
Burlington County Institute of Technology

Medford Campus Westampton Campus


Course Title: Electronics

Curriculum Area:


Board Approved: June 2009

Prepared by: Eugene Catanzaro

Mary D. Meng

Donald Vogel


Electronics may be thought of as the science and/or technology that deal primarily with the applications of electron theory to the extension of a human's senses, brain power and physical power. In many branches of electronics, we deal with systems using devices that collect and process information, transmit it to a point of need, and at that point of need use it to control machines or reprocess the information for direct human usage. Radio, radar, television, telemetry, data acquisition and storage, data processing, programming, computers, etc., are all examples of systems relating to this concept of electronics.

For individuals to qualify as electronic technicians, they must develop skills in the use of hand tools and limited power equipment. These technicians must recognize, interpret, and properly use a wide range of conventional and sophisticated test equipment with associated safety knowledge of same. These individuals must have mastered a comprehensive understanding of basic principles and concepts of electronics.

Supporting his or her understanding, the electronics technician must be able to read with comprehension, technical literature involving electronics terms and descriptions; along with this comprehension of technical material, proficiency must be developed in the reading and interpreting of schematics and blueprints. The technician must be further qualified in the identification and recognition of electronics components and equipment. All eight contents indicated above in this course are presented through lecture, lab experiments, audio-visual and video aides, trade field trips, textbooks, and computers.

The coverage afforded by this course is designed to enable the student to reach his/her ultimate goal of being an entry level electronics technician and to prepare the student for a continuation of advanced studies such as engineering.

The Electronics Technician program is designed to measure the degree of theoretical knowledge and technical proficiency of an entry level technician on entering the electronics industry.


STANDARD 9.1: Career and Technical Education

All students will develop career awareness and planning, employability skills, and foundational knowledge necessary for success in the workplace.

Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of grade 12, students will:

9.1.12 A. Career Awareness and Preparation

1. Re-evaluate personal interests, abilities, and skills through various measures including self-assessments.

2. Evaluate academic and career skills needed in various career clusters.

3. Analyze factors that can impact an individual’s career.

4. Review and update their career plan and include the plan in a portfolio.

5. Research current advances in technology that apply to a selected occupational career cluster.

9.1.12 B. Employability Skills

1. Assess personal qualities that are needed to obtain and retain a job related to career clusters.

2. Communicate and comprehend written and verbal thoughts, ideas, directions, and information relative to educational and occupational settings.

3. Select and utilize appropriate technology in the design and implementation of teacher-approved projects relevant to occupations and/or higher educational settings.

4. Evaluate the following academic and career skills as they relate to home, school, community, and employment.

• Communication

• Punctuality

• Time management

• Organization

• Decision making

• Goal setting

• Resources allocation

• Fair and equitable competition

• Safety

• Employment application skills

• Teamwork

5. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership skills that include student participation in real world applications of career and technical education skills.

STANDARD 9.2 Consumer, Family, and Life Skills

All students will demonstrate critical life skills in order to be functional members of society.

Building upon knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of Grade 12, students will:

9.2.12 A. Critical Thinking

1. Apply communications and data analysis to the problem-solving and decision making processes in a variety of life situations.

2. Describe and apply constructive responses to criticism.

3. Apply the use of symbols, pictures, graphs, objects, and other visual information to a selected project in academic and/or occupational settings.

4. Recognize bias, vested interest, stereotyping, and the manipulation and misuse of information while formulating solutions to problems the interfere with attaining goals

5. Apply knowledge and skills needed to use various means of transportation within a community

9.2.12 B. Self-Management

1. Revise and update the personal growth plan to address multiple life roles.

2. Apply project planning and management skills in academic and/or occupational settings.

3. Compare and contrast methods for maximizing personal productivity.

9.2.12 C. Interpersonal Communication

1. Model interpersonal and effective conflict resolution skills.

2. Communicate effectively in a variety of settings with a diverse group of people.

9.2.12 D. Character Development and Ethics

1. Analyze how character influences work performance.

2. Identify and research privileges and duties of citizens in a democratic society.

3. Discuss consequences and sanctions when on-the-job rules and laws are not followed.

4. Compare and contrast a professional code of ethics or code of conduct from various work fields and discuss similarities and differences.

5. Apply a professional code of ethics to a workplace problem or issue.

9.2.12 E. Consumer and Personal Finance

1. Analyze factors that influence gross and net income.

2. Design, implement, and critique a personal financial plan.

3. Discuss how to obtain and maintain credit.

4. Prepare and use skills for budget preparation, making predictions about income and expenditures, income tax preparation, and adjusting spending or expectations based on analysis.

5. Use comparative shopping techniques for the acquisition of goods and services.

6. Analyze the impact of adverting, peer pressure, and living arrangements on personal purchasing decisions.

7. Evaluate the actions a consumer might take in response to excess debt and personal financial status.

8. Analyze the interrelationships between the economic system and consumer actions in a chosen career cluster.

9.1.12 F. Safety

1. Engage in an informed discussion about rules and laws designed to promote safety and health.

2. Describe and demonstrate basic first aid and safety procedures.

3. Analyze the occurrence of workplace hazards.

4. Practice the safe use of tools and equipment.

5. Implement safety procedures in the classroom and workplace, where appropriate.

6. Discuss motor vehicle safety, including but not limited to, New Jersey motor vehicle laws and regulations, methods of defensive driving, and the importance of personal responsibility on public roads/streets.

General Objectives:

1. To prepare the student with sufficient knowledge of the electronics field to enable the student to qualify for entry level employment upon the completion of the course.

2. To prepare the student for more advanced training in electronics after completion of this course.

UNIT I: Orientation and Safety

A. Specific Objectives

1. The student will be able to...

a. list and describe tools used in the electronic career major

b. explain safety as it relates to use of tools in the shop

c. develop safe work habits and recognize safety hazards

d. outline career major rules and regulations

e. describe laboratory procedures

f. discuss all aspects of safety as it relates to the program

g. identify the program proficiencies

h. Understand team concepts

i. Resume and presentation skills

j. Team concepts as a team leader and a team member

k. Quality control, time management and continuous improvement

l. Work and social ethics

m. Basic first aid

B. Basic Content

1. Career major rules, regulations and introductions

2. Career major familiarization and shop notebooks

3. General orientation and laboratory procedures

4. Duties, duty assignments and responsibilities

5. Career major housekeeping

6. Safety

7. Safety in the career major

8. Safety in your home workshop

9. Dangerous hidden charges

10. Proficiencies in the electronics program

C. Resources and Materials

(See Bibliography)

UNIT II: Study Skills

A. Specific Objectives

1. The student will be able to demonstrate the ability to...

a. read charts and graphs

b. use trade reference manuals

c. outline

d. demonstrate knowledge of the trade in various test formats

e. take notes

f. read and interpret technical information

g. Troubleshoot problems

h. Uses and objectives to using electronic circuit simulation software

i. Proficiently maintain a lab journal

j. Communication skills in social and technical applications

B. Basic Content

1. Reference materials

a. Charts

b. Graphs

c. trade manuals

d. technical publications

2. Studying

a. note taking

b. outlining

c. organizing career major material

d. writing up lab experiments

3. Test taking

a. Skimming

b. Educated guessing

c. locating key words

d. key concepts

e. study strategies

C. Resources and Materials

(See Bibliography)

UNIT III: Electronics Assembler, D.O.T. 726.684-018,

Electronics Tester, D.O.T. 726.281-014,

T.V. Cable Installer, D.O.T. 821.281-010,

Electronics Utility Worker, D.O.T. 726.366.11

A. Specific Objectives

1. The student will be able to...

a. identify references and their uses as they relate to electronics

b. use tables and charts to solve problems

c. differentiate the English and metric system

d. convert numbers to powers of 10

e. define such terms as atoms, molecules and matter

f. explain conductance conductors, insulators, resistance

g. electronic symbols and terminology

h. explain voltage and potential difference

i. list in writing and describe various sources of EMF

j. describe the various types of cells

k. draw symbols and identify components using color codes series

l. Ohms Law and power

m. resistors in parallel and in series-parallel

n. read voltage and resistance with accuracy and precision

o. describe and explain Kirchhoff's law

p. form equations for two voltage sources

q. describe the use and operation of the VOM

r. explain the operation and meter movement of the voltmeter, ammeter, shunt ohmmeter, and the galvanometer

s. define alternating current, wavelength, reactance

t. outline and explain the effects of capacitance and inductance

u. explain rectifiers, transformers

v. outline and explain semiconductor theory and application

w. explain the theory and servicing of AM and FM transmitters/receivers

x. explain the theory, math and circuit operation of digital circuits

y. outline the computer operating system

z. outline the soldering assembly and rework techniques

aa. describe and explain Network Analysis as follows:

1) current sources

2) determinants

3) branch analysis

4) mesh analysis

5) nodal analysis

6) superposition

7) power transfer and network transforms

B. Basic Content

1. Course overview

a. available references

b. how to use reference material

c. initiative and resourcefulness

d. the use of tables and charts

e. the English and the metric system

f. prefixes, suffixes and component qualities

g. power of ten

h. conductors and insulators, resistance

i. potential, EMF, electrical pressure

j. Series, parallel and series parallel circuit theory and application

k. solar, chemical static, mechanical, thermal, and piezoelectric

l. different types of batteries

m. identification and symbols, color codes

n. resistors in series, parallel, series parallel

o. reading voltages, resistance and current

p. electromagnetism and current flow with magnetism

q. the VOM and DMM/theory and applications

r. the basic movement, voltmeter, ohmmeter, amp meter and galvanometer

s. alternating current and voltage

t. capacitors and inductors

u. operation and application of rectifiers and transformers in the power supply

v. half wave, full-wave rectification, and bridge rectifiers

w. Decibel gain

x. Fiber optics

y. RC filters

1) 2-stage filters

2) R and Xc at ripple frequency

3) times 10 rule

z. three-phase power

1) reference point and subscript

2) three-phase generation

3) the wye connection

4) the delta connection

5) the wye-delta and delta-wye connection

6) network analysis of circuit

aa. Green energy concepts

1) Solar energy

2) Wind energy

3) Geothermal

4) Smart home technology

ab. Solder skills

1) Good solder joint

2) Rework techniques

3) Working to specifications

4) Defect documentation

5) Inspections and peer inspections

ac. Telecommunications

1) Telephone basics

2) Cabling (wires, crimping, punch blocks)

3) Networks

4) Properties of fiber cables

5) Light concepts

C. Resources and Materials

(See Bibliography)

