Chapter 1: Science: A way of knowing

Weblinks for Liberal Arts Physics Book by Trefil and Hazen.

Chapter 1: Science: A Way Of Knowing

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- a discussion of the third episode of the PBS video series Cosmos: A Personal Journey by astronomer Carl Sagan, discussing the pseudoscience of astrology, and some of the history linking astrology to modern science.

(2 -- the Periodic Table of the Elements. A sophisticated online periodic table of the elements created by the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory.

(3 —a webpage dedicated to buckminsterfullerenes (buckyballs), their discovery and uses (including animations).

(4 -- a published essay A Prelude to the Study of Physics discussing the role of models and problem-solving in physics.

(5 -- Chapter 1: The Nature of Science from the Project 2061 website at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

(6 -- an expert-reviewed website dedicated to reviewing web resources; click on Science and Technology and then Physics to view thousands of annotated websites discussing physics.

(7 -- the online version of a weekly newsmagazine of science for all the latest happenings.

Chapter 2: The Language Of Science

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 This interactive web site is based on a famous film by Charles and Ray Eames. You can guide yourself through the metric system of prefixes. e of the PBS video series Cosmos: A Personal Journey by astronomer Carl Sagan, discussing the pseudoscience of astrology, and some of the history linking astrology to modern science.

(2 -- Freshman Chemistry Math Review Materials including powers of ten, units, significant figures and a short algebra review.

(3 -- the vectors tutorial at the Department of Physics, University of Guelph.

(4 -- another vector tutorial, this one is an interactive graphical JAVA applet.

(5 —the official scientific standards website of Japan, with a nice set of descriptions of how the basic standards are established.

(6 -- a website based on a video series, The Art of Renaissance Science which includes a discussions of Galileo's contributions to the mathematics of motion, to science and to art via the development of painting perspective.

(7 —the Galileo room of the History of Science Museum in Florence, Italy. The museum contains originals and models of apparatus described in this chapter, and Galileo's preserved right middle finger.

Chapter 3: Motions In The Universe

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- a website based on a video series, The Art of Renaissance Science which includes a discussions of Galileo's contributions to the mathematics of motion, to science and to art via the development of painting perspective.

(2 —the Galileo room of the History of Science Museum in Florence, Italy. The museum contains originals and models of apparatus described in this chapter, and Galileo's preserved right middle finger.

(3 —a partially animated NASA tutorial on satellite motion and Kepler's Laws.

(4 —contains tutorials on types of satellites (including a section on geosynchronous satellites) and an extensive section on tracking current earth orbiting spacecraft live via the web.

(5 -- an online solar system orrery showing positions of the solar planets and a few comets.

(6 —the cannon java applet simulates projectile motion, allowing control of launch conditions.

Chapter 4: Isaac Newton And The Laws Of Motion

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 —the Free Body Diagram tutorial at the Department of Physics, University of Guelph.

(2 – biographic site for Sir Isaac Newton.

(3 -- NASA website summarizing Newton's Laws.

(4 – a humorous JAVA applet animating a woodcut from Newton's Principia that demonstrates satellite motion.

(5 – animated Newton's Law's tutorial from

Chapter 5: The Law Of Universal Gravitation

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- online gravity tutorial at the Department of Physics, Curtin University.

(2 – biographic site for Sir Isaac Newton.

(3 -- NASA website summarizing Newton's Laws.

(4 – a humorous JAVA applet animating a woodcut from Newton's Principia that demonstrates satellite motion.

(5 – animated tutorial from discussing circular motion, planetary motion and universal gravitation.

(6 —contains tutorials on types of satellites (including a section on geosynchronous satellites) and an extensive section on tracking current earth orbiting spacecraft live via the web.

Chapter 6: Conservation Of Linear Momentum

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 – animated JAVA simulation laboratories on the conservation of linear momentum from the Department of Physics, University of Oregon.

(2 –tutorial on impulse, momentum and collisions from including many animated problems and applets.

(3 – home of the US National Highways Traffic Safety Administration containing many resources regarding auto crash safety and testing.

Chapter 7: Rotational Motion Of An Object

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- applet showing position, velocity and acceleration for uniform circular motion from the Department of Physics at Brock University.

