Bunnell/Bonnell Newsletter

BUNNELL/BONNELL NEWSLETTER Edited by Carole (Guthrie) Bonnell


PO Box 4282 - Spanaway, WA 98387 Assisted by Teri (Beckwith) Bonnell

22717 41 Ave Ct E - Spanaway, WA 98387 ( 253) 847-2357

Email: Carolebonnell@ or TLBonnell@

Published February, May, August & November

$ 14.00 year Donation - 4 Quarterly Issues of 16-I8 pages


Contents: 52-55 Letters from the Editor’s 61 Obituaries

52 Welcome to your New Editor 63 1880 US Census

55 Letter from Your New Editor 66 Idaho Death Indexes

56 List of Subscribers paid for 2003 & 2004 67 Vital Records Index of

56 Letters, Emails & Queries North America

60 Subscribers Email Addresses 70 Subscribers List


Carole Bonnell ~ 22717 41st Ave. Ct. E., Spanaway, WA 98387 Editor 1997-2002 Carolebonnell @

Teri Bonnell ~ 22914 52nd Ave. E., Spanaway, WA 98387 Assistant Editor 1997-2002 tlbonnell@

William Austin ~ PO Box 62, Laceyville, PA 18623-0062 Past Editor 1987-1996 Billau2@

Claude Bunnell ~ 408 23rd Street, Ocean City, NJ 08226 (summer) cbunnell@comcast 2110 Harbourside Dr., Longboat Key, FL 34228-4257 (winter)

Claude’s Website:

From the Editor: Another year has passed by much too fast. Here we are on our final issue for 2002 (Yes I know you received this in 2003.) We deliberately waited, patiently hoping that someone would step up to take over the Newsletter. We had some generous offers to do an Internet Newsletter. But although that is cheaper and very valuable to people with computers and Internet servers, it eliminates the people who are not `connected'. . It does take longer to do a `paper' issue, but it is usually saved by the subscriber and re-read a few times before passing it on to other family members or added to their personal or public library. We didn't want a "Web page only"; and I think the people offering, understood the value of that. But we do thank them for the offers. Thankfully, we have found someone to take this newsletter over.

Please Welcome your new Editor beginning year 2003 and Give him your Support:

Good news! Charlie Bunnell of La Plata, MD had tried to reach me in Arizona while I was in Tennessee, in December to proudly watch our son, Dean A Bonnell, graduate with his Masters Degree at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. So I missed Charlie’s calls. When we came home to Washington we spoke via emails in January. He has kindly offered to take over the job of publisher beginning in 2003, as he is retiring and will have the spare time. Besides the 'paper' copy, he mentions, also, an Internet Newsletter for those who wish it, sometime in the future. The Internet paper will not replace the paper copy, but will be in addition to for those wishing it through the Internet instead of having it mailed.

Please give him the same wonderful support you've given Teri & I over the past six years. The Newsletter is a BIG JOB and very time consuming, but also very rewarding. Teri and I enjoyed the work on it and also the research trips where we found Bunnell/Bonnell/Burnells (every spelling) in every city we always found ourselves researching. (See Teri's message elsewhere in this issue.)

Be sure to send in your important information, queries, obits, death certificates and family marriages to his address below, until he gives you another address or email to send information to. We all have tons of information that we've filed, stored, boxed up. Now is the time to drag it out, sort it and send it in to be shared with the rest of the subscribers. Get it published. As always be sure to put your name and address on EVERY page submitted. Also please put the city, county and state when submitting information or queries. Very few of us know where every city in every state.

This is the address I have now for your new Editor beginning the year 2003.

For future snail-mail correspondence, the address is:

Charles Bunnell - 9318 Farewell Ct. - La Plata, MD 20646

Email: cpbunnell@. You can also see his website at: Charlie@bunnellfamily.us

Attention: Those subscribers that have paid ahead for the year 2003 to us, will be paid up with Charlie for 2003. A few of you have paid for the year 2004, that will also be sent to Charlie. Those subscribers paid ahead will have their names listed in THIS issue. If you believe there is an error, please contact us by mail or email as soon as possible.

If you have changed your mailing address, email server or if you no longer wish your email published - Let him know!

As I mentioned in the last issue, this will be my last issue as an editor of this newsletter. Happily, it won't be the last issue for this Newsletter. Although I will continue to be a subscriber, I have come to a time in my life of great transitions. It's time to spend time with my personal family. That has always been very important to me. Also, the health of my husband, Larry, and his fight with cancer is a big concern. He was diagnosed with it January 2002. We went to Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale Arizona for a second and confirming opinion. (Hoping, against hope, that they were wrong). We've had some scary moments and emotional days spent in hospital emergency rooms and transfusion clinics. As a result, I have been very distracted and have not been able to devote the time it takes for this Newsletter.

Thankfully, my wonderful friend and sister-in-law Teri, who is always ready to help, jumped in and did the issues while I was unavailable. I need to thank her and let her know that much of what I do, could not have happened without her help. She is someone who is ALWAYS there for me, to lend a hand, mail a forgotten item from Washington to Arizona, to encourage me when I am overwhelmed, or lend a shoulder to cry on when I am grieving. I want her to know how very much she is appreciated. This family was lucky when you joined it.

We will also cherish the time we can now spend with family and friends, doing some of the things that have taken a back seat to the Newsletter over the past six years. Another change is the fact that our son Dean moved to Tennessee in June 2001 to go back to college and complete Graduate School. Upon his December 2002 graduation, he was offered and has taken a job in Knoxville Tennessee where he and his wife, Carmen (Goodwin), and our three grandkids, Fletcher, Tabitha and Meara, will live for a few years. Although we did spend ten days with them in December, the time was cut short for medical reasons and we miss them terribly. So, time will be spent traveling to see them as often as possible. There are also some other projects I've put off until later - well, it's now `later' and time to get to them.

Please know that I loved doing this job and will always be grateful to past editor, William Austin, for giving me the chance to try. With his and Claude Bunnell’s help, Teri and I feel proud to have produced issues that published an enormous amount of information that we have all gathered to connect and prove and disprove relationships, share family histories, strengthen our family units and show the blending of so many people, countries, cultures and professions. Editors and Subscribers both can all feel proud of this. You have all contributed in your own ways; some sending in information to be published, correcting published information or helping to defray the cost of this publication by paying your yearly donation for postage and copies, which enabled us to keep publishing this newsletter.

Our genealogy and family research has brought families together connecting the generations and pulling out those all but forgotten childhood memories of our parents and grandparents. We've learned to prove what we believe to be true and take the time now to document our own lives for our future family historians. For myself, whose grandparents on both sides were gone before I was born, it brought them back to life for me to know. I am sorry I never knew them. And I'm sorry for the time we didn't have together. But am, on the other hand, so grateful that I began family history and genealogy, gathering the information that would inspired me to learn all I could about how they lived, loved and endured hardships. To leave their homes, their countries for good; saying goodbye to all friends and relatives, leaving much behind, taking their most prized possessions and travel to somewhere months and miles away just blows me away!. Most had no job, home or even a promise of a better life waiting at the end of their journey.

Wouldn't it embarrass them to know that f don't leave home without a confirmed travel reservation getting me there, a warm room, food on arrival and money or credit enough to ensure my safe return home, should I tire of this place after my arrival. It will always amaze me, how people could leave their homes, jobs, families and all they care about to travel in dirt, dust and muck, scale mountains and trudge rivers, fear unfamiliar Indians or strangers along the way and shortages of food, water and shelter to start a new life. Some never to see their parents, brothers and sisters or even children ever again. How spoiled we've become. And, how fortunate we are, to have Ancestors who cared enough to change their lives making it easier for us. And lucky to be able to find them with the research available to us today. And of course we are so lucky to have been born to them, with a drive to want to know them better....the good and the bad.

I thank all of you for having had faith in us all these years to produce a paper you eagerly wait to receive. And for all of you that are still stumbling with your research, it does get easier. You need only ask for help from another researcher. Genealogists, on the whole, are the most giving and helpful of people. Today there is so much information on the Internet, in libraries and big and small towns for us to access. Enjoy the tromp through cemeteries and courthouses and get acquainted with your local genealogy societies and do attend some seminars. You will be amazed, entertained and thrilled by what you learn tom others. I go away from these wondering; "Why didn't I think of that?" I've even gone away from a seminar, wishing I had been somewhere else. And DO write down your family history for others to read in the future. Do it now! All this research left in file drawers will help no one. Some will even be thrown out after we depart this world. If you do nothing else this year, write a chapter on your family and share it with your family, library, genealogy society.