UNIT IV: Radio Installer - D.O.T. 806.648-038

Electronics Tester - D.O.T. 726.281-014

Electronics Tester - D.O.T. 726.282-014

Equipment Installer - D.O.T. 828.261-022

Electro-mechanical Apprentice - D.O.T. 828.281-014

Radio Mechanic - D.O.T. 823.261-018

Public Address Ser. - D.O.T. 823.261-010

A. Specific Objectives

1. The student will be able to...

a. measure and evaluate the effects of voltage and current in solid state devices

b. gather and plot characteristic information on solid state devices

c. design and fabricate amplifying circuits using solid state devices

d. demonstrate the ability of vacuum tubes and transistors to amplify

e. measure factors of gain, impedance, and distortion in amplifying circuits

f. observe loading effects, phase relations between input and output, and bias effects in amplifiers

g. construct, observe and measure the outputs of various types of oscillators

h. troubleshoot amplifiers and oscillators

i. construct, troubleshoot and observe the functioning of various simple transmitters

j. align, tune, and measure output information on various simple transmitters

k. construct, troubleshoot and observe the operation of AM transmitters in respect to frequency, type of emission, and modulation

l. measure frequency employing various techniques

m. construct, troubleshoot, align, and observe the operation of AM transistor receivers

n. Build and calibrate student project AM/FM 108-K radio

o. Perform peer inspections on solder, component orientation, quality and troubleshooting assistance

p. Component research and substitution

B. Basic Content

1. Current flow in semi-conductors

a. Junction diode

1) Forward bias

2) Reverse bias

3) Junction barrier

2. Transistor circuit characteristics

a. common emitter

1) Current gain

2) Voltage gain

3) Power gain

4) Phase of output

5) Input and output impedance

3. Common base

a. current gain

b. voltage gain

c. power gain

d. phase of output

e. input and output impedance

4. Common collector

a. current gain

b. voltage gain

c. power gain

d. phase of output

e. input and output impedance

5. Methods of transistor circuit biasing

6. Frequency and power limitations in transistors

7. Design of transistor circuits

8. Characteristic curves

a. power and voltage gain requirements

b. impedance factors

c. bread boarding techniques

9. Audio amplifiers

a. voltage amplifiers

1) classes of operation

2) types of bias

3) types of coupling

10. Power amplifiers

a. Classes of operation

b. types of bias

c. types of coupling

11. Radio frequency amplifiers

a. voltage amplifiers

1) classes of amplifiers

2) types of feed

3) neutralization

12. Power amplifiers

a. types of feed

b. frequency multipliers

c. neutralization

13. Oscillators

a. Armstrong

b. Hartley

c. Multi Vibrators

14. Basic transmitters

15. Frequency measurements

a. heterodyne frequency meters

b. lissajous methods

16. Amplitude modulation

a. percentage of modulation

b. over modulation

c. carrier

d. frequency

17. Methods of displaying and measuring percent modulation

a. direct envelope method

18. Methods of tuning AM transmitters

19. Amplitude modulated receivers

20. Super heterodyne receivers

a. RF and mixer sections

b. IF section

c. Detectors

d. audio section

21. Alignment of super heterodyne receivers

22. Troubleshooting super heterodyne receivers


24. Compare JFETS (Uni-polar) and Bipolar Transistors

25. Basic ideas of solid-state theory and applications

26. Schematic Symbol

27. Biasing a JFET

28. Gate-Source Cutoff Voltage

29. Gate Leakage Current

30. High Input Resistance

31. Drain Curves

32. Gate Bias

33. Self Bias

34. Gate-Source Voltage

35. Self-Bias Line

36. Effect of Source Resistance

37. Graphical Analysis

38. Graphical Design

39. Tolerances

40. Voltage-Divider and Source Bias

41. Voltage-Divider Bias

42. Source Bias

43. Current-Source Bias

44. Two supplies

45. One supply

46. Simple JFET Model

47. The CS Amplifier

48. Phase inversion

49. Voltage Gain

50. Distortion

51. Swamping Resistor

52. The CD Amplifier

53. Voltage Gain

54. Less Distortion

55. Output Impedance

56. The JFET Analog Switch

57. Load Line

58. Shunt Switch

59. Series Switch

60. Multiplexing

61. Other JFET Applications

62. Buffer Amplifier

63. Low-Noise Amplifier

64. Voltage-Variable Resistance

65. Automatic Gain Control

66. Cascade Amplifier

67. Current Limiting

68. Conclusion (Advantages and Usages)


70. The Depletion-Type MOSFET

71. Depletion Mode

72. Enhancement Mode

73. Drain Mode

74. Normally On

75. Schematic Signal

76. Biasing Depletion-Type Mosfets

77. Depletion-Type Mosfet Applications

78. The Enhancement-Type Mosfets

79. Threshold Voltage

80. Drain Curves

81. Schematic Symbol

82. Maximum Gate-Source Voltage

83. Biasing Enhancement-Type Mosfets

84. DC Amplifier

85. Summary of Bias

86. Enhancement-Type Mosfet Application

87. Activer Load

88. CMOS Inverter

89. VMOS

90. Vertical Channel

91. Lack of Thermal Runaway

92. Parallel Connection

93. Faster Switching Speed

94. Interfacing Devices

C. Resources and Materials

(See Bibliography)

UNIT V: Electronic Technician - D.O.T. 003.161-014

Electronic communications technician - D.O.T. 003.161-014

A. Specific Objectives

1. The student will be able to...

a. explain operating principles of an FM transmitter

b. Assemble, align, measure, and plot the output of an FM detector

c. Assemble, troubleshoot, align on FM receiver

d. Explain the operating characteristics of various antennas

B. Basic Content

1. Frequency modulation receiver

a. alignment of FM receiver

b. troubleshooting FM receivers

2. Frequency modulation transmitters

a. method of producing FM

b. solid state modulation

3. Antennas

a. types of antennas

b. theory and applications of antennas

c. loading and tuning of an antenna

4. Build and test and calibrate an AM/FM-108TK or equivalent

C. Resources and Materials

(See Bibliography)

UNIT VI: Electronics Technician - D.O.T. 003.161-014

Electronics Communications Technician - D.O.T. 003.161-01411

Electronics Mechanic - D.O.T. 828.281-010

A. Specific Objectives

1. The student will be able to...

a. understand the principles and application of digital electronics

b. explain how digital circuits are used in electronic equipment

c. understand the operation of logic gates

d. use truth tables and Boolean expressions to solve real-world problems in electronics

e. understand the construction and operation of liquid-crystal and led seven-segment displays

f. understand the 8421 BCD Code

g. understand various digital systems and how they transmit data

h. troubleshoot problems in counter circuits

i. troubleshoots, install, and repair digital systems

j. operates and uses a logic probe or digital testing device and equipment

k. construction of logic gates to form combination logic circuits

l. understand interfacing of analog devices to digital systems

m. install, repair, and operate basic microcomputer systems

n. Construct, build and program the 809 microprocessor trainer

B. Basic Content

1. Digital electronics

a. What is a digital circuit?

b. Where are digital circuits used?

c. How do you make a digital signal?

d. How do you test for a digital signal?

2. Numbers we use in digital electronics

a. counting in decimal and binary

b. place value

c. binary to decimal conversion

d. decimal to binary conversion

e. electronic translators

f. hexadecimal numbers

3. Binary logic gates

a. the AND gate

b. the OR gate

c. the inverter

d. the NAND gate

e. the NOR gate

f. the exclusive OR gate

g. the exclusive NOR gate

h. the NAND gate as a universal gate

i. gates with more inputs

j. using inverters to convert gates

k. practical TTL logic gates

l. troubleshooting simple gate circuits

4. Using binary logic gates

a. constructing circuits from Boolean expressions

b. drawing a circuit from a maxterm Boolean expression

c. truth tables and Boolean expressions a sample problem

d. simplifying Boolean expressions

e. Karnaugh maps theory and applications

f. Karnaugh maps with three variables

g. Karnaugh maps with four variables

h. using NAND logic

i. solving logic problems the easy way

j. digital logic levels

k. troubleshooting simple logic circuits

5. Codes, encoding, decoding

a. the 8421 BCD code

b. encoders

c. seven-segment LED displays

d. decoders

e. BCD-to-seven-segment

f. liquid-crystal displays

g. troubleshooting a decoding circuit

6. Flip-flops

a. the R-S flip flop

b. the clocked R-S flip-flop

c. the D flip-flop

d. the J-K flip-flop

e. IC latches

f. triggering flip-flops

7. Counters

a. ripple counters

b. modulo-10 ripple counters

c. synchronous counters

d. down counters

e. self-stopping counters

f. counters as frequency dividers

g. IC counters

h. sequential logic troubleshooting equipment

i. troubleshooting a counter

8. Shift registers

a. serial load shift registers

b. parallel load shift registers

c. a universal shift register

d. using the 74194 IC shift register

e. troubleshooting a simple shift register

9. Arithmetic circuits

a. binary addition

b. half adders

c. full adders

d. three-bit adders

e. binary subtraction

f. parallel sub tractors

g. using adders for subtractions

h. four-bit adder/sub tractors

i. serial adder systems

j. IC adders

k. parallel adder/subtract or systems

l. binary multiplication

m. binary multipliers

n. twos complement notation, addition and subtraction

o. twos complement adder/sub tractors

p. troubleshooting a full adder

10. Memories

a. random-access memory (RAM)

b. an IC RAM

c. using a RAM

d. read-only memory (ROM)

e. using a ROM

f. programmable read-only memory (PROM)

g. magnetic core memory

h. computer bulk storage devices

i. microcomputer memory

11. Digital systems

a. elements of a system

a. a digital system on an IC

b. the calculator

c. the computer

d. the microcomputer

e. microcomputer operation

f. microcomputer address decoding

g. data transmission

h. detecting errors in data transmissions

i. adder/subtractor system

j. the digital clock

k. the LSI digital clock

l. a practical LSI digital clock system

m. the frequency counter

n. an experimental frequency counter

12. Connecting with analog devices

a. D/A conversion

b. operational amplifiers

c. a basic D/A converter

d. ladder-type D/A converters

e. an A/D converter

f. comparators

g. a digital voltmeter

h. other A/D converters

13. Software and Hardware Interaction

a. computer system block diagram

b. memory section

c. CPU section

d. input-output interface section

e. bus structure

1) address bus

2) data bus

3) control bus

f. execution of program

g. arithmetic logic group

1) accumulator

2) temporary register

3) decimal adjust circuitry

4) flag flip-flops

h. registers, program counter and address latch

1) register pairs

2) stack pointer

3) program counter

4) address latch

i. instruction register and decoder

j. assembly language programs

k. instruction set

l. build and test student project 540 binary clock

m. build, test and program student project 809 microprocessor

C. Resources and Materials

(See Bibliography)



1. Identify, define and utilize all technical terms and vocabulary in the Electronics program.

2. Interpret materials found in blueprints, schematics and technical manuals.

3. Formulate relationships between vocabulary and actual parts of equipment.

4. Put all necessary material into sequential order.

5. Sequentially list underlying principles and methods of controlling work in progress.

6. Describe relationship between quality assurance and manufacturing process.

7. Understand, interpret and prepare error probability graphs and charts.

8. Write factual reports.

9. Write descriptive reports.

10. Demonstrate computer literacy.

11. Develop computer skills consistent with material taught.

12. Develop computer skills pertinent to basic industrial automation.

13. Form a hypothesis and provide the facts to prove/disprove the hypothesis.

14. Adapt writing and speaking styles to suit audience, purpose and/or situation.

15. Apply methods to incorporate prior knowledge and test taking skills.

16. Collect and organize information both oral and written.

17. Edit notes.

18. Edit oral presentations.

19. Edit writing.

a. cause/effect

b. sequentially written

c. coherence

d. adequate details

20. Offer written and oral critiques.

21. Comprehend oral/written information.

a. cause/effect relationships

b. draw conclusions

c. offer rationale and support it

22. Evaluate oral/written material

a. clarity

b. fact/opinion

c. sources

d. conclusions/solutions

e. relationship of ideas

f. Student inspections

23. Infer and predict oral/written material

a. cause/effect relationships

b. adequate details

c. outcome/solution

d. rationale

e. sequence

24. Use available resources

a. library resources

b. text resources

c. guides to material

d. internet

25. Show comprehension of material.

26. Organizational skills.

27. Apply critical thinking skills.

a. learn from mistakes and self correct

b. ask questions for clarification

c. read for answers

d. write to develop ideas

e. apply new ideas

f. explain their ideas clearly and factually

g. learn to assess other people's ideas

h. make sound judgments based on evidence

i. student lab and project inspections

j. troubleshooting techniques

k. peer teaching


1. Add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals.

2. Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions.

