Bond County Community School District No

Bond County Community School District No. 2

Eric Swingler, Principal December

PBIS – Students at GES are continuing to do a great job in following the school’s expectations of being respectful, responsible and ready. Students have continued earning tokens and are spending them in the Rocket Fueling Station. Students who didn’t receive an office discipline referral (ODR) in the month of November will participate in our monthly classroom celebration, which will consist of Teacher’s Choice. 96.9% of the students will participate in this event. Students who received an office discipline referral will be retaught the expectations through cool tool lessons or social stories.

Greenville Bicycle Routes – I’m certain many of you have seen the new bicycle paths along some streets in town. On Thursday, December 7th, Officer Rieke will be at GES providing a safety presentation to all K-5th grade students. All students will receive a brochure which includes safety rules, bike laws, as well as a map indicating where the bike routes are located within the city.

K – 2nd Grade Christmas Music Programs – On Tuesday, December 12th, students in grades K-2nd will be performing their Christmas Programs during the school day. Like last year, each of the respective grade levels will perform at separate times in the GES Gymnasium during school hours. The purpose of performing during the day is to increase student participation in the programs. Kindergarten’s program will begin at 9:00 a.m. with a theme of Christmas Around the Clock. 1st Grade’s program begins at 9:45 a.m. with a theme of Christmas Is… 2nd Grade’s program begins at 10:30 a.m. with a theme of Frosty’s Big Adventure. The students have been working hard in preparation for this event. We hope you are able to join us on this festive morning and feel free to invite your family, grandparents, friends, etc.

5th Grade Band Concert – Members of the GES 5th Grade Band will be performing on Thursday, December 14th at 6:00 p.m. in the Greenville Elementary School Gymnasium. Please mark this date on your calendar and we hope to see you in attendance.

Koins for Kidz – Five GJH students from the Blue Crew (Alison Tabor, Ella Mendenhall, Rachel Ronat, Liz Campbell, Kennedy Hoffman) have organized a "Koins for Kidz" fundraiser for GES & GJH to participate in.  Their goal is to raise $800-$1,000 for Shriners Hospital for Children.  This event will run December 4th - 8th.  Buckets will be placed in each classroom for students to put money in.  Organizers will come around each day to collect donations.  The class that raises the most will win a doughnut party.  

Cold and Flu Season – As colder weather came, so has increased incidences of flu and colds. Please take this opportunity to talk with your child(ren) regarding the importance of healthy habits. Encourage hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes with an elbow or arm and proper disposal of used tissues. I have included a website from the Center for Disease Control which highlights National Handwashing Week, December 3rd – 9th.

Parent Request for Extended Travel of Student Form – If parents know their student is going to be out of school in advance, the principal or secretary should be notified and a parent approved form needs to be filled out and signed by teachers three days in advance of days requested. This form needs to be returned to the office verifying that the teachers are aware of the absence. The principal will then determine if an absence will be excused. Failure to have this form filled out and returned to the office will result in the absence being unexcused. It is expected that the student will be caught up on all assignments upon return. No more than five days of pre-planned absences will be excused for the school year.

GES Book Fair – Mrs. Barbey and Mrs. Nehrt will be hosting the GES Scholastic Book Fair from December 11th – 15th. The book fair will be open daily 8:00 – 3:30. We ask those wishing to purchase books with their children (K-2nd grade) on December 12th, to please meet your child in his/her classroom AFTER their Christmas Program. Special hours will be made available on December 14th from 5:00 – 6:00 and from 6:30 – 7:00, which is also the same night as the 5th Grade Band Concert.

Student Drop Off Reminder – For the safety of all students, please don’t drop students off at school prior to 7:45. The school doors aren’t opened until then nor is there adequate supervision. I also ask that parents pull their vehicle up as far as possible in an effort to make the drop off area more efficient. In addition, please make sure your child is ready to exit the vehicle on the passenger side. Thanks in advance for taking note of this reminder.

Lost & Found – There are many items in the Lost and Found. We are asking all students to look through the items prior to Christmas Break. If you are noticing any missing clothing items at home, chances are, they can be found here. Any items not claimed will be brought to a local agency for those in need.

Christmas Greetings – On behalf of the GES staff, I would like to wish each of you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Enjoy spending the holiday season with families and friends. I wish you safe travel wherever you go.

* Dates and times are subject to change. *

Monday, 4th – Friday, 8th – Koins For Kidz & PBIS School Wide Celebrations

Tuesday, 5th – 5th Grade Bradford National Bank Savings Prorgram

- 3:00 – 4:30 Crosswalk Kids

Wednesday, 6th – 8:00 Character Council Meets in Mrs. Rinella’s Room

- 3:15 PBIS Committee Meeting

Thursday, 7th – Greenville Bike Route Safety Presentation by Officer Rieke

Monday, 11th – Friday, 15th – Book Fair in GES Library

Tuesday, 12th – GES Christmas Programs in Gym (9:00 – 9:30 Kindergarten), (9:45 – 10:15 1st Grade), (10:30 – 11:00 2nd Grade)

- 3:00 – 4:30 Crosswalk Kids

Wednesday, 13th – Steering Committee Meeting

Thursday, 14th – 8:45 5th Grade Band Rehearsal for 3rd-5th Grades

- 3:05 – 4:15 DABBLERS for 2nd & 3rd in Art Room

- 6:00 5th Grade Band Concert in GES Gym

Friday, 15th – PBIS School Wide Celebration (Inflatables) in GES Gym

- 3:05 – 4:15 DABBLERS for 4th & 5th in Art Room

Monday, 18th – 3:05 – 4:15 DABBLERS for K & 1st in Art Room

- 7:00 Board of Education Meeting in GJH

Tuesday, 19th – 3:05 – 4:15 DABBLERS for K & 1st in Art Room

Thursday, 21st – 2nd Quarter Ends


Friday, 22nd – January 3rd – NO SCHOOL FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK

Thursday, January 4th - School Resumes


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