December, 2003

10 National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

11 7:00 p.m. PBA Associational Council—Min. Center

17 Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Church News

Amherst Baptist has completed their VBS Concrete and Cranes program by meeting in two small groups over the course of 5 weeks after school. We had 30 enrolled for ages 4-11 and 4 in 12-15 yo group. We held VBS Commencement Nov. 8 and invited families to come to see their children share their learning experiences.  We have decided to continue this afternoon format for the month of December and do our CIA program for 4-11 yo.

We will have Christmas Eve Candle light service at 5:00 and have the children participate in telling the Christmas story.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at ABC.

Hilda Stevens, Church Administrator

Emmanuel Baptist will be having their annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 6:30 p.m. Social distancing and masks, please.

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Hello to all the Associational churches of the PBA. It is hard to believe we are almost through the 2020 year. So much has changed from 2019. I am sure you are tired of hearing words like, Pandemic, Vaccine, and Health Crisis. When we ended last year, we pictured a much different future for 2020. Well, I just wanted to let you know just in case it may have slipped your mind, God is still in control. The better part of this year may have been hampered by Covid-19, but I believe God can still end the year with a big bang.

I write to you with the Moderator’s report. Honestly the year has stripped us of many of the ideals we may have had to get things moving. I have heard of so many great things happening through various churches within our Association. I have heard many churches doing “Drive-In” church, having worship on Facebook Live, videoing sermons and mailing them, Online services, churches that have used their talents to create short wave radio, and many great things to keep the Gospel moving into the community. I implore you to keep that great work up. If you need ideas or links to things to help aid you in spreading the Gospel, you can go to the BGAV website and find many sources.

One thing I must report to you all is the lack of attendance and the lack of great people like you to fill the many opportunities and Committees of the PBA. This is not a new happening for the PBA; it is also not due to the current Covid issue. This issue has been a slow decline for several years now. I pray for the answers to correct this issue. I know it will take all of you to correct and to fill the PBA with the life we all want it to have. The PBA is not a club, but made up of all the churches that belong to it. A total of 21 churches make up the PBA. I extend an open invitation to all of you. Each church is welcomed to attend the quarterly meetings, and your church can be represented by you. The PBA needs your input, your ideas, your talents, and your God-given calling to represent it. There are many vacancies within the Committees of the PBA. You can find those vacancies in your PBA annual or you can contact Bonnie Davis to find out how you can get involved.

I pray for each of you, as we all have a lot on our hearts these days. Let us not waver. Let us stand strong and together in unity as the bride of Christ. The ability to unify is a lost art. Let us show our communities we can unify in the name of Christ and be great in the name of God.

God Bless you all. Bryan Painter, Moderator for the PBA Oct., 2019- Oct., 2021


People of Purpose Piedmont Baptist Association Accomplishing together what we cannot do alone

December, 2020

Vol. 42: No. 12


Hello PBA Members! My name is Amanda Willis and I will be serving as the Clerk/Treasurer/Secretary for the PBA effective January 1, 2021. My husband, Justin, and I have been members of Emmanuel Baptist for about a year. Our church family has been such a blessing in our lives! I’ve been living in Virginia for just over three years now, having grown up in the Chicago area. My husband and I hope to enjoy many years on our Amherst farm where we raise pigs, assorted poultry, and a few dairy cows. We are also looking forward to welcoming our first child this March, and setting down further roots in the community.

I look forward to meeting all of you and encourage you to reach out to say hello! I have big shoes in fill in taking over for Bonnie, and am excited for the opportunity to serve our PBA Community.

God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Amanda Willis

Pray for Church of the Week

Dec. 6 – Amherst Bapt.-Dr. Phil Kline

Dec. 13 – Calvary Bapt. – Rev. Jeremy Humphrey

Dec. 20 – Central Bapt.– Rev. Gary Anderson

Dec. 27 – Clifford Bapt.-Dr. Michael Fitzgerald

Jan. 3 –Ebenezer Bapt. – Rev. Dwayne Martin

Our world is going through struggles

like we have never experienced in our

lifetime. Many of us feel disheartened

and unsure of what to do next. Many

who had enough just a few months ago

are now doing without basic needs.  Merry Christmas from

Fortunately, God provided Jesus to be Bonnie F. Davis outgoing

the Light of the World. Clerk/Treasurer/Secretary & Treasurer

Celebrate the birth of our Savior. Amanda Willis incoming

Merry Christmas Clerk/Treasurer/Secretary & Treasurer



If you or someone you know are experiencing grief or divorce, “Surviving the Holidays” may be difficult.  Although we are not currently offering DivorceCare or GriefShare, we plan to be back as soon as we can.  In the meantime, you can find many helpful resources on  and , including online groups.

1  New Year’s Day—Ministry Center closed


A Great Multitude + You Rev. 7:9

November 29-December 6

Give that others may come to know Christ Jesus


23-25 Ministry Center Closed for Christmas

30- Jan 1 Ministry Center Closed for New Year


Piedmontbaptist@ 434-277-8905

Hours: 9-noon, Mon.-Fri.

pba. and on Facebook


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