3. Solve ratio and proportion problems.

4. Solve problems involving percents.

5. Solve problems involving powers and roots of numbers using a calculator.

6. Read and measure objects with a standard ruler.

7. Read and measure objects with a metric ruler.

8. Apply the concept of approximate numbers and significant digits to measurements and calculators.

9. Change between units of measure in different systems of measure as required by a particular problem.

10. Evaluate expressions involving positive and negative numbers.

11. Evaluate literal expressions by substitution.

12. Solve equations for an unknown using two or more steps.

13. Understand and apply inequalities.

14. Apply electrical formulas.

a. Ohm’s Law

b. series and parallel circuit analysis

c. inductive rectangle

d. capacitive reactance

15. Understand exponential functions.

16. Understand the difference between decimal numbers and binary numbers.

17. Convert a decimal number to a binary number and vice versa.

18. Add binary numbers.

19. Subtract binary numbers by adding the complement.

20. Understand and use the binary-coded decimal number system (BCD).

21. Understand the hexadecimal system.

22. Apply basic Boolean algebra techniques and the laws.

23. Identify various logic gates (i.e., and, or and, nor and negotiations).

24. Set up basic digital circuits using logic gates.

25. Predict inputs and outputs of a digital circuit via truth tables.

26. Simplify basic digital circuits algebraically.

27. Graph points and lines on the x-y plane.

28. Apply the distance and midpoint formulas.

29. Find the slope of a line given two points.

30. Build a linear equation given:

a. a point and the slope of a line

b. two points on the line

c. an intercept and the slope of the line

d. a point and its relationship to another line

31. Graph a linear equation.

32. Given a linear equation, to write it in slope-intercept form.

33. Given an equation, identify the slope and the intercept.

34. Given two equations, determine whether the lines are parallel, perpendicular or neither.

35. Solve a system of linear equations by:

a. graphing

b. the substitution method

c. the linear combination method

36. Translate word statements into algebraic statements.

37. Simplify expressions involving exponents.

38. Write a number in scientific notation.

39. Perform multiplication and division on expressions written on scientific notation with the use of a calculator.

40. Find the nth root of a number.

41. Write an expression with fractional exponents in the form of a radical.

42. Simplify expressions involving fractional exponents.

43. Solve a system of two linear equations in two variables by:

a. graphing

b. the substitution method

c. the adding or subtracting method

44) Convert an angle in degree measure to an angle in radian measure and vice versa.

45) Determine the quadrant in which the terminal side of a given angle lies.

46) Find conterminal angles of a given angle.

47) Solve right triangle application problems.

48) Apply critical thinking skills to solve mathematical and theoretical problems and shop applications.


1. Apply and use lab techniques - safety.

2. Apply and use maps, charts, tables and graphs.

3. Apply and use models, theories, and laws.

4. Apply and use scientific methods -

a. analysis

b. data gathering

c. observation

d. predictions

e. problem identification

5. Convert measurement units.

6. Measure distance length.

7. Measure mass and weight.

8. Measure pressure.

9. Measure temperature.

10. Measure volume.

11. Calculate work.

12. Calculate efficiency.

13. Describe and explain friction.

14. Describe and explain the metric system.

15. Identify metric measures

a. length

b. volume

c. mass

16. Identify English measures

a. length

b. volume

c. weight

d. mass

17. Use a calculator.

18. Identify and use metric prefixes.

19. Apply and use scientific notation

a. addition

b. subtraction

c. multiplication

d. division

20. Apply and use significant digits.

21. Describe and explain accuracy and precision.

22. Identify and use ideal mechanical advantage.

23. Identify and use actual mechanical advantage.

24. Define and calculate power

25. Describe and explain atomic structure

a. electron

b. proton

c. neutron

26. Describe and explain electron transfer.

27. Describe and explain conductors, insulators and semiconductors.

28. Describe and explain electric fields.

29. Define and calculate electric field intensity.

30. Describe the relationship between work and electric potential.

31. Describe the electric field between two parallel plates.

32. Explain sharing of charges.

33. Describe electric fields near conductors.

34. Describe and explain the capacitor.

35. Describe and explain electric circuits.

36. Describe and explain electric current.

a. amperes

37. Describe and explain electric power

a. watts

38. Apply and use Ohm's Law.

39. Diagram and interpret electric circuits

a. schematics

40. Describe and explain a potentiometer.

41. Describe and explain a rheostat.

42. Describe and explain thermal energy and the heating effects of electric currents.

43. Describe and explain the transmission of electric energy.

44. Describe and explain series circuits

a. effective resistance

b. voltage drops

c. voltage dividers

45. Describe and explain parallel circuits

a. resistance

b. current

c. voltage drop

46. Describe and explain series-parallel circuits

a. Ohm's Law

b. analyzing

47. Describe and explain ammeters and voltmeters.

48. Apply and use Kirchhoff's laws.

49. Describe and explain alternating current.

50. Describe and explain the liquid crystal display (LCD).

51. Describe and explain transistors.

a. doping

52. Describe and use the Periodic Table.

53. Describe and explain diodes and transistors

a. n-type semiconductors

b. p-type semiconductors

54. Describe and explain rectifiers.

55. Describe and explain integrated circuits.

56. Describe and explain the oscilloscope.

57. Explain and use a micrometer.

58. Describe and explain a hydraulic system and its components.

59. Define and describe internal friction and internal pressure.

60. Describe and explain Pascal's Law.

Entrepreneurial Skills

1. Fill out a work order.

2. Inventory parts/supplies/equipment.

3. Use telephone courtesy.

4. Describe public relations vs. employee.

5. Describe employer vs. employee relations.

6. Develop student social skills.

7. Customer relations

8. resume writing

9. discipline and work ethics

10. interview and presentation skills


Exploratory Cycle: 10 Hours

*Introduction to Electronics: Careers, Employment opportunities & Course outline

*Scientific notation


*Ohms law

*Series circuits

*Hands on


Level 1 Electronics: Direct Current (DC) 180 Hours

*Scientific notation *Parallel circuits

*Electricity *Series- Parallel circuits

*Resistors: various types & interpretation *Solder Skills

*Ohms Law *Bread boarding

*Series circuits * Test equipment use & application

*Safety *First aid

Level 2 Electronics: Alternating Current (AC) 420 Hours

* Review level 1 skills *Capacitance: capacitors, reactance & circuits

*Meters *Inductors: inductors, reactance & circuits

*Kirchhoff’s law *Resistor, Capacitor & Inductive circuits

*Network theorems *Resonance

*Conductors and Insulators *Solid State: Diodes, transistors, opamps, fets

*Batteries *Radio project

*Magnetism * Green concepts

*AC theory *Safety

Level 3 Electronics: Digital 420 Hours

*Overview of lesson learned in levels 1& 2 * IC specifications

*What is digital electronics *Encoding & Decoding

*Base 2, 8, & 16 binary number systems *Flip flops

*Logic Gates *Counters

*Combining logic gates *Shift registers

*Binary clock *Green concepts


Level 4 Electronics: Digital & Microprocessors 420 Hours

*Review material learned level 1, 2 & 3

*Digital Review

*Digital systems

* 801 Microprocessor project: Build & Program

*SOCAT preparation



CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Exploratory 1 Curriculum Map MONTH: September*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is a resistor? |*2 Scientific notation *6 Ohms |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics | |

|3.3.12.A | |law *37 use of equipment | |Grob 9th | |

|3.3.12.D |What is a color code? | |Daily shop practice | | |

|3.3.12.F | | | | | |

|3.4.12.F |How are resistors combined? | |Evaluations |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C |How are resistors measured? | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What are the most common |* 4 Define electrical terms * 37 | Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics | |

| |components, symbols and |use of equipment | |Grob 9th | |

| |applications? | |Daily shop practice | | |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| | | |Evaluations | | |

| |What is ohms law? Can student |*6 ohms law, *7 series circuits, |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics |CES trainers and snap circuits |

| |perform hands on, develop a |*4 define electrical terms, *37 | |Grob 9th | |

| |concept for material learned and |use of equipment |Daily shop practice | | |

| |practiced. | | |Lecture | |

| | | |Evaluations | | |

| | | | |Worksheets | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Exploratory 2 Curriculum Map MONTH: October*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is safety? |*2 Scientific notation *6 Ohms |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics | |

|3.3.12.A |How do we perform basic first |law *37 use of equipment, Safety | |Grob 9th | |

|3.3.12.D |aid? |practices, basic first aid |Daily shop practice | | |

|3.3.12.F |What is a resistor? | | | | |

|3.4.12.F |What is a color code? | |Evaluations |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.B |How are resistors combined? | | | | |

|3.4.12.C |How are resistors measured? | | |Safety scenarios | |

|4.2.12.D | | | |First aid scenarios | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What are the most common |* 4 Define electrical terms * 37 | Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics | |

| |components, symbols and |use of equipment | |Grob 9th | |

| |applications? | |Daily shop practice | | |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| | | |Evaluations | | |

| |What is ohms law? Can student |*6 ohms law *7 series circuits, |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics |CES trainers and snap circuits |

| |perform hands on, develop a |*4 define electrical terms, *37 | |Grob 9th | |

| |concept for material learned and |use of equipment |Daily shop practice | | |

| |practiced. | | |Lecture | |

| | | |Evaluations | | |

| | | | |Worksheets | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Exploratory 3 Curriculum Map MONTH: November


