Bloomsburg Area School District

Bloomsburg Area School District

Board of School Directors

Regular Monthly Meeting

Monday, 16 March 2009

7:00 p.m.

Bloomsburg High School Library



The regular monthly meeting of the Bloomsburg Area School District Board of School Directors was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, 16 March 2009, in the Bloomsburg High School library, followed by the pledge to the flag. Directors in attendance were: Mrs. Bonnie Fiedler, Rev. Thomas Light, Dr. Francis Peters, Dr. John Riley, Mrs. Sandra Rupp, Mr. Thomas Tobin, and Mr. Richard Vanderpool. Mr. David Klingerman Jr. and Mr. Dennis Kuczynski were both absent and excused from the meeting.

Bloomsburg Area School District administrators in attendance were: Mr. Cosmas Curry and Mr. Michael Upton.

Others present included: Mr. Dan Davis, Mrs. Gloria Davis, Ms. Susan Forgett, Ms. Stephanie Kessler, Mr. Michael Lester, Mrs. Denise Recla, and Mrs. Pam Szilagyi. Approximately 12 guests made up the audience.


Mrs. Fiedler moved to approve the minutes of the 23 February 2009 regular monthly board meeting and the 2 March 2009 special board meeting and work session as presented. Rev. Light seconded the motion and it then passed by a unanimous voice vote.


At this time, Ms. Susan Forgett gave a presentation on the Bloomsburg Area School District’s 2007-2008 single audit.


Approval of 2007-2008 Audit

Mr. Tobin moved to approve the 2007-2008 single audit for the Bloomsburg Area School District as presented, and Rev. Light seconded this motion. The motion then passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of Financial Reports

Mrs. Fiedler made the motion to approve the financial reports for February 2009, and Mrs. Rupp seconded this motion. The motion then passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of Bills Payable

Mrs. Fiedler made the motion to approve the bills payable for 24 February 2009 – 16 March 2009, ranging from check #00024756 - #00024884, including wire transfers amounting to $148,728.08, in the amount of $605,880.23. After Mr. Vanderpool seconded this motion, it passed by a unanimous roll call vote.

Approval of Bills Payable for the Capital Reserve Fund

Mrs. Fiedler moved to approve the bills payable for the Capital Reserve Fund from 24 February 2009 – 16 March 2009, ranging from check #00001599 - #00001600, totaling $4,225.00. Mr. Tobin seconded this motion and it then passed by a unanimous roll call vote.

Approval of Bills Payable for the Capital Project Fund

Mr. Tobin moved to approve the bills payable for the Capital Project Fund from 24 February 2009 – 16 March 2009, ranging from check #00001503 - #00001504, in the amount of $110,000.00. Mrs. Fiedler seconded this motion and it then passed by a unanimous roll call vote.


Superintendent’s Report

Mr. Curry showed a slide show presentation of sample bleachers from different schools throughout the region. He also reminded directors and guests that beginning in April 2009, the board meeting location was being changed to the high school auditorium.

Student Representative’s Report

As Mr. Alex Karpinski was not at the meeting (excused), no report was given.


There was no old business to come before the board at this time.


Approval of Columbia-Montour AVTS 2009-2010

Mr. Tobin made the motion, which Mrs. Fiedler seconded, to approve the Columbia-Montour Area Vocational-Technical School 2009-2010 budget, as presented. The motion then passed by a unanimous roll call vote.

Approval of CSIU 2009-2010 Budget

Rev. Light moved to approve the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit’s 2009-2010 budget, as presented. After receiving a second by Mrs. Fiedler, the motion passed by a roll call vote.

Approval of Out-of-State/Overnight Field Trip Requests

Dr. Peters made the motion to approve the following out-of-state/overnight field trip requests:

- A request made by Kirk Marshall for the Bloomsburg High School Robotic Team to go to Plymouth North High School in Plymouth, Massachusetts, from 20-21 March 2009 for a robotics competition, at an approximate cost to the district of $429.00;

- A request made by Brett Seeley for the Bloomsburg Middle School Technology Student Association (TSA) to go to the TSA state conference at Seven Springs Mountain Resort in Champion, Pennsylvania, from 15-18 April 2009, at an approximate cost to the district of $1,718.00; and

- A request made by Kirk Marshall for the Bloomsburg High School Technology Student Association (TSA) to go to the TSA state conference at Seven Springs Mountain Resort in Champion, Pennsylvania, from 15-18 April 2009, at an approximate cost to the district of $2,777.10.

Mrs. Fiedler then seconded this motion, which passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of Staff Evaluation Forms

Mrs. Fiedler made the motion, which was seconded by Rev. Light, to approve the administrative, support staff, and athletic director evaluation forms as presented, and to use PDE 426, 427, and 428 forms to evaluate professional staff. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval to Change Weapons Policy Number

Mrs. Fiedler moved to approve changing the district’s Weapons policy number from 249 to 218.1. Mrs. Rupp seconded this motion, and it then passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of First Reading of Policy 113.1

Mrs. Fiedler made the motion, which was seconded by Dr. Peters, to approve Policy 113.1: Behavior Supports for Students with Disabilities on first reading and schedule it for final adoption at the 20 April 2009 regular monthly school board meeting. The motion then passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of First Reading of Policy 249

