Calendar Design

Colored Pencil Fruit/Vegetable still lifeDrawing and Painting IIMrs. DavisObjectives: -To learn how to use colored pencils by layering and burnishing-To be able to use color theory correctly through complimentary color mixing.-To understand the graphing method, allowing on to enlarge from a photograph to a large piece of paper-To learn that light sketching with pencil is crucial to a good drawing. Vocabulary:-layering-primary-complimentary color mixing-burnishing-secondary-Triad-casing-tertiary-tetrad of 4 square-binder-monochromatic-tetrad of 4 rectangle-pigment-analogous-saturation-complimentary1st Assignment: Worth 100 process points. Review of color theory. After reviewing Color theory use colored pencils to fill out the Color wheel (30), Color Scheme Scales (30), Tetrad charts (20) and the complimentary color mixing (20) worksheets. DUE ____________.H/W: Worth 30 process points. Research three artists and bring in a picture of each of their works that best depicts their characteristics. In class you will be analyzing their characteristics and deciding what can be used for this project. DUE ______________2nd Assignment: Worth 100 process points. Preliminary work will in the form of drawing one piece of fruit using the layering, burnishing, and color theory learned. Remember to use LIGHT pencil lines, as these should disappear to make the fruit look realistic. Refer to the tips discussed later in this paper. DUE________________H/W: Worth 100 process points. Set up a small still life at home using fruit and/or vegetables and take at least 10 pictures. Remember you can cut/slice the fruit/veggies; think about color theory (have a prominent color scheme); think about height and composition; think about the FOCAL POINT! *These can be emailed or you can bring the memory card into class and they can be transferred. DUE_______________3rd and FINAL Assignment: Worth 150 Product Points. You are going to complete a colored pencil rendered drawing based on the still life pictures you took.1.) ENLARGE: you have to get the photo to enlarge to the closest measurement of 11” x 14” for the final paper… a/b (your pic measurements) to c/18 …. Looks like 14x a / b = c *teacher helps with this2.) GRID: now that we know the size of your final paper and it is cut you can divide the picture and the paper into half (horizontal and vertical). This will give you a grid on both to transfer the small photo to the large paper while keeping accurate proportions! KEEP THE LINES ON THE FINAL PAPER LIGHT!!!!!!! The indentation of the pencil lines will ruin your colored pencil work.3.) DRAWING: Lightly (I cannot stress that enough) sketch just the contour lines (outside lines) of the fruit/veggies and anywhere there is a stark change in contrast. These will be your reference lines when starting with the colored pencils.4.) Look at the fruit/veggies and break down the different colors that are to be used. You should NEVER use just one color out of the box.5.) Starting with laying the “low lights” down with indigo (or the compliment). Look for the curves and organic shapes of these darker areas…only doing a transparent layer of this color. Remember to use small circles as you do not want streaks. Look for the next PROMINENT color and layer this on top of the Low Lights and over the rest of the area that color. DO NOT press too hard too fast… these layers should be thin.Keep an eye on the High Lighted areas… you DO NOT want to over color these areas. Some color can be lifted but the white colored pencil does not cover other colors.6.) Look for textures… this will make or break the realistic qualities of the fruit. If you are doing a reference of a more abstract artist the texture can be a useful tool to help symbolize the fruit or veggies.7.) High Lights: exaggerate the high lights by adding white and soften the highlight by blending with white.8.) Burnishing: To exaggerate textures such as smooth or glossy burnishing will help to do that. It will also help to get rid of the tooth of the paper and blend multiple colors together.*Nothing should be outlined! DO NOT OUTLINE WITH YOUR COLORED PENCILS!! The value change should be done through color change and layering. Outlining will make the drawing look juvenile and flat as opposed to professional and realistic. ................

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