DC Government Employee Listing Quarter 4

[Pages:886]Agency Name Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the

DC Government Employee Listing Quarter 4

Type Appt Career Service - Term Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Executive Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Executive Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Legal Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Executive Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Executive Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt

Last Acho Aikens Akins Alexander-Reid Anderson Anthony Averhart Baruda Bass Black Bonilla Boston Boucree Bowen BOWSER Boyd Bradley Brown Burch Burnett Carey Carpenter Carpenter Castillo Arias Cavendish Celestin Chambers Chestnut Colbert Crawford Creighton Daniels Dodson Donaldson Downing Duran Edge Eken Etwaroo Falanga Falcicchio Ferguson Ferrill Fink

First Name Matthew Mark Lamont Sheila Kornelius Lavita Denzel Sosina Camron Stephanie Adriana Joyce Catherine Thomas MURIEL Donovan Kyle Carina Rosa Alana Lamont Lauren Astin Susana Elizabeth Whitney Alex Dominique Derrick Hazle Ciana Osha Michael Tony Juantae Eliana Tyler Andre Howard Demetria John Brian Mikaela Jason

Descr Emergency Preparedness Special Staff Assistant Director, Community Affairs Director Outreach & Service Specialist Executive Assistant Public Affairs Specialist Community Outreach Specialist Staff Assistant Messaging Director Neighborhood Corps Specialist Supervisory Case Manager Program Support Specialist Executive Director, MORA MAYOR Associate Director Attorney Advisor Staff Assistant SUPPORT SERVICES SPECIALIST Associate General Counsel Director Associate Director Program Support Specialist Press Secretary General Counsel Grants Management Specialist Outreach & Service Assistant Outreach & Service Specialist Director of Operations Associate Director Associate Director Outreach & Service Specialist Associate Director Outreach & Service Specialist Correspondence Mgmt. Spec. Grants Management Specialist Program Support Specialist Staff Assistant SUPPORT SERVICES SPECIALIST Outreach and Service Assistant CHIEF OF STAFF Director Outreach & Service Specialist Director of Scheduling

Grade Annual Rate Start Date

11 $ 69,429.00


11 $ 67,452.00


10 $ 150,955.46


E2 $ 113,130.03


05 $ 80,845.06


07 $ 91,345.01


09 $ 59,219.00


11 $ 69,429.00


03 $ 59,946.00 11/12/2019

07 $ 113,130.03


12 $ 83,209.00


06 $ 80,845.06


05 $ 69,428.40


07 $ 120,829.46


00 $ 220,000.00


05 $ 74,620.69


13 $ 109,556.00


11 $ 65,475.00


13 $ 104,569.00


06 $ 94,525.81 10/29/2018

E1 $ 109,834.98 10/15/2019

05 $ 74,620.69


11 $ 63,498.00


07 $ 113,130.03 10/22/2015

11 $ 196,196.44


11 $ 69,429.00


03 $ 62,722.81


05 $ 80,845.06


06 $ 98,946.95 10/27/2002

05 $ 72,447.80


06 $ 94,474.31


05 $ 80,845.06


05 $ 80,845.06


05 $ 80,845.06


03 $ 65,473.87


11 $ 69,429.00


11 $ 65,475.00


05 $ 65,473.86 12/30/2019

13 $ 98,947.00 11/27/2005

03 $ 59,946.00


11 $ 217,330.00


E1 $ 113,130.03


05 $ 80,845.06


07 $ 113,130.03


1 of 886

September 30, 2020

Agency Name Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the

DC Government Employee Listing Quarter 4

Type Appt MSS - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Legal Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Temp Appt Career Service - Term Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Executive Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt

Last Fitzgerald Foster Foster-Lee Fritsch Gaines Getaneh Giles Gilliam Goines Green Greene Hagos Harrington Harris Harris Heath Huynh Irving Jackson Jaunrubenis Jogi Johnson Jones Kaba Kamara Kessler Kowalewski Lacewell Leary Locher Louis Martin Martinez Mathew Matthews Mbanugo McAdoo McCahill McDowney McDuffie McNeal Mengistu Miller Minor