Share your family history and research with your children and grandchildren. They'll take more interest in their geography and history lessons in school if they know some of their families lived in these places. Get them interested in their past, your past. The younger generations are also a whole lot better with the computers than we are. Tap into that! We can always use another family historian!

My family of seven brothers and one sister were never so quiet and enraptured as when my sister-in-law, Julie Guthrie, made up a booklet of many older family photos with added research we'd gathered on our family. She gave them as gifts for Christmas one year, one to each family. They read stories I'd gathered from a great grandmother of her trek across from Chicago to Iowa in 1870. She wrote in her biography, in the 1920's, mentioning black bird pie. I had always thought that was only a poem. They saw copies of handwritten letters, signatures on wedding and birth certificates of long past grandparents. They compared how they and their children shared physical characteristics, occupations and hobbies with these ancestors many who lived 200 or more years ago.

I look forward to relaxing with future issues from the next editor and wish him much luck and support from all of us. I hope, in a year or two that he will still be excited that he took over this position. I really feel, as William Austin did, that this is a worthwhile publication that can help many. If we all continue to send in our personal stories, genealogies and vital records, we will all benefit from connections with other researchers. Never again, when asked if I'm related to someone with a different spelling of our last names will I hastily say, "No, we spell it different." I know better NOW!

A Note from Teri: The newsletter has been a very positive experience for me. I am sad to be ending it but at the same time glad. I have so many things I want to do. I will be able to give more time to my own research, hobbies, family and the travel & boating that Bob & I wish to pursue. “Thanks”, to all of you for your total support and contributions. You have and did make this newsletter, Carole and I only put it together and filled in the empty spaces. I have truly enjoyed your letters, emails, requests and general communications.

I want to say “thanks” to Chester S. Bunnell and Donald H. Bunnell for the great stamps they sent. And to many of you that have sent stamps in the past. I really have enjoyed adding them to my collection. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated and the thrill of receiving them beyond words.

Congratulations to Charlie !!!, I wish them all the best in his new element. He is quite wonderful to speak with and exchange email, please feel free to do so. I dearly hope you will support him as you have Bill, Carole & I in the past years.

I wish for each and every one of you: continued discoveries while pursuing your genealogical lines. May you find that elusive ancestor and be thrilled with each new mystery that you solve. Teri : )



Date: 2 Feb 2003 Email from Charlie Bunnell to the subscribers of the newsletter:

We (Charlie and Pat Bunnell) had just started a Bunnell Family web page when we decided to become the editors of the Bunnell/Bonnell Newsletter. Our goal is to morph the Newsletter into a web based product and continue the printed product for those researchers who don't have web access. The newsletter will continue to be available only to members, but will be available on-line via a password. We also want to make as many past issues available as possible. Further down the road we hope to set up a discussion page where one member can pose a research problem and other members can provide their thoughts and recommendations.

The website is also offering bunnellfamily.us email service. I would have bought the rights to bonnellfamily also, but didn’t know we were heading in this direction.

Rates are (in U.S currency):

Printed, mailed Newsletter, issued Quarterly:                  $14.00/year

Electronic Newsletter, Quarterly, printable and downloadable:    $10.00/year

Email account only, yourname@bunnellfamily.us:     $20.00/year

Email account, including electronic Newsletter:         $25.00/year

To start the process simply mail us a check for the appropriate amount and include your name, address, phone number, current email address (if you have one) and desired account name (if you want the email account). For the bunnellfamily.us email account, we'll phone you to finalize the process. If you already paid Carole for next year, you are paid. If you want to switch to electronic, send me an email.

Charlie Bunnell

9318 Farewell Ct.

La Plata, MD 20646

Charlie@bunnellfamily.us (For newsletter or webpage info, or just to chat)

youngchuck@bunnellfamily.us (email account info)

Visit us at


Subscribers that are paid for the year of 2003 are:

William Austin Lou Anne Bunnel Donald H. Bunnell Kay A. Cutshall Monty C. Peden Darlene Ryan Althea Statum Christine Gembinski

Tom Randel Elliott Bonnell McConnell

Subscribers that are paid for the year 2004 are:

Christine Gemginski Tom Randel Elliott Bonnell McConnell

Editors Note: Carole will send a check to Charlie for these subscribers who have been paid up for this year and next. So you will not have to worry, we wanted you all to know who you are.


~ Emails & Queries

1/20/2003 via email ~ This is exciting news from your new Editor, read on fellow researchers:

Subj: New Bunnell Web Page From: charlie@bunnellfamily.us

What each of us have in common is that we were subscribers to the Bunnell/Bonnell Newsletter.

My son and I have started a new Bunnell Family web site, potentially to augment the newsletter. It is under construction but one of the pages is ready for viewing. Go to:

http: / /bunnellfamily.us/files.htm #sites.

I plan on adding each of your e-mail addresses to the links portion of that page (scroll down). If you do not want your e-mail address there, please let me know. If you'd like a sentence or two written up, please send it to me.

My e-mail address is changing from cpbunnell@ to cpbunnell@.

Some of you may not recognize/remember my e-mail address, but each of you have some common interest with us in genealogy, the 185th NYV, or local history in Tioga County.

Researching: Bunnell, Everett, Dickinson, Doney, Livermore, and Hollenbeck concentrating in the Tioga/Broome County area.

Thanks, Charlie & Pat Bunnell 301-392-3899 La Plata, MD

Alfred Bunnell

I am searching for proof that Alfred Bunnell was the son of Ephraim Bunnell. Ephraim was born in 1797 in Mason County, KY, moved to Warren County, Ohio, and married Martha (Patsy) Biddle Price, a widow, in Warren County on March 15, 1827. On January 18, 1827, Alfred Bunnell was born in Warren County. Martha Price was the widow of William Price and had 3 children with him before he died. One of these children was Permelia, born about 1820. In 1828 Ephraim and family moved to Montgomery County, Indiana, where they lived and had the following children: Elizabeth, Harriett, Martha Ellen, Ephraim and Veasey. Ephraim Sr. died on March 9, 1868 in Waynetown, Indiana, about a month after Alfred, who died on February 5, 1868. Alfred married Catherine J. Edwards on October 4, 1849 in Waynetown. Any and all information regarding this family would be appreciated.

Charles R. Bunnell ~ 3211 Treemont St. S.W. ~ Huntsville, AL 35801 ~ crbunnell@

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hi Carole,

I been meaning to send you this query, but been so busy with other things that it slipped my mind.

I have hit a brick wall with this, so hopefully someone may be able to help me. I am searching for the date of death and burial place for 331813 John Henry Bunnell born 27 February 1853 in Cambridge City, Wayne, IN. He probably died sometime in the mid 1920's as his brother 331817 Edward Bunnell's obituary (30 Oct 1929) stated the only surviving brother was 331820 Charles Bunnell.

To give a little more info on John Henry Bunnell, if it would help to locate him, is some members of this line decided to add a "e" to the Bunnell name making the spelling Bunnelle. John Henry Bunnell was one that added the "e" to the name as his three children were born using the Bunnelle spelling. The reasoning for this "e" addition is quite unclear and unknown why some of the family did this. John Henry Bunnell had married Eliza Kerchival (born Oct 1857) on 24 Dec 1877 in Covington, Fountain, IN. The 3 children from this marriage were: Maude Elsie Bunnelle (born 5 Oct 1878 Covington, Fountain, IN) Bess Caroline Bunnelle (born Apr 1882 Ohio) and Isaac Harbert Bunnelle ( born 13 Dec 1886 Covington, Fountain, IN and died 12 Jun 1934 Rankin, Vermilion, IL)

The last known area John Henry Bunnell was living at was in Rankin, Vermilion, IL on the 1920 census. He had remarried at this time.

I had hired a genealogist living in that area to see if they could locate him, without any luck, as he must of moved in his later years. I also contacted Jean and Jack Bunnelle (Grandsons of John Henry Bunnell, Sons of Isaac Harbert Bunnelle) with no luck as they never knew any information on their Grandfather.

If anyone could help me with this, it would greatly be appreciated.

Tobias Bunnell tbunnell@woh. OR tbunnell@

214 Henry Street ~ Urbana, Ohio 43078


Dear Teri,

Thank you for responding to my note so quickly concerning the newsletter. I too am sorry you must discontinue printing it. I am enclosing my check for #14.00 for the 4 issues for this years (2002).

Thanks for the addresses, ect., of William R. Austin and Claude Bunnell. We have learned names of some of our Bonnell ancestors from Claude’s Home Page. Although I’m not sure it will benefit you, I’m sending my connection to the Bonnell Family.

