Delaware Department of Education


Teacher of the Year Mission Statement 3

DISTRICT - Nomination Process 4

STATE - Nomination Process 5

Teacher of the Year Awards 6

Teacher of the Year – State Regulations 7

Reader Rubric 9

Classroom Observation Rubric 12

STOY Recognition and Awards 15

District TOY Coordinators 17


2017Nomination Form

Download STOY Application:

Delaware State Teacher of the Year

Program Mission Statement

The Delaware State Teacher of the Year program is a vocal community of award winning educators who represent exemplary

teaching and serve as spokespersons and ambassadors for the profession. The DSTOY program recognizes excellence in education and expresses appreciation for the many outstanding teachers in Delaware who serve

as inspiration to teachers, students, and

community members, while providing a

representative to serve as the profession’s advocate throughout the year.

District Teacher of the Year

Nomination Process

In Delaware, Teachers of the Year are annually chosen at the school and district levels through a variety of procedures. The department and has received a copy of each district’s selection process. District-level processes range from open nomination to formal selection by a district-wide committee among nominees from every school. The charter schools have a similar selection process. On-going change to improve the selection process is recommended. It is the desire of the State Teacher of the Year program to encourage a consistent selection process in every school district and ultimately in every school building.

Teachers who have received recognition as Delaware State Teacher of the Year are not eligible for nomination. Those who have been recognized as a District Teacher of the Year in the previous three years are not eligible for nomination. Teachers who have been nominated in prior years, but did not achieve at least a district ranking, may be nominated the following year.

In the selection process at all levels, emphasis needs to be placed on the fact that we are looking for the best representative of the teaching profession and best teaching practices. Final selection of each school-level and district/charter school level Teacher of the Year should be completed by a broad-based committee representing teachers, building administrators, parents, and students.

School and District nomination should take place in the SPRING for the following year. This will give the nominee ample time to prepare his or her portfolio for submission to the state.

The program should always be described as a search for a person who will represent his or her fellow teachers. Before the district decides, it should make sure that each nominee is willing to accept the title if offered.

District Coordinator’s Responsibilities

The process should be facilitated at the district/charter school level by a coordinator who fully understands the process and who can work with the Teacher of the Year nominees so that they fully understand the process. Their responsibilities are as follows:

• Establish a building and district-level process that provides access to all teachers.

• Confirm that school and district level process is conducted according to guidelines/timelines.

• Fax or email the Teacher of the Year Nomination Form to Betty Torbert at DOE by May 13, 2016. Fax: 739-4654; Include a listing of the Building Level Teachers of the Year.

• Inform District Nominee of their first meeting on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at DOE - TOY Portfolio Workshop (am); Presentations on Issues in Education: Local, State and National Perspective (pm) in the Cabinet Room at 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Lunch will be provided.)

• Assist the District/Charter School Teacher of the Year with portfolio development process, explanation of timelines; read and critique the portfolio.

State Teacher of the Year


To be considered for the Teacher of the Year award a person shall have taught, continuously or intermittently, for an accumulative period of three years or more in a Delaware public school previous to the date of such person’s nomination; have been formally nominated; be actively teaching in their district or charter school in this state at the time of their nomination; and continue to actively teach in the nominating district or charter school for the duration of the year of their nomination. If the nominee chooses to leave the district or charter school during the selection period, the district or charter school shall submit another nominee. A nominee shall have met all the requirements for a Standard Certificate for the position held and hold a valid and current license, as approved by the Professional Standards Board, Department of Education and the State Board of Education.

Nomination Process

The Department of Education shall meet annually with the district coordinators of the Teacher of the Year Program and the representative for the charter schools for the purpose of providing them with detailed instructions and proper forms for the presentation of nominees. Each district is invited to nominate one teacher employed by the district and the charter schools are invited to select one nominee to represent all of the charter schools.

The Delaware Teacher of the Year Program adheres to the requirements of the National Program regarding schedules; composition of the portfolios; and areas in which nominees will be judged. We are glad that we can go beyond the National guidelines by giving more attention to selected nominees at work in the classroom and by having persons from outside the Department make the final recommendation.

