Group Therapy Practice – Psychological Skills Training

-1460500-129667000 DBT SKILLS TRAINING SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY ORIENTATION 9:00am -11:00amWEEK 129/04/2020Goals of Skills TrainingWorking Dialectically PLEASE skills, Taking care of your mind by taking care of your body. MINDFULNESS SKILLSWEEK 206/05/2020Mindfulness: Wise MindWEEK 313/05/2020Mindfulness “What” Skills: Observe, Describe, Participate.WEEK 420/05/2020Mindfulness “How” Skills: Nonjudgmentally, One-mindfully, Effectively.DISTRESS TOLERANCE SKILLSWEEK 527/05/2020Goals of Distress ToleranceSTOP SkillPros and ConsWEEK 603/06/2020TIP Skills Please arrive ten minutes early to complete psych testing A new GP referral to DBT is required after this session to access Medicare rebates for the remaining four of ten group sessions. WEEK 710/06/2020DistractionWEEK 817/06/2020Self-SoothingImproving in the MomentWEEK 924/06/2020Reality AcceptanceTurning the Mind WillingnessWEEK 1001/07/2020Half -Smiling and Willing Hands Developing a Crisis Survival Tool Kit08/07/2020 and 15/07/2020JUNE/JULY HOLIDAYS NO GROUP FOR TWO WEEKSEMOTION REGULATIONWEEK 1122/07/2020Goals of Emotion RegulationFiguring Out What My Emotions Are Doing for MeWhat Makes it Hard to Regulate Your EmotionsMyths About EmotionsWEEK 1229/07/2020Model for Describing EmotionsPlease arrive ten minutes early to complete psych testing WEEK 1305/08/2020Check the FactsWEEK 1412/08/2020Opposite Action & Problem SolvingWEEK 1519/08/2020Reducing Vulnerability to Emotion MindAccumulating Positive Emotions in the Short Term Accumulating Positive Emotions in the Long-Term INTERPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESSWEEK 1626/08/2020Goals of Interpersonal EffectivenessFactors in the way of Interpersonal EffectivenessClarifying Goals in Interpersonal SituationsWEEK 1702/09/2020Guidelines for Objective Effectiveness: Getting What You Want (DEAR MAN) WEEK 1809/09/2020Guidelines for Relationship Effectiveness: Keeping the Relationship (GIVE)Expanding the V in Give: ValidationWEEK 1916/09/2020Guidelines for Self-Respect Effectiveness: Keeping Respect for Yourself (FAST)Evaluating options for whether or how intensely to ask for something or say no WEEK 2023/09/2020Skills Review- Please arrive ten minutes early to complete psych testing ................

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