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is safety? |*2 Scientific notation *6 Ohms |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics | |

|3.3.12.A |How do we perform basic first |law *37 use of equipment, Safety | |Grob 9th | |

|3.3.12.D |aid? |practices, basic first aid |Daily shop practice | | |

|3.3.12.F |What is a resistor? | | | | |

|3.4.12.F |What is a color code? | |Evaluations |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.B |How are resistors combined? | | | | |

|3.4.12.C |How are resistors measured? | | |Safety scenarios | |

|4.2.12.D | | | |First aid scenarios | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What are the most common |* 4 Define electrical terms * 37 | Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics | |

| |components, symbols and |use of equipment | |Grob 9th | |

| |applications? | |Daily shop practice | | |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| | | |Evaluations | | |

| |What is ohms law? Can student |*6 ohms law *7 series circuits, |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics |CES trainers and snap circuits |

| |perform hands on, develop a |*4 define electrical terms, *37 | |Grob 9th | |

| |concept for material learned and |use of equipment |Daily shop practice | | |

| |practiced. | | |Lecture | |

| | | |Evaluations | | |

| | | | |Worksheets | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Exploratory 4 Curriculum Map MONTH: December*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is safety? |*2 Scientific notation *6 Ohms |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics | |

|3.3.12.A |How do we perform basic first |law *37 use of equipment, Safety | |Grob 9th | |

|3.3.12.D |aid? |practices, basic first aid |Daily shop practice | | |

|3.3.12.F |What is a resistor? | | | | |

|3.4.12.F |What is a color code? | |Evaluations |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.B |How are resistors combined? | | | | |

|3.4.12.C |How are resistors measured? | | |Safety scenarios | |

|4.2.12.D | | | |First aid scenarios | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What are the most common |* 4 Define electrical terms * 37 | Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics | |

| |components, symbols and |use of equipment | |Grob 9th | |

| |applications? | |Daily shop practice | | |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| | | |Evaluations | | |

| |What is ohms law? Can student |*6 ohms law *7 series circuits, |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics |CES trainers and snap circuits |

| |perform hands on, develop a |*4 define electrical terms, *37 | |Grob 9th | |

| |concept for material learned and |use of equipment |Daily shop practice | | |

| |practiced. | | |Lecture | |

| | | |Evaluations | | |

| | | | |Worksheets | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 1 Curriculum Map MONTH: January*


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is safety in the shop? |Safety and introduction to electricity|Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |How does a student apply first aid in | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th | |

|3.3.12.D |the shop? | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |CES trainers, meters, |

|3.3.12.F | | | |Lecture |Breadboards, power supplies , |

|3.4.12.F | | | | |projects |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is scientific notation? |* 2 Scientific notation, 4 Definition|Survey electronics Q&A |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|Internet |

| |How does scientific apply? |of electronic terms * Engineering |Vocabulary | | |

| |Can the student define electronic |notation |Test/quizzes |Basic Electronics Grob |CES trainers, meters, |

| |terms? | |Daily practical |Ed lab CES manuals |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | | | |projects |

| |What is ohms law? |* 6 Ohms Law |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|Internet |

| |How does ohms law apply in series |* 7 Series circuits |Daily shop practice | |CES trainers, meters, |

| |circuits? | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | | |Ed lab CES manuals |projects |

| |What are the difference analog and |* 4 Definition of electronic terms |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |digital meters? |* 13 measuring devices |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What is a meter shunt? | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |What is Kirchhoff’s law? |* 4 Definition of electronic terms |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |How do I apply Kirchhoff’s law to a | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |circuit/ | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |Can you identify and research an IC |* Soldering theory and practice |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Lecture |CES trainers, meters, |

| |component? |* 50 Logic gates |Daily shop practice |Digital Electronics (Tokheim) |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What are logic gates and applications?| |Evaluations | |projects |

| | | | | |Digital magic |

| |What are truth tables? | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 1 Curriculum Map MONTH: February*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |Can the student explain and |* 6 Ohms Law |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |demonstrate series circuits with |* 7 Series circuits |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |CES trainers, meters, |

|3.3.12.D |reference to ground? |* Definition of electronic terms.|Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |Breadboards, power supplies , |

|3.3.12.F |What is a voltage divider? |*10 Voltage dividers | |Lecture |projects |

|3.4.12.F | | | | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is a digital multimeter? |*13 measuring devices |Survey electronics Q&A | Problems in basic electronics |Internet |

| |How is test equipment used? | |Vocabulary |3rd |videos |

| | | |Test/quizzes |Basic Electronics Grob |CES trainers, meters, |

| | | |Daily practical |Ed lab CES manuals |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | | | |projects |

| |What are the difference analog |* 4 Definition of electronic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |and digital meters? |terms |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What is a meter shunt? |* 13 measuring devices |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |What is Kirchhoff’s law? |* 4 Definition of electronic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |How do I apply Kirchhoff’s law to|terms |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |a circuit/ | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |Can you identify and research an |* Soldering theory and practice |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Lecture |CES trainers, meters, |

| |IC component? |* 50 Logic gates |Daily shop practice |Digital Electronics (Tokheim) |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What are logic gates and | |Evaluations | |projects |

| |applications? | | | |Digital magic |

| |What are truth tables? | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 1 Curriculum Map MONTH: March*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |Can the student explain and |* 6 Ohms Law |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |demonstrate series circuits with |* 7 Series circuits |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |CES trainers, meters, |

|3.3.12.D |reference to ground? |* Definition of electronic terms.|Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |Breadboards, power supplies , |

|3.3.12.F |What is a voltage divider? |*10 Voltage dividers | |Lecture |projects |

|3.4.12.F | | | | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is a digital multimeter? |*13 measuring devices |Survey electronics Q&A | Problems in basic electronics |Internet |

| |How is test equipment used? | |Vocabulary |3rd |videos |

| | | |Test/quizzes |Basic Electronics Grob |CES trainers, meters, |

| | | |Daily practical |Ed lab CES manuals |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | | | |projects |

| |What are the difference analog |* 4 Definition of electronic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |and digital meters? |terms |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What is a meter shunt? |* 13 measuring devices |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |What is Kirchhoff’s law? |* 4 Definition of electronic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |How do I apply Kirchhoff’s law to|terms |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |a circuit/ | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |Can you identify and research an |* Soldering theory and practice |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Lecture |CES trainers, meters, |

| |IC component? |* 50 Logic gates |Daily shop practice |Digital Electronics (Tokheim) |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What are logic gates and | |Evaluations | |projects |

| |applications? | | | |Digital magic |

| |What are truth tables? | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 1 Curriculum Map MONTH: April*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |Can the student bread board a |* 6 Ohms Law |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |circuit using schematics? |* 7 Series circuits |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th | |

|3.3.12.D | |* Definition of electronic terms?|Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |CES trainers, meters, |

|3.3.12.F | | | |Lecture |Breadboards, power supplies , |

|3.4.12.F | | | | |projects |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is soldering? |* 30 Soldering theory and |Survey electronics Q&A | Problems in basic electronics |Internet |

| |How is soldering accomplished? |operation |Vocabulary |3rd |videos |

| |Can I solder | |Test/quizzes |Basic Electronics Grob |CES trainers, meters, |

| | | |Daily practical |Ed lab CES manuals |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | | | |projects |

| |What are the difference analog |* 4 Definition of electronic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |and digital meters? |terms |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What is a meter shunt? |* 13 measuring devices |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |What is Kirchhoff’s law? |* 4 Definition of electronic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| | |terms |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |How do I apply Kirchhoff’s law to| |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| |a circuit/ | | |Lecture | |

| |Can you identify and research an |* Soldering theory and practice |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Lecture |CES trainers, meters, |

| |IC component? |* 50 Logic gates |Daily shop practice |Digital Electronics (Tokheim) |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What are logic gates and | |Evaluations | |projects |

| |applications? | | | |Digital magic |

| |What are truth tables? | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 1 Curriculum Map MONTH: May*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |Can the student explain and |* 6 Ohms Law |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |calculate a parallel circuit? |*8 Parallel circuits |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |CES trainers, meters, |

|3.3.12.D | |* Definition of electronic terms.|Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |Breadboards, power supplies , |

|3.3.12.F | | | |Lecture |projects |

|3.4.12.F | | | | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What are the difference analog |* 4 Definition of electronic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |and digital meters? |terms |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| | |* 13 measuring devices |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| |What is a meter shunt? | | |Lecture | |

| |What is Kirchhoff’s law? |* 4 Definition of electronic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| | |terms |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |How do I apply Kirchhoff’s law to| |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| |a circuit/ | | |Lecture | |

| |Can you identify and research an |* Soldering theory and practice |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Lecture |CES trainers, meters, |

| |IC component? |* 50 Logic gates |Daily shop practice |Digital Electronics (Tokheim) |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What are logic gates and | |Evaluations | |projects |

| |applications? | | | |Digital magic |

| |What are truth tables? | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 1 Curriculum Map MONTH: June*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |Can the student explain and |* 6 Ohms Law |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |calculate a series-parallel |* 9 Series-Parallel circuits |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th | |

|3.3.12.D |circuit? |* Definition of electronic terms.|Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |CES trainers, meters, |

|3.3.12.F | | | |Lecture |Breadboards, power supplies , |

|3.4.12.F | | | | |projects |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |Can the student calculate, build |*13 measuring devices * 37 use of|Q&A | Problems in basic electronics |Internet |

| |and troubleshoot a series- |test equipment |Vocabulary |3rd |videos |

| |parallel circuit? | |Test/quizzes |Basic Electronics Grob |CES trainers, meters, |

| | | |Daily practical |Ed lab CES manuals |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | | | |projects |

| |What is a loaded voltage divider?|* 10 Voltage dividers |Q&A |Problems in basic electronics 3rd| Internet |

| | | |Vocabulary | |videos |

| |What is a loaded current divider?| |Test/quizzes |Basic Electronics Grob |CES trainers, meters, |

| | | |Daily practical |Ed lab CES manuals |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | | | |projects |

| |What are the difference analog |* 4 Definition of electronic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |and digital meters? |terms |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What is a meter shunt? |* 13 measuring devices |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |What is Kirchhoff’s law? |* 4 Definition of electronic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |How do I apply Kirchhoff’s law to|terms |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |a circuit/ | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |Can you identify and research an |* Soldering theory and practice |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Lecture |CES trainers, meters, |

| |IC component? |* 50 Logic gates |Daily shop practice | |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What are logic gates and | |Evaluations |Digital Electronics (Tokheim) |projects |

| |applications? | | | |Digital magic |

| |What are truth tables? | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 2 Curriculum Map MONTH: September*


