01 - Peachtree Charter Middle School

Skills Worksheet

Ch.20 Earth’s Ecosystems - Chapter Review

using key terms


2. Use each of the following terms in a separate sentence: intertidal zone, neritic zone, and oceanic zone.

For each pair of terms, explain how the meanings of the terms differ.

3. savanna and desert

4. open-water zone and deep-water zone

5. marsh and swamp

understanding key ideas


6. Trees that lose their leaves in the winter are called

a. evergreen trees. c. deciduous trees.

b. coniferous trees. d. None of the above

7. In which major ocean zone are plants and animals exposed to air for part of the day?

a. intertidal zone c. oceanic zone

b. neritic zone d. benthic zone

Chapter Review continued

8. An abiotic factor that affects marine ecosystems is

a. the temperature of the water.

b. the depth of the water.

c. the amount of sunlight that passes through the water.

d. All of the above

9. is a marine ecosystem that includes mudflats, sandy beaches, and rocky shores.

a. An intertidal area

b. Polar ice

c. A coral reef

d. The Sargasso Sea

Short Answer

10. What are seven land biomes?

11. Explain how a small lake can become a forest.

12. What are two factors that characterize biomes?

13. Describe the three zones of a lake.

Chapter Review continued

14. How do rivers form?

15. What are three abiotic factors in land biomes? three abiotic factors in marine ecosystems? an abiotic factor in freshwater ecosystems?

critical thinking


Chapter Review continued

17. Making Inferences Plankton use photosynthesis to make their own food. They need sunlight for photosynthesis. Which of the four major ocean zones can support plankton growth? Explain your answer.

18. Predicting Consequences Wetlands, such as marshes and swamps, play an important role in flood control. Wetlands also help replenish underground water supplies. Predict what might happen if a wetland dries out.

19. Analyzing Ideas A scientist has a new hypothesis. He or she thinks that savannas and deserts are part of one biome rather than two separate biomes. Based on what you’ve learned, decide if the scientist’s hypothesis is correct. Explain your answer.

20. Applying Concepts Imagine that you are a scientist. You are studying an area that gets about 100 cm of rain each year. The average summer temperatures are near 30ºC. What biome are you in? What are some plants and animals you will likely encounter? If you stayed in this area for the winter, what kind of preparations might you need to make?

Chapter Review continued

interpreting graphics



21. Which biome is most likely found in the region described by the graphs above? Explain your answer.

22. How many centimeters of rain fell in the region during the course of the year?

Chapter Review continued

23. Which month is the hottest in the region? the coolest in the region?

24. What is the average monthly precipitation for the month that has the highest average high temperature?

Answer Key

1. Sample answer: A biome is a large area characterized by climate and the plants and animals that live in the area. Tundra is a biome with cold temperatures, little rainfall, and no trees.

2. Sample answer: Organisms that live in the intertidal zone are exposed to the air for part of the day. In the neritic zone, water is warm and receives a lot of sunlight. The oceanic zone includes the deep areas of the ocean.

3. Sample answer: A savanna is a biome characterized by grasses and seasonal rains. A desert is a biome that is very dry and often very hot.

4. Sample answer: The open-water zone receives sunlight, while the deep-water zone does not receive sunlight.

5. Sample answer: Marshes do not have trees, while swamps do have trees.

6. C

7. A

8. D

9. A

10. temperate deciduous forests, coniferous forests, tropical rain forests, temperate grasslands, savannas, deserts, and tundras

11. Sample answer: Materials that are washed into the lake build up. To decompose these materials, bacteria use oxygen in the water, which affects the animals that live in the lake. The shallow areas fill in, and plants begin to grow. The lake becomes a marsh or swamp. Eventually, the marsh or swamp becomes a forest.

12. Sample answer: climate and the plants and animals that live in an area

13. Sample answer: The littoral zone is the area of a lake closest to shore, where sunlight reaches the bottom of the lake. The open-water zone extends from the littoral zone and is as deep as sunlight can reach. The deep-water zone lies beneath the open-water zone.

14. Sample answer: Water in rivers may come from springs or melting snow. Each stream of water joins another stream. As more water is added, the stream eventually becomes a river.

15. climate, water, and rocks; water temperature, water depth, and the amount of sunlight that passes through the water; the speed at which water moves

16. An answer to this exercise can be found at the end of the teacher’s edition.

17. Sample answer: Plankton can live in the intertidal zone, the neritic zone, and the oceanic zone. All of these areas receive sunlight, which is necessary for photosynthesis.

18. Sample answer: The area may be more likely to flood if the wetland dries out. Also, because wetlands store water, there may be a shortage of water in the area.

19. Sample answer: The hypothesis is incorrect. Savannas and deserts have different climates. Savannas get more rain than deserts do. Also, the plants and animals in each area are different. Savannas have grasses and scattered trees, while the plants in the desert grow far apart and are adapted to a very dry climate.

20. Sample answer: The biome is likely a deciduous forest. I would see deciduous trees, bears, deer, and woodpeckers. Winters are likely cold, so I will need warm clothing and shelter.

21. Sample answer: The biome is likely a desert because the region receives less than 25 cm of rain during the year and is warm.

22. about 19 cm

23. August; January

24. 0 cm


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