Following the submission of the portfolios selected Department of Education staff members and selected former state Teachers of the Year shall be assigned to read nominee’s portfolios and observe those nominees in the classroom. Another group of Department of Education Staff members are assigned to read all of the portfolios and rate them based on forms found in the 2017 Program Guide. Based on the numerical ratings from both the portfolio readers and from the observations, three nominees shall be identified as finalists for consideration by a panel of judges.

The panel of judges shall include: the current State Teacher of the Year; the president of the Delaware State PTA; the president of the Educators Rising; a member of the State Board of Education; a representative of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce; the president of the Delaware State Education Association; and the chair of the Professional Standards Board or, if necessary, their designees. The judges shall recommend one person for the Secretary of Education to declare as the State Teacher of the Year.

Nominees shall be skillful and dedicated teachers, pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Librarians may be considered if they spend most of their day instructing children. Administrative personnel such as principals and guidance counselors are not eligible to be considered for State Teacher of the Year. Nominees for State Teacher of the Year who are not actively engaged in teaching in a public school at the time at which observations are made shall be disqualified.

The candidate should

• be an exceptionally dedicated, knowledgeable, and skilled teacher;

• inspire students of all backgrounds and abilities to learn;

• have the respect and admiration of students, parents, and colleagues;

• play an active and useful role in the community as well as in the school;

• be poised, articulate, and possess the energy to withstand a taxing schedule.

Nominees shall submit a portfolio describing themselves and setting forth their positions on education issues. Format will be based on the National Teacher of the Year program.

Please submit these as nominating materials:

▪ Complete application. This application follows the sequence and form used by the National Teacher of the Year Program. Please follow the guidelines about length and font size. The TOY application is also located on the DOE Webpage. The application can be downloaded, completed, than printed.

▪ Ten letters of support from colleagues, parents, administrators, students, or other persons.

▪ A color 5x7 photograph of the nominee showing full-face head and shoulders.

▪ Prepare a 5 minute presentation: As the 2017 National Teacher of the Year, you would serve as a spokesperson and representative for the entire teaching profession. What would you communicate to your profession and to the general public? The purpose of the video is to establish the speaker’s ability to express his/her ideas with conviction and poise. No point value is assigned to the video. Each candidate will be scheduled to come to the Department of Education for the video taping of the 5 minute presentation before the beginning of the school year; scheduled for August 8, 9 and 10, 2016, Collette Education Resource Center, 35 Commerce Way, Dover, DE 19904 - Teleconference Room C.

Teacher of the Year Awards

Basic Awards

• Not later than thirty calendar days following the announcement of the name of the State Teacher of the Year, the Secretary of Education shall direct the transfer of funds from the appropriate State Board of Education account into a special account in each school district for use by its Teacher of the Year. Section 8903, Title 14, cites two basic awards: those individuals who are chosen as District Teacher of the Year for their respective school districts will be awarded $2,000; the person who is chosen State Teacher of the Year shall be awarded $3,000 in addition to the district-level award. These funds are awarded with no restriction on how they will be used; they should be considered as salary bonuses.

Educational Benefit Award

• The State Teacher of the Year will receive, in addition, a grant of $5,000 to use for the educational benefit of his/her students.

a. No amount or portion of this $5,000 award shall be used for the personal benefit of the award recipient; provided, however, that in the use of this fund for educational purposes the recipient may be an indirect or incidental beneficiary as teacher of the benefited pupils. In the event that all funds set aside for an award recipient have not been completely expended by that recipient at the time when a subsequent award is granted, the remainder of the former recipient's award shall not revert, but shall remain set aside in the name of such former recipient until such time as it is totally expended or the recipient dies or leaves the state. The State Teacher is encouraged to use these funds within two calendar school years.

b. The recipient shall present to the superintendent of the school district in which he/she is employed a plan for utilization of the fund. Such submission shall not waive the right of the recipient to judge and choose, but shall be in order to avoid wasteful duplication of materials or violation of school district policy regarding students, materials, or activities. The principal criterion for use of the Fund shall be that of educational benefit to pupils. The Fund may be designated for, but not limited to, such items as:

c. Purchase of non consumable materials and supplies; e.g., library books, audio visual equipment, computer equipment and programs, musical instruments, specialized furniture.

d. Purchase of otherwise consumable materials that are used in the production of a student designed item; e.g., artist's or draftsman's paper, canvas, paints, instruments, wood and metal.

