Fox, R. (2018, November). World language teacher educators’ understanding of intercultural competence. Research presentation at the 31st annual convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New Orleans.

Fox, R.K., & Samaras, A.P. (2018, July). Exploring purposeful change: Improving teaching practice and organizational learning through a U.S.-Pakistani international university partnership program. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual International Symposium on “Higher Education in a Global World,” Athens Institute on Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece.

Fox, R.K., & Holincheck, N. (2018, June). The essential role of research for IB teachers and IB teacher educators. Research presentation at the International Baccalaureate Educator Conference, University of Bath, UK.

Lebron, J., Bauer, S., Fox, R., Wrightsman, K. R., Samaras, A. P., & Marklein, M. (2018, April).

From faculty agency to organizational learning through international collaboration. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

Fox, R., Holincheck, N., Webb, K., & Dodman, S. (2018). Investigating the role of critical reflection in teachers’ ability to effect change. Research presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Portfolios and Reflection in Teaching and Teacher Education SIG, New York, NY.

Webb, K., & Fox, R.K. (2017, November). Integrating intercultural competence in the world language classroom. Research presentation at the 30th annual convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Nashville, TN.

Wrightsman, K., Bauer, S., Fox, R.K., Samaras, A., Asif, S., & Lebron, J. (2017, November). Individual and Institutional Change via Faculty Development: Year One results from an International University Partnership Program. Research roundtable accepted for the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Conference. Houston, TX.

Fox, R. K., Holincheck, N., Dodman, S., & Webb, K. (2017, May). Perspectives on culture: Teachers’ development of critical reflective capacity through cultural inquiry. Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.

Abid, A., Farooq, S., & Fox, R. (2016, December). A formal design for the lexical and syntax

analyzer of a pedagogically effective subset of C++. Paper presented at the 15th

International Conference on Machine Learning Applications Conference (ICMLA),

Anaheim, CA.

Fox, R., Katradis, M., Webb, K. (2016, November). Madrid Bilingual Coordinators Program:

International Learning. Research paper presentation at the 49th annual convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, San Antonio, TX.

Fox, R., & Holincheck, N., (2016, October). Researching together: The role of language and culture in IB schools through teacher inquiry. Research presentation at the Academic Strand of the 2016 Annual International Baccalaureate Africa, Europe, Middle East (IBAEM) Conference, Barcelona.

Fox, R.K., Holincheck, N., Dodman, S., & Webb, K. (2016, April). Beyond the dialectical:

Social justice orientation as expressed in teacher portfolio reflections. Research

presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.

Fox, R.K., Merz, S., & Webb, K. (2016, April). How internationally minded are our teachers?

Examining in-service teachers’ understandings of culture and international-mindedness. Research presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.

Shaklee, B., & Fox, R.K., Katradis, M., & Webb, K. (2015, November). Leadership for bilingual teachers working with culturally and linguistically diverse students: Madrid bilingual coordinators program. Mediterranean Association of International Schools Conference, 2015 Annual Teachers and Administrators Conference, Barcelona.

Merz, S., & Fox, R.K. (2015, March). Advancing global teacher education: An investigation of teachers’ perceptions. Research presentation at the Annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society. Washington, D.C.

Fox, R.K., Dodman, S., Holincheck, N., & Merz, S. (2015, April). Understanding teacher learning during online and face-to-face professional development through reflections and portfolio evidence. Research presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Ill.

Katradis, M., & Fox, R.K. (2014, November). Living the Five Cs: International teacher professional development. Presentation at the 46th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), San Antonio, TX.

Fox, R.K., & Merz, S. (2014, October). Globalization and internationalization in education:

Teachers’ perspectives on culture, international education, intercultural competence and -international mindedness. Research presentation at the Alliance for International Education World Conference. Mumbai, India.

Fox, R.K., White, C.S., Klee, H., & Merz, S. (2014, April). Investigating the characteristics of obstacles, hurdles, and adaptability through the Portfolio reflections of experienced teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia.

Frazier, W.M., Fox, R.K., & Logerwell, M. (2014). Sustained professional development in science and world languages: Implications for internationalizing preservice and inservice science teacher education. Paper presented at the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) 2014 International Conference, January 16-18, 2014. San Antonio, TX.

Merz, S., & Fox, R. (2014). Fostering intercultural competence: Central U.S. teachers' perspectives of international education. Paper presentation at the Fourth International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence, 23-26 January, 2014. Tucson, AZ.

Fox, R.K., Frazier, W.M. & Sandstrom, E. (2013). Developing international mindedness and applying authentic language through STEM content. Research Presentation at the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), November 21-24, Orlando, FL.

White, C.S., & Fox, R.K. (2013). Examining experienced teachers’ learning using reflection and portfolio data: Results of longitudinal research. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Fox, R.K. (2013). The Critical Role of Language in Twenty-first Century International

Classrooms. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Fox, R.K., & White, C.S. (2013). Investigating advanced professional learning of early career and experienced teachers through program portfolios. Paper presentation at the Association of Teacher Education (ATE) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Frazier, W., & Fox, R. (2013). Professional development in STEM and world languages via problem-based learning to support an environmentally responsible, global citizenry: Far East Russia and the United States. International Conference of the Outdoor Learning Environment sponsored by the Weizmann Institute of Science. Ein Bokek & Rehovot, Israel.

