Franklin-Williamson County Healthy Communities Coalition

October 20, 2011 @ 12:00 Noon

Present: Nancy Muzzarelli, Shawnee Health Service

Jo Sanders, Southern Illinois Healthcare

Jill Titsworth, SIUC Head Start

Julie Reese, SIUC Head Start

Christy Boggess, Addus HealthCare

Carrie Eldridge, Franklin-Williamson Bi-County Health Department

Suzy Ganey, Franklin-Williamson Bi-County Health Department

Beth Walker, American Heart Association

Caleb Nehring, American Cancer Society

Shari Jones, Christopher Rural Health Planning Corporation

Mary Hogue, SIUC Gerontology

By Invitations: George O’Neill, National Children’s Health Study

Minutes: Susan Morgan, Southern Illinois Healthcare


Welcome/Introductions: Nancy Muzzarelli of Shawnee Health Service welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were given of all in attendance.

Approval of F/WHCC Minutes of 08/18/11: Minutes stand approved.

Announcements/Agency Information Sharing/Handouts:

▪ Addus HealthCare – Now offers shower/outpatient therapy services as well as a hot breakfast and hot lunch for the Addus Day Center services. They are open six days a week from 7 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. For more information, please call (618) 998-2032.

▪ Addus HealthCare Flu Clinics – Call (618) 998-2032 for times and locations.

▪ Franklin-Williamson Bi-County Health Department Flu Clinics – Walk-in flu clinics are held every Wednesday from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 1 – 3:30 p.m. as long as vaccine is available. No appointment is needed. The fee for the influenza vaccine is $30 and pneumonia vaccine is $60. For more information call (618) 993-8111.

▪ Heritage Woods Health Fair – Heritage Woods Assisted Living in Benton will be hosting a health fair on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

▪ Southern Illinois Healthcare distributed the following publications:

• Second Act Newsletter

• SIH Cancer Institute “Connection Connection” Newsletter

• Women’s Rehab information

• Breast Center information

▪ Region 5 Fall Disaster Conference – November 1, 2011 at Mt. Vernon Holiday Inn Convention Center. This program is intended to benefit a broad range of professionals involved in emergency preparedness. The Region 5 Fall Disaster Committee is also sponsoring a poster contest for all organizations to show off what they have been doing to prepare for unforeseen disasters. For more information about the poster contest or conference, call (618) 319-2605 or (618) 439-3161, ext. 357.

▪ Protect the Smoke-Free Illinois Act – Beth Walker of the American Heart Association distributed petition cards to write local legislators to protect the Smoke-Free Illinois Act by voting against weakening any aspects of the law. For more information, contact Beth Walker at (618) 983-3234.

▪ Start Eating Healthy Day – November 2, 2011. The American Heart Association is committed to getting more Americans to get healthier! By joining the Start Eating Healthy Day celebration on November 2nd you, your company and employees can take a big step toward a healthier lifestyle by making small changes to incorporate healthier food choices. By 2020, The American Heart Association wants to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent while reducing deaths from cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20 percent. For more information call Beth Walker at (618) 983-3234 or e-mail beth.walker@ or you can start by registering your company at starteatinghealthyday

▪ Save the Date: April 4, 2012 – National Start! Walking Day. Beth Walker of the American Heart Association thanked everyone who participated in the Southern Illinois Walk that recently took place at John A. Logan College. Over $160,000 was raised from this event. Rita Chang, Chancellor at SIH has agreed to be the new chairperson for next year’s event.

▪ Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk – October 22, 2011 at Evergreen Park in Carbondale. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society.

▪ American Cancer Society “Great American Smoke-Out” is scheduled for November 17, 2011.

▪ Shawnee Health Service Update: Nancy Muzzarelli updated the committee on the following providers:

• Denise O’Rourke, APN-Psych starts in mid-December and will see patients at Illinois Centre Healthcare-Medical and Counseling in Marion.

• Rakesh Chandra, MD, JD, LLM is part time and started in October and sees patients at Shawnee Health Care in Carbondale. He also works for SIRSS and Lourdes Behavioral Health Center in Paducah.

Action Team Updates:

▪ Healthy Lifestyles

➢ New Co-Chairs: Caleb Nehring announced that he and Kris Sherrill are co-chairing this action team.

➢ Currently working on the upcoming Community Leaders Forum that is scheduled for October 27, 2011 at the Carbondale Holiday Inn. Will be looking at taking the best practices from this event and will have a meeting on January 23, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. at Franklin-Williamson Bi-County Health Department for the first planning committee.

➢ START! Walking Paths – still looking for other locations. New path forms are located on the Community Health Calendar website at:

➢ If interested in joining this action team or you need more information, please contact Caleb Nehring of the American Cancer Society at (618) 998-9898 or Kris Sherrill of Southern Illinois Healthcare at (618) 457-5200, ext. 67834.