• Payment for student travel; e.g., prepared visits to museums, theaters, historic sites, laboratories when these are related to classroom study.

• Employment of performers and consultants; e.g., touring companies of a dramatic or musical group, visiting artist, poet, author, musician or historian.

• Reimbursements to the recipient, not to exceed $500, for personal expenses.

Where the recipient has purchased materials, equipment or any other durable item with award funds, such item shall be the property of the Delaware School district in which the recipient is employed at the time of the expenditure. Each invoice, purchase order and personal reimbursement form related to withdraws from Teacher of the Year award funds shall be retained by the school district, and shall be available for inspection as public records and subject to regular audit by the State Auditor of Accounts (Section 8905).

Pension Modification

Each Teacher of the Year, on every level, shall have added to his or her final year of salary the dollar amount of his or her basic Teacher of the Year awards, as cited in Section 8903, solely for computing the final average compensation for pension purposes (Section 8906).

Title 14 Education


200 Administration and Operations

235 Teacher of the Year Award

This program shall be administered in accordance with 14 Del.C. Ch. 89, and the following rules and regulations.

1.0 Qualifications

To be considered for the Teacher of the Year award a person shall:

1.1 Have taught, continuously or intermittently, for an accumulative period of three years or more in a Delaware public school previous to the date of such person's nomination.

1.2 Have been formally nominated.

1.3 Be actively teaching in their district or charter school in this state at the time of their nomination.

1.4 Continue to actively teach in the nominating district or charter school for the duration of the school year of their nomination.

1.4.1 If the nominee chooses to leave the district or charter school during the selection period the district or charter school shall submit another nominee.

1.5 Meet all the requirements for a Standard Certificate for the position held and hold a valid and current license, as approved by the Professional Standards Board, Department of Education and the State Board of Education.

7 DE Reg. 1178 (3/1/04)

9 DE Reg. 1182 (2/1/06)

2.0 Nominations

The following shall apply in preparing nominations in accordance with the requirements of the Act.

2.1 The Department of Education shall meet annually with the district coordinators of the Teacher of the Year Program and the representative for the charter schools for the purpose of providing them with detailed instructions and proper forms for the presentation of nominees. Each district is invited to nominate one teacher employed by the district and the charter schools are invited to select one nominee to represent all of the charter schools.

2.1.1 Nominees shall be skillful and dedicated teachers, prekindergarten through grade 12. Administrative personnel such as principals and guidance counselors are not eligible to be considered for State Teacher of the Year. Nominees for State Teacher of the Year who are not actively engaged in teaching in a public school at the time at which observations are made pursuant to Section 2.2 below shall be disqualified.

2.2 Nominees shall submit a portfolio describing themselves and setting forth their positions on educational issues. Format will be based on the National Teacher of the Year program.

2.3 Following the submission of the portfolios, selected Department of Education staff members and selected former state and local district Teachers of the Year shall be assigned in pairs to read the portfolios of two nominees and observe those nominees in the classroom based on the criteria stipulated in the Teacher of the Year Program Guide that is updated each year. Another group of Department of Education Staff members shall be assigned to read all of the portfolios and rate them based on forms found in the Teacher of the Year Program Guide. Based on the numerical ratings from both the portfolio readers and from the observations, three nominees shall be identified as finalists for consideration by a panel of judges.

2.4 The panel of judges shall include: the current State Teacher of the Year; the president of the State PTA; the president of the Future Educators Association; a member of the State Board of Education; a representative of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce; the president of the Delaware State Education Association; and the chair of the Professional Standards Board or, if necessary, their designees.

2.5 The judges shall recommend one person for the Secretary of Education to declare as the State Teacher of the Year.

3 DE Reg. 104 (7/1/99)

7 DE Reg. 1178 (3/1/04)

9 DE Reg. 1182 (2/1/06)

Teacher/District: DOE Reader:

OVERALL SCORE:___________(high score of 140)

2. Educational History and Professional Development Activities – 20 Points Score________

A. Beginning with most recent, list colleges and universities attended including postgraduate studies. Indicate degrees earned and dates of attendance.