Fox, R., Corretjer, O., & Tian, J. (2012, November). Why learn a world language? What the current research says. Research presentation at the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Philadelphia, PA.

Fox, R., & Frazier, W. (2012, October). Fostering 21st century teacher leaders in world languages and STEM: An innovative program for a changing world. Alliance for International Education World Conference. Doha, Qatar.

Fox, R., White, C.S., & Tian, J. (2012, April). Investigating advanced professional learning of early career and experienced teachers through portfolios. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Banville, D., White, C.S., & Fox, R.K. (2012, April). Teacher development during advanced master’s course work and impact on their learning a year later. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Frazier, W., Fox, R., & Loggerwell, M. (2012, March). Science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and world language teachers: Fostering 21st century teacher leaders Paper presentation at the 2012 International Conference of the National Association of Research in Science Teaching Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Fox, R.K., & White, C.S. (2012, February). Examining teachers’ development through critical

reflection in an advanced master’s degree program. Paper presentation at the Association of Teacher Education (ATE) Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

Samaras, A., & Fox, R.K. (2011, July), Examining Greek teachers’ professional development

through e-portfolios. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Rhodes, Greece. Presented with Fulbright Scholar Teachers Tatiani Anastasiadou, Despina Galanaki, Sofia Karalazarou, Giannis Moysidis, and Myrsini Roumeliotou.

Fox, R., Tian, J., & Webb, W. (2011, April). Professional teaching portfolios: Strengthening professional connections and collaboration. Presentation at the 58th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Baltimore, MD.

Fox, R., White, C.S., Muccio, L., & Tian, J. (2011). Understanding advanced professional

development of early career and experienced teachers through program portfolios. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Banville, D., White, S., & Fox, R. (2011, March). Physical education teachers’ professional development during advanced masters coursework. Presentation at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) National Convention, San Diego.

Frazier, W., & Fox, R.K., (2011, March). Fostering teacher leadership via U.S. – Russia teacher professional development (USRTPD): Program experiences and cultural influences. Research presentation at the annual International National Science Teacher Association Conference, San Francisco.

Fox, R., Bond, N., van Olphen, M., & Tian, J. (2010, November). Using technology actively

in K-16 world language classrooms! Presentation at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Boston, MA.

Albright, M., Albright, A., Bond, N., & Fox, R. (2010, November). Using Technology to

Develop a Multi-level World Language Research Community. Presentation at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Boston, MA.

Fox, R.K., & Tian, J. (2010, May). Teachers’ reflective engagement: Investigating dimensions of

teacher development through Chinese pre-service teachers’ portfolios. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Denver, CO.

Fox, R.K., White, C.S., Muccio, L., & Tian, J. (2010, May). Teachers’ portfolio reflections: Expanding our understanding of teachers’ knowledge and professional development during advanced master’s coursework. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Denver, CO.

Fox, R., Webb, W., Li, F., & Xu, M. (2010, April). Portfolios for K-12 WL Students: Inspiring

Collaboration in Learning. Presentation at the 57th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Zhang, L., & Fox, R. (2010, April). Employing Chinese Story and Song for Elementary

Students: Interactive Learning. Presentation at the 57th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Fox, R., & White, C.S. (2010, February). Examining teachers’ development through critical reflection in an advanced Mmster’s degree program. Presentation at the Association of Teacher Education (ATE) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Fox, R., Bond, N., & Van Olphen,M. (2009, November). The Power of technology for world

language classrooms. Presentation at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), San Diego, CA.

White, C.S., Fox, R., & Isenberg, J. (2009, August). Using multiple measures to investigate knowledge creation for experienced teachers in an advanced master’s degree program. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), Majorca, Spain.

Fox, R., Cataldi, A., Fredericks-Malone, C., & Jensen, A. (2009, July). Qui est Carole?

Portraits et possibilités infinis. Workshop at the 82nd Annual Congrès of the American

Association of Teachers of French, San Jose, CA.

Fox, R. (2009, April). The World Languages Teaching Portfolio: Aligning with Professional

Standards. Presentation at the 56th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

White, C.S., Fox, R., Muccio, L., & Bergeron, D. (2009, April). Assessing teacher development

using program outcomes: Using multiple measures to study program effectiveness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Diego.

Murphy-Judy, K., Fox, R., Shrum, J., & Franklin, L. (2009, May). The Virginia wiki

consortium: Using technology to support world language program communication. Presentation at the Sixth International Conference on Language Teacher Education, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.

Fox, R., White, C.S., & Ritchie, G. V. (2009, April). Teachers’ reflective engagement and

development: Investigating dimensions of teacher development during an advanced master’s degree program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego.

Wiseman, A., & Fox, R. (2009, April). Teachers' cultural autobiography and pedagogy:

Creating knowledge for working with diverse learners. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Diego.

Fox, R. (2008, November). Connecting to the standards: Innovative new lessons for French

teachers. Presentation at the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Orlando, FL.

Fox, R., & Bond, N. (2008, November). Opening minds to learning world languages through

technology. Presentation at the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Orlando, FL.

