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?0-3810 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH PRESCHOOL Kathy Mitchell, Director?Dear Parents:We are glad you have chosen our center for your child. Here at Emmanuel we feel that children are very special and we strive to make their preschool years a very pleasant learning experience.This handbook is intended to acquaint you with our center and its operation. Hopefully you will find it informative and useful to you in explaining our enrollment procedures, our general policies, our commitment to confidentiality, our plan handling emergencies, our efforts to promote and maintain a safe and healthy environment for the children entrusted to our care. The first section explains our religious purpose, mission and beliefs. This preschool/daycare unashamedly believes, teaches, and practices the teachings of the Bible, the Word of God. Biblical principles are integrated into every aspect of our school. Our staff is committed not only to academic excellence, but also to teaching students how to apply the truths of God’s Word to every aspect of life. If you are in agreement with the teachings of God’s Word, then our preschool will complement the beliefs and ideals your child is taught at home. We respect your desire to place your child in the best possible learning environment, but if you are not in full agreement with our doctrinal positions, it will be best for all concerned that you not enroll your child at our preschool. If you ever have any questions about our center and its policies please contact me any time. I am here from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. most days. We do operate under a Type 3 license. If you have any questions or comments concerning our license you may contact: ??????????????? LDOE Licensing??????????????? P.O. Box 4249?????????????? Baton Rouge, La 70821??????????? Phone:? 225-342-9905 ? Fax:? 225-342-2498Many of the teachers we have here at Emmanuel have been here for several years. I feel all of them are the very best. Their years of experience have taught them what they need to know to insure that your child will have a great time learning with us.As our handbook explains, you are invited at any time to come by our center and visit with your child. If you would like to eat lunch with your child please feel free to do so, if you would like to read a story to your child’s class we would love that. Just let your child’s teacher know and we will be glad to set up times for you to come and share your child’s day at school.Thank you so much for sharing your children with us. We look forward to partnering with you to educate your child in God’s truth.Sincerely,Kathy Mitchell, DirectorPOLICY AND PROCEDURE HANDBOOK FOR PARENTSTable of ContentsParent LetterI. IntroductionII. Enrollment ProceduresIII. TuitionIV. General Policies/ProceduresV. Health and SafetyVI. CommunicationI. INTRODUCTIONA. ForwardOnly as parents and teachers work together cooperatively can each child receive the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual guidance that he needs as a growing child. By limiting the groups in number, individual needs of children can more adequately be addressed and met. This handbook has been prepared to give parents an overview of the aims, purposes, and overall program of the Emmanuel Baptist Preschool (identified as EBP hereafter).B. Mission, Statement of Faith, and Doctrinal StatementEmmanuel Baptist Preschool/Daycare is a ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church and as such it operates under the faith and doctrinal statements outlined in the church’s Constitution and Bylaws. (A copy of this document is on file in the preschool office and is available for anyone to read.) It is the goal of EBP to provide a safe and secure environment for children to receive the guidance outlined above.C. Program Goals1. For ChildrenThe EBP program is a developmental program that recognizes the rapid growth of young children and their tremendous capacity for learning during the preschool years. At the same time, the child is seen as a total individual who is also growing physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually, as well as spiritually. His special needs are recognized as he faces the developmental tasks of the preschool years. He is also seen as an individual with his own special talents and needs. By realizing this uniqueness, the teacher assists him in living happily and successfully as a preschooler.2. For ParentsParents can be of great assistance to the child and the teacher. Children are better-adjusted and more eager learners when parents are interested in their activities. Each parent has some talent in which he excels or has some hobby or collection that is special. Therefore, parents are encouraged to visit the preschool and share this with the children. It gives the children an opportunity to say, “That’s my Daddy,” “Look what my Mommy can do.”D. Curriculum ObjectivesTo help each child experience intellectual growth and educational stimulation by:developing a positive attitude toward learningmaking discoveries and solving problemssharpening sensory awareness; observing, listening, touching, tasking, smelling, balancing, expressing himself verbally, communicating with others increasing his vocabulary and his skill in punctuation, developing auditory discriminationlistening to and appreciating stories, poetry, music, and rhythmsparticipating in dramatic play, telling experiences in sequenceacquiring and understanding of concepts in mathematics, science, social studies and language artsTo help each child become emotionally sound by:building a positive self-concept and developing confidence in himself and his abilitiespersisting in his efforts and experiencing successaccepting and adjusting to opposition or lack of successexpressing his emotions in an acceptable mannerbuilding empathy for the feelings and emotions of others To help each child become socially well-adjusted by:learning to cooperate with othersparticipating as a leader and a followerlearning through experience to share materials and to take turns assuming responsibility for his own actslearning to accept the limits involved in living in a democratic society accepting responsibility for the care of propertyrecognizing his own rights and respecting the rights of othersTo help each child develop aesthetically through:expressing himself creatively through language, movement, music, art, construction and other activitiesawareness of beauty in the world around himappreciation of good literature, music, art, and poetryexpressing the joy of creatingTo help each child acquire physical well-being by:developing muscular control and coordination through activities such as running, hopping,jumping, climbing, pushing, throwing, catching, balancingestablishing desirable health habitspracticing safety proceduresexperiencing a balanced program of activity, relaxation, and restaccepting and understanding disabilities in himself and others To help each child develop spiritually with regard to:God, Jesus, the Natural World and the Bible, Self, Family, Others, and the Church E. Staff QualificationsEBP has carefully chosen qualified staff members that meet and exceed all the necessary requirements according to the guidelines determined by the State of Louisiana. The creative and energetic staff of EBP looks forward to working with children. The child/staff ratios are consistently in line and many times lower than those set by the state.II. ENROLLMENT PROCEDURESA. Persons who wish to enroll their child in Emmanuel Preschool should obtain an application form from the director during regular operational hours (7:25 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.). Emmanuel Baptist Preschool does not discriminate according to sex, race, or religion. (Please note that a child who is now or will be five years old prior to September 1 should enroll in public kindergarten.)B. Only persons who have returned an application will be considered as openings arise. C. Once notified of and accepting an available position, parents should schedule a visit with the director to go over policies and procedures. This visit will be accompanied by a complete tour of the campus and facilities. Parents will receive a registration packet which includes the following:1. Policy and Procedure Handbook for Parents2. Registration Form3. Policy and Procedure Acknowledgement Form (2 copies)4. Preschool Needs and Supplies List5. ACH Debit Authorization Forms (2 forms) (NOTE: Credit cards are no longer accepted.)Prior to a child’s enrollment and attendance the following items must be completed and returned to the Director:1. Registration Form2. Policy and Procedure Acknowledgement Form (1 copy)3. ACH Debit Authorization Form D. Questions concerning a child's enrollment should be addressed to the director (255-8491) between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.E. Many preschool/daycare children will be making their first adjustment from home to group living experiences. To make the adjustment easier, parents are asked to bring his/her child to the preschool before he/she actually enters the program so that the child can meet the teacher and get acquainted with new surroundings and friends.F. A complete physical examination is suggested for each child who is enrolled. Please bring a copy of the form that is provided by the child's physician with the registration form. NOTE: EBP MUST HAVE A COMPLETE AND CURRENT RECORD OF ALL OF A CHILD'S IMMUNIZATIONS BEFORE THAT CHILD CAN BE REGISTERED. PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING THE CENTER’S RECORDS CURRENT.G. EBP does operate under a Type 3 License. If parents have any questions or comments concerning the center’s license they may contact: ? LDOE Licensing??????????????? P.O. Box 4249?????????????? Baton Rouge, La 70821??????????? Phone:? 