Observer - 2019 - 02-28-A-pages10


Club News

City of Arcadia

Brotherson hosts Euchre Club Sunday

City Council Minutes and Claims -- March 4 ? Notice of Public Hearing

On Sunday afternoon, Susanne Brotherson of Carroll hosted the Euchre Club in her home. Those attending were Bill and Susan Dreessen of Odebolt,

Linda & Alvin Greve of Vail, Marlene Schmidt of Wall Lake, Lois Rickers of Carroll, and Mary Lou Kraus of Westside.

Minutes -- Arcadia City Council March 4, 2019

The City Council of the City of Arcadia, Iowa, met in regular session on Monday March 4, 2019. Mayor Kevin Liechti presided and the roll being called at 7 p.m. showed the following members of the Council present: Bluml, Berg, Berning, and Julin. Absent: Schulte. Also in attendance was City Maintenance Supervisor, Hinners. A motion by Berg, seconded by Bluml, to approve the consent agenda, which included minutes of the February 4 meeting, claims to be paid (published below), and financial reports. All voting Aye, motion carried.

The Mayor then opened the Public Hearing for the FY20 Proposed Budget at 7:10 p.m. No comments or concerns were heard from residents, no written objections were submitted. The Public Hearing was then closed at 7:15 pm.

Resolution #2019-03-01 titled FY20 Budget was motioned for approval by Berning, seconded by Julin. Voting aye were Bluml, Berning, Berg, and Julin. Absent Schulte. Motion carried to accept the FY20 Budget as presented.

Public Notice

Hearing Set on Zoning

Ordinance Amendment



Notice Is Hereby Given: That at 8:00 p.m., at the City Hall Council Chambers, Arcadia, Iowa. on the 25th day of March, 2019, the City Council of the City of Arcadia, Iowa will hold a public hearing on the question of amending the Official Zoning Map for the purpose of rezoning land currently zoned R2 (One and two family Residential), to be amended to I-1 (Industrial).

Property to be amended within the Zoning Ordinance is described as follows:

New Southern section: The South 363 feet of Lots 10, 11, and 12 of Irregular Survey of the Southwest ? of the Northeast ? of Section 16, Township 84 North, Range 36 West, of the 5th P.M., City of Arcadia, Carroll County Iowa. EXCEPT Lots A and B of the subdivision of said Lot 12. At this hearing any interested person may file written objections or comments and may be heard with respect to the subject matters of the hearing. Julie Schroeder City Clerk Published in The Observer, Thursday, March 14, 2019.

The Council then discussed the recommendations that were previously given from the P&Z board on the rezoning of Chase Andersen's property. The mayor asked for a motion to accept the recommendations from the board and consider Resolution # 201903-02; Setting Public Hearing on the matter. A motion by Julin, seconded by Bluml, with Berg and Berning voting aye, motion carried to accept recommendations and to set the Public Hearing on the matter to March 25, 2019, at 8 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers.

Street Construction bids that were previously opened at the February 4 meeting were discussed. The owner of J&J The Concrete Guys spoke on behalf of his bid that he had submitted a wrong figure to the Council on one of the projects. Chapter 26 of the Iowa Code states the bid must be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. Vonnahme Construction of Carroll was awarded all four street projects with a start date of June, with all four projects completed by August 15, 2019. A letter to residents affected by the street construction will be sent out at a later date. The floor was then opened for comments or concerns in Public forum. One resident spoke and talked about the street construction, and wanted clarity on the responsibility of curb and gutter. As the City's ordinance states now, if there is curb and gutter in place, and the City, during construction, removes or damages it, the city is responsible to replace it. No other comments or concerns were addressed.

Maintenance Supervisor Hinners gave an update on snow removal. With the heavy amount of snow the city received over the last month, we are at capacity as to where to put it. If we get more, the possibility of hauling it out was addressed. The Council gave many thanks to Hinners for his efforts of keeping the streets cleared.

Discussion on replacing the council chamber chairs, and color of the new street signs were addressed. The mayor asked for a motion to approve a second outside security camera at City Hall. Motion by Berg, seconded by Julin, with all voting aye, motion carried.

A date for the Water Tower Engineer Interviews has been rescheduled to March 25 beginning at 6 p.m. at City Hall and is open to the public. With no other business before the Council, a motion to adjourn was offered by Bluml at 8:30 p.m.