First Name Alfonza LaToya Isha Benjamin Lionell Gelila Tyler Leandrea Nicole Jessica DeMario Semhal Richard Bobby LaRodrick Gail Megan Julia Alicia Ivars Premkumar John Landon Aly Malika Jenny Lorena Quinting Wesley Jeanne Rold Emily Gloria Jacklyn Joya Adanna Christopher Jennifer Carole Damion Christopher Yared Malik Keith


Grade Annual Rate Start Date

Support Services Manager

15 $ 167,586.25


Director of Communications

10 $ 150,955.46


Community Outreach Specialist

06 $ 82,657.37


Communications Specialist

05 $ 78,490.33


Associate Director

06 $ 91,841.52


Language Access Monitor (Bilin

05 $ 69,428.40 11/26/2018

Program Support Specialist

11 $ 69,429.00


Program Support Specialist

11 $ 65,475.00


Outreach & Service Specialist

05 $ 80,845.06


Outreach & Service Specialist

05 $ 80,845.06


Correspondence Management Spec 11 $ 67,452.00


Grants Management Specialist

11 $ 69,428.40 12/23/2019

Associate Director

06 $ 94,474.31


Outreach & Service Assistant

03 $ 59,946.00


Outreach & Service Specialist

05 $ 80,845.06


Attorney Advisor

13 $ 123,244.00 12/14/2015

Community Outreach Assistant

03 $ 59,946.00


Director of Community Relation

09 $ 131,691.68 12/10/2007

Community Services Program Spe 05 $ 65,473.87


Program Support Assistant (OA)

07 $ 42,273.00 10/19/2009

Community Emergency Response S 11 $ 67,452.00


Support Services Specialist

12 $ 85,570.00 10/26/1983

Special Assistant

05 $ 74,620.70


Director of African Affairs

E1 $ 105,617.75 10/11/2016

Correspondence Mgmt. Special.

05 $ 65,473.87


National Service Officer

07 $ 103,321.71


Program Analyst

03 $ 69,428.40 11/26/2018

Public Information Officer

05 $ 72,447.80 10/21/2019

Outreach & Service Specialist

05 $ 80,845.06


Staff Assistant

11 $ 71,406.00


Donations Program Specialist

12 $ 76,126.00


Public Information Officer

05 $ 69,428.40


Chief of Staff

07 $ 105,617.75


Senior Associate Director

06 $ 99,197.76 11/28/2016

Associate Director

05 $ 72,447.80 11/27/2017

Associate Director

05 $ 74,620.69


Case Manager

05 $ 72,447.80 11/18/2019

Outreach and Services Speciali

05 $ 72,447.80


Veterans Benefits Program Spec

12 $ 85,570.00


Case Manager

05 $ 72,447.80


Outreach & Service Specialist

05 $ 65,473.87


Language Access Monitor (Bilin

11 $ 63,498.00


Outreach & Service Specialist

05 $ 80,845.06


Support Services Specialist

12 $ 83,209.00


2 of 886

September 30, 2020

Agency Name Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Mayor, Executive Office of the Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia

DC Government Employee Listing Quarter 4

Type Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt

Last Mintz Moore Nguyen Niang Noakes Oliva Patterson Petersen Petty Pierre Pinto Poindexter Polee Porter Priest Rivera Roa Roary Rockett Rollins-Johnson Sanchez Scales Seshasai Shepherd Slattery Smith Squire Stackhouse Talamante Tchenko Townsend Turcios Vilagi Walker Wallace Williams Wray Yabroff Yun Agwai ALLEN Al-Sammarraie Anderson Antista

