University of Minnesota Duluth

To:EE 1001 ClassFrom: Stan Burns27 September 2019Re:Upcoming Quiz 1 Secrets of the UniverseAs you know I have taught EE 1001 before. This document includes sample questions I have used on past quizzes that cover approximately some of the same topical areas. This should give you some idea as to my mindset on these topics. Several important points to note:Technology advances very quickly in EE, consequently technology-related questions and appropriate answers from past quizzes, even those from last year, could be different. Use your judgement after reviewing the WEB site presentations. Also departmental, college, and university personnel changes from year to year.Answers to any quiz questions must be based upon the latest information provided in the WEB posted information and during class presentations.Quiz 1 is scheduled for Monday, 7 October, and will cover topics through 2 October which is the Minnesota Power presentation by Andrew Remus.There are no sample questions posted for Power Electronics, 25 September, by Prof. Fang; however, you are also responsible for that material.Because of the way the schedule changes from course offering, some of the sample questions may include questions related to topics and speakers. Obviously, questions related to topics and speakers not yet introduced would not be covered on this Quiz 1. These should be recognizable as you go through this review guide.This review is not meant to be comprehensive, only a sample of what has been asked on previous quizzes covering similar topics. These sample questions provide insight into my brain about what is important.If you are a freshman or sophomore as of Fall Semester 2019 credit count, you are to form a two-person team to take the quiz. You should identify your “study buddy” partner in advance. Both of you will earn the same grade in this two-person team effort. It is important to realize that most engineering efforts requires teamwork and this is one way I can demonstrate this in an academic setting. This teaming approach is often called the “flipped classroom” and active learning pedagogy. If you do not arrange your team in advance, I will match you up when you come to class with the chance you may have to take the quiz individually.I recognize that everyone has different learning styles. If you choose to take the quiz individually, please let me know one day in advance so that I may prepare enough copies.If you are a junior or senior as of Fall Semester 2019 credit count, you are not to team up with a freshman or sophomore; you may also must take the quiz individually or team up with another junior or senior. Quiz 1 Ground Rules.Open notes and laptop/tablet/smartphone, WEB is OK but watch your time management when you surf the WEB. Not a good use of time to watch cat videos during the quiz! ? No communications between teams using WiFi, IR links, wireless, IM, Bluetooth, texting, social media etc.After looking at the syllabus through 2 October, I can identify four key topical areas:Your EE Department Faculty and Student OrganizationsDigital Circuits and Systems including binary, decimal, and hexadecimal conversions. Boolean algebra.Power and Energy and Power ElectronicsCirrus, Boston Scientific, and Minnesota Power industrial presentationsFeel free to stop in my office if you have any questions or need assistance on these sample questions but please do not wait until the last minute!Your textbook are the Powerpoints on the EE 1001 class WEB page.What Boolean function is realized by each of the three truth tables? Draw the logic gate symbol Input 1Input 2OutputInput 1Input 2OutputInput 1Input 2Output000000000011010011101100101111111110Boolean Function__________ Boolean Function___________ Boolean Function__________Logic Gate Symbol Logic Gate Symbol Logic Gate Symbol__________________________________________________________________________________________Energy and PowerAs of the latest 2012 data, demand for electric energy in the U.S. is (Decreasing at about 3%/year, Remaining constant, Increasing at about 1%/year, Increasing at about 3%/year). Circle your choice.In the context of energy policy in Minnesota, briefly explain what does the term 25 in 25 mean?.The U.S. standards for electric power distribution in a residence is (115 volts DC, 115 volts AC) with an operating frequency of (0 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 400Hz) with a (SQUARE, TRIANGULAR, SINUSOIDAL) wave shape. Circle your choices.Most of the power generated from renewable sources by Minnesota Power is provided by (coal, oil, natural gas, wind, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, photovoltaic). Circle two choices.Nuclear generation comprises (0%, 5%, 20%, 35%) of the generation capability of Minnesota Power. Circle your choice.Briefly explain the principal reason that hydroelectric generation is not increasing significantly in the U.S.The U.S. consumes about (5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%) of the total energy on the planet.Have you tried to purchase a 100 watt incandescent bulb this year? Why aren’t they available? Briefly explain in terms of U.S. energy conservation policy.If I replaced ten 60 watt incandescent lights with ten 10 watt LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs which provides about the same number of lumens and I use the ten bulbs ten hours every day, how much money will I save in a year? I live in Duluth and pay about $0.08 (8 cents) for every KWH (kilowatt hour) of energy. ___________________________________________________________________________________________Fill in the table for this logic diagram.ABCDEF00100111____________________________________________________________________________________Digital Systems By definition an 8-bit binary number is called a ________. The largest 8-bit number < 11111111 > has the decimal equivalent of ____________ and the hexadecimal equivalent of _______________. The XBOX 360 Game System uses a a three core 3.2 GHZ 128 bit CPU with 16-bit audio. Convert the largest 128 bit number into a hexadecimal equivalent. Part (b) should provide some guidance. Count carefully. ______________________________________________________ . Do you consider this 3.2 GHz processor speed slow or fast compared to desktop or lap top computer? Provide numerical comparisons and justifications for your answer.What is the period of this 3.2 GHz clock signal? ________________. Approximately how far will a signal travel on a circuit board during one clock cycle._________________Suppose the 16-bit audio output ranges between 0 and 5 volts. What is the voltage difference between two adjacent bits in this 16-bit signal?Fill in the following table.BINARYDECIMALHEXADECIMAL496BE1001 1100Compared to a 32-bit processor, A 64-bit processor can handle word sizes that are(2 times larger, 8 times larger, 16 times larger, 4,294,967,296 times larger, 264 times larger) Circle your choice.______________________________________________________________________________ Digital Systems(a)Fill in the blanksDESCRIPTIONDECIMALBINARYHEXADECIMALLegal Drinking Age in U.S.Current Year 2008Boiling Point of H2O in FFill in the table for the logic diagram shown belowABCDEF000011111100110___________________________________________________________________________________Digital Systems (9 Points) Short Answer and Fill In The Blank Pot Pourri [Parts (a) through (c), 3 Points each]The three sub-systems you will find in any computer or microcontroller are __________________,_____________________, and _______________________.A typical flash memory that you probably have can store _________________ BYTES which is equivalent to ___________________BITS of data.There are fiber optic links for computer data on campus. How long does it