8th grade review

8th Grade Review

for final



Chapter 16-Reconstruction

• 10 percent plan

• Freedmen

• 13th, 14th, 15th amendments

• Reconstruction

• Carpetbaggers

o Scalawags

• Ku Klux Klan

• Poll tax, literacy test, grandfather clause

• Plessy VS. Ferguson

Chapter 17-West Transformed

• Mining

• Transcontinental Railroads

• Boom & Bust

• Treatment of Natives

• Cattle Kingdom

o Cow Towns/cowboys

• Homestead Act

Chapter 18-Industry and Urban Growth

• Electric and Telegraph

• Henry Ford

• Andrew Carnegie

• John D. Rockefeller

• Working conditions

o Labor unions

• Urbanization

o Tenements

• Immigration

• Education

Chapter 19-Political Reform and the Progressive Era

• Spoils system

• Muckrakers

o Upton Sinclair

• Teddy Roosevelt

• William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson

• Women’s rights

o Suffragists

• Prohibition

• Equality and minorities

Chapter 20-The US looks Overseas

• Expansion-Imperialism

o Alaska, Hawaii

• Open door policy

• Spanish American War

o USS Maine, land

• Panama Canal

• Teddy Roosevelt

Chapter 21-WWI

• Causes of WWI-Imperialism, alliances, nationalism

o What happened

• Trench Warfare

• American Neutrality

• Allies

• Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

• Zimmerman Telegram

• Draft

• Deaths

• Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points

o Prevent future wars

o League of Nations

• Treaty of Versailles

Chapter 22-Roaring Twenties

o Presidential scandals

o Sacco and Vanzetti

o Prohibition

o Automobile, radio, movies

o Scopes Monkey Trial

o Jazz Age

o Flappers

o Harlem Renaissance

o Stock Market Boom

o Farming

Chapter 23-Great Depression

o Depression

o Stock Market Crash

o Overproduction

o Unemployment

o Poverty

o Bonus Army

o Dust Bowl

o Franklin D. Roosevelt

o New Deal Programs

▪ Social Security

o Eleanor Roosevelt

Chapter 24-WWII

o Dictators

o Neutrality Act

o War Starts

o Invasions

o Lend Lease Act

o Pearl Harbor

o War At home

o Built military

o Women in Factories

o Japanese Internment

o Racism

o D-Day

o Island Hopping

o Atomic Bomb

o Nuremburg Trials

Chapter 25-Cold War

o Containing Communism

o Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan

o Berlin Airlift

o NATO and Warsaw Pact

o Eisenhower Election

o Baby Boom

o Korean War

o Joseph McCarthy-McCarthyism

o Space Race

o Stockpile Weapons

Chapter 26-Civil Rights Movement

o Separate but Equal-NAACP

o Integration

o Brown VS. Board of Education

o Montgomery Bus Boycott

o Rosa Parks

o Welfare

o Martin Luther King Jr.

o Non violent protests

o Malcolm X

o Equality

Chapter 27-Vietnam Era

o Country Divided 1954

o Guerilla Warfare

o American Involvement

o New Weapons

o Drafts

o Official End for the US 1973

o Land on moon 1969

o Watergate Scandal


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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