Mr. Schultz's History Class

Name_________________Hr______The Men Who Built AmericaEpisode 2 Guided NotesJohn D. Rockefeller Rockefeller promised he could fill _______ train cars daily on Vanderbilt’s trains.______________ was the product that Rockefeller produced from oil.Rockefeller was _________ years old and had $___________ to his name when he opened his first refinery.Rockefeller gave his company the name of ____________ ______, guaranteeing that his product would be safe and uniform in quality.JDR provided America with clean, safe _____________._______ _____________ was the president of the largest train company in the U.S..JDR was given a ________% to ship on Scott’s trains.JDR’s goal was to own every oil refinery in the U. S., this is called a ___________________.At age ______ JDR was the most powerful man in America.While feuding with Scott and Vanderbilt, Rockefeller decides to build a _________________ to transport his oil.JDR lays over ____________ miles of pipe line, all running to his Cleveland refinery.The stock market closed for 10 days in ________ (year) causing the first major depression in America.Cornelius Vanderbilt died at the age of _____, worth an estimated $______ million dollars (his time).Rockefeller stops all oil shipments on Scott’s trains. As a result Scott loses ______% of his business.Riots break out when Scott begins reducing wages and letting employees go. These riots destroyed approximately __________train cars. This event leaves Thomas Scott a broken man. ................

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