First Name Donte Anthony Phuong Abdoul Anna Victoria Shanelle Frank Robert Sebastien Brittny Tonya Darneesha Jennifer Gabrielle Gianelle Juan Booker Ayana Traci Roger Ayris Karuna Charles James Lyndriell Alexis Zoel Tomas Thierry-Martino Shawn Cynthia Halie Steven Jason Tyler Lisa Thomas Ramona Ogochukwu CHARLES Ali Akeem Jonathan

Descr Community Outreach Assistant Outreach & Service Specialist Special Assistant Language Access Monitor (Bilin Outreach and Services Speciali Staff Assistant Associate Director Outreach & Service Specialist Outreach & Service Specialist Special Assistant Director of Operations Executive Assistant Associate Director Executive Director Outreach & Service Specialist Director Digital Director Director of Operations Public Affairs Manager Grants Management Specialist Associate Director Director Special Assistant & Deputy Gen Case Manager Correspondence Officer Case Manager Deputy Director for Partnershi Special Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff Deputy Director Director of Nightlife and Cult Outreach and Services Speciali Beverly Perry Fellow Director, Office of Talent and Executive Director, Commission Outreach & Service Specialist Executive Assistant Outreach and Services Speciali Communications Specialist Legislative Counsel COUNCILMEMBER Research Analyst Committee Director Senior Budget Analyst

Grade Annual Rate Start Date

03 $ 59,946.00


05 $ 80,845.06


05 $ 74,620.70


11 $ 63,498.00


05 $ 80,845.06


09 $ 57,587.00


05 $ 74,651.59


05 $ 65,473.87


05 $ 80,845.06


05 $ 69,428.40


06 $ 86,569.44


14 $ 120,257.00


05 $ 72,447.80


07 $ 117,197.71


05 $ 80,845.06


09 $ 131,691.68


07 $ 91,722.63


06 $ 94,474.31


07 $ 105,617.75


11 $ 71,406.00


05 $ 72,447.80 11/13/2012

09 $ 135,805.81


10 $ 142,109.15


05 $ 72,447.80


08 $ 103,321.71


05 $ 72,447.80


07 $ 103,321.71


05 $ 71,406.00


10 $ 142,109.15


06 $ 86,569.44 11/26/2018

09 $ 120,541.99


05 $ 80,845.06


12 $ 76,126.00


09 $ 154,172.59


07 $ 105,617.75 12/17/2018

05 $ 80,845.06


07 $ 76,117.13


05 $ 69,424.28


05 $ 69,427.37


06 $ 80,041.00


00 $ 143,543.00


06 $ 85,000.00 10/21/2019

07 $ 118,965.00


08 $ 131,325.00


3 of 886

September 30, 2020

Agency Name Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia

DC Government Employee Listing Quarter 4

Type Appt Excepted Service - Temp Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Temp Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Legal Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Temp Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Term Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Temp Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt

Last Arowolaju Arrington Arzu Barbour Barge Barrera Gomez Battle Bell BENJAMIN Betters Bobak Boland Bond Bonds Brantley Brennan Bryant Budoff Bunn Caldwell Caleb Cameron Carnes Carpenter Carraway Cash Catalino CHEH Cislo Clark Cleckley Clifford Cooper Crawford Riddick CROMER Crowder Davis Davis DeMayo Dickerson Doleman Duckett Edelman Etheridge

First Name Damilola Ada Jaquan Karen Lolita Mayra Michael Nathan AUKIMA Jordan Alexandra John Karlytheia Anita Emmanuel Maya Benjamin Jennifer Sheila Faye Shaima Malcolm Jackson Allyson Averil Evan Anthony MARY Kelley Rachel Eric Marquez Larry Marita DAWN Matthew Stephanie Benjamin Jennifer Jemeca Aniya Carolyn Heather Brittney