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is safety in the shop? |Safety and introduction to electricity|Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |How does a student apply first aid in | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th | |

|3.3.12.D |the shop? | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |CES trainers, meters, |

|3.3.12.F | | | |Lecture |Breadboards, power supplies , |

|3.4.12.F | | | | |projects |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is scientific notation? |* 2 Scientific notation, 4 Definition|Survey electronics Q&A |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|Internet |

| |How does scientific apply? |of electronic terms * Engineering |Vocabulary | | |

| |Can the student define electronic |notation |Test/quizzes |Basic Electronics Grob |CES trainers, meters, |

| |terms? | |Daily practical |Ed lab CES manuals |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | | | |projects |

| |What is ohms law? |* 6 Ohms Law |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|Internet |

| |How does ohms law apply in series |* 7 Series circuits |Daily shop practice | |CES trainers, meters, |

| |circuits? | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | | |Ed lab CES manuals |projects |

| |What are the difference analog and |* 4 Definition of electronic terms |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |digital meters? |* 13 measuring devices |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What is a meter shunt? | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |What is Kirchhoff’s law? |* 4 Definition of electronic terms |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |How do I apply Kirchhoff’s law to a | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |circuit/ | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |Can you identify and research an IC |* Soldering theory and practice |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Lecture |CES trainers, meters, |

| |component? |* 50 Logic gates |Daily shop practice |Digital Electronics (Tokheim) |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What are logic gates and applications?| |Evaluations | |projects |

| | | | | |Digital magic |

| |What are truth tables? | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 2 Curriculum Map MONTH: October*


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is a parallel circuit? How do I|* 8 parallel circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |calc a parallel circuit? | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th. Ed CES experiment |Meters, breadboards, calculators,|

|3.3.12.D |What is Kirchhoff’s law? | |Evaluations |manuals. *44in1 Communication |CES trainers |

|3.3.12.F |How do I analyze a parallel circuit?| | |projects |projects |

|3.4.12.F | | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |How does a series/parallel function?|* 4 Define electrical terms. * 37|Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics |Internet |

| |What are resistance banks and |use of equipment. * Scientific |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Meters, breadboards, calculators,|

| |strings? |notation |Evaluations |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|CES trainers |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |** presentation skills | |

| |How to analyze parallel / series |* 8 Parallel / series |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|Internet |

| |circuits with unknowns? How to | |Daily shop practice | |Meters, breadboards, calculators,|

| |troubleshooting opens and shorts? | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |CES trainers, NIDA trainers, |

| | | | |*1 presentations |circuit maker |

| | | | |Solar energy kit. | |

| |What are shop safety procedures? |*1 Review shop safety and basic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

| |What is the course of action in case|first aid. |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Video: emergency response , shock|

| |of an injury? | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |& electricity can kill |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |Name the most common electronic |* 4 Define electrical terms. * 37|Survey electronics Q&A | Basic electronics |Video electronic components |

| |components and applications. Name |use of equipment. |Vocabulary |Grob 9th | |

| |the common uses of tools and | |Test/quizzes | | |

| |equipment. | |Daily practical | | |

| |What is scientific notation? Can the|*2 Scientific notation |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd| |

| |student convert scientific notation?| |Daily shop practice | | |

| | | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 2 Curriculum Map MONTH: November*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |How to analyze parallel / series |* 8 Parallel / series |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|Internet |

|3.3.12.A |circuits with unknowns? | | | | |

|3.3.12.D |How to troubleshooting opens and | |Daily shop practice |Basic Electronics Grob |Meters, breadboards, calculators,|

|3.3.12.F |shorts? | | |*1 presentations |CES trainers, NIDA trainers, |

|3.4.12.F | | |Evaluations |Solar energy kit. |circuit maker |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is a parallel circuit? |* 8 parallel circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

| |How do I calc a parallel circuit?|* 4 Define electrical terms | |Grob 9th | |

| |What is Kirchhoff’s law? | |Daily shop practice | |Meters, breadboards, calculators,|

| |How do I analyze a parallel | | |Ed CES experiment manuals. |CES trainers |

| |circuit? | |Evaluations | | |

| | | | |Lecture |Projects |

| |How does series/parallel |* 9 Series/Parallel circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics |Internet |

| |function? |* Define electrical terms | |Grob 9th | |

| | | |Daily shop practice | |Meters, breadboards, calculators,|

| | | | |*1 presentation |CES trainers |

| | | |Evaluations |** 44 in 1 communication projects|NIDA trainers |

| | | | | |Projects |

| | | | | |Circuit maker |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 2 Curriculum Map MONTH: December*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |How to analyze parallel / series |* 8 Parallel / series |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|Internet |

|3.3.12.A |circuits with unknowns? | | | | |

|3.3.12.D |How to troubleshooting opens and | |Daily shop practice |Basic Electronics Grob |Meters, breadboards, calculators,|

|3.3.12.F |shorts? | | |*1 presentations |CES trainers, NIDA trainers, |

|3.4.12.F | | |Evaluations |Solar energy kit. |circuit maker |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is a parallel circuit? |* 8 parallel circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

| |How do I calc a parallel circuit?|* 4 Define electrical terms | |Grob 9th | |

| |What is Kirchhoff’s law? | |Daily shop practice | |Meters, breadboards, calculators,|

| |How do I analyze a parallel | | |Ed CES experiment manuals. |CES trainers |

| |circuit? | |Evaluations | | |

| | | | |Lecture |Projects |

| |How does series/parallel |* 9 Series/Parallel circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics |Internet |

| |function? |* Define electrical terms | |Grob 9th | |

| | | |Daily shop practice | |Meters, breadboards, calculators,|

| | | | |*1 presentation |CES trainers |

| | | |Evaluations |** 44 in 1 communication projects|NIDA trainers |

| | | | | |Projects |

| | | | | |Circuit maker |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 2 Curriculum Map MONTH: January*


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]?|What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is alternating voltage and |*16 Alternating current, * 4 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A |current? |Definition of electrical terms | |Grob 9th |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D | | |Daily shop practice | |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

|3.3.12.F |Can you define the various aspects| | |Ed CES book 0 | |

|3.4.12.F |of AC elements in circuits | |Evaluations | | |

|3.4.12.B |(series/parallel)? | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |Can the student explain the AM/FM |Communications |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | AM/FM T/108TK operations manual|O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |sections? |* 1 Technical terms, *2 Schematics|Daily shop practice | |meters, frequency counters |

| |How to construct and calibrate an |and tech manuals, * 3 Vocab. of |Evaluations | | |

| |AM/FM radio. |elec. Components ( Also includes |Calibration exercises | |AM/FM T/108TK radio kit |

| | |comm. Prof. *4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,| | |CES trainers |

| | |and 13) | | | |

| |What is the function of a |* Capacitance, * 4 Definition of |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |capacitor? |electrical terms |Daily shop practice | |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |Define and calculate the |* 8 parallel circuits |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| |applications of capacitive | | | | |

| |reactance? | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 2 Curriculum Map MONTH: February*


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]?|What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is alternating voltage and |*16 Alternating current, * 4 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A |current? |Definition of electrical terms | |Grob 9th |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D | | |Daily shop practice | |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

|3.3.12.F |Can you define the various aspects| | |Ed CES book 0 | |

|3.4.12.F |of AC elements in circuits | |Evaluations | | |

|3.4.12.B |(series/parallel)? | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |Can the student explain the AM/FM |Communications |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | AM/FM T/108TK operations manual|O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |sections? |* 1 Technical terms, *2 Schematics|Daily shop practice | |meters, frequency counters |

| |How to construct and calibrate an |and tech manuals, * 3 Vocab. of |Evaluations | | |

| |AM/FM radio. |elec. Components ( Also includes |Calibration exercises | |AM/FM T/108TK radio kit |

| | |comm. Prof. *4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,| | |CES trainers |

| | |and 13) | | | |

| |What is the function of a |* Capacitance, * 4 Definition of |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |capacitor? |electrical terms |Daily shop practice | |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |Define and calculate the |* 8 parallel circuits |Evaluation |Basic Electronics Grob |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| |applications of capacitive | | | | |

| |reactance? | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 2 Curriculum Map MONTH: March*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is the theory and operation |*17 Capacitive |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A |of inductance? |* 20 Capacitive reactance. | |Grob 9th |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D | | |Daily shop practice | |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

|3.3.12.F |Can the student explain and | | |Ed CES book 0 | |

|3.4.12.F |calculate inductive reactance | |Evaluations | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |Can the student explain the |* 22 Series AC circuit analysis, |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Problems in basic electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |series, parallel and series |*23 Parallel circuit analysis |Daily shop practice |3rd |meters, frequency counters |

| |parallel circuit analysis? |*24 Series & parallel circuit |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob | |

| | |analysis |Calibration exercises |Lecture |AM/FM T/108TK radio kit |

| | | | |Basic electronics |CES trainers |

| | | | |Grob 9th | |

| |Can the student explain the |* 25 Series resonance, |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |theory and operation of |* 26 Parallel resonance |Daily shop practice | |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |resonance/ Can the student |* 8 parallel circuits |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| |explain the AM/FM sections? | | | | |

| |How to construct and calibrate an| | | | |

| |AM/FM radio | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 2 Curriculum Map MONTH: April *


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is the theory and operation |*17 Inductance |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A |of inductance? |* 20 Inductive reactance. | |Grob 9th |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D | | |Daily shop practice | |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

|3.3.12.F |Can the student explain and | | |Ed CES book 0 | |

|3.4.12.F |calculate inductive reactance | |Evaluations | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |Can the student explain the |* 22 Series AC circuit analysis, |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Problems in basic electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |series, parallel and series |*23 Parallel circuit analysis |Daily shop practice |3rd |meters, frequency counters |

| |parallel circuit analysis? |*24 Series & parallel circuit |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob | |

| | |analysis |Calibration exercises |Lecture |AM/FM T/108TK radio kit |

| | | | |Basic electronics |CES trainers |

| | | | |Grob 9th | |

| |Can the student explain the |* 25 Series resonance, |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |theory and operation of |* 26 Parallel resonance |Daily shop practice | |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |resonance/ |* 8 parallel circuits |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | | | | | |

| |Can the student explain the AM/FM| | | | |

| |sections? | | | | |

| |How to construct and calibrate an| | | | |

| |AM/FM radio | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 2 Curriculum Map MONTH: May*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What are the principals of |* 28 Filter circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A |operation in a filter circuit? | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D |What are the applications for | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

|3.3.12.F |filter circuits? | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.F | | | | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |Can the student explain the |* 31 Semiconductor Theory *32 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Problems in basic electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |fundamentals of semiconductors? |Semiconductor Diodes |Daily shop practice |3rd |meters, frequency counters |

| |Can the student explain and | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |Breadboard, Videos |

| |demonstrate semiconductor use? | |Calibration exercises |Lecture |CES trainers |

| | | | |Basic electronics | |

| | | | |Grob 9th | |

| |Can the student explain, build | *Basic power supply * 34 Basic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |and troubleshoot a power supply? |bipolar transistor theory *40 |Daily shop practice | |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |Can the student explain |General theory of amplifiers |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| |transistor theory and | | | | |

| |Operation? | | | | |

| |Explain the theory and operation |*35 Field effect transistor |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |of FETS. |theory |Daily shop practice | |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |Explain theory and use of vacuum |* 36 Vacuum tube theory |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| |tubes. | | |Lecture | |

| |Can the student explain the AM/FM| | |Basic electronics | |

| |sections? How to construct and | | |Grob 9th | |

| |calibrate an AM/FM radio | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 2 Curriculum Map MONTH: June*