Sincerely, Velma Arthur ~

P.S. I don’t own a computer, but started many years ago searching records etc. Now my 2nd cousin uses the computer for us.

From Claude Bunnell Home Page:

004487 Henry Bonnell ~ my great, great grandfather

004488 John Bonnell ~ my great grandfather

Velma Arthur ~ 418 Cleveland St. ~ Columbus, IN ~ 47201

(I received Velma’s first letter inquiring about the newsletter before Thanksgiving and replied quickly so that we could get her information into the last newsletter. She was very prompt in answering too. She is our newest subscriber. Here’s hoping that someone can give her a step “back”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: bsktsbythesea@ (Pam Walling) To: carolebonnell@


My brother, Louis Coryell, and I, Pamela Walling, are working on our family genealogy. Lou asked if we can possibly obtain copies of past newsletters that I do not have right now. The earliest copy that I can find is Volume 15 Number 3, from August 2001. Please let me know if we can purchase copies before the August 2001 copy. (FYI from Carole: You can purchase past issues Vol 11 # 1 - Vol 16 # 4 = 1997-2002 Published by Carole & Teri Bunnell, from the address on this newsletter. The issues published by Wm Austin Vol 1 - 10 = 1987-1996 can be ordered from him at the address for him in this issue).

We would also like to have you add our email addresses to the list in the newsletter:

Pamela Ruton Coryell Walling : bsktsbythesea@

Louis A. Coryell : lacoryell@

I have enjoyed finding out about my mother's, Alice Ruton Bunnell, family and all of the people in her dad's family. Many thanks to Claude Bunnell for all of his work in helping us.

Thanks again, Pam Walling


By Email from Albert F. Post of 41 Milefski Dr. Apt. 25, Uncasville, CT 06382-2136

PPstp7@ wrote: I found some info on Amos Bunnell & Rosetta Bogue. My grandmother was Elfreda Bunnell Phelps, whom was Amos and Rosetta’s daughter. Ernest W. Post and Grace E. Phelps were my parents. Will scan this info to you. Thanks, Al Post

1 Henry BUNNELL b: unknown d: unknown

+ Phebe GOODALE b: unknown d: unknown

2 Amos BUNNELL b: 1835 d: unknown

+Rosetta BOGUE b: 23 Sep 1841 d: 24 Feb 1902

3 Amanda BUNNELL b: 10 Dec 1858 d: unknown

3 ELfreda BUNNELL b: 7 Jul 1862 d: 29 Oct 1951

+ Lyndhart PHELPS b: 19 Aug 1858 d: 11 Apr 1916

4 ELmer W. PHELPS b: 28 Oct 1881 d: 30 May 1908

4 Ira L. PHELPS b: 6 Feb 1884 d: 29 Mar 1900

4 Lucy Rosetta PHELPS b: 26 Apr 1886 d: 1991

4 Myrtle__ E. PHELPS_ b: 26 Sep 1888 d: 21 Nov 1909

4 Addie L. PHELPS b: 11 Mar 1891 d: 24 Jul 1970

4 Eugene _S. PHELPS b: 26 Apr 1893 d: 28 Nov 1967

4 Grace PHELPS b: 25 Apr 1895 d: 10 Sep 1976

+ Ernest W. POST b: 14 Jul 1892 d: Aug 1947

4 Ernest L. PHELPS b: 31 Mar 1901 d: unknown

3 Abby E. BUNNELL b: 4 May 1864 d: unknown

3 WiLLiam E. BUNNELL b: 17 Aug 1865 d: unknown

3 Everett BUNNELL b: 27 Nov 1872 d: unknown

3 Herbert E. BUNNELL b: 16 Feb 1880 d: unknown

2 ELiza A. BUNNELL b: abt. 1837 d: 7 Apr 1898

+ RusseLL-C. BOGUE b: 29 Apr 1829 d: 23 Jul 1898


Subj: Re: Rootsweb freepages

Date: 07/09/2002 - atgoose@ (Kay [Aldrich] Cutshall)

I got a page for the Newsletter built and now have it linked from my new index page.

..hope you like it. (kinda been having fun doing this :) .Kay

[pic]*indicates a new or changed email address

William R. Austin Billau2@ Jerry Hatch wjhatch@

Floyd L. Baldwin* floydbet@ Jean Sayre Kane jskane@

Jean Bevis jean.bevis@worldnet. Peggy LaFlesh LLCK@

Christine Gembinski CHGEMG@

Carole Bonnell carolebonnell@ Richard Lesser rlesser3@ Clem & Alyne Bonnell cabonnell@worldnet. Elliott McConnell ebmcc@

George C. Bonnell GCBNL@ Joyce I. May jmay1739@

James Bonnell jpb74@ David Merrilees dmerrilees@

John C. Bonnell Jr. jbon@ Ron Myers ronnsue@

Linda A. Bonnell labjkb@ Joan Murray joan_m60067@

Steven L. Bonnell slbnl@ Louise Nemecek lbbnemecek@worldnet.

Teri L. Bonnell tlbonnell@ Kay C. Ohana kohana@

Wayne Bonnell wwb@ Kim Policastro kpolicastr@

Loretta Brasche lbrasche@ Guthrie T. Pratt rbgtpratt@

Carolyn B. Brooks bbrooks@ Tom Randel tomran@

Phyllis Brunk pigpgbrunk@ Rosa Rediger birde@

Donald Broadwell donb@ Darlene Ryan geneie@ And broadwelld@unstout.edu Ann Skidmore askid@

Charles E. Bunnell* cpbunnell@ Charlotte Stewart cstewart@

Charles R. Bunnell crbunnell@ Gladys Treadway gltreadway@

Claude A. Bunnell cbunnel@ Eris & Richard Bunnell ERISB@

Donald H. Bunnell dbun189510@ Elizabeth Chambers ebc1@

Jimmy Bunnell morekalian@ Thomas Byrd ptbyrd@

John Greg Bunnell john.bunnell@ Pamela Walling bsktsbythesea@

Kevin P. Bunnell kevinpbun@ Lyda Cloud grayebc@

Paul J. Bunnell Benjamin@ Elaine V. Block Cole evbcole@

Tobias Bunnell tbunnell@woh. Mary A. Dede Burnell fsb00758@wvnet.edu

And tbunnell@ * Chester S. Bunnell bunnellcs@slu.edu

Doris Livingston djlivingston@worldnet. Linda Doty kinquest@

Rebecca West Rutledge beckwestrutledge@ Louis A. Coryell lacoryell@

Judith Wilkins judithwilkins@ K.A. Cutshall atgoose@

Jacqueline Bunnell-Odgen bunny-jo@ Joan Flavel obj@

Brenda Bunnell Griffin brenway@ Barbara Barrett Barbchgo@


Marriage Records of Multnomah County, Oregon Jan 1855 – 1873 Aug

Page 81 ~ Bunnell ~ Scott

DD Bunnell & Martha S. Scott, both of Multnomah Co., married 14 Sept 1871 at the house of N.R. Packard by SA Moreland, JP.

Wits: NR Packard, JP Sprenger

Page 334 Marriage Record Book 1 in the Multnomah Co., Court House in Portland , OR


The Norwich Bulletin ~ Norwich, Connecticut ~ Sunday, September 1, 2002

Dorothy Bunnell

Feb. 11, 1924 -Aug. 29, 2002 ~

UNCASVILLE - Mrs. Dorothy (Wilder) Bunnell of 16 Rainbow Drive, Uncasville passed away Thursday evening at Hillcrest Healthcare Center. She was born in New Britain February 11, 1924 the daughter of Clayton and Emily (Hudec) Wilder. Mrs. Bunnell had made her home in Uncasville for the past 4 years, prior to that she had been a Norwich resident for 36 years. A 1942 graduate of East Hartford High School, Mrs. Bunnell had been employed at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft in the purchasing department for 13 years. On July 6, 1964 in Kennebunk, ME she was united in marriage to Alva R. Bunnell. He passed away July 7, 1996, Mrs. Bunnell was a member of the Church of the Nazarene of Preston, and had been an avid bowler. She is survived by 3 sons, Kenneth A. Bunnell of Anaheim Hills, CA, Keith A. Bunnell of Oakdale and Craig Rogers of Weekapaug, RI; 1 daughter Sandra Dubay of Somers; 8 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Mrs. Bunnell is predeceased by 2 brothers Richard and Robert Wilder. Funeral Services to be held at the Church of the Nazarene Preston Wednesday at 10:00 am. Burial to follow in Ames Cemetery Lisbon. There is no visitation. Arrangements by Godere Funeral Home, Taftville.


