Members Present: Others Present:
President - Eileen Hansen Deborah Leh, Superintendent
Vice President - Carole Smith Diane Kannel, Elementary Principal
Trustees - Carol Davis Brad Zilliox, Middle School Principal
- James Musshafen Robert Persia, PPS Director
- Kim Snyder Karen Johnson, Business Manager
- Mark Strivings Barbara Bowman, District Clerk
Absent - Elizabeth VenVertloh
CALL TO ORDER – President E. Hansen called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Trustee K. Snyder moved, seconded by Trustee C. Davis, to approve the agenda as amended (addition of approval of tax rates).
Motion carried 6-0.
A community member asked the Board to explain services through U of R Warner School for Board training and mentoring for the superintendent. Dr. Leh explained that Board workshops will focus on such items as communications, Race to the Top, and the new evaluation process. The mentor would supply support for her as a new superintendent.
Executive Session: Trustee C. Davis moved, seconded by Trustee C. Smith, to adjourn to discuss
staffing changes at 7:10 p.m.
Motion carried 6-0.
Trustee C. Davis moved, seconded by Trustee M. Strivings, to adjourn to regular
at 7:40 p.m.
Motion carried 6-0.
1. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. D. Leh
a. Update on Teacher Substitute Rates. After reviewing substitute pay rates in area school districts, Wheatland-Chili is competitive at $80 a day.
b. Kindergarten Enrollment. There are currently 59 students registered for kindergarten. An additional kindergarten class is recommended to continue the practice of under 17 students in a kindergarten class.
c. Board Meeting Dates. After discussion, the Board approved the following:
Trustee K. Snyder moved, seconded by Trustee C. Davis, to delete September 26 and add September 27 and May 21 to the Board of Education meeting calendar. Motion carried 6-0.
d. Summerfest, August 20. After discussion, the Board with participate in the parade.
e. Review of Board Presentations. A list of possible presentation was shared with the Board. Additional suggestions should be forwarded to Dr. Leh.
2. Board Member Communications
a. NYSSBA Convention. Trustees J. Musshafen and M. Strivings will be attending the convention in Buffalo on October 27-29.
b. Board Workshop. The Board held a workshop on July 30. The main topics were discussions on communications with staff and setting goals for 2011-12. A follow-up workshop will be scheduled.
a. Approval of Minutes of Organization Meeting held on July 1, 2011
Trustee K. Snyder moved, seconded by Trustee J. Musshafen, to approve the following:
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District
hereby approves the minutes of the organization meeting held on July 1, 2011.
Motion carried 6-0.
b. Approval of Tax Rates
Trustee K. Snyder moved, seconded by Trustee M. Strivings, to approve the following:
WHEREAS the Board of Education has been authorized by the voters at the Annual School Meeting to raise for the current budget of the 2011–2012 school year a sum not to exceed $ 6,827,646.27 (after STAR/and other than rounding);
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board fixes the equalized tax rates by towns and confirms the extension of the taxes as they appear on the following described tax roll:
| |Total Assessed Valuations|Equalized Tax Rate by |Total Tax Levy by Towns (STAR |
| |by Towns |Towns |excluded) |
|Name of Town | | | |
|Wheatland |188,383,574 |22.366215 |3,409,407.19 |
|Chili |160,900,417 |22.366215 |3,097,507.76 |
|Brighton |14,604,400 |22.366215 |261,733.92 |
|Caledonia |2,873,280 |23.795225 |58,997.40 |
|TOTALS |$ 366,761,671 |XXX |$ 6,827,646.27 |
AND BE IT HEREBY DIRECTED THAT the tax warrant of this board, duly signed shall be affixed to the above-described tax rolls authorizing the collection of said taxes to begin September 1 and end November 1, giving the tax warrant an effective period of 62 days at the expiration of which time the tax collector shall make an accounting in writing to the board;
AND IT IS FURTHER DIRECTED THAT the delinquent tax penalties shall be fixed as follows: 1st month free period, 2nd month interest of 2 percent added, 3rd month or fraction thereof, interest of 5 percent added.
Motion carried 6-0.
c. Approval of Substitute Rate – Classified Staff
Trustee K. Snyder moved, seconded by Trustee C. Davis, to approve the following:
Resolved that, the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby approves the following substitute rate:
Position Rate Effective Date
Substitute Cleaner $10/hr. July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012
Motion carried 6-0.
d. Approval of Elementary Position
Trustee K. Snyder moved, seconded by Trustee M. Strivings, to approve the following:
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby approves the following position: Elementary Teaching Position, 1.0 FTE.
