MA Deaths Data Report 2014

The Commonwealth of MassachusettsExecutive Office of Health and Human ServicesDepartment of Public Health250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108-4619-277495732790004692652020570CHARLES D. BAKERGovernorKARYN E. POLITOLieutenant Governor020000CHARLES D. BAKERGovernorKARYN E. POLITOLieutenant Governor54578251929130MARYLOU SUDDERSSecretaryMONICA BHAREL, MD, MPH CommissionerTel: 617-624-6000dph020000MARYLOU SUDDERSSecretaryMONICA BHAREL, MD, MPH CommissionerTel: 617-624-6000dphNovember 14, 2016Steven T. JamesHouse ClerkState House Room 145Boston, MA 02133William F. WelchSenate ClerkState House Room 335Boston, MA 02133Dear Mr. Clerk,Pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 111 of the Massachusetts General Laws, the attached report summarizes mortality data and statistics for the 2014 calendar year.Sincerely,Monica Bharel, MD, MPHCommissionerDepartment of Public Health118745118745Massachusetts Deaths 2014November 201600Massachusetts Deaths 2014November 2016Massachusetts Deaths 2014-171453238500782955146685Deaths from Selected Causes, Massachusetts: 1842-201400Deaths from Selected Causes, Massachusetts: 1842-2014Office of Data Management and Outcomes AssessmentMassachusetts Department of Public Health272605535306000October 2016Massachusetts Deaths 2014 Charles D. Baker, GovernorMarylou Sudders, Secretary of Health and Human ServicesMonica Bharel, MD, MPH, Commissioner of Public HealthTom Land, DirectorOffice of Data Management and Outcomes AssessmentDean DiMartino, Acting RegistrarRegistry of Vital Records and StatisticsMassachusetts Department of Public HealthOctober 20164326255952500AcknowledgmentsThis report was prepared by Malena Hood and Dana Bernson, Office of Data Management and Outcomes Assessment.Special thanks go to: Tom Land, Director, Office of Data Management and Outcomes Assessment; Dean DiMartino, Acting Registrar, Registry of Vital Records and Statistics,Kevin Foster, Sharon Pagnano, Maria Vu, and Karin Barrett, Registry of Vital Records and Statistics. Data in this report have been collected through the efforts of the Registry of Vital Records and Statistics staff, including: Michael Baker, Donna Barlow, Pamela Corbin, June Deloney, Alex Forman, Marsha Grabau, Annette Luc, Maureen McKean, Denise O'Gara, Monica Smith, and Jennifer Smith.To obtain additional copies of this report, contact:Massachusetts Department of Public HealthRegistry of Vital Records and Statistics150 Mt. Vernon Street 1st FloorDorchester, MA 02125(617) 740-2670To obtain more information on deaths in Massachusetts and otherDepartment of Public Health data please visit the Department’s free, Internet-based public health information reports at: call 888-MAS-CHIP (toll free in MA) or 617-624-5629.272605531369000284035519939000TABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \u Note to Readers PAGEREF _Toc462057585 \h 10Table 1. Trends in Mortality Characteristics, Massachusetts: 2004-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057586 \h 12Table 2. Selected Leading Causes of Death, Age-Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts and United States: 2000-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057587 \h 13Figure 1. Life Expectancy at Birth, Massachusetts: 1900-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057588 \h 15Figure 2. Expected Years of Life Remaining at Different Ages by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057589 \h 16Table 3. Years of Life Remaining by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity and Gender, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057591 \h 16Figure 3. Changes in Age Composition of the Population, Massachusetts: 1900-2010 PAGEREF _Toc462057592 \h 17Figure 4. Trends in Percentage of Deaths from Selected Causes, Massachusetts: 1842-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057593 \h 18Table 4. Distribution of Deaths by Place of Occurrence, Massachusetts: 2010-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057594 \h 19Figure 5. Proportion of Deaths Certified by Medical Examiner for Selected Causes of Death, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057595 \h 20Figure 6. Premature Mortality Rate (PMR) by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057596 \h 21Table 5. Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Ages 25-64 Years by Educational Attainment, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057597 \h 22Figure 7. Daily Mortality Statistics, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057598 \h 23Table 6. Top Ten Leading Underlying Causes of Death by Age, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057599 \h 24Table 7. Leading Underlying Causes of Death, Numbers and Age-Specific Rates by Gender, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057600 \h 25Table 8. Leading Underlying Causes of Death, Numbers and Age-Specific Rates (Ages 65 and older) by Gender, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057601 \h 26Table 9. Leading Causes of Death and Age-Adjusted Death Rates by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057602 \h 27Figure 8. Number of Heart Disease Deaths by Age Group and Gender, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057603 \h 28Figure 9. Age Distribution by Race and Ethnicity for Heart Disease Deaths, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057604 \h 29Figure 10. Number of Cancer Deaths by Age Group and Gender, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057605 \h 30Figure 11. Age Distribution by Race and Ethnicity for Cancer Deaths, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057606 \h 31Table 10. Heart Disease and Cancer Deaths by Race and Gender, Age-Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2001-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057607 \h 32Table 11. Number and Age-Adjusted Rates of Cancer Deaths by Selected Causes and Gender, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057608 \h 34Table 12. Selected Causes of Cancer Deaths by Age, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057609 \h 35Table 13. Leading Causes of Cancer Deaths and Age-Adjusted Rates by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057610 \h 36Table 14. Number, Percent, and Age-Adjusted Rates of Stroke Deaths by Type and Gender, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057611 \h 37Figure 12. Number of Stroke Deaths by Age Group and Gender, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057612 \h 38Figure 13. Age Distribution by Race and Ethnicity for Stroke Deaths, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057613 \h 39Table 15. Stroke Deaths by Race and Gender, Age-Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2001-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057615 \h 40Figure 14. Diabetes Deaths, Massachusetts: 2001-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057616 \h 41Table 16. Diabetes Deaths by Gender, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057619 \h 41Table 17. Diabetes Deaths by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057620 \h 42Figure 15. Age Distribution of Diabetes Deaths, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057621 \h 42Figure 16. Diabetes Death Rates, Massachusetts: 2001-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057623 \h 43Table 18. Injury Deaths by Leading Causes, Gender, Age: Numbers, Age-Adjusted, and Age-Specific Rates, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057625 \h 44Table 19. Injury Deaths by Leading Causes, Gender and Race and Hispanic Ethnicity: Numbers and Age Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057627 \h 45Table 20. Unintentional Injury Deaths by Gender, Age: Numbers, Age-Adjusted, and Age-Specific Rates, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057628 \h 46Table 21. Unintentional Injury Deaths by Gender and Race and Hispanic Ethnicity: Numbers, and Age-Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057629 \h 47Table 22. Intentional Injury Deaths by Gender, Age: Numbers, Age-Adjusted, and Age-Specific Rates, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057630 \h 48Table 23. Intentional Injury Deaths by Gender and Race and Hispanic Ethnicity: Numbers and Age-Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057631 \h 49Table 24. Injury Deaths by Intent, Method and Gender: Number and Age-Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057632 \h 50Table 25. HIV/AIDS Deaths by Place of Occurrence, Massachusetts: 2000-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057633 \h 51Table 26. HIV/AIDS Deaths by Age, Massachusetts: 2000-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057634 \h 52Table 27. HIV/AIDS Deaths by Gender, Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2000-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057636 \h 53Table 28. HIV/AIDS Deaths by Gender, Race and Hispanic Ethnicity: Numbers, Percent and Age-adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2001-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057638 \h 54Table 29. Trends in Infant, Neonatal, and Post Neonatal Mortality, by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2004-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057639 \h 55Table 30. Infant, Neonatal, and Post Neonatal Deaths by Cause, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057640 \h 56Table 31. Infant Deaths by Major Causes, Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057641 \h 57Table 32. Target Status for Selected Healthy People 2020 Mortality Objectives (underlying cause of death only) PAGEREF _Toc462057642 \h 58Table 33. Rank of Premature Mortality Rates for the Largest 30 Communities, Massachusetts: 2014 (Sorted by PMR) PAGEREF _Toc462057643 \h 59Table 34. Premature Mortality Rates by Community, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057644 \h 60Figure 17. Percent of Deaths Amenable to Health Care, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057646 \h 67Figure 18. Amenable Mortality by Race and Hispanic ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2002-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057648 \h 68APPENDIX PAGEREF _Toc462057649 \h 69Figure 19. Percent Distribution of Leading Underlying Causes of Death, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057650 \h 70Table 35. Number and Age-Specific Rates for Selected Causes of Death by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057651 \h 71Figure 20. Heart Disease Death Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, Massachusetts: 1996-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057652 \h 73Figure 21. Cancer Death Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, Massachusetts: 1996-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057653 \h 74Table 36. HIV/AIDS Deaths by Race, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Gender of Persons Ages 25-44, Massachusetts: 2000-2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057654 \h 75Table 37. Premature Mortality Rates by Community Health Network Area (CHNA), Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057655 \h 76Table 38. Premature Mortality Rates by County, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057656 \h 77Table 39. Selected Causes of Death by Community, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057657 \h 78Table 40. Selected Causes of Death by Community Health Network Area (CHNA), Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057658 \h 89Table 41. Selected Causes of Death by County, Massachusetts: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057659 \h 90TECHNICAL NOTES PAGEREF _Toc462057660 \h 91DATA SOURCES PAGEREF _Toc462057661 \h 91CHANGES TO MORTALITY DATA, EFFECTIVE 1999 PAGEREF _Toc462057662 \h 91CHANGES TO THE PRESENTATION OF RACE AND ETHNICITY DATA PAGEREF _Toc462057663 \h 91POPULATION ESTIMATES PAGEREF _Toc462057664 \h 92APPLYING COMPARABILITY RATIOS TO EXAMINE TRENDS IN MORTALITY PAGEREF _Toc462057665 \h 93TESTS OF STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE PAGEREF _Toc462057666 \h 94CONFIDENCE INTERVALS AND INFANT MORTALITY RATES PAGEREF _Toc462057667 \h 95GLOSSARY PAGEREF _Toc462057668 \h 96Table A1. ICD-10 and ICD-9 Codes Used in this Publication (Sorted by ICD-10 Codes) PAGEREF _Toc462057669 \h 101Table A2. ICD-10 and ICD-9 Codes Used in this Publication (Sorted by Cause of Death) PAGEREF _Toc462057670 \h 102Table A3. ICD-10 Injury Codes Used in this Publication PAGEREF _Toc462057672 \h 103Table A4. ICD-10 Codes for Selected Healthy People 2020 Mortality Objectives PAGEREF _Toc462057673 \h 104Table A5. Preliminary Comparability Ratios PAGEREF _Toc462057675 \h 105Table A6. Preliminary Comparability Ratios: Causes of Infant Death PAGEREF _Toc462057676 \h 106Table A7. Population Estimates for Massachusetts Community Health Network Areas (CHNA) and Counties: 2010 and 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057677 \h 107Table A8. Population Estimates for Massachusetts Communities, 2010 PAGEREF _Toc462057678 \h 108Table A9. 2014 Massachusetts Population Estimates By Age Group, Gender, Race and Hispanic Ethnicity (mutually exclusive) PAGEREF _Toc462057679 \h 111Table A10. Causes of Death Considered Amenable to Health Care PAGEREF _Toc462057680 \h 112Massachusetts Death Certificate: 2014 PAGEREF _Toc462057681 \h 113Circumstance for Referral to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) PAGEREF _Toc462057682 \h 115Massachusetts Deaths: 2014 Evaluation Form PAGEREF _Toc462057683 \h 117Note to ReadersPlease review the information below before reading the report. As required by Chapter 111, Section 2 of the General Laws, this report satisfies the requirement of the annual report on statistics on deaths for calendar year 2014 (Annual Report Vital Statistics of Massachusetts-Deaths, Public Document #1 2014). Public Document #1 information on 2014 births, marriages, and divorces is covered in separate reports.Please Note: Collection of vital records is a complex process. The National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) deems an annual file closed when it has reached a certain level of completeness. In the past, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health has followed their definition to match the national numbers. Starting with the 2013 report, the department is closing our annual file later than the file sent to the NCHS to get more complete reporting of events. While cause of death information will be more complete due to this change, it may also cause the appearance of an increase in the number of deaths when compared to previous years. Thus, comparisons between years should be interpreted with caution. This caution should be applied especially for causes of death that are often referred to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for determination of underlying causes of death. See Figure 5 for details. Accidental deaths, poisonings, and complex cases are most likely to be impacted by closure dates that differ from year to SystemThe Vitals Information Partnership (VIP) system is designed to streamline and integrate vital event registration, securely, across the Commonwealth. The birth application in VIP was launched in Feb 2011. The deaths application in VIP was launched in Nov 2014.?2003 Revisions of the U.S. Certificate of Death CertificateThis report includes 2014 data on items that are collected on both the 1989 revision of the Standard Certificate of Death (unrevised) and the 2003 revision of the Standard Certificate of Death (revised).? In addition to the collection of new variables, the 2003 revision allows the reporting of more than one race in accordance with the revised standards issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in 1997.? See “Technical Notes” for detailed information on the 2014 multiple-race reporting area and methods used to bridge responses for those who report more than one race to a single race.? Population Sources. Two sources of population estimates were used to calculate population-based rates in Massachusetts Deaths 2014: State and County Death Rates: The 2014 Modified Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Sex file (MARS), which is a bridged population file produced by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and the Census Bureau Population Estimates Program was used to calculate state rates by race and Hispanic ethnicity, e.g., teen birth rates. This file has data by single years of age, sex, race and Hispanic ethnicity in the five mutually exclusive categories used by the Department: White Non-Hispanic, Black Non-Hispanic, Asian Non-Hispanic, American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic, and Hispanic. City and town death rates: The Massachusetts Department of Public Health Race Allocated Census 2010 Estimates (MRACE 2010), which are population estimates based upon the Census 2010 Summary File 1, was used to calculate city and town rates. In this estimates file, the Census 2010 race categories, “Two or more races” and “Some other race” are redistributed to the MDPH standard race categories: Non-Hispanic White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Asian and Pacific Islander, and Non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native. All persons in the Census 2010 Hispanic ethnicity category are counted as “Hispanic” race in the MDPH estimates. This kind of file is often referred to as a “bridged” file, that is, one that bridges the new race and ethnicity collections to the conventionally used categories. These population estimates are available from MassCHIP ().Resident deaths. All data in this publication are resident data unless otherwise stated. Resident data include all events that occur to residents of the Commonwealth, wherever they occur.Suggested CitationMassachusetts Deaths 2014. Boston, MA: Office of Data Management and Outcomes Assessment, Massachusetts Department of Public Health. October 2016.-62865-408940003886200633349000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1. Trends in Mortality Characteristics, Massachusetts: 2004-2014Year 20042005200620072008200920102011201220132014Resident deaths1Number54,41953,77653,29352,69053,34151,91552,42053,53653,169 54,609 55,159 Crude rate2,3,4848.1840.4827.9 816.9820.9787.4800.6812.7807.1815.9817.7Age-adjusted rate5739.3720.6717.6704.4703.5675.1672.7674.0669.2664.1662.5Race/ethnicity of decedent 6,7White non-HispanicNumber50,43949,63949,13248,518 49,059 47,520 48,01048,844 48,430 49,486 49,621 Percent892.792.392. 90.0 Age-adjusted rate744.7725.0723.3711.1710.7682.8684.4686.9681.0680.9 679.5 Black non-HispanicNumber2,2252,2632,2332,2112,2222,2882,2782,333 2,318 2,446 2,390 Percent84. 4.3 Age-adjusted rate866.2865.8838.4820.5805.8812.2702.6707.6701.8675.5 630.4 Asian non-HispanicNumber531570635610692697759806811816938-12801603371858008Percent81. rate353.7345.0379.0342.0372.5353.1364.8375.2372.4320.5344.7-63944546990 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1200 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 12HispanicNumber1,1151,2301,1941,2641,2751,3371,3081,477 1,487 1,548 1,702 Percent82. 3.1 Age-adjusted rate482.1500.4479.9477.7458.2439.8443.9468.9484.9444.9 447.9 Gender of decedent7FemaleNumber 29,06728,69528,50827,85128,24627,35627,36827,983 27,883 28,558 28,289 Age-adjusted rate632.3617.8612.7596.3595.9572.8567.2572.8571.1569.5 557.9 MaleNumber25,35225,07924,78524,83825,095 24,557 25,05125,553 25,280 26,051 26,867 Age-adjusted rate878.0852.5858.9853.3852.2822.1811.9808.5797.9786.5 795.9 Age of decedent7<1 yearNumber376391369380 381 366 319 310 309 298 321 1-14 yearsNumber137113124128119 118 113 114 99 118 129 15-24 yearsNumber517489471505421 440 453 471 419 449 441 25-44 yearsNumber2,2472,1731,9532,0231,906 1,974 1,823 1,870 1,880 1,993 2,234 45-64 yearsNumber8,3478,3558,6608,5608,426 8,688 8,753 8,808 8,791 9,013 9,214 65-74 yearsNumber8,1267,9057,5727,4947,425 7,380 7,423 7,616 7,891 8,259 8,678 75-84 yearsNumber16,34215,63215,33314,78114,970 13,943 13,639 13,598 13,272 13,182 12,784 85+ yearsNumber18,32718,71818,81118,81619,692 19,004 19,888 20,747 20,506 21,296 21,356 1. Deaths presented in all tables and figures are resident deaths. 2. Deaths per 100,000 residents. 3. See Glossary for further definition of terms and rates. 4. Rate calculations are based on resident population estimates. 5. Rates are age-adjusted per 100,000 residents using the 2000 US standard population. 6. Race and ethnicity data in this table are presented as mutually exclusive categories. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity are not included in a race category. Please see the Technical Notes in the Appendix for a more detailed explanation. 7. Column sum may not equal total because the race, gender or age of some decedents was unknown. 8. Percent of all resident deaths in that year. 487680-1968500Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2. Selected Leading Causes of Death, Age-Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts and United States: 2000-2014YearAge-Adjusted Rates1Heart DiseaseCancerStrokeMAUS2MAUS2MAUS22000Rate% of Total216.727.1258.229.5206.124.8200.923.050.96.460.96.92001Rate% of Total211.0 26.7247.728.9200.024.2195.8 22.946.76.257.9 6.82002Rate% of Total201.126.0240.4 28.4200.124.0194.0 22.848.16.056.3 6.72003Rate% of Total196.626.0232.328.0193.024.1190.1 22.745.06.053.5 6.5-713105268605 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1300 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 132004Rate% of Total182.825.3217.0 27.2188.424.5185.8 of Total172.224.6211.0 26.6184.924.5183.822.838.15.546.65.92006Rate% of Total168.824.2199.4 25.9 186.325.1180.823.136.75.443.65.72007Rate% of Total165.7 24.2190.9 25.9179.2 24.6 178.4 23.135.0 5.1 42.25.72008Rate% of Total165.5 24.1186.5 25.4177.8 24.4 175.323.233.7 4.9 40.75.62009Rate% of Total155.223.6179.824.6174.025.1173.623.332.2 4.938.95.32010Rate% of Total149.422.9178.524.1171.024.7172.523.331.24.839.05.22011Rate144.4173.7166.1173.730.237.9% of Total22.123.724. of Total21.823.624. of Total22.123.523.522.54.35.02014Rate137.5167.0155.6161.228.736.5% of Total21.523.423. 