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |Explain the introduction to |* 58 Digital Systems |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A |digital systems? | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D |What is a binary number? What are| |Evaluations | |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

|3.3.12.F |the various gates? | | |Ed CES book 0 | |

|3.4.12.F | | | | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| | Has the student sufficiently | |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Problems in basic electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |learned the information taught to| |Daily shop practice |3rd |meters, frequency counters |

| |pass a final exam? | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |Breadboard, Videos |

| | | |Calibration exercises |Lecture |CES trainers |

| | | | |Basic electronics | |

| | | | |Grob 9th | |

| | | |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | |O-scopes, signal generators, |

| | | |Daily shop practice | |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| | | |Evaluations | |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| |Explain the theory and operation |*35 Field effect transistor |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |of FETS. |theory |Daily shop practice | |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |Explain theory and use of vacuum |* 36 Vacuum tube theory |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| |tubes. | | |Lecture | |

| | | | |Basic electronics | |

| | | | |Grob 9th | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 3 Curriculum Map MONTH: September*


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are used |What technology supports the |

| | |do? |performance is collected to validate |to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |that the skills and the essential | | |

| | | |question[s] have been learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is safety in the shop? |*6 Ohms law |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Circuit maker |

|3.3.12.A |How does a student apply first aid in |*7 Series circuits |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Circuit design |

|3.3.12.D |the shop? | |Evaluations |Lecture |CES trainers |

|3.3.12.F |Explain how a series circuit operates? | | |** presentation skills |Breadboards |

|3.4.12.F |What are the series circuits rules? Can| | |Safety practices | |

|3.4.12.B |you calculate, build, and trouble shoot | | |First aid scenarios | |

|3.4.12.C |a series circuit? | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is the soldering process? What |*30 Solder theory and practice |Graymark kits |High reliability interconnection |Solder videos |

| |techniques are used for the various | |Solder boards |technology handbook | |

| |project requirements? | |Hanrness |Solder boards | |

| | | |Test/quizzes |Harness | |

| | | |Daily practical |**Presentation skills | |

| |How does a parallel circuit operate? |* Parallel circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd | |

| |What are the rules? Can you calculate, | |Daily shop practice |Basic Electronics Grob | |

| |build and trouble shoot a parallel | |Evaluations | | |

| |What is a resistor? |*2 Scientific notation *6 Ohms |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics | |

| |What is a color code? |law *37 use of equipment |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th | |

| |How are resistors combined? How are | |Evaluations |Lecture | |

| |resistors measured? | | | | |

| |What are the most common components, |* 4 Define electrical terms * 37| Written/ Oral test/quizzes | Basic electronics | |

| |symbols and applications? |use of equipment |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th | |

| | | |Evaluations |Lecture | |

| |What is ohms law? Can student perform |*6 ohms law *7 series circuits, |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics |CES trainers and snap circuits |

| |hands on a develop a concept for |*4 define electrical terms, *37 |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th | |

| |material learned and practiced. |use of equipment |Evaluations |Lecture | |

| | | | |Worksheets | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 3 Curriculum Map MONTH: October*


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is a parallel circuit? How do I|* 8 parallel circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |calc a parallel circuit? | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th. Ed CES experiment |Meters, breadboards, calculators,|

|3.3.12.D |What is Kirchhoff’s law? | |Evaluations |manuals. *44in1 Communication |CES trainers |

|3.3.12.F |How do I analyze a parallel circuit?| | |projects |projects |

|3.4.12.F | | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |How does a series/parallel function?|* 4 Define electrical terms. * 37|Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics |Internet |

| |What are resistance banks and |use of equipment. * Scientific |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Meters, breadboards, calculators,|

| |strings? |notation |Evaluations |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|CES trainers |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |** presentation skills | |

| |How to analyze parallel / series |* 8 Parallel / series |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|Internet |

| |circuits with unknowns? How to | |Daily shop practice | |Meters, breadboards, calculators,|

| |troubleshooting opens and shorts? | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |CES trainers, NIDA trainers, |

| | | | |*1 presentations |circuit maker |

| | | | |Solar energy kit. | |

| |What are shop safety procedures? |*1 Review shop safety and basic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

| |What is the course of action in case|first aid. |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Video: emergency response , shock|

| |of an injury? | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |& electricity can kill |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |Name the most common electronic |* 4 Define electrical terms. * 37|Survey electronics Q&A | Basic electronics |Video electronic components |

| |components and applications. Name |use of equipment. |Vocabulary |Grob 9th | |

| |the common uses of tools and | |Test/quizzes | | |

| |equipment. | |Daily practical | | |

| |What is scientific notation? Can the|*2 Scientific notation |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd| |

| |student convert scientific notation?| |Daily shop practice | | |

| | | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 3 Curriculum Map MONTH: November


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]?|What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is circuit analysis and |* 2 Scientific notation, * 4 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |application for series /parallel? |Definition of electronic terms, * |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |CES trainers, meters, |

|3.3.12.D | |9 Series/ Parallel |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |Breadboards, power supplies , |

|3.3.12.F | | | |** adventures in fiber optics |projects |

|3.4.12.F | | | |Lecture |NIDA trainers |

|3.4.12.B | | | | |Circuit maker |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is a series voltage divider? |* 2 Scientific notation, * 4 |Survey electronics Q&A | Problems in basic electronics |Internet |

| |What is a current divider with |Definition of electronic terms,* |Vocabulary |3rd |CES trainers, meters, |

| |parallel resistances? |Voltage dividers |Test/quizzes |Basic Electronics Grob. Ed lab |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | |Daily practical |CES manuals |projects |

| | | | |*1 presentation skills | |

| |How to design a voltage loaded |* 10 Voltage dividers |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|Internet |

| |voltage divider? | |Daily shop practice | |CES trainers, meters, |

| | | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob. Ed lab |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | | |CES manuals |projects10 |

| |What are the difference analog and|* 4 Definition of electronic terms|Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |digital meters? | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What is a meter shunt? |* 13 measuring devices |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |What is Kirchhoff’s law? How do I |* 4 Definition of electronic terms|Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |apply Kirchhoff’s law to a | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |circuit/ | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |Can you identify and research an |* Soldering theory and practice |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Lecture |CES trainers, meters, |

| |IC component? What are logic gates|* 50 Logic gates |Daily shop practice |Digital Electronics (Tokheim) |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |and applications? | |Evaluations |Solar kit |projects |

| |What are truth tables? | | | |Digital magic |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 3 Curriculum Map MONTH: December


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]?|What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is circuit analysis and |* 2 Scientific notation, * 4 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |application for series /parallel? |Definition of electronic terms, * |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |CES trainers, meters, |

|3.3.12.D | |9 Series/ Parallel |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |Breadboards, power supplies , |

|3.3.12.F | | | |** adventures in fiber optics |projects |

|3.4.12.F | | | |Lecture |NIDA trainers |

|3.4.12.B | | | | |Circuit maker |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is a series voltage divider? |* 2 Scientific notation, * 4 |Survey electronics Q&A | Problems in basic electronics |Internet |

| |What is a current divider with |Definition of electronic terms,* |Vocabulary |3rd |CES trainers, meters, |

| |parallel resistances? |Voltage dividers |Test/quizzes |Basic Electronics Grob. Ed lab |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | |Daily practical |CES manuals |projects |

| | | | |*1 presentation skills | |

| |How to design a voltage loaded |* 10 Voltage dividers |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|Internet |

| |voltage divider? | |Daily shop practice | |CES trainers, meters, |

| | | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob. Ed lab |Breadboards, power supplies, |

| | | | |CES manuals |projects10 |

| |What are the difference analog and|* 4 Definition of electronic terms|Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |digital meters? | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |What is a meter shunt? |* 13 measuring devices |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |What is Kirchhoff’s law? How do I |* 4 Definition of electronic terms|Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, |

| |apply Kirchhoff’s law to a | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |circuit/ | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |Can you identify and research an |* Soldering theory and practice |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Lecture |CES trainers, meters, |

| |IC component? What are logic gates|* 50 Logic gates |Daily shop practice |Digital Electronics (Tokheim) |Breadboards, power supplies , |

| |and applications? | |Evaluations |Solar kit |projects |

| |What are truth tables? | | | |Digital magic |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 3 Curriculum Map MONTH: January


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What are the general features of |* 4 Define electrical terms.* 5 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |batteries? |Batteries – construction and | |Grob 9th | |

|3.3.12.D |What are the uses and |types |Daily shop practice | |CES trainers, |

|3.3.12.F |applications of the various | | |Ed CES manuals |Breadboards, Demonstrations |

|3.4.12.F |types? | |Evaluations |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.B |How do batteries react in series | | | |Lecture |

|3.4.12.C |and parallel? | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |. What is a magnetic field? |* 4 Define electrical terms. |Survey electronics Q&A | Basic electronics |Internet |

| |How does a permanent/ |*1 4 Electromagnetism |Vocabulary |Grob 9th |Lecture |

| |electromagnets differ? | |Test/quizzes | |Video: Magnetism |

| | | |Daily practical | |CES trainers, |

| | | | | |Breadboards, Demonstrations |

| |What is MMF, Ampere turns, |* 4 Define electrical terms. |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd|Internet |

| |Permeability and hysteresis |*1 5 Electromechanical devices | | |Lecture |

| | | |Daily shop practice |Basic Electronics Grob |Video: Magnetism |

| | | | |Fiber optics kit |CES trainers, |

| | | |Evaluations | |Breadboards, Demonstrations |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 3 Curriculum Map MONTH: February


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is alternating voltage and |*16 Alternating current, * 4 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A |current? |Definition of electrical terms | |Grob 9th |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D | | |Daily shop practice | |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

|3.3.12.F |Can you define the various | | |Ed CES book 0 | |

|3.4.12.F |aspects of AC elements in | |Evaluations | | |

|3.4.12.B |circuits (series/parallel)? | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is the function of a | * Capacitance, * 4 Definition |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Problems in basic electronics | O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |capacitor? |of electrical terms |Daily shop practice |3rd |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |Define and calculate the | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| |applications of capacitive | | | | |

| |reactance? | | | | |

| |What is a digital circuit? |*47 Binary number system * logic | | Basic electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |Explain the base 2,8,10 and 16 |gates |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Grob 9th |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |number systems |* Octal and Hexadecimal |Daily shop practice |Ed CES book 0 |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | |* 8 parallel circuits |Evaluations |Digital electronics | |

| | | | |(Tokheim) | |

| | | | |Lecture | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 3 Curriculum Map MONTH: March