225-342-9905??????????????? Fax:? 225-342-2498H. SPECIAL NOTE: The After-School Program and Summer Camp Program are separate programs from the preschool/daycare. Parents must register each year at the designated sign-up times for them. Once a child has completed the preschool (4 year old class) and is entering kindergarten, his/her enrollment ends. To enter or continue in the after-school program, a child must be registered for it every year. Enrollment is not automatic and registration must be made during the designated enrollment period annually. This same procedure also applies to the Summer Camp Program. Enrollment is not automatic, the enrollment period is advertised and posted each year. Please understand that just because a child is enrolled this year, he is not guaranteed a position next year. EBP never takes for granted that he or she will enroll next year. Please be sure and watch our doors for signs about the enrollment periods for these programs. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. However, the positions are offered to children currently enrolled in this center first. THE POLICIES FOR THESE PROGRAMS ARE INCLUDED IN A SEPARATE HANDBOOK.III. TUITIONIMPORTANT NOTICE All financial payments for tuition must be paid by ACH debit. You may obtain ACH forms from the preschool director or the financial secretary. If at any time you need to change your ACH you must obtain a new ACH form, fill it out, attach at voided check and get it to the financial secretary at least one month before tuition is due. NO TUITION PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED IN THE PRESCHOOL OFFICE AT ANY TIME.Because there are four different programs offered at EBP, tuition payments are different for each program. The preschool/daycare tuition is as follows:A. Infants - Four Year Old Preschool Program - Upon acceptance into the program, the ACH Enrollment Debit Authorization and the ongoing ACH Debit Authorization for Preschool Tuition is due. If the ACH Debit is denied by the banking institution a 20% late penalty will be assessed. If it is not paid within one week of the original debit date, and arrangements are not made with the director, a child will not be allowed to attend at that point. The child’s position will be filled by another registered child. Even if tuition is caught up the child will have to wait for the next opening.B. Full tuition is payable and due even in the event the center closes for bad weather or any other emergency situation.C. In addition to tuition, an annual registration and materials fee is charged at the beginning of each new school year. This fee is used to purchase new workbooks, mats, bibs, art materials and supplies, etc.D. TAX CREDITAs of July 2013 Emmanuel Baptist Preschool/Daycare was named a THREE STAR CENTER in the Quality Start Program on Louisiana. This earned distinction qualifies parents to receive an increase to the existing state tax child care credit. Please check with your tax consultant for the details of this increase. Tax statements will be available for pick up in the preschool office by Jan. 30 each year.IV. GENERAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURESA. General Policies 1. Parental Access Policy EBP offers an open door to you as parents at all times. Parents are encouraged to come for a visit when their schedule permits. No advanced notice required. Parent involvement continuously enhances the program and EBP welcomes the continued support of parents. If a parent has a special talent or hobby that he/she would like to share, the center welcomes the parent’s visit. Please speak to the teacher to arrange a convenient date and time. 2. Complaint Procedurea. Emmanuel Baptist Preschool/Daycare strives to quickly and satisfactorily resolve complaints raised by the parents in regards to the care and safety of their children. The following is the established policy for the handling of these complaints:(1) The parents should contact the director to set up a meeting to deal with any complaints or concerns they have regarding the care and safety of their child(ren). If this meeting does not resolve the issues of concern,(2) The parents should request a meeting with the director and the Emmanuel Baptist Church staff member who is the immediate supervisor of the director. If the issues still remain unresolved, as a last resort,(3) The parents may request a meeting with the director, the immediate supervisor, and the Weekday Early Education Committee of the church who gives oversight to the preschool ministry of the church. b. Emmanuel Baptist Preschool/Daycare is a licensed type 3 center under the authority of the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE). Parents may call or write LDOE should they have significant, unresolved licensing complaints at:? LDOE Licensing??????????????? P.O. Box 4249????????????? Baton Rouge, La 70821??????????? Phone:? 225-342-9905??????????????? Fax:? 225-342-2498 3. Disclosure of Information PolicyParents are hereby notified that licensing surveys, inspections, regulations and information regarding early learning centers for Type 3 centers are available through the Department of Education website: doe.. 4. Non-discrimination PolicyDiscrimination by childcare providers on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, handicapping condition or ancestry is prohibited. We do not discriminate against breast-feeding mothers. 5. DismissalOn rare occasions, it is necessary to dismiss a family or child from our center. Dismissal can occur for any of the following reasons:Delinquent fees--tuition more than ten days late without extenuating circumstancesConsistent violent behaviorConsistent parental disregard for Emmanuel's policies and procedures Parents will be notified at a conference and in writing of any dismissal action. 6. Withdrawal NotificationParents must give a one-month notice prior to withdrawing a child from the birth through three year old program or afterschool program. Failure to do so will result in a charge for an additional month’s tuition. 7. File UpdatesIt is crucial that children’s files be updated immediately with any changes to emergency contact names and phone numbers. 8. Transportation Emmanuel provides some transportation to our center after school. Transportation is provided from most local elementary schools. The bus leaves Emmanuel at approximately 2:30 p.m. and returns to Emmanuel at approximately 3:15 p.m. The driver (with the proper CDL license) and one other staff member is on the bus with the children at all times. If a staff member is unavailable to go with the driver, the driver will carry a cell phone with him/her. 9. Outdoor PolicyTaking children outdoors is a healthy, integral part of our daily schedule and curriculum. Health experts agree on the importance of fresh air and exercise as a part of their daily routine. Children benefit from active outdoor play to release energy and develop large muscle coordination. Children will participate in routine outdoor play when the temperature is 42o F and above. When the temperature drops below 42o F and the conditions are not extreme, outdoor activity will be limited. At temperatures of 44o F and below we recommend that the children be dressed in layers of warm, dry, loose fitting clothing. Gloves/mittens, hats and boots are nice on these cold days. Please remember to label all clothing. 