Shrum, J., & Fox, R. (2008, October). Realizing Our Vision of Qualified Teachers: Meeting the

ACTFL/NCATE Standards. Presentation at the annual conference of the Foreign Language Association of Virginia (FLAVA), Richmond, VA.

Fox, R., & Segretto, S. (2008, July). La technologie à l’avancement de la communication

actuelle. Presentation at the 81st Annual Congr(s of the American Association of Teachers of French, Liège, Belgium.

Fox, R. (2008, May). Action research for teachers. Presentation in the Action Research

Symposium, C. Lassonde, Chair. International Reading Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Fox, R., White, C.S., Kidd, J. K., & Ritchie, G.V. (2008, March). Examining teachers’

development and program effectiveness in an advanced master’s degree program through portfolio reflections. Paper presented at the annual meeting of theAmerican Education Research Association, New York City.

Wiseman, A., & Fox, R. (2008, March). Supporting teachers’ development of cultural

competence through teacher action research. Paper presented at the Division K Symposium, Professional development and cultural diversity: Courageous inquiry as the mechanism for change. American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. New York City.

Fox, R. (2008, March). Professional portfolios for teachers in the i-generation. Presentation

at the 55th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Fox, R., Gadbois, N., Herzog, M., Miller, N., & Kleinert, C. (2008, March). Implementing

technology in i-generation WL classrooms. Presentation at the the 55th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Fox, R., Bond, N., Gadbois, N., & Peru, J. (2007, November). Technology for today’s WL

classrooms: A bridge to language learning. Presentation at the 40th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), San Antonio, TX.

Kidd, J. K., Brazer, S. D., Fox, R. K., Bauer, S., Maxwell, J. (2007, November). The faculty

writing club: Transforming manuscripts into publications. Paper presented at the College Reading Association Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.

Isenberg, J., White, C.S., & Fox, R.K. (2007, June). Assessing continuing teachers’ development

using program outcomes, reflective writing, and interviews. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Teacher Education, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Fox, R., White, C.S., Kidd, J., & Ritchie, G. (2007, April). A study of the growth and change

of teachers’ reflections and dispositions through program portfolios. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Castle, S., Fox, R.K., & Fuhrman, C. (2007, April). Does PDS make a difference? A comparison

of three teacher candidate studies. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Fox, R., Gadbois, N., & Maxson, M. (2007, April). Using technology in the world

language classroom to meet diverse learner needs. Presentation at the 54th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. New York City.

Fox., R., White, C.S., Kidd, J., & Ritchie, G.V. (2007, February). Capturing the growth of

teachers’ reflections and dispositions through portfolios: Strengthening program outcomes. Research presentation at the 2007 annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, New York.

White, C.S., & Fox, R. (2007, February). Strengthening program decisions through qualitative

data: Measuring teacher development using program outcomes. Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, New York.

Castle, S., Fox, R., & Fuhrman, C. (2007, February). Reflective practice in PDS and non-PDS

teacher candidates. Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, New York.

Weller, K., Williams, N., Fox, R., White, C.S., & Isenberg, J. (2007, February).

Scholarship of teaching: From compliance to peer review. Research presentation at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, New York.

Hammadou, J., Bond, N., & Fox, R. (2006, November). An emerging benefit: Portfolios in

teacher education. Presentation at the 39th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Nashville, TN.

Fox, R., Bond, N., Gadbois, N., (2006, November). Discover multimedia to engage all

students in meaningful learning! Presentation at the 39th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Nashville, TN.

Fox, R., White, C.S., & Isenberg, J. (2006, October). Advanced professional development

through university partnerships: Looking at teacher growth and change. Research presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), Portoroz, Slovenia.

Osterling, J., Fox, R., & Diaz-Greenberg, R. (2006, October). Social Justice and Teacher Education in an Age of Accountability: A Call for Partnerships. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), Portoroz, Slovenia.

Fox, R. (2006, March). Portfolios building knowledge within and across standards and

beyond. Presentation at the 53rd Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Fox, R., White, C. S., Kidd, J. K., Ritchie, G. V. (2006, April). Delving into teachers’ development through program portfolios: Case studies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Fox, R., White, C., Kidd, J., Ritchie, G., Zidon, M., & Greeves, S. (2006, January).

Creating new visions through portfolio research: Reflective practice, portfolio evaluation, and program improvement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), San Diego, CA.

Fox, R. (2005, November). Professional portfolio development, teachers, and national

standards. Presentation at the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Baltimore, MD.

Fox, R., Bond, N., Gadbois, N., & Peru, J. (2005, November). Using technology to

promote language learning for all students. Presentation at the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Baltimore, MD.

Fox, R., & Greenberg-Diaz, R. (2005, October). Implementing multiculturalism and

world language standards in teacher preparation programs: A discourse. Paper presentation at the 30th annual conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe, Amsterdam.

Gadbois, N., Fox, R., Fredericks-Malone, C. (2005, July). Using the music of

Carole Fredericks in the classroom, from start to finish. Presentation at the 78th Annual Congr(s of the American Association of Teachers of French, Quebec, Canada.

Painter, D., Fox, R., and Ritchie, G. (2005, April). Using technology to support

international research: The ITRN site. Presentation at the International Conference for Teacher Researchers, Montreal, Canada.

