Social Studies - Mrs. Gilbert's Site


Peace and Reparations of World War I

Effects of World War I

• Allied victory over the Central powers

• “Millions of deaths and injuries

o 10 million soldiers dead

o 20 million people injured

• Breakup of the Ottoman, German, and Austrian-Hungarian empires (new nations created)








What were Wilson’s Fourteen Points?

1. No secret trade agreements

2. Maintain freedom of the seas

3. Lower tariffs (taxes) to encourage trade

4. Weapons should be reduced in order to decrease militarism

5. Countries should consider interests of colonial people

6-13. Specific provisions relating to: Russia, Belgium, France

(including Alsace-Lorraine), Italy, Austria-Hungary, Balkan

Nations, Turkey (and the Dardenelles), “An independent Polish








Wilson delivers his Fourteen Point speech to Congress

Treaty of Versailles is signed

Senate Rejects Treaty of Versailles

Senate again rejects Treaty of Versailles

U.S. signs separate Treaty with Germany

15. What terms of the treaty specifically affected Germany?

- Germany was blamed for the war and was forced to pay $33 bill.

for war damages

- Germany was forced to de-militarize and return Alsace-Lorraine

16. What were the weaknesses with the Treaty?

- Germany was humiliated world-wide

- Russia felt Allies ignored their need to get land back

- Germany was stripped of colonial possessions and lost land

17. Why did Henry Cabot Lodge object to the Treaty?

- He was suspicious of joint economic and military action against

aggression and worried the League would lead the U.S. into

another world war

18. How did Wilson help bring about the Senate’s rejection of

the treaty?

- Wilson went on a speaking tour to gain popular support for

treaty, but suffered a stroke, which prevented him from active

role in the treaty debate.

- Fear: League membership would lead U.S. into others’ problems

19. What circumstances at this time would eventually lead many

Germans to support Adolf Hitler?

- Economic conditions were poor after the war (Depression, many

people out of work, money became worthless)

- Search for scapegoats (someone to blame)

- Isolationism – U.S. wanted to stay out of problems


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