10. Biting PolicyBiting is a very serious problem and never taken lightly. If one child bites another child at school the parent will be notified by an incident report. If the biting becomes excessive the parent will be called in for a conference with the director. If one child bites another and the bite breaks the skin, or if the child bites multiple times during the same day, the parent of the biting child will be asked to take that child home for the day. If the issue cannot be resolved, then the parent will be asked to remove the child from the center. 11. Clothing Children should be dressed comfortably in clothes that are washable. Clothing which is easily ruined may hinder the child’s activities and cause him and mother much concern. Art supplies are washable but some may leave a dark stain. Soak stained clothes in cold water.Shoes should be selected with care. They should be appropriate for running and climbing activities. Tennis shoes are recommended for all children. Also black-soled shoes are not allowed on the gym floor in Emmanuel Baptist Church Family Life Center. Cowboy boots, flip-flop and dress shoes with slick soles are not appropriate. Shoes must be worn to school every day – no child shall be left at school in only socks or bare-footed. Children must wear shoes that can be worn outside. If a child has a foot problem – i.e. blisters, broken toe, sprained foot etc. the child must be kept out until he/she is able to wear proper footwear.Every child will need mom’s or dad’s old shirt for painting and a complete change of clothing. These will need to be taken home and washed periodically.In cold weather, girls should have some protection for their legs during outdoor play.Parents should label paint shirts, sweaters, coats, other clothing items and other items brought to school. No barrettes or bows for children under two. They have proven to be a choking hazard. 12. Nap TimeThe State of Louisiana requires all Type 3 Centers to have a nap time (or rest time) of at least 75 minutes per day for children ages four and under. EBP does not require children to go to sleep. Some children just rest, look at a book, or play with something quietly until the other children wake up. The teacher of each class has a time schedule for this required nap/rest time. Children ages 4 and older shall be offered the opportunity for quiet time. Infants shall be allowed to sleep according to their individual schedules.Effective with the fall of 2010 the state now requires that the nap mats have some type of removable, washable covering for the nap mats. Parents are required to furnish these coverings for their child. These covers must fit snuggly over the mat so that it does not fall off during storage. These covers are available in the preschool/daycare office, local sources, or over the internet. Parents can also make their own covers (dimensions available from the director).Each child will need a small blanket for naptime. Mats will be provided by the preschool/daycare. Please do not send large pillows or blankets, as there is not room to store them. Parents must take mat covers home each Friday along with the child’s pillow and blanket to be laundered. 13. Physical Activity ProcedureChildren under the age of two shall be provided time and space for age-appropriate physical activity for a minimum of 100 minutes per day.Children age two and older shall be provided (on most days) a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity per day that includes a combination of both teacher-led and free play. 14. Banned ItemsThe following items may not be brought into the preschool/daycare center:Guns, toy guns, toy knives, caps, bullets, etc.Money, jewelry, valuables, or toys that are easily broken by eager hands. Small durable toys may be brought from home and shared with the group on “Toy Day.” The teachers will publicize the assigned date for “Toy Day.”Please do not bring “Sippy Cups” from home. Our center has the appropriate cups here which are sterilized after each use.Cell phones.Hand sanitizer from home. (Many are scented and offer a smell appealing to taste, which is quite dangerous. Unscented Germ-X is provided in each classroom and on field trips.The following items are not allowed within our infant room:No bows or barrettes.No necklaces or braceletsNo necklace teething ringsNo clip on pacifiers or pacifiers attached to strings or ribbons.We do not allow blankets, pillows, or stuffed animals in the bed with infants. 15. Food/SnacksEmmanuel Baptist Preschool/Daycare does not serve breakfast. Children should be fed before they are brought to the center in the morning. No food is to be brought into the center except on special occasions. If a parent is running late on occasion and wants to send a snack for his/her child to eat right away, snacks must be included for the entire class. (Please make sure there is enough for the entire class.)Each day EBP provides snacks that are nutritionally sound and recommended by the State of Louisiana. Monthly snack menus are posted on the bulletin board in the main hall for parents to review. If a child has special dietary needs, it is the parent’s responsibility to note that information on the child’s application as well as to inform the child’s teacher if these needs.Parents should check with his/her child’s teacher concerning possible allergies of the other children before sending treats to the child’s class.Parents are allowed to provide breast milk. The bottles or bags are to be clearly labeled with the child’s name and date. The milk is to be placed in the refrigerator beside the child’s classroom. 16. Programs, Movies, and Video GamesChildren two and younger are not allowed any screen time (TV, movies, video games). Children ages three and four are allowed ten minutes per day for age-appropriate video games and director-approved interactive programs. They may also watch an approved G-rated video for one hour, one day per week.Programs, movies and video games with violent or adult content are not permitted in the presence of children and must adhere to the following guidelines:All TV, video, DVD or other programming must be suitable for the youngest child present and approved by the director and/or pastor.Any programming with a rating more restrictive than PG is strictly prohibited.All video games must be suitable for the youngest child with access to the games.E10+ rated games will be permitted for children ages 10 and older.T and M rated games are strictly prohibited.Parents are reminded that the name of his/her child should be clearly marked on all games and game devices. It is also to be noted that EBP is NOT responsible for any games or game devices sent or brought to EBP. 17. Computer Practices PolicyChildren ages 2 and below are not allowed to access computers. Children ages 3 and 4 are allowed to play educational interactive games up to 10 minutes per day. Each computer that children have access to is equipped with a filter preventing them from gaining access to inappropriate information, sites, and videos. 18. Rotating Menu, Dietary Restrictions, and Food AllergiesSPECIAL NOTE!!!! In an effort to keep our children as healthy and safe as possible at the preschool, this handbook contains a copy of the rotating menu of the preschool lunches (See page 24). Please note that at times the menu may need to be changed. These changes will be posted on the hallway bulletin board. Parents are strongly urged to allow their child(ren) to try the foods on the menu at home before they are served them at preschool. Should a child have an allergic reaction to a certain food, it is the parent's responsibility to inform the director and the child's teacher in writing immediately.If a child enrolled in our center has any dietary restrictions or food allergies parents should list these on the original application at the time of enrollment. Dietary restrictions and food allergies should also be written on a separate piece of paper and handed by parents to the child’s teacher and the director of the center. Due to a recent policy change from Louisiana Licensing, parents may send a lunch for his or her child. It must be clearly labeled and the child’s teacher must be informed that it is in the refrigerator of the preschool kitchen. 