Fox., R., Kidd, J., White, S., & Painter, D. (2005, April). Program portfolios: From reflection

to reflective practitioners. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Montreal, Canada.

Painter, D., Ritchie, G., & Fox, R. (2005, April). The growth of reflective practice: Planting

the seeds. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Montreal, Canada.

Fox, R. (2005, April). Professional portfolios in the year of languages. Presentation at

the 52nd Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Fox, R. (2005, April). Promoting the year of languages through action research.

Presentation at the 52nd Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Fox, R. K., Kidd, J. K., White, C. S., Painter, D., & Ritchie, G. (2005, February). Dialogue on

portfolios in teacher education: A program’s approach to measure learning and document program effects. Research presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Washington, D.C.

Osterling, J., Fox, R., Acosta, B., & Diaz-Greenberg, R. (2005, January). Educating teachers

for social justice in an age of accountability. Presentation at the annual international conference of the National Association for Bilingual Education, San Antonio, TX.

Fox, R., Bond, N., van Olphen, M., & Raught, J. (2004, November). Promoting the year of

languages through action research in the world language classroom. Pre-conference workshop at the 37th annual meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Chicago, IL.

Fox, R., Byrnes, H., Abbot, M., Lett, J., & Raught, J. (2004, November). Promoting the year of

languages through WL research: Research SIG panel. Presentation at the 37th annual meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Chicago, IL.

Fox, R., & Gadbois, N., (2004, July). La technologie à l’avancement de la

communication. Paper presented at the Congr(s Mondial de la Fédération Internationale des Professeurs Français and the American Association for Teachers of French, Atlanta, GA.

Fox, R., & Gadbois, N. (2004, April). Learners connecting with technology: Authentic

communication in world languages. Presentation at the 51st Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. New York City.

Fox, R., Kidd, J., Ritchie, G., & Painter, D. (2004, April). Teacher development and program

effects: What is revealed in program-based portfolios? Paper presented at the 2004

Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association by Portfolios and Reflection in Teaching and Teacher Education, San Diego, CA.

Fox, R., Castle, S., & Souder, K. (2004, April). Teacher candidates connecting to standards:

What licensure portfolios reveal. Paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Portfolios and Reflection in Teaching and Teacher Education SIG, San Diego, CA.

Castle, S., Fox, R., & Souder, K. (2004, April). Aspects of teacher quality in PDS and non-PDS

teacher candidates. Paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Professional Development School Research SIG, Paper Session – Aspects of Quality in PDSs, San Diego, CA.

Fox, R., & Justus, M. (2004, March). Teachers’ attitudes toward the integration of technology: A

close look at the implementation of technology in a foreign language methods course. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Shaklee, B., Goor, M., Fox, R., Castle, S., & Arends, R. (2004, February). Examining

performance assessments as evidence of high quality: From preservice to master teacher. Presentation at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the AACTE. Chicago.

Fox, R., Kline, R., Moore, Z., & van Olphen, M. (2003, November). Research in world

language teaching and learning: Where are we now and where are we going? Presentation at the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Philadelphia, PA.

Justus, M., & Fox, R. (2003, November). Technology collaboration: A study in technology

integration in a pre-service FL methodology course. Research presentation at the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Philadelphia, PA.

Fox, R., Gadbois, N., & Roman Mendoza, E. (2003, November). Building world language

learning through technology. Presentation at the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Philadelphia, PA.

Fox, R., & Gadbois, N. (2003, July). Des h(sitations f(ce ( la technologie? Comment en

survivre et sourire en m(me temps. Presentation at the 76th Annual Congr(s of the American Association of Teachers of French, Fort de France, Martinique.

Fox, R., & Osterling, J. (2003, April). Building a cross-cultural community of learners: Teacher

research provides growth and learning in a multicultural teacher education program. Research presentation to the 10th International Conference on Teacher Research, Chicago, IL.

Painter, D., Fox, R., & Ritchie, G. (2003, April). Critical reflective practice and its role in

teacher research. Presentation at the 10th International Conference on Teacher Research, Chicago, IL.

Fox, R., & Roman-Mendoza, E. (2003, April). Enhancing technology skills: Technology as a

learning partner. Day long pre-conference workshop at the50th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Washington, D.C.

Fox, R. (2003, April). Professional portfolios: Partners in performance-based assessment.

Presentation at the 50th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Washington, D.C.

Fox, R., & Osterling, J. (2002, October). Using the power of perspectives to build a cross-

cultural community of learners. Presentation at the 12th Annual International Conference of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Washington, D.C.

Fox, R., Percy-Calaff, K., & Bachman, L. (2002, April). Technology can change how we

teach and learn. Pre-Conference workshop presented at the 49th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York City.

Fox, R. (2002, April). Reflective teachers: Leaders in changing times. Presentation at the 49th

Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York.

Isenberg, J., & Fox, R. (2002, February). Creating NBPTS-based experiences in advanced

teacher education programs:Seven challenges, one case, and the ideal. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, New York.

Fox, R. (2001, November). Pre-service teacher portfolios: Presenting performance-based

professional practice. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Washington, D.C.

Fox, R. (2001, November). The Professional Development Portfolio: Teacher candidates

explore new spaces through portfolios. Presentation at the 35th Annual Meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Washington, D.C.