Mrs. Fiedler made the motion to approve Policy 249: Bullying/Cyberbullying on first reading and schedule it for final adoption at the 20 April 2009 regular monthly school board meeting. After Dr. Peters seconded this motion, it passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of First Reading of Revised Policy 201

Mrs. Fiedler made the motion, which was seconded by Rev. Light, to approve the revised Policy 201: Admission of Beginners on first reading and schedule it for final adoption at the 20 April 2009 regular monthly board meeting. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of Contract with The Architectural Studio

Mr. Vanderpool made the motion, which was seconded by Dr. Peters, to approve contract with The Architectural Studio, as presented. This motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Authorization of Administration to Apply to PDE to Provide District-Wide Social/Emotional Disturbance Class at Memorial for 2009-2010

Mrs. Fiedler moved to authorize the administration to apply to the Pennsylvania Department of Education to provide a district-wide special education socially/emotionally disturbed class at Bloomsburg Memorial Elementary School beginning with the 2009-2010 school year. Mr. Tobin seconded this motion, and it then passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Amendment to 2008-2009 District Calendar

Mrs. Fiedler moved to approve an amendment to the 2008-2009 Bloomsburg Area School District calendar, changing 13 April 2009 back to a vacation day and not a snow make-up day. After Rev. Light seconded this motion, it passed by a unanimous voice vote.


Approval of Professional Substitutes

Mr. Tobin made the motion, which was approved by Rev. Light, to approve the following individuals as professional substitutes for the remainder of the 2008-2009 school year:

Name Address Certification Area Degree/University Certificate


Bearor, Catherine 230 West 12th St. Elem Ed K-6 BS, Education In hand

Bloomsburg, PA Castleton State

College, VT

Hess, Laura 215 Swamp Road Elem Ed K-6 BS, Elem Ed In hand

Hunlock Creek, PA Baptist Bible College

Kelly, Daniel 314 North 3rd St. Social Studies 7-12 M.Ed. Sec. Ed. Ap-

Lewisburg, PA Grand Canyon U. proved

by PDE

Pastor, Martin 211 S. Mercer St. Music Ed K-12 Music Ed Verified

Berwick, PA Bloomsburg U. by BU

At this point, Dr. Peters made the motion to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter, and Mr. Vanderpool seconded this motion. A unanimous roll call vote then took place and the board went into executive session from 8:23-8:35 p.m.

Once the board was back in open session, the motion to approve the professional substitutes as presented was approved by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of ESY 2009 Teacher

Dr. Peters made the motion to approve Ashley Marsicano as an Extended School Year (ESY) teacher for Summer 2009, at an hourly rate of $22.00, and Mrs. Rupp seconded this motion.

At this point, Mrs. Fiedler made the motion to amend the original motion to read: Approve Ashley Marsicano as an Extended School Year (ESY) teacher for Summer 2009, at an hourly rate of $22.00, not to exceed 23 hours. Dr. Peters seconded the motion to amend, which was followed by a unanimous voice vote.

The board then voted to approve the amended motion by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of Michael Upton as BASD Liaison for Act 32 County-Wide Earned Income Tax Collection/School & Municipal Cooperation

Mrs. Fiedler made the motion, which was seconded by Dr. Peters, to approve Michael Upton as the Bloomsburg Area School District liaison for the Act 32 county-wide Earned Income Tax (EIT) collection/school and municipal cooperation. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote.

Approval of Second-Shift Custodian

Rev. Light moved to hire Benjamin Kline of Millville, Pennsylvania as a second-shift custodian at Bloomsburg Memorial Elementary School, at a contracted rate of $7.50/hour with benefits as per the negotiated contract, effective 17 March 2009. Mrs. Fiedler seconded this motion, which then passed by a unanimous roll call vote.


It was announced that the following items were scheduled to appear on the 6 April 2009 work session agenda: 2009-2010 Budget, Panther Stadium, Policies 216 & 815, Job Descriptions, High School Academic Recognition, Meetings with Representative Millard and Senator Gordner, and Update on Future of PSERS.


It was announced the next work session was scheduled for Monday, 6 April 2009 in the Bloomsburg High School auditorium, beginning at 7:00 p.m., and that the next regular monthly board meeting was scheduled for Monday, 20 April 2009 in the Bloomsburg High School auditorium, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Lastly, board members were reminded that the Team of 10 program at the CSIU would be held at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 8 April 2009.


Mrs. Fiedler made the motion to adjourn the public meeting at 9:01 p.m. and go into executive session, and Mrs. Rupp seconded this motion. The motion was defeated by a vote of zero yes votes to seven no votes.


Mrs. Fiedler made the motion to accept the retirement of Bloomsburg Middle School Science Teacher Earl Mordan, effective during the 2009-2010 academic year, in the event he is elected as the District Magistrate in the General Election to be held on 3 November 2009. Dr. Peters seconded this motion. The motion was defeated by a vote of one yes vote (being Mr. Tobin) to six no votes.


At 9:25 p.m., Mr. Vanderpool made the motion for the board to take a five-minute recess and then go into executive session to discuss personnel matters and support staff negotiations. Mrs. Fielder seconded this motion, which then passed by a unanimous voice vote.


After a five-minute recess, the board went into executive session to discuss personnel matters and support staff negotiations. At 10:05 p.m., the board adjourned the executive session by a unanimous voice vote, preceded by a motion by Mrs. Fiedler and a second by Rev. Light.

Respectfully Submitted,

Stephanie Kessler

Recording Secretary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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