Lincoln-Douglas Debate format: Planning Sheet

Lincoln-Douglas Debate format: Planning Sheet

Affirmative: Constructive speech

Affirmative speaker 1: Our team is in favor of the legalization of marihuana in Mexico, because of different reasons that are justified and would help our country. According to Mario Delgado Carrillo, senator of PRD, two out of every three victims of violence created by the drug cartels, are youngsters. This gives us a clear image about reality in Mexico: the army is not capable of maintaining a constant war with the cartels, without having devastating consequences. It is time to take a radical alternative that ends this problem of violence, that according to CNN Mexico the sum of deaths was 150,000 in 2012, and nowadays is higher and some action should be taken to stop it from increasing.

Negative: Questions for Affirmative side

Negative speaker 1:

• “If marihuana is legalized, its use will increase and it will also be more accessible to young people and minors.”

• “Persons dedicated to sell drugs will search another way to make profit (kidnapping, extorsion, robs).”

Affirmative speaker 1: _

• The use of marihuana will not be controlled completely, just as with alcohol or tobacco, but it will be more controlled that being illegal because it would not be sold to minors.

• The majority of the murders in Mexico are a consequence of the war between drug cartels for territory, by legalizing drug, a new industry will be created in which selling points would be assigned to the different producers, like in Holland.

Negative. Constructive speech

Negative speaker 1: ____________________________ (prepare speech)

Negative: Refutation

Negative speaker 2: ____________________________ (prepare refutation and

Improvise well)

Affirmative: Questions for Negative side

1. Affirmative speaker 2: We all know the war against the drug cartels is not giving results or showing an end to it soon. What other solution do you have that you think is better than legalizing Marihuana?

2. In Holland, the legalization of Marihuana made it possible for the government to control more their usage, do you think this will happen in Mexico? Or do you think the demand will increase?

3. Do you think that by arresting the drug cartel leaders then the illegal business will stop?

Negative speaker 2: ____________________________ (improvise well)

Affirmative: Rebuttal and/or refutation

Affirmative speaker 3: ____________________________ (prepare rebuttal and

improvise well)

Negative: Rebuttal

Negative speaker 1 (or 3): ____________________________ (prepare rebuttal and

Improvise well)

Negative: Summary

Negative speaker 2 (or 3): “After hearing both speeches, we believe we’ve come to the conclusion that Mexico is not ready yet to legalize Marihuana, that by doing this drug cartels will find a new way to do their living, and the demand for this drug will only increase, making it harder to control.

Affirmative: Rebuttal

Affirmative speaker 2: The only way to try to stop the war against the drug cartels is by making their illegal activity legal. The moment that the consumers of Marihuana start buying their product in a legal way, and a measured quantity, then there is no reason for illegal people to keep doing their activity, making the violence stop, the safety of the consumers, and not consumers is guaranteed, and there is a new economic activity that works in a legal, and safe way.

Affirmative: Summary

Affirmative speaker 3: ____________________________ (prepare summary)


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