Descr Legislative Aide Legal Assistant Intern Legal Assistant Special Assistant Senior Legislative Assistant Legislative Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff Legislative Aide Administrative Assistant Constituent Services Coordinat Legislative Assistant Special Assistant COUNCILMEMBER Committee Director Special Assistant Associate General Counsel Budget Director Special Assistant Administrative Assistant Intern Legislative Assistant Senior Research Analyst Special Assistant Senior Budget Analyst Committee Director Deputy Committee Director COUNCILMEMBER Constituent Services Director Deputy Legislative Counsel Constituent Services Specialis Office Service Assistant Director, Support Services Administrative Aide Special Assistant Office Service Assistant Administrative Aide Committee Director Constituent Services Coordinat Office Manager Intern Human Resources Assistant Special Assistant Legislative Analyst

Grade Annual Rate Start Date

04 $ 41,600.00


10 $ 72,176.00 10/14/1997

01 $ 38,347.75


10 $ 72,176.00


08 $ 129,854.00


05 $ 78,000.00


06 $ 105,790.02


06 $ 85,050.00


03 $ 68,793.00


01 $ 45,000.00


04 $ 65,000.00 10/15/2019

04 $ 60,000.00 11/26/2018

02 $ 48,500.00


00 $ 143,543.00


06 $ 85,500.00


07 $ 100,000.00


15 $ 182,232.00


11 $ 191,317.38


09 $ 154,959.30 11/21/2011

04 $ 71,000.00


01 $ 909.53


04 $ 73,542.00 10/31/2011

07 $ 100,000.00


05 $ 76,735.00


07 $ 109,553.89


08 $ 133,900.00


07 $ 108,150.00


00 $ 143,543.00


06 $ 86,149.20


06 $ 82,682.22


01 $ 36,381.00


09 $ 65,747.00


07 $ 131,719.00


02 $ 54,964.24 11/21/2016

07 $ 120,756.00


09 $ 64,115.00


02 $ 45,000.00 11/12/2019

07 $ 100,734.00


04 $ 66,200.00


02 $ 60,111.65


01 $ 3,638.06


10 $ 72,176.00


08 $ 110,000.00


05 $ 68,210.00


4 of 886

September 30, 2020

Agency Name Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia

DC Government Employee Listing Quarter 4

Type Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Temp Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Legal Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Legal Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Temp Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Temp Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt

Last EVANS Fakolujo Feldman Finnell FLEMING Flowers Fowlkes Garcia Geraldo Gibson Glenn Gloude Golden Goulet Grant Grant Gray Gray Gray Grosso Groves Guo Hairston Hanson HARPER Harris Hawkins-Plummer Henry Hickey Hilgendorf Hobbs Newman Hoskins Huff Hugee Hughes Hulick Humphrey Jackson Jackson Johnson Jones Jordan Joseph Kang

First Name ANTONIO Nina Eric Tamika NATHAN Marisa Angela Aura Manuel Joshua Wendy Charmaine Daniel Eric Silas Richard Juan Vincent Brewster David Susanna Wei Wanda Ella KIMBERLY Karin Tori Alicia Darby Shawn Sherryl SaFiya LaRoya Yukia Brittany Genevieve Dexter Tracey Tania Gary Riley LeKisha Patricia Irene

Descr Information Technology Special Administrative Aide Communications Director Constituent Services Director Committee Director Chief of Staff Special Assistant Administrative Aide Special Assistant Special Assistant Constituent Services Director Procurement Assistant Deputy General Counsel Special Assistant Special Assistant Legislative Assistant Office Services Assistant COUNCILMEMBER Information Technology Technic COUNCILMEMBER Deputy Budget Director Assistant General Counsel FINANCIAL MGR Legislative Assistant Administrative Assistant Information Technology Technic Special Assistant Administrative Assistant Senior Legislative Assistant Committee Director Chief of Staff Legislative Assistant Special Assistant Legislative Clerk Legislative Aide Chief of Staff Constituent Services Director Legislative Director Chief of Staff Constituent Services Coordinat Intern Legislative Assistant Constituent Services Director Chief of Staff

