UNIT 1 8000 b.c.e – 600 b.c.e

8000 bc – Agricultural Revolution

Development of civilization, towns, axial age (beliefs)

600 b.c.- Rise of Romans, Greeks (Europe)

|Africa |Middle East |Europe |East Asia |SE Asia |South Asia |Russia |Americas |

|Egypt |Mesopotamia |Minoan & Mycennean|Shang | |Harrapa & | | |

| |Judaism | |Zhou | |Mohenjo-daro | | |

| |Assyrian | |Legalism, Daoism | |Hinduism | | |

| |Phoenicians | |Confucianism | | | | |

| | | | | |Buddhism | | |

UNIT 2 600 b.c.e – 600 c.e.

600 b.c.e. – Rise of Greek and Roman civilization,

Routes/Technology: Silk Road, Trans-Saharan, Mediterranean Trade – bireme, trireme, roads

600 c.e. – Birth of Islam, Fall of Rome and Middle Ages (Europe) Byzantine Rise (Russia)

|Africa |Middle East |Europe |East Asia |SE Asia |South Asia |Russia |Americas |

|Bantu Migration |Persian Empire |Greek Empire |Qin |Buddhism |Mauryan | |Olmec, Chavin |

| |(Cyrus & Darius) |Roman Empire |Silk Road |Funan | | | |

| |Christianity | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | |Han | |Gupta – theatre | | |

| |Islam |Rome Falls | | |state | | |

|500–600 ce | |Dark Ages |Fall of Han | | |Byzantine Empire | |

| | | | |Srivijaya | |rises | |

UNIT 3 600 c.e. – 1450 c.e.

600 c.e. – Fall of Rome/Middle Ages (Europe), Islam (Middle East),

Indian Ocean Trade, Southernization Mongols, Islam spread and Trade in East - junk, dhow

1450 c.e. – Fall of Constantinople (Middle East), Exploration (Europe), Printing Press

|Africa |Middle East |Europe |East Asia |SE Asia |South Asia |Russia |Americas |

|Islam |Islam |Middle Ages |Sui, Tang, Song, |Srivijaya | |Kiev |Rise of Aztec, |

|Mali & Mansa Musa|Sasanid |Feudalism |Mongols – |Borobodur | |Vladimir |Mayan, Inca |

| |Caliphates | | | | | | |

| | |Black Death |Yuan | | |Mongols (Golden | |

| |Mongols (1200’s) – Il |King vs. Pope | |Indian Ocean Trade|Delhi Sultanate |Horde) | |

| |Khan |Town guilds |Ming |- Malacca |Gujarat & Indian |Alexander Nevskii| |

| | | |Zheng He | |Ocea | | |

|1450-1500 |Fall of Constantinople|Renaissance | | | | |Exploration |

| | |printing press | | | | |Columbus& New |

| | | | | | | |World |

UNIT 4 1450 c – 1750

1450 c.e.- Fall of Constantinople, exploration (why – Italians too expensive, Muslims in the way)

Exploration, Atlantic Trade (comp. with other routes), Land vs. Sea Empire, colonization, slavery, imperialism, philosophers, - caravan

1750 c.e. – Industrial Revolution, revolutions

|Africa |Middle East |Europe |East Asia |SE Asia |South Asia |Russia |Americas |

|Imperialism |Islam |Renaissance |Ming |Trade |Delhi Sultanate |Romanov dynasty |Cortes & Aztecs; |

| |Safavid |Protestant | | | |and Tsar |Pizarro & Inca |

|Portuguese Trade |Ottoman Empire at|Reformation |get defensive | | | | |

| |height |Enlightenment | | | | |Spanish encomienda|

|Exploit slavery |Janissary |Political |Ming defeated by | | |Peter the Great |Slavery |

|Gold Coast |Sulieman |Philosophers |Qing | |Mughal India |Treaty of |Plantations |

|Songhai Empire | |Scientific Revolution|Kangxi | | |Nerchinsk w. | |

|Bight of Biafra |Land Empire |absolutism | | |Taj Mahal |China |Columbian Exchange|

