SIMI News ab sofort im Abo

SIMI°News 1/1998

SIMI°News subscription available

From now on we offer a subscription of the SIMI°News free of charge. Please let us know your email address and your desired data format and you will be supplied with the most interesting news from our company every two weeks.

Please use the form on our web site () to order one of the following popular formats:

♦ *.DOC (Microsoft WinWord 6.0 / 95 / 97, also WordPad)

♦ *.PDF (Adobe Acrobat 3)

Alternatively we can send a simple email without attachments when a new issue is available. You may then want to read the news online on our internet pages.

The SIMI°News include tips and tricks for SIMI products, information about new developments and updates and about events (fairs, seminars, symposiums) where SIMI will participate.

The subscription is free of charge and can be cancelled at any time (using the same form as mentioned above).

SIMI on the Internet

Our internet pages can be found at . Since a few weeks the same content has been provided at .

Please use the following email addresses:

sales@ for sales and marketing

service@ for technical questions and support requests to SIMI products

webmaster@ for notes concerning the SIMI web site (problems, access etc.)

You may also contact:

Andreas Ruß (CEO, marketing) russ@

Joachim Mattner (support, logistics) mattner@

Thomas Seeholzer (development) seeholzer@

Do you want to make your internet site more popular?

Yes? We too. This is the reason why we offer to put a link to your site on our official pages if you provide a link to our SIMI homepage in exchange.

Any items needed (as banners, logos or animated GIFs) will be ready for download in the next few days.

Please mail (simi@) your URL (internet address) and a short text or logo to describe your link. We will add the link to your homepage as soon as possible.

Current product versions

Please visit our web pages to read more about each product. We would also be pleased to send informational material to you.

♦ SIMI°Motion 4.6 motion and gait analysis 2D and 3D

♦ SIMI°MotionCapture 3D 4.6 motion capture system for animations

♦ SIMI°DataForce 1.3 acquisition of analogue data (force plates, EMG etc.)

♦ SIMI°MoStill 5.0 measurement of still images (angles and distances)

♦ SIMI°Scout 1.36 match and tactics analysis

♦ SIMI°BioCell 2.31 cell analysis

Events, fairs, symposiums

In the near future the SIMI Reality Motion Systems company will participate in a variety of events: Some of these are:

♦ June, 2nd – 5th 1998 ISATA Duesseldorf, Germany

SIMI presents the use of 3D motion analysis in the field of automotive crash tests at the booth of Dedo Weigert

♦ July, 21st – 25th, 1998 ISBS '98 Konstanz, Germany

The ‘XVI International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports’ is one of the most important exhibitions for biomechanics and will happen in Germany this year

For further information see .

Tips & tricks

This is the place where tips for an improved and perfect handling of SIMI products will be published. There will be information on undocumented features, too.

SIMI°Motion 4.x

Calculation module: Enter file names FAST with drag’n’drop!

Normally the user enters the file names in the calculation dialog box by clicking the small button on the right of the edit boxes and selecting the file.

Alternatively you can start the explorer (or the file manager of Windows 3.1) and open the folder where your files are located.

Drag (using the left mouse button) the specification file (*.spz), the points file (*.p or .pp) and if necessary the calibration system file (.koo) from the explorer window to the corresponding edit box on the calculation dialog box. The file name will immediately appear in the edit box.

Hardware / software / download tip

In this column you will find interesting tips to hardware or software products from other companies that are used together with SIMI products. Examples are: Information on video cameras, overlay cards or computer peripherals.

Manipulated Pentium II processors on the market

At present, forgers specialize in Pentium II with 266Mhz which they offer as 300MHz. Various retailers sell these manipulated processors - in most cases even without knowing. The forgers take advantage of the fact that many processors can be run at a faster clock rate for at least a certain amount of time.

With the Pentium II 350, Intel proposes another new lucrative business idea to the forgers: The difference in price between the 350 and the 333 models is at present a feasible US$129. To turn a 333 into a 350, they only need to change two resistors on the CPU module.

A test program that checks the clock rate can be downloaded from the web site () of the German c't computer magazine.

The editors say that end users should contact their local dealer in case they find a manipulated CPU, since it can cause calculation errors or even burn-outs.


Cancelling your subscription

You may cancel your subscription at any time. Simply use the form on our web site () or send an email which includes your email address as used for the subscription.

If you do not have any access to the internet you can send a fax (+49-89-321 459-16) to cancel.

No warranty or guaranty

Information provided by SIMI°News is accurately investigated and assembled but correctness cannot be guaranteed. SIMI°News may contain links to sites on the Internet which are owned and operated by third parties. SIMI is not responsible for content located on any such third-party site.


©1998 SIMI Reality Motion Systems GmbH

Post Box 1518, D-85705 Unterschleissheim, Phone +49-89-321 459-0, Fax +49 89 321 459-16

Internet: or

Email: simi@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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