Monthly Fun - University Of Maryland

Monthly Fun

The following info is from -


National Personal Self-Defense Awareness Month

National Poverty in America Awareness Month

Financial Wellness Month

Oatmeal Month

National Get Organized Month

Book Blitz Month

Women’s Self-Empowerment Week 3-9

National Take Back Your Time Week 23-27

International Thank-You Days 11-18

Hunt for Happiness Week 15-21

Someday We’ll Laugh About This Week 3-7


American Heart Month

International Boost Self-Esteem Month

International Expect Success Month

National African American History Month

National Black History Month

Youth Leadership Month

National Leadership Week 5- 11

Celebration of Love Week & Jello Week 12- 18

International Flirting Week 13 – 19

National Condom Week 14 – 21

Random Acts of Kindness Week 14 – 20

International Friendship Week 19 – 25

National Eating Disorder Awareness 2/26 – ¾


Irish-American Heritage Month

Women’s History Month

National Caffeine Awareness Month

Optimism Month

Mental Retardation Awareness Month

International Listening Awareness Month

American Red Cross Month

Celebrate Your Name Week 5-11

American Chocolate Week – third week

National Spring Fever Week 20-26

National Procrastination Week 6-12


Alcohol Awareness Month

Community Spirit Days

National Donate Life Month

National Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Physical Wellness Month

Stress Awareness Month

Laugh at Work Week 1-7

Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week 16-22

National Volunteer Week 16-22

National Wildlife Week 23-29


Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

Jewish American Heritage Month

National Allergy Awareness Month

National Physical Fitness & Sports Month

National Scholarship Month

Be Kind to Animals Week 1-7

National Suicide Awareness Week 2-8

National Etiquette Week 21-27


Caribbean-American Heritage Month

Gay & Lesbian Pride Month

National LGBT Month


National Recreation & Parks Month

Social Wellness Month

National Hot Dog Month

Blueberries Month

Cell Phone Courtesy Month


National Immunization Awareness Month

Happiness Happens Month


National Hispanic Heritage Month – Sept 15-Oct 15

Self Improvement Month

National Skin Care Awareness Month

International People Skills Month

Backpack Safety America Month


Italian American Heritage Month

Polish American Heritage Month

German American Heritage Month

Gay & Lesbian History Month

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

National Crime Prevention Month

Vegetarian Month


Arab American Heritage Month

National American Indian Heritage Month

National AIDS Awareness Month


National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month

Universal Human Rights Month

Identity Theft Prevention and Awareness Month


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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