3883660515620004613910205105004613910380365004613910102362000-43815-6604000Table 2 (continued). Selected Leading Causes of Death, Age-Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts and United States: 2000-2014YearAge-Adjusted Rates1Influenza/PneumoniaUnintentional InjuriesAll CausesMAUS2MAUS2MAUS22000Rate% of Total29.1 3.723.7 2.820.2 2.435.6 3.9 812.2 872.02001Rate% of Total24.0 2.634.3 4.0 803.5855.02002Rate% of Total27.3 793.8846.82003Rate% of Total26.03.622.02.720.1 2.537.34.3772.6 832.7-687705278765 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1400 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 142004Rate% of Total24.93.619.82.519.42.537.74.7739.3800.82005Rate% of Total24.23.620.32.627.43.539.14.8720.6798.82006Rate% of Total22.03.317.72.331. of Total19.4 2.916.22.330. 760.22008Rate% of Total20.0 758.32009Rate% of Total16.82.616. of Total15.92.515. of Total2. of Total2. of Total2. of Total2. Cause of death: the disease or injury that initiated the events leading to death; or the circumstances of the unintentional or intentional injury that resulted in the death. 1. Data coded according to ICD-10. ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes used in this publication are listed in the Appendix. Rates are age-adjusted per 100,000 residents using the 2000 US standard population. 2. US data for 2014 obtained from NCHS: Final Data for 2014. NCHS, Volume 65, Number 4. June 30, 2016.165735-29464000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1. Life Expectancy at Birth, Massachusetts: 1900-2014 39376355377815002800354950460Note: Life Expectancy at birth calculated using the Greville Abridged Life Table Method (source: Dublin LI. Length of Life - A Study of the Life Table. Ronald Press Co. New York. 1949). 00Note: Life Expectancy at birth calculated using the Greville Abridged Life Table Method (source: Dublin LI. Length of Life - A Study of the Life Table. Ronald Press Co. New York. 1949). -5200651864360 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1500 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 15394335493839500-702945-11176000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2. Expected Years of Life Remaining at Different Ages by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014-7029452667000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3. Years of Life Remaining1 by Race2 and Hispanic Ethnicity and Gender, Massachusetts: 2014At Age:All FemalesWhite non-HispanicFemalesBlack non-HispanicFemalesHispanicFemalesMalesWhite non-HispanicMalesBlack non-HispanicMalesHispanicMales2Birth80.883.483.084.389.678.378.177.584.31 year old80.282.782.384.089.077.777.577.383.65 years old76.378.778.380.185.073.873.573.679.715 years old66.468.768.470.075.163.963.563.669.925 years old56.758.958.660.265.354.353.954.360.235 years old47.249.248.950.655.545.144.845.150.845 years old37.839.739.441.046.035.835.535.941.755 years old28.930.530.232.136.727.126.927.233.065 years old20.521.721.523.628.119.118.919.624.875 years old13.113.913.716.220.411.911.713.018.485 years old7.47.87.610.614. 1. Years of Life Remaining calculated using the Greville Abridged Life Table Method (source: Dublin LI. Length of Life - A Study of the Life Table. Ronald Press Co. New York. 1949). 2. Population estimates are from 2011 bridged population file, MARS (Modified Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Sex) file. There are well-known difficulties in calculating accurate mortality rates for Massachusetts smaller populations such as Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics- please use caution when interpreting these numbers. 51435-18034000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3. Changes in Age Composition of the Population, Massachusetts: 1900-2010-5200652127250 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1700 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 172800354870450003023235418465015-44 0015-44 6932295418465065-84 0065-84 5652135418465045-64 0045-64 13087354184650Under 15 00Under 15 7709535418465085+ 0085+ 1657354870450Source: US Census Bureau 1900-1999. Resident death data for 2000 are calculated using the Massachusetts (Department of Public Health) Modified Age, Race/Ethnicity, & Sex Estimates 2000 (MMARS00), released October 2006. Population estimates for 2010 are from the NCHS Modified Age, Race/Ethnicity, & Sex Estimates 2009, released July 2010. 00Source: US Census Bureau 1900-1999. Resident death data for 2000 are calculated using the Massachusetts (Department of Public Health) Modified Age, Race/Ethnicity, & Sex Estimates 2000 (MMARS00), released October 2006. Population estimates for 2010 are from the NCHS Modified Age, Race/Ethnicity, & Sex Estimates 2009, released July 2010. 393763556705500028575-22606000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4. Trends in Percentage of Deaths from Selected Causes, Massachusetts: 1842-2014-5200651759585 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1800 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 18 3937635721995001657356985000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 4. Distribution of Deaths by Place of Occurrence, Massachusetts: 2010-2014Type of Place where Death Occurred20102011201220132014NumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercentNumberPercentHospital (inpatient/outpatient)20,66839%20,51138%19,96338%20,27737%20,53437%Dead on Arrival4541%5251%6231%6171%6411%Nursing Home15,26129%15,87030%15,37729%15,65229%15,35328%At Home13,48126%13,98626%14,55327%15,117*28%15,09627%Other2,5455%2,6385%2,6245%2,8425%3,4996%Unknown110.02%60.01%290.05%1040.19%360.07%-5200651920240 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1900 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 1940519358585200039376353307080003937635252857000-245745-22606000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 5. Proportion of Deaths Certified by Medical Examiner for Selected Causes of Death, Massachusetts: 2014 -1714512954000 See the Appendix section, “Circumstance for Referral to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME)” for a list of circumstances requiring referral to the Medical Examiner’s Office.Other Injuries include motor vehicle-related, poisonings, falls, etc.165735-18034000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 6. Premature Mortality Rate (PMR) by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014-5429251935480 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 2100 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 21 3943352730500393763582994500 405193596837500Note: Premature Mortality Rate is defined as deaths that occur before the age of 75 years per 100,000, age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population under 75 years of age. 04932045Note: Rates are per 100,000 population and are age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. Standard Population for persons, ages 0-74 years.00Note: Rates are per 100,000 population and are age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. Standard Population for persons, ages 0-74 years.-18288011684000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 5. Age-Adjusted Death Rates for Ages 25-64 Years by Educational Attainment, Massachusetts: 2014Age-Specific RatesAge-Adjusted Rates25-34 years35-44 years45-64 years25-64 yearsYears of School Completed High school or less166.7218.4614.9374.2 13+ Education33.751.6194.1107.8-171454064000-1714511176000 Source: C15001: SEX BY AGE BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT FOR THE POPULATION 18 YEARS AND OVER - Universe: Population 18 Years And Over. 2009-2011 American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates. -474345-34036000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 7. Daily Mortality Statistics, Massachusetts: 2014Every day in 2014, in Massachusetts there were on average:-27432060325 1 Infant Death 4 Infectious Disease Deaths 14 Respiratory Deaths 5 Alzheimer’s Deaths 32 Heart Disease Deaths 3 Diabetes Deaths 7 Stroke Deaths 11 Injury Deaths 3 Poisoning Deaths 6 Other Intentional & Unintentional Injury Deaths2 Suicide Deaths 35 Cancer Deaths 00 1 Infant Death 4 Infectious Disease Deaths 14 Respiratory Deaths 5 Alzheimer’s Deaths 32 Heart Disease Deaths 3 Diabetes Deaths 7 Stroke Deaths 11 Injury Deaths 3 Poisoning Deaths 6 Other Intentional & Unintentional Injury Deaths2 Suicide Deaths 35 Cancer Deaths 204025596520151 deaths*00151 deaths*2954655115570004566920736604 Other Intentional & Unintentional Injury Death004 Other Intentional & Unintentional Injury Death3077210736602 Suicide Deaths002 Suicide Deaths1656080736602 Falls Deaths002 Falls Deaths*includes 39 deaths due to other causes. Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 6. Top Ten Leading Underlying Causes of Death by Age, Massachusetts: 2014Age Groups (number of deaths)Rank1<1 year1-14 years15-24 years25-44 years45-64 years65-74 years75-84 years85+ yearsAll1Short gestation and LBW (85)Unintentional Injuries (24)Unintentional Injuries (211)Unintentional Injuries (924)Cancer (3,118)Cancer (3,259)Cancer (3,346)Heart Disease (5,783)Cancer (12,797)2Congenital malformations (50)Cancer (17)Suicide (64)Cancer (271)Heart Disease (1,573)Heart Disease (1,655)Heart Disease (2,645)Cancer (2,761)Heart Disease (11,845)3Pregnancy Complications (24)Congenital malformations (11)Homicide (48)Suicide (186)Unintentional Injuries (807)Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (524)Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (842)Stroke (1,277)Unintentional Injuries (2,859)4SIDS (18)ill-defined conditions-signs and symptoms (8)Cancer (25)Heart Disease (176)Chronic liver disease (350)Stroke (294)Stroke (652)Alzheimer’s Disease (1,157)Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (2,596)-49593539370 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 2400 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 245Complications of placenta (13)Other infections (5)ill-defined conditions-signs and symptoms (17)ill-defined conditions-signs and symptoms (103)Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (309)Diabetes (247)Alzheimer’s Disease (419)Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (899)Stroke (2,459)6Circulatory System (8)Stroke (4)Heart Disease (8)Homicide (64)Suicide (276)Nephritis (193)Nephritis (331)Influenza & Pneumonia (718)Alzheimer’s Disease (1,685)7Neonatal hemorrhage (8)Suicide (4)Congenital malformations (8)Chronic liver disease (46)Diabetes (245)Unintentional Injuries (164)Influenza & Pneumonia (311)Nephritis (559)Influenza & Pneumonia (1,363)8Bacterial sepsis of newborn (6)Septicemia (3)Injuries of Undetermined Intent (7)Diabetes (37)Stroke (204)Influenza & Pneumonia (162)Diabetes (301)Unintentional Injuries (446)Nephritis (1,229)9Intrauterine Hypoxia (4)in situ neoplasms (3)Influenza & Pneumonia (3)Stroke (23)ill-defined conditions-signs and symptoms (186)Septicemia (160)Unintentional Injuries (279)ill-defined conditions-signs and symptoms (423)Diabetes (1,214)10Respiratory distress (4)Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (3)Septicemia (2)Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (17)Influenza & Pneumonia (152)Chronic liver disease (148)Parkinson's Disease (228)Diabetes (383)ill-defined conditions-signs and symptoms (996)All Causes3211294412,2349,2148,67812,78421,35655,159-476250412751. Ranking based on number of deaths. The number of deaths is shown in parentheses.Note: Injuries are subdivided into 4 separate categories by intent: unintentional, homicide, suicide, and injuries of undetermined intent (deaths where investigation has not determined whether injuries were accidental or purposely inflicted). 001. Ranking based on number of deaths. The number of deaths is shown in parentheses.Note: Injuries are subdivided into 4 separate categories by intent: unintentional, homicide, suicide, and injuries of undetermined intent (deaths where investigation has not determined whether injuries were accidental or purposely inflicted). 393763551498500 -45720024384000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 7. Leading Underlying Causes of Death, Numbers and Age-Specific Rates by Gender, Massachusetts: 2014TotalFemaleMaleAgeCause of Death1Number Rate2 Number Rate2 Number Rate21-14 yearsTOTAL12912.1519.87814.3Unintentional Injuries242.271.3173.1Cancer171.671.3101.8Congenital Malformations111.02--491.6Ill Defined Conditions80.73--450.915-24 yearsTOTAL4414712025.432167.4Unintentional Injuries21122.25110.816033.6Suicide646.7163.44810.1Homicide485.161.3428.8Cancer252.681.7173.625-44 yearsTOTAL2,234126.372280.51,512173.5Unintentional Injuries92452.322725.369780.0Cancer27115.315617.411513.2Suicide18610.5384.214817.0Heart Disease17610525.812414.245-64 yearsTOTAL9,214492.23,496361.75,717631.4Cancer3,118166.61,397144.61,721190.1Heart Disease1,5738443044.51,143126.2Unintentional Injuries80743.124625.556162.0Chronic Liver Disease35018.711011.424026.565+ years3TOTAL42,8184213.423,7674,088.519,0494,379.8Heart Disease10,083992.25,334917.64,7491,091.9Cancer9,366921.64,649799.74,7171,084.5Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease2,265222.91,277219.7988227.2Stroke2,223218.71,463251.7760174.7-24574545085001. Cause of Death classified using ICD-10 ranked based on number of deaths for all persons at specific age group. See Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes. 2. Number of deaths per 100,000 residents in each age group. 3. See Table 8 for leading causes of death for detailed age groups for persons ages 65+ years. 4. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. -2743209144000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 8. Leading Underlying Causes of Death, Numbers and Age-Specific Rates (Ages 65 and older) by Gender, Massachusetts: 2014TotalFemaleMaleAgeCause of Death1 NumberRate2NumberRate2 NumberRate265-74TOTAL8,6781,541.93,7111,226.74,9661,907.9Cancer3,259579.11,489492.21,770680.0Heart Disease1,655294.1545180.21,110426.5Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease52493.126988.925598.0Stroke29452.213544.615961.175-84TOTAL12,7844,315.36,4183,720.76,3665,144.2Cancer3,3461,129.51,649956.01,6971,371.3Heart Disease2,645892.81,192691.01,4531,174.1Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease842284.2458265.5384310.3Stroke652220.1388224.9264213.385+TOTAL21,35613,585.813,63812,829.67,71715,163.2Heart Disease5,7833678.93,5973,383.82,1864,295.3Cancer2,7611756.41,5111,421.41,2502,456.1Stroke1,277812.4940884.3337662.2Alzheimer’s Disease1,157736854803.4303595.4 1. Cause of Death classified according to ICD-10 ranked based on number of deaths for all persons at specific age group. See Appendix for a list of-10 codes. 2. Number of deaths per 100,000 residents in each age group.-131445-29464000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 9. Leading Causes of Death1 and Age-Adjusted Death Rates by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014TotalCause3 #Rate4Total55,159662.5Cancer12,797155.6Heart Disease11,845137.5Unintentional Injuries62,85939.4Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease52,59631.4Stroke2,45928.7Alzheimer’s Disease1,68519.0Influenza & Pneumonia1,36315.7Nephritis1,22914.5Diabetes1,21414.6ill-defined conditions-signs and symptoms99612.3-1102995-507365 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 2700 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 27White non-Hispanic2Black non-Hispanic2Asian non-Hispanic2Hispanic2Cause3 #Rate4Cause3 #Rate4Cause3 #Rate4Cause3 #Rate4Total49,621679.5Total2,390630.4Total938344.7Total1,702447.9Cancer11,455159.8Cancer559145.0Cancer306104.7Cancer367100.2Heart Disease10,907142.0Heart Disease472127.9Heart Disease14757.5Heart Disease23672.9Unintentional Injuries62,45943.2Unintentional Injuries613028.2Unintentional Injuries65115.7Unintentional Injuries618228.2Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease52,43533.2Stroke11432.7Stroke4920.4Stroke7123.4Stroke2,19728.4Diabetes11229.5Nephritis3313.0Diabetes6218.8Alzheimer's Disease1,57519.6Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease57621.4Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease53113.3Chronic liver disease5512.6Influenza & Pneumonia1,26916.4Nephritis7220.1Alzheimer’s Disease2210.3Nephritis4514.4Nephritis1,07214.2Homicide6111.2Diabetes218.5Perinatal conditions423.8Diabetes1,00913.8Alzheimer’s Disease5016.0ill-defined conditions-signs and symptoms206.4ill-defined conditions-signs and symptoms429.9ill-defined conditions-signs and symptoms85412.4ill-defined conditions-signs and symptoms4510.9Influenza & Pneumonia166.9Homicide395.03891915961390001. Ranking based on number of deaths. 2. Race and ethnicity data in this table are presented as mutually exclusive categories. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity are not included in a race category. Please see Technical Notes in the Appendix for a more detailed explanation. 3. Underlying Cause of Death based on ICD-10 (Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used). 4. All rates are age-adjusted per 100,000 residents using the 2000 US standard population. 5. The title of this cause of death has changed between ICD-10 and ICD-9. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (ICD-10 title) corresponds to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (ICD-9 title). 6. Unintentional injuries such as motor vehicle-related and other transportation related deaths, falls, fires, and drownings that were not intended to occur. 0-6604000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 8. Number of Heart Disease Deaths by Age Group and Gender, Massachusetts: 2014-4819652440305 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 2800 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 2833718538100ICD-10: I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51 00ICD-10: I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51 -6343651920240 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 2800 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 28 -177165-19240500Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 9. Age Distribution by Race and Ethnicity for Heart Disease Deaths, Massachusetts: 2014 -5715001716405 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 2900 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 2916573590170ICD-10: I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51 00ICD-10: I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51 1657354650740ICD-10: I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51 00ICD-10: I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51 -6343652051685 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 2900 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 29 4090035135763000-62865-11874500Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 10. Number of Cancer Deaths by Age Group and Gender, Massachusetts: 2014-5200652214880 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 3000 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 30 3657605139055ICD-10: C00-C9700ICD-10: C00-C9716573547301151 ICD-10: C00-C97001 ICD-10: C00-C973937635545401500-62865-2794000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 11. Age Distribution by Race and Ethnicity for Cancer Deaths, Massachusetts: 20141085855163185ICD-10: C00-C9700ICD-10: C00-C97-6210301970405 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 3100 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 313937635583438000-131445-18796000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 10. Heart Disease and Cancer Deaths by Race and Gender, Age-Adjusted Rates1, Massachusetts: 2001-2014Heart DiseaseWhite non-Hispanic2Black non-Hispanic2YearMaleFemaleTotalMaleFemaleTotal2001265.9174.0213.4295.2181.3228.62002254.7163.5202.3242.2177.6205.92003250.3160.2198.5272.1188.5223.92004233.1150.3185.7268.1148.3198.82005220.6139.1174.9233.7174.5199.82006216.5138.8172.2222.3127.6165.32007216.2134.2168.5233.5142.7180.82008217.1133.1167.9226.7151.7181.72009211.3122.6158.4217.3157.3181.62010197.5119.6152.9222.3119.4159.72011196.0113.0148.0185.6114.1143.7-5200652540 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 3200 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 322012187.5113.0144.7167.3125.2144.32013192.3114.3147.4164.699.1128.32014185.5109.4142.0168.398.0127.9Asian non-Hispanic2HispanicYearMaleFemaleTotalMaleFemaleTotal2001113.562.685.1148.7110.0126.9200294.669.579.9174.1101.2131.92003115.265.087.6124.896.2109.7200456.954.356.1129.977.4100.3200577.548.261.3118.583.799.2200673.670.072.8124.284.9102.3200783.352.967.4124.961.888.3200886.051.766.393.266.178.32009 69.651.360.1111.662.783.82010 64.850.457.190.8 66.8 76.9201174.161.067.5114.972.089.72012 74.743.257.1106.8 70.5 85.8201367.743.254.481.356.467.7201474.342.657.583.465.472.9-177165-6540500Table 10 (continued). Heart Disease and Cancer Deaths by Race and Gender, Age-Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2001-2014CancerWhite non-Hispanic2Black non-Hispanic2YearMaleFemaleTotalMaleFemaleTotal2001249.2175.8203.5264.7176.4212.12002245.7175.3202.2293.5179.5224.32003237.1169.4195.7304.5199.0238.72004230.4168.4192.5277.6155.7200.12005226.1163.2188.1264.2168.1204.12006234.9161.5190.0265.6180.9212.42007226.0156.5183.2270.7159.7201.72008221.4154.8180.6255.0163.7197.92009212.7157.0177.7244.7164.7193.12010211.9150.8174.9244.0131.3174.3-6800855080 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 3300 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 332011206.5145.9170.4209.9162.3178.02012201.3149.1170.2229.4150.7180.62013193.2144.0163.8207.0141.7166.32014192.1137.4159.8194.0114.1145.0Asian non-Hispanic2HispanicYearMaleFemaleTotalMaleFemaleTotal200198.3105.6103.1142.997.4116.42002145.890.0114.3144.3103.3120.62003134.687.4109.3110.076.690.02004109.579.793.1125.682.5100.42005138.979.5106.1118.297.3105.72006126.091.7107.2119.974.393.72007124.476.498.4125.090.0104.72008132.189.3109.0141.283.1107.82009123.271.094.3129.998.2111.82010128.098.1111.8129.987.2103.92011127.192.6107.3125.684.0101.12012137.378.8104.6150.594.4117.72013106.366.384.4122.691.7105.12014131.083.3104.7115.989.3100.21. Rates are per 100,000 age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. 