(2 —the Rotational motion tutorial at the Department of Physics, University of Guelph.

(3 – dedicated to the physics of dance for aficionados of both.

(4 – discusses solar system evolution, including current theories of system formation

Chapter 8: Kinetic And Potential Energy

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 – the physics of roller coasters online.

(2 – to animated lessons on work, energy and power from (includes discussions of physics of skiing and roller coasters).

(3 – site from University of Natal discussing energy content of food.

(4 – presents the physics underlying weight lifting, including gravity, friction, mechanical advantage, work and power.

Chapter 9: Atomic structure and phases of matter

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- a sophisticated online periodic table of the elements created by the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory.

(2 – The quantum atom: a lavishly illustrated and JAVA-rich (and often slow) site includes a detailed storyline describing the spectral lines, the Bohr atom and related topics.

(3 Natural Radioactive Series—this applet plots the population of different members of the natural radioactive decay series as time elapses.

(4 – information and representations of 242 crystal lattice structures

(5 – review of elements, compounds and mixtures at Purdue University.

(6 -- Marie Curie and the discovery of radioactivity.

Chapter 10: Properties of Matter

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 – simple lessons and activities regarding buoyancy and pressure, part of the physics of diving..

(2 a JAVA applet for conducting a simple experiment for calculating the buoyant force applied to an object immersed in a liquid.

(3 a JAVA applet for conducting a simple experiment measuring hydrostatic pressure in liquids..

(4 -- a Bernouilli's effect experiment.

(5 – a JAVA applet simulating the relation between density, pressure and partial velocity for an ideal gas

(6 -- the Pneumatics of Hero of Alexandria, an ancient scientific treatise translated from the ancient Greek.

Chapter 11: Heat And Temperature

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 – a tutorial on Temperature from the Center for Atmospheric research.

(2 a JAVA applet for conducting a simple experiment for calculating the buoyant force applied to an object immersed in a liquid.

(3 – the NASA microgravity combustion science page describes the effects of microgravity on a candle flame, illustrating the effects of convection on combustion.

(4 – discusses the use of ocean currents to generate electricity.

(5 – sample class on the physics of the greenhouse effect.

(6 annotated timeline of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.

Chapter 12: The First Law Of Thermodynamics

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- a simulation experiment on thermodynamic equilibrium of two ideal gases.

(2 – a simulation of the relationship between an ideal gas and pressure.

(3 – illustrates metabolic equivalence of work and energy content in food.

(4 – discusses the long-term exhaustion of fossil fuel use for energy production.

Chapter 13: Entropy And The Second Law Of Thermodynamics

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- discussion of the sterling engine.

2 – discusses entropy and ocean currents

(3 – a collection of thermodynamic cycles including steam engines and refrigerators

(4 -- another collection of applied thermodynamics examples and descriptions, together with the laws of thermodynamics.

Chapter 14: Vibrations And Waves

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- a JAVA applet simulation of a ripple tank, allowing all kinds of 2-D wave experiments and demonstrations with reflectors, lenses, etc.

(2 – animated JAVA demonstration of superposition of waves.

(3 – extensive collection of acoustics and vibrations animations.

(4 – a very nice standing waves applet.

(5 – physics of guitar strings for musicians.

Chapter 15: Sound

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 – interesting sounds from the Acoustical Society of America.

(2 – an equation free description of the physics of sound, with animations.

(3 – visible / audible JAVA applet demonstrates Fourier synthesis

(4 – physics of sound concept maps.

(5 – anatomy of the human ear.

(6 – physics of human speech.

(7 – essays on physics of brasswind instruments, concentrating on the trumpet.

Chapter 16: Electricity and Magnetism I: The Phenomena

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 Exploring electric fields. Field plots for user-defined arrangements of charge.

(2 – the life times and experimental history of Benjamin Franklin.

(3 -- site celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the discovery of the electron.

(4 – gallery of famous scientists and personalities from the historical study of electricity and magnetism.

(5 – history and function of the mass spectrometer.

(6 -- site containing breathtaking photographs of and physics underlying the aurora or "northern lights".

(7 – collection of websites discussing the Earth's Magnetic field, celebrating the 400th anniversary of the publication of "De Magnete" by William Gilbert.

