Fourth Grade Newsletter

Fourth Grade Newsletter

Friday, 12/6/13 Hutchison Farm, ES

|[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] |Celebrating Winter: The fourth grade will be celebrating Winter Break on |

|Oh the weather outside is frightful!: It’s getting very cold outside, and we|Thursday, 12/19 for one hour in the afternoon. We will have winter-themed |

|are still having outdoor recess every day that it is dry outside. Please |activities and food, and will celebrate the beginning of our time off. Thank |

|make sure your child comes to school appropriately dressed and with a warm |you to our Room Moms who are organizing the party. All of you who volunteered|

|coat (hat & gloves) so that he/she may enjoy the fresh air and fun with |to help with parties this year may be hearing from them soon for additional |

|classmates. |help. Thanks in advance! The children our really looking forward to it. |

| | |

|Responsibility: Your children are becoming more independent students. We are| |

|still working with them on taking responsibility for the following: |Important Dates to Remember: |

|Homework – completing it and bringing it back to school the next day. |December 7th: Holiday Gift Shop |

|Agendas – Writing all assignments in it on a daily basis. |December 19th: Winter Party in classroom |

|Due dates – Completing assignments by the date set by the teacher. |December 20th: Sing-A-Long |

|Following Directions – Making sure they understand instructions and follow |December 23th – January 1st: Winter Break |

|them. |January 2nd: Classes Resume |

|Behavior – Realizing that appropriate behavior affects everyone around them | |

|in a positive way. |We wish you all a happy, relaxing, and safe winter break. We appreciate your|

|Belongings – Keeping track and taking care of their own things. |support! |

|Multiplication/Division – Continuing to practice their facts at home. | |

| |The Fourth Grade Teachers: Mrs. Winnans, Miss Fox, Miss Kaestner, Ms. |

|We appreciate your continued support at home to encourage your children to |McClellan, Mrs. Gil-Anderson, Mrs. Tuck |

|take on more responsibility! |Miss Fox’s Corner |

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|Take Time for Reading: We definitely want your children to relax and enjoy |Moon Phase Calendar: Did you see the moon last night? Ask your children if |

|their winter break. However, we do want to continue to encourage them to |they can tell you the phase of each night’s moon. If it is overcast and not |

|read for enjoyment as much as possible during their time off. Setting aside|visible, you may want to help your children go online or on T.V. to see the |

|even 20 minutes/day will give some peaceful moments for everyone during this|present phase of the moon. The children did a great job filling in a moon |

|busy time. ( |journal for the month of November to supplement our science unit. Here’s a |

| |helpful hint: waxing, the white is on the right; waning, the white is on the |

| |left! ( |

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