2. Race and ethnicity data in this table are presented as mutually exclusive categories. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity are not included in a race category. Please see Technical Notes in the Appendix for a more detailed explanation. 382333563182500-2743209144000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 11. Number and Age-Adjusted Rates of Cancer Deaths by Selected Causes and Gender, Massachusetts: 2014265176024765000502920024765000384048024765000Cause of Death1ICD-10CodeTotalFemaleMale #Rate2,3#Rate#RateTotal Cancer DeathsC00-C9712,797155.66,217132.96,580188.2BladderC673744.51112.22637.9Brain and nervous systemC70-C723484.31543.51945.3CervixC53521.3521.3NANAColorectalC18-C211,04712.651710.653015.4EsophagusC154004.8942.03068.4Female breast4C50482018.082018.0NANAHodgkin diseaseC81170.270.2100.3Kidney and other urinary organsC64, C652953.5951.92005.5LeukemiaC91-C954856.02054.32808.2LungC33, C343,30940.71,63235.71,67747.7Melanoma of the skinC432212.7831.81384.0Multiple myeloma C88, C902913.61382.91534.5Non-Hodgkin lymphomaC82-C854305.32004.22306.7OvaryC563156.73156.7NANAPancreasC2591111.047910.043212.3ProstateC6162018.8NA.NA62018.8StomachC162553.11042.21514.3UterusC54, C552154.52154.5NANAAll other cancersResidual2,39228.899621.01,39638.91. Common terms are used to describe the causes of cancer deaths. For detailed terminology of cancer sites, please see the ICD-10 code list in the Appendix. 2. All rates are age-adjusted by the direct method using the 2000 US standard population. Rates are per 100,000 population. 3. The total resident population is used to calculate all "Total Rates" except for ICD-10 codes C50, C53-C56, which are based on the total female population, and ICD-10 C61, which is based on the total male population. 4. Includes only female breast cancer. -245745000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 12. Selected Causes of Cancer Deaths by Age, Massachusetts: 2014AgeCause of Death1ICD-10 CodeNumberAge-specific rate21-14 years Total171.6LeukemiaC91-C953--3Brain and nervous systemC70-C722--3LungC33, C341--3Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomaC82-C851--315-24 yearsTotal252.6LeukemiaC91-C9550.5Brain and nervous systemC70-C723--3ColorectalC18-C212--3Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomaC82-C852--325-44 yearsTotal27115.3Female breast4C50485.4ColorectalC18-C21341.9Brain and nervous systemC70-C72251.4LungC33, C34191.145-64 yearsTotal3,118166.6LungC33, C3479742.6Female breast4C5024325.1ColorectalC18-C2123712.7PancreasC2522412.065+ yearsTotal9,366921.6LungC33, C342,492245.2ColorectalC18-C2177476.2PancreasC2567866.7Prostate5C61560128.865-74 yearsTotal3,259579.1LungC33, C34991176.1PancreasC2524243.0ColorectalC18-C2120937.1Female breast4C5019564.575-84 yearsTotal3,3461,129.5LungC33, C34991334.5ColorectalC18-C2125285.1PancreasC2524683.0Prostate5C61191154.385+ yearsTotal2,7611,756.4LungC33, C34510324.4ColorectalC18-C21313199.1Prostate5C61228448.0PancreasC25190120.91. Common terms are used to describe causes of cancer death. For detailed terminology, please see the ICD-10 codes listed in the Appendix. 2. Number of deaths per 100,000 residents in each age group. 3. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. 4. Calculation based on female population in specified age group. 5. Calculation based on male population in specified age group. Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 13. Leading Causes of Cancer Deaths and Age-Adjusted Rates by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014 White non-Hispanic1 Black non-Hispanic1Asian non-Hispanic1Hispanic1Cause2#Rate3Cause#Rate3Cause#Rate3Cause#Rate3Lung3,02142.6Lung12633.3Lung7727.5Lung6216.4Colorectal93512.9Colorectal5514.2Pancreas279.5Pancreas256.5Pancreas81711.3Prostate5343.8Colorectal268.7Female Breast259.9Female Breast74619.0Pancreas349.1Stomach144.4Stomach226.1Prostate53518.1Female Breast3012.8Brain and Nervous System133.3Colorectal226.1Total Cancer11,455159.8Total Cancer559145.0Total Cancer306104.7Total Cancer367100.21. Race and ethnicity data in this table are presented as mutually exclusive categories. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity are not included in a race category. Please see the Technical Notes in the Appendix for a more detailed explanation. 2. ICD-10 codes used. Please see the ICD-10 codes listing in the Appendix for detailed terminology. 3. All rates are age-adjusted by the direct method using the 2000 US standard population. Rates are per 100,000 population. 4. Calculation based on female population. 5. Calculation based on male population. -7486652402205 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 3600 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 36-40576523050500Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 14. Number, Percent, and Age-Adjusted Rates of Stroke Deaths by Type and Gender, Massachusetts: 2014Cause of DeathICD-10 CodeTotalFemaleMale #%Rate1#%Rate1#%Rate1Total Stroke DeathsI60-I692,459100%28.71,564100%29.1895100%27.2Subarachnoid hemorrhageI601054.3%1.3744.7%1.6313.5%0.9?????????Intracerebral and other intracranial hemorrhageI61-I6253521.8%6.528918.5%5.924627.5%7.3?????????Cerebral infarctionI631546.3%1.81076.8%2.0475.3%1.4?????????Stroke, not specifiedI641,23950.4%14.281552.1%14.542447.4%13.0?????????OtherI67, I6942617.3%4.927917.8%5.014716.4%4.6?????????-1771654826000-6343652331720 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 3700 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 371. All rates are age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Population. Rates are per 100,000 population. -628654826000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 12. Number of Stroke Deaths by Age Group and Gender, Massachusetts: 2014-5429251870710 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 3800 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 38 31813529845ICD-10: I60-I69 00ICD-10: I60-I69 5143545758101. ICD-10: I60-I69. Please note that counts and rates may differ from other sources. Please see “Note to readers” (page 7) for details.001. ICD-10: I60-I69. Please note that counts and rates may differ from other sources. Please see “Note to readers” (page 7) for details.-6343651718310 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 3800 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 383937635542226500 -28575-15303500Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 13. Age Distribution by Race and Ethnicity for Stroke Deaths, Massachusetts: 2014-6343651776095 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 3900 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 39 1657351270 ICD-10: I60-I6900 ICD-10: I60-I69 -182880-7810500Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 15. Stroke Deaths by Race and Gender, Age-Adjusted Rates1, Massachusetts: 2001-2014White non-Hispanic2Black non-Hispanic2YearMaleFemaleTotalMaleFemaleTotal200151.546.048.550.861.559.3200250.245.747.957.960.259.5200344.743.944.745.954.952.7200442.840.441.952.158.356.2200537.737.337.950.644.947.5200637.535.636.757.651.954.5200735.434.034.834.436.435.6200833.133.433.653.540.745.5200931.731.732.051.736.042.7201030.530.130.546.239.942.9201130.429.630.234.429.832.0-57721538100 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 4000 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 40201227.628. non-Hispanic2HispanicYearMaleFemaleTotalMaleFemaleTotal200123.838.032.039.428.533.2200221.228.725.649.630.238.3200339.328.733.444.336.039.3200435.232.734.139.732.635.5200528.227.528.133.224.528.2200634.541.939.226.529.628.8200726.729.528.432.026.728.9200823.427.125.623.918.421.1200938. Rates are per 100,000 age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. 2. Race and ethnicity data in this table are presented as mutually exclusive categories. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity are not included in a race category. Please see Technical Notes in the Appendix for a more detailed explanation. 382333598933000-131445-11176000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 14. Diabetes Deaths, Massachusetts: 2001-2014 -171456985 ICD-10: E10-E1400 ICD-10: E10-E14-13144514986000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 16. Diabetes Deaths by Gender, Massachusetts: 2014Proportion of all Deaths (%)NumberCause of DeathMalesFemalesTotalMalesFemalesTotalUnderlying2.4%2.0%2.2%6555591,214Contributing/Associated4.7%3.9%4.3%1,2681,1102,378Total diabetes-related7.2%5.9%6.5%1,9231,6693,592Total deaths (all causes)100%100%100%26,86728,28955,159-1714592075ICD-10: E10-E1400ICD-10: E10-E14-171459525000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 17. Diabetes Deaths by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014Race/Hispanic EthnicityCause of DeathWhite non-HispanicBlack non-HispanicHispanicAsian non-HispanicTotalNumberUnderlying1,00911262211,214Contributing/Associated2,010169106662,378Total diabetes-related3,019281168873,592Total deaths (all causes)49,6212,3901,70293855,159Proportion of all deaths (%)Underlying2. diabetes-related6. Rates1Underlying13.829.518.88.514.6Contributing/Associated27.646.530.12728.8Total diabetes-related41.4764935.443.49715531115ICD-10: E10-E141. Rates are per 100,000 age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population00ICD-10: E10-E141. Rates are per 100,000 age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population971553111500-171454889500Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 15. Age Distribution of Diabetes Deaths, Massachusetts: 2014 18669095885 ICD-10: E10-E14. 00 ICD-10: E10-E14. 20955-8572500Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 16. Diabetes Death Rates, Massachusetts: 2001-20143829054195445ICD-10: E10-E14. Rates are per 100,000 age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. 00ICD-10: E10-E14. Rates are per 100,000 age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population. -182880-2222500Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 18. Injury Deaths by Leading Causes, Gender, Age: Numbers, Age-Adjusted, and Age-Specific Rates, Massachusetts: 2014All Injury Deaths1Poisoning2Falls Hanging, strangulation, or suffocationMotor Vehicle-related3Firearm Other4NumberRate5Number RateNumber RateNumber RateNumber RateNumber RateNumber RateAll Persons3,74234.61,59715.06525.54123.83933.62252.24634.4<156.81--600.02--600.000.02--61-14312.91--61--6100.990.81--690.815-2433034.813914.760.6414.3677.1525.5252.625-441,19267.477643.9261.51146.41226.9693.9854.845-641,15161.561933.1894.81427.61075.7623.31327.165-7423641.9386.85910.5325.7356.2213.7519.175-84317107.0124.118060.83511.8299.8113.75016.9-594360122555 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 4400 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 4485+478304.1117.0291185.13622.92415.395.710768.1All Females1,20219.34678.63194.21101.81061.5280.51722.6<13--61--600. Males2,54051.31,13021.73337.13026.02876.01974.12916.5<12--600.000.02--600.000.000.01-14224.01--61--661.161.11--671.315-2425553.610321.651.1296.15010.5479.9214.425-44907104.157465.9192.2869.910211.7617.0657.545-6481790.242046.4616.711512.7788.6505.59310.365-7415659.9228.53613.8238.8207.7207.73513.475-84179144.675.79375.22117.02016.297.32923.485+200393.03--6118231.92039.31121.6917.73976.64097655789940001. Data presented in this table are classified according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used in this table. 2. Includes drug overdoses, which account for the largest percentage. 3. Motor vehicle deaths to occupants, pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists. 4. All remaining injury causes. 5. Number of deaths per 100,000 persons in each age group; rates for all rows except the age group rows are age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. 6. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. -8572511684000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 19. Injury Deaths by Leading Causes, Gender and Race and Hispanic Ethnicity: Numbers and Age Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2014All Injury Deaths1Poisoning2Falls Hanging, strangulation, or suffocation Motor Vehicle-related3FirearmOther4Number Rate5NumberRateNumberRateNumberRateNumberRateNumberRateNumberRateWhite non-Hispanic3,14836.91,37317.66015.73524.13163.71341.63724.3 Females1,05821.341310.22984.5912.0891.6180.41492.5 Males2,09053.996025.23037.42616.42275.91162.92236.2?Black non-Hispanic22031.0718.3162.9233.4293.6456.5366.3 Females5816.7277.661.971.571.541.073.1 Males16246.7448.9103.7165.8226.14112.12910.1?-5429252540 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 4500 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 45Asian non-Hispanic6813.2121.8132.6132.2112.11--6184.4 Females267.82--650.850.84--61--693.8 Males4219.8102.885. Females467.8192.851.661.760.940.260.5 Males20544.610419.453.1134.6255.6346.3245.51. Data presented in this table are classified according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used in this table. 2. Includes drug overdoses, which account for the largest percentage. 3. Motor vehicle deaths to occupants, pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists. 4. All remaining injury causes. 5. Number of deaths per 100,000 persons in each group; rates are age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. 6. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. -177165-11176000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 20. Unintentional Injury Deaths by Gender, Age: Numbers, Age-Adjusted, and Age-Specific Rates, Massachusetts: 2014 All Unintentional1PoisoningsFalls Motor Vehicle-related Number Rate2 NumberRate2 NumberRate2 NumberRate2All Persons2,85939.41,44221.46357.63935.5<13--31--300.000.01-14242.21--31--390.815-2421122.213013.72--3677.125-4492452.374041.9221.21226.945-6480743.152828.2824.41075.765-7416429.1274.85810.3356.275-8427994.272.417960.4299.885+446283.785.1291185.12415.3????????All Females98823.840111.63176.21062.7<11--31--300.000.01-1471.300.000.03--315-245110.8326.800.0173.625-4422725.318720.970.8202.245-6424625.516316.9282.9293.065-746019.882.6227.3155.075-8412773.64--38750.495.285+269253.165.6173162.71312.2????????All Males1,87156.4104131.53189.72878.6<12--300.000.000.01-14173.11--31--361.115-2416033.69820.62--35010.525-4469780.055363.5151.710211.745-6456162.036540.3546.0788.665-7410440.0197.33613.8207.775-84152122.83--39274.32016.285+177347.82--3118231.91121.61. Data presented in this table are classified according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used in this table. 2. Number of deaths per 100,000 persons in each age group; rates for all rows except the age group rows are age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. 3. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. -1771659842500Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 21. Unintentional Injury Deaths by Gender and Race and Hispanic Ethnicity: Numbers, and Age-Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2014All Unintentional1PoisoningsFalls Motor Vehicle-related NumberRate2 NumberRate2 NumberRate2 NumberRate2White non-Hispanic2,45943.2122524.75888.03165.7 Females87826.335013.82966.5892.8 Males1,58161.487535.929210.12278.8????????Black non-Hispanic13028.26814.2153.9296.0 Females4317.72510.262.872.7 Males8740.64318.794.7229.9????????Asian non-Hispanic5115.7112.4135.7112.7 Females19122--354.04--3 Males3220.693.688.273.5????????Hispanic18228.212217.582.5314.0 Females3612.1185.252.861.6 Males14645.610430.43--3256.51. Data presented in this table are classified according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used in this table. 2. Number of deaths per 100,000 persons in each group; rates are age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. 3. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. -1828809144000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 22. Intentional Injury Deaths by Gender, Age: Numbers, Age-Adjusted, and Age-Specific Rates, Massachusetts: 2014 All Intentional1SuicideHomicideNumber Rate2 Number Rate2Number Rate2All Persons76910.86168.51532.3<11--300.01--31-1470.74--33--315-2411211.8646.7485.125-4425014.118610.5643.645-6430116.127614.7251.365-745610.0488.581.475-84258.4237.82--385+1610.2159.51--3??????All Females1634.51353.6280.8<11--300.01--31-142--32--300.015-24224.7163.461.325-44495.5384.2111.245-64707.2646.660.665-74134.3113.62--375-844--33--31--385+2--31--31--3??????All Males60617.648113.91253.7< Data presented in this table are classified according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used in this table. 2. Number of deaths per 100,000 persons in each age group; rates for all rows except the age group rows are age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. 3. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. -914409842500Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 23. Intentional Injury Deaths by Gender and Race and Hispanic Ethnicity: Numbers and Age-Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2014 All Intentional1SuicideHomicideNumber Rate2 Number Rate2Number Rate2White non-Hispanic58810.65469.8420.8 Females1344.71234.4110.4 Males45417.042315.7311.2??????Black non-Hispanic8115.0203.86111.2 Females114.24--372.7 Males7026.3166.25420.1??????Asian non-Hispanic153.7112.74--3 Females62.73--33--3 Males94.884.31--3??????Hispanic6810.1295.2395.0 Females102.64--361.6 Males5818.72510.3338.41. Data presented in this table are classified according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used in this table. 2. Number of deaths per 100,000 persons in each group; rates are age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. 3. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. 805815-22606000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 24. Injury Deaths by Intent, Method and Gender: Number and Age-Adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2014Type of Injury1All Injury DeathsFemaleMaleNumberRate2NumberRate2NumberRate2Unintentional Injuries (Accidents)2,85939.4?98823.8?1,87156.4Motor Vehicle-related3935.5?1062.7?2878.6Injury to pedestrian911.3?320.8?591.8Injury to pedal cyclist70.1?00.0?70.2Injury to motorcyclist 530.8?3--3?501.5Injury to occupant470.7?120.3?351.0Other and unspecified 1952.8?591.5?1364.1Poisoning1,44221.4?40111.6?1,04131.5Falls6357.6?3176.2?3189.7Hanging, strangulation or suffocation1191.5?501.1?692.0Drowning and submersion340.4?110.3?230.6Smoke, fire and flames340.5?150.4?190.6Other and unspecified1772.1?801.4?972.8Suicide6168.5?1353.6?48113.9Poisoning1241.6?501.3?742.1-10420351270 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 5000 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 50Hanging, strangulation or suffocation2874.1?561.6?2316.7Firearm1301.7?160.4?1143.2Other and unspecified751.1?130.3?621.8Homicide1532.3?280.8?1253.7Firearm901.3?120.4?782.4Cut or pierce330.5?50.1?280.9Other and unspecified300.4?110.3?190.5Injury Deaths of Undetermined Intent580.8?280.7?300.8Poisoning 300.4?160.4?140.4Other and unspecified280.4?120.3?160.4Legal Intervention3--3?00.0?3--3Firearm3--3?00.0?3--3Other and unspecified00.0?00.0?00.0Adverse Effects530.7?230.5?300.9Medical Care440.5?170.4?270.8Drugs90.1?60.1?3--3ALL INJURIES3,74234.6?1,20219.3?2,54051.31. Data presented in this table are classified according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used in this table. 2. Number of deaths per 100,000 persons; rates are adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. 3. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. 280606569786500323278598171000165735-11176000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 25. HIV/AIDS Deaths by Place of Occurrence, Massachusetts: 2000-2014YearTotal1Place of OccurrenceAt HomeHospitalOut of StateHospice/Nursing Home/Other2000#%226100.04821.214564.200.03314.62001#%249100.04718.916465.94--23413.72002#%229100.03314.415668.14--23615.72003#%226100.05524.313459.352.23214.2-866775299720 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 5100 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 512004#%211100.04521.313463.51--23114.72005#%180100.02815.612267.81--23016.72006#%179100.02212.312268.22--23318.42007#%143100.01510.59868.52--22819.62008#%143 100.02718.99264.31--22316.12009#%124100.02520.27661.31--22217.72010#%119100.02218.56857.11--22823.52011#%91100.01415.45863.700.01920.92012#%100100.02424.05656.000.02020.02013#%86 100.0013 15.153 61.60 0.020 23.32014#%80100.001316.35062.500.01721.31. AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The deaths reported are cases for which AIDS or HIV-related disease was the underlying cause of death. Deaths were coded according to ICD-10: B20-B24. 2. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. 