Chapter 17: Electricity and Magnetism II: The Connections

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- website of the Internet Plasma Physics education Experience (IPPEX).

(2 – DC circuits tutorials from the university of Guelph, Canada.

(3 – animations illustrating Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.

(4 – discussion of how to construct and analyze the "world's simplest electric motor."

(5 -- a series of movies illustrating electric and magnetic interactions, including the right hand rule.

Chapter 18: Electricity and Magnetism III: The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 – discussion and tutorial on the electromagnetic spectrum from NASA's education outreach resources.

(2 —an applet illustrating the electromagnetic spectrum.

(3 –electromagnetic mayhem and experiments at home with your own microwave oven.

(4 – EMF and human health issues from the Medical College of Wisconsin.

(5 —animation describes propagation of electromagnetic waves.

Chapter 19: Electric Circuits

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- DC circuits tutorial from the University of Guelph physics department..

(2 – the gallery of electromagnetic personalities, including Ampere, Ohm, Franklin, Volta

(3 -- a series of shockwave tutorials devoted to electricity and magnetism from the Internet Plasma Physics Education Experience.

(4 -- an animated circuit simulator teaching Ohm's law from the University of Oregon.

(5 -- online exhibit describing the discovery of the electron by J.J. Thompson from the American Institute of Physics.

(6 – simple JAVA applet demonstrating simple two stage transformer from Florida State University.

Chapter 20: Classical and Modern optics

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 – discusses and models the dispersion of light through raindrops, creating the curved spectrum known as a rainbow.

(2 -- the classic thin lens and mirror simulator, this applet shows how lenses and mirrors make use of the laws of reflection and refraction to create various kinds of images.

(3 – demonstrates how refraction and reflection occurs in a prism, including calculated intensities of reflected and refracted beams. The index of refraction is controllable.

(4 – famous walk through the physics of pinhole images from the San Francisco Exploratorium.

(5 – applet allows the mixing of colored light, pigments, use of filters to demonstrate color production and separation.

(6 – brief introduction to the electromagnetic spectrum from Discovery School.

Chapter 21: Atomic Structure and Interactions

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 \periodic_table.html—sophisticated period table of the elements site by the American Chemical Society. See especially the filling of electron shells.

(2 -- a large site devoted to the history of the laser, including rich links to laser physics applications, design, related phenomena and newsworthy lasers.

(3 – devoted to gas discharge spectra of the light elements.

(4 – a tremendous site devoted to the quantum atom. This location within that site runs an animated tutorial with simulations that describes the physical properties of electrons within elements, followed by a tutorial on the periodic table.

(5 – a tremendous site devoted to the quantum atom. This location within that site runs an animated tutorial with simulations that starts with gas discharge spectra, leads through spectroscopy, the Bohr atom and electron energy levels, de Broglie and the photoelectric effect.

(6 – scanning tunneling microscope image gallery from IBM. The art and beauty of atomic images.

(7 – JAVA applet simulation of the Rutherford Experiment from Florida State University.

Chapter 22: Quantum Mechanics

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- "Heisenberg and Uncertainty" online exhibit by the American Institute of Physics.

(2 – presents the classic experiments of quantum physics as animated tutorials and simulations. This section includes quantum interference and the Bose-Einstein condensate.

(3 -- 52: The Quantum Mechanical Universe, a thirty minute streamed video program from the CPB-Annenberg series The Mechanical Universe. Cable modem or faster connection and free registration required.

(4 —presents the classic experiments of quantum physics as animated tutorials and simulations. This section includes the photoelectric effect.

(5 -- online exhibit of the American Institute of Physics describing the life and legacy of Albert Einstein.

(6 -- online exhibit describing the discovery of the electron by J.J. Thompson from the American Institute of Physics.

(7 – a history of quantum mechanics with biographies of the major scientists from the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. Includes entries on Bohr, Einstein, all other figures.

Chapter 23: Chemical Bonds and Physical Properties

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 – all about chemical bonding tutorial by Stephen Lower of Simon Fraser University.

(2 \periodic_table.html —sophisticated period table of the elements site by the American Chemical Society. See especially the filling of electron shells.

(3 – discussion conceptualizing kinds of bonds as everyday social situation.