Fox, R., & Gilbert, J. (2001, November) Project diversity: Teacher recruitment and retention

in a high stakes world. Presentation at the 11th annual International Conference of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Las Vegas, NV.

Fox, R. (2001, May). Teacher education collaboration: Technology changes how we teach and

learn. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Language Teacher Education, Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, Minneapolis, MN.

Fox, R. (2001, May). Language teacher portfolios: Evidence-based assessment builds on

strengths. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Language Teacher Education, Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, Minneapolis, MN.

Fox, R. (2001, March). The Professional Development Portfolio: Reaching beyond traditional

boundaries in language teacher education. Pre-conrerence workshop presented at the 48th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York.

Fox, R., & Bachman, L. (2001, March). Limitless boundaries with the internet: WebQuests

enhance language learning. Presentation at the 48th Annual NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York.

Fox, R. (2001, March). The Teacher Education Licensure Fulfillment (TELF) Initiative: A

partnership venture for alternative licensure. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Dallas, TX.

Fox, R., & Lassiter, L. (2000, November). Parlez-vous HBCU and Project Diversity: Striving

to promote learning in our 21st century classrooms. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Boston, MA.

Fox, R., Bachman, L., Struppa, C., & Luton, K. (2000, April). The portfolio process: Agent of

change in second language education. Presentation at the Northeast Conference

on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Washington, D. C.

Fox, R., & Duck, L. (2000, April). Teacher Education Licensure Fulfillment (TELF):

Alternative licensure initiative at George Mason University. Paper presented at the National Alternative Licensure Conference, Washington, D. C.

Fox, R., & Haley, M. (1999, April). Professional development portfolios: Promotion, process,

and promise for pre-service language teachers. Workshop presentation at the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, New York, NY.

Fox, R., & Haley, M. (1998, November). Changes and challenges in the new millenium: A

Celebration of Teaching. Presentation at the annual Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Chicago, IL.

Fox, R., & Pulliam, D. (1998, November). Minority teacher recruitment. Annual Symposium of the National Education Association Teacher Education Initiative (TEI): A School-University-Association Partnership, Columbia, SC.

Haley, M., & Fox, R. (1998, October). The Early Identification Program: Creative partnerships

embracing diversity. Workshop presentation at the 8th Annual International Conference of the National Association for Multicultural Education, St. Louis, MO.

Fox, R., & Haley, M. (1997, October). A Celebration of Teaching: A collaborative effort for

minority teacher recruitment. Paper presented at the 7th Annual International Conference of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Albuquerque, NM.

Additional Local & State Presentations

Webb, K., & Fox, R. (2019, October). Teacher education faculty’s perceptions of intercultural competence in the FL classroom. Research presentation at the Foreign Language Association of Virginia (FLAVA) conference. Williamsburg, VA.

Fox, R. K., & Webb, K. (2018, February). Intercultural competence in world language education. Research presentation at the annual conference of the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. New York City.

Fox, R., K., Katradis, M., & Webb, K., (2017, February). Portfolios as evidence of professional

development for international bilingual coordinators. Research presentation at the NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL). Hilton Mid-Town, New York City.

Dodman, S., Holincheck, N., & Fox, R. (2015, September). Scaffolding critical reflectivity in graduate students. Presentation at the Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R. (2015, July). Critical reflection and developing knowledge of teacher research. Presentation for the Madrid Bilingual Coordinators Program. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R. (2015, July). Teacher leadership through action research. Presentation for the Madrid Bilingual Coordinators Program. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R. (2015, July). Developing intercultural competence in the bilingual classroom. Presentation for the Madrid Bilingual Coordinators Program. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R K., & Frazier, W.M. (2013). Teacher education and teacher evaluation for pre-service teachers:  Professional development schools (PDS) model and dynamic portfolio assessment. Invited workshop for International Educators from Kazakhstan, American Councils for International Education. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R.K., White, C.S., & Tian, J. (2012, February). Investigating advanced professional learning of early career and experienced teachers through portfolios. George Mason University Annual Research Symposium.

Fox, R.K. (2012,February). Foreign and world languages in the high school setting. Panel presentation for the Chinese High School Principals Delegation. George Mason University, College of Education and Human Development, Fairfax, VA.

Murphy-Judy, K., Franklin, L., Fox, R., Shrum, J., & Goetz, L. (2011, October). Languages are timeless: 100 anniversary panel on foreign language education. Foreign Language Association of Virginia Centennial Conference, Kroger Center, Richmond, VA.

Fox, R.K., & Tian, J. (2011, Spring). Cultural conversations and language learning - Dynamic learning in Chinese classrooms: Aiming toward proficiency oriented and learner-centered instruction. Invited workshop series for the Confucius Institute, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R. (2010, September 23). Education in the midst of conflict. Invited panel presentation, with Dixianne Hallaj, Josh Ruebner, Muhammed Hallaj. 2010 Mason Fall for the Book, Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Arlington Campus, George Mason University.

Fox, R. K. (2007, August). Portfolios, reflective practice, and national standards in teacher

education. Invited presentation to international teacher educators, IREX Grant, S. Steeley & F. Shahrokhi, Co-PIs. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R. (2007, April). Meeting the needs of English language learners in today’s schools:

Toward a critically responsive pedagogy. Graduate School of Education, Secondary Education Science Program, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Ritchie, G., & Fox, R., (2005, November). Inquiry, reflection, and action research. Invited

half-day workshop for Montgomery (Md.) County Public Schools. Rockville, MD.