32213554381500354901513208000371475-2032000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 26. HIV/AIDS Deaths by Age, Massachusetts: 2000-2014YearAge (in years)<1515-2425-3435-4445+2000#1%4--200.02611.510446.09240.72001#%1--22--22510.011144.611044.22002#%1 --2 1 --2104.49139.7 126 55.02003#%1--23--2146.29441.611450.42004#%00.02--294.37937.412157.4-1365885196215 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 5200 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 522005#%00.01--263.36435.610960.62006#%00.01--263.47139.710156.42007#% AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The deaths reported are cases for which AIDS or HIV-related disease was the underlying cause of death. Deaths were coded according to ICD-10: B20-B24. 2. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. 322516543434000120015-34925000-4514852424430 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 5300 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 53Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 27. HIV/AIDS Deaths by Gender, Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2000-2014YearGenderRace and EthnicityMaleFemaleWhitenon-Hispanic2Black non-Hispanic2Other3Hispanic22000#1%16171.26528.810446.06127.02-45926.12001#%18273.16726.912550.27329.300.05120.52002#%16371.26628.810847.16829.71-45222.72003#%15066.47633.611350.05825.72-45323.52004#%15171.66028.497646.05526.14-45526.12005#%12267.85832.27541.75631.14-44525.02006#%12268.25731.89150.84927.42-43720.72007#%9667.44732.95840.64833.600.03725.92008#%10170.64229.46948.63726.153.53121.82009#%8971.83528.24838.73729.864.83326.62010#%8067.23932.85848.73428.61-42621.82011#%6470.32729.73639.63033.01-42426.42012#%6262.03838.05050.02626.01-42323.02013#%5867.42832.63541.23237.600.01821.22014#%5973.82126.34151.32126.31-41620.01. AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The deaths reported are cases for which AIDS or HIV-related disease was the underlying cause of death. Deaths were coded according to the ICD-10 (codes B20-B24). 2. Race and ethnicity data in this table are presented as mutually exclusive categories. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity are not included in a race category. Please see Technical Notes in the Appendix for a more detailed explanation. 3. The “Other” category represents Asian non-Hispanics, American Indian non-Hispanics, and other non-Hispanics. 4. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. 3855720368935003608070626427500-365760-9144000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 28. HIV/AIDS Deaths by Gender, Race and Hispanic Ethnicity: Numbers, Percent and Age-adjusted Rates, Massachusetts: 2001-2014TOTAL1White non-Hispanic2Black non-Hispanic2Hispanic2Year#PercentRate3 #PercentRate3 #Percent Rate3200112550%2.27329%21.15120%13.5200210847%1.96830%20.35223%13.5200311350%2.05826%17.25323%14.920049746%1.75526%15.85526%13.920057542%1.35631%16.04525%11.520069151%1.64927%13.73721%8.420075841%1.04834%13.03726%8.920086950%1.23727%10.63123%8.320094841%0.537 31%15.23328%11.620105849%0.53429%15.22622%11.620113640%0.63033%6.92427%4.720125051%0.82626%6.12323%4.62013 35 41%0.532 38% 6.71821%3.220144151%0.62126%4.41620%3.2MALE20019251%3.35027%31.44022%22.520028653%3.14326%27.93421%18.720037449%2.73624%23.43926%23.82004 7449%2.73926%24.03423%18.420055243%1.93428%20.93327%18.420066755%2.43327%20.02117%9.820074850%1.72324%13.42526%13.320085556%1.92526%16.01818%11.020093238%1.12934%15.62428%12.420104051%1.12025%15.61924%12.420113048%1.11422%6.61930%8.220123557%1.21423%7.81220%5.62013 24 24% 0.7 21 21% 9.8 12 12% 4.320143459%1.01424%6.51017%4.7FEMALE20013349%1.22334%12.11116%5.420022233%0.82538%13.81827%8.720033951%1.42229%12.01418%7.120042338%0.81627%8.72135%10.020052340%0.82238%11.81221%5.420062442%0.91628%8.31628%7.120071021%0.32553%12.81226%5.220081436%0.51231%6.41333%6.420091648%0.5824%3.8927%3.820101846%0.51436%3.8718%3.82011622%0.21659%7.1519%1.620121539%0.41232%4.91129%3.92013 11 11% 0.3 11 11% 4.4 6 6% 2.12014735%0.2735%2.7630%2.01. AIDS and HIV disease deaths coded using ICD-10: B20-B24. 2. Race and ethnicity data in this table are presented as mutually exclusive categories. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity are not included in a race category. Please see Technical Notes in the Appendix for a more detailed explanation. 3. Number of deaths per 100,000 persons; rates are age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population. 2926080232283078007829260803199130700070-457200-9144000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 29. Trends in Infant, Neonatal, and Post Neonatal Mortality, by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2004-2014INFANT MORTALITY (less than one year of age)State Total1White non-Hispanic Black non-Hispanic HispanicAsian non-HispanicOther2Year#Rate3#Rate3#Rate3#Rate3#Rate3#Rate320043764.82103.87011.5757.6152.763.520053915.12304.3579.4777.7183.484.320063694.82204.17211.1635.9101.83--420073804.92063.96610.2817.4183.14--420083815.01923.77911.9867.9162.785.120093664.9?2054.1?547.8?787.1?203.4?97.820103194.4?1633.4?568.2?656.1?254.3?74.420113104.21583.4476.7755.8223.664.220123094.3?1583.5?578.2?715.4?172.6?4--420132984.21613.6638.9493.9152.43--420143214.5?1693.8?547.6?625.0?203.2?810.5NEONATAL MORTALITY (birth to 27 days)State Total1Whitenon-Hispanic Black non-Hispanic HispanicAsian, non-HispanicOther2Year#Rate3#Rate3#Rate3#Rate3#Rate3#Rate320042913.71673.0518.4575.8122.24--420052823.71683.1406.6575.8112.152.720062793.61733.3538.2423.971.33--420072633.41412.7487.4534.9152.64--420082903.8?1522.9?578.6?656.0?101.7?63.820092763.7?1623.2?365.2?544.9?172.9?76.020102383.3?1212.5?436.3?474.4?203.4?54.620112303.11112.4334.7604.7193.13--420122163.0?1112.5?415.9?463.5?132.0?3--420132213.11192.6456.3393.1101.60--420142363.3?1222.7?385.3?503.9?152.3?69.5POST NEONATAL MORTALITY (28-365 days)State Total1White non-Hispanic Black non-Hispanic HispanicAsian non-HispanicOther2Year#Rate3#Rate3#Rate3#Rate3#Rate3#Rate32004 851.1430.8193.1181.83 --42--420051091.4621.2172.8202.071.33--42006901.2470.9192.9212.03--400.020071171.5651.2182.8282.63--400.02008911.2?400.8?223.3?211.9?61.0?2--42009901.2?430.9?182.6?242.2?3--4?2--42010811.1?420.9?131.9?181.7?50.9?2--42011801.1471.0142.0151.23--43--42012931.3?471.0?162.3?251.9?4--4?1--42013771.1420.9182.5100.850.81--42014851.2?471.1?162.2?120.9?50.8?2--41. Deaths of infants of unknown race are included in the total calculation. For rate computations, births of infants of unknown race are allocated into the race categories according to the distribution of births of known race. 2. Other: American Indian and Other races. 3. Rates are expressed per 1,000 live births. 4. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 30365760-27432000. Infant, Neonatal, and Post Neonatal Deaths by Cause, Massachusetts: 2014Infant (<1 year)Neonatal(<28 days)Post Neonatal(28-365 days)Cause of Death1 ICD-10 Code# %#%#%TOTAL321100.0236100.085100.0Infectious and parasitic diseasesA00-B9994.13--2610.2CancerC00-C9700.000.000.0Diseases of the blood and blood forming organs (anemia)D50-D891--200.01--2Diseases of nervous system and earG00-G98, H60-H9373.22--258.5Diseases of the respiratory systemJ00-J9873.22--258.5Diseases of digestive systemK00-K924--21--23--2Congenital malformationsQ00-Q995022.93220.11830.5Congenital malformations of nervous systemQ00-Q0752.34--211.7Anencephalus and similar malformationsQ0000.000.000.0Congenital malformations of heartQ20-Q24156.974.4813.6Congenital malformations of respiratory systemQ30-Q343--23--200.0Congenital malformations of genitourinary systemQ50-Q642--22--200.0Congenital malformations of musculoskeletal systemQ65-Q8583.74--246.8-9080509525 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 5600 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 56Chromosomal abnormalitiesQ90-Q9983.774.411.7Certain conditions originating in the perinatal periodP00-P9618986.7183115.1610.2Newborn affected by maternal conditions which may be unrelated to present pregnancyP001--21--200.0Newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancyP012411.02314.51--2Newborn affected by complications of placenta, cord and membraneP02136.0138.200.0Newborn affected by other complications of labor and deliveryP032--22--200.0Disorders relating to short gestation and low birthweightP078539.08553.500.0Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxiaP20-P214--24--200.0Respiratory distress of newbornP224--284--200.0Other respiratory conditions of newbornP23-P2873.24--23--2Infections specific to the perinatal periodP35-P3994.195.700.0Neonatal hemorrhageP50-P52, P5483.785.000.0Other and ill-defined conditions originating in the perinatal periodP90-P9694.185.01--2Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditionsR00-R993917.985.03152.5Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)R95188.33--21525.4Unintentional InjuriesV01-X593--21--22--2HomicideX85-Y091--200.01--2All other causesResidual115.042.5711.91. Please see Technical Notes in the Appendix for an explanation of ICD-10 codes. 2. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. 274320000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 31. Infant Deaths by Major Causes, Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014 White non-Hispanic1 Black non-Hispanic1Asian non-Hispanic1 Hispanic Cause of Death2 ICD-10 Code # % # % # % # % TOTAL169100.0%54100.0%20100.0%62100.0%Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period P00- P969656.8%342953.7%60.0%4267.7%Congenital malformationsQ00-Q993017.8%7713.0%--3711.3%-7721602540 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 5700 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 57Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditionsR00-R992213.0%8814.8%--358.1%SIDSR95105.9%4--31--32--3Unintentional InjuriesV01-X593--300.0%00.0%00.0%HomicideX85-Y0900.0%00.0%1--300.0%All other causesResidual1810.7%1018.5%2--3812.9%1. Race and ethnicity data in this table are presented as mutually exclusive categories and Cape Verdeans are not included with Blacks. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity are not included in a race category. Please see Technical Notes in the Appendix for a more detailed explanation. 2. Deaths are coded according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for comparability ratios. 3. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. -337185-11176000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 32. Target Status for Selected Healthy People 2020 Mortality Objectives (underlying cause of death only)HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020 OBJECTIVETARGET 20201MA2010MA2013MA2014TARGET STATUSOverall Cancer death rate160.6171.0159.5155.6√Lung Cancer 45.547.341.440.7√Female Breast Cancer (per 100,000 females)20.619.118.418.0√Uterine Cervix (per 100,000 females)√Colorectal Cancer14.514.913.012.6√Oropharyngeal Cancer2.√Prostate Cancer (per 100,000 males)√Malignant Melanoma2.●COPD, ages 45+ 98.584.486.885.8√Coronary Heart Disease 100.896.587.682.4√Stroke 33.831.231.839.4OCirrhosis√Drug-induced deaths11.312.519.023.5●HIV/AIDS3.√Injury Deaths53.343.346.734.6√ Residential fire deaths√ Falls7. Falls, ages 65+45.348.155.435.2√ Firearm- related√ Poisonings 13.112.518.423.6●Poisonings, ages 35-5425.522.830.530.5OUnintentional or Undetermined Intent injuries11.110.916.516.5●Unintentional or Undetermined Intent injuries, ages 35-5421.620.030.530.7●Unintentional Injuries36.028.333.939.4O Motor vehicle crashes12.√Drowning1.√Hanging, strangulation or suffocation1.●Suffocation, persons 65+●Homicide5.√Suicide10.√Infant and Child HealthInfant deaths (per 1,000 live births)√Neonatal deaths (per 1,000 live births)√Post neonatal deaths (per 1,000 live births)√Birth defects (per 1,000 live births)√Congenital heart defects (per 1,000 live births)0.340.140.200.21√Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) (per 1,000 live births)0.500.470.210.25√Child/Adolescent/Young Adults Death Rates 1-4 years old25.713.615.414.7√ 5-9 years old12.√ 10-14 years old15.28.610.36.8√ 15-19 years old55.730.927.819.5√ 20-24 years old88.565.266.640.9√Asthma deaths (per million)Ages 35-64 years6.06.310.311.4●Ages 65+ years22.929.931.335.4●-337185450215Note: Death rates are per 100,000 and age adjusted to the 2010 US Population except when noted. 1. Data 2020 the Healthy People 2020 Database. CDC Wonder website. 00Note: Death rates are per 100,000 and age adjusted to the 2010 US Population except when noted. 1. Data 2020 the Healthy People 2020 Database. CDC Wonder website. 429768043180 = NO, > 25% from target00 = NO, > 25% from target9144043180 = YES, met target00 = YES, met target201168043180 = NO, but within 25% of target00 = NO, but within 25% of target-57157112000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 33. Rank of Premature Mortality Rates for the Largest 30 Communities, Massachusetts: 2014 (Sorted by PMR)Largest 30 Communities1Number of Premature DeathsPMR2(per 100,000)Fall River467513.1*Lowell447484.9*New Bedford447472.4*Brockton422456.7*Worcester711439.9*Springfield607439.3*Haverhill259427.0*Lynn348405.9*Pittsfield207403.9*Taunton235402.6*Lawrence246393.3*Plymouth249380.1*Chicopee230376.5*Quincy359363.4*Revere181341.0*Attleboro153340.9*Barnstable189331.0*Methuen157324.8 Weymouth194321.4Boston1,671320.3*Peabody178308.4Somerville167291.6Malden166283.9Waltham154271.9Medford152266.4Framingham182261.0Arlington99204.1*Cambridge163193.8*Newton151162.4*Brookline90151.7*STATE21,013 274.91. These communities had the largest populations in Massachusetts, based on 2010 Census. Rates for cities and towns were calculated using MDPH population estimates for 2010, which are the most up-to-date information available on the number of persons by age, race, and sex at the sub-state level. 2. Rates are age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Population for person ages 0-74 years. * significantly different from State PMR. Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 34. Premature Mortality Rates by Community, Massachusetts: 2014City/Town Premature Deaths (#) PMR1 (per 100,000 population)STATE 21,013 274.9Abington62372.4Acton42211.1Acushnet27220.9Adams42422.0Agawam118357.0Alford1--2Amesbury52302.4Amherst30153.4Andover71203.2Aquinnah2--2Arlington99204.1Ashburnham16286.1Ashby12358.7Ashfield4--2Ashland41250.6Athol71573.4Attleboro153340.9Auburn49274.0Avon16303.5Ayer42569.8Barnstable189331.0Barre23423.1Becket6196.3Bedford35253.4Belchertown58401.5Bellingham36205.3Belmont32119.9Berkley20375.5Berlin7166.2Bernardston9337.8Beverly130305.4Billerica144324.8Blackstone29334.4Blandford1--2Bolton14247.9Boston1671320.3Bourne69301.9Boxborough4--2Boxford19204.2Boylston10228.2Braintree115291.8Brewster34240.0Bridgewater73301.5Brimfield12266.3Brockton422456.7Brookfield14333.1Brookline90151.7Buckland6227.6Burlington75265.0Cambridge163193.8Canton72286.3Carlisle568.8Carver54421.3Charlemont6321.0Charlton34277.2Chatham25196.1Chelmsford93238.2Chelsea118430.5Cheshire13362.1Chester5337.8Chesterfield2--2Chicopee230376.5Chilmark3--2Clarksburg6253.0Clinton64449.2Cohasset24338.9Colrain5191.6Concord32147.3Conway3--2Cummington3--2Dalton25346.5Danvers104337.3Dartmouth102280.6Dedham90337.3Deerfield15235.6Dennis67325.1Dighton26352.8Douglas21284.3Dover6112.5Dracut109359.8Dudley44399.5Dunstable3--2Duxbury29162.6East Bridgewater52341.2East Brookfield7277.6East Longmeadow58316.2Eastham25397.1Easthampton79445.9Easton62260.4Edgartown6103.8Egremont4--2Erving3--2Essex14342.0Everett158418.7Fairhaven64347.8Fall River467513.1Falmouth128304.8Fitchburg151393.5Florida2--2Foxborough54296.5Framingham182261.0Franklin84303.5Freetown25250.5Gardner107509.0Georgetown28320.7Gill7491.9Gloucester122324.3Goshen6528.0Gosnold0--2Grafton47271.1Granby24344.7Granville4--2Great Barrington34366.9Greenfield67339.5Groton24268.0Groveland22307.4Hadley16232.6Halifax26305.7Hamilton12160.5Hampden16275.0Hancock0--2Hanover38251.2Hanson34310.2Hardwick9332.3Harvard10133.6Harwich55314.2Hatfield16279.8Haverhill259427.0Hawley1--2Heath1--2Hingham42152.8Hinsdale8289.5Holbrook49417.1Holden62307.6Holland8331.1Holliston24156.8Holyoke149388.3Hopedale24420.3Hopkinton29231.0Hubbardston10244.6Hudson46214.1Hull31221.8Huntington12454.1Ipswich38227.0Kingston39299.6Lakeville28226.4Lancaster16213.9Lanesborough10234.4Lawrence246393.3Lee28366.4Leicester35287.1Lenox17237.3Leominster153358.1Leverett2--2Lexington50163.9Leyden3--2Lincoln10141.8Littleton876.1Longmeadow31161.4Lowell447484.9Ludlow65269.2Lunenburg27205.0Lynn348405.9Lynnfield32250.5Malden166283.9Manchester7104.5Mansfield60313.6Marblehead42162.8Marion11176.1Marlborough121319.1Marshfield94318.0Mashpee54249.1Mattapoisett23287.6Maynard23196.0Medfield16159.2Medford152266.4Medway39330.9Melrose67232.8Mendon7111.0Merrimac25450.7Methuen157324.8Middleborough113422.6Middlefield1--2Middleton26269.3Milford96329.8Millbury48319.0Millis31352.1Millville13421.8Milton60222.6Monroe1--2Monson23236.7Montague37411.0Monterey3--2Montgomery4--Mount Washington0--Nahant10177.9Nantucket38334.8Natick72204.7Needham48159.4New Ashford0--2New Bedford447472.4New Braintree2--2New Marlborough5413.2New Salem4--2Newbury23292.1Newburyport48221.2Newton151162.4Norfolk19153.6North Adams75530.3North Andover58209.8North Attleboro88317.0North Brookfield11202.3North Reading39260.4Northampton121401.7Northborough25179.9Northbridge56368.7Northfield11300.8Norton59316.6Norwell43370.9Norwood77247.6Oak Bluffs10179.8Oakham8441.6Orange51565.1Orleans23249.5Otis3--2Oxford60393.1Palmer62476.5Paxton10182.1Peabody178308.4Pelham3--2Pembroke64344.8Pepperell53472.5Peru0--2Petersham2--2Phillipston5227.1Pittsfield207403.9Plainfield3--2Plainville27298.7Plymouth249380.1Plympton10241.5Princeton8157.9Provincetown17338.0Quincy359363.4Randolph100296.5Raynham44313.2Reading58233.8Rehoboth35258.3Revere181341.0Richmond7328.7Rochester22407.7Rockland88482.0Rockport29345.1Rowe0--2Rowley23326.0Royalston2--2Russell4--2Rutland23328.3Salem123296.9Salisbury53489.4Sandisfield3--Sandwich59252.9Saugus102328.8Savoy1--2Scituate52274.4Seekonk23135.3Sharon34189.8Sheffield6111.3Shelburne10427.2Sherborn13353.1Shirley30428.7Shrewsbury57156.1Shutesbury2--2Somerset59263.4Somerville167291.6South Hadley61309.8Southampton17222.3Southborough23236.5Southbridge80472.2Southwick31309.9Spencer52368.3Springfield607439.3Sterling20217.1Stockbridge4--2Stoneham58222.1Stoughton117379.5Stow898.6Sturbridge21196.1Sudbury19120.3Sunderland6243.8Sutton23245.4Swampscott26159.5Swansea58304.4Taunton235402.6Templeton39424.6Tewksbury99301.8Tisbury11217.3Tolland1--2Topsfield8105.5Townsend32382.2Truro12302.5Tyngsborough26239.7Tyringham1--2Upton19214.9Uxbridge41273.1Wakefield81296.7Wales11511.5Walpole58225.4Waltham154271.9Ware47425.8Wareham139515.8Warren25491.8Warwick5389.6Washington2--2Watertown67205.6Wayland19143.2Webster94510.3Wellesley2792.7Wellfleet9274.3Wendell8833.6Wenham6113.2West Boylston27304.0West Bridgewater25326.3West Brookfield12278.3West Newbury7156.6West Springfield91298.0West Stockbridge3--2West Tisbury8234.4Westborough35195.5Westfield130309.8Westford42189.0Westhampton0--2Westminster25316.3Weston19191.8Westport60289.2Westwood30186.4Weymouth194321.4Whately6247.8Whitman52361.9Wilbraham36209.2Williamsburg5193.9Williamstown14191.2Wilmington63276.0Winchendon37352.9Winchester44204.2Windsor0--2Winthrop76348.5Woburn107257.8Worcester711439.9Worthington5476.1Wrentham40311.4Yarmouth95325.21. Premature mortality rates (PMR) are age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Population for persons ages 0-74 years. 2. Age-adjusted rates based on values 1-4 are excluded.-219075-19050000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 17. Percent of Deaths Amenable to Health Care, Massachusetts: 2014Note: See Table A10 for a complete list of ICD codes including in this category.-1200155080000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 18. Amenable Mortality by Race and Hispanic ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2002-2014Note: See Table A10 for a complete list of ICD codes including in this category.APPENDIXAdditional Tables & FiguresTechnical NotesGlossary-177165-11176000 Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 19. Percent Distribution of Leading Underlying Causes of Death, Massachusetts: 2014___________________________________283464078028802800280608076000063474601 Total Number of Deaths = 56,733Causes of Death are classified according to ICD-10001 Total Number of Deaths = 56,733Causes of Death are classified according to ICD-10 1. Total Number of Deaths = 55,159 2. Causes of Death are classified according to ICD-10-142240254000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 35. Number and Age-Specific Rates for Selected Causes of Death by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014 Total White non-Hispanic2Black non-Hispanic2Asian non-Hispanic2Hispanic2Selected Causes1 # Rate3 # Rate # Rate # Rate # RateAge: 1-14, TOTAL12912.1699.81616.01013.03016.5Unintentional Injuries4242.281.155.03--684.4Cancer171.6111.62--61--63--6Congenital malformations111.04--61--600.052.7Ill defined conditions80.760.900.01--61--6Age: 15-24, TOTAL44146.530847.05969.91217.15036.7Unintentional Injuries421122.217426.61214.22--61913.9Suicide646.7517.867.11--64--6Homicide485.171.12529.61--6128.8Cancer252.6162.467.11--62--6Age: 25-44, TOTAL2,234126.31,699137.6187133.75534.5250108.6Unintentional Injuries4-71120086995 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 7100 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 7192452.375260.94330.71610.09842.6Cancer27115.320016.22115.0159.42812.2Suicide18610.515612.6107.153.1114.8Heart Disease17610.012410.02719.353.1187.8Age: 45-64, TOTAL9,214492.27,839511.8620542.6180194.7465359.5Cancer3,118166.62,688175.5182159.39198.512395.1Heart Disease1,57384.01,35588.511298.02729.26449.5Unintentional Injuries480743.169945.65043.888.74534.8Chronic liver disease35018.729119.01815.82--63426.3Age: 65+, TOTAL42,8184,213.439,5364,397.21,4483,324.16611,953.38452,224.1Heart Disease10,083992.29,4211,047.8327750.7115339.8154405.3Cancer9,366921.68,540949.8348798.9198585.1211555.4Chronic lower respiratory disease52,265222.92,143238.356128.62779.82976.3Stroke2,223218.72,016224.289204.345133.052136.940487601299845001. Deaths are coded according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used in this table. 