The Daily Record ~ Wooster, Ohio

Hilda Bonnell

HILLSBORO - Hilda Eileen Bonnell, 79, of Hillsboro, died Friday evening, March 8, 2002, at the Greenfield Area Medical Center.

She was born February 23, 1923, in Wooster, the daughter of the late Earl and Faye (Lindsey) Howman.

She is survived by her husband, Cliff Bonnell, whom she had married on June 27, 1943, in Wooster; one son and daughter-in-law, retired Army Lt. Col. Kenneth L. Bonnell and his wife, Bonnita of Marysville, two daughters and a son-in-law, Janet Butler and her husband, Basil of Chloe, West Virginia, Darlene Cadle of Scottsville, Virginia; nine grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; three sisters, Opal Peacock of West Salem, Wanda Glasgo of Smithville, and Donna Flickinger of Wooster and four brothers, Donald Howman of Smithville, Lyle Howman of West Salem, Weldon Howman of Wooster and Larry Howman of Florida.

Services will be held at 7 p.m. tonight (Monday) at the Turner & Son Funeral Home in Hillsboro. Pastor Dan Lamb will officiate. Friends may call tonight (Monday) from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the Turner & Son Funeral Home in Hillsboro.

Additional services will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Congress Community Church in Congress. Bob Holmes will officiate. Burial will follow in the Congress Cemetery. Friends may call on Tuesday from noon until 1 p.m. at Congress Community Church.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Arthritis Foundation, 7811 Laurel Avenue, Cincinnati 45243. For more information or to sign our online register book, please visit .

The Courier ~ Findlay, Ohio ~ Wed., Sept. 29, 1999


Dorothy M. Bonnell

Funeral services for Dorothy May Bonnell, 76, a resident of Trinity Nursing Home, Beavercreek, and formerly of Findlay, will be held at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Kirkpatrick-Behnke Funeral Home, the Rev. Rainbow Eagle officiating. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery.

Visitation will be held two hours prior to services Thursday at the funeral home.

Mrs. Bonnell died at 5 a.m. Monday, Sept. 27, 1999, at Kettering Medical Center.

She was born Sept. 1, 1923, in Gray, Pa., to Horace and Elsie P. (Gutherie) Brown. She married Clarence W. Bonnell on April 8, 1944. He died Jan. 1, 1987.

Surviving are one son, Douglas E. of Dayton; one daughter, Mrs. Warren (Vicki) Williams, Colorado Springs, Colo.; three grandchildren; one step-grandchild; one great-grandchild; and one brother, Donald Brown, Windham.

She also was preceded in death by one brother, Charles Brown; and two sisters, Beatrice Stubenhorott and Laverna McClain.

Mrs. Bonnell was a homemaker. She graduated from Philippi (W.Va.) High School.


The Telegram ~ St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada ~ June 12, 2002

BONNELL, Reginald Harold - Beloved husband of Bernice (nee Dunne). Passed peacefully away at St. Clare's Mercy Hospital on Wednesday, June 12, 2002, age 78 years. Happily married to Bernice for 55 years, he leaves to mourn son Reg (Noreen) of New Brunswick; daughters: Vickie Brown (AI) and Ivy Hoffman (Rob), both of Alberta; grandchildren: Ian, Darryl, Russell, Kathleen, Rob, Sean, Stephen, Erin, Andy and Kelly; and two great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by daughter Donna McIntyre (Mike) of Ontario. Reg will be sadly missed by brother Bob (Corner Brook); and sisters: Ella Pittman (St. Lawrence), Joyce Rogers (Grand Bank), Ivy Gill (Ontario); special friends Ralph and Alma Bonnell, as well as a large circle of relatives and friends. A veteran of WWII, Reg served in the Canadian Armed Forces for 30 years and along with his family traveled Canada with postings in Kingston, ON, Brandon, MN, Rivers, MN, Toronto, ON, Wainwright, AB, Dartmouth, NS and Calgary, AB before retiring to St. John's with Bernice in 1983. Reg requested no viewing and no flowers. If desired, donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Cancer Society. Cremation has taken place. Visitation for family and friends to be held 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday, June 15, 2002 from Barrett's Funeral Home, 328 Hamilton Avenue. Please visit barretts.ca to sign the memorial guest book.


Marriage Records of Multnomah County, Oregon Jan 1855 – 1873 Aug

Compiled by Harriette Word Park ~ May 1977 Published by the Genealogical Forum of Portland, OR

Page 91 ~ Bonnell ~ Sprenger

C.C. Bonnell of Lewiston, County of Nez Perce, Territory of Idaho and Flora A. Sprenger of Multomah County, Oregon, married 22 Sept 1872 (license 21 Sept) at the house of JB Sprenger by A.L. Lindsley, MG. wits: JB Sprenger, DD Bonnell