19. Water Play/ActivitiesFrom time to time in the summer there is water play for preschool children. This water play involves playing in water sprinklers. While the children are playing, there will be constant teacher supervision.During the Summer Camp program, the campers are taken weekly to one of our area pools to swim. A licensed lifeguard is on duty at all times. Any lifeguards are trained and certified by the state in CPR and life-saving water skills. If parents would like their child to apply sunscreen before going to the pool, the sunscreen container should be clearly labeled with the child’s name and given to the teacher upon arrival at the center. The teachers will take all the children outside to apply their own sunscreen before going to the pool. 20. PromotionPromotion from one class to another at EBP is usually based on the age of the child and the availability of a position in the next class. When it is determined that a child is eligible for promotion, the director and child's teacher will discuss the promotion with the parent. If there is agreement to proceed with the promotion, the child will visit in the new classroom several days. If after this visit, the parents, the teacher, or the director have reservations about the promotion, a parent/teacher/director conference will be held to make the final decision about the promotion. If there are no reservations, the child will be promoted to the new class at this time. 21 .Birthdays Birthdays are special days at the preschool, and EBP enjoys celebrating them with the children. All birthday celebrations are held at either a.m. or p.m. snack. Parents are welcome to join their child. Parents may send in a special treat for snack. Low sugar cookies, quick breads, or muffins are recommended over frosted cookies and cupcakes. Cut and peeled fruit, vegetables, and bite-size cheese are also acceptable snacks. Please note that any food item brought or sent to school for the entire class must be bought from a grocery store or bakery inspected regularly by the Louisiana Department of Health. Parents should check with his/her child’s teacher at least one week in advance to plan the child’s party. No latex balloons or gifts are allowed for parties at the preschool.B. Confidentiality Policies 1. Statement of Confidentiality All the information on a child's registration forms, as well as any other information added to a child's file during his enrollment at Emmanuel shall be considered privileged and confidential. This information will be accessible only to the appropriate staff and state licensing consultants. If an outside agency should request information from a child's file it will be released only after a release of information form has been signed and dated by the parent or guardian. A record of all such releases will be kept in the child's file. 2. Confidentiality of Children's FilesA parent may arrange with the teacher to see his child's file at any time. A parent may add information to their child's file at any time. When a child leaves Emmanuel the parent may request in writing that a copy of his/her child's records be transferred to them. 3. Photographs No outside agency or individual will be allowed to photograph a child without the written consent of the child’s parent/guardian. EBP staff reserves the right to take photographs of the children for educational or curriculum purposes. Children are identified by first name and age only when these photographs are used with our program. In addition, we will use photos of our children on our church/preschool Facebook page.Occasionally the newspaper will come out for special events and take photos for the newspaper. They do print first and last names under the photos in the paper. If a parent would prefer that his/her child not appear in the newspaper, it is the parent’s responsibility to communicate this with the center upon registration. Parents need to be aware that EBP does have a security system that records the children in the hallways, classrooms and outside. C. Emergency Procedures 1. Threatening WeatherAnytime the weather looks threatening the radio will be on in the offices so that the center can be aware of weather warnings.a. If the threatening weather involves the sighting of a tornado, the director or administrative assistant will immediately inform the teachers. The teachers will immediately and calmly gather up as many blankets, mats, pillows and tables as time will allow and place the children into the hallway. The children will remain in the hallway until the all clear is signaled and it is safe to return to the classrooms.b. If the threatening weather involves snow, ice, or other inclement weather that necessitates the closing of the public schools, Emmanuel Baptist Preschool/Daycare will also close. Parents need to listen to the following radio stations for the latest closure information: KPCH, KXKZ, and KRUS. We will inform the radio stations of this closure. 2. Inclement Weather PolicyIt is the policy here at EBP to close for inclement weather when the public schools close. Parents are advised to listen to their radios on KPCH, KXKZ, and KRUS for the latest closure information. In the event the weather worsens after preschool begins, the staff will inform the radio stations. NOTE: There is no refund for bad weather days. 3. Crisis Management Plan It is the intent of the Emmanuel Baptist Preschool to make sure that children are safe should a crisis situation occur until such a time that the threat has been reduced. Parents will be informed and reunited with their children as soon as it is safe to do so. We ask that parents have their driver’s license available in the event of an emergency when picking up children. In an emergency situation, as soon as the director is notified or becomes aware of an emergency, the following procedures will be followed:a. Lock–Down procedures may be issued in situations involving dangerous intruders or incidents that may result in harm to persons inside the center.The Director/Assistant Director/Staff in Charge will place red laminated sheet on front door to let parents know no one can enter/leave the building until all clear is issued by the Ruston Police Department.No one may leave the classroom/center until all clear is given by Director/Assistant Director/Staff in Charge directed by RPDb. Emergency Evacuation procedures may be issued in situations where occupancy in the center is no longer safe.Following evacuation to one of the offsite evacuation sites parents will be notified by email and individual phone calls from their child’s teacher. This information will also be given via the radio if possible. Through these communication methods parents will be notified of the off-site evacuation location. Parents may meet their child at the evacuation site and check out their children by signing them out in the usual method.Evacuation locations are:(1) Primary Evacuation Site 50 yards from buildingEBC Family Life Center – Across Marbury Street from Emmanuel Baptist Church(318) 251-1200(2) Primary Relocation SiteThe Bridge Community Church2301 N Trenton St, Ruston 251-1951(3) Secondary Relocation SiteSouth Parkway3000 S Vienna St, Ruston251-8163(4) 3rd Relocation SiteSimsboro First Baptist Church133 Tiger Drive, Simsboro247-8200 (5) 4th Relocation SiteTemple Baptist Church 1515 S Service Road W, Ruston255-3745c. Recovery Following CrisisFollowing a crisis lead staff will meet to process their personal reactions at the beginning and ending of first day. Lead staff will give students a chance to talk about their reactions to the event. Students and parents will be given factual information concerning the incident. Teachers will resume normal activities as soon as possible. If a family or child needs further counseling the following services are available:Louisiana Methodist Children’s Home 255-5022Temple Counseling Service 255-6940Ruston Mental Health Center 251-4150d. Formula SubstitutionShould EBP have to enter lockdown or evacuate, Parent Choice or Enfamil may be substituted for the formula or breast milk an infant ordinarily uses. Parents will be asked to inform the center of allergies to either formula and to give permission for these formulas to be used in these crisis situations. 4. Emergency ClosuresShould the public schools be closed due to emergency evacuations (such as hurricanes, etc.) Emmanuel Baptist Preschool/Daycare will also be closed.D. Arrival and Departure Procedures1. Parents of preschool students should see that their children arrive at the center between 7:25 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. because the preschool program consists of planned activities and a series of learning experiences. 2. Children should not be brought to the daycare/preschool center before 7:25 a.m. without approval of the preschool/daycare director. Once approved there will be a $25.00 per month, per child charge for the child that is brought prior to 7:25 a.m.3. Any time that a child is going to be late or absent, parents should call the center at 255-8491 after 7:30 a.m. to inform the staff, otherwise it will be assumed that the child is absent for the day. 4. Upon arrival at the center, parents are to park in one of the designated parking spots in the Marbury Street parking lot, turn the car’s ignition off, and accompany the child into the building. Once inside, the parent is to sign his/her child in and make sure that the teacher is aware that the child is here. THERE IS TO BE NO PARKING BY THE BUILDING OR IN ANY OF THE DRIVEWAYS. The safety of the children is paramount, so it is imperative that parents take the few extra minutes to follow the process described above.5. When picking up children, parents are reminded that they must park in a designated parking place in the Marbury Street parking lot and turn off the car’s ignition. Parents must come into the building to sign out his/her child and collect the child’s belongings. Parents should hold the child's hand until he is safely in the vehicle. 