(4 – the history of Nylon and its impact on the US chemical industry and culture.

(5 – a complete online course devoted to the strength of materials.

(6 -- 51: From Atoms to Quarks, a thirty minute streamed video program from the CPB-Annenberg series The Mechanical Universe. Cable modem or faster connection and free registration required.

(7 – atomic orbitals. Short and sweet visualization of electronic orbital shapes from Florida State University.

Chapter 24: Electric and Magnetic Properties of Materials

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- historical / tutorial online exhibit accompanying the PBS program Transistorized co-produced with the American Institute of Physics.

(2 -- an online exhibit dedicated to Mass Spectroscopy from the Scripps Research Institute.

(3 -- website devoted to history, introductory description and theory, applications of superconductivity.

(4 – A Teacher's Guide to Superconductivity for HS Students, by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

(5 – short and sweet animated applet demonstrating electron flow through metal conductor from Florida State University.

(6 – complete tutorial on resistance from Florida State University.

Chapter 25: Semiconductor Devices and Information Technology

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- historical / tutorial online exhibit accompanying the PBS program Transistorized co-produced with the American Institute of Physics.

(2 – transistor tutorial, containing simulations describing typical circuits, applications, manufacturers, standards.

(3 – The Basics of Electronic Communication, a cartoon-illustrated tutorial by the NTT Digital Museum.

(4 -- University of Manchester site dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the birth of the modern computer.

(5 – The Computer Comes Home: A History Of Personal Computing. Online exhibit of the Computer Museum of America.

(6 – How a CD Works, from Florida State University.

(7 – How A Hard Drive Works, another short and simple tutorial from Florida State University.

Chapter 26: The Nucleus of the Atom

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- online exhibit "Marie Curie And The Science Of Radioactivity" by the American Institute of Physics.

(2 -- online exhibit dedicated to Andrei Sakharov, "father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb" who later became a dissenter and received the Nobel Peace Prize.

(3 Natural Radioactive Series—this applet plots the population of different members of the natural radioactive decay series as time elapses.

(4 – The Quantum Atom: a lavishly illustrated and JAVA-rich (and often slow) site includes a detailed storyline describing isotopes, and radioactive decay.

(5 -- the ABC's of Nuclear Science, a lavish site containing tutorials and simulations from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

(6 – Plasma Physics and Fusion, another lavish site containing tutorials and simulations from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

(7 – site indexing the many sites devoted to the celebration of 100 years of medical radiology since the discovery of the X-ray in 1895.

Chapter 27: The Ultimate Structure of Matter

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- history of original accelerator and inventor from the American Institute of Physics.

(2 -- the CPEP Particle Adventure - the best, most lavish site for particle physics education, by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

(3 –About Fusion! a tutorial from the internet plasma physics education experience.

(4 -- 51: From Atoms to Quarks, a thirty minute streamed video program from the CPB-Annenberg series The Mechanical Universe. Cable modem or faster connection and free registration required.

Chapter 28: Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- online exhibit "Albert Einstein: Image and Impact" by the American Institute of Physics.

(2 -- 42: The Lorentz Transformations, a thirty minute streamed video program from the CPB-Annenberg series The Mechanical Universe. Cable modem or faster connection and free registration required.

(3 -- 43: Velocity and Time, a thirty minute streamed video program from the CPB-Annenberg series The Mechanical Universe. Cable modem or faster connection and free registration required.

(4 – time dilation JAVA applet simulation by Walter Fendt.

(5 – page on gravitational lensing from the Monterey Institute of research in Astronomy.

(6 – Exploring Gravity tutorial site from Australia's Curtin University of University.

Chapter 29: Cosmology

Www resources

See Liberal Arts Physics Book homepage at for valuable web links.

(1 -- The CPEP Universe Adventure, by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

(2 – Cosmology: The Study of The Universe, NASA site tutorial and collection of all NASA educational resources and sites on cosmology.

(3 – Edwin Hubble Biography from Time magazine.

(4 – A Brief History of Observational Cosmology from Cambridge University.

(5 – rich website to accompany Stephen Hawking's Universe PBS special.

(6 – the Cosmic Microwave Background from the University of British Columbia.

(7 – origin and destiny of the universe from NASA's Imagine the Universe.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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