Pg 403 Marriage Record Book 1 in the Multnomah Co., Court House in Portland, OR

1880 US Census: Bonnell

Name Birthdate Sex Race Birthplace State/County/Town

BONNELL, F. Father M W VA IA /Scott/Lincoln

BONNEL, J.H. Self M W NJ IA /Lee/Franklin

BONNEWELL, Geo. Self M W ENGL MN/Meeker/Collinwood

BONNELL, Julia A. Mother F W PA IA/DesMoines/Burlington

BONNEL, William Brother M W NJ IA/ Lee/ Franklin

BONNELL, Hannebal Self M W OH MN/Goodhue/CentraPoint

BONNEL, Rachel A. Wife F W IN IA/ Lee/ Franklin

BONNEWELL, Tamer T. Wife F W ENGL MN/Meeker /Collinwood

BONNELL, Eliza Other F W NY MN/Dakota /Hastings

BONNELL, J. W. Self M W NJ MN /Becker /Detroit

BONNELL, Olive A. Wife F W VT MN/Goodhue/CentraPoin

BONEWELL, John A. Self M W MD IA/Mahaska /Union

BONNELL, Mary E. Wife F W NJ MN/Becker/Detroit

BONNELL, P.P. Sister F W NJ MN BigSto Ortonville

BONEWELL, Martha J. Wife F W IN IA/Mahaska/ Union

BONNELL, Eliza Son M W IA IA/ Lee /WestPoint

BONNELL, Benjamin Self M W OH IA/ Scott /Lincoln

BONNELL, J. C. Self M W NJ IA/DesMoines /Burlington

BONNELL, J.P. Self M W NJ MN/ BigSto/ Ortonville

BONNELL, Sarah E. Wife F W IN IA/DesMoines/Burlington

BONNELL, Charles Other M W MI MN/Ramsey/ St.Paul

BONNELL, Octavius Self M M NJ MN/OtteTa/ Dunn

BONNEL, Sylvanus Self M W IA IA /Henry/ Jackson

BONNELL, Ida F. Wife F W WI MN/OtteTa/ Dunn

BONNELL, Jennie Wife F W PA IA/ Scott /Lincoln

BONDLE, Alex M. Self M W OH IA/Hardin /Eldora

BONNEL, Elezebeth Wife F W IA IA/ Henry /Jackson

BONDEL, Charles Self M W ENG IA/Greene/ Paton

BONDEL, Betsey Wife F W ENG IA/Greene /Paton

BONNELL, Adelbert Son M W IL MN/Goodhue/ CentraPoin

BONDLE, Amanda M.Wife F W IA IA/Hardin/Eldora

BONAWELL, Cat Other M W IN IA/Montgo/Frankfort

BONNELLE, Eugene E. Other M W PA IA/ Fayette/ WestUnion

BONNELL, Isaac A. Son M W WI IA/Powesh /Grinnell

BONNEL, Harvey S. Son M W IA IA/ Lee/ Franklin

BONNELL, Mary J. Dau F W NY IA/Powesh/ Grinnell

BONNEL, Albert Son < 1862> M W IA IA/Lee /Franklin

BONNELL, John Son M W WI MN/Becker/ Detroit

BONNELL, Lewis F. Son M W MN MN/Goodhue/CentraPoin

BONEWELL, Ira Gilbert Other M W OH IA/Mahaska /Union

BONEWELL, George S. Son M W IN IA/Mahaska/ Union

BONNELL, Charles H. Son M W WI MN/OtteTa /Dunn

BONNELL, Lizzie Dau F W IA IA/DesMoines/Burlington

BONNELL, Annie G. Dau < 1868> F W WI MN/Becker /Detroit

BONNELL, Frank Son < 1868> M W IA IA/ Scott /Lincoln

BONNEL, Elliot Son < 1869> M W IA IA/ Henry/Jackson

BONNELL, Jennie Dau F W IA IA/DesMoines/Burlington

BONNELL, L.C. Son M W NJ MN/ BigSto/Ortonville

BONNELL, Winnie J. Dau < 1869> F W WI MN/OtteTa /Dunn

BONNELL, Elmer Son < 1870> M W IA IA /Scott/ Lincoln

BONNEL, Eva Dau F W IA IA/ Henry/ Jackson

BONNELL, Lucy A. Dau F W MN MN/Goodhue/CentralPoint

BONNELL, Bertrand L. Nephew M W IA IA /Lee /WestPoint

BONEWELL, Francis Son M W IA IA/Mahaska/ Union

BONNELL, Ida Dau F W IA IA/DesMoines/Burlington

BUNNELL, John Son M W IA IA/Scott/Lincoln

BONNEWELL, Josie Dau F W MN MN/Meeker/Collinwood

BONDEL, Martha Dau F W ENG IA/Greene/ Paton

BUNNELL, Mary Dau F W IA IA/ Scott /Lincoln

BONDLE, Ralph R. Son M W IA IA/Hardin/ Eldora

BONDEL, Gertrude Dau F W ENG IA/Greene /Paton

BUNNELL, P. Dau F W IA IA/DesMoines/Burlington

BONEWELL, William Son M W IA IA/Mahaska/ Union

BONDEL, Frederic Son M W IL IA/Greene/ Paton

BONNEL, Oliver Son M W IA


BUNDEL, Stephen Self M W KY IA /Davis/Bloomfield

BUNNELL, Henry Self M W PA IA/Allama/Jefferson

BUNDEL, Sarah Wife F W KY IA /Davis/Bloomfield

BUNNELL, Charles Father M W NY IA/Shelby/Fairview

BUNNELL, Alva C. Self M W NY IA/BlackHawk/Waterloo

BUNNELL, Fannie Self F W CT IA/OBrien/Liberty

BUNNELL, James E. Self < 1822> M W NY MN/ Fariba/Wells

BUNNELL, Jane Wife F W PA IA/BlackHawk/Waterloo

BUNNELL, Esther Wife < 1824> F W NY IA/ Fayette/Fayette

BUNNELL, John R. Self M W NY IA/ Fayette/Fayette

BUNNELL, Lafayette W. Self M W NY MN/Winona/Homer

BUNNELL, Sarah A. Wife F W NY MN/Winona/Homer

BUNNEL, Samuel Self < 1825> M W IN IA/ Davis/Wyacondah

BUNNELL, Warron Self < 1825> M W NH MN/Winona/Saratoga

BUNNELL, Anna Wife F W IN MN/ Fariba/Wells

BUNNELL, George Self M W NH MN/Dakota/Eureka

BUNNELL, Elizabeth Other F W ME IA/BlackHawk/LaPorteCity

BUNNELL, Mary Wife F W NH IA/Powesh/Scott

BUNNELL, Ella D Wife F W WI IA/OBrien/Liberty

BUNNELL, Lucy M. Other! F W IL MN/Winon/Saratoga

BUNNELL, Belle Niece F W PA MN /Steele/Owatonna

BUNNELL, Albert Other M W WI MN/Winona/Saratoga

BUNNELL, Manda Dau F W NE IA/Pottaw/Knox

BUNNELL, Wilerd Son M W WI MN/Dakota /Eureka

BUNNELL, Eliza Sister F W IL IA/Webste/ FortDodge

BUNNELL, Gertrude Dau F W IA IA/BlackHawk/Waterloo

BUNNELL, Frank Son M W NH MN/Dakota/Eureka

BUNNELL, George E. Son M W IA IA/Pottaw /Knox

BUNNELL, Rachel Other F W IA IA/Pottaw /Rockford

BUNNELL, Elbert Nephew M W CT IA/Woodbu/Woodbury

BUNDLE, Emma Other F W IA IA /Davis /Bloomfeld

BUNNEL, Hattie Other F W IL IA/Clarke/ Liberty

BUNNELL, Nettie Other F W IL IA /Lucas /Jackson

BUNNELL, Anis D. Dau F W IA IA/Pottaw /Knox

BUNNELL, Emmbell Dau F W WI MN/Dakota/Eureka

BUNNELL, Gertie A. Dau F W WI IA/Fayette /Fayette

BUNNELL, Gertie R. Other F W IA IA /Linn/Mt.Vernon

BUNNEL, Etta V. Dau F W IA IA /Davis/Wyacondah

BUNDLE, Jennie Other F W IL IA/Keokuk/Washington

BUNNELL, Bertha Dau F W MN MN /Polk/ Crookston

BUNNELL, Clarance Son M W WI MN/Dakota/ Eureka

BUNNELL, James E. Son M W IA MN /Fariba/ Wells

BUNDLE, Midia G Dau F W IL IA/Keokuk/Washington

BUNNELL, Walter E. Son M W IA IA/Pottaw/ Knox

BUNNELL, Henry S. Son M W IN IA/Buchan/Jefferson

BUNNEL, William Son M W IA MN/Winona/Saratoga

BUNNELL, Joseph Self M W NY IA/Buchan/Jefferson

BUNNELL, Joseph Self M W OH IA/Pottaw/ Knox

BUNNEL, Sarah Wife F W IN IA /Davis/Wyacondah

BUNNELL, Louisa Wife F W NH MN/Dakota/ Eureka

BUNNELL, Sarah A. Wife F W NY IA/Buchan/ Jefferson

BUNNELL, Sarah J. Wife F W IN IA/Pottaw /Knox

BUNNELL, Byron L. Self M W OH IA/Shelby/ Fairview

BUNNELL, Levi Other M W PA IA/Pottaw/ Macedonia

BUNNEL, Osker Other M W PA IA/Dubuqu /Washington

BUNNELL, Job Other M W IA IA/Pottaw /CounciBluf

BUNNELL, Catharine Wife F W MO IA/Shelby /Fairview

BUNNILL, Elen J. Wife F W NY IA /Fayette /Fayette

BUNNELL, Isaac M. Self M W NY IA/Appanoose/ Centerville

BUNNELL, Laura L. Other F W MN MN/Ramsey /St.Paul

BUNNELL, John Self M W WI MN/ Polk /Crookston

BUNNELL, James T Self M W NY IA/OBrien /Liberty

BUNNELL, Maggie Wife F W CAN MN /Polk /Crookston

BUNNELL, Sarah Wife F W IL IA/Appanoose/Centerville

BUNDLE, John Other M W IA IA/Keokuk /WhatCheer

BUNNELL, Maranda Dau F W NY IA/OBrien /Liberty

BUNNILL, William W. Self M W NY IA/ Fayette /Fayette

BUNNELL, L. R. Wife F W NY MN/Ramsey/ St.Paul

BUNNELL, A. B. Other M W PA IA/Wapell /Eldon

BUNNILL, Mary M. Dau F W NY IA/ Fayette /Fayette

BUNNELE, Emma Other F W IL IA/ Adair /Grove

BUNNELL, Walter Son M W WI MN/Winona/Saratoga

BUNNELL, G. H. Self M W NH MN/Ramsey /St.Paul

BUNNELL, John Other M W PA IA /Davis/Wyacondah

BUNNELL, Albert Son M W IA IA /Pottaw/Knox

BUNNELL, Elmira Dau F W IA IA /Shelby/Fairview