6. If someone other than the child's parents are to pick him up that person’s name must be on the child’s pick up list. This list is on the back of the child’s application. The only exception to this rule is if the parent leaves a signed note with the child’s teacher in the morning when the child is signed it. This note must identify who is to pick up the child. PHONE CALLS TO THE OFFICE WILL NOT SUFFICE. The center cannot let a child leave with anyone that is not on the approved list or without a signed note turned in prior to pick up time. (SPECIAL NOTE: No one under the age of 16 will be allowed to pick up children, including older siblings.)7. Signing children in and out must be done on a daily basis. Sign in/out forms are kept in a designated area in the child’s classroom. 8. For any child picked up after 5:30 p.m. the parent will be assessed a two-dollar fee for every minute they are late. 9. The preschool building is locked at all times. Parents dropping children off will have to ring the doorbell or use the code obtained from the director to gain entrance to the building.10. Teachers cannot be responsible for carrying children home. Every effort will be made to contact the parent or the emergency number between 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. After 6:00 p.m. the police department will be notified and parents will be able to pick up children at the police station.E. Field Trips When the center offers field trips and when transportation is provided by parents the following policies and procedures shall be adhered to: 1. A parent’s vehicle shall conform to state laws including seatbelts and child restraints.2. A copy of the parent’s current driver’s license and proof of current liability insurance must be on file in the preschool office. 3. The parent will be provided with a planned route. This route shall also be on file in the office. 4. There will be information in the parent’s vehicle identifying the name of the director and the name, telephone number, and address of the center for emergencies.5. There will be a list in the vehicle of names of the children and staff riding with the parent. A copy of this shall be on file in our office. 6. First aid supplies provided for the parent’s vehicle while on field trips.7. No tobacco, alcohol, illegal substances, or toxic substances are to be used or allowed in the vehicle while transporting children. Vehicles must not have firearms, pellet or BB guns (loaded or unloaded) in them while transporting children.8. There must be a signed authorization for each child to leave the center and to be transported in the parent’s vehicle. The parent will receive one copy of this authorization and the other will be on file in the office.9. Field trips are an important part of the curriculum here at Emmanuel; they promote many new and unique learning opportunities for students. During the course of the school year Emmanuel will take several trips, some will be totally free of charge, others will require that parents pay a small fee or a small fee along with a sack lunch and drink. Parents will be informed of any field trip well in advance so that they can be prepared. If at any time a parent does not want his/her child to participate in a planned field trip, it will be the parent’s responsibility to make other arrangements for childcare during the time the class is away. Because of state requirements regarding class size, it will be impossible to place a child in another class while the child’s class is on a field trip.SPECIAL NOTE: Some of our vehicles have seat belts and some do not. If this is an issue, please check with the director before signing the permission slip for your child. You always have the option of driving your child to the field trip location yourself as a chaperone.F. Transportation PolicyWhen transporting children in the care of Emmanuel Preschool/Daycare from one place to another the following procedures apply:All transportation arrangements will conform to Louisiana state laws including seat belts and child restraints.At all times at least two staff members, one of whom may be the driver, shall be in each vehicle unless the vehicle has a communication device. At all times the proper child/staff ratio will be met.At all times at least one staff member in each vehicle shall be currently certified in CPR and trained in pediatric first aid.The children will at all times be under the direct supervision of staff. The driver or attendant shall not leave the children unattended in the vehicle at any time while transporting children.Each child shall board or leave the vehicle from the curbside of the street and/or shall be safely escorted across the street.Each child shall be delivered to a responsible person authorized to care for that child. A designated staff person shall be present when the child is delivered to the center.Good order shall be maintained on the vehicle at all times.The driver shall check the vehicle at the completion of each trip to ensure that no child is left on the vehicle and all children were dropped off at the day care center.The vehicle shall be maintained in good repair at all times.The use of tobacco in any form, use of alcohol and possession of illegal substances or unauthorized potentially toxic substances, firearms, pellet or BB guns (loaded or unloaded) in any vehicle while transporting children is prohibited.The children shall never be transported in the back of a pick-up truck.The number of persons in a vehicle used to transport the children shall not exceed the manufacturer’s recommended capacity.All drivers and vehicles shall be covered by liability insurance as required in section 2101-14.The driver shall hold a valid appropriate Louisiana Driver’s License.Each driver or attendant shall be provided with a current master transportation list including each child’s name, pick up and drop off locations and authorized person to whom the child may be released.The driver or attendant shall maintain a daily attendance record.The vehicle shall have evidence of a current safety inspection.There shall be first aid supplies in the vehicle.There shall be information in each vehicle identifying the name of the director and the name, telephone number and address of the center for emergency situations.V. HEALTH AND SAFETYA. General Health Information 1. Parents are to keep their child home when he/she:Is in the first three days of a coldHas an elevation of temperature. A temperature of 101 or more. The teachers/staff are not doctors. They cannot know what is wrong with a child unless the parent brings a note signed by the child’s doctor stating that a child does have fever but is not contagious because...(reason). Our policy is that if a child has a temperature the parents will be called to come and get him/her. If the parent wants to take him/her to the doctor and bring a note stating that the child is not contagious the child would then be allowed to return to school.Has an unidentified rash.Has sore or discharging eyes.Has had upset stomach in the past 24 hours. (If a parent knows that certain foods or activities cause a child to throw up, it is the parents’ responsibility to make the teacher aware of this). Has had diarrhea within the past 24 hours.Is in the incubation period of a contagious disease. 2. A child that is sent to school ill will be sent back home by his teacher.3. If a child becomes ill at school, the parent will be called to come and pick him up. It is the parent’s responsibility to keep emergency information and numbers on the child’s application form up to date at all times. 