Education Issues Debates - Weber State University

Education Issues Debates

Merit Pay

You are FOR merit pay for teachers. You know that some teachers work harder than other teachers and should be rewarded with more money. How would you evaluate who should get more pay? How would a program like this be administered? Prepare a convincing two minute speech to convince us of your stance.

You have until Thursday to prepare. Some places to look for information include

Your textbook on page 58

Google “Merit pay for teachers”

Merit Pay

You are AGAINST merit pay for teachers. You feel that there are too many external factors that can influence students beyond teacher effort. Any program will have unfair measures. Prepare a convincing two minute speech to convince us of your stance.

You have until Thursday to prepare. Some places to look for information include

Your textbook on page 58

Google “Merit pay for teachers”

Accountability and High Stakes Testing

You are FOR accountability for teachers, students, and schools through the use of high stakes tests. You believe that things that get tested improve and therefore testing will improve the quality of our schools. Prepare a convincing two minute speech to convince us of your stance.

You have until Thursday to prepare. Some places to look for information include

Your textbook on page 30

(look at the sidebar)

Google “No child left behind”

Accountability and High Stakes Testing

You are AGAINST accountability for teachers, students, and schools through the use of high stakes tests. You believe that the pressures of accountability on teachers, students, and schools is leading to inappropriate educational practices. Prepare a convincing two minute speech to convince us of your stance.

You have until Thursday to prepare. Some places to look for information include

Your textbook on page 30

Google “High stakes tests”

School Vouchers

You are FOR school vouchers. You believe that they will enable parents, who could not otherwise afford it, an opportunity to put their students in a private school. You think that parents should have that option. Prepare a convincing two minute speech to convince us of your stance.

You have until Thursday to prepare. Some places to look for information include

Google “school vouchers”

School Vouchers

You are AGAINST school vouchers. You believe that they will take money from the public school system and will make the public schools a “second best” option. You believe it is the obligation of society to support public schools. Prepare a convincing two minute speech to convince us of your stance.

You have until Thursday to prepare. Some places to look for information include

Google “school vouchers”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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