➢ The next Healthy Lifestyles Action Team meetings are scheduled for Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 10:30 a.m. at the Man-Tra-Con Office in Marion.

▪ Healthy Seniors

➢ Two successful events (Caregiver Fun Fest and Professionals Interacting with Older Adults Seminar) were recently held in connection with Egyptian Area Agency on Aging.

➢ Anyone interested in being involved with the Healthy Seniors Action Team is to call Nancy Muzzarelli at Shawnee Health Service at (618) 956-9509 or Carletta Hanks of RIDES Mass Transit District at (618) 253-8761, ext. 312. Also in the process of looking at new co-chairs for the upcoming year.

▪ Access To Care

➢ The combined group of the F/WHCC and JCHCC Access To Care Action Team has been meeting the last few months and concentrating their efforts on Oral Health Care issues (training for fluoride/varnishing treatments as well as an enhanced referral program).

➢ If interested in joining this action team, please contact Kris Sherrill at (618) 457-5200, ext. 67834 or Nancy Muzzarelli at (618) 956-9509.

➢ The next meeting of the Access to Care Action Team is scheduled for November 9, 2011 @ 2:00 p.m. at John A. Logan College in conference room F118.

Agency Presentation: George O’Neill gave this month’s agency presentation on the National Children’s Health Study.

Background information: George O’Neill informed the committee that when he retired two years ago from Shawnee Health Services, he was approached by SIU to work on this National Children’s Study. The study started 12 years ago and the vision was to enroll 100,000 women and children for 20 years. From 2000 to present the study has been in the formative stage.

Children’s Health Act of 2000 – Purpose…authorizes the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development to conduct a national longitudinal (birth – 21 years) study of environmental influences (including physical, chemical, biological, and psychosocial) on children’s health and development.

The study will look at the following:

Priority Health Exposures:

➢ Physical Environment (neighborhood characteristics, housing quality)

➢ Chemical Environment (pesticides, heavy metals)

➢ Biologic Environment (infectious agents, endotoxins, diet)

➢ Psychosocial Environment (family structure, socio-economic status, parenting style, social networks, exposure to media and violence)

➢ Genetics (interaction between genes and environment)

Priority Health Outcomes:

➢ Pregnancy Outcomes (preterm delivery, birth defects, fetal growth)

➢ Neurodevelopment & Behavior (Autism, learning disabilities, schizophrenia, conduct and behavior problems)

➢ Injury (head trauma, injuries requiring hospitalizations)

➢ Asthma (Asthma incidence and exacerbation)

➢ Obesity & Physical Development (obesity, diabetes, altered puberty – social development during puberty and social interaction)

Study Population:

➢ All Births in the Nation (4 million births in 3,141 counties)

➢ Sample of Study Locations (105 locations – 79 metro & 26 rural) Southern Illinois is considered rural and the study will cover the counties of Williamson, Johnson and Union)

➢ Sample of Study Segments (Selection of neighborhoods)

➢ Study Households (All or a sample of households within neighborhoods)

➢ Study Women (All eligible women in the household)

Percentage of births for residents by place of delivery in 2007 was discussed for the two hospitals involved in this study (Memorial Hospital of Carbondale and Heartland Regional Medical Center).

The challenges to date for this study are:

➢ Meeting annual recruitment goals (250)

➢ Recruiting women prior to conception

➢ Retention for 21+ years

➢ Obtaining placental and other specimens at multiple hospitals (not a problem anymore)

➢ Notification of participant’s hospital admission

➢ Changes resulting from pilot studies prior to the official NCS start.

➢ Multiple recruitment strategies

➢ Anticipated NCS start in Johnson, Union and Williamson counties is 2013.

Hospital Data Collection:

➢ Pre-Delivery

o Maternal venous blood

➢ Delivery

o Cord blood

o Placenta and umbilical cord

➢ Post Delivery

o Meconium

o Infant blood spot card from heel stick

o Maternal interview

o Newborn exam

o Maternal and infant medical record abstraction

For more information about the National Children’s Study, go to:

Or contact George O’Neill at georgeoneilljr@ or (618) 713-5361.


▪ Meeting Locations – All meetings for 2012 will be held at the Man-Tra-Con location at the Illinois Centre Mall in Marion. The West Frankfort Man-Tra-Con location has closed.

Bottom of Form

Next Meeting Date/Location/Presentation: Thursday, December 15, 2011 at 12:00 p.m. at the Man-Tra-Con Office in Marion, IL. There will not be an agency presentation at this meeting as we will be having our holiday party. Southern Illinois Healthcare will provide lunch.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 1:13 PM[pic]


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