4. Parents are advised to not send a child to school unless he is able to participate in the daily classroom activities. The center does not have a sick room or nurse’s station, so if a child is not well enough to participate when his class is outside, the parent should keep the child at home. The children go outside everyday unless it is raining or a weather advisory has been issued. The teachers and staff will ask a child not to run and get hot if the child’s doctor suggests that it is necessary for him/her to be a little less active. However, if a child is too sick to go outside the parents must make other arrangements for him/her. B. Tobacco Free Policy Because EBP recognizes the hazards caused by exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, as well as the life-threatening diseases linked to the use of all forms of tobacco, it shall be the policy of EBC to provide a tobacco free environment for all employees and visitors. This policy covers the smoking of any product or the use of oral tobacco products or “spit” tobacco, and it applies to all employees, parents, and visitors to the campus. This policy applies to any vehicle Emmanuel Baptist Church owns, all break rooms and all Emmanuel Baptist Church grounds. The American Cancer Society’s free online “Quit Tobacco and Smoking Tool Kit” offers detailed Guidance on how to quit smoking.C. Cubbies1. Parents are to check their child’s cubby each day to make sure their blanket and pillow are clean and there are not dirty clothes to be taken home and washed.2. Blankets, pillows, and nap mat covers are to be taken home each Friday, washed and brought back for the new week. 3. A child’s blanket and pillow should fit inside your child’s cubby, there can be nothing overlapping or sticking out. If a parent sends the wrong size pillow and blanket it will be sent back home. This is a sanitation regulation set forth by the state of Louisiana. 4. If a child does not have a complete change of clothes and an accident occurs the parent will be called immediately to bring clothes for the child. It is strongly urged that parents make sure each child has a clean change of clothing in a gallon size Ziploc bag in his/her cubby at all times. The center does not have extra clothes, nor can they be borrowed from children who do.5. Due to strict licensing regulations, parents are no longer allowed to leave other bags or backpacks in the child's cubby or classroom. The law specifically states that no medications, creams, powders, clippers, thermometers, etc. may be left in a diaper bag at school. Since teachers and staff do not have time to check bags each morning as children are being dropped off, it is necessary to institute the policy that these bags may not be left at EBP. The center can be cited for violations to this policy by the state licensing agency which could also revoke the center's license for a second such violation. D. Head Lice Following is the policy for treating head lice. The following items MUST be taken care of before an infected child may return to Emmanuel. 1. Individual Treatment Treat with a pediculicide according to label directions. Effective pediculicides are those containing lindane and those with pyrethrins with piperonyl butoxide (i.e. RID, A-200 pyrinate gel).Comb hair with a fine toothcomb to remove as many nits as possible.Bring to school the next day a box top from pediculicide or a note from the doctor stating that your child was treated.Repeat treatment with pediculicide in 8-10 days.Bring box top from pediculicide or a note from the doctor stating that the child has been treated a second time when you bring your child back to school on the 10th day. 2. Personal Articles Machine wash all clothing and bed linens that have been in contact with the infested individual with hot water and detergent. Drying them at high heat for at least 20 minutes will destroy nits.Soak combs and brushes for an hour in a 2% Lysol solution or put them in a pan of water on the stove and heat to about 150 for 5-10 minutes. CAUTION: Heating may damage the comb or brush.E. Medication Due to the many rules and regulations concerning the administering of medication set forth by the bureau of licensing for the state of Louisiana, Emmanuel will no longer administer over the counter or prescription medications.Teachers/staff will no longer apply sunscreen – a parent may apply it before a child comes to school. The center schedules outside play early so the sunscreen should still be effective when the children go outside.Teachers/staff will no longer administer breathing treatments. Parents will be provided a place where they can come and administer the treatments should a child require one during school hours.Teachers/staff will no longer administer prescription medication. Most doctors will be able to prescribe medication that only needs to be taken once or twice daily if requested. If the child’s doctor cannot prescribe a medication taken once or twice daily, then you must make arrangements to come and administer that drug yourself. Should a parent decide to administer medication to his/her child while at the center, that parent must remain with the child for a minimum of 45 minutes to assure the child does not have an allergic reaction to the medication.Teachers/staff will still apply diaper rash ointment if parents fill out all the proper paperwork.F. Mosquito Repellent PolicyTeachers/staff do not apply insect repellant. Most repellants last 12 hours so if it is applied that morning a child should be protected all day. However, if a parent has a child who is allergic to mosquito bites, a EBP staff member can apply bug repellant if the parent completes the appropriate paperwork and brings properly labeled repellant to the child’s teacher.G. Emergency Care Procedures For the safety and protection of the children at the Emmanuel Preschool/Daycare at least one half of the staff is certified in pediatric first aid and is on duty at all times. In the event of an accident that creates a need for medical attention, the procedures outlined below will be followed:For immediate medical treatment, a staff member will call 911 and request emergency assistance. If necessary, the child will be transported to the nearest emergency center by the dispatched ambulance. Parents will be contacted immediately. If parents are unable to be reached, the listed emergency contacts will be called. Within 24 hours the staff member will complete an incident report stating the details of the situation. Parents will be responsible for all costs related to such an emergency.If a less serious incident occurs, the trained staff member will administer first aid on site. Parents will be contacted and will receive an Incident Report stating the details of the injury.Whenever any injury or an “ouch” (i.e. small bumps, scraped knees, etc.) occurs during the day and first aid is administered to a child, a log will be kept and a note sent home for the parent’s information.H. Infant/Creeper RoomsIn an effort to keep the infant and creeper rooms cleaner and more sanitary, it will be necessary for parents to remove their shoes before entering these rooms. If a parent prefers not to remove his/her shoes, he may place his/her child in the hands of the EBP teacher over the door. In addition no one under the age of 18 will be allowed to enter the infant and creeper classrooms. Since older children come into contact with many more germs during the day than the younger ones, this will be an opportunity to cut down on the potential spread of these germs.This policy has been instituted with the awareness that since children put everything in their mouths and are often down on the floors and mats of these rooms, it could help prevent the introduction of additional germs to the children’s environment. Due to strict licensing regulations, parents are no longer allowed to leave other bags or backpacks in the child's cubby or classroom. The law specifically states that no medications, creams, powders, clippers, thermometers, etc. may be left in a diaper bag at school. Since teachers and staff do not have time to check bags each morning as children are being dropped off, it is necessary to institute the policy that these bags may not be left at EBP. The center can be cited for violations to this policy by the state licensing agency which could also revoke the center's license for a second such violation.I. Infant Sleep PolicyOnly one infant shall be placed in a crib.It is the policy of Emmanuel Baptist Preschool to always lay a healthy baby face up to sleep on one of the firm mattress pads with no pillows, blankets or stuffed animals in the bed with the infantWritten authorization from a physician is required for any other sleep position. An in-depth explanation for the reasons for the request is also necessary.Written notice of the specifically authorized sleeping position shall be posted on or near the crib of the child.Infants shall not be placed in positioning devices unless the center has written authorization from a physician to use said device.Written authorization from a physician is required for a child to sleep in a car seat or similar device. This authorization must include the amount of time the child is allowed to remain in said device.J. Breastfeeding PolicyRecognizing that breast milk promotes optimum growth and development of infants, EBP accommodates mothers who choose