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Our Church Activities for This Week of December 8, 2013

Today 8:00am Heritage Worship Service with Holy Communion in Sanctuary

9:00am Christmas Brunch, Family Life Center

9:30am Blended Worship Service in Sanctuary

11:00am Contemporary Worship in the Family Life Center

11:00am Adult Bible Studies

1:00pm Confirmation Class

6:00pm Adult Inquiry Class, Fellowship Hall

6:00pm LWML Christmas Party at Nancy Duthey’s

Monday 1:00pm Prayer Shawl Meeting, Fellowship Hall

5:00pm Staff Meeting, Church offices

7:00pm Trustees Meeting, FLC #5

Tuesday 6:30pm Heritage Worship Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room

7:00pm Blended Worship Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room

7:00pm Boy Scouts, Family Life Center

Wednesday 9:00am BSF, Entire building

5:15pm Supper begins, Family Life Center

6:30pm Advent Worship Service, Sanctuary

Thursday 6:30pm Worship Team Rehearsal, Family Life Center

Friday 9:00am Women’s Bible Study, Fellowship Hall

10:30am MOPS Playdate at Grace

Saturday 9:00am Sunday School Program Practice

Next Sunday 8:00am Heritage Worship Service in Sanctuary

9:30am Blended Worship Service with Holy Communion in Sanctuary

9:30am Sunday School for Children, Youth and Adults

11:00am Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion in the Family Life Center

11:00am Adult Bible Studies

5:00pm Children’s Christmas Program, Family Life Center

5:00pm We Care at Schultz’s

6:00pm Adult Inquiry Class, Fellowship Hall

With glad rejoicing we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism at the 8 am service today for

Savannah Grace Curtis. Savannah is the daughter of Jacob and Melinda Curtis.

She was born October 28, 2013. Savannah’s godparents are Brenton and Lynsi Bolling.

Welcome to the family of God here at Grace, Savannah!

If you missed this past week’s Advent service, there is still time to hear the rest of the story.

Advent services are December 11 and 18 beginning at 6:30 pm. Josh and Kate’s experiences are sure

to provoke you to think about what’s really important this Christmas season.

You can listen to the episode you missed on our website:

All Women of Grace

You are cordially invited to the Grace Lutheran Women Missionary League

Annual Christmas PARTY

TONIGHT from 6 to 8 pm

at the home of Nancy Duthey

1037 Brantley Drive, Knoxville, 37923

Bring your favorite finger food and a $10 gift if you want to participate in “Dirty Santa” gift exchange

Contact Nancy Duthey at duthey@ or (865) 693-0998 or

Sandra Arnold at sandraarnold07@ or (865)567-7553

Everyone is invited to

The Children’s Annual Christmas Program!

Next Sunday, December 15 at 5 pm

“Holiday Treat” Exchange….after the Children’s Christmas Program.

Please bring 3 dozen or more of your favorite homemade holiday treats…cookies, brownies, fudge,

dessert bars, candy etc. to the Children’s Christmas Program to be shared.

There are also sign up sheets in the coffee area.

Families of the week for December 8…Bill and Sally Crain…Ursula Hays…Bob and Gail Kurtz…

Paul Martin…Gwen Scott

Wednesday Night Menu for Advent Services

Wednesday, December 11 Soup: Chicken and wild rice

Vegetable beef

Salad, bread and dessert

Wednesday, December 18 Beef tips, mashed potatoes

Salad and dessert

Cost of dinner $4 per adult, $3 for children

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)

MOPS Playdate: Friday, December 13 at 10:30 am at Grace

Next Meeting: Monday, December 16 at 9:30 am

Childcare is provided. If you need more information, contact Amy Baserman at 376-2552 or abaserman@.

Thank you to all our family at Grace for your expressions of sympathy at the death of our

father and grandfather, Paul Freno. Your kind words, your cards and gifts of food were truly appreciated.

Linda Jaekel, Chris Jaekel, Alissa Kennedy and the entire Freno family

Adult Sunday School Classes at 9:30 am Today

Pastoral Bible Study – Study of Luke – FLC Narthex

Dick Dettmering – “Acts of the Apostles” – FLC Classroom 111

Joel Roettger – “The Writing on the Wall” – FLC Classroom 113

Women Seeking Wisdom –- “40 Days in the Word” – FLC Classroom 114

Harvey Booher – “The Study of Matthew” – FLC Classroom 115

Guys in the Garage – God’s at War – Upstairs, Youth area

Junior High – FLC Classroom 112

Senior High ––Youth Room

Sunday School Classes at 11 am Today

Bible 101 – “Luke – That You May Know with Certainty” led by Dave Harjala – Room #206

Hot Topic – “2nd Timothy” led by Chuck Christiansen – Room #203

++++++++ Serving at Our Worship Service Today ++++++++

8:00 am Traditional 9:30am Blended

Elder: Steve Peterson Herman Pauley

Worship Assistant: Dave Harjala

Altar: Carol Herbold and Mary Schultz……………………………………

Acolyte: Jacob Cook Logan Gardner

Reader: Paul Martin Rene’ Mackley

Greeters: Gail Kurtz, Rose Piciacchia Ursula Hays

Ushers: Philip Roth, Ted Murphy Cliff Hyman

Church Staff Email Addresses

Senior Pastor Rich Elseroad PastorRich@

Associate Pastor Justin Bell Pastorjustin@

Associate Pastor Mark Bushuiakovish Pastormark@

Executive Director, Dale Henderson

Office Administrator, Joan Scraggs glc@

Office Secretary, Linda Jaekel linda@

Director of Children’s Ministries, Frieda Guthrie childrensmin@

Director of Music, Donna Bueckman dbueckman@

Organist and Choirmaster, Brian Patton bpatton10@

Connections Director, Traci Roth troth@

Head Elder, Troy Howe troyalexandra@

Properties Director, Dale King dking@

Fellowship Director, Jeff Spradlin jspradlin@

Evangelism Director, Todd Duenckel tduenckel@

Newsletter Editor, Debbie Booher dbooher@ (Deadline Dec.1 for January)


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