Grade Annual Rate Start Date

07 $ 113,053.19


01 $ 32,895.00


04 $ 65,000.00


04 $ 77,052.21


06 $ 103,000.00


09 $ 141,110.00


05 $ 90,000.00


02 $ 55,808.00


07 $ 118,000.00


06 $ 105,993.00


04 $ 75,000.00


10 $ 72,176.00 10/21/2008

02 $ 168,723.27


10 $ 153,877.18


07 $ 99,807.00


04 $ 70,000.00 10/20/2014

08 $ 59,731.00


00 $ 143,543.00


05 $ 83,727.79 11/18/1985

00 $ 143,543.00


09 $ 131,325.00


14 $ 125,415.00 10/15/2019

14 $ 133,664.00


03 $ 60,000.00


01 $ 909.53


03 $ 64,946.65


05 $ 75,000.00


06 $ 96,000.00


07 $ 110,944.00 11/18/2013

08 $ 110,210.00 11/12/2013

08 $ 150,000.00


04 $ 70,000.00


07 $ 92,000.00


01 $ 45,000.00 10/15/2001

04 $ 80,000.00


08 $ 115,000.00


06 $ 80,000.00 10/13/2008

06 $ 100,000.00


08 $ 140,622.00


03 $ 64,375.00


01 $ 1,144.00


07 $ 118,000.00


06 $ 85,490.00


07 $ 106,561.58


5 of 886

September 30, 2020

Agency Name Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia

DC Government Employee Listing Quarter 4

Type Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Legal Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Legal Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt

Last Karpinsky Kennedy KIMBEL Kovalcik Kram Mendelsohn Lancaster Laskowski Lauture Lockridge Loggins Mansoor Marks Martinez-Munoz Mattison McClure McDuffie McDuffie McLean Mcmillon McNair Meadows Mendelson Mendonsa Meni Minor Mitchell MITCHELL Montiel Muhammad Nadal Nadeau Nava Ngwenya Nocella Norde' NORFLIS Norris O'Hora Opkins Permenter Petion Phelps Pinto Pluff

First Name Sandra Kimberly SHERYL Reana Nicholas Raleigh Christopher Charles Wanda Michelle Aamir Laura Luz Jeanne Brian Brenda Kenyan Abigail Anthony Jonathan David Philip Lauren David Angela Katherine NAOMI Oscar Sedrick Valerie Brianne Maricela Mtokufa Matthew Eugenia TERRANCE Julie Margaret Nichole James Vanessa Anne Brooke Christa

Descr Legislative Counsel Constituent Services Coordinat Special Assistant Communications Director Constituent Services Deputy Di Legislative Counsel Legislative Director Legislative Policy Analyst Chief of Staff Deputy Committee Director Legislative Director Chief of Staff Communications Director Constituent Services Deputy Di Committee Director Constituent Services Director COUNCILMEMBER Staff Assistant Information Technology Special Special Assistant Special Assistant CHAIRMAN Assistant General Counsel Research Analyst Office Manager Committee Director Constituent Services Specialis Constituent Services Director Constituent Services Director Assistant General Counsel COUNCILMEMBER Office Manager Chief of Staff Special Assistant Office Services Assistant Legislative Director Legislative Assistant Legislative Counsel Legislative Counsel Office Services Assistant Communications Director Budget Counsel COUNCILMEMBER Senior Legislative Assistant