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is a logic gate? | * 50 Logic gates |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A | | | |Digital electronics |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D |What are the truth tables for the| |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim 6th ed.) |trainers, Breadboard, Videos and |

|3.3.12.F |various logic gates? | | | |digital magic |

|3.4.12.F | | |Evaluations |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.B | | | |Telecommunications project | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is a digital circuit? | *47 Binary number |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Digital electronics | O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |Explain the base 2,8,10 and 16 |System, * 48 Octal |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim 6th ed.) |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |number systems |And hexadecimal system |Evaluations | |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | | | |Lecture |540 binary clock project |

| | | | | | |

| | What is Boolean algebra? |*51 Boolean algebra | | Digital electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

| | | |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |(Tokheim) |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |How is a karnaugh used? | |Daily shop practice |Lecture |trainers, Breadboard, Videos, |

| | | |Evaluations | |540 binary clock project |

| | | | | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 3 Curriculum Map MONTH: April


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the instruction? |

| | |to do? |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? | |

| | | |validate that the skills and the| | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F | Can the student explain the various | * 52 Coding and decoding |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Digital electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, meters, frequency |

|3.3.12.A |codes such as excess 3 and BCD? | |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim 6th ed.) |counters, CES trainers, Breadboard, Videos and |

|3.3.12.D |Explain theory and operation of the 7 | |Evaluations | |digital magic |

|3.3.12.F |segment display? | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.F | | | | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| | What are flip-flops and how do the |* 53 Flip flops |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Digital electronics | O-scopes, signal generators, meters, frequency |

| |operate? | |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim 6th ed.) |counters, CES trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | | |Evaluations | |540 binary clock project |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| | Explain what the various counters are|*54 Counters |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Digital electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, meters, frequency |

| |such as JK, D and R&S? | |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim) |counters, CES trainers, Breadboard, Videos, |

| |Can the student build a counter? | |Evaluations |Lecture |540 binary clock project |

| | Can the student explain theory and | *55 Shift registers |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | |O-scopes, signal generators, meters, frequency |

| |application of serial and parallel | |Daily shop practice |Digital electronics |counters, CES trainers, Breadboard, Videos and |

| |registers? | |Evaluations |(Tokheim 6th ed.) |digital magic |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| | Using the binary system can the |* 56 Arithmetic circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Digital electronics | O-scopes, signal generators, meters, frequency |

| |student add, subtract multiply and | |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim 6th ed.) |counters, CES trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| |divide? | |Evaluations | |540 binary clock project |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| | What are the various types of |*57 Memories |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Digital electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, meters, frequency |

| |memories? | |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim) |counters, CES trainers, Breadboard, Videos, |

| | | |Evaluations |Lecture |540 binary clock project |

| |How are the various types used? | | |Telecommunications project | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 3 Curriculum Map MONTH: May


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the instruction? |

| | |to do? |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? | |

| | | |validate that the skills and the| | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F | Can the student explain the various | * 52 Coding and decoding |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Digital electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, meters, frequency |

|3.3.12.A |codes such as excess 3 and BCD? | |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim 6th ed.) |counters, CES trainers, Breadboard, Videos and |

|3.3.12.D |Explain theory and operation of the 7 | |Evaluations | |digital magic |

|3.3.12.F |segment display? | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.F | | | | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| | What are flip-flops and how do the |* 53 Flip flops |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Digital electronics | O-scopes, signal generators, meters, frequency |

| |operate? | |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim 6th ed.) |counters, CES trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | | |Evaluations | |540 binary clock project |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| | Explain what the various counters are|*54 Counters |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Digital electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, meters, frequency |

| |such as JK, D and R&S? | |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim) |counters, CES trainers, Breadboard, Videos, |

| |Can the student build a counter? | |Evaluations |Lecture |540 binary clock project |

| | Can the student explain theory and | *55 Shift registers |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | |O-scopes, signal generators, meters, frequency |

| |application of serial and parallel | |Daily shop practice |Digital electronics |counters, CES trainers, Breadboard, Videos and |

| |registers? | |Evaluations |(Tokheim 6th ed.) |digital magic |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| | Using the binary system can the |* 56 Arithmetic circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Digital electronics | O-scopes, signal generators, meters, frequency |

| |student add, subtract multiply and | |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim 6th ed.) |counters, CES trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| |divide? | |Evaluations | |540 binary clock project |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| | What are the various types of |*57 Memories |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Digital electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, meters, frequency |

| |memories? | |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim) |counters, CES trainers, Breadboard, Videos, |

| | | |Evaluations |Lecture |540 binary clock project |

| |How are the various types used? | | |Telecommunications project | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 3 Curriculum Map MONTH: June


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F | Can the student explain the | *58 Digital systems |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A |various circuits used in digital | | |Digital electronics |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D |systems? | |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim 6th ed.) |trainers, Breadboard, Videos and |

|3.3.12.F | | | | |digital magic |

|3.4.12.F | | |Evaluations |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| | Can the student sufficiently |*58 Digital systems |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Digital electronics | O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |pass a final exam? | |Daily shop practice |(Tokheim 6th ed.) |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| | | |Evaluations | |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | | | |Lecture |540 binary clock project |

| | | | | | |

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 4 Curriculum Map MONTH: September


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be |What evidence, product and/or performance is |What activities & resources are used |What technology supports the |

| | |able to do? |collected to validate that the skills and the |to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |essential question[s] have been learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |Explain how a series circuit operates? What are|*6 Ohms law |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Circuit maker |

|3.3.12.A |the series circuits rules? Can you calculate, |*7 Series circuits |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Circuit design |

|3.3.12.D |build, and trouble shoot a series circuit? | |Evaluations |Lecture |CES trainers |

|3.3.12.F | | | |** presentation skills |Breadboards |

|3.4.12.F | | | | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is the soldering process? |*30 Solder theory and |Graymark kits Solder boards Hanrness Test/quizzes | High reliability interconnection |Solder videos |

| |What techniques are used for the various |practice |Daily practical |technology handbook | |

| |project requirements? | | | | |

| |How does a parallel circuit operate? What are |* Parallel circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes Daily shop practice |Problems in basic electronics 3rd | |

| |the rules? Can you calculate, build and | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob | |

| |trouble shoot a parallel | | | | |

| |What are shop safety procedures? What is the |*1 Review shop safety |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes Daily shop practice |Basic electronics |Internet Video: emergency |

| |course of action in case of an injury? |and basic first aid. |Evaluations |Grob 9th Ed CES book 0 Lecture |response, shock & electricity |

| | | | | |can kill |

| |Name the most common electronic components and |* 4 Define electrical |Survey electronics Q&A Vocabulary Test/quizzes | Basic electronics |Video electronic components |

| |applications. Name the common uses of tools and|terms. * 37 use of |Daily practical |Grob 9th | |

| |equipment. |equipment. | | | |

| |What is scientific notation? |*2 Scientific notation |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes Daily shop practice |Problems in basic electronics 3rd | |

| |Can the student convert scientific notation? | |Evaluations |Basic Electronics Grob | |

| |What are shop safety procedures? What is the |*1 Review shop safety |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes Daily shop practice |Basic electronics |Internet Video: emergency |

| |course of action in case of an injury? |and basic first aid. |Evaluations |Grob 9th Ed CES book 0 Lecture |response, shock & electricity |

| | | | | |can kill |

| |Name the most common electronic components and |* 4 Define electrical |Survey electronics Q&A Vocabulary | Basic electronics |Video electronic components |

| |applications. Name the common uses of tools and|terms. * 37 use of |Test/quizzes Daily practical |Grob 9th | |

| |equipment. |equipment. | | | |

| |What is scientific notation? |*2 Scientific notation |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd | |

| |Can the student convert scientific notation? | |Daily shop practice |Basic Electronics Grob | |

| | | |Evaluations | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 4 Curriculum Map MONTH: October


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is a parallel circuit? How do |* 8 parallel circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |I calc a parallel circuit? What is |* 4 Define electrical terms |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Meters, breadboards, calculators, |

|3.3.12.D |Kirchhoff’s law? How do I analyze a| |Evaluations |Ed CES experiment manuals. |CES trainers |

|3.3.12.F |parallel circuit? | | |Lecture |Projects |

|3.4.12.F | | | | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |How does series/parallel function? |* 9 Series/Parallel circuits |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Basic electronics |Internet |

| | |* Define electrical terms |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Meters, breadboards, calculators, |

| | | |Evaluations | |CES trainers |

| | | | | |NIDA trainers |

| | | | | |Projects |

| |What are the basic principals of |Basic robotic principals through | | 34 in 1 robotic experiments | |

| |robotics? |experimentation | | | |

| |What are shop safety procedures? |*1 Review shop safety and basic |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

| |What is the course of action in |first aid. |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |Video: emergency response , shock &|

| |case of an injury? | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |electricity can kill |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |Name the most common electronic |* 4 Define electrical terms. * 37 |Survey electronics Q&A | Basic electronics |Video electronic components |

| |components and applications. |use of equipment. |Vocabulary |Grob 9th | |

| |Name the common uses of tools and | |Test/quizzes | | |

| |equipment. | |Daily practical | | |

| |What is scientific notation? Can |*2 Scientific notation |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd | |

| |the student convert scientific | |Daily shop practice |Basic Electronics Grob | |

| |notation? | |Evaluations | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 4 Curriculum Map MONTH: November


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are used|What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to validate|to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |that the skills and the essential | | |

| | | |question[s] have been learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What is circuit analysis and application |* 2 Scientific notation, * 4 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |for series /parallel? |Definition of electronic terms, * 9 |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |CES trainers, meters, Breadboards, |

|3.3.12.D | |Series/ Parallel |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |power supplies , projects |

|3.3.12.F | | | |*1 presentation skills |NIDA trainers |

|3.4.12.F | | | |Lecture |Circuit maker |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is a series voltage divider? What is a|* 2 Scientific notation, * 4 |Survey electronics Q&A | Problems in basic electronics 3rd |Internet. |

| |current divider with parallel resistances? |Definition of electronic terms,* |Vocabulary |Basic Electronics Grob |CES trainers, meters, Breadboards, |

| | |Voltage dividers |Test/quizzes |Ed lab CES manuals |power sup NIDA trainers |

| | | |Daily practical | |Circuit maker plies, projects |

| |How to design a voltage loaded voltage |* 10 Voltage dividers |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd |Internet |

| |divider? | |Daily shop practice |Basic Electronics Grob |CES trainers, meters, Breadboards, |

| | | |Evaluations |Ed lab CES manuals |power supplies, projects10 |

| |What are the difference analog and digital |* 4 Definition of electronic terms |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, Breadboards, |

| |meters? |* 13 measuring devices |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |power supply NIDA trainers |

| |What is a meter shunt? | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |Circuit makers, projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |What is Kirchhoff’s law? How do I apply |* 4 Definition of electronic terms |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |CES trainers, meters, Breadboards, |

| |Kirchhoff’s law to a circuit/ | |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |power supp NIDA trainers |

| | | |Evaluations |Ed CES book 0 |Circuit maker lies, projects |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |Can you identify and research an IC |* Soldering theory and practice |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Lecture |CES trainers, meters, Breadboards, |

| |component? What are logic gates and |* 50 Logic gates |Daily shop practice |Digital Electronics (Tokheim) |power supplies , projects |

| |applications? What are truth tables? | |Evaluations | |Digital magic |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 4 Curriculum Map MONTH: December


