** Uniforms are expected with theme night unless noted. **


| |THEME | | |

|September 7 | | |First things First |

|September 14 |Time Capsule Night |Write down and bring 2-3 AWANA goals and print a current|He Holds the Future |

|Game Notes (Maybe make some predictions - how | |pic of yourself for the time capsule! (MUST bring with | |

|many nights off for snow? How many verses said? | |you to count for theme points.) | |

|How many kids here the last night of AWANA?) - | | | |

|Take a group pic of this night as well! | | | |

|September 21 | | |God's Keys to Happiness |

|September 28 |Duct Tape |Make something from Duct tape and wear it! |Proverbs 18:24 |

|Game notes: Duct Tape Games? | | |& devo: Left out |

|October 5 | | |Pointing Fingers and Throwing |

|(Sparks B1) | | |Stones |

|Leader notes: Throw beanbag game? | | | |

|October 12 |Silly Socks | |The Most Important Thing |

|Game Note: Shoe/sock games? | | | |

|October 19 | | |Building Bridges |

|October 26 - Likely carnival night - more info to|Costumes |Have your uniform with you in your bag for uniform |The Pumpkin |

|come. | |points and awards! | |

|November 2 |Book Night |Bring a new or gently used book for "Reach Out and Read"|Treasures in Heaven |

| | |at Covenant | |

|November 9 |Patriotic |Red, White, & Blue for YOU! |Proud to be a Christian |

| | |Have your uniform with you in your bag for uniform | |

| | |points and awards! | |

|November 16 (Sparks B2) | |STORE NIGHT! |Servanthood |

|End of Nov - December | |Kids are welcome to say memory work to Shanda or other | |

| | |listener on Wed nights or Sun morning. | |

|January 4 | | |Snowmen and People |

|Game: Snowball fight? (socks?) | | | |

|January 11 |Beach Blast |It's the middle of winter - but dress for the beach! If|Seashells |

|Games w/ beachballs, or indoor volleyball - talk | |wearing swimwear, please be sure it is modest. Have your| |

|to SK | |uniform with you in your bag for uniform points and | |

| | |awards! | |

|January 18 | | |Rewards of service |

|January 25 |PJ Night |Dress in your pj's for a cozy night at AWANA! Have your|Don't hit Snooze! |

| | |uniform with you in your bag for uniform points and | |

| | |awards! | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|February 1 (Sparks B3) |Soup-er-bowl Night |Bring soup for the food pantry - how many servings per |Stone Soup |

| | |person can each class bring? | |

|February 8 | | |Treating God as Kleenex |

|February 15 |Nerd Night |Dress Like a Nerd.... (Nerds candy for memory work!) |Nerd for God's Word |

|February 22 |Dots Everywhere! |Wear polka-dot clothing and "dot" your leader for every |The Road to Emmaus |

| | |verse you say! | |

| | |(Verses must be in order in book... except for the few | |

| | |extras we give out.) Have your uniform with you in your | |

| | |bag for uniform points and awards! | |

|April 19 |Bring a Ruler |Any sort of ruler, tape measure, etc will do! |Measuring God's Love |

|Games w/ rulers - talk to SK | | | |

|April 26 (Sparks B4) |STORE NIGHT | |You are Invited |


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