to continue breastfeeding and avoid the use of infant formula after returning to work. Breastfeeding is a normal part of daily life for mothers and infants, and Louisiana law authorizes mothers to breastfeed their infants where mothers and children are so authorized to be.EBP provides mothers with several areas to choose from when breastfeeding or expressing breast milk, i.e. the large quiet restroom in the main church building, the preschool teacher breakroom, or their child’s classroom. All of these areas are quiet, equipped with electrical outlets and offer privacy if the mother desires privacy.VI. COMMUNICATIONA. Open HouseEach year in September Emmanuel hosts an open house. This is a great time to meet the staff, the Weekday Early Education Committee, church staff representatives, and other Emmanuel families. The date will be posted on the hallway bulletin board and the sign in/out sheet. Parents will be given a “save the date” notice in August.B. Parental Involvement PolicyThroughout the school year EBP parents are given many opportunities to participate in school activities, events, and projects. The following is a list of most of these events:September -Grandparents DayNovember-Thanksgiving FeastDecember - `Christmas ProgramMarch/April -Easter Egg Hunt and PicnicMay - Muffins with MomGraduation CeremonyJune - VBS C. Send Home ProjectsThroughout the school year EBP parents will be given the opportunity to spend special time with their children on “send home projects.” These projects may include but are not limited to:decorating a page for the Grandparents Day bookdecorating the child’s Christmas costume to be worn in the Christmas programdecorating the child’s scarecrow to be displayed in the “cornfield”taking “Cookie Monster” home and dairying his tripD. Dinner and a MoviePeriodically parents will be invited to “Dinner and a Movie” sponsored by Emmanuel Baptist Church. There will be no cost associated with this event; it is a ministry of the church and is intended for families to come and enjoy this time of fellowship with other families here in our area.E. Field TripsParents will be invited to go on field trips with the children when they are scheduled. Each parent is encouraged to go on at least two field trips per school year. In the event there are not enough parents to go, the field trip is cancelled. The list will be given to parents well in advance so that they can make plans to go.F. Reading to a Child’s ClassParents are welcome to come any time to read to his/her child’s class. Parents should let the child’s teacher know when they would like to come. All parents are expected to come at least twice during the school year to read. G. Eating Lunch with a ChildParents are welcome to come any day and eat with his/her child. Parents need to let the child’s teacher know at least one day in advance so that the lunchroom can be notified. There will be a cost associated with eating at Emmanuel and the office or the child’s teacher will be able to tell a parent what that cost is. H. Conferences The staff of EBP is always available to work with parents in meeting the individual needs of a child. As it is required for parents to sign his/her child in and out of the program on a daily basis, parents have this opportunity to share with child’s teacher the happenings of a child’s day. Should a parent or the child’s teacher find it helpful to discuss a child on a more formal basis, a conference can be arranged. The child’s teacher and the director will be glad to meet with any parent at a time that is convenient for all parties.If a child’s teacher does not arrive until after a child has been dropped off, she will be glad to speak with the parent at naptime each day or schedule a meeting anytime that is convenient for both parent and teacher. The teacher who is responsible for signing in a child in the morning will be glad to pass on any message to that child’s lead teacher.I. Progress ReportsProgress reports for the Pre-K 4 Class will be sent out in January and July. Formal parent/teacher conferences will be set up during those two months. If a parent needs to meet with a child's teacher at any other time during the year, the parent should call the preschool office to arrange for the conference.J. Parent Education WorkshopsParent education workshops are offered occasionally throughout the year. Notices will be sent home with the children whenever these events are calendared.K. Kindergarten TransitionThe Pre-K 4 class at EBP will make an effort to visit one Kindergarten class per school year. This visit is designed to introduce the children to the kindergarten experience. The class will tour the school with a kindergarten teacher and his/her class visiting the playground, cafeteria, classroom, gym, etc. There will be strong effort made to visit the school where the majority of the Pre-K students will attend.L. Phone CallsIn an effort to take the best possible care of the children in the preschool, teachers are not allowed to accept phone calls during classroom instruction time. If a parent would like to talk to a child’s teacher, the preschool office should be contacted to set up a conference with her at a convenient time for both parent and teacher. Parents may also leave a message so that the child’s teacher can return the call during her planning session.M. Absences If a child is going to be absent from the center, parents are asked call the preschool office to report the absence, in advance if possible.N. Parent Information AreaLocated on the big bulletin board in the hall there will be information about coming events for the month. Parents are strongly encouraged to check the board from time to time so that they will be informed of important events and information.O. Community ResourcesParents can find phone numbers and locations of community offered services on shelves in the hall outside the preschool office as well as in the office. There is information on LaChip, Medicaid, Child Care Assistance, housing assistance, food stamps, and special needs testing facilities within the Ruston area.P. Behavior Management PolicyFor parental information, the behavior management policy of Emmanuel Baptist Preschool/Daycare is listed below:The teacher will make sure the child knows what he is doing wrong and tell him not to do it again.If he does it again then he will sit out of the current activity. The teacher cannot sit a child out during active playtime unless the infraction occurs during that playtime. If a child is made to sit out, it will not be for more than one minute per child’s age. The child shall not be out of sight of the teacher. The child will be put in a designated place in the classroom – i.e. sad stool – corner stool etc. Parents should ask each teacher where she sits children for time out. Time out will not be used on children under the age of 2 years. For children over age six, a time out may be extended beyond one minute per year of age, if a signed and dated statement, including a maximum time limit, from the parent granting such permission, is on file at the center.If it happens a third time, the child will be sent to the office. The director will talk to the child and make him sit in the office away from his friends for a reasonable amount of time, approximately one minute per the child’s age.If none of the above will correct the problem then the parent will be called in. There will have to be a parent, teacher, and director conference before the child will be allowed back in the classroom.If at any time a child exhibits violent behavior (this is considered “a major offense”) the parent will immediately be called in. A child that consistently (consistent being defined as more than once) exhibits violent behavior will be removed immediately from our center.Anytime the director deems an incident committed by a student enrolled “a major offense” the said student will be expelled until a time that the weekday early education committee can meet and decide proper disciplinary action for that student.No child or group of children will be allowed to discipline another child.When a child is removed from the group for disciplinary reasons he will never be out of sight of staff members.No child will ever be deprived of meals or any part of meals for disciplinary reasons.No child will ever be deprived of snacks for disciplinary reasons.No child will ever be subjected to physical or corporal punishment which includes but is not limited to yelling, slapping, spanking, yanking, shaking, pinching, exposure to extreme temperatures or other measures producing physical pain, putting anything in the mouth of a child, requiring a child to exercise, or placing a child in an uncomfortable position. No child will ever be subjected to verbal