B. Beginning with most recent, list teaching employment history indicating time period, grade level and subject area.

C. Beginning with most recent, list professional association memberships including information regarding offices held and other relevant activities.

D. Beginning with most recent, list staff development leadership activity and leadership activity in the training of future teachers.

E. Beginning with the most recent, list awards and other recognition of your teaching.

|0-6 |7-13 |14-19 |20 |

|Fails to establish sufficient educational |Educational history and professional development|Provides evidence of educational history and |Provides clear evidence of educational history and |

|history and record of professional development |activities not clearly described. |professional development activities. |professional development activities supporting |

|experiences. | | |consideration for award. |

3. Professional Biography - 20 points Score________

A. What were the factors that influenced you to become a teacher?

|0-2 |3-6 |7-9 |10 |

|Fails to provide factors that influenced |Factors that influenced becoming a teacher not |Provides some factors that influenced becoming a|Provides in detail the factors that influenced |

|becoming a teacher. |clear. |teacher. |becoming a teacher. |

B. Describe what you consider to be your greatest contributions to and accomplishments in education.

|0-2 |3-6 |7-9 |10 |

|Fails to provide evidence of contributions and |Evidence of contributions and accomplishments in|Provides some contributions and accomplishments |Provides in detail contributions and |

|accomplishments in education. |education not clearly described. |in education. |accomplishments in education. |

4. Community Involvement – 15 points Score________

Describe your commitment to your community through service-oriented activities such as volunteer work, civic and other group activities.

|0-5 |6-10 |11-14 |15 |

|Fails to provide evidence of community |Community involvement not clearly described. |Provides some evidence of community involvement |Provides clear evidence of community involvement|

|involvement. | |through service–oriented activities supporting |through service–oriented activities supporting |

| | |consideration for award. |consideration for award. |

5. Philosophy of Teaching – 15 points Score________

A. Describe your personal feelings and beliefs about teaching including your own ideas of what makes you an outstanding teacher. Describe the

rewards you find in teaching.

B. How are your beliefs about teaching demonstrated in your personal teaching style?

|0-5 |6-10 |11-14 |15 |

|Fails to address philosophy of teaching. |Description of beliefs and feelings concerning |Provides some description of teaching philosophy|Provides clear description of teaching |

|Fails to indicate how beliefs are demonstrated |teaching not clear. |and includes evidence of outstanding teacher |philosophy and includes evidence of outstanding |

|in teaching style. |Philosophy of teaching is demonstrated in |qualities. |teacher qualities. |

| |teaching style not clearly described. |Indicates how philosophy of teaching is |Clearly indicates how beliefs are demonstrated |

| | |demonstrated in teaching style. |in teaching style. |

6. Education Issues and Trends – 20 points Score________

What do you consider to be the major public education issues today? Address one, outlining possible causes, effects, and resolutions.

|0-6 |7-13 |14-19 |20 |

|Fails to outline major education issues. |Outlines major education issues but lacks |Addresses one major education issue in some |Addresses one issue in depth, outlining possible|

| |detail. |depth. |causes, effects and resolutions. |

| | | | |

7. The Teaching Profession – 20 points Score________

A. What do you do to strengthen and improve the teaching profession?

|0-2 |3-6 |7-9 |10 |

|Fails to provide evidence of strengthening and |Evidence of strengthening and improving the |Provides evidence of strengthening and improving|Provides strong evidence of strengthening and |

|improving the teaching profession. |teaching profession not clearly described. |the teaching profession. |improving the teaching profession. |

B. What is and/or what should be the basis for accountability in the teaching profession?

|0-2 |3-6 |7-9 |10 |

|Fails to indicate the basis for accountability |The basis for accountability in the teaching |Indicates the basis for accountability in the |Indicates clear understanding of the basis for |

|in the teaching profession. |profession not clearly described. |teaching profession. |accountability in the teaching profession. |

8. National Teacher of the Year – 20 points Score________

A. As the National Teacher of the Year, you would serve as a spokesperson and representative for the entire teaching profession. What would be your message?

|0-2 |3-6 |7-9 |10 |

|Fails to convey a National Teacher of the Year |National Teacher of the Year message is vague or|National Teacher of the Year message is |National Teacher of the Year message is |

|message. |unclear. |understandable. |presented in a coherent and convincing manner. |