2. Race and ethnicity data in this table are presented as mutually exclusive categories. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity are not included in a race category. Please see Table A1 in the Appendix for death data by race according to Federal definitions, which include persons of Hispanic ethnicity in a race category. Please see Technical Notes in the Appendix for a more detailed explanation. 3. Number of deaths per 100,000 persons in each age group. 4. Unintentional injuries include injuries such as motor vehicle-related and other transportation related deaths, falls, fires, and drownings that were not intended to occur. 5. The title of this cause of death has changed between ICD-10 and ICD-9. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (ICD-10 title) corresponds to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (ICD-9 title). 6. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. -142240254000Table 35 (continued). Number and Age-Specific Rates for Selected Causes of Death by Race and Hispanic Ethnicity, Massachusetts: 2014 Total White non-Hispanic1Black non-Hispanic1Asian non- Hispanic1 HispanicSelected Causes2 # Rate3 # Rate # Rate # Rate # RateAge: 65-74, TOTAL8,6781,541.97,6911,565.94361,677.6155759.93111,282.4Cancer3,259579.12,902590.9149573.375367.7111457.7Heart Disease1,655294.11,465298.3101388.623112.851210.3Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease52493.1491100.01869.300.01145.4Stroke29452.223748.327103.9944.11457.7Age: 75-84, TOTAL12,7844,315.311,6514,432.34953,948.02312,277.22862,804.5Cancer3,3461,129.53,0651,166.0122973.075739.457558.9Heart Disease2,645892.82,449931.790717.828276.056549.1Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease842284.2789300.227215.314138.0878.4Stroke652220.1572217.635279.214138.022215.7Age: 85+, TOTAL21,35613,585.820,19413,916.151710,270.22758,335.92486,997.7Heart Disease-68580033020 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 7200 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 725,7833,678.95,5073,795.01362,701.6641,940.0471,326.2Cancer2,7611,756.42,5731,773.1771,529.6481,455.0431,213.3Stroke1,277812.41,207831.827536.422666.916451.5Alzheimer’s Disease1,157736.01,086748.429576.119575.918507.91. Race and ethnicity data in this table are presented as mutually exclusive categories. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity are not included in a race category. Please see Table A1 in the Appendix for death data by race according to Federal definitions, which include persons of Hispanic ethnicity in a race category. Please see Technical Notes in the Appendix for a more detailed explanation. 2. Deaths are coded according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used in this table. 3. Number of deaths per 100,000 persons in each age group. 4. Unintentional injuries include injuries such as motor vehicle-related and other transportation related deaths, falls, fires, and drownings that were not intended to occur. 5. The title of this cause of death has changed between ICD-10 and ICD-9. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (ICD-10 title) corresponds to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (ICD-9 title). 6. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. -62865-11176000 Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 20. Heart Disease Death Rates1 by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, Massachusetts: 1996-20142 -6343652280285 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 7300 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 73 -5676902176145 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 7300 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 7352705-69851. Rates are per 100,000 population, age-adjusted to the 2010 U.S. Standard Population. 2. For 1996-1998 the comparability-modified rates were used)001. Rates are per 100,000 population, age-adjusted to the 2010 U.S. Standard Population. 2. For 1996-1998 the comparability-modified rates were used)5143549314101. Rates are per 100,000 population, age-adjusted to the 2010 U.S. Standard Population. 2. For 1996-1998 the comparability-modified rates were used). 001. Rates are per 100,000 population, age-adjusted to the 2010 U.S. Standard Population. 2. For 1996-1998 the comparability-modified rates were used). -6343651959610 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 7300 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 73165735787400051435-34036000 Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 21. Cancer Death Rates1 by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, Massachusetts: 1996-2014216573551238151. Rates are per 100,000 population, age-adjusted to the 2010 U.S. Standard Population. 2. For 1996-1998 the comparability-modified rates were used)001. Rates are per 100,000 population, age-adjusted to the 2010 U.S. Standard Population. 2. For 1996-1998 the comparability-modified rates were used)280035523811500-7486652322195 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 7400 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 74-177165-14287500Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 36. HIV/AIDS1 Deaths by Race, Hispanic Ethnicity, and Gender of Persons Ages 25-44, Massachusetts: 2000-2014White non-Hispanic2Black non-Hispanic2HispanicYear #Rate3 #Rate3 #Rate32000603.72823.84027.62001704.43529.33120.32002422.72420.13522.12003634.11915.82515.12004382.61714.03118.02005292.02218.21910.72006352.51714.22312.92007161.2119.1126.62008191.497.484.32009110.875.7126.3201090.764.7126.1201160.575.473.4201260.53--494.420131--43--42--420141--496.452.2MALE2000394.91730.12737.92001465.81933.32330.62002293.81526.32126.82003425.61017.31923.12004304.11118.91922.12005212.91220.41112.32006223.21220.51213.32007162.458.599.72008132.03--466.2200981.24--455.520103--43--43--420114--44--43--4201250.81--454.820131--42--41--420141--468.83--4FEMALE2000212.51117.91317.62001242.91625.7810.32002131.6914.41417.42003212.7914.467.2200481.169.61213.9200581.11016.089.02006131.858.21112.5200700.069.83--4200860.969.82--420093--43--477.0201060.93--499.320112--43--44--420121--42--44--4201300.01--41 --4201400.03--42--41. AIDS and HIV disease deaths coded using ICD-10: B20-B24. 2. Race and ethnicity data in this table are presented as mutually exclusive categories. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity are not included in a race category. Please see Technical Notes in the Appendix for a more detailed explanation. 3. Number of deaths per 100,000 residents in the specified population group. 4. Calculations based on values 1-4 are excluded. -62865952500Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 37. Premature Mortality Rates by Community Health Network Area (CHNA), Massachusetts: 2014CHNA (Name and Number)Number of DeathsPMR1(per 100,000 population)Massachusetts21,013 274.91. Community Health Network of Berkshire 530332.42. Upper Valley Health Web (Franklin County) 353346.63. Partnership for Health in Hampshire County (Northampton) 497319.64. The Community Health Connection (Springfield) 1,087358.35. Community Health Network of Southern Worcester County 485373.86. Community Partners for Health (Milford) 488293.77. Community Health Network of Greater Metro West (Framingham) 925226.18. Common Pathways (Worcester) 1,056350.79. Community Health Network of North Central Massachusetts 962353.610. Greater Lowell Community Health Network 963348.811. Greater Lawrence Community Health Network 558304.812. Greater Haverhill Community Health Network 559348.213. Community Health Network North (Beverly/Gloucester) 366266.514. North Shore Community Health Network 965313.115. Northwest Suburban Health Alliance 475202.816. North Suburban Health Alliance (Medford/Malden/Melrose) 779280.417. Greater Cambridge/Somerville Community Health Network 528209.518. West Suburban Health Network (Newton/Waltham) 525195.119. Alliance for Community Health (Boston/Chelsea/Revere/Winthrop)2,136312.920. Blue Hills Community Health Alliance (Greater Quincy) 1,203287.621. Community Health Network of Chicopee, Holyoke, Ludlow, Westfield 591346.922. Greater Brockton Community Health Network 930381.423. South Shore Community Health Network 725338.824. Greater Attleboro-Taunton Health & Education Response 884330.725. Partners for Healthier Communities (Fall River) 644421.426. Greater New Bedford Community Health Network 860388.827. Cape Cod and Islands Health Network 939288.51. Rates are per 100,000 population age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Population for persons ages 0-74 years. 95253810000Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 38. Premature Mortality Rates by County, Massachusetts: 2014CountyNumber of DeathsPMR1(per 100,000 population)Massachusetts 21,013 274.9Barnstable 861 286.7Berkshire 530 314.4 Bristol 2,114 330.7 Dukes 40 158.6 Essex 2,448 276.3 Franklin 273 295.3 Hampden 1,697 324.0 Hampshire 509 285.5 Middlesex 3,859 225.1 Nantucket 38 294.0 Norfolk 1,912 240.7 Plymouth 1,915 312.9 Suffolk 2,046 289.1 Worcester 2,771 302.9 1. Rates are per 100,000 population age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Population for persons ages 0-74 years. Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 39. Selected Causes of Death by Community, Massachusetts: 2014CITY/TOWNTotal DeathsAge-Adjusted Death Rate1Heart DiseaseTotal CancerLung CancerBreast Cancer2StrokeCLRD3DiabetesInfluenza & PneumoniaMotor VehicleHomicideSuicideOpioid- related5Massachusetts55,157662.511,84512,7973,3098202,4592,5961,2141,3633931526161,337Abington129821.1294015176221002Acton112576.219277157240013Acushnet101761.820234077441030Adams98764.023287135130012Agawam346739.561741792116743163Alford2-4010010000000Amesbury140773.3283410389953011Amherst126494.230262395310002Andover231595.2525363148640015Aquinnah4-4020000000001Arlington340547.46888173243471055-49149053340 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 7800 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 78Ashburnham38813.0984022101011Ashby22805.4430004201000Ashfield16785.8640111000010Ashland89594.826216154102011Athol145977.3403214359632062Attleboro388788.38098403202351221410Auburn180693.94444141710632001Avon49806.511123153300002Ayer901,216.1024207041321001Barnstable526719.013611723122224109401012Barre40673.47112014100010Becket13713.4241013000000Bedford159726.4244210368211023Belchertown101768.826198073333012Bellingham92624.128214223152042Belmont164477.625392072330003Berkley411,033.301331032111012Berlin26690.8773022000000Bernardston27888.23124010020000Beverly390745.495922451625681028Billerica321876.37779177111631020312Blackstone63699.420206230211012Blandford4-4210000000000Bolton20446.7661000000000Boston3,626674.46968322215216214011174245231106Bourne196671.15139133173432025Boxborough14412.2242000100000Boxford51635.413142031001020Boylston29626.9640000110000Braintree377718.5797016324191283138Brewster144582.7333410747920021Bridgewater151659.5303281610233034Brimfield27686.2373022130000Brockton823858.6202161447334425161412725Brookfield26677.3762012010002-52387552705 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 7900 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 79Brookline287425.05386178144343051Buckland19770.0062113010000Burlington232746.642511221013560103Cambridge471556.09311724112012473298Canton261763.2576614668471034Carlisle18499.3682100000000Carver107794.2222771194101025Charlemont11603.7331210010000Charlton104716.123197145520121Chatham88464.226235162100001Chelmsford316711.2667118716155102053Chelsea273952.046561231618552406Cheshire30780.5941013100010Chester6391.3100000101010Chesterfield6427.2220010000000Chicopee566755.113112037823337231277Chilmark10519.7230221000001Clarksburg20895.8561010110000Clinton132857.037326144410014Cohasset78779.318193224050003Colrain11480.2252000100000Concord162461.043304377050020Conway11764.1100002200000Cummington7578.5030000000000Dalton87839.317195335230000Danvers336792.16768213189382024Dartmouth311662.6796517214108103137Dedham326782.071621601716852034Deerfield44705.910143041220010Dennis242744.064591141113921038Dighton61829.515112371122030Douglas37624.5893112101020Dover23508.8270111001000Dracut256837.560592176165113036Dudley99874.625237345321002-48196552705 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8000 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 80Dunstable10493.6320010100000Duxbury122580.0312910355210012East Bridgewater124892.728368039131032East Brookfield13547.5021010101000East Longmeadow218717.94950153118251031Eastham82796.214276224411015Easthampton186876.13751137523230022Easton158722.1274515255620027Edgartown25563.9773011010000Egremont221,085.30361020110000Erving12569.6331100100010Essex25581.6581041000010Everett304739.570671269177622229Fairhaven201729.0443143610352032Fall River958850.8201211711434521635711737Falmouth454740.1871012573821974017Fitchburg358793.767762532024131212112Florida4-4110010000000Foxborough135764.2254113456421013Framingham564646.91341323381626111150811Franklin185697.9376116554200024Freetown59757.21493001161022Gardner229873.052622132812361045Georgetown51695.011122125000022Gill12778.1111030100002Gloucester316754.1656519313271032096Goshen10997.9041101010011Gosnold00000000000000Grafton104612.524268347221012Granby44660.618100002001012Granville8473.4410101000000Great Barrington82726.414182472230011Greenfield213778.04941142127771023Groton63705.414192352302000Groveland58747.511173104010001-472440104775 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8100 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 81Hadley53543.49111015030011Halifax62751.012206285011020Hamilton44578.11383022010001Hampden54731.811101121230102Hancock4-4110000000000Hanover111796.323353581142001Hanson74849.119215033022010Hardwick21712.4582002001000Harvard38852.29101012110000Harwich177653.44140151915411041Hatfield40749.110104011110011Haverhill599878.61451162616183841850735Hawley1-4010000000000Heath4-4300001000000Hingham255587.8795093137530000Hinsdale19740.3452011100002Holbrook105820.321317156521004Holden154697.527469586281015Holland11520.9320101003000Holliston88713.123242225010010Holyoke446874.08188284241671882010Hopedale64849.115140024101014Hopkinton76763.514214221110023Hubbardston25824.6971220030012Hudson135660.4312941711331021Hull84726.921176231131003Huntington17737.1273000100010Ipswich107541.822319275111014Kingston147847.6263061611233022Lakeville99931.622203289241001Lancaster58765.21692164211001Lanesborough20513.5681201001000Lawrence475774.4701002022423141466224Lee70733.516117034120002-49530045085 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8200 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 82Leicester87724.517256134320101Lenox112671.7331850511301000Leominster386760.26792237321711640510Leverett8460.2311000100000Lexington234447.2325775197160022Leyden4-4010000012000Lincoln33397.65173300100000Littleton34307.6571111130000Longmeadow161519.8363581810140020Lowell869914.8170166549302821341151339Ludlow209698.7513690189670022Lunenburg71633.818124084110002Lynn738818.11571654891733201577442Lynnfield109649.215316262221011Malden400661.781106365161981121418Manchester32438.49131120000000Mansfield128729.0283711333102022Marblehead157570.136414255031130Marion48509.41361042010020Marlborough317749.2586914511208112049Marshfield204819.6455419256773036Mashpee167679.4325413496210013Mattapoisett64721.815143122010010Maynard60550.122101224100022Medfield52476.915103222320010Medford493643.7971184041725141721614Medway93774.623269134131100Melrose210572.14661213911420004Mendon28655.01350112000000Merrimac52878.512157013110010Methuen408713.19510732512229820612Middleborough228853.2476425599254035Middlefield2-4011000000000-504825125730 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8300 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 83Middleton51539.21383132031012Milford230694.354542157101052034Millbury126753.7301960312624024Millis59804.214184013000001Millville18647.2442021020010Milton206544.45152121810541204Monroe2-4100000000000Monson53595.514115200330030Montague90802.713185046131001Monterey8586.6320010000000Montgomery6668.4131000010000Mount Washington2-4100000000000Nahant31467.47102031000010Nantucket81770.317219430420041Natick289712.362511231611440037Needham247529.660591841211061030New Ashford1-4100000000000New Bedford1,010839.5218199481941561235941228New Braintree5488.0300010100000New Marlborough13793.0231001000001New Salem7777.8110011000000Newbury49702.311154003230011Newburyport160632.7373384914610025Newton549449.6142139285291512130046Norfolk56837.715175001020011North Adams1941,016.405134112913741125North Andover244637.55750122116351013North Attleboro217829.56154651013432026North Brookfield36647.2993112130011North Reading110756.218284254332012Northampton293839.6496317322136610611Northborough122777.5322461108310010Northbridge142725.5283610446313031Northfield27691.5653041210020Norton149890.8323271414040004-54610030480 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8400 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 84Norwell114808.815265345133013Norwood307685.38867175915473044Oak Bluffs48678.812112002020001Oakham9491.0210001101000Orange971,040.00222710036461012Orleans106595.029253285100010Otis8431.3011002210000Oxford107769.923268257521015Palmer140882.832248484252031Paxton28503.7752031011001Peabody642683.61351094164438131320813Pelham16986.5240012020000Pembroke118777.2203863106321015Pepperell88887.017286134120013Peru2-4100000000000Petersham10759.9221000110000Phillipston10808.8320001000000Pittsfield495744.3119109316273513830614Plainfield7831.5042001000000Plainville55647.214146226000024Plymouth557853.91111544092526131460917Plympton22830.8741001110000Princeton19597.9550021000001Provincetown48925.36101260310001Quincy930767.7186215652028422327811037Randolph246677.35955123138774147Raynham125814.5282461118111015Reading186592.5403742612180034Rehoboth92876.826173134512030Revere464717.9921003451122121640525Richmond17856.9451001000000Rochester38747.39126021102001Rockland195960.63846133813551146Rockport104844.926214433341002Rowe1-4000000010000-54610045085 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8500 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 85Rowley55864.012154403110020Royalston5426.4300010000000Russell7450.3010101000000Rutland52915.58156102312112Salem295634.86279185161171120312Salisbury95990.4202612339010034Sandisfield7496.9311001000000Sandwich168666.1363810388260013Saugus264721.347741641215270038Savoy3-4111000000000Scituate165694.2394472910262015Seekonk8451819278125400001Sharon99550.829257005122103Sheffield17322.9441022010011Shelburne26838.0761004010002Sherborn33824.3593011110001Shirley50775.73172120330123Shrewsbury225512.953651925114100011Shutesbury9816.4230120000000Somerset250712.377561032284101112Somerville434712.290114362201415921114South Hadley178664.54050123105160020Southampton47833.88132362111010Southborough60740.911164205210000Southbridge181853.33433100491043013Southwick94804.221268376311012Spencer107776.714338338060033Springfield1,201815.726527161135047292613111321Sterling63682.711192324001010Stockbridge9219.4250001000000Stoneham200571.94651183910251025Stoughton286802.35371132698800310Stow30476.9571111020010Sturbridge76723.820177054410001Sudbury89515.017205226220010Sunderland23674.5572201120000-52006523495 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8600 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 86Sutton57823.95267103221010Swampscott110452.925235255030003Swansea156690.1353910065342265Taunton560861.11281272991723101440718Templeton74811.3142310342130002Tewksbury257762.94072266109390067Tisbury22399.8490101020011Tolland1-4000000000000Topsfield52473.311116217110001Townsend61893.711165131221032Truro27779.4472014210000Tyngsborough62758.612169213130001Tyringham3-4000000000000Upton43647.012155112101010Uxbridge103728.321265044321001Wakefield233739.444561421010481055Wales181,033.10800010100000Walpole211644.66048151109601011Waltham428657.6951092651717131013210Ware105855.4212810026730004Wareham265923.755611648141364269Warren45879.4871024111012Warwick7648.1141001100000Washington3-4000000010000Watertown240582.5545515275550043Wayland98528.120292043150001Webster211900.64648122715491034Wellesley161458.5412974111410010Wellfleet42866.9762022110011Wendell8783.3220000200020Wenham30481.17101001020011West Boylston98737.720197223160003West Bridgewater79747.916123023221014West Brookfield41649.98103032210002West Newbury20532.3910000100000West Springfield275744.243621341714353056West Stockbridge7277.5221010000000West Tisbury17578.5210030100101-51054078740 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8700 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 87Westborough149647.032337257321021Westfield375771.0679519416248113068Westford115742.226315254010012Westhampton9621.5210010000000Westminster50688.712167212200001Weston87509.416203053030011Westport170777.4414917238231124Westwood132499.420316556122022Weymouth508748.211812530152032151411714Whately16733.7450010000000Whitman105833.4222411169223012Wilbraham162648.239324396273001Williamsburg20643.3231011000010Williamstown65439.51561023010011Wilmington183744.2294714457412014Winchendon84887.122196159111012Winchester181568.6363290234321124Windsor2-4010000000000Winthrop192804.54844104313460033Woburn342642.6697515516184111025Worcester1,660860.6329371942569795053761256Worthington6554.1210001010000Wrentham112805.318234373241001Yarmouth387721.6879115522135930261. Rates are per 100,000 population age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Population and calculated using MDPH population estimates for 2010, which are the most up-to-date information available on the number of persons by age, race, and sex at the sub-state level. Data presented in this table are classified according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used in this table. 