Four Month Plan

Four Month Plan

Registration by December, 2019

|Task or |Sept |Oct |Nov |Dec |

|Task Group | | | | |

|Gap Analysis |Sept. 6 | | | |

|First Steering Team Meeting |Sept 8 | | | |

|Assign Team Members | | | | |

|Train Team Members |Sept 13 | | | |

|Document Control |Sept 13 to | |Nov 8 | |

|Meet Weekly From: | | | | |

|Control of Quality Records | |Oct 4 to | | |

|Meet Weekly From: | |Oct 29 | | |

|Management Responsibility |Sept 13 to | |Nov 8 | |

|Meet Weekly From: | | | | |

|Competence, Awareness and Training | |Oct 4 |Nov 8 | |

|Meet Weekly From: | |to | | |

|Infrastructure | |Oct 4 to | | |

|Meet Weekly From: | |Oct 29 | | |

|Planning of Product Realization Processes |Sept 13 to | |Nov 30 | |

|Meet Weekly From: | | | | |

|Customer Related Processes | |Oct 4 to | | |

|Meet Weekly From: | |Oct 29 | | |

|Design and Development |Sept 13 to | |Nov 30 | |

|Meet Weekly From: | | | | |

|Purchasing | |Oct 4 to | | |

|Meet Weekly From: | |Oct 29 | | |

|Control of Production and Service Provision |Sept 13 to | |Nov 30 | |

|Meet Weekly From: | | | | |

|Identification and Traceability | |Oct 4 to | | |

|Meet Weekly From: | |Oct 29 | | |

|Customer Property | |Oct 4 to | | |

|Meet Weekly From: | |Oct 29 | | |

|Preservation of Product | |Oct 4 to | | |

|Meet Weekly From: | |Oct 29 | | |

|Control of Measuring and Monitoring Devices |Sept 13 to | |Nov 30 | |

|Meet Weekly From: | | | | |

|Monitoring, Measuring and Analysis of Customer | |Oct 4 to | | |

|Satisfaction | |Oct 29 | | |

|Meet Weekly From: | | | | |

|Internal Audits | |Oct 4 to | | |

|Meet Weekly From: | |Oct 29 | | |

|Monitoring, Measuring and Analysis of Product and | |Oct 4 to | | |

|Realization Processes | |Oct 29 | | |

|Meet Weekly From: | | | | |

|Control of Nonconforming Product | |Oct 4 |Nov 8 | |

|Meet Weekly From: | |to | | |

|Corrective Action and Preventive Action | | |Nov 1 | |

|Meet Weekly From: | | |to | |

| | | |Nov 30 | |

|Start Internal Audits | | |Nov 30 | |

|Hold Management Review | | |Dec 1 | |

|Train all employees | | |Nov 15 to | |

| | | |Nov 30 | |

|Run system as each team completes, total system | | |Nov 30 | |

|running by | | | | |

|Registration Audit | | | |Late Dec |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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