Grade Annual Rate Start Date

02 $ 50,000.00 10/28/2019

04 $ 66,200.00


07 $ 108,000.00


04 $ 75,000.00


02 $ 52,004.70


05 $ 87,000.00


06 $ 96,000.00


07 $ 112,238.00


08 $ 131,852.36


07 $ 102,000.00


06 $ 99,109.00


07 $ 131,000.00


05 $ 80,000.00


04 $ 69,500.00


07 $ 130,000.00


05 $ 82,673.82


00 $ 143,543.00


04 $ 60,000.00


09 $ 142,082.09


06 $ 78,795.00


07 $ 98,364.53


00 $ 210,000.00


14 $ 129,461.00 11/30/2015

06 $ 86,723.00 12/18/2017

04 $ 70,000.00


07 $ 120,000.00 12/10/2012

03 $ 69,500.00


05 $ 72,100.00


05 $ 80,401.37


12 $ 89,246.00


00 $ 143,543.00


04 $ 61,800.00


09 $ 130,810.00


07 $ 107,635.00


07 $ 48,145.00 11/18/2019

07 $ 112,540.27


04 $ 70,000.00 10/21/2019

07 $ 95,275.00 11/13/2018

06 $ 101,719.09


08 $ 59,731.00


04 $ 70,000.00


08 $ 149,338.67 11/10/2008

00 $ 143,543.00


06 $ 80,000.00 10/28/2019

6 of 886

September 30, 2020

Agency Name Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia

DC Government Employee Listing Quarter 4

Type Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Legal Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Legal Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Legal Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt

Last Porcello Price Price Pryor Punelli Robinson Rogoff Romanowski Roosens Rosen-Amy Royster Sadler Salmi Setlow Shaffer Siemson Silverman SMITH Smith Smith Spence-Sutherland Stephens Strange Streeter Strickland Stum Suri Tate TAYLOR Thorne TODD Turner Uppuluri Vann Walker Walter Walton Warren Waters Weil Weise Weiss Westcott West-dyson

First Name Michael Emily Destiny Lamonte Katelin Ericka Gabrielle Brian Thomas Samuel Charnisa Carol Erik Christina Charles Aimellia Elissa NYASHA Deirdre-Ann Kevin Errol-Anthony Samuel Ashley Nicole Andre Blaine Kirti Takiyah JAMAINE Louise BRANDON Dolly Ram Mary Bisola Zachary Lindsey Christopher Monica Sonia Barry Elizabeth Katherine Shelia

Descr Committee Director Senior Legislative Asst. Legislative Aide Office Manager Research Analyst Legislative Records Manager Sr. Research Analyst Sr. Research Analyst Information Technology Special Chief of Staff Administrative Aide Special Assistant Communications Director Legislative Counsel Special Assistant Senior Research Analyst COUNCILMEMBER Secretary to the Council Deputy Chief of Staff Legislative Tech Specialist Budget Analyst Legislative Aide Legislative Assistant General Counsel Constituent Services Director Senior Legislative Assistant Legislative Assistant Communications Director Assistant Secretary to the Cou Constituent Services Specialis COUNCILMEMBER Deputy Chief of Staff Committee Director Director, Legislative Services Office Services Assistant Assistant General Counsel Communications Director Chief Information Officer Special Assistant Legislative Counsel Legislative Director Committee Director Assistant General Counsel Procurement Assistant

Grade Annual Rate Start Date

07 $ 103,000.00


07 $ 110,000.00


03 $ 68,000.00


04 $ 65,500.00


06 $ 80,000.00


07 $ 105,315.00 12/20/1999

04 $ 70,000.00


04 $ 70,000.00


09 $ 129,854.16


08 $ 115,875.00


03 $ 62,315.00


03 $ 64,981.00


07 $ 100,000.00


07 $ 126,964.91


09 $ 128,600.00


06 $ 83,000.00


00 $ 143,543.00


11 $ 191,317.00


07 $ 106,090.00


10 $ 68,586.00


06 $ 82,500.00


03 $ 60,000.00


05 $ 74,817.00


03 $ 191,317.35


04 $ 72,100.00


07 $ 110,250.00 12/10/2018

05 $ 78,220.00


06 $ 82,516.91


09 $ 151,515.00


02 $ 52,530.00


00 $ 143,543.00 10/10/2007

06 $ 95,000.00


07 $ 97,000.00


07 $ 113,886.00


07 $ 43,741.00


14 $ 121,369.00


06 $ 96,000.00


11 $ 190,667.03


03 $ 61,800.00 11/18/2013

05 $ 86,149.20


08 $ 115,000.00


08 $ 122,055.00


15 $ 178,626.00


10 $ 72,176.00


7 of 886

September 30, 2020

Agency Name Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Council of the District of Columbia Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the DC Auditor Office of the Inspector General Office of the Inspector General Office of the Inspector General Office of the Inspector General Office of the Inspector General Office of the Inspector General Office of the Inspector General