BUNNELL, Iraa E. Son M W IA MN/ Fariba /Wells

BUNNELL, Marietta Dau F W MN MN/ Polk/Crookston

BUNDLE, Nettle GDau F W IL IA/Keokuk/Washington

BUNNEL, Ulons Son M W IA IA/ Davis/Wyacondah

BUNNELL, Bertha M. Dau F W WI MN/Winona/Saratoga

BUNNELL, Bertie B. Son M W IN IA/Buchan/Jefferson

BUNNELL, Edwin E. Son M W IA MN/ Fariba /Wells

BUNNELL, Emily Dau F W IA IA/Pottaw/Knox

BUNNELL,, Rosie . Dau F W MO IA/Appanoose/Centerville

BUNNEL, Arthur Son M W IA IA/ Davis/Wyacondah

BUNNELE, Don H. Other M W MO IA/ Adair/ Grove

BUNNELL, Lissa Other F W` WI MN/Dakota/ Eureka

BUNNELL, Arthur Son M W IA IA/Shelby/ Fairview

BUNNELL, Berty Son M W IA IA/OBrien /Liberty

BUNNELL, Cora M. Dau F W IA IA /Fayette /Fayette

BUNNELLE, Frederick Other M W MO IA /Adair /Grove

BUNNELL, Georgia Dau F W IA IA/Appanoose/Centerville

BUNNELL, Charles S. Son M W IA IA/Pottaw/ Knox

BUNNELL, Freddy Son M W IA IA/Shelby/ Fairview

BUNNELL, George Other M W WI MN/Dakota/ Eureka

BUNNELL, John Son M W IA IA/OBrien /Liberty

BUNNELL, Luella Dau F W` IA IA/Shelby/ Fairview

BUNNELL, R. P. Other M W MN MN/Ramsey/ St.Paul

BUNNELL, Fasiria Dau F W IA IA/OBrien/ Liberty

BUNNELL, Priscilla Dau F W IA IA/Shelby/ Fairview

BUNNEL, Nina Dau F W IA IA/Davis/Wyacondah

BUNNELL, Ola Son M W IA IA/Pottaw/Knox

BUNNELL, Pearl I. Dau F W IA IA/Fayette/Fayette


Idaho Death Index, 1911 – 1949

Name DOD DOB Cert.# City County

Mabel Bonnell Quereau 6/26/1923 1/29/1870 043130 Blackfoot Bingham

Clarence Dean Bonnell 5/6/1928 062128 Grace Caribou

Edgar L. Bonnell 10/24/1938 111422 Kellogg Shoshone

Idaho Death Index, 1911 – 1949

Name DOD DOB Cert.# City County

Vera Alma Bonnell 5/27/1939 9/5/1890 114525 American Falls Power

Lelia Bonnell Cox 12/30/1944 8/24/1865 141923 Kendrick Latah

Charles Arthur Bunnell 11/11/1916 2/24/1868 129773 Kellogg Shoshone

Clarence E. Bunnell 6/19/1920 10/12/1880 030721 Boise Ada

William R. Bunnell 1/21/1919 024637 Rupert Minidoka

Flora Ann Bunnell 6/25/1924 8/10/1845 046206 Lewiston Nez Perce

Edgar Bunnell 8/6/1927 9/5/1911 0590099 Rexburg Madison

George E. Bunnell 5/23/1928 2/27/1860 061586 Boise Ada

Anna Bunnell 3/11/1931 3/30/1871 074333 Boise Ada

Charles Bunnell 2/19/1935 12/2/1865 092377 Boise Ada

Clara T. Bunnell 6/4/1931 075587 Santa Benewah

Charles Albert Bunnell 12/15/1938 1/1/1852 111956 Boise Ada

George Wellington Bunnell 8/3/1938 2/12/1858 110435 Santa Benewah

James Clarence Bunnell 8/10/1939 6/27/1881 115578 Burley Cassia

John Chester Bunnell 11/6/1939 11/20/1860 116558 Boise Ada

Shirley Bunnell 9/6/1940 7/28/1931 121009 Coeur D’Alene Kootenai

Fern Lois Bunnell 7/28/1943 11/20/1911 134998 Wallace Shoshone

Ida Bunnell Thompson 7/18/1942 10/30/1860 129945 Orofino Clearwater

Eliza Burnell 3/30/1913 3/6/1840 004691

Willa Marie Burnell 9/27/1927 10/31/1924 058971 Kootenai

William Burnell 5/24/1926 10/17/1888 053433 Wardman

Everett Carl Burnell 2/25/1943 5/23/1909 132952 Burke Shoshone

Elmira Burnell 11/17/1949 8/24/1878 004003 Coeur D’Alene Coeur D’Alene

Mary Martha Bonwell 7/5/1923 4/21/1868 042805 Curry Twin Falls

Shadrach Bonwell 2/27/1921 10/19/1825 033627 Curry Twin Falls

Albert Nathaniel Bonwell 3/20/1945 7/24/1864 143263 Twin Falls


FHL = LDS Family History Library Film Number

Name Sex BirthDate Christening Where born & Recorded

Bonnell, Emily P. F 18 June 1841 5 Sept 1841 Phil. Cedar St., Presby CH, Philly, PA

Parents: Wm. Bonnell & Elizabeth FHL#504,341

Bonnell, Helen Elizabeth F 1848 26 Nov 1848 Phil Cedar St., Presby CH, Philly, PA

Parents Wm. Bonnell & Elizabeth FHL 534,341

Bonnell, Laura F 1849 Dec 1849 Phil. Cedar St. Presby CH. Philly, PA

Parents: Wm Bonnell & Elizabeth B. FHL 534,341

Bonhill, Robert Mansfield M 23 Nov 1854 Daviess, KY

Parents: Joseph & Wina Ann Martin Bonnell FHL#216,822

Bonnell, Mary Alice F 11 Jul 1870 31 Jul 1870 Union Meth Espis CH, WA DC

Parents: George W. Bonnell & Mary V. FHL#1,303,264

Bonnell, Mary M. F 22 Sept 1869 Jackson/Jackson Michigan

Parents: John C. Bonnell & Emily FHL#941,623

Bonnell, Emily P. F 18 June 1841 5 Sept 1841 Phil Cedar St, Presby CH, Philly, PA

Parents: William Bonnell & Elizabeth FHL#504,341

Bonnell, M 20 Nov 1872 Jackson/Jackson, Michigan

Parents: John Bonnell & Emily G. FHL#941,623

Bonnell, David H. M 16 Oct 1873 LaGrange, Cass, MI/Cass, MI

Parents: David W. Bonnell & Mary J. FHL#1,021,041

Bonnell, John Joseph M 08 Oct 1873 26 Oct 1873 Our Lady of the Valley Cath., Ch/Orange, Essex, NJ

Parents: Theodore Bonnell & Catherine Heatneg FHL#1,378,182

Bonnell, Rachel F 26 Oct 1873 Youngstown, Mahoning, OH/Mahoning OH

Parents: Henry Bonnell & Margaret Williams FHL#906,501

Bonnell, F 23 May1874 Chicago, Cook Co., IL

Parents: William H. Bonnell & Mary L. Gibbs FHL#1,287,721

Bonnell, F 27 Jul 1878 Civil Rec. Manhattan, NY, NY

Parents: George Bonnell & Alice O’Rorke FHL#1,322,130

Bonnell, Hugh Wick M 22 Feb 1880 Chicago, Cook, IL

Parents: John L. Bonnell & Emily Wick FHL#1,287,806

Name Sex Birthdate Where born & recorded

Bonnell, Martina F 16 Nov 1880 Cuyahoga, OH

Parents: Martyn Bonnell FHL#877,902

Bonnell, Martyn M 16 Nov 1880 Cuyahoga, OH

Parents: Martyn Bonnell FHL#877,902

Bonnell, Lane M 11 June 1881 Royalton, Berrien, MI/Berrien, MI

Parents: Malan Bonnell & Fannie FHL#945,401

Bonnell, Homer M 13 May 1885 Hopewell, Perry, OH/ Perry, OH

Parents: OG Bonnell & Enwa McCullen FHL#911,378

Bundle, Lorer F 17 Oct 1852 Barren, KY

Parents: Samuel Bundle & Frances Walton FHL#216,816

Bundle, Elizabeth A. F 23 Nov 1873 Youngstown, Mahoning, OH/Mahoning, OH

Parents: Joseph Bundle & Bridget FHL#906,501

Bundle, Emma Maude F 27 June 1874 Cuyahoga, OH

Parents: James E. Bundle & Fanny E. FHL#877,901

Bunnel, Steven Bryam M 16 Sept 1811 1st Presby CH, E Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parents: David Bunnel & Anne FHL#960,613

Bunnel, Ezra Graves M 01 May 1813 1st Presby CH, E Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parents: David Bunnel & Ann FHL#960,613

Bunnel, Angelina F 20 Oct 1816 1st Presby CH, E Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parents: David Bunnel & Anne FHL#960,613

Bunnel, David Newel M 06June 1819 1st Presby CH, E. Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parents: David Bunnel & Anne FHL#960,613

Bunnel, Mary Elizabeth F 28 Nov 1824 1st Presby CH, E Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parents: David Bunnel & Anna FHL#960,613

Bunnel, Martha Abigail F 06 Aug 1826 1st Presby CH, E Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parents: David Bunnel & Anna FHL#960,613

Bunnel, Eliza Uma F Oct 1833 1st Presby CH, E Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parents: Aaron Bunnel FHL#960,613

Bunnel, Hanabal M Oct 1833 1st Presby CH, E Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parents: Aaron Bunnel FHL#960,613

Bunnel, Lucy F Oct 1833 1st Presby CH, E Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parent: Aaron Bunnel FHL#960,613

Bunnel, Mary Jane F Oct 1833 1st Presby CH, E Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parent: Aaron Bunnel FHL#960,613