B. What would you communicate to your profession and to the general public?

|0-2 |3-6 |7-9 |10 |

|Fails to address relevant issues for the |Issues for the teaching profession not clearly |Addresses some relevant issues for the teaching |Message is timely and of importance to the |

|teaching profession. |described. |profession. |profession and the general public. |

9. Letters of Support – 10 points Score________

Include ten letters of support from among any of the following: superintendent, principal, colleague, student/former student, parent, or civic leader.

|0-2 |3-6 |7-9 |10 |

|Fails to include sufficient information across |Sufficient information in letters of support, |Information across the ten references generally |Letters provide convincing evidence to support |

|the ten references to support applicant’s |but not original letters with signatures. |supports applicant’s consideration of award. |applicant’s consideration of award. |

|consideration of award. | | | |

2017 Classroom Observation Rubric

Teacher/District:_________________________________ Observers:___________________________________

TOTAL OVERALL SCORE:_________________ (high score of 60) Time of Observation: _________________________

| CRITERION |1-2 |3-4 |5-6 |

|#1 |Some of the elements of the instructional design |Most of the elements of the instructional design support |All of the elements of the instructional design support the |

|Designing Coherent Instruction |support the stated instructional standards and engage |the stated instructional standards and engage students in|stated instructional standards, engage students in meaningful |

| |students in meaningful learning. Teacher’s lesson has |meaningful learning and the lesson has a clearly defined |learning, and show evidence of student input. Teacher’s lesson |

| |a recognizable structure. |structure. |is highly coherent and has a clear structure. |

Evidence Provided___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Performance Level for criterion #1:________

|CRITERION |1-2 |3-4 |5-6 |

|#2 |Teacher’s content and pedagogical knowledge represents|Teacher demonstrates solid understanding of the content |Teacher’s knowledge of the content and pedagogy is extensive, |

|Demonstrating Knowledge of |basic understanding but does not extend to connections|and its prerequisite relationships and connections with |showing evidence of a continuing search for improved practice. |

|Content and Pedagogy |with other disciplines or to possible student |other disciplines. Teacher’s instructional practices | |

| |misconceptions. |reflect current pedagogical knowledge. | |

Evidence Provided___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Performance Level for criterion #2:________

|CRITERION |1-2 |3-4 |5-6 |

|#3 |The classroom environment reflects only a minimal |The classroom environment represents a culture for |The classroom environment represents a genuine culture for |

|Creating an Environment to Support|culture for learning, with only modest or |learning, with commitment to the subject on the part of |learning, with commitment to the subject on the part of the |

|Learning |inconsistent expectations for student achievement, |the teacher and students, high expectations for student |teacher and students, highest expectations for student |

| |little teacher commitment to the subject, and little |achievement, and student pride in work. |achievement, and student pride in work. |

| |student pride in work. Both teacher and students are | | |

| |performing at the minimal level to “get by.” | | |

Evidence Provided___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Performance Level for criterion #3:________

|CRITERION |1-2 |3-4 |5-6 |

|#4 |Some students are minimally engaged as a result of |Most students are engaged throughout the lesson with |All students are highly engaged throughout the lesson. The |

|Engaging Students in Learning |activities or materials of uneven quality, |appropriate activities and materials, instructive |structure and pacing of the lesson allow for student reflection |

| |inconsistent representations of content, or uneven |representations of content and suitable structure, and |and closure. Teacher is highly responsive to students’ |

| |structure or pacing. Teacher demonstrates moderate |pacing of the lesson. Teacher seeks ways to ensure |interests and questions, making lesson adjustments if necessary,|

| |flexibility and responsiveness to students’ needs and|successful learning for all students, making adjustments |and persists in ensuring the success of all students. |

| |interests during a lesson and seeks to ensure the |as needed to instruction plans and responding to student | |

| |success of all students. |interests and questions. | |

Evidence Provided_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Performance Level for criterion #4:________

|CRITERION |1-2 |3-4 |5-6 |

|#5 |Assessment is occasionally used to support |Assessment is regularly used during instruction through |Assessment is used in a sophisticated manner in instruction |

|Checking for understanding |instruction through some monitoring of progress of |monitoring of progress of learning by teacher and/or |through student involvement in establishing the assessment |

