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Decimal Clue ConundrumIn this lesson, students will explore the value of decimals by comparing and ordering decimals.NC Mathematics Standard(s):Number Base TenNC.5.NBT.3 Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.? Write decimals using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.? Compare two decimals to thousandths based on the value of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.Standards for Mathematical Practice:Reason abstractly and quantitativelyConstruct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of othersModel with mathematics7. ??Look for and make use of structureStudent Outcomes: I can compose decimals that are in between two numbers.I can use comparison and place value to compose decimals.I can represent decimals in many ways.Materials: Number cards 0-9 (one set per student)Decimal point and direction cards (one of each per student)Decimal Clue cards (one set per group)Advance Preparation: Copy and cut number, direction, and decimal cards.Consider how you will group students.Students should have ample experience representing decimals in many ways.Students should have some experience comparing decimals.Directions:Students work in groups of 3.Each student needs number cards 0-9, a decimal point card, and a directions card.Each group of students needs a stack of Decimal Clue cards to share.Groups should set the Decimal Clue cards face down in the center of their group.Each student should take one Decimal Clue card. The student should use their number cards and decimal point card to build a number according to the clue on the card. For example: “Build a number between 0.1 and 0.2”When everyone in the group has built their decimal, they should take turns sharing their Decimal Clue card and explaining how their decimal fits the clue on the card. Encourage students to say the decimal they built using place value ?(“My number is 13 hundredths.” Instead of saying : zero point one three )Group members should discuss whether they agree or disagree with the number.Now the students should put their 3 clues together and try to create one decimal that fits all 3 clues.Once they find a decimal that fits the clues, they should write their decimal on a recording sheet or white board using 3 additional representations. Possible representations include: as a fraction, in words, as a picture, on a number line, or in expanded form. When a group is finished, they can share their work with another group or with the teacher. ?A whole group share or a gallery walk can be part of a discussion.After a group finishes one round, ?the group may draw 3 new cards and repeat the process:Build a number that fits your clueShare with your groupAs a group build a number that fits all 3 cluesRepresent the decimal in 3 additional ways(If it is impossible to build a number that meets all 3 clues, explain why.)Questions to Pose:How did you figure out that this decimal fits the clue?How can you prove that this decimal makes sense based on the clues?How could your answer be different if this clue was removed?Create a clue you could add to the set that would make the decimal impossible.Possible Misconceptions/Suggestions:Possible MisconceptionsSuggestionsStudent has difficulty comparing decimalsStudent should have ample experience building decimals with blocks, shading on decimal grids, and using number lines. Use one of these models to represent two decimals. Now the student can make a visual comparison.Student has difficulty representing the decimal in 3 waysMake a list of possible representations on the board for the students to refer to during the taskSuggest that the student focus on three models: shade on a grid, write in expanded form, and place on a number line. These representations are especially helpful for strengthening student understanding of decimals.50617283941181735466725112458551244511842756013451115060582295117475053784511150605568951203325522605111506055118011938005448301105535535305 ................

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