Bunnel, William A. M Oct 1833 1st Presby CH, E Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parent: Aaron Bunnel FHL #960,613

Bunnel, Henry McIlrath M 09 Mar 1835 1st Presby CH, E Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parent: Ann FHL#960,613

Bunnel, Steven Bryan M 09 Mar 1835 1st Presby CH, E Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH

Parent: Ann FHL#960,613

Bunnell, EJ F 18 May 1854 McCracken, KY/McCracken, KY

Parents: Oscar Bunnell & Rachael Poindexter FHL#1,303,264

Bunnell, Irwin E. M 07 Nov 1875 Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, MI/ Kalamazoo, OH

Parents:Morton Bunnell & Anna FHL#984,134

Bunnell, Ross M 14 Nov 1876 Hudson, Summit, OH/Summit, OH

Parents: George Y. Bunnell & Mary J. Cross FHL#900,946

Bunnell, F 23 Sept 1878 Pendleton Township/ Jefferson, IL

Parents: George A. Bunnell & Mary A. Laubenheim FHL# 955,554

Bunnell, M 29 Apr 1879 Denver, IL/ Hancock, IL

Parents: Horace Taylor Bunnell & Mary Elisabeth McCuen FHL#955,554

Bunnell, M 13 June 1880 Jefferson, IL

Parents: George A. Bunnell & Mary A. Lawbensheim FHL# 1,004,713

Name Sex Birthdate Where born & recorded

Bunnell, M 13 June 1880 Pendleton Township/Jefferson, IL

Parents: George A. Bunnell & Mary A. Laubeinheim FHL#1,004,713

Bunnell, Alma Pearl F 15 Sept 1881 Denver, Hancock, IL/Hancock, IL

Parents: Horace Taylor Bunnell & Mary Elizabeth McCuen FHL#1,320,457

Bunnell, F 07 Aug 1881 Byron, Waseca, MN/Waseca, MN

Parents: Frank Bunnell & Ellen FHL#1,320,457

Bunnell, Johnnie Alexander M 21 Feb 1882 Columbus, Columbus, GA/Erath, TX

Parents: John Thomas Bunnell & Mollie Carolyn Reviere FHL#1,428,161


From The History of Clinton County, Indiana with Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of many of the Old Families. By the Hon. Joseph Claybaugh.

Published 1913 by A.W. Bowen & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana


The life record of this venerable citizen of Moran, Owen Township, is one of interest and instruction, for it has been active, always so modulated as to be of the greatest service to those whom it touched. Mr. Bunnell has lived to see the transformation of a great country from the primeval forests and the wild prairies and he has performed well his part in this work. He is one of our oldest native born citizens, and most all of his nearly four score years have been spent here; devoted to farming and merchandising. He grew up amid pioneer conditions and it is indeed interesting to hear him relate incidents of those early days, of the different customs and manners prevailing then, of the hardships and privations, of the wilderness filled with wild animals, and many things unknown to us of the present generation.

Noah L. Bunnell was born January 20, 1834, near the village of Jefferson, Clinton County. He is a son of Noah and Catherine (CONLEY) BUNNELL. The father was born in 1796 in New Jersey where he spent his early years, finally removing to Ohio then to Clinton County, Indiana, where he began as a typical frontiersman, erecting a log cabin and clearing and developing a farm, and there he spent the rest of his life, dying in 1871. He was a wheelwright by trade at which he worked in his earlier years, finally devoting his attention to farming. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. His wife was born in Maryland in 1800, and her death occurred in 1875.

To these parents five children were born, Noah L., of this review, the youngest, Harriet, James, Seneca and Mary, all four deceased.

Noah L. Bunnell grew to manhood on the homestead near Jefferson and there he found plenty of hard work to do when a boy, and he received a meager education in the old-time rural schools. He married Julia A. BELL, who was born in Ohio in 1839. She was a daughter of William and Mary (HAMILTON) BELL, and to this union five children were born: Mary C., James, Elver, Clyde and Thomas (deceased).

Mr. Bunnell began life for himself on a farm where he remained until 1864 then entered the mercantile field at Kilmore, Clinton County, where he remained three years, then went to Lafayette, where he remained in the same business until the Vandalia railroad was built through Clinton County, whereupon he returned here and laid out the town of Moran. Owen Township, which was first called Bunnellsville, after our subject, but later was named Moran. Mr. Bunnell has remained at this place ever since and has built up a large and lucrative trade with the surrounding country, his store being a favorite gathering place for the people of this vicinity in their spare time, for they have always received honest, fair and courteous treatment at the hands of our subject. He carries an up-to-date stock of general merchandise at all seasons and his prices are always (sic) reasonable. He is also owner of a valuable and productive eighty acre farm adjoining Moran, on which land Mr. Bunnell has a pleasant and well furnished home. At present he is assisted in his store by his son, Elver.

Politically, Mr. Bunnell is a Republican and has always been faithful in his support of the party. Religiously, he belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church.

pp. 626-627 -

|Name - Last Name, First Name |Primary Address Line 1 |Primary Address Line 2 | City, State, Zip Code, Country |

|Acquisitions, Library |Family History Library |35 North West Temple St. |Salt Lake City, UT 84150-1003 |

|Arthur 02, Velma S. |418 Cleveland St. | |Columbus, IN 47201-6529 |

|Association, Decorah Genealogy |202 Winnebago Court | |Decorah, IA 52101-1812 |

|Austin 03, William R. |P.O. Box 62 | |Laceyville, PA 18623-0062 |

|Bailey 02, Jane |1301 Richard St. | |Miamisburg, OH 45342-1951 |

|Baldwin 02, Floyd L. |20828 223rd St. SE | |Monroe, WA 98272-8903 |

|Barrett 02, Anne McDade |4657 Barcelona Way | |Oceanside, CA 92056-5107 |

|Barrett 02, Barbara W. |80 So. Pleasant Rd. Unit 301 | |Lake Zurich, IL 60047-2270 |

|Bevis 02, Jean C. |2501 Woodhurst Road | |Charlottesville, VA 22901 |

|Bonnell 02, Allen T. |535 Gradyville Road | |Newtown Square, PA 19073 |

|Bonnell 02, Ann C. |215 Belmont Forest Ct., Unit 305 | |Timonium, MD 21093-7791 |

|Bonnell 02, Clement M. |7 Deer Path | |Milford, NJ 08848-1928 |

|Bonnell 02, Elmer A. |910 36th Ave. South #10 | |Grand Forks, ND 58201-8707 |

|Bonnell 02, James P. |2968 Bedford Dr. | |Merced, CA 95340-2747 |

|Bonnell 02, Preston Dale |P.O. Box 400 | |Glide, OR 97443-0400 |

|Bonnell 02, Steven L. |1523 Good Shepherd Road | |Montoursville, PA 17754-8087 |

|Bonnell 02, Susan I. |P.O. BOX 144 | |Henderson, KY 42420-0144 |

|Bonnell 02, William B. |3810 70th Ave. N.W. | |Gig Harbor, WA 98335-6411 |

|Bonnell, Carole J. |13317 East 53rd Lane | |Yuma, AZ 85367 |

|Bonnell, Jr. 02, John C. |3150 Mapleton Crescent | |Chesapeake, VA 23321-4622 |

|Bonnell, Teri L. |22914 52nd Ave. E. | |Spanaway, WA 98387-6151 |

|Brasche 02, Loretta |726 Lawrence Ave. | |Galesburg, IL 61401-2457 |

|Brunk 02, Phyllis G. |301 Hill Haven Dr. | |West Carrollton, OH 45449-21322 |

|Bunnel 03, Lou Anne |245 Los Rincones | |Green Valley, AZ 85614-2919 |

|Bunnel/ 02, Charles E. |9318 Farewell Court | |La Plata, MD 20646-3631 |

|Bunnel/ 02, Chester S. |2004 Bellevue Ave. Apt. G | |Saint Louis, MO 63143-1337 |

|Bunnel/ 02, Claude A. |2110 Harborside Dr. - 538 | |LongBoat Key, FL 34228-4257 |

|Bunnel/ 02, Ellsworth H. |3663 58th Ave. N. #356 | |St. Petersburg, FL 33714-1240 |