Motion carried 6-0.
e. Approval of Adjustment – Art Position
Trustee K. Snyder moved, seconded by Trustee M. Strivings, to approve the following:
Be it resolved that the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby approves the abolishment of one part-time Art position and approves the following position: Art Position, 1.0 FTE.
Motion carried 6-0.
f. Personnel Actions
1) Acceptance of Resignation
Trustee C. Davis moved, seconded by Trustee J. Musshafen, to approve the following:
Resolved that, the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby accepts the following resignation:
Name Area Effective Date
Keri Wood Long Term Substitute July 14, 2011
Motion carried 6-0.
2) Approval of Provisional Appointment – Classified Staff
Trustee M. Strivings moved, seconded by Trustee K. Snyder, to approve the following:
Resolved that, the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby approves the following provisional appointment effective September 6, 2011-June 22, 2012, plus 20 days during the summer 2011.
Name Area Hourly Rate
Melissa (Rivera) Fanton Office Clerk IV $9.50 SY 7 hours/day
Motion carried 6-0.
3) Approval of Appointments – Certificated Staff
Trustee J. Musshafen moved, seconded by Trustee K. Snyder, to approve the following:
Resolved that, the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby approves the following appointments from the Preferred Eligibility List effective for the 2011-12 School Year.
Name Area Step Salary
Erin Ayers Elementary 8 $46,954
Jessica Caster Art 3 41,717
Motion carried 6-0.
4) Approval of Request for Leave of Absence
Trustee M. Strivings moved, seconded by Trustee C. Smith, to approve the following:
Resolved that, the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby approves the following request for a leave of absence:
Name Area Effective Date
Kelly Moran Spanish .8 FTE 2011-12 School Year
Motion carried 6-0.
5) Approval of Long Term Substitute Appointments– Certificated Staff
Trustee J. Musshafen moved, seconded by Trustee C. Davis, to approve the following:
Resolved that, the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby approves the following long term substitute appointments effective for the 2011-12 school year.
Name Area Step Salary
Kelly Moran* Spanish 10 $49,169 1.0 FTE
Maggie Spuhler* Elementary 5 44,548 1.0 FTE
Alissa Martin Spanish 1 29, 941 .8 FTE
*Preferred Eligibility List
Motion carried 6-0.
6) Approval of Request for Unpaid Leave of Absence – Classified Staff
Trustee M. Strivings moved, seconded by Trustee K. Snyder, to approve the following:
Resolved that, the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby approves the following request for unpaid leave of absence:
Name Area Effective Dates
Elizabeth Bennett Food Service Manager September 30-October 8, 2011
Motion carried 6-0.
7) Approval of Extra-Class Advisors
Trustee J. Musshafen moved, seconded by Trustee M. Strivings, to approve the following:
Resolved that, the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby approves the following extra-class advisors:
|High School |Extra-class Activity |Step |Stipend |
|Valerie Savage |Art Club Advisor |5 |1,982.00 |
|Peter Apps |Chemical Hygiene Officer |5 |1,049.00 |
|Karen Wilson |Class of 2013 |1 |1,941.00 |
|Cathy Murray |Class of 2014 |1 |1,483.00 |
|Jill Skivington |Class of 2015 |1 |1,483.00 |
|Denise Hourihan |FBLA |5 |1,982.00 |
|Karen Bristol |Interact Club Co-Advisor (1/2 year) |5 |495.50 |
|Gail Horne |Interact Club Co-Advisor (1/2 year) |5 |495.50 |
|Christine Willcox |International Club MS/HS |5 |1,982.00 |
|Steven Zimmerman |Jazz Band Advisor, HS |5 |1,712.00 |
|Andrea Goodfellow |Leadership Assets Training |4 |1,080.00 |
|Elizabeth Alhart |MasterMinds Advisor, Varsity |5 |1,982.00 |
|Maura Boise |National Honor Society |5 |1,296.00 |
|Elaine Bagley |SADD |2 |1,832.00 |
|Scott Melville |Ski Club HS |5 |1,433.00 |
|Sam Zona |Weight Room Advisor |5 |1,683.00 |
|Valerie Savage |Yearbook Co-Advisor (.6 FTE) |4 |2,368.20 |