John Kevin Liechti, Mayor ATTEST:

Julie Schroeder, Clerk

March 4 Meeting Claims to be Paid




Al's Corner, Propane ......................... $682.28

Al's Corner, F/D Propane ................. $314.13

Arcadia Limestone, Sand/salt ........... $121.67

Arcadia Telephone, Shop/Hall ........... $242.12

Bruner & Bruner, Legal ...................... $170.00

Carroll Cnty Solid Waste,

2nd Quarter .......................... $1,434.00

Counsel, Copier Contract ................... $48.00

EFTPS, Payroll Taxes ....................... $992.80

FAC, Fuel/Office Door ..................... $760.68

Fusebox, Website ............................... $85.00

IPERS, Payroll .................................. $887.24

Jacob Kraus, F/D Misc.,

Battery/Bulbs ............................... $26.58

Klocke Konstruction,

Hall Dutch Door/Labor .............. $210.00

Mid American, F/D Electric ................. $39.35

Mid American, Streets/Electric ...... $1,170.71

Nancy Janssen, Consulting ............. $125.30

Ray's Refuse, Garbage Contract ... $2,077.02

The Observer, Publishing ................. $205.33

West Central Rural Water,

Consumption .......................... $2,382.25

TOTAL ............................................ $11,974.46

Published in The Observer, Thursday,

March 14, 2019.

Club News

Bunko Crew awaits spring's arrival

Janine Kock hosted the Bunko Crew Sandy Obrecht. Joyce Von Glan rolled

at the Westside Legion Building Sunday, the Last Bunko, and Sheryl Podey had

March 10, an evening of good food and Low. Door prizes were won by Pam

conversation. The theme of "Ready for Austin and Pam Kock.

Spring" was carried out through the deco- Lanice Kock won the evening's game

rations and prizes, which were indoor of Left Right Center and jokingly offered

flowers in a variety of colors.

to split the prize with Pat Gress, Lori

Winning Most Bunkos for the gath- Hawley and Rose Miller, who had a fun

ering was Liz Crichton, who rolled a time but didn't win a prize!

record six on the night. She also had the The April hostess will be Deb

High score, followed by Deb Owen and Quandt.


Crawford County Board of Supervisors

Minutes and Claims -- February 26, 2019

February 26, 2019

The Board of Supervisors met at 9

o'clock a.m. with Kyle Schultz, Chairman pre-

siding. All members were present.

Minutes of the previous meeting were

read and approved.

On motion, the Board recognized claims

for the Public Health Department and ap-

proved claims for all other departments.

The Board recognized the change of

wage of Howard Clark, Maintenance Fore-

man in the Engineer's Department.

The Board recognized the change of

wage of Jacob Clark, Maintenance Employee

I in the Engineer's Department.

A motion was made by Blum, seconded

by Vogt, to approve the award of County por-

tion of 10th St HMA overlay project STBG-

SWAP-1920(626)--SG-24 to Ten Point Con-

struction. Motion was passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Skoog, seconded

by Muhlbauer, to set the time, date and loca-

tion for a public hearing and the publication

thereof related to the Master Matrix Evalua-

tion of a confined Animal Feeding Operation

known as Steve Hall Finisher Site to be con-

structed in Section 31 of Hayes Township.

The public hearing is scheduled for 10 o'clock

a.m. on March 19, 2019, in the Board of Su-

pervisors Room. Motion was passed unani-


At 10:06 a.m., a motion was made by

Skoog, seconded by Muhlbauer, to open the

public hearing regarding a Budget Amend-

ment for FY 2018-2019. Voting Aye: Muhl-

bauer, Skoog, Schultz and Vogt. Voting Nay:

Blum. Motion passed. There were two written

objections to the Juvenile Detention budget

amendment. At 10:18 a.m., a motion was made

by Mulhbauer, seconded by Vogt, to close the

public hearing. Voting Aye: Muhlbauer, Skoog,

Schultz, and Vogt. Abstaining: Blum. Motion


A motion was made by Vogt, seconded

by Skoog, to approve the following resolution:




WHEREAS, It is necessary to make ad-

ditional appropriations, funded by a budget

amendment adopted by the Board of Super-

visors on February 26, 2019, for the follow-

ing departments;

BE IT RESOLVED that appropriations

be adjusted to the following departments in

accordance with Section 331.434, ?6, Code

of Iowa, for the fiscal year ending June 30,



Dept. 5, Sheriff, 0001


Dept. 22, Conservation, 0001


Dept. 12, Public Health, 0001 $100,000

Dept. 36, County Farm, 0001


Dept. 51, General Services, 0001 $21,000

Dept. 61, Probation, 0001


Dept. 19, Roadside, 0011


Dept. 20, County Engineer, 0020 $963,333

Dept. 51, General Services, 0037 $35,000

Voting Aye: Skoog, Schultz, Muhlbauer

and Vogt. Voting Nay: Blum. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Muhlbauer, sec-

onded by Blum, to approve the CDBG Grant

Draw #3 ? Contract 1-CRLET-0001 for

$15,419.00. Motion passed unanimously.