| |learning by teacher and/or students. Feedback to |students and through high quality feedback to students. |criteria, self-assessment by students and monitoring of progress|

| |students is uneven, and students are aware of only |Occasionally formative assessment is used and students |by both students and teachers, and high quality feedback to |

| |some of the assessment criteria used to evaluate |are aware of most summative assessment criteria. |students from a variety of sources. |

| |their work. Assessment is primarily summative, | | |

| |although formative and informal assessments are used | | |

| |occasionally | | |

Evidence Provided___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Performance Level for criterion #5:________

|CRITERION |1-2 |3-4 |5-6 |

|#6 |The teacher pursues opportunities for professional |The teacher actively pursues opportunities for |The teacher continuously pursues opportunities for professional |

|Developing and Contributing |development and contributes to the profession at the |professional growth and contributes to the profession |growth and makes a substantial contribution to the profession at|

|Professionally |school or district levels. |across districts or at the state level. |the regional or national levels. |

Evidence Provided___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Performance Level for criterion #6:_______

|CRITERION |1-2 |3-4 |5-6 |

|#7 |The teacher’s reflection is generally accurate and the|The teacher’s reflection is accurate, citing general |The teacher’s reflections are accurate and perceptive, citing |

|Reflecting on Professional |teacher makes global suggestions about improvements. |characteristics and the teacher provides specific |specific examples within the lesson and specific suggestions |

|Practice | |suggestions about improvements. |for improvement. The teacher draws on an extensive repertoire |

| | | |to support suggestions for alternative strategies. |

Evidence Provided_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Performance Level for criterion #7:________

|CRITERION |1-2 |3-4 |5-6 |

|#8 |The teacher is energetic about teaching and learning, |The teacher is enthusiastic about teaching and learning, |The teacher is passionate about teaching and learning, |

|Personal Traits |and exhibits a professional demeanor while maintaining|exhibits poise and stamina, and is a respected |exhibits unusually high levels of poise and stamina, and is a |

| |appropriate boundaries. |professional who observes appropriate boundaries while |consummate and highly respected professional who always |

| | |using good judgment. |observes appropriate boundaries while using impeccable |

| | | |judgment. |

Evidence Provided_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Performance Level for criterion #8:________

|CRITERION |1-2 |3-4 |5-6 |

|#9 |There were significant discrepancies between what is |There were minor discrepancies between what is written in|The contents of the portfolio aligned entirely with what was |

|Alignment of Portfolio and |written in the portfolio and what was observed. |the portfolio and what was observed. |observed. |

|Observation | | | |

Evidence Provided__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Performance Level for criterion #9:________

|CRITERION |1-2 |3-4 |5-6 |

|#10 |Exhibits minimal creativity in classroom environment.|Exhibits creativity in classroom environment. |Exhibits extraordinary creativity in design, implementation of |

|Creativity | | |instruction and classroom environment. |

Evidence Provided_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Performance Level for criterion #10:________

The 2017 Delaware Teacher of the Year Awards Dinner will be at the Dover Downs Hotel in Dover on Tuesday, October 25, 2016. The reception will be at five o’clock p.m. The selected Teachers of the Year will be recognized. Guests include the Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of Education, State Board of Education, legislators, former State Teachers of the Year, business leaders, administrators, family and friends.

The 2017 State Teacher of the Year must be released from classroom responsibilities during the year of recognition as necessary in order to fulfill the obligations inherent in the honor. Every attempt will be made to schedule activities around the classroom schedule.

• District/Charter School Teachers of the Year - $2,000 cash award.

• State Teacher of the Year – an additional $3,000 cash award plus $5,000 for educational use (

In past years, the Delaware State Teacher of the Year has received –

• $250 for educational benefit from Delaware State Education Association

• $200 for educational benefit from Delaware State Chamber of Commerce

• $250 for Professional Development from the Delaware Professional Standards Board

• $1,000 for educational/classroom benefit from American Institutes for Research.

