THIS IS A TERRORIST ACTWarning: by reading this poem you are committing a Terrorist Act.Attawapiskatt Chief Theresa Spence is on a hunger strike sinceDecember 11, not far from the front door of Canada’s Parliamentperhaps the most visible symbol of the newest trans-border international native movement #IDLENOMOREand this of course is a TERRORIST ACTopined local media in defense of constitution country corporation & god - because Natives are weakened victims of the welfare statewe be delusional in this hungered weakened welfare emotional stateOf Course, it is a TERRORIST ACT, which was my first responseupon hearing this and how the media talking head experts would react to the news of another Dead Indian, like monks setting themselves on fire, like people all over the world setting themselves on fire in desperationlike standing in front of a line of tanks holding bags of grocerieslike the first beatings, deaths, self-immolations of the Arab Springlike the new generation of women in India fighting for dignity & justice…because only as Dead Indians do we have powerthe power to get the media & government to possibly listenthe power to get lawyers & support groups & interviews & press conferences & fund raising & headlines & media bytes & celebrities on our side…In the Americas, Justice stands on the bodies of Indians, and the hard part is to get Justice to look down…Sympathy empathy caring for the poor nurturing mothering working hard working smart unionizing organizing researching protestingWondering where they money at! Standing up Sitting down Blockading borders Not participating Not voting Not consumingGoing on Hunger Strikes Being Hungry – Being PoorSaying something about thievery conspiracy collusionThese are all TERRORIST ACTSCanada is of course a corporation an original corporate nation stateLike the United States of America – Corporations in full complicit Co-operation with government & military & power brokered global initiatives… Which is all called “Fascism”… have bankrupted the world Have created a Global Economy So they can then bankrupt these World Economies - Bankrupt the earth’s resources Bankrupt the Banks & Bankrupt the GovernmentsThis is the New World Global Economy This is FascismThese are all TERRORIST ACTS upon TERRORIST ACTSBankrupting by consensus Bankrupting by holding backThe Corporate Global Economy is Fascism is Terrorism.Eisenhower said on leaving the presidency to beware of the“Military Industrial Complex” but he purposely left out the “Congressional” connection so as not to offend friends…I thought I had given up some time agoI saw all the beautiful colors of the rainbow in the 60sI was howling in the wilderness & on the streets in the 70sI was hiding hunkering down in the 80s, we all looked up, sniffed the air, looked around in the 90s thru that small window before the new millennium.Then we saw it all crash several times Physically emotionally mentally financially spirituallyBy design by conspiracy by collusion by lawWe are all Down by Law… Sometimes all we can do is WITNESSWITNESS the everyday atrocities the cyclical genocides The annual holocausts, the immoralities the realization that Government is bankrupt - These banks are committing fraud Fueling homelessness desperation wanton behavior class genocidesCommitting acts of terror on the populaceAs in any war conflict campaign coup d’état big brother devolutionAll agreed to by politicians who’ve already cashed their paychecksAnd credits and chits and promises and campaign contributionsWe are all Down by Law, We are all walking Terrorist ActsBy breathing in dissent by whispering resistanceBy reading by observing by witnessing by writingBy recording by taping by posting by forwardingWe are all committing Terrorist ActsEveryday people everydayMy advice to PM Stephan Harper is bring some peaches, mango, some water and juice, bring oatmeal cookies your wife made, go visit Theresa Spence. Be human, start there. ................

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