2. Includes only female breast cancer. 3. The title of this cause of death has changed between ICD-10 and ICD-9. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (ICD-10 title) corresponds to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (ICD-9 title). 4. Rates based on 1 to 4 deaths are not calculated. 5. Deaths due to narcotics and hallucinogens including cannabis, cocaine, codeine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), mescaline, methadone, morphine, and opium (alkaloids).-386715595630 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8800 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 88Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 40. Selected Causes of Death by Community Health Network Area (CHNA), Massachusetts: 2014CHNA NameTotal DeathsAge-Adjusted Death Rate1Heart DiseaseTotal CancerLung CancerFemale Breast Cancer2StrokeCLRD3DiabetesInfluenza & PneumoniaMotor VehicleHomicideSuicideOpioid-related4Massachusetts55,159662.511,84512,7973,3098202,4592,5961,2141,3633931536161,3371. Community Health Network of Berkshire 1,439702.53433048318719435296113292. Upper Valley Health Web (Franklin County) 876769.61962066613444533327016123. Partnership for Health in Hampshire County (Northampton)1,256714.32583047420677124316017264. The Community Health Connection (Springfield) 2,730752.4578601141451331145464261336375. Community Health Network of Southern Worcester County 1,102782.023124272134366383511112266. Community Partners for Health (Milford) 1,155694.826831788233545272114119187. Community Health Network of Greater Metro West (Framingham) 2,879659.765366615444111143565514034488. Common Pathways (Worcester) 2,691758.255762416539104133758816717749. Community Health Network of North Central Massachusetts 2,172775.6459541148331381106045194235410. Greater Lowell Community Health Network 2,206818.64544961504080913978185317011. Greater Lawrence Community Health Network 1,409692.9287318731364613234106114612. Greater Haverhill Community Health Network1,330792.230929878324489243190214913. Community Health Network North (Beverly/Gloucester) 1,100675.725325968174871212050142314. North Shore Community Health Network 2,682700.0551600161331261194762158258315. Northwest Suburban Health Alliance 1,704570.531239786289272243952122416. North Suburban Health Alliance (Medford/Malden/Melrose) 2,136652.744252414927811084360104238117. Greater Cambridge/Somerville Community Health Network 1,649581.333041394187836313163193318. West Suburban Health Network (Newton/Waltham) 1,953542.2447456104249770384073162319. Alliance for Community Health (Boston/Chelsea/Revere/Winthrop) 4,842671.29351,1182947220619713510533564414120. Blue Hills Community Health Alliance (Greater Quincy)3,630702.9839831203651391668096297339521. Community Health Network of Chicopee, Holyoke, Ludlow, Westfield1,619771.9333346961681823059134172722. Greater Brockton Community Health Network 2,009805.0439464127167810456402412206223. South Shore Community Health Network1,719809.43544581162979863850201254424. Greater Attleboro-Taunton Health & Education Response 2,172807.449951414134971143647211265425. Partners for Healthier Communities1,534798.73543551081965732552115264826. Greater New Bedford Community Health Network2,097778.246742010229841034268227324927. Cape Cod and Islands Health Network3,061681.16977251686017413271511613460-5200652795905 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 8900 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 89-62865-111760001. Rates are per 100,000 population age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Population. Data presented in this table are classified according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used in this table. 2. Includes only female breast cancer. 3. The title of this cause of death has changed between ICD-10 and ICD-9. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (ICD-10 title) corresponds to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (ICD-9 title). 4. The term opioid designates a class of drugs derived naturally from the opium poppy (opium, morphine, codeine), synthesized or derived from a natural opiate (heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone), or manufactured synthetically with a chemical structure similar to opium (fentanyl, methadone). (Opioid Overdose Response Strategies in Massachusetts, MDPH, 2014). This report combines all opioid overdoses since classification of specific drugs can be difficult. For example, many deaths related to heroin cannot be specifically coded as such due to the fast metabolism of heroin into morphine, as well as, the possible interaction of multiple drugs. *Please note that CHNA totals add to seven less than the state total, which is due to seven persons missing age and could not be included in the calculation of age-adjusted rates-62865-317500Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 41. Selected Causes of Death by County, Massachusetts: 2014CountyTotal DeathsAge-Adjusted Death Rate1Heart DiseaseTotal CancerLung CancerFemale Breast Cancer2StrokeCLRD3DiabetesInfluenza & PneumoniaMotor VehicleHomicideSuicideOpioids-related4Massachusetts55,159662.511,84512,7973,3098202,4592,5961,2141,3633931536161,337Barnstable2,854671.26536711545316512766441602954Berkshire1,439687.2343304831871943529611329Bristol5,219740.41,1861,1573127221825891152431174142Dukes126508.727335365150115-538480137160 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 9000 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 90Essex6,521663.51,4001,47538095282340124147391471201Franklin706728.7148170511038352628501010Hampden4,388739.3923949237622171998512642175264Hampshire1,273674.2260311772067712531601826Middlesex11,001597.12,2812,6236451564684472092845518123270Nantucket81662.317219430420041Norfolk5,678620.61,2661,36134210122324112212739860124Plymouth4,490716.59961,0772866119822799110601554110Suffolk4,555639.68821,03227764192193132101305639140Worcester6,821712.01,4631,613451101311358195177521168160Please note that 2011 population estimates are used for county rates.1. Rates are per 100,000 population age-adjusted to the 2000 US Standard Population. Data presented in this table are classified according to ICD-10. Please see Appendix for a list of ICD-10 codes used in this table. 2. Includes only female breast cancer. 3. The title of this cause of death has changed between ICD-10 and ICD-9. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (ICD-10 title) corresponds to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (ICD-9 title). 4. The term opioid designates a class of drugs derived naturally from the opium poppy (opium, morphine, codeine), synthesized or derived from a natural opiate (heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone), or manufactured synthetically with a chemical structure similar to opium (fentanyl, methadone). (Opioid Overdose Response Strategies in Massachusetts, MDPH, 2014). This report combines all opioid overdoses since classification of specific drugs can be difficult. For example, many deaths related to heroin cannot be specifically coded as such due to the fast metabolism of heroin into morphine, as well as, the possible interaction of multiple drugs. 10858504572000 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 9000 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 90*Please note that county totals add to seven less than the state total, which is due to 7 persons missing age and could not be included in the calculation of age-adjusted rates TECHNICAL NOTESDATA SOURCESData for this document are derived from Massachusetts death certificates, Massachusetts birth certificates, the US Census, the Massachusetts Institute for Social and Economic Research (MISER) (population data pre-2000), and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).CHANGES TO MORTALITY DATA, EFFECTIVE 1999Beginning with data year 1999, two major changes in Federal classification and tabulation procedures occurred that affects the tabulation and analyses of mortality data over time. First, a new revision for classifying causes of death was implemented: The International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) replaced the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) for coding all mortality data. Second, a new standard population for the tabulation of age-adjusted mortality rates was also implemented. CHANGES TO THE PRESENTATION OF RACE AND ETHNICITY DATAThe 2003 revision of the Standard Certificate of Death allows the reporting of more than one race in accordance with the revised standards issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in 1997. The revised standards require federal data collection programs to allow respondents to select one or more race categories. In order to provide uniformity and comparability of the data during the transition period, before multiple-race data are available for all reporting areas, it is necessary to “bridge” the responses of those who reported more than one race to a single-race. The method used to bridge responses for those who report more than one race to a single race is based on a procedure whereby multiple races are assigned to the smallest minority group first (i.e. Asian and White becomes Asian or Black and Native American becomes Native American). All multiple races that include Hispanic will be assigned as Hispanic and this group also includes all respondents who reported Hispanic ethnicities as well.Decedent Race FORMCHECKBOX American Indian/Alaska Native (specify tribal nation): ____________________________________ FORMCHECKBOX Asian FORMCHECKBOX Black FORMCHECKBOX Guamanian or Chamorro FORMCHECKBOX Hispanic/Latino/Black FORMCHECKBOX Hispanic/Latino/White FORMCHECKBOX Hispanic/Latino/Other(specify):__________________ FORMCHECKBOX Native Hawaiian FORMCHECKBOX Samoan FORMCHECKBOX White FORMCHECKBOX Other Pacific Islander (specify):________________ FORMCHECKBOX Other race not listed (specify):_________________ FORMCHECKBOX Refused FORMCHECKBOX Not obtainable FORMCHECKBOX UnknownDecedent Race -14097028575Enter race to appear on death certificate: _______________________________00Enter race to appear on death certificate: _______________________________Decedent Ethnicity FORMCHECKBOX African (specify):_ ______________ FORMCHECKBOX African-American FORMCHECKBOX American FORMCHECKBOX Asian Indian FORMCHECKBOX Brazilian FORMCHECKBOX Cambodian FORMCHECKBOX Cape Verdean FORMCHECKBOX Caribbean Islander (specify): _ ______________ FORMCHECKBOX Chinese FORMCHECKBOX Colombian FORMCHECKBOX Cuban FORMCHECKBOX Dominican FORMCHECKBOX European (specify): ______________ FORMCHECKBOX Filipino FORMCHECKBOX Guatemalan FORMCHECKBOX Haitian FORMCHECKBOX Honduran FORMCHECKBOX Japanese FORMCHECKBOX Korean FORMCHECKBOX Laotian FORMCHECKBOX Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano FORMCHECKBOX Middle Eastern (specify):_________________________ FORMCHECKBOX Native American (specify tribal nation(s)):____________ FORMCHECKBOX Portuguese FORMCHECKBOX Puerto Rican FORMCHECKBOX Russian FORMCHECKBOX Salvadoran FORMCHECKBOX Vietnamese FORMCHECKBOX Other Asian (specify): __________________________ FORMCHECKBOX Other Central American (specify): _________________ FORMCHECKBOX Other Pacific Islander (specify): __________________ FORMCHECKBOX Other Portuguese (specify): ______________________ FORMCHECKBOX Other South American (specify): __________________ FORMCHECKBOX Other ethnicity (ies) not listed (specify): _____________ FORMCHECKBOX Refused FORMCHECKBOX Not obtainable FORMCHECKBOX UnknownPOPULATION ESTIMATESTwo sources of population estimates were used to calculate population-based rates in Massachusetts Deaths 2014: State and County Death Rates: The 2014 Modified Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Sex file (MARS), which is a bridged population file produced by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and the Census Bureau Population Estimates Program was used to calculate state rates by race and Hispanic ethnicity, e.g., teen birth rates. This file has data by single years of age, sex, race and Hispanic ethnicity in the five mutually exclusive categories used by the Department: White Non-Hispanic, Black Non-Hispanic, Asian Non-Hispanic, American Indian/Alaska Native Non-Hispanic, and Hispanic. Available from: as of July 2, 2015.City and town death rates: The Massachusetts Department of Public Health Race Allocated Census 2010 Estimates (MRACE 2010), which are population estimates based upon the Census 2010 Summary File 1, was used to calculate city and town rates. In this estimates file, the Census 2010 race categories, “Two or more races” and “Some other race” are redistributed to the MDPH standard race categories: Non-Hispanic White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Asian and Pacific Islander, and Non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native. All persons in the Census 2010 Hispanic ethnicity category are counted as “Hispanic” race in the MDPH estimates. This kind of file is often referred to as a “bridged” file, that is, one that bridges the new race and ethnicity collections to the conventionally used categories. These population estimates are available from MassCHIP (). LIMITATIONS OF SMALL NUMBERSCells in some tables contain small numbers. Rates and proportions based on fewer than five observations are suppressed, and trends based upon small numbers should be interpreted cautiously. APPLYING COMPARABILITY RATIOS TO EXAMINE TRENDS IN MORTALITYBeginning with 1999, mortality data are coded according to the International Classification of Diseases-10th revision (ICD-10). Due to the changes in coding rules, comparison of mortality trends over time using different revisions of ICD is challenging. A method was devised to assess if changes in causes of death are “real” changes, or due to the new classification system. Using this method, death data for 1996 were coded twice; once according to ICD-9 and again according to ICD-10. A comparability ratio (CR) was then calculated by dividing the number of deaths coded according to ICD-10 by the number of deaths coded according to the most similar codes in ICD-9 (please refer to Table A7. Preliminary Comparability Ratios for a list of codes and CR used in this publication). A CR of 1.00 indicates that the same number of deaths was assigned to a cause of death whether ICD-9 or ICD-10 was used. A CR of less than 1.00 results from 1) a decrease in the number of deaths assigned to a cause in ICD-10 compared with ICD-9 or 2) the cause described in ICD-10 is only a part of the ICD-9 title to which it is being compared. A CR of more than 1.00 results from 1) an increase in the assignments of deaths to a cause in ICD-10 compared with ICD-9 or 2) the ICD-10 title is broader than the ICD-9 title to which it is being compared.EXAMPLE: Influenza and Pneumonia1 Deaths: Massachusetts, 1996-2000-628658636000YearAge-adjusted rate2Comparability RatioComparability Modified Rate(=age-adjusted rate* Comparability Ratio)199641.50.698229.0199739.10.698227.3199840.20.698228.1199930.3200029.31. Influenza and pneumonia defined as ICD-9: 480-487 for years 1996-1998 and ICD-10: J10-J18 for year 1999 and 2000. 2. Age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population, per 100,000.If you look only at the age-adjusted rate over time, not taking the ICD coding changes into account, it appears that deaths from influenza and pneumonia have decreased between 1996-1999. However, because the coding rules changed between ICD-9 and ICD-10 revisions, we need to apply the comparability ratio to the rates for 1996-1998. (This is done by multiplying the age-adjusted rate by the comparability ratio.) Now we can make a fairer comparison and examine the changes between the comparability modified rate and the 1999 or 2000 rate. We see that deaths to influenza and pneumonia have remained constant between 1996-2000, and have actually increased between 1998 and 1999 (28.1 to 30.3 per 100,000, respectively) after taking the changes in the classification system into account.PLEASE NOTE: the comparability ratios used in this report are based on the Preliminary Comparability Study conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), February 2001, and are subject to change once the Final Comparability Study is completed. TESTS OF STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCEBeginning with Massachusetts Deaths 2004, statistics presented in the text section have been tested to determine whether they differ significantly from a target statistic. For example, the number of deaths in 2008 was compared with the number of deaths in 2007 to determine whether their difference was unlikely to have occurred by chance. When a difference is unlikely to have occurred by chance, it is referred to as “significant.” Note that with respect to statistical difference, the language of this year’s report differs from the language of reports prior to 2004, and caution must be used when comparing the text of previous reports with this year’s report.In testing for statistical significance, we have used the testing methods from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). These methods are presented in the following document:National Vital Statistics Reports, Volume 52, Number 10 Births: Final Data for 2002 by Joyce A. Martin, M.P.H.; Brady E. Hamilton, Ph.D.; Paul D. Sutton, Ph.D.; Stephanie J. Ventura, M.A.; Fay Menacker, Dr. P.H.; and Martha L. Munson, M.S.; From the Division of Vital Statistics, NCHS. (Technical Notes, “Significance testing” section begins on page 110). This document is available from the following website: For comparisons of more than 100 events, whether they are rates, proportions, or numbers, the binomial distribution is assumed, and confidence intervals are examined to see whether they overlap (Refer to the “Confidence Intervals” section in the next page for an explanation of using confidence intervals to determine statistical significance). When the number of events is less than 100, a Poisson distribution is assumed, and confidence intervals are constructed based upon the Poisson distribution. For more details and exact formulas for calculating confidence intervals or other tests of statistical significance, refer to the publication listed above.When two statistics are determined to differ significantly, they are referred to in the text with language expressing differences, such as, “higher” and “lower”, or “increased” and “decreased”. Otherwise, differences that are not significant are reported as having “no change” or “no statistical difference.”CONFIDENCE INTERVALS AND INFANT MORTALITY RATESThe confidence interval (CI) provides a measure of stability of the infant mortality rates (IMR) and a basis for comparing rates to determine if they are statistically different. Rates can be compared for the same group in different years or for different groups in the same year. The width of the CI reflects the stability of the IMR. For example, a narrow CI reflects high stability, and a wide CI reflects low stability. If the CIs around two IMRs being compared do not overlap, the difference between the two rates is statistically significant. The following table and chart illustrate the concept of statistically significant differences using actual data from 1989, 1993, 1996, and 2000.514351524000 Comparison of Infant Mortality Rates and Confidence Intervals for Selected Years YearIMR (per 1,000 births)95% Confidence Interval19897.6(7.0-8.2)19936.2(5.7-6.7)19965.0(4.5-5.5)20004.6(4.2-5.1)514357302500443484016637000 (1989) 7.0 7.6 8.251206409525003566160100965003566160952500310896010858500246888010096500182880010096500 (1993) 5.7 6.2 6.718288007048500196596012065000 (1996) 4.5 5.0 5.55486401206500016459202921000109728029210005486402921000 (2000) 4.2 4.6 5.127432010223500128016039370007315203937000274320393700053949601111250047548801111250035661601111250022860001111250010972801111250054864011112500 3657604889500 4.5 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 8.5Infant Deaths per 1,000 Live BirthsThe difference between the 1993 IMR and 1996 IMR is statistically significant – the confidence intervals do not overlap. The same is true for the differences between the 1989 IMR and each annual IMR for 1993, 1996, and 2000. However, the difference between the 1996 and 2000 IMRs is not statistically significant, since their confidence intervals overlap.GLOSSARYAge-Adjusted RateA summary rate designed to minimize the distortions created by differences in age distribution when comparing rates for populations with different age compositions. Age-adjusted rates are useful when comparing death rates from different populations or in the same population over time. For example, if one wished to compare the 1998 death rates between Barnstable County and Hampshire County, the age-adjusted formula would account for the fact that 24% of the Barnstable County residents were 65 years of age or older, whereas only 11% of the Hampshire County residents were in this age group.Age-adjusted rates are calculated by weighting the age-specific rates for a given year by the age distribution of a standard population. The weighted age-specific rates are then added to produce the adjusted rate for all ages combined. (Please see example below).The 2000 US projected population is used as the standard population in this document for consistency with data published by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). ONLY