|Christine Willcox |Yearbook Co-Advisor (.4 FTE) |2 |1,538.80 |
|Karen Bristol |Youth-to-Youth Co-Advisor (1/2 year) |5 |495.50 |
|Gail Horne |Youth-to-Youth Co-Advisor (1/2 year) |5 |495.50 |
|Scott Melville |HS Student Council |1 |2,330.00 |
| | | | |
|Middle School | | | |
|Joseph Roman |Academic Challenge Bowl |4 |1,337.00 |
|Jennifer Matejcik |Bookstore, MS |1 |1,002.00 |
|Kim LeCelle |National Honor Society Co-Advisor, MS |1 |548.00 |
|Mary Beth Nerone |National Honor Society Co-Advisor, MS |5 |648.00 |
|Aubrey Krenzer |School Newspaper JH Co-Advisor |5 |1,060.00 |
|Mary Beth Nerone |School Newspaper JH Co-Advisor |5 |1,060.00 |
|Christopher Peets |Ski Club MS |5 |1,433.00 |
|Amy Hicks |Student Council Co-Advisor, MS |5 |991.00 |
|Aubrey Krenzer |Student Council Co-Advisor, MS |5 |991.00 |
|Mary Beth Nerone |Theater Club, MS |5 |1,982.00 |
|Beth McLean |MS Marching Band (1/2 year) |2 |537.50 |
|Beth McLean |Jazz Band (1/2 year) |2 |641.50 |
| | | | |
|Elementary School | | | |
|David Harriff |Bookstore |5 |1,202.00 |
|Ann Bayer |Elementary Yearbook Co-Advisor |5 |1,060.00 |
|Julia Mazzota |Elementary Yearbook Co-Advisor |2 |985.00 |
|Linda Morrison |Environmental Club |5 |1,982.00 |
|Pauline Emelson |Environmental Club |3 |1,882.00 |
|Tim Day |Safety Patrol |5 |1,982.00 |
|Ann Bayer |Story Telling Club, Elementary Co-Advisor |5 |682.50 |
|Kristen Hotaling |Story Telling Club, Elementary Co-Advisor |4 |657.50 |
|Wendy Clark |Student Ambassadors |5 |1,665.00 |
|Julie Gusmerotti |Elementary Student Council Co-Advisor |5 |991.00 |
|Alison Hughes |Elementary Student Council Co-Advisor |3 |941.00 |
Motion carried 6-0.
8) Approval of Fall Coaches
Trustee K. Snyder moved, seconded by Trustee M. Strivings, to approve the following:
Resolved that, the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby approves the following fall coaches:
|Name |Area |Step |Stipend |
|Michael Skivington |Boys Varsity Soccer |10 |3,865 |
|Steven Call |Assistant Boys Soccer |10 |3,204 |
|Todd Grimes |Boys JV Soccer |8 |3,104 |
|Christopher Peets |Boys Modified Soccer |10 |2,504 |
|Gary Ward |Girls Varsity Soccer |10 |3,865 |
|Karl Keydel |Girls JV Soccer |10 |3,204 |
|Fred Burnash |Assistant Girls Soccer |10 |3,204 |
|Scott Melville |Girls Modified Soccer |5 |2,254 |
|Brian Glass |Varsity Cross Country |7 |3,715 |
|Charlene Birnie |Modified Volleyball |6 |2,304 |
|Tom Dooling |Intramurals – Flag Football |12 sessions |990 |
|Tony Mannara |Intramurals - Basketball |20 sessions |1,605 |
Motion carried 6-0.
9) Approval of Summer Work – Classified Staff
Trustee J. Musshafen moved, seconded by Trustee K. Snyder, to approve the following:
Resolved that, the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby approves the following summer work:
Name Area Hourly Rate Days
Marilyn Barnes Office Clerk $17.41 up to 10 days (60 hrs.)
Middle School
Deborah Mancuso Office Clerk $12.92 up to 10 days (60 hrs.)
Food Service
Motion carried 6-0.
10) Approval of Classified Substitutes
Trustee K. Snyder moved, seconded by Trustee M. Strivings, to approve the following:
Resolved that, the Board of Education of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District, upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, hereby approves the following classified daily substitutes:
Name Area
Lisa Ellison Bus Driver
James Clark Bus Driver
Marilyn Johnson Bus Driver, Cleaner
Peter Nenni Bus Driver
Samantha Rhow Bus Driver
James Torrance Bus Driver, Cleaner
Dawn Corbett Cleaner
John Hellaby Cleaner
Michael Lucas Cleaner
Desmond McNeil Cleaner
Marsha Jones School Secretary, Office Clerk, Aide
Donna Hartley School Secretary, Office Clerk, Aide, Food Service
Sharon Scantlin School Secretary, Office Clerk
Deborah Mancuso School Secretary
Motion carried 6-0.
Trustee K. Snyder moved, seconded by J. Musshafen, to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
Motion carried 6-0.
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