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What are the various network |* 4 Define electrical terms. *2 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic electronics |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |theorems? |Scientific notation* 11 Network |Daily shop practice |Grob 9th |CES trainers |

|3.3.12.D |What is Thevenin’s theorem? How do |analysis |Evaluations |Problems in basic electronics 3rd |Breadboards |

|3.3.12.F |you Theveniz a circuit? | | |Ed CES book 0 |Electronic measuring equipment |

|3.4.12.F | | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |What is Norton’s theorem? |* 11 Network analysis |Survey electronics Q&A | Basic electronics |Internet |

| |How is Thevenin and Norton | |Vocabulary |Grob 9th |CES trainers |

| |implemented? | |Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd |Breadboards |

| | | |Daily practical |Ed CES book 0 |Electronic measuring equipment |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| |What is superposition? |* 11 Network analysis |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd |Internet |

| | | |Daily shop practice |Basic Electronics Grob |CES trainers |

| | | |Evaluations | |Breadboards |

| | | | | |Electronic measuring equipment |

| |What are conductors and insulators?|* 4 Define electrical terms. *2 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Basic Electronics Grob |Internet |

| |What are there applications? |Scientific notation* 11 Network |Daily shop practice | |CES trainers |

| | |analysis |Evaluations | |Breadboards |

| | | | | |Electronic measuring equipment |

| |Can you explain the use and |* 50 logic gates, * 49 Binary coded|Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Digital electronics (Tokheim) |Internet |

| |application of the various logic |decimal | | |CES trainers |

| |gates? Does the student have a firm| |Daily shop practice | |Breadboards |

| |understanding of BCD and truth | | | |Electronic measuring equipment |

| |tables | |Evaluations | | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 4 Curriculum Map MONTH: January


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |What are the various number base |* 47 Binary number system * 48 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Ed CES manuals |Internet |

|3.3.12.A |systems? How do I convert between |Octal and Hexadecimal |Daily shop practice |Lecture |CES trainers, |

|3.3.12.D |the various systems? | |Evaluations |Digital electronics |Breadboards, Demonstrations |

|3.3.12.F | | | | |Lecture |

|3.4.12.F | | | | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |. What is a magnetic field? |* 4 Define electrical terms. |Survey electronics Q&A | Basic electronics |Internet |

| |How does a permanent/ |*1 4 Electromagnetism |Vocabulary |Grob 9th |Lecture |

| |electromagnets differ? | |Test/quizzes | |Video: Magnetism |

| | | |Daily practical | |CES trainers, |

| | | | | |Breadboards, Demonstrations |

| |What is MMF, Ampere turns, |* 4 Define electrical terms. |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Problems in basic electronics 3rd |Internet |

| |Permeability and hysteresis |*1 5 Electromechanical devices |Daily shop practice |Basic Electronics Grob |Lecture |

| | | |Evaluations | |Video: Magnetism |

| | | | | |CES trainers, |

| | | | | |Breadboards, Demonstrations |

| |What are the Boolean and Karnaugh | * 50 Logic gates, * Definition of |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Ed CES manuals |Internet |

| |map concepts? |electrical terms * Boolean Algebra |Daily shop practice |Lecture |Lecture |

| | | |Evaluations |Digital electronics |Video: Magnetism |

| | | | | |CES trainers, |

| | | | | |Breadboards, Demonstrations |

| |Explain what is IC specifications |* 50 Logic gates |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Ed CES manuals |Internet |

| |and simple interfacing? | |Daily shop practice |Lecture |Lecture |

| |What is TTL and CMOS? What are | |Evaluations |Digital electronics |Video: Magnetism |

| |applications of TTL & CMOS | | |Digital lab manual |CES trainers, |

| | | | | |Breadboards, Demonstrations |

| | | | | |Digital magic |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 4 Curriculum Map MONTH: February


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |Can the student explain |* 52 Decoding and encoding * 53 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Digital electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A |encoding/decoding? |Flipflops * Counters, | |(Tokheim) |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D |What are flip flops? |* 4 define electrical terms |Daily shop practice | |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

|3.3.12.F |How does a counter operate? | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.F | | |Evaluations | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |Can the student explain and |* 18 Capacitance |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Problems in basic electronics 3rd | O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |calculate the fundamentals of | |Daily shop practice |Basic Electronics Grob |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |capacitive circuits? | |Evaluations |Lecture |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | What is a microprocessor? |*56 Arithmetic circuits | | Microprocessors principals and |O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |What is the basic architecture of a| |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |applications |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |microprocessor? | |Daily shop practice |Ed CES book 0 |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | | |Evaluations |Digital electronics | |

| | | | |(Tokheim) | |

| | | | |Lecture | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 4 Curriculum Map MONTH: March


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |Can the student explain |* 52 Decoding and encoding * 53 |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Digital electronics |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A |encoding/decoding? |Flipflops * Counters, | |(Tokheim) |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D |What are flip flops? |* 4 define electrical terms |Daily shop practice | |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

|3.3.12.F |How does a counter operate? | | |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.F | | |Evaluations | | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |Can the student explain the purpose|*54 Counters * Shift registers |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Microprocessors principals and | O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |and operation of a counter? | |Daily shop practice |applications, videos |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |Can the student explain the theory | |Evaluations |Digital electronics |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| |of a shift register? | | |(Tokheim) | |

| | | | |Lecture | |

| | What is a microprocessor? |*56 Arithmetic circuits | | Microprocessors principals and |O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |What is the basic architecture of a| |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |applications, video |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |microprocessor? | |Daily shop practice |Digital electronics |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | | |Evaluations |(Tokheim) | |

| | | | |Lecture | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 4 Curriculum Map MONTH: April


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are used|What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to validate|to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |that the skills and the essential | | |

| | | |question[s] have been learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |Can the student identify the |* Digital systems |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Microprocessors principals and |O-scopes, signal generators, meters,|

|3.3.12.A |sections that make up a | | |applications, videos |frequency counters, CES trainers, |

|3.3.12.D |microprocessor? | |Daily shop practice |Digital electronics |Breadboard, Videos |

|3.3.12.F |What is an instruction set? | | |(Tokheim) | |

|3.4.12.F | | |Evaluations |Lecture | |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |Can the student explain the purpose |*57 Memories Ram and Rom |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Microprocessors principals and | O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |and operation of memory? | |Daily shop practice |applications, videos |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| | | |Evaluations |Digital electronics |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | | | |(Tokheim) | |

| | | | |Lecture | |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 4 Curriculum Map MONTH: May


|CCCS* |What is the essential question[s]? |What will students be able to do? |What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| | | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F |Can the student identify the |* 58 Digital systems |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Microprocessors principals and |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A |sections that make up a | | |applications, videos |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D |microprocessor? | |Daily shop practice |Digital electronics |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

|3.3.12.F |What is an instruction set? | | |(Tokheim) |801 microprocessor |

|3.4.12.F | | |Evaluations |Lecture |project |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |Can the student explain the purpose|*57 Memories Ram and Rom |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Microprocessors principals and | O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |and operation of memory? | |Daily shop practice |applications, videos |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| | | |Evaluations |Digital electronics |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | | | |(Tokheim) |801 microprocessor |

| | | | |Lecture |project |

| | Can the student follow an |*58 Digital systems | | Microprocessors principals and |O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |instruction set and program a | |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |applications, videos |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |microprocessor? | |Daily shop practice |Digital electronics |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | | |Evaluations |(Tokheim) |801 microprocessor |

| | | | |Lecture |project |

Burlington County Institute of Technology

CAREER MAJOR COURSE: Electronics / Level 4 Curriculum Map MONTH: June


|CCCS* |What is the essential |What will students be able to do?|What evidence, product and/or |What activities & resources are |What technology supports the |

| |question[s]? | |performance is collected to |used to develop the skills? |instruction? |

| | | |validate that the skills and the | | |

| | | |essential question[s] have been | | |

| | | |learned? | | |

|3.1.12.F | Can the student follow an |* 58 Digital systems |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes |Microprocessors principals and |O-scopes, signal generators, |

|3.3.12.A |instruction set and program a | | |applications, videos |meters, frequency counters, CES |

|3.3.12.D |microprocessor? | |Daily shop practice |Digital electronics |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

|3.3.12.F | | | |(Tokheim) |801 microprocessor |

|3.4.12.F | | |Evaluations |Lecture |project |

|3.4.12.B | | | | | |

|3.4.12.C | | | | | |

|4.2.12.D | | | | | |

|4.3.12.B | | | | | |

|4.3.12.D | | | | | |

|4.5.A | | | | | |

|4.5.B | | | | | |

|4.5.C | | | | | |

|4.5.D | | | | | |

|5.1.12.A | | | | | |

|6.6.12.F | | | | | |

|8.1.12.B 5-12 | | | | | |

|8.1.12.A | | | | | |

|9.1.12 A,B | | | | | |

|9.2.12 A-F | | | | | |

| |Has the student learned the |*58 Digital systems |Written/ Oral Test/quizzes | Microprocessors principals and | O-scopes, signal generators, |

| |material sufficiently enough to | |Daily shop practice |applications, videos |meters, frequency counters, CES |

| |pass a final exam? | |Evaluations |Digital electronics |trainers, Breadboard, Videos |

| | | | |(Tokheim) |801 microprocessor |

| | | | |Lecture |project |


A. Textbooks

1. Basic Electronics/Grob, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1997, 8th Edition

2. Basic Electronics/Grob, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2003, 9th Edition

3. Fowler, Electronics Principles & Applications, McGraw-Hill Publishers, Vol. I, 1979

4. Schuler, Electronic Principles and Applications, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1994

5. Schuler, Electronic Principles and Applications, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1999

6. Fowler, Electricity Principles and Applications, McGraw Hill Publishers, 1979

7. Shrader, Electronics Communication, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1985

8. Tokheim, Digital Electronics Text, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1984

9. Tokheim, Digital Electronics Text Activities Manual, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1984

10. Tokheim, Digital Electronics Principles and Applications, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2003

11. Malvino & Leach, Digital Principles and Applications, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 5th edition, 1997

12. Gilmore, Microprocessors, Principles and Applications, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1989

13. Frenzel, Communication Electronics Principles and Applications, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2001

B. Video tapes/slides and/or overhead

C. Supplementary books/magazines

D. Tools and equipment

E. Computer generated notes and schematics

1. Computer and Averkey graphics

2. Electronic technology related software

a. circuit maker

b. CES lab equipment software



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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