Meeting Minutes template

MINUTESMeeting Name:National Health, Safety & Welfare CouncilTime: 10.00 – 14.00Meeting Date:30th November 2012 Venue:Rotunda Room 4, Kings Place Attendees:Network Rail Chris Hext (CH) – ChairAbigail Patterson (AP) – SecretariatDave Allen (DA) Chris Thomas (CT) Lee Parlett (LP) Michael Dooley (MD) Allan Spence (AS)David Higgins (DH)Mike Carr (MCa) Alan Brookes (AB)Chris Lee (CL)Caroline Meek (CM)RMT Mick Cash (MC)Paul Clyndes (PC)Steve Swift (SS)AJ Yates (AJY)Adrian Fricker (AFr)Alan Clews (AC)Sean McGowan (SMc) TSSA Elly Baker (EB)Martin Leadbetter (ML) Des More (DM)Ian Henry (IH) UNITE Susan Murray (SM)Andy Fielding (AF)Rob Apologies:Mac Andrade Brian Tomlinson Patrick Hallgate John Sessions Iain Boardman John Sessions Julian ThomasDistribution: As above listings. ItemAction1.National HS&W Council AdministrationThe minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.CH explained that he will seek additional line manager representation at the Council.Actions log was updated.CH reported that the consultation log is in the process of being updated – PC raised issue of no process of how trade unions are consulted on Health and Safety matters, problems with PIR of 2b/c and Devolution.Action – CH to meet unions outside of meetings to establish a consultation process as an addendum to the joint procedural agreement.Post meeting note. CH has arranged a meeting with the RMT to discuss this issue. Meetings with the other trade unions will also be arranged in the New Year.DH updated that the PIR for devolution has been completed and will be circulated.CH2.Trade Union MattersRMTLone WorkingPC spoke on the trade union review of IP guidance on lone working.Remit of the document is limited to project workers, not to whole business. TU seeking this to apply to whole of business.Paper been submitted with detailed comments on the IP guidance.CT updated that IP will lead on updating the document and take it back to S&SD exec. Started as IP project however has gone wider for adoption by whole business. DA volunteered to be involved as an operational expert on it. AS updated that Sentinel 2 will help with this issue, but that action may be appropriate in the meantime.Action – CT and DA will update the document, involving the TU’s in the process and take the document back to S&SD exec for approval. Integration group to review prior to S&SD exec approval.Unite raised issue that local managers are taking action on this issue and may need to wait for the end of the process. Update that this is East Midlands and DA is involved in the new document being created.Line BlockagesAJY updated on the issue with increased workload for signallers with line blockages increasingly being used.There is a line blockage close call working group to look at this issue and seek solutions.AJY updated that the trade unions are gathering data about close calls so that the data is anonymous and signallers can report without fear of reprisals.AJY will be sending out information about the working group to lead reps so that data can be gathered.AB updated that maintenance is cooperating by reminding people of additional protection that should be used and trying to prevent unnecessary use of line blockages.The group is looking at different ways of assessing the workload of signallers.AS updated that the Trackworker Safety Group is looking at safe system of work hierarchy to develop a trackworker safe access strategy. This will include looking at how we use line blockages to prevent this causing additional risks.MC raised issue of ALO working, trade unions not involved in the work about ALO. They would like an update on the concept, as a possible presentation at the next Safety Council. Updated that there is a working group about plant working next to open lines. CT will send invite to the unions for phone conferences. AS updated that there are two different workstreams – one on plant and one on people next to the open line. The people one is being led by track renewals to look at ways of mitigation. MC wants an update on what ALO is and where we are using it, to enable a review of whether it is appropriate.Action – AS to make sure this is taken into the TWSG and that a presentation is prepared for next meeting.ML raised issue of train drivers remembering to slow down as no warnings in place. This will be considered in the next meeting’s presentation and discussion.Slips, trips and falls workshopAC gave a presentation on the slips, trips and falls workshop.Output of action plan to be shared with unions.Action - Alan Brookes to identify a suitable place for a second trial by next meeting.Drug and alcohol for cause testingPC gave a presentation on D&A for cause testing.DA volunteered to be the trial route for the new process. AB suggested LNW as an alternative route to trial it on.DM raised issue of lack of awareness of Chemist on Call which means that they are not reporting medication.Action - CH to raise this issue with Chris Jones for his attention.Post meeting note – Val Hughes responded that the Chemist on Call service is well documented, including being part of a personal card that all safety critical staff are issued with. It is also available in various standards and the managers handbook.The service only assess the medication that an employee is on, so that is all the information that is provided to a line manager. No information on medical conditions is passed to the line manager.The service provider is changing in the new year and extensive briefing will be taking place to support this change.Action - CH to update ISLG on this issue.TU representation on investigation panelsPC raised issue of procedure for inviting observers not being followed.Action - LP to take lead on putting together a bulletin for DCPs to point them towards the protocol on Connect. Investigators handbook also being revised with greater emphasis on TU involvement. Guidance to be sent to PC and EB for review.Action - LP also to review last 3 months of NRRP reports to understand size of problem.LP to highlight the TU process in the briefing note for the new Investigators handbook.AS highlighted the value that TU observers can bring to the process, particularly in bringing awareness of previous relevant events.PC highlighted that we need to get this right for Lifesaving rules, as the investigation process is crucial in gaining buy in to these