Year 3 - Week 1 Home Based Learning Activities

Year 3 - Week 1 Home Based Learning ActivitiesLinks to all zoom sessions are located on the year 3 compass notification sent Monday 12th AND google classroom.TuesdayZoom 9:30 Good Morning! + Introduce the lessons.WednesdayZoom 9:30Good Morning! + Introduce the lessons.Zoom 12:30Read class bookThursdayZoom 9:30 Good Morning! + Introduce the lessons.Zoom 12:30Read class bookFridayZoom 9:30Good Morning! + Introduce the lessons. EnglishWatch a young girl's public speech on kindness.Kindness - YoutubeGoogle Classroom Activity EnglishWatch two youtubes to help you with your public speaking.Tips on Public SpeakingTips on Oral PresentationGoogle Classroom Activity This Powerpoint will guide you on how to do your speech.English Google Classroom Activity Choose a talking topic from google classroom and plan your own 1 minute speech sharing your thoughts on the topic. Type your speech into google docs and share with the teacher. English Have someone at home video you as you present your 1 minute speech.You may like to hold your speech to read from when you need to, or, if you feel confident, try to remember as much as you can without your paper.Upload it to see saw.Handwriting - Print this sheet and practice your handwriting skills of entry and exit flicks.Google Classroom Activity Naidoc Week - Watch the Video. Feel The Fire - YouTubeGoogle Classroom ActivityMaths Watch the number talk video.Stage 2 Thinking mathematically resource - Dot card talk 3 ()Google Classroom ActivityReligionFind an Old Testament Story -Download the bible app for kids. If you have borrowed a school ipad, it should be already installed.Find a story you don’t know much about. Film yourself and retell it on seesaw.MathsWatch the Powerpoint and complete the Place Value Target Activity.Google Classroom ActivityMaths - Watch the number talk video.Stage 2 Thinking mathematically resource - Dot card talk 2 ()Google Classroom ActivityScience and TechnologyExploring Living and Non-Living ThingsFollow the slides on Google Classroom and answer the questions.MathsWatch place value PowerpointAnd Play Number Path Game.Google Classroom ActivityPDHPEGoogle Classroom ActivityCreate a healthy snack at home.Take a picture of your finished product and share it on seesaw.Picture due Friday- upload to seesaw12:30 ZoomReading 12:30 ZoomReading Choice Grid -Pick an activity of your choice for this lesson. (See Choice Grid Below)Geography - Fill in a blank map of Australia. What places in Australia do you know?See Saw ActivityVISUAL ART - Google Classroom ActivityChoice Grid - Pick an activity of your choice for this lesson. (See Choice Grid Below)Choice Grid - Pick an activity of your choice for this lesson. (See Choice Grid Below)Wellbeing - Watch the video of a class talking about gratitude.Gratitude - YoutubeGoogle Classroom Activity - Use the questions on google docs to think about this video and your feelings during public speaking.PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Suggestion: Get outside with a ballThrow and catch 20 timesKick or pass against a wall 20 timesThrow up in the air and see how many times you can clap your hands.PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SuggestionShow your family the dance from last term. Can you remember the warm up? Create your own dance or rap to your favourite song. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SuggestionPE with Joe or Wally’s Workout! PHYSICAL ACTIVITY SuggestionMake a time with your family to go for a walk around the block.Choice Grid Here are a variety of activities for you to choose from. If you choose any of these activities you can complete them on the Google Slide on Google Classroom, or upload photos. You will get a raffle ticket for each activity that you complete. Read for 20 min each day. Write a review or draw a picture. Write a sequel!83820047625Play games from the Maths and Me at Home kit. Play a different game each day. Access on the Weebly. PW:sjan971550819150Watch a movie or your favourite TV show. Write a review or re-write it as a comic strip.48577519050Play a board game with your family. Play fairly.Take turns and share.Choose your favourite recipe to follow and cook something nice for your family. Write out the recipe. How many grams / millilitres of ingredients did you need?ConstructionCreate something inventive and imaginative using recycled boxes and other material you find around your home.13335037840Practise your times tables. Sing them, make arrays, look for patterns, colour them in on a hundreds chart.Check for any r SeeSaw activities your teacher has set for you.62722523515Create a poster to advertise your invention. What is it used for? Who would want to buy it? Include persuasive language and slogans.?My InventionLearn a new skillCan you tie your laces?Can you put make your bed?What new skill are you learning this week? Can you tell the time?Write a timetable of your day or week.Record the time you started and finished things. How long did it take?Can you draw this time on a clock?What is the time in digital / analogue? Play and FitnessGo outside and play. Build a cubby, play in the garden, play cricket, skip, throw a ball, play with your dog. What are you doing to keep yourself fit and active? Go on a shape hunt around your home. What 2D and 3D shapes can you find? Draw and label them.Area and PerimeterFind the area and perimeter of things at your house. How many cm or hand-spans is it around your bed or TV? What could you use to cover your bed or coffee table to find its area?VocabularyUse a dictionary or magazine and find 5 interesting words each day. Put them in a sentence. Make a spell-a-ma-doodle. Make a FIND-A-WORD of your favourite words.Prayer at homeFind some time to pray the examine. Can you get a family member to join you. 171450185241Squiz Kids is a podcast of recent news presented in kids’ language and with appropriate content. Listen to a news bulletin and write a report on what you have heard / learnt.402590619125Drawing Activities for Kids Hub – youtubeVarious different fun drawing lessons97155012129Watch some youtube art lessons and try the techniques!Coin RubbingCollect some coins – Can you find one of each?Place a piece of paper over the top of each coin and rub / colour over it with a pencil. You will see an imprint of your coin. What animal or pictures are on each coin?What years were each coin made? Can you record these years on a numberline?Winter WritingCan you make an acrostic poem about Winter? What happens in Winter? W447675361950 I N T E RNAIDOC WEEKPrint the colouring in page from this link ?Strength and GentlenessHow have you shown strength and gentleness at home? Have you seen a need and done something about it? Write or draw about the things you have been doing.28575014114HELP AROUND THE HOUSEHow can you help at home this week? What job will you do today without being asked..Clean your roomTIdy your deskDo the dishesEmpty the dishwasherFold washingVacuum the floor Free Choice ActivityDesign an interesting learning task of your choice. Write what you did, what you learnt, why you chose it.Be creative! ................

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