Fox, R., White, C. S. (2005, April). Improving education through action research about cultural

issues in schools. Invited workshop presented at the 14th Annual Fairfax County Teacher Research Conference. Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R., & Osterling, J. (2003, October). Who will teach the children? Facilitating the

development of culturally responsive teachers. Presentation at the Virginia Association for Multicultural Education. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R. (2003, October). Myths and misconceptions about English language learners: Toward

a culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy. Presentation at the Phi Delta Kappa, Northern Virginia Chapter Fall Conference. Fairfax, VA.

Fox, R. (2003, April). Reflective practice, the cornerstone of teacher research. Twelfth

Annual Teacher Research Conference. Fairfax County Public Schools, Teacher Research Network, Fairfax, VA.

Service and Leadership

Co-Editor, (with R. Terry), Special Edition of the NECTFL Review. (2017). Strengthening world language education: Standards for success.

Co-Editor, (with R. Terry), Special Edition of the NECTFL Review. (2016). Developing intercultural competence through world languages.


Journal of Teacher Education (yearly, 2009-present)

Journal of Research in International Education (2005- present)

The Teacher Educator (2017)

European Journal of Teacher Education (2010-present)

Foreign Language Annals (2006- ongoing)

Teaching and Teacher Education (2008-present)

The NECTFL Review (NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)


NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL)

• Editorial Board, NECTFL Review, 2018.

• Elected 2016 Chair of the NorthEast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages; served as Vice-Chair in 2014-15

• NECTFL Board of Directors, 2010 – present; Executive Committee of the NECTFL Board

American Association of French Academic Palmes (AMFAP), member 2010-present

American Association of Teachers of French (AATF), member 1972-1983, 1986-present

• Chair, Committee to re-write the K-16 French Student Standards (2013-2014)

• Chair, National AATF Student Standards Commission. 2008 – 2010; 2010-2012; 2012-2014

• National Student Standards Commission. 2002 – 2004, 2004- present.

• National Concours Review Panel, 2002-2003.

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), member 1986-present.

• 2018 - Elected to the ACTFL Board of Directors (three-year term)

• National ACTFL CAEP Audit team, appointed 2007 – present.

Team conducts audits twice yearly (Jan. & June) – total audit team effort of 706 audited licensure programs since 2008

Conducted over 13 pre-conference workshops at national, regional, or state conferences in since 2008

Consultant to university programs seeking ACTFL CAEP accreditation – 5 consultancies 2009-2015

• ACTFL/NCATE (now CAEP) National Standards Committee – Writing team for new Standards update (Summer 2009 – 2014)

• Chair, 2013, National Committee to determine the recipient of the ACTFL Paul Pimsleur Award for the most outstanding foreign/world language research article published in 2012

• ACTFL/NCATE Program Reviewer, three year term, 2003 – 2006; renewed 2006.

• Pimsleur Award Committee, Member, 2005-06.

• Chair, ACTFL/MLJ Emma Birkmaier Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee. 2004.

• Chair, Special Interest Group (SIG) on Research in Foreign /Second Languages, 2002 to 2004 term. Past-Chair, 2004-06.

American Educational Research Association (AERA), member, 2000 – present.

• SIG on Portfolios & Reflection in Teaching and Teacher Education

o Past-Chair, 2012 -2013

o Chair, 2009-2011 (elected at AERA 09 annual meeting)

o Chair-elect, 2008-09

o Co-Chair of the Program Committee, 2005 – 2007 term

o Secretary/Treasurer, 2007-08

• Proposal reader, 2003-present; Reviewer Panel, 2011, 2013, 2014

• Member, SIGs on Action Research in Teacher Education, Second Language Acquisition Research, & International Education Research

National Network on Early Language Learning (NNELL)

• Executive Secretary, 2010-2012 and Board Member

Golden Key National Honor Society, member 1998-present

National Association for Bilingual Education, member 2002-2006

National Association for Multicultural Education, member, 1997-2005

• Proposal reader 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002

Phi Delta Kappa International, member 1999-present.

Regional and Local Membership/Professional Service

Washington Chapter, American Association of Teachers of French, member 1972-1983, 1999-present

• President, 1977-79

• Secretary-Treasurer, 1975-76

Foreign Language Association of Virginia (FLAVA), member, 1973-1979, 2003-present

George Mason University

University-level Service

Faculty Learning Community on Engineering Education. (2018-2019). Core faculty FLC member with Johri, A., Hjalmarson, M., & Lester, J., Leads. GMU, Stearns Center for Teaching Excellence. [Internal grant of $2500]

Confucius Institute Steering Committee, Fall 2015 to present

China Advisory Council Representative from CEHD, Spring 2014 - Present

Eurasia Strategies Advisory Committee, Provost’s Initiative, 2012 – 2017.

Distance Education Faculty Committee, Vice-Provost McDaniel, Chair, 2012-2017.