RATES USING THE SAME STANDARD POPULATION CAN BE COMPARED. All age-adjusted rates published in this report have been re-calculated using the 2000 US standard population. These rates should NOT be compared with age-adjusted rates previously published that used the 1940 US standard population. Example: Calculation of 1999 Age-Adjusted Mortality Rate Massachusetts: All Causes of Death-1771659969500 ABCDEFGAge group(in years)# of deaths (1999)Population(1998)1940 US standard2000 US standardAge-adjusted rate (using1940 standard)=[((B/C)*D)*100,000]Age-adjusted rate (using 2000 standard)=[((B/C)*E)*100,000]< 1 41879,8600.0153430.0138188.07.21--4 65320,0000.0647180.0553171.31.15-14 100806,6700.1703550.1455652.11.815-24 407883,8300.1816770.1386468.46.425-34 7011,005,3370.1620660.13557311.39.535--441,6961,019,3650.1392370.16261323.227.145-542,870818,6600.1178110.13483441.347.355-644,561495,5550.0802940.08724773.980.365-749,782442,0030.0484260.066037107.2146.175-8417,397299,4820.0173030.044842100.5260.585+17,765120,5010.0027700.01550840.8228.6-628652159000Total418.0815.9Age-Specific RateA rate for a specified age group. Age-specific death rates are calculated by dividing the number of deaths for a specific age group by its population for that year. The numerator and denominator refer to the same age group. Number of deaths among residents ages 25-34 in a given year146304013589000Age-specific death = X 100,000rate (ages 25-34) population ages 25-34 in that yearCommunity Health Network Areas (CHNA)The Department of Public Health, in collaboration with health service providers, coalition members, and interested citizens, has designated 27 areas for community health planning. It is the Department's intention to foster in each of these areas the development of Community Health Networks – consortia of health care providers, human service agencies, schools, churches, youth, parents, elders, advocacy groups, and individual consumers -- to address the health needs of the community. CHNAs mobilize around key health issues impacting the community, promote prevention efforts, enhance access to care, provide opportunities for more collaboration among agencies, and create a client-centered, outcome-oriented health service delivery system. CHNAs also promote efficiency in service delivery by working to reduce duplication and overlap, and by identifying gaps in service. These community coalitions participate in monitoring outcomes and progress of strategies and responses to those health needs. To determine which cities and towns make up a particular CHNA, please see Table A8, which provides the CHNA code for each city and town based on the geographic definitions established in parability Modified RateA rate designed to assist in the analysis of mortality trends between revisions of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). A comparability-modified rate is calculated by multiplying the cause-specific comparability ratio by the cause-specific rate for years 1994-1998. Comparability modified rates should be used to compare trends between causes of death in 1994-1998 with causes of death in 1999 forward. Comparability Ratio (CR)A factor used to adjust mortality statistics for causes of death classified in ICD-9 to be comparable with mortality statistics classified in ICD-10. It is calculated by dividing the number of deaths for a selected cause of death classified by the new revision (i.e. ICD-10) by the number of deaths for a selected cause of death classified by the old revision (i.e. ICD-9). More specifically, the CRs used in this report were calculated by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) based on a national sample of death records. Death records for 1996 were double coded, once according to ICD-9 and again according to ICD-10. Secondly, the leading causes of death were grouped according to ICD-10 titles, using the ICD-10 codes for data coded in ICD-10, and the most similar ICD-9 titles for data coded in ICD-9. Finally, the number of deaths coded in ICD-10 were divided by the number of deaths in ICD-9 to produce a CR for the cause of death.A CR of 1.00 indicates that the same number of deaths was assigned to a cause of death whether ICD-9 or ICD-10 was used. A CR of less than 1.00 results from 1) a decrease in the number of deaths assigned to a cause in ICD-10 compared with ICD-9 or 2) the cause described in ICD-10 is only a part of the ICD-9 title to which it is being compared. A CR of more than 1.00 results from 1) an increase in the assignments of deaths to a cause in ICD-10 compared with ICD-9 or 2) the ICD-10 title is broader than the ICD-9 title to which it is being compared.Preliminary comparability ratios supplied by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) in February 2001 are used in this report (see Table A7 and A8). See also, comparability modified rate.Crude Death RateAn estimate of the proportion of a population that died during the year. The numerator is the number of persons who died during the year and the denominator is the size of the population. The death rate in a population is calculated by the formula: Number of resident deaths in a year 11887209144000Crude death rate = X 100,000 Number of residentsDeath CertificateA vital record can be signed by a licensed physician doctor (which includes ME’s) or a Nurse Practitioner. Starting in 2016 Physician Assistants (PA) can also sign. Death certificates include cause of death, decedent's name, gender, birth date, place of residence, and place of occurrence. (A copy of the Massachusetts death certificate used is in the Appendix). In a properly completed death certificate, the immediate cause of death is recorded on line 29a. The other mentioned causes are written on lines 29 b-d. The underlying cause of death is the disease or injury that initiated the events leading to the death. All causes of death are data entered and processed by a software program supplied by NCHS. This software assigns the appropriate ICD-10 codes. Trained nosologists review the ICD-10 codes assigned.International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9)The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) classifies mortality information for statistical purposes. The ICD was first used in 1900 and has since been revised about every 10 years, with the exception of the ICD-9, which was in use between 1979-1998. ICD-9 codes used in this publication are listed on Tables A1-Table A6. Because of coding changes between the Ninth and Tenth revision, caution should be used when comparing data coded under ICD-9 and ICD-10. International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10)The tenth revision of the International Classification of Diseases was used to code mortality data beginning in 1999. For a list of ICD-10 codes used in the publication, please see Tables A1-A6.Because of coding changes between the Ninth and Tenth revision, caution should be used when comparing data coded under ICD-9 and ICD-10. Life expectancy at birth Life expectancy at birth is based on the expected age at death for a newborn infant, based upon the actual experience of mortality of the population in Massachusetts.NCHSNational Center for Health Statistics (US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).Occurrence DeathOccurrence deaths include all deaths that occur within the state, including deaths of nonresidents. An interstate exchange agreement among the 50 states, Washington, DC, Canada, the US Virgin Islands, and Guam provides for exchanges of copies of birth and death records. These out-of-state records are used for statistical purposes only and allow each state or province to track the births and deaths of residents.OpioidThe term opioid designates a class of drugs derived naturally from the opium poppy (opium, morphine, codeine), synthesized or derived from a natural opiate (heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone), or manufactured synthetically with a chemical structure similar to opium (fentanyl, methadone). (Opioid Overdose Response Strategies in Massachusetts, MDPH, 2014)This report combines all opioid overdoses since classification of specific drugs can be difficult. For example, many deaths related to heroin cannot be specifically coded as such due to the fast metabolism of heroin into morphine, as well as, the possible interaction of multiple drugs.Other and unspecified narcotics (T40.6) The Injury Surveillance Workgroup (ISW7) Consensus Recommendations for national and state poisoning surveillance (Safe States Alliance, 2012) states that this category is intended for other and unspecified drugs classified pharmacologically as narcotics (opioids/opiates).? However, in practice it may also be used for drugs classified legally as narcotics such as cocaine. The proportion of this category made up by opioids/opiates varies by jurisdiction, so inclusion?of this code depends on more detailed analysis of death certificate text and/or medical examiner records. Reviews in Massachusetts indicate that most deaths classified as T40.6 were opioid-related overdose deaths. For that reason, we include T40.6 in our opioid-related definition.Potential Years of Life Lost (PYLL)PYLL is calculated by multiplying the number of deaths for each group by the years of life lost (the difference between life expectancy and the midpoint of the age group, then adding the figures for all age groups).A measure of the impact of death from various diseases on society, highlighting the total loss to society, especially the loss contributed by early deaths. For calculating PYLL, since Massachusetts Deaths 2002, we have adjusted the maximum age to be 75 years so that we do not include deaths beyond average life expectancy. Data after 2002 are not comparable with previous publications because we used a different maximum age cutoff.Premature Mortality RatePremature mortality rate (PMR) measures the rate of premature death, that is, death before the age of 75 years, and it is given as a rate per 100,000 and it is adjusted to the 2000 US population. PMR is considered the best single measure to reflect the health status of a population.Resident DeathThe death of a person whose usual place of residence or permanent address (as reported by the informant) is in one of the 351 cities or towns of Massachusetts, regardless of where the death took place. Unless otherwise noted, all data in this publication are resident data. An interstate exchange agreement among the 50 states, Washington, DC, Canada, the US Virgin Islands, and Guam provides for exchange of copies of birth and death records. These records are used for statistical purposes only and allow each state or province to track the births and deaths of residents.Total Rate of ChangeThe total rate of change is calculated as follows:Pn - Po -------- Powhere Pn is the rate during the later time period and Po is the rate during the earlier time period.Underlying Cause of DeathThe disease or injury that initiated the series of events leading to death, or the circumstances of the unintentional or intentional injury that resulted in the death. The underlying cause of death is used for all analyses published in this report except for diabetes mortality. Table A1. ICD-10 and ICD-9 Codes Used in this Publication (Sorted by ICD-10 Codes)-177165-8890000Cause of DeathICD-10 CodeICD-9 CodeInfectious and parasitic diseasesA00-B99001-139 SepticemiaA40-A41038 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) diseaseB20-B24042-044Cancer (Malignant Neoplasms) C00-C97140-208 of esophagusC15150 of stomachC16151 of colon, rectum, rectum and anusC18-C21153-154, 159.9 of pancreasC25157 of trachea, bronchus and lung C33-C34162 of female breastC50174 of cervix uteriC53180 of corpus uteri and uterus, part unspecifiedC54-C55179,182 of ovary C56183.0 of prostateC61185 of kidney and renal pelvisC64-C65189.0-189.1 of bladderC67188 of meninges, brain & other parts of central nervous systemC70-C72191-192 Hodgkin DiseaseC81201 Non-Hodgkin lymphomaC82-C85200, 202 (except 202.4) LeukemiaC91-C95202.4, 204-208 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasmsC88, C90203Diabetes MellitusE10-E14250Alzheimer’s diseaseG30331.0Heart DiseaseI00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51390-398, 402, 404--429Stroke (Cerebrovascular disease)I60-I69430--438Influenza and pneumoniaJ10-J18480--487Chronic lower respiratory diseases1 J40-J47490--496Chronic liver disease and cirrhosisK70, K73-K74571NephritisN00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27580-589Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalitiesQ00-Q99740-759Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (Perinatal Conditions)P00-P96760-779Ill-defined conditionsR00-R99780-797, 798.1-798.9, 799Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)R95798.0External causes of injuries and poisonings (intentional, unintentional and of undetermined intent)V01-Y89E800-E999 Accidents (Unintentional Injuries)V01-X59, Y85-Y86E800-E949 Motor Vehicle-related injuriesV02-V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12-V14, V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20-V79, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83-V86, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2E810-E825 Unintentional non-transport injuriesW00-X59, Y86E850-E869, E880-E928, E929.2-E929.9 SuicideX60-X84, Y87.0E950-E959 HomicideX85-Y09, Y87.1E960-E969 Injuries of undetermined intent Y10-Y34,Y87.2,Y89.9E980-E9891. The title of this cause of death has changed between ICD-10 and ICD-9. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (ICD-10 title) corresponds to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (ICD-9 title).-177165-8890000Table A2. ICD-10 and ICD-9 Codes Used in this Publication (Sorted by Cause of Death)Cause of DeathICD-10 CodeICD-9 CodeAlzheimer’s DiseaseG30331.0Cancer (Malignant Neoplasms) C00-C97140-208 of bladderC67188 of cervix uteriC53180 of colon, rectum, rectum and anusC18-C21153-154, 159.9 of corpus uteri and uterus, part unspecifiedC54-C55179,182 of esophagusC15150 of female breastC50174 Hodgkin DiseaseC81201 of kidney and renal pelvisC64-C65189.0-189.1 LeukemiaC91-C95202.4, 204-208 of meninges, brain & other parts of central nervous systemC70-C72191-192 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasmsC88, C90203 Non-Hodgkin lymphomaC82-C85200, 202 (except 202.4) of ovary C56183.0 of prostateC61185 of stomachC16151 of pancreasC25157 of trachea, bronchus and lung C33-C34162Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (Perinatal Conditions)P00-P96760-779Chronic liver disease and cirrhosisK70, K73-K74571Chronic lower respiratory diseases1 J40-J47490--496Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalitiesQ00-Q99740-759Diabetes MellitusE10-E14250External causes of injuries and poisonings (intentional, unintentional and of undetermined intent)V01-Y98E800-E999 HomicideX85-Y09, Y87.1E960-E969 Injuries of undetermined intent Y10-Y34,Y87.2,Y89.9E980-E989 SuicideX60-X84, Y87.0E950-E959 Accidents (Unintentional Injuries)V01-X59E800-E949 Motor Vehicle-related injuriesV02-V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12-V14, V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20-V79, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83-V86, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2E810-E825 Unintentional non-transport injuriesW00-X59, Y86E850-E869, E880-E928, E929.2-E929.9Heart DiseaseI00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51390-398, 402, 404--429Infectious and parasitic diseasesA00-B99001-139 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease (AIDS)B20-B24042-044 SepticemiaA40-A41038Influenza and pneumoniaJ10-J18480--487NephritisN00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27580-589Stroke (Cerebrovascular disease)I60-I69430--438Ill-defined conditionsR00-R99780-797, 798.1-798.9, 799Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)R95798.01. The title of this cause of death has changed between ICD-10 and ICD-9. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (ICD-10 title) corresponds to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (ICD-9 title).-1771652540000Table A3. ICD-10 Injury Codes Used in this Publication Cause of DeathICD-10 CodeSuicideX60-X84, Y87.0Poisoning X60-X69Hanging, strangulation or suffocationX70Firearm X72-X74Other and unspecifiedResidualHomicideX85-Y09, Y87.1Firearm X93-X95Cut or pierceX99Other and unspecifiedResidualUnintentional Injuries (Accidents)V01-X59, Y85-Y86FallsW00-W19Hanging, strangulation or suffocationW75-W84Drowning or submersionW65-W74Smoke, fire and flames and contact with heat and hot substancesX00-X19Poisoning X40-X49FirearmW32-W34Motor Vehicle-relatedV02-V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12-V14, V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20-V79, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83-V86, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2Injury to pedestrianV02-V04, V09.0, V09Injury to pedal cyclistV12-V14, V19.0, V19.2, V19.4, V19.5, V19.6Injury to motorcyclist V20-V29Injury to occupantV30-V79, V80.3, V80.4, V80.5, V81.0,V81.1, V82.0, V82.1, V83-V86Other and unspecified ResidualOther and unspecifiedResidualEvents of Undetermined IntentY10-Y34, Y87.2, Y89.9Poisoning Y10-Y19Drowning or submersionY21Other and unspecifiedResidualLegal InterventionY35-Y36, Y89.0, Y89.1Firearm Y35.0Adverse EffectsY40-Y59, Y60-Y84, Y88DrugsY40-Y59, Y88.0Medical CareY60-Y84, Y88.1, Y88.2, Y88.3-520065-13462000Table A4. ICD-10 Codes for Selected Healthy People 2020 Mortality ObjectivesUsed in this Publication(Sorted by Objective Number)Cause of Death*ICD-10 Identifying CodesCancer (all sites)C00-C97Lung cancerC33-C34Female breast cancer C50Uterine Cervix cancerC53Colorectal cancer C18-C21Oropharyngeal cancer C00-C14Prostate cancerC61Malignant melanoma C43Coronary heart diseaseI11, I20-I25COPDJ40-J44StrokeI60-I69HIV infectionB20-B24Firearm-related deathsW32-W34, X72-X74, Y22-Y24, Y35.0, X93-X95PoisoningX40-X49, X60-X69, X85-X90, Y10-Y19, Y35.2Hanging, strangulation or suffocationW75-W84, X70, X91, Y20Unintentional injuries (Accidents)V01-X59, Y85-Y86Motor vehicle-relatedV02-V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12-V14, V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20-V79, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83-V86, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2Residential fire deathsX00, X02FallsW00-W19, X80, Y01, Y30DrowningsW65-W74, X71, X92, Y21HomicidesX85-Y09, Y87.1Birth defectsQ00-Q99Congenital heart and vascular defectsQ20-Q24Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)R95SuicideX60-X84, Y87.0AsthmaJ45-J46Motor-vehicle crash deaths V02-V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12-V14, V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20-V79, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83-V86, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2CirrhosisK74Drug induced deathsF11.0-F11.5, F11.7-F11.9, F12.0-F12.5, F12.7-F12.9, F13.0-F13.5, F13.7-F13.9, F14.0-F14.5, F14.7-F14.9, F15.0-F15.5, F15.7-F15.9, F16.0-F16.5, F16.7-F16.9, F17.0, F17.3-F17.5, F17.7-F17.9, F18.0-F18.5, F18.7-F18.9, F19.0-F19.5, F19.7-F19.9,X40-X44,X60-64, X85,Y10-Y14These Healthy People 2010 objectives use underlying cause of death data.-3600457048500 Table A5. Preliminary Comparability RatiosCause of DeathICD-10 CodeICD-9 Code(most similar title)Comparability RatioInfectious and parasitic diseasesA00-B99NA SepticemiaA40-A410381.1949 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) diseaseB20-B24042-0441.06371 and 1.14482Cancer (Malignant Neoplasms) C00-C97140-2081.0068 of esophagusC151500.9965 of stomachC161511.0063 of colon, rectum, rectum and anusC18-C21153-1540.9993 of pancreasC251570.9980 of trachea, bronchus and lung C33-C341620.9837 of breastC50174-1751.0056 of cervix uteriC531800.9871 of corpus uteri and uterus, part unspecifiedC54-C55179,1821.0260 of ovary C56183.00.9954 of prostateC611851.0134 of kidney and renal pelvisC64-C65189.0-189.11.0000 of bladderC671880.9968 of meninges, brain & other parts of central nervous systemC70-C72191-1920.9691 Hodgkin DiseaseC812010.9855 Non-Hodgkin lymphomaC82-C85200, 2020.9781 LeukemiaC91-C95204-2081.0119 Multiple myeloma and immunoproliferative neoplasmsC88, C902031.0383Diabetes MellitusE10-E142501.0082Alzheimer’s DiseaseG30331.01.5536Heart DiseaseI00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51390-398, 402, 404, 410--4290.9858Stroke (Cerebrovascular disease)I60-I69430--434, 436--4381.0588Influenza and pneumoniaJ10-J18480--4870.6982Chronic lower respiratory diseases J40-J47490--494,4961.0478Chronic liver disease and cirrhosisK70, K73-K745711.0367NephritisN00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27580-5891.2320Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalitiesQ00-Q99740-7590.8470Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (Perinatal Conditions)P00-P96760-771.2, 771.4-7791.0658External causes of injuries and poisonings (intentional, unintentional and of undetermined intent)V01-Y89E800-E999NA Accidents (Unintentional Injuries)V01-X59, Y85-Y86E800-E869, E880-E9291.0305 Motor Vehicle-related injuriesV02-V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12-V14, V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20-V79, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83-V86, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2E810-E8250.97543 Non-transport injuriesW00-X59, Y86E850-E869, E880-E928, E929.2-E929.91.0763 SuicideX60-X84, Y87.0E950-E9590.9962 HomicideX85-Y09, Y87.1E960-E9690.9983 Injuries of undetermined intent Y10-Y34,Y87.2,Y89.9E980-E989*Source: National Center for Health Statistics, Preliminary Comparability Study. February 2001. NA: not available *: not reliablePlease refer to Appendix for an example of how to apply comparability ratios. 