Commack Schools

4733925-190500Due Date:020000Due Date:Name: ________________________________Global History on FilmThe executives of Paramount studios contacted you about creating a futuristic science-fiction film involving superheroes. The plot focuses on two groups of scientists who have successfully found a way using DNA to bring people back to life. However, their agenda was not to reincarnate the dead, but rather to create the perfect leader using the DNA of multiple people (living and/or dead). Unfortunately, one team of scientists had ulterior motives and created a villain whose main objective is to take over the world. Both the super leaders (superhero and villain) have the ability to travel back in time to collect information, artifacts, and possibly supporters that they would use against each other. Your job is to fill in the gaps of this general plot.What will be the name of your movie? It should be creative and eye-catching. [2]__________________________________________________________________________________________What three people in history will you pull the DNA from to create your superhero and what three people will comprise the villain? Only ONE person for each can be from US history. Justify your choices. [48]Historical Person(alive or dead)[2]Characteristic displayed that you want in your character. Explain why is this characteristic is important in a leader[3]Example from their life that demonstrates this characteristic[3]SuperheroVillainSince the two main characters have the ability to transport back into time, come up with three different time periods that they would travel to. [30]Years[1]Location[2]Historical Significance of the Period [3]Two Artifacts Brought Back That Represent the Period [2]The Paramount executives are very excited about this movie and already have been working on ideas for a potential sequel but they want your input. In the second installment of your film, your superhero and villain will go back in time and join two opposing forces engaged in a war. The executives want to hear what war would work best for the film and why. Explain what was the root cause of the war, who are the two opposing sides and what was their objective(s) in the war? The only stipulation is that the war cannot be either World War One or Two. Both of these wars are “over-filmed.” Also explain which side the superhero and villain would be on and why. [10]________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Every successful film has a movie poster created to advertise and promote the movie. Create a colorful and creative poster for your original film. The poster must have the title of the movie on it; the star(s) of the film (actors/actresses); a creative picture; and a catch phrase. [10]Sample Movie Posters37560251905000372427542017950018415427799500 ................

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