During Citizens' Input, the Board met

with Louise Galbraith to discuss various

events for Veteran's Affairs that are coming

up. They also discussed bridge dedications

for the 2019 year.

On motion, duly seconded, the Board ad-

journed at 10:52 o'clock a.m.

Agendas for the next meeting are

posted and available at the Courthouse on

Friday at 4:30 p.m. preceding the next meet-


Terri Martens, County Auditor

Kyle Schultz, Chairman

Crabb, Dennis Wayne, Death Investigation ..................... 459.55

Crawford County Home Health, PHN Agencies/MH Fee for Service ...... 916.82

Crawford County Memorial Hospital, New Employee Physicals ........ 170.00

CSI LLC, USB Server Interface Module ..... 90.50

Cummins Central Power LLC, PM Generator ......................... 1,425.71

Dallas County Sheriff, Service ........... 52.62 Demey Electric,

Outlet/Sheriff Area .................. 1,051.35 Denison Bulletin Review,

Board Proceedings ................... 934.37 Denison Municipal Utilities,

Utilities .................................... 1,165.97 Digital-Ally, 2 - DVM-800 Kit, Activation,

Packages ................................ 5,100.00 Ed M Feld Equipment Company, Inc.,

Fire Alarm Inspection & Testing .... 460.00 Erlbacher Bros Inc., Hauling ............ 6,596.32 Ettleman's Oil Co., Fuel/Battery ........ 214.86 Eventide Lutheran Home,

Nursing Facility Charges ...... 2,846.33 Frontier, Telephone ........................ 3,226.16 Gallagher, Lisa, Reimbursement ..... 14.82 Hallett Materials, Aggregate ...... 110,474.02 Hansen, Lloyd, DHS Rent ................ 700.00 Harrison County Home Health Agency, PHN

Agencies/MH Fee for Service .... 544.52 Harrison County REC, NP Utilities ...... 741.99 Hawkeye Truck Equipment, Parts ...... 197.03 Heese, Janet, Reimbursement ............. 83.56 Herald Publishing Co., Advertising .... 371.50 Housby Mack Inc., Equipment ...... 66,500.00 Hrabik Welding, LLC, Parts & Labor .... 373.25 Hy-Vee, Prisoner Meals ................... 2,735.00 Iconic Screen Printing,

Uniform Expense ........................ 89.96 Independent Salt Company, Salt ..... 843.98 Iowa Communities Assurance Pool,

Insurance ................................... 736.00 Iowa Law Enforcement Academy,

School ........................................ 300.00 Iowa Narcotics Officers Association,

Conference Registration .......... 425.00 Iowa State Association of Counties,

Spring Conference .................... 540.00 Jack's Uniforms & Equip, Uniform ...... 92.99 Jepsen Repair, Auto Service/Repair ...... 58.50 Joe's Welding, Equipment Supplies ... 382.48 John Deere Financial, Parts ................. 45.35 Kasperbauer Cleaners Inc.,

Custodial Service ........................ 95.74 Lenovo, Equipment ........................ 1,627.38 Lickteig, Robert, Prep/Paint .......... 2,041.00 Manilla Times LLC,

Board Proceedings ................... 171.67 Martin Marietta Materials,

Limestone ............................ 14,781.15 McKesson Medical Surgical,

Medical Supplies ........................ 46.24 Meigs County Sheriff Department,

Service ......................................... 27.60 Menards, Office Equipment .......... 1,143.13 Metal Culverts Inc., CMP .............. 27,584.40

MidAmerican Energy, Electric Service ........................... 571.16

Myrtue Memorial Hospital,PHN Agencies/ MH Fee for Service .................... 938.66

National Pen Company, VA Giveaways ............................. 505.45

Newman Traffic Signs, Signs .......... 1,368.73 Observer, The, Board Proceedings ...... 415.70 Office Depot, Office Supplies ............. 79.29 Office Elements, Office Supplies ........ 42.65 Office Stop, The, Office Supplies ....... 71.98 Optum Hospice Pharmacy Services,

