Psychology 202

Psychology 403 Topic Paper 40 Pts Due Thursday 4/11

Think of a topic you would like to know more about in end-of-life/death & dying.

Find at least three sources. One source may be a very reputable online source.

Topic Possibilties: Funerals; how religions view death; mourning customs in other cultures; advanced directives; how death affects different age groups for example.

Please ask if there are questions about topic areas. Look through the chapters relating to death and dying for ideas.

The summary. Summarize the main points of the article(s)in your opening paragraphs. This may sound easy, but often it is more difficult to write a short, concise summary than it is to ramble on for paragraphs about what you read. Don't try to summarize every point made in a chronological fashion, or describe little details; you must digest the main ideas, not re-state them in the order in which they appeared. Instead, convey the main idea or ideas and then support these with some examples of the findings and/or conclusions.

Source of information: Journal articles are a great source---tTry to find an online journal article or go to library for social science/health/psychology journals. Books are another source. You may use a reputable website, such as Mayo Clinic or WebMD. To google a topic or to use Wikipedia will not be accepted. If you do not know about a site you find, please ask.

Technical style: Each report must be typed, double-spaced with pages stapled together. The length of the report should be about 5-8 pages. Material must be paraphrased from the article, with appropriate source article documentation (in other words, do not plagiarize) Be sure to give the source article credit. Paraphrasing does not mean simply rearranging the author's words or sentences. You must restate what the author is saying into your own words.

Include your name, the title of the articles, and class name.

Use APA style for citations within the text. A title page and bibliography are required. You do not need to include the article with your summary paper.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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