Center for Teaching Excellence, 2010-11:

Served on the Teaching Excellence Award Selection Committee - Fall-Spring 2010-11

Served on Search Committee of the Center for Teaching Excellence for the new Associate

Director of the Center. Dr. Joshua Eyler hired in June, 2011 to fill this position.

University Innovations Conference, November 2011 – Presenter, Implementing Critical Reflective Practice in University Teaching.

CEHD representative to the University’s Assessment & Program Review (APR) Committee, 2008-2010 – Conducted GMU program evaluations, 2008-09, 2009-10

Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society, GMU Chapter member, 2002-present

College of Education and Human Development

• Member, First Tier Committee, [R. Martinnen, A Caswell]; Fall 2020

• Member, Search Committee, RHT, Fall 2017

• Member, Faculty Evaluation Committee, elected to two-year term, 2017-19

• Chair, First Tier Committee, Fall 2017, [J. Suh]

• Member, Search Committee, Fall-Spring 2016-17, Educational Leadership, 2 positions, [R. Smith, Chair] – committee reforming.

• Co-Chair, Task Force on Updating the Ph.D. Portfolio Guidelines 2017 - 2018

• Chair/Professor in Charge, Ph.D. in Education, Teaching and Teacher Education (TATE) Specialization, beginning Fall semester 2014 to present

• Member, Ph.D. in Education Committee, 2015-17

• Member, First Tier Committee, Fall 2015 [E. Reybold, A. Samaras, Chair]

• Member, Search Committee, Seeking Tenure Track and APC positions for new TCLDEL program, 2014-15 [A. Mattix Foster hired; APC search continuing in 2015-16]

• Member, Tenure Track Committee (TTARC), 2014-16; Chair in Year Two

• Member, Distance Education Committee, 2013-2015

• Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2012-2013

• Chair, Search Committee, Seeking Term Faculty Member, 2012 [N. Holincheck hired]

• Chair, Search Committee, Seeking Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty Member, 2012 [S.Dodman hired for position]

• Chair, Search Committee, Seeking Advisor Outreach Coordinator, ASTL Program [S.Bisson hired]

• Member, Search Committee, Seeking Faculty Member for the International Fast Train Program [A. Mattix hired]

• Member, CEHD Ph.D. Committee, Term 2008-2010, 2010-2011 (served on committee to rewrite the Ph.D. Portfolio Guidelines in AY 2011-12)

• Member, CEHD Council, Term 2005-2007

• Member, Performance Assessment Committee, 2000 – 2011

• Member, Curriculum Committee, Term 2005-2007.

• Member, GSE Council, Term 2002-2004.

• Member, GSE Diversity Committee, 2002-2003

• Co-Chair, Program Development and Evaluation Team (PDET) 2001-2002

• Member, Program Development and Evaluation Team (PDET), 2000 – 2001

• Member, Fun Bunch Committee, 2001-2004

• Search Committee Member, Center for Language and Culture 2003, 2004, 2005

• Search Committee Member, Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning, 2007

Advanced Teacher Professional Development and International Education (APTDIE)

• Division Director, August 2018 - present

Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning Program (ASTL)

• Academic Program Coordinator, through August 2018

• Wrote the ASTL IB Accreditation Report, Fall 2014, with Shaklee & Lebron seeking the ASTL IB Advanced Research Award; visit in December 2014 resulting in full IB accreditation for 7 years

• Led annual Calendar Year Report compilation, Springs 2015, 2016, 2017, with Dodman and Holincheck.

• Led ASTL through the NCATE Program Review in Fall 2011, co-wrote the Program Report, served on NCATE team to facilitate visit (Poster Committee, Interview committee, Standard I working committee)

• Led ASTL through the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher and Education (NCATE) Review, 2002-2004

o Organized and led preparation of all program documents and materials for NCATE Team visit, with Acting Assistant Director Julie Kidd.

• Wrote ASTL Portfolio Guidelines and Evaluation Rubric, alignment with NBPTS

Multilingual/Multicultural Education Programs

• Wrote and compiled the ACTFL CAEP Report, with M. Haley, Submitted, September 2015. National Recognition.

• Wrote the ACTFL NCATE Program Response to Conditions, submitted it to ACTFL NCATE, September 2011. National Recognition, January 2012

Teaching Experience

Institution Dates Rank Department

George Mason Univ. 2014 - ongoing Professor CEHD/GSE

2008- 2014 Associate Professor (tenured) CEHD/GSE

2000 - 2008 Assistant Professor, Educ CEHD/GSE

1999-2000 Visiting Professor, Educ GSE

1995-1999 Graduate Research Assistant GSE

1991-1995 Instructor of French Modern Languages

Fairfax Co. Pub. Sch. 1984-1990 Substitute Teacher, Instructor of French-FLES

St. Agnes School 1972-1981 French Teacher/Dept. Chair Foreign Languages


Courses Taught-George Mason University

Graduate Coursework: College of Education and Human Development

EDCI 516 Bilingualism and Language Acquisition Research

EDCI 560 Teaching Foreign/Second Language Methods in the P-12 Classroom

EDCI 684 Advanced Methods of Teaching Foreign/Second Language in the P-12 Classroom

EDCI 790 Internship in Foreign/Second Language Education

EDUC 606 Education and Culture

EDUC 612 Inquiry Into Practice

EDUC 613 How Students Learn

EDUC 800 Ways of Knowing

EDUC 802 Doctoral Leadership Seminar

EDUC 853 World Perspectives in Teacher Education

EDUC 879 Second Language Research in International Education

Undergraduate Coursework Taught: College of Arts and Sciences, Modern Languages

FREN 101/102 Elementary French I and II

FREN 109 /209 Intensive Elementary and Intermediate French (6 credits)

FREN 201/202 Intermediate French I and II

FREN 350 French Conversation

Leader of GMU summer program at the Cite Universitaire in Toulon, France, 1991, 1992, 1993; Strasbourg, 1994, 1995.

