0000SOLOMON ISLANDS GOVERNMENTMINISTRY OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL SERVICES Environmental Health DivisionP.O. Box 349Honiara Phone: 28166 Fax: 25513MinutesMeeting:National Sanitation and Hygiene Technical Working Group Meeting 3Date:1st December, 2015Time:10:00 am – 1:00 pmVenue:RWASH Conference RoomChair:Tom Nanau (RWASH)Minute-taker:Isabel Ross (RWASH)Attendees: List attached Opening Prayer – Tom Nanau (RWASH)Opening Remarks – Tom Nanau (RWASH)Introductions – Tom Nanau (RWASH)Review of Previous Meeting’s Minutes – Tom Nanau (RWASH)Point 7, AOB, first dot point. Bryce has now left, although still engaged remotely. RWASH matters should be sent to RWASH Program Manager, Derrick Willie. Sanitation and Hygiene behaviour change matters should be sent to the Sanitation Manager, Marcel Gapu.Update on CLTS Pilot – Isabel Ross (RWASH)Pilot training was conducted in Central Province. Training went well, but follow-up was delayed due to a death in the community and, since then, community has lost inertia. No other communities have been triggered.Training of Community Leaders from Buala and Tirotonna was conducted in Isabel. They triggered Kolomola community during training, and Tirotonna after. Buala was meant to be triggered, but it is uncertain if this has happened. Kolomola and Tirotonna are almost ODF.Experience proves that CLTS works better in small / inland communities, rather than bigger / coastal communities.Question regarding greater demand for pour-flush in areas with water sources. This was not found to be the case in the pilot, with all communities selecting dry-pit latrines despite multiple water sources.Need to convince upper echelons of the church, and MPs, of CLTS approach.Action: RWASH to develop advocacy tool for LeadersSanitation and Hygiene Campaign – Marcel Gapu (RWASH)Progress so farLaunch of Communication Plan at Visale on Global Handwashing Day (October 15).Questionnaires developed & sample size determined – this took a lot of time. All baseline surveys in schools (6 HCC; 8 GP) are now complete. Still need to do household surveys in HCC.GHWD at Visale:What worked well: Media coverage, venue, entertainmentWhat can be improved: attendance from GP at meetings, invitations by email/phone not reliable, confused schools with the invitation, IEC not delivered on time.Action: RWASH to share GHWD reportsActivity – Improving Coordination for Global Handwashing DayThe meeting was asked to provide inputs regarding the coordination of Global Handwashing Day by RWASH.What worked well:Soap available easily and on time. The kids were happy to receive them.Meetings with stakeholders to discuss key messages and hear what everyone was doing so that there was no duplication.Variety of activities conducted, in a variety of places, with a variety of target audiences (teachers, children etc.)Engagement of the private sector (Palmolive)What can be improved:More activities in other provinces – not just HCC and GPNot just about the day – extend activities, and monitoring beyond 15 OctoberNeed more ownership from MHMS, MEHRD and ProvincesConflict with other international days (eg. Global Teachers Day, International Day Rural Women). Consider a Global Handwashing Month to allow flexibility in day.Start planning earlier & send out a calendar of activities at the start of the year.Action: RWASH to send out Handwashing Strategic Health Communication Plan with calendar.Improved reporting from partners back to RWASH, to create a picture / give statistics for all activities in the country. Thanks to Caritas and Red Cross who did submit reports.Sociocultural Study – Simon Doreille (French Red Cross)Presentation on results of a recent Sociocultural Study conducted in West GP, East GP and Savo. Presentation is attached.Action: RWASH to send Presentation & Executive Summary with minutesWater: Community rainwater tanks don’t work. Maintenance neglected to avoid conflict (eg. Asking payment from parents of kids who broke the tap)Toilets: People want flush but recognise the expense; Pour-flush requires people to carry water to the toilet, which means others will see when they’re going to the toilet; Recognise OD as bad, but consider it better than open pit toilet (“disgusting, unsafe”). Sharing unacceptable / cross-sibling avoidance (brothers / sisters cannot share the same latrine). Key messages: PEOPLE DESIRE CHANGE! They’re just not sure how to do it, so they wait for aid agencies to somehow select them. This makes them feel frustrated & neglected.CHANGE IS POSSIBLE! Look at Honiara, where siblings share toilets, etc. People will invest in desirable things (eg. Mobile phones, solar panels). Need to market toilets in the same way.Action: WSG to discuss / confirm process for communities to get help with water & CLTS (eg. Forms at Area Health Posts), and how to get this information to munities would love training on tap mechanic etc.Hygiene – drop teaching approach & go into experimental learning (eg. 50 cent microscopes)Provincial Ordinances – Godwin Kamtakule (UNICEF)Discussion on need for Provincial Ordinances regarding WASH.While there is RWASH Policy, this is not legislation.Legal advice is required. This can be done through Provincial Government Legal Advisor.Start with Generic (National) Ordinance, using input from National stakeholders. Provinces can then tailor this to their own situation so that they have ownership.Action: UNICEF to circulate example of ordinances & questions for stakeholders to consider.AOB – Marcel Gapu (RWASH)Water at Tuvaruhu & White River schools – bills were so big, and not paid, so water was cut off. Were these schools used as shelters during floods, & who is responsible for paying those bills? How can we help schools deal with illegal connections / mismanagement? What tariff are schools paying?Action: Raise issue at WSG. If possible, French Red Cross bring bills showing tariff and when the debt was accrued (eg. During floods, or after).Sanitation Booklet recommended for guidance on technology with communities. Example from Cambodia was shown. RWASH is developing a booklet based on input from a sub-committee group a few months ago – first draft will be ready this week. Also worth considering a “Sanitation Park” featuring different types of sanitation technology (eg. Don Bosco, RTC). Action: TWG members email RWASH if they want Cambodia or Solomons Design Books.Action: RWASH to look into requirements for a Sanitation Park.Closing Remarks – Marcel Gapu (RWASH)Closing Prayer – Georgina Hou (Live & Learn)AttendeesParticipantsPositionOrganisatonSexPhoneE-mailSimon DoreilleWASH Head of ProjectFrench Red CrossM7495322Wash-rehab-si.frc@croix-rouge.frMariangela D’adamoHygiene Promotion DelegateFrench Red CrossF7495956Hpofficer-van.frc@croix-rouge.frGeorgina HouGender & Social Inclusion OfficerLive & LearnF7912891Georgina.hou@Tom NanauDirectorMHMS - EHDM7918708tnanau@.sbPeter WopereisWASH SpecialistRDPM7456582peterwopereis@Godwin KamtukuleWASH ConsultantUNICEFM7858101gkamtukule@Emma GroganWASH EngineerCaritas AustraliaF20026Emma.c.f.grogan@Isabel RossSanitation & Hygiene AdvisorMHMS – EHDF8742130iross@.sbMarcel GapuSanitation ManagerMHMS – EHDM7455398mgapu@.sbEdward SarufiEngineerMHMS – ................

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