• a Smart Board, Projector, Alpha Smart Computer from Smarter Kids Foundation – package totaling over $17,000

• a Certificate for Education Technology course or Advanced Education Course from Delaware Technical & Community College

• a Teacher of the Year License Plate from the Division of Motor Vehicles

• lunch for 4 in Senate Dining Room in Washington, DC plus a tour of the Capital from Senator Thomas R. Carper

• a gold watch from Delaware State Teachers of the Year Association

• Doctoral Program – Tuition Free from Wilmington University

• Doctoral Program – Tuition Free from the University of Delaware

• Gold State Teacher of the Year Ring from Jostens

Other organizations/colleges that have presented gifts to the Teacher of the Year include:

• Delaware Chief School Officers

• Delaware Association of School Administrators

• Delaware School Boards Association

• Delaware State University

• Educators Rising

• Wesley College

Delaware Teacher of the Year Statewide Advisory Board to the Secretary of Education

The Secretary of Education has formed an Advisory Board to the Secretary of Education that consists of the State Teachers of the Year and the 2009 through 2016 District Teachers of the Year. This is a great opportunity for teachers to have a voice and the ear of the Secretary of Education. Secretary Godowsky would like to invite the 2017 District Teachers of the Year to be part of the Advisory Board. The agenda and the topics are established by the group. The meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm in the Cabinet Room of the Townsend Building. 1 ½ clock hours are given to those in attendance.


As an exemplary educator, the 2016 Delaware Teacher of the Year will be asked to speak to various groups and organizations. Some of these are:

• Delaware Teacher Center January

• Delaware Legislators* March

• University of Delaware, College of Education Honors Day May

• Teacher of the Year Luncheon with the Governor* June

• Delaware Association of School Administrators June

*also includes District Teachers of the Year

The 2017 State Teacher of the Year will be asked to serve on various committees, to participate in many programs, and to speak on a number of occasions representing the teaching profession.

(All dates will be confirmed at a later date)

2017 Teacher of the Year Programs Conference – Location TBD

Last week of January

Washington, DC recognition of the 2017 National Teacher and 2017 STOY

Last week of April or the first week of May

International Space Camp

Last week of July

Next Steps Conference – ETS Campus, Princeton, NJ

Late September/Early October

Pearson Education STOY Digital Storytelling Project – New York City, NY

Late September/Early October

The current State Teacher of the Year will keep an informal journal of their year as State Teacher of the Year. They will provide any details that would be helpful to the next State Teacher of the Year such as speaking invitations, length of speech, writing samples, experiences, appropriate dress for different occasions, list of gifts, addresses for thank you notes, etc. This book will be presented to the next State Teacher of the Year at the Teacher of the Year Banquet in October. The book will be added to each year and will be passed on.

District Teacher of the Year Coordinators


| Appoquinimink School District | |

|302-376-4128 |Ray Gravuer |

| Brandywine School District |Kim Doherty |

|302-793-5000 | |

| Caesar Rodney School District |Joyce LeBright |

|302-697-3532 ext 151 | |

| Cape Henlopen School District |Cathy Petitgout |

|302-645-6686 ext 202 | |

| Capital School District |Sylvia Henderson |

|302-857-4223 | |

| Christina School District |Bob Jefferson |

|302-454-2381 ext 4705 | |

| Colonial School District |Nicholas Baker |

|302-323-2728 | |

| Delmar School District |Charity Phillips/Kristen Marquez |

|302-846-9544 ext 123 | |

| Indian River School District |LouAnn Hudson |

|302-436-1000 | |

| Lake Forest School District |Travis Moorman |

|302-284-3020 ext 124 | |

| Laurel School District |Monet Smith |

|302-875-6100 ext 302 | |

| Milford School District |Edna Rust |

|302-424-8817 | |

| NCCVT School District |Mary An Scarbrough |

|302-995-8170 | |

| POLYTECH School District |Drew Wooten |

|302-697-3255 ext 1020 | |

| Red Clay School District |Sam Golder / Andrea Lanciault |

|302-552-3753 | |

| Seaford School District |Duncan Smith |

|302-629-4587 ext6 268 | |

| Smyrna School District |Patrik Williams |

|302-653-8585 | |

| Sussex Technical School District |Kim Speicher |

|302-856-2542 | |

| Woodbridge School District |Jason Cameron |

|302-337-7990 ext 202 | |

| Charter Schools |Kendall Massett |

|302-778-5999 | |

|Date/Time |Meeting/Event |Purpose |Location |

| | | | |

|Friday, December 11, 2015 |TOY Coordinators Meeting |Review of General Instructions/ TOY |Townsend Building |