Foreign Languages

French – bilingual, fluent oral and written skills

German - comprehension and written skills

Italian – communicative competence and written skills

Latin – competent knowledge and skills

Spanish - basic comprehension

Advising, Supervision, and Mentoring

Doctoral Advising:

Dissertation Committees:

Dissertations in Progress:

Partov, Umed – (SCAR Ph.D. student) (Member), 2019 Fall, Proposal defended, Sum 2020

Hauber, Melissa – (Co-Chair, with M. Call-Cummings), 2019 Fall, Proposal in Progress

Aldrich, Jeremy – (Chair), 2019 Fall, Dissertation in Progress

Mancuso, Greer – (Chair), 2019 Spring, Proposal defended; Dissertation in Progress

Yoon, Hyejin – (Chair), 2019 Spring, Proposal defended; Dissertation in Progress

Kelley Webb – (Chair), 2018 Spring. Proposal defended; Dissertation in Progress.

Erica Meadows – (Chair), 2020, Proposal in progress.

Kristine Mann Choi (Chair), Proposal in progress, Spring 2015

Hsaio-Ping Tsai , (Member), Proposal in progress, Fall 2020

Glaser, Holly (Member) – Fall 2019, Proposal defended; Dissertation in Progress

Mhehvish Khan - (Member), Proposal in progress, Summer 2018 (E. Reybold, Chair)

Ph.D. Degrees Conferred:

Gina Amenta (Member) – Proposal defended, Fall 2014; Dissertation defended Spr 2020

Aseel Almubaddel (Member) – Dissertation defended, Spr 2020 (Haley, Chair).

Fahima Choudry (Chair), Dissertation defended, Summer 2019.

Steven Nagy (Member) – Dissertation defended, Summer 2019

Faridah Turkistani (Member) – Ph.D. conferred, May 2019

Ave Luke-Simpson (Member), Ph.D. conferred May 2018

Jessica Turner (Member), Ph.D. conferred December 2017

Sarah Thomas (Member), Ph.D. conferred December 2017

Kite, Bobbie Jo (Member), Ph.D. conferred December 2017

Gordon Brown (Member), Ph.D. conferred August 2017

Kelly McGrath Dalton (Chair), Ph.D. conferred, May 2017.

Jack Knipe (Chair), Ph.D. conferred August 2017.

Michael, Chandra (Chair), Ph.D. conferred August 2016.

Salim, Zainab (Chair), Ph.D. conferred, May 2016.

Bonnie Corretjer (Chair), Ph.D. conferred, May 2016.

Bafaro, Elaina, (Member), Ph.D. conferred, August 2016

Groundwater, Susan, (Member), Ph.D. conferred, May 2016

Batamula, Christy, (Member), Ph.D. conferred, August 2016

Maria Katradis (Member), Ph.D. conferred, May 2016.

Merz, Syd (Member), Ph.D. conferred, May 2015

Paula Azevedo (Member) – Ph.D. conferred, May 2015

Michelle Ohanian (Chair), Ph.D. conferred; Aug 2014

Melissa Ferro (Member), Ph.D. conferred Aug 2013

Veronica Montgomery (Member), Ph.D. conferred August 2013

Jie Tian (Chair), Ph.D. conferred, May 2013

George Flowers (Chair), Ph.D. conferred, May 2013

Zehra Habib (Member), Ph.D. conferred May 2013

Edith Collins (Chair), Ph.D. conferred, Aug 2012

Kristin Caulfield (Member – Nursing, CHHS), Degree conferred, December 2012

Yoon Kim (Member- Psychology Dept of CHSS), Ph.D. conferred May 2011

Julie Thill (Member), Ph.D. conferred August 2010

Liu, Laura Blythe (Member- GWU) – Ph.D. conferred, Aug. 2010

Ilknur Eginli (Chair), Ph.D. conferred, May 2009

Lukisha Barrera (Member), Ph.D. conferred, May 2009

Virginia Doherty (Chair), Ph.D. conferred, Aug. 2008

Diane Staehr Fenner (Member), Ph.D. conferred, May 2006

Gail Ritchie (Member), Ph.D. conferred, May 2006

Dixie Hallaj (Member), Ph.D. conferred, May 2006

Marianne Justus (Chair), Ph,D. conferred, May 2005

Margie Crutchfield (Member), Ph.D. conferred, May 2004

Pre-Dissertation Committees:

Hyunsun Chung (Chair) - 2019

Tareque Mehdi (Chair) - 2018

Kamilah Williams – (Chair) – 2016 - present

Master’s Degree Advising:

Advisor, Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning Program, 2000-present

Revisions /Updates 9/2020


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