and preventing them being discredited. LP to review process for briefing DCPs on Lifesaving rules investigations to ensure that the importance of TU involvement is highlighted.Work at HeightsRMT asking for update on the remaining actions for this item.AB provided an update on this item. Principles agreed for OHL, impact on rest of the business to be assessed at a workshop on the 17th Jan on OHL.AB to ensure that all unions are represented at this meeting.AB providing guidance for managers on the signalling side of working at height. ORR offering to run a session for Safety reps which will be supported by AB. Trying to focus on risk.Action - DA to provide information to AB on the telecoms side of the query.Action - AB to bring together the work on height to ensure that all areas are covered and formally respond to the letter from the RMTTSSARoll out of close callEB updated that the unions have never been involved in the discussions about how the system will be rolled out.Want to know how it fits in with other parallel reporting systems.Will it be taken up?Action - CH to speak to Gwen Ventris about getting the unions sight of the communication materialAction - Gwen Ventris to be invited to attend the next National Safety Council to present on SLCCUnions requested a separate meeting about close call to understand it and help with communications to the reps about it – as they need educating on the system. This will be considered.Suggestion of a map for how issues should be reported Unions have significant concerns about the system and how it is used and are unable to advise the members about it.Structured access to workplaces to recruit H&S repsProblem – lack of good coverage of safety reps. Patchy representation across the country.TSSA want an in principle agreement from NWR to allow lead reps to approach local management to present at meetings/briefings to recruit reps.CH suggested that these presentations could include presentations on the safety vision and be a joint approach to this.Council endorsed it as an initiative – as long as communications are joint and on behalf on the council, promoting H&S rep recruitment.Action - Reps with problem areas to speak to CH with ideas, CH will then work with reps to get into area and on what will be presented on.UniteHealth issues – Well Man clinics, stress, high blood pressure, work loadUnite raised issue of lack of emphasis on health, and lack of visibility of wellbeing clinics. Update given that Chris Jones just started and that clinics are happening.Action - Chris Jones to present at next meetingUnite raised issue of need for training for time management etc to help reduce stress as workforce gets smallerUpdate to be provided to council on what the short term strategy will be as part of the presentationSpeed of organisational change and staff moraleUnite claiming that speed of organisational change is having an effect on staff morale CH updated that workshop will be held at next week’s S&SD away day about comms and governanceAS cautioned against preventing change at allEB raised idea of monitoring what effect organisational changes have on occupational health Action - CH to suggest this to Chris JonesContractor provision of equipment and monitoring of working hoursUnite reported that contractors not receiving SSOW packs in time and are travelling excessive distances to do a 12 hour shift.AS stated that responsibility rests with the contractors to control the working hours.We provide guidance and will take action about specific instances.Most reports go through whistleblowing and IP take action if they are reported.General consensus is that the practice of travelling excessive distances is rife in the industry.Action - AF to recommend to local rep that this should be reported through close call.Action - AF to give CH details of the incident so he can follow up. CT and DAASABCHCHLPLPDAABCHCHLead reps/CHAP/CJCHAFAF3Special Topic Presentations Health and Safety meetings in ScotlandAFr updated the council on the way H&S meetings are happening in Scotland.There is an issue in Scotland in a local level with only some people being allowed to attend the meetings, some not informed of the meetingsMeetings also not happening at an area level. This is on the maintenance side, ops meeting are happeningProgram is meant to be being produced by Lindsay but as yet no program produced.Action - CH to speak to Zoe Hands (RSIM for Scotland) about the issue to try and ensure that a program is produced and meetings begin.EB requested regular slot to raise issues in local areas. – at next meeting the managers get to come to explain how implement the joint procedural agreement. Council to decide who to offer an invitation to – nominations to be sent to Abigail Patterson. Action - Scotland to be invited to next meeting to explain how they implement the procedural agreement. RMD to be invited to either attend or send a nominated representative.CHAP4Review of Safety Performance Update of significant accidents/incidents Lee Parlett, Corporate Investigation Manager gave an update on accidents/incident investigations Issue raised with members of staff using own vehicles whilst on company time due to one of the accidents. Guidance to be issued on this area as it is currently unclear. This is being considered at present.Action - CL to look at the grievance that has been raised by Unite on a related matter and deal with outside of the meeting.CL5General Feedback Asbestos training – raised by Sean McGowanAction - EH to provide update on how asbestos awareness training is being delivered – is it just being briefed or being tracked through oracle?Is testing for asbestos being done through a company wide process or on a delivery unit level.Link to training to be sent round for people to do trainingSafety briefing issue raised by Steve Swift on LNWLack of safety briefing and assessments being done on LNW. MCa updated that they are behind but are at 91% compliant, only about 1% worse than rest of countryGM assured that all briefs will be completed by 15th December but because was summer months they fell behind and holding vacancies open due to National Operating Strategy.Action - MCa to update SS with more information when he can get it.EHMCaNext Meeting:Date and time:15th March 2013Venue:Kings Place, London, Rotunda Room 4 ................

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