Hospice Med/Mgmnt ................. 281.73 O'Reilly Automotive Inc.,

Auto Supplies .............................. 39.99 Pauley Jones Funeral Homes LLC,

Transport - Autopsy (3) .......... 2,000.00 Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Care ........ 159.65 Quandt Repair, Auto Service/Repair ...... 78.20 Quill Corporation, Office Supplies ...... 193.20 R & J Lincoln Way Farm,

Parking Lot Rent ......................... 125.00 Rasmussen Lumber Co., Supplies ....... 118.96 Secure Shred Solutions LLC,

Shredding Service ....................... 40.00 Sign-Up Ltd, E911 Resident Signs ... 23.85 Sioux City Foundry Co.,

Structural Steel ....................... 3,061.49 Star Energy, Fuel ............................ 1,925.22 Stevens, Patrick,

Death Investigations ................. 300.00 Stratus Audio Inc.,

Phone Interpreter Service ........ 853.83 Temporary Aid Program Monthly,

Allocation ..................................... 40.00 Unified Contracting Services Inc.,

Shop Repairs .............................. 38.10 Van Diest Supply Company,

Calcium Chloride ................... 9,858.75 Vanguard Appraisals Inc.,

Appraisal Service ................... 4,302.50 Verizon Wireless,

Cell Phone/Internet Service ..... 554.09 Vogt, Jeri, Reimbursement ................ 35.00 Wal-Mart, Office Supplies ................... 30.57 Wellmark BC/BS of SD,

Claims Paid ......................... 28,788.86 Wright III, David J,

Hospice Medical Director ......... 200.00 Zenk Jr, Eugene Duane,

Consultant E911 .................... 1,500.00 Fund Totals 0001 - General Basic .................. 38,802.59 0002 - General Supplemental ......... 229.20 0011 - Rual Basic ................................ 11.46 0020 - Secondary Road ........... 239,731.46 0025 - Boat Fund .............................. 127.06 0037 - Tower Maintenance .............. 834.41 1524 - Capital Projects Fund ...... 25,107.93 4010 - E199 .................................... 1,832.43 4100 - Assessor ............................. 6,202.98 7900 - Sanitary Disposal-Landfill ...... 8,591.36 8500 - Self-Insurance,

Internal Serv Fnd .................. 28,788.86 Total .............................................. 350,259.74

Published in The Observer, Thursday, March 14, 2019.




Access Systems,

Network Security Audit .............. 983.56

Advanced Communication Services,

Security Camera-

Equip/Maint ........................... 25,107.93

Ampride, Fuel ...................................... 62.00

Anda, Inc., Medical Vaccine .............. 234.75

Baker, Lue, Bereavement Services ... 225.00

Beeck's Window Cleaning,

Custodial Service ........................ 24.00

Beery, Tim, Mileage .......................... 137.28

Black Hills Energy, Utilities .............. 411.99

Bomgaars, Supplies/Equip ............. 652.93

Bradley, Rod, Service ........................ 933.75

Broadway Dental, Dental Care ........ 270.01

Brodersen, Rita, Reimbursement ....... 106.99

Carlson Crane, Training ...................... 360.00

Cass County Memorial Hospital, PHN

Agencies/FP Fee for Service .... 380.75

Central Iowa Distributing Inc.,

Custodial Supplies ................... 564.90

Charlie's Plumbing & Heating, Inc.,

Shop Repairs .............................. 85.00

Charm-Tex Inc., Jail Supplies ............. 397.66

City of Charter Oak, Utilities ............... 42.75

City of Vail, Utilities .............................. 38.40

Clark, Jody, Reimbursement ................ 90.86

Computer Md,

W10 Workstation/Service ...... 1,948.50

Counsel Office & Document,

Copier Charges ........................... 179.30


Owner: Heather & Corey Erps, Arcadia Given Name: Shiloh Breed: Beagle Age: 4 years old Bio: We acquired Shiloh from Angie Wittrock from a litter of her two purebred beagles at her farm. What we like most about him is that he is people friendly and loyal.

Shiloh obeys commands and he can perform many tricks. Most of all, his greatest talent is being such a great asset to our family!

Shiloh is a unique dog who has his own routine. During the week you can find him at Mary's Refinishing keeping a watch on the store for his grandma. After a long days work, you can find him at home sleeping on the couch!

Ask us how you can have your pet featured

in this column!

Shiloh is enjoying life with his people (from left) Cooper, Cora, and Audrey Erps.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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