|9:00 – 11:00 noon | |Process |Cabinet Room |

| | | | |

|Friday, May 13, 2016 |2017 TOY Nominee Notification |2017 TOY and Building Level TOY names |Betty Torbert, DOE |

|4:30 pm | | |Dover D370B |

|Wednesday, June 15, 2016– 9:00 am – |2017 Teachers of the Year Meeting |TOY Portfolio Workshop(am); |Townsend Building, Cabinet Room |

|3:00pm | |Presentations on Issues in Education: | |

| | |Local, State, National (pm) | |

| | | | |

|August 8, 9 10, 2016 |Video Taping |Taping -5 min. presentation; |Collette Center |

| | |Voice over for the 2017 video |Conference Room C |

| | | |Betty will schedule appt. |

| | | | |

|September 12 - 16, 2016 |Teacher/Students Photo & Video (Photos |Videographer & Photographer visit each |Get copy of teachers’ class |

| |displayed in Townsend Building) |classroom |schedule for scheduling classroom |

| | | |observations |

| | | | |

|Friday, September 16, 2016 – 4:30 pm |Portfolios Due in Dover |All materials must be delivered to |Betty Torbert , Townsend Building, |

| | |Dover no later than 4:30 pm |2nd Floor, Dover |

| | | | |

|Monday, September 19, 2016 9:00 – |1ST Observers Meeting |Site selections; review portfolios |Townsend Building, Cabinet Room |

|11:00 am | | | |

| | | | |

|Monday, September 19, 2016 11:00 – |Readers Meeting |Instructions and review of reading |Townsend Building, Cabinet Room |

|11:30 am | |process/timeline | |

| | | | |

|Tuesday, Sept 20 through Friday, Sept |Classroom Observations |Observers will contact Principal and |Observers will spend ½ day in the |

|30, 2016 | |Teacher to schedule observation time |classroom/building |

| | | | |

|Monday, October 3, 2016 – 9:00 – 11:00|2ND Observers Meeting |Classroom Observation Rubric handed in|Townsend Building, Cabinet Room |

|am | |to DOE | |

| | | | |

|Wednesday, October 5, 2016 12:00 pm |Judges Meeting |Panel of 7 judges review top 3 |Townsend Building, |

|– 3:00 pm | |portfolios and view videos |Cabinet Room |

| | | | |

|Tuesday, October 25, 2016 – |Teacher of the Year Banquet |Recognition of Selected Teachers of |Dover Downs Hotel |

|5:00 pm |5:00 – Reception |the Year – Announcement of 2017 STOY |1131 North DuPont Hwy |

| |6:00 – Welcome/Introductions | |Dover, DE 19901 |

| |6:30 – Dinner | |Phone: 866-473-7378 |

| |7:30 – Video of honored teachers | | |

| |8:30 – Announcement of STOY | | |

Department of Education

401 Federal Street Suite 2

Dover, DE 19901

SLC: D370B

2017 Teacher of the Year

Nomination Form

|Please type or print |

| |

|Name:       |

| |

|District/Charter School:       |

| |

|School:      |

| |

|School Telephone #:       |

| |

|Grade/Subject:       |

| |

|Home Address:       |

| Street City |

|Zip |

|Home Telephone #:       Cell Phone #:       |

| |

|Email Address:       |

| |

|Instructions |

| |

|Please return this form no later than May 13, 2016 to: |

|Betty Torbert, Teacher of the Year Coordinator |

|Department of Education |

|401 Federal Street, Townsend Building |

|Dover, DE 19901 |

|D370B |

|Fax #: |

|302-739-4654 |

| |

|Teacher of the Year Coordinators: |

|Please include a listing of the Building Level Teachers of the Year from your district. |

| |




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Delaware Department of Education

2017 Program Guide


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2017 Delaware Teacher of the Year Application – Reader Rubric




STOY Recognition and Awards

STOY Public Appearances

STOY - Other Activities

STOY - Pass the Book

Teacher of the Year Program

T i m e l i n e

2017 Selection Process


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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