DC Government Employee Listing Quarter 4

Type Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Temp Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt MSS - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Excepted Service - Term Appt Career Service - Reg Appt MSS - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Term Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt MSS - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt MSS - Reg Appt Career Service - Reg Appt MSS - Reg Appt

Last White White Whitehouse Whitfield Whittier Wilkins Wilkins Wilkins Williams Willingham Wogoman Wolfe Wynn Aden Barnes BELLANCA Browning Castro Dozier Drake Eubanks Shaw Harris Kittab Lebowitz MAZYCK Patten Patterson Perkins Pittell Poole Rogers Roth SHINN Werner White Wood Woods Adams Algood Arnold BELLI Binelli Bohrer Bowman

First Name Trayon Robert Katherine Kevin Kelly Kelly Valerie Kevin Dexter Jonathan Cole Joseph Monique Hussein Jason AMY Jennifer Vilma Clifford Ingrid Fredericka Toya Waddah Julie LESLIE Cathy Kathleen William Stacie Lindsey Lachelle Erin DIANE Ruth Corey Jennay Gregory Russell Kenneth Tnisha THOMAS ALLEN Robert Matthew Paul

Descr COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER Special Assistant Legislative Assistant Communications Director Intern Human Resources Director Information Tech Spec (Web Con Special Assistant Chief of Staff Deputy Legislative Counsel Senior Capital Budget Analyst Special Assistant SENIOR FINANCIAL AUDITOR Auditor General Counsel Program Analyst Auditor Chief of Staff PGM ANALYST Program Analyst SUPVY AUDITOR Senior IT Specialist Deputy Auditor SENIOR AUDITOR Administrative Assistant DC AUDITOR Program Analyst Assistant Deputy Auditor Program Analyst HUMAN RESOURCES SPEC Education Program Specialist Communications Specialist SENIOR AUDITOR IT Specialist Auditor Auditor CRIMINAL INVEST Criminal Investigator SUPV AUDITOR Management and Program Analyst SUPV AUDITOR Special Projects Coordinator SUPV CRIMINAL INVEST

Grade 00 00 06 06 05 01 07 03 05 09 05 08 07 15 12 09 12 12 09 13 12 14 13 10 14 11 11 12 15 12 13 13 14 14 11 11 12 13 12 14 11 14 12 14

Annual Rate Start Date

$ 143,543.00


$ 143,543.00


$ 90,000.00


$ 81,158.85


$ 82,400.00 11/25/2013

$ 909.53


$ 131,301.00


$ 70,411.83


$ 78,220.00


$ 153,633.71


$ 70,915.50


$ 149,782.60


$ 120,000.00 10/10/2001

$ 144,200.00


$ 85,570.00


$ 167,890.00


$ 95,014.00 10/15/2018

$ 95,014.00


$ 165,000.00


$ 91,497.88 10/12/2010

$ 87,931.00 12/10/2006

$ 134,274.52


$ 101,758.00


$ 173,138.88


$ 116,937.00


$ 69,429.00 10/18/1995

$ 189,367.49


$ 78,487.00


$ 154,500.00


$ 85,570.00 12/19/2016

$ 59,368.20


$ 98,947.00


$ 130,217.00


$ 116,937.00


$ 65,475.00


$ 79,314.00


$ 87,931.00


$ 104,569.00


$ 97,375.00


$ 130,740.41


$ 69,429.00


$ 130,740.41


$ 97,375.00


$ 130,740.87


8 of 886

September 30, 2020


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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