abuse, which includes but is not limited to using offensive or profane language, telling a child to “shut up”, or making derogatory remarks about children or family members of children in the presence of children.No child shall ever be subjected to the threat of a prohibited action even if there is no intent to follow through with that threat.No child will be allowed to bully another child.No child shall be restrained by devices such as high chairs or feeding tables for disciplinary purposes.Derogatory remarks will not be made in the presence of children about family members of children enrolled in the center or about the children themselves.If at any time a child enrolled in EBP exhibits signs of abuse or neglect it will be immediately reported to the local child protection agency. This is in accordance with LA R.S. 14:403. The number for child protective services is 251-4101.For major offenses: Anytime the director deems an incident committed by a student enrolled at Emmanuel “a major offense” the said student will be expelled until a time that the committee can meet and decide proper disciplinary action for that student.Child Safety and WelfareProvisionally Employed StaffFor the safety of our children Emmanuel has adopted the following policy concerning employees who have a provisional background check: Emmanuel may at times provisionally employ as a staff member a person whom has requested a CCCBC based determination of eligibility for child care purposes, and for whom the department has received a satisfactory fingerprint based Louisiana or federal criminal history information record, pending the department’s receipt of the other CCCBC results and determination of the person’s eligibility for child care purposes. A provisionally employed staff member may be counted in child to staff ratios, and will be monitored at all times in accordance with the following: A monitor of a provisionally employed staff member must be an adult staff member for whom the center has a CCBC based determination of eligibility for child care purposes,(or prior to October 1, 2018, a satisfactory CBC), who is designated by the center to monitor a specific provisionally employed member.The director will designate a monitor for each provisionally employed staff member present at the center.The monitor will be physically present at the center at all times when the provisionally employed staff member is present.Monitors will remain within close enough physical proximity of their designated provisionally employed staff member to be able to intervene at any time intervention is necessary.A monitor will perform at least one visual observation of each designated provisionally employed staff member every 30 minutes.The center may designate one monitor for up to a maximum of five provisionally employed staff members at any given time.At least one monitor will be physically present at times in any room during naptimes if a provisionally employed staff member is present. The center shall keep a log or other written documentation of the monitoring of provisionally employed staff members that identifies each provisionally employed staff member, the designated monitor for each, and the times of the visual observations.ROTATING LUNCH MENUMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayBaked HamCowboy BeansCheese biscuitsPineapple/MilkCheese PizzaEnglish PeasApple Slices*applesauce for babies*MilkMeatballsSweet potato friesBroccoli/ranchRollsMandarin oranges/MilkFish SticksMac & CheeseCarrot Sticks** w/ranchPeaches/Milk*cooked carrots for babies*Grilled CheeseTomato SoupCornPearsMilkChicken NuggetsNew potatoesGreen Beans/ RollsApple SauceMilkSteak FingersMashed potatoesPeasRollsPeachesMilkHamburger w/Let-tom-pick-cheeseTater TotsPineappleMilkRavioliCornPearsBreadMilkTurkey Sandwich w/let-tom-pickChicken & Rice SoupBBQ BeansOrange Slices/MilkWeiner w/ sauceBaked BeansCarrot Sticks** w/ranchPeaches/ Milk*cooked carrots for babies*Spaghetti w/ meatSteamed BroccoliOrange SlicesRolls MilkTacosw/let-tom-cheesePinto beansPearsMilkBaked HamEnglish PeasMashed PotatoesButtered BreadPineappleMilkChicken Sandwichw/let-tom-pickTater TotsApple SlicesMilk*applesauce for babies*RavioliGreen BeansPineappleRollsMilkMeatballsPinto beans/RollFruit CocktailMilkQuesadilas w/ baked chickenCornPeachesMilkHot Dogs Tater TotsVeggie sticksPears/MilkTurkey Sandwich w/let-tom-pickChicken Noodle Soup CornApple Slice*/Milk*applesauce for babies Cheese PizzaField peasPeachesMilkNachos w/ meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoPinto beansPineapple MilkFish SticksTater TotsCooked CarrotsApple SlicesMilk*applesauce for babies*Steak FingersSweet potato friesFruit CocktailRollMilkChicken NuggetsMashed PotatoesGreen Beans/RollOrange SlicesMilkMini Corn DogsMac & CheeseGreen BeansPeachesMilkTacosw/cheese-let-tomCorn Fruit CocktailMilkHot DogsTater TotsVeggie SticksPineappleMilkChicken Spaghettiw/extra chickenCrackersField PeasPearsMilkTurkey Sandwich Broccoli Florets** w/ranchVeg. soup w/ chickenOrange Slices/Milk*cooked broccoli for babies*Emmanuel Preschool Fee SheetInfants ________Creepers________Toddlers________Two year olds________Three year olds________Four year olds________NOTE: ALL TUITION PAYMENTS/ACH REQUESTS/CREDIT CARDS MUST BE HANDLED THROUGH THE CHURCH OFFICE. THE OFFICE IS OPEN MONDAY – THURSDAY FROM 7:30 AM TO 4:30 PM AND FRIDAY FROM 8:00 AM TO 1:00 PM.All tuition is due on the first of each month. Emmanuel requires ACH Debit Authorization for all tuition. This tuition may be debited on the 5th or the 10th of the month. The parent's choice will be noted on the authorization form. If the ACH debit is denied by the designated banking institution, a late penalty of $10 will be assessed.Cash payments may be accepted under certain conditions and with Director approval. These payments must be made in the church office Monday through Thursday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. only.Other Charges:If parents request a copy of information that has to be researched and copied, i.e. copies or lists of the days a child attended preschool, who picked a child up or dropped a child off on certain days, etc. there will be a research and copy charge of no less than $25.00 and no more than $50.00 depending upon the time required to research and copy the information.Credit Cards:The Preschool no longer accepts credit card payments. TERMINATION OFACH DEBIT AUTHORIZATION FORM FOR PRESCHOOL TUITIONI hereby request that the ACH Debit Authorization for Preschool Tuition I gave Emmanuel Baptist Church be terminated effective __________________________.-14287545085Child's Name_____________________________________________________________Parent's Name ___________________________________________________________Signature _______________________________________________________________Date ____________________________**SPECIAL NOTE: This form must be completed and returned 30 days prior to student's last day at EBP. Debit authorization will be terminated within 30 days of the return of this form.FOR OFFICE USE ONLY:DATE FORM RETURNED: _________STAFF PERSON RECEIVING FORM_______________________________EMMANUEL BAPTIST PRESCHOOL/DAYCAREPARENT POLICY BOOK AGREEMENTParents: Please read the following statements carefully and sign below to indicate your agreement.I hereby affirm that I have received and read the “Emmanuel Baptist Preschool Parent Policy Book.”I certify that I consent to and will submit to all governing policies of the preschool/daycare, including all applicable policies contained herein.I understand that the preschool/daycare is a ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church and operates under the Biblical and doctrinal statements outlined in the church’s Constitution and Bylaws. I further understand that a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws is available to me in the Preschool office.I understand that the services of the preschool/daycare are engaged by mutual consent, and that either the daycare or I reserve the right to terminate any or all services at any time. I understand that this policy book does not contractually bind Emmanuel Baptist Preschool and is subject to change without notice by decision of the Weekday Early Education Committee or Emmanuel Baptist Church, the governing body of the preschool. Admission to the school is a privilege, not a right, and any action or behavior inconsistent with the preschool standards could result in termination of services._____________________________________________________ _______________________Signature of Father/Guardian Date_____________________________________________________ ______________________Signature of Mother/Guardian Date ................

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