|Bunnel/ 02, Eris Marie |1031 Ave. D P.O. Box 157 | |Riverside, PA 17868-0157 |

|Bunnell/ 02, John G. |7632 Shore Haven Dr. | |Las Vegas, NV 89128-6824 |

|Bunnell/ 02, Kevin P. |1010 Rosehill Drive | |Boulder, CO 80302-7148 |

|Bunnell/ 02, Nancy L. |1133 Waldman | |Flint, MI 48507-1546 |

|Bunnell/ 02, Paul J. |100 Whitehall Rd. Apt. #15 | |Amesbury, MA 01913-0004 |

|Bunnell/ 02, Ralph C. |34 Pickford Ave. | |Buffalo, NY 14223-3108 |

|Bunnell/ 02, Ralph S. |175 S. 850 W. | |Paul, ID 83347-8628 |

|Bunnell/ 02, Tobias |214 Henry Street | |Urbana, OH 43078-2530 |

|Bunnell/ 02, William B. |182 South Street | |Concord, NH 03301-2723 |

|Bunnell/ 03, LTC Donald H. |278 Red Poppy Trail | |Georgetown, TX 78628-4587 |

|Bunnell/ Sr. 02, Charles R. |3211 Treemont St., SW | |Huntsville, AL 35801-3459 |

|Burnell 02, James R. |17208 Rimrock Dr. | |Golden, CO 80401-2530 |

|Center, LA Family History |10741 Santa Monica Blvd. | |Los Angeles, CA 90025-4799 |

|Chambers 02, Elizabeth |52 Kings Grant Rd. | |Hockessin, DE 19707-1204 |

|Cilley, SR 02, Clifton C. |579 Fishpond Rd. | |Colebrook, NH 03576-9728 |

|Cloud 02, Lyda G. |P.O. Box 665 - 135 2nd St. SW | |Inola, OK 74036-0665 |

|Cole 02, Elaine V. |4508 Hawk Ct. | |Woodbridge, VA 22193-4713 |

|County, Tacoma-Pierce |Genealogical Society |P.O. Box 1952 |Tacoma, WA 98401-1952 |

|County, Will/Grundy |Genealogical Society |P.O. Box 24 |Wilmington, IL 60481-0024 |

|Cutshall 03, Kay A. |3889 State Line Road | |Conneaut, OH 44030-8653 |

|Dale 02, Julia A. |Rt. 2 Box 21 FF | |La Cygne, KS 66040-9656 |

|David, Betsy |7 School Street | |Woodstock, VT 05091-1207 |

|Davis 02, Barbara L. |Box 232 | |Spy Hill, SK SOA 3W0 Canada |

|Davis 02, Max Bonnell |11772 Old Fashion Way | |Garden Grove, CA 92840-2115 |

|Duncan 02, Ruth |P.O. Box 249 | |West Simsbury, CT 06092-0249 |

|Flavel 02, Joan M. |32051-C Watson Ln. | |Gold Beach, OR 97444-9413 |

|Forum, Yellowstone Genealogical |c/o Pharmly Billings Library |510 North Broadway |Billings, MT 59101-1196 |

|Gembinski 04, Christine |43453 Interlaken Dr. | |Sterling Heights, MI 48313-2371 |

|Genealogical, Seattle |Society |P.O. Box 75388 |Seattle, WA 98125-0388 |

|Gibbs 02, Marjorie C. |19 Pepper Lane | |Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-5528 |

|Grady 02, John Paul |4218 Oxhill Road | |Spring, TX 77388-5752 |

|Griffin 02, Brenda |16 Linda Vista Ave. | |Tiburon, CA 94920-1919 |

|Hale Sr. 02, Bruce A. |54 Tyler St. | |Bloomfield, CT 06002-3134 |

|Hatch 02, W. J. |657 W. Melrose Ave. | |Chicago, IL 60657-3415 |

|Hill 02, Thomas A. |4841 Westchester Dr. Apt. #102 | |Austintown, OH 44515-2548 |

|Historic, New England |Genealogical Society ~ c/o Acquisitions |101 Newbury Street |Boston, MA 02116-3007 |

|Historical, British Isles Family|Society of LA |2531 Sawtelle Blvd. #134 |Los Angeles, CA 900643163 |

|Hogan, Faye |11015 Davisson Rd. S.W. | |Tacoma, WA 98499-2251 |

|Ingham 02, Evelyn |7652 Mettler Rd. | |Oakdale, CA 95361-9214 |

|Jackson 02, Barbara L. |953 Tiffin Dr. | |Clayton, CA 94517-1352 |

|Jayne 02, Towner A. |304 Powell Ave. S.W. | |Renton, WA 98055-2253 |

|Jones 02, Paula S. |6382 Newbury Drive | |Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6536 |

|Kane 02, Jean S. |133 Roger Smith | |Williamsburg, VA 23185-8229 |

|Koerber 02, William K. |2320 Glenmont Circle | |Silver Springs, MD 20902-1336 |

|Lesser 02, Richard J. |1314 Sandy Shore Court | |Mt. Pleasant, SC 294649475 |

|Library, Heritage Quest |909 Main St., Suite 5 | |Sumner, WA 98390-1424 |

|Livingston 02, Doris |610 S. Clinton St. Apt. #9c | |Denver, CO 80231-1534 |

|Mayhle 02, Bernard V. |1517 N. Regal St. | |Spokane, WA 99207-5361 |

|McConnell 02, Elliott Bonnell |16 Blue Heron | |Rockport, TX 78382-3711 |

|Murray 02, Mrs. Joan E. |1281 N. Linden Ave. | |Palatine, IL 600747038 |

|Nemecek 02, Louise B. |4640 Leonard Pkwy | |Richmond, VA 23226-1336 |

|Nicholas 02, Truman L. |4830 NW Pottawatomie Rd. | |Topeka, KS 66618-3318 |

|Odem, Ellen Paybe |Genealogical Library |P.O. Box 1110 |Moultrie, GA 31776-1110 |

|Ogden 02, Jacqueline A. |111 West End Rd. | |Wappingers Falls, NY 12590-6505 |

|One Name, Association of |Studies |65 E. Main St. |Westminster, MD 21157-5026 |

|Peden 03, Monty C. |12662 State Rd. 110 | |Rochester, IN 46975-7010 |

|Pennsylvania, Western |Genealogical Society |4400 Forties Ave. |Pittsburgh, PA 15213-4080 |

|Post 02, Albert F. |41 Milefski Dr. Apt. 25 | |Uncasville, CT 06382-2136 |

|Pratt 02, Guthrie T. |6714 Townsend Dr. | |Erie, PA 16505-2648 |

|Public Library, Allen County |Attn: Jessica Voris |P.O. Box 2270 |Fort Wayne, IN 46801-2270 |

|Publishers, The Everton |P.O. Box 368 | |Logan, UT 84321-0368 |

|Randel 04, Tom |8809 W. 18th Street Court | |Wichita, KS 67212-5383 |

|Ray 02, Lorna Bonnell |13 Sable Oaks Court | |Bloomington, IL 617044816 |

|Record, American Family |Association |P.O. Box 15505 |Kansas City, MO 64106-0505 |

|Rediger 02, Rosa G. |W5715 Ross Rd | |Trego, WI 54888-9414 |

|Reeves 02, Dorothy |8401 N Atlantic Ave. K-5 | |Cape Canaveral, FL 32920-3559 |

|Roth 02, Mildred B. |1074 S. St. RD 119 | |Winamac, IN 46996-9601 |

|Rutledge 02, Rebecca West |1644 Bass Ave. | |Seville, FL 32190-7805 |

|Ryan 03, Darlene |P.O. Box 224 | |King, WI 54946-0224 |

|Seaver 02, Ruth B. |1865 West 350 North | |West Point, UT 84015-6307 |

|Seigley 02, Jean B. |454 West County Rd. 38 | |Tiffin, OH 44883-9466 |

|Society of, Genealogical |Pennsylvania |215 S. Broad St. #7 Philadelphia, PA 19107-5325 |

|Society, National Huguenot |Attn: Arthur Louis Finnell |9033 Lyndale Ave. So. Ste. 108 Bloomington, MN 55420-3535 |

|Sorensen 02, Beverly A. |1042 Whitfield Rd. | |Northbrook, IL 60062-3956 |

|Statum 03, Althea |734 Kingfisher Rd. | |Catoosa, OK 74015-2308 |

|Sullivan 02, Mrs. Norma |102 Crest Drive | |Delphi, IN 46923-1801 |

|Tidball 02, William |28-9600 Turner St. RR3 | |Summerland, BC VOH 1Z0 CAN. |

|Treadway 02, Gladys L. |2815 Hillside Court | |Bettendorf, IA 52722-2915 |

|Voelker 02, Edna |2601 So. Mayhill Rd., Box 189 | |Denton, TX 76208-5924 |

|Walling 02, Pam |732 Tunney Point Drive | |Toms River, NJ 08753-4764 |

|Wolverton 02, John E. |2815 N. Maplewood Ave. | |Chicago, IL 60618-7911 |


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