|Swahili (East) | |Exploration |Qing | | | | |

| | | | | | | |North American |

| | |Imperialism to New |Japan: Tokugawa | | | |Colonies |

| |Ottoman decline |World |Closing of Japan | | | | |

|1750 | | |(1650) | | | | |

|Little | | | | | | | |

|colonization | | | | | |Catherine the |Revolutions |

| | |Industrial Revolution| | |Mughal into |Great (late | |

| | | | | |British |1700’s) | |

UNIT 5 1750 – 1914

1750 – Industrial Revolution, American and French Revolutions

Nationalism, Socialism, Industrial vs. Non-Industrial countries, rise of alliances, Women’s Rights, War Technology, New Imperialism, capitalism – machine guns, tanks, airplanes

1914 – WWI

|Africa |Middle East |Europe |East Asia |SE Asia |South Asia |Russia |Americas |

| | |Industrial |Qing |Australia |Mughal into |Behind in |Colonization |

| |Ottoman Empire is |Revolution | |New Zealand by|Colonization by |industry |Revolutions (Haiti &|

| |weak | | |Cook |British & EIC | |US) |

|B. outlaws | |Revolutions |Opium War | | |Crimean War | |

|slavery |Crimean War |(French) | | |Sepoy Rebellion | |Independence & |

|Sokoto |“sick man of Europe”| |“Spheres of Influence”| | | |Problems |

|Shaka Zulu |Independence | |Perry in Japan | |British Raj Period| |Slavery ends |

|Muhammad Ali - |movements | |Meiji Restor. | | | |Indentured Servitude|

|Egypt |Greek/Serbia |New Imperialism | | | |Tsar Nicholas| |

|South Africa - | | |Republic | | | |US imperial power |

|Great Trek w. | | |Boxer Rebel. | |INC created |WWI is | |

|Dutch | | |Jap. wars & | | |terrible – | |

| | | |Industrializatio | | |many deaths | |

|Berlin Conference| | | | | | | |

|Scramble for | | | | | | | |

|Africa | | | | | | | |

UNIT 6 1914 – Present

1914 - WWI

Issues: global war, uneven Versailles Treaty with peace, WWII causes and effects, Cold War, international organizations. Environmental Issues, Population, Terrorism, Nuclear Power. Global Economy, Global and popular culture, Rise of China and India in the 21st century

|Africa |Middle East |Europe |East Asia |SE Asia |South Asia |Russia |Americas |

|WWI, WWII battles |End of |WWI, WWII |No industry |Colonized |WWI |Communist |Revolutions in LA – |

| |Ottomans | | | | |Revolution |quest for economic |

|Decolonization | |F. and B. |Japan invades | |WWII | |independence |

| |Arab families & new |nationalize some|WWII |WWII and then |Gandhi |Stalin | |

|Ghana |countries |industries | |decolonized: |Division w. |Great Purge |WWI - WWII |

|Kenya | | |Mao & Communism |i.e.Indonesia |Pakistan |Industry |US super-power |

|Libya |Palestine/ Israeli wars|Bipolar World |relationship with | | | |Cold War |

|Egypt | | |USSR |Stress of |Non-aligned |Cold War | |

|South Africa and | |Serbian & Bosnia|Great Leap |Communism: |country | |Technology |

|apartheid |Terrorist groups & |wars |Cultural |Wars in | | |Space Race |

| |threats | |Revolution |Korea |Gandhi PM’s |Technology | |

|Cold War |(Israel) | |Deng Xioping |Vietnam |assassinated |Space Race | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | |Capitalism & | | | |End of communism |

| |Religious | |return of Hong | | |Almost bankrupt |Terrorist threats & |

| |fundamentalism | |Kong |Asian Tigers |Industry & |End of Communism |recession – end of |

|Civil Wars |9/11 | | | |Technology | |empire? |

| | | |Industrial growth | | | | |

| |Arab Spring | | | | | | |

|Arab Spring | | | | | | | |

|Muslim fundamentalism | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |


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