1. Comparability Modified number and rate based on preliminary comparability ratios (CR) from NCHS based on 1996 data (February 2001). 2. Comparability Modified number and rate based on preliminary comparability ratios (CR) from NCHS based on 1998 data (revised June 2001). 3. This is the revised comparability ratio for motor vehicle-related injuries, effective May 2001. -588645-15811500Table A6. Preliminary Comparability Ratios: Causes of Infant DeathCause of DeathICD-10 CodeICD-9 Code(most similar title)Comparability RatioCertain infectious and parasitic diseasesA00-B99001-033, 034.1-134, 136-139, 771.30.7339 SepticemiaA40-A410381.3802 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) diseaseB20-B24042-0441.0455Cancer (Malignant Neoplasms) C00-C97140-2081.0435Influenza and pneumoniaJ10-J18480--4870.7624Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (Perinatal Conditions)P00-P96760-771.2, 771.4-7791.0581 Newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancyP017611.0295 Newborn affected by complications of placenta, cord and membranesP027621.0470 Disorders relating to short gestation and low birthweightP077651.1060 Intrauterine hypoxia and birth asphyxiaP20-P217681.4477 Respiratory distress of newbornP227691.0257 Other respiratory conditions originating in perinatal periodP23-P287700.8455 Infections specific to the perinatal periodP35-P39771.0-771.2, 771.4-771.81.0199 Neonatal hemorrhageP50-P52, P547721.4369Congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalitiesQ00-Q99740-7590.9064 Anencephaly and similar malformations Q007401.0000 Congenital malformations of heartQ20-Q24745-7460.9951 Congenital malformations of respiratory system Q30-Q347480.6322 Congenital malformations of digestive systemQ35-Q45749-751* Congenital malformations of genitourinary systemQ50-Q64752-7530.9432 Congenital malformations of musculoskeletal systemQ65-Q85754-7570.8650Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)R95798.01.0362External causes of injuries and poisonings (intentional, unintentional and of undetermined intent)V01-Y89E800-E999NA Accidents (Unintentional Injuries)V01-X59E800-E869, E880-E9291.0246 Motor Vehicle-related injuriesV02-V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12-V14, V19.0-V19.2, V19.4-V19.6, V20-V79, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83-V86, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2E810-E8250.9167 HomicideX85-Y09E960-E9690.9481 Injuries of undetermined intent Y10-Y34,Y87.2,Y89.9E980-E989*Source: National Center for Health Statistics, Preliminary Comparability Study. February 2001. NA: not available *: not reliablePlease refer to Appendix for an example of how to apply comparability ratios.-360045-4381500Table A7. Population Estimates for Massachusetts Community Health Network Areas (CHNA) and Counties: 2010 and 2014CHNAPOPULATION1COUNTYPOPULATION21. Community Health Network of Berkshire County131,219 Barnstable 214,914 2. Upper Valley Health Web (Franklin County)87,130 Berkshire 128,715 3. Partnership for Health in Hampshire County (Northampton)155,900 Bristol 554,194 4. The Community Health Connection (Springfield)296,850 Dukes 17,356 5. Community Health Network of Southern Worcester County119,539 Essex 769,091 6. Community Partners for Health (Milford)166,824 Franklin 70,862 7. Community Health Network of Greater Metro West (Framingham)388,909 Hampden 468,161 8. Common Pathways (Worcester)309,013 Hampshire 160,939 9. Community Health Network of North Central Massachusetts262,652 Middlesex 1,570,315 10. Greater Lowell Community Health Network275,404 Nantucket 10,856 11. Greater Lawrence Community Health Network194,172 Norfolk 692,254 12. Greater Haverhill Community Health Network148,563 Plymouth 507,022 13. Community Health Network North (Beverly/Gloucester)115,782 Suffolk 767,254 14. North Shore Community Health Network284,642 Worcester 813,475 15. Northwest Suburban Health Alliance215,757 16. North Suburban Health Alliance (Medford/Malden/Melrose)270,281 STATE6,745,40817. Greater Cambridge/Somerville Community Health Network280,404 18. West Suburban Health Network (Newton/Waltham)258,843 19. Alliance for Community Health (Boston/Chelsea/Revere/Winthrop)780,755 20. Blue Hills Community Health Alliance (Greater Quincy)377,279 21. Community Health Network of Chicopee, Holyoke, Ludlow, Westfield160,892 22. Greater Brockton Community Health Network236,778 23. South Shore Community Health Network (Plymouth)190,549 24. Greater Attleboro-Taunton Health & Education Response256,322 25. Partners for Healthier Communities (Fall River)138,419 26. Greater New Bedford Community Health Network202,156 27. Cape Cod and Islands Health Network242,595 1. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health Race Allocated Census 2010 Estimates (MRACE 2010), which are population estimates based upon the Census 2010 Summary File 1, was used to calculate city and town rates.2. National Center for Health Statistics. Postcensal estimates of the resident population of the United States for April 1, 2010-July 1, 2014, by year, county, single-year of age (0, 1, 2, .., 85 years and over), bridged race, Hispanic origin, and sex (Vintage 2014). Prepared under a collaborative arrangement with the U.S. Census Bureau. Available from: as of June 2, 2015.-3352806794500Table A8. Population Estimates for Massachusetts Communities, 2010TOWN NAMECOUNTYCHNAPOPULATIONTOWN NAMECOUNTYCHNAPOPULATIONAbingtonPlymouth2215,985ConcordMiddlesex1517,668ActonMiddlesex1521,924ConwayFranklin21,897AcushnetBristol2610,303CummingtonHampshire3872AdamsBerkshire18,485DaltonBerkshire16,756AgawamHampden428,438DanversEssex1426,493AlfordBerkshire1494DartmouthBristol2634,032AmesburyEssex1216,283DedhamNorfolk1824,729AmherstHampshire337,819DeerfieldFranklin25,125AndoverEssex1133,201DennisBarnstable2714,207Aquinnah (Gay Head)Dukes27311DightonBristol247,086ArlingtonMiddlesex1742,844DouglasWorcester68,471AshburnhamWorcester96,081DoverNorfolk185,589AshbyMiddlesex93,074DracutMiddlesex1029,457AshfieldFranklin21,737DudleyWorcester511,390AshlandMiddlesex716,593DunstableMiddlesex103,179AtholWorcester211,584DuxburyPlymouth2315,059AttleboroBristol2443,593East BridgewaterPlymouth2213,794AuburnWorcester816,188East BrookfieldWorcester52,183AvonNorfolk224,356East LongmeadowHampden415,720AyerMiddlesex97,427EasthamBarnstable274,956BarnstableBarnstable2745,193EasthamptonHampshire316,053BarreWorcester95,398EastonBristol2223,112BecketBerkshire11,779EdgartownDukes274,067BedfordMiddlesex1513,320EgremontBerkshire11,225BelchertownHampshire314,649ErvingFranklin21,800BellinghamNorfolk616,332EssexEssex133,504BelmontMiddlesex1724,729EverettMiddlesex1641,667BerkleyBristol246,411FairhavenBristol2615,873BerlinWorcester92,866Fall RiverBristol2588,857BernardstonFranklin22,129FalmouthBarnstable2731,531BeverlyEssex1339,502FitchburgWorcester940,318BillericaMiddlesex1040,243FloridaBerkshire1752BlackstoneWorcester69,026FoxboroughNorfolk716,865BlandfordHampden41,233FraminghamMiddlesex768,318BoltonWorcester94,897FranklinNorfolk631,635BostonSuffolk19617,594FreetownBristol268,870BourneBarnstable2719,754GardnerWorcester920,228BoxboroughMiddlesex154,996GeorgetownEssex128,183BoxfordEssex127,965GillFranklin21,500BoylstonWorcester84,355GloucesterEssex1328,789BraintreeNorfolk2035,744GoshenHampshire31,054BrewsterBarnstable279,820GosnoldDukes2775BridgewaterPlymouth2226,563GraftonWorcester817,765BrimfieldHampden53,609GranbyHampshire36,240BrocktonPlymouth2293,810GranvilleHampden41,566BrookfieldWorcester53,390Great BarringtonBerkshire17,104BrooklineNorfolk1958,732GreenfieldFranklin217,456BucklandFranklin21,902GrotonMiddlesex910,646BurlingtonMiddlesex1524,498GrovelandEssex126,459CambridgeMiddlesex17105,162HadleyHampshire35,250CantonNorfolk2021,561HalifaxPlymouth237,518CarlisleMiddlesex154,852HamiltonEssex137,764CarverPlymouth2311,509HampdenHampden45,139CharlemontFranklin21,266HancockBerkshire1717CharltonWorcester512,981HanoverPlymouth2313,879ChathamBarnstable276,125HansonPlymouth2310,209ChelmsfordMiddlesex1033,802HardwickWorcester92,990ChelseaSuffolk1935,177HarvardWorcester96,520CheshireBerkshire13,235HarwichBarnstable2712,243ChesterHampden211,337HatfieldHampshire33,279ChesterfieldHampshire31,222HaverhillEssex1260,879ChicopeeHampden2155,298HawleyFranklin2337ChilmarkDukes27866HeathFranklin2706ClarksburgBerkshire11,702HinghamPlymouth2022,157ClintonWorcester913,606HinsdaleBerkshire12,032CohassetNorfolk207,542HolbrookNorfolk2210,791ColrainFranklin21,671HoldenWorcester817,346-321945-7556500Table A8 (continued). Population Estimates for Massachusetts Communities, 2010 TOWN NAMECOUNTYCHNA POPULATIONTOWN NAMECOUNTYCHNA POPULATIONHollandHampden52,481New MarlboroughBerkshire11,509HollistonMiddlesex713,547New SalemFranklin2990HolyokeHampden2139,880NewburyEssex126,666HopedaleWorcester65,911NewburyportEssex1217,416HopkintonMiddlesex714,925NewtonMiddlesex1885,146HubbardstonWorcester94,382NorfolkNorfolk711,227HudsonMiddlesex719,063North AdamsBerkshire113,708HullPlymouth2010,293North AndoverEssex1128,352HuntingtonHampshire212,180North AttleboroBristol2428,712IpswichEssex1313,175North BrookfieldWorcester54,680KingstonPlymouth2312,629North ReadingMiddlesex1614,892LakevillePlymouth2410,602NorthamptonHampshire328,549LancasterWorcester98,055NorthboroughWorcester714,155LanesboroughBerkshire13,091NorthbridgeWorcester615,707LawrenceEssex1176,377NorthfieldFranklin23,032LeeBerkshire15,943NortonBristol2419,031LeicesterWorcester810,970NorwellPlymouth2010,506LenoxBerkshire15,025NorwoodNorfolk2028,602LeominsterWorcester940,759Oak BluffsDukes274,527LeverettFranklin21,851OakhamWorcester91,902LexingtonMiddlesex1531,394OrangeFranklin27,839LeydenFranklin2711OrleansBarnstable275,890LincolnMiddlesex156,362OtisBerkshire11,612LittletonMiddlesex158,924OxfordWorcester513,709LongmeadowHampden415,784PalmerHampden412,140LowellMiddlesex10106,519PaxtonWorcester84,806LudlowHampden2121,103PeabodyEssex1451,251LunenburgWorcester910,086PelhamHampshire31,321LynnEssex1490,329PembrokePlymouth2317,837LynnfieldEssex1411,596PepperellMiddlesex911,497MaldenMiddlesex1659,450PeruBerkshire1847ManchesterEssex135,136PetershamWorcester21,234MansfieldBristol2423,184PhillipstonWorcester21,682MarbleheadEssex1419,808PittsfieldBerkshire144,737MarionPlymouth264,907PlainfieldHampshire3648MarlboroughMiddlesex738,499PlainvilleNorfolk78,264MarshfieldPlymouth2325,132PlymouthPlymouth2356,468MashpeeBarnstable2714,006PlymptonPlymouth232,820MattapoisettPlymouth266,045PrincetonWorcester93,413MaynardMiddlesex710,106ProvincetownBarnstable272,942MedfieldNorfolk712,024QuincyNorfolk2092,271MedfordMiddlesex1656,173RandolphNorfolk2032,112MedwayNorfolk612,752RaynhamBristol2413,383MelroseMiddlesex1626,983ReadingMiddlesex1624,747MendonWorcester65,839RehobothBristol2411,608MerrimacEssex126,338RevereSuffolk1951,755MethuenEssex1147,255RichmondBerkshire11,475MiddleboroughPlymouth2423,116RochesterPlymouth265,232MiddlefieldHampshire3521RocklandPlymouth2317,489MiddletonEssex118,987RockportEssex136,952MilfordWorcester627,999RoweFranklin2393MillburyWorcester813,261RowleyEssex125,856MillisNorfolk77,891RoyalstonWorcester21,258MillvilleWorcester63,190RussellHampden41,775MiltonNorfolk2027,003RutlandWorcester97,973MonroeFranklin2121SalemEssex1441,340MonsonHampden48,560SalisburyEssex128,283MontagueFranklin28,437SandisfieldBerkshire1915MontereyBerkshire1961SandwichBarnstable2720,675MontgomeryHampden4838SaugusEssex1426,628Mt. WashingtonBerkshire1167SavoyBerkshire1692NahantEssex143,410ScituatePlymouth2018,133NantucketNantucket2710,172SeekonkBristol2413,722NatickMiddlesex733,006SharonNorfolk2017,612NeedhamNorfolk1828,886SheffieldBerkshire13,257New AshfordBerkshire1228ShelburneFranklin21,893New BedfordBristol2695,072SherbornMiddlesex74,119New BraintreeWorcester9999ShirleyMiddlesex97,211Table A8 (continued). -182880-13716000Population Estimates for Massachusetts Communities, 2010TOWN NAMECOUNTYCHNA POPULATIONTOWN NAMECOUNTYCHNA POPULATIONShrewsburyWorcester835,608WarwickFranklin2780ShutesburyFranklin21,771WashingtonBerkshire1538SomersetBristol2518,165WatertownMiddlesex1731,915SomervilleMiddlesex1775,754WaylandMiddlesex712,994South HadleyHampshire317,514WebsterWorcester516,767SouthamptonHampshire35,792WellesleyNorfolk1827,982SouthboroughWorcester79,767WellfleetBarnstable272,750SouthbridgeWorcester516,719WendellFranklin2848SouthwickHampden49,502WenhamEssex134,875SpencerWorcester511,688West BoylstonWorcester87,669SpringfieldHampden4153,060West BridgewaterPlymouth226,916SterlingWorcester97,808West BrookfieldWorcester53,701StockbridgeBerkshire11,947West NewburyEssex124,235StonehamMiddlesex1621,437West SpringfieldHampden428,391StoughtonNorfolk2226,962West StockbridgeBerkshire11,306StowMiddlesex76,590West TisburyDukes272,740SturbridgeWorcester59,268WestboroughWorcester718,272SudburyMiddlesex717,659WestfieldHampden2141,094SunderlandFranklin23,684WestfordMiddlesex1021,951SuttonWorcester68,963WesthamptonHampshire31,607SwampscottEssex1413,787WestminsterWorcester97,277SwanseaBristol2515,865WestonMiddlesex1811,261TauntonBristol2455,874WestportBristol2515,532TempletonWorcester98,013WestwoodNorfolk1814,618TewksburyMiddlesex1028,961WeymouthNorfolk2053,743TisburyDukes273,949WhatelyFranklin21,496TollandHampden4485WhitmanPlymouth2214,489TopsfieldEssex136,085WilbrahamHampden414,219TownsendMiddlesex98,926WilliamsburgHampshire32,482TruroBarnstable272,003WilliamstownBerkshire17,754TyngsboroughMiddlesex1011,292WilmingtonMiddlesex1522,325TyringhamBerkshire1327WinchendonWorcester910,300UptonWorcester67,542WinchesterMiddlesex1521,374UxbridgeWorcester613,457WindsorBerkshire1899WakefieldMiddlesex1624,932WinthropSuffolk1917,497WalesHampden51,838WoburnMiddlesex1538,120WalpoleNorfolk724,070WorcesterWorcester8181,045WalthamMiddlesex1860,632WorthingtonHampshire31,156WareHampshire39,872WrenthamNorfolk710,955WarehamPlymouth2621,822YarmouthBarnstable2723,793WarrenWorcester55,1351. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health Race Allocated Census 2010 Estimates (MRACE 2010), which are population estimates based upon the Census 2010 Summary File 1, was used to calculate city and town rates.-245745-4381500Table A9. 2014 Massachusetts Population Estimates1 By Age Group, Gender, Race and Hispanic Ethnicity2 (mutually exclusive)AGEGENDERTOTALWHITE Non-HispanicBLACK Non-HispanicASIAN Non-HispanicHISPANICUnder 1Male37,40523,4873,2092,8217,803Female35,79522,4683,0562,6867,505Total73,20045,9556,2655,50715,3081 TO 4Male149,90694,43615,06711,46128,571Female142,94990,11714,05411,16227,243Total292,855184,55329,12122,62355,8145 TO 14Male395,591266,50336,44827,34964,307Female378,894254,59834,47226,96161,924Total774,485521,10170,92054,310126,23115 TO 24Male475,980328,84742,38833,70169,769Female472,608326,50741,97036,33666,588Total948,588655,35484,35870,037136,35725 TO 34Male461,938318,86636,72140,48564,777Female468,464321,29137,92645,85362,320Total930,402640,15774,64786,338127,09735 TO 44Male409,602292,23631,33734,84650,344Female428,130302,44333,89338,20752,714Total837,732594,67965,23073,053103,05845 TO 54Male480,774384,07831,44526,05938,021Female505,837400,19233,65928,38642,399Total986,611784,27065,10454,44580,42055 TO 64Male424,699360,51023,00017,69722,554Female460,599386,72826,15320,28726,374Total885,298747,23849,15337,98448,92865 TO 74Male260,285228,75911,0469,45110,524Female302,511262,38714,94310,94613,727Total562,796491,14625,98920,39724,25175 TO 84Male123,751110,1914,6804,6693,970Female172,496152,6747,8585,4756,228Total296,247262,86512,53810,14410,19885 +Male50,89346,7721,5081,2671,264Female106,30198,34035262,0322,280Total157,194145,1125,0343,2993,544ALL AGESMale3,270,8242,454,685236,849209,806361,904Female3,474,5842,617,745251,510228,331369,302Total6,745,4085,072,430488,359438,137731,2061. National Center for Health Statistics. Postcensal estimates of the resident population of the United States for April 1, 2010-July 1, 2014, by year, county, single-year of age (0, 1, 2, .., 85 years and over), bridged race, Hispanic origin, and sex (Vintage 2014). Prepared under a collaborative arrangement with the U.S. Census Bureau. Available from: as of July 2, 2015.2. Persons of Hispanic ethnicity are NOT included in the race categories. These estimates are used to calculate population based rates published in this report. -34480517526000Table A10. Causes of Death Considered Amenable to Health CareCause of Death Considered Amenable to Health CareAgeICD-10 CodesIntestinal infections0-14A00-A09Tuberculosis0-74A15-A19, B90Other infectious (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis)0-74A36, A35,A80, A40-A41Whooping cough0-14A37Measles1 to 14B05Malignant neoplasm of colon and rectum 0-74C18-C21Malignant neoplasm of skin,0-74C44Malignant neoplasm of breast,0-74C50Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri0-74C53Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri and body of the uterus0-44C54, C55Malignant neoplasm of testis0-74C62Hodgkin’s disease0-74C81Leukemia0-44C91-C95Diseases of the thyroid0-74E00-E07Diabetes mellitus0-49E10-E14Epilepsy0-74G40-G41Chronic rheumatic heart disease0-74I05-I09Hypertensive disease0-74I10-I13, I15Ischemic heart disease0-74I20-I25Cerebrovascular disease0-74I60-I69All respiratory diseases (excl. pneumonia/influenza)1 to 14J00-J09, J20-J99Influenza0-74J10-J11Pneumonia0-74J12-J18Peptic ulcer 0-74K25-K27Appendicitis0-74K35-K38Abdominal hernia0-74K40-K46Cholelithiasis & cholecystitis0-74K80-K81Nephritis and nephrosis0-74N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27Benign prostatic hyperplasia0-74N40Misadventures to patients during surgical and medical care AllY60-Y69, Y83-Y84Maternal deathsAllO00-O99Congenital cardiovascular anomalies0-74Q20-Q28Perinatal deaths, all causes excluding stillbirthsAllP00-P96Note: Amenable Causes are from E. Nolte and M. McKee, Does Healthcare Save Lives? Avoidable Mortality Revisited (London: Nuffield Trust, 2004). Available at . Accessed 7/15/2010Massachusetts Death Certificate: 2014Circumstance for Referral to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) 38. MEDICAL EXAMINERS AND INQUESTS Chapter 38: Section 3. Duty to report deaths; failure to report Section 3. It shall be the duty of any person having knowledge of a death which occurs under the circumstances enumerated in this paragraph immediately to notify the office of the chief medical examiner, or the medical examiner designated to the location where the death has occurred, of the known facts concerning the time, place, manner, circumstances and cause of such death: (1) death where criminal violence appears to have taken place, regardless of the time interval between the incident and death, and regardless of whether such violence appears to have been the immediate cause of death, or a contributory factor thereto; (2) death by accident or unintentional injury, regardless of time interval between the incident and death, and regardless of whether such injury appears to have been the immediate cause of death, or a contributory factor thereto; (3) suicide, regardless of the time interval between the incident and death; (4) death under suspicious or unusual circumstances; (5) death following an unlawful abortion; (6) death related to occupational illness or injury; (7) death in custody, in any jail or correctional facility, or in any mental health or mental retardation institution; (8) death where suspicion of abuse of a child, family or household member, elder person or disabled person exists; (9) death due to poison or acute or chronic use of drugs or alcohol; (10) skeletal remains; (11) death associated with diagnostic or therapeutic procedures; (12) sudden death when the decedent was in apparent good health; (13) death within twenty-four hours of admission to a hospital or nursing home; (14) death in any public or private conveyance; (15) fetal death, as defined by section two hundred and two of chapter one hundred and eleven, where the period of gestation has been twenty weeks or more, or where fetal weight is three hundred and fifty grams or more; (16) death of children under the age of 18 years from any cause; (17) any person found dead; (18) death in any emergency treatment facility, medical walk-in center, day care center, or under foster care; or (19) deaths occurring under such other circumstances as the chief medical examiner shall prescribe in regulations promulgated pursuant to the provisions of chapter thirty A. A physician, police officer, hospital administrator, licensed nurse, department of social services social worker, or licensed funeral director, within the commonwealth, who, having knowledge of such an unreported death, fails to notify the office of the chief medical examiner of such death shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars. Such failure shall also be reported to the appropriate board of registration, where applicable. Massachusetts Deaths: 2014 Evaluation FormTO OUR READERS:In an attempt to better serve our users, we are enclosing this evaluation form. Please take the time to complete this questionnaire and return it to the address at the bottom of the page. Thank you. What tables and charts do you find most useful?What tables and charts do you find least useful?Are there other tables and charts that you would like added to this publication? If yes, please describe them in detail.Do you have other comments or suggestions?Name (optional): Address: (For those who received the publication by mail) Is the mailing label address correct? If not, please correct the address. Thank you.Please return your comments to:Massachusetts Department of Public HealthRegistry of Vital Records and Statistics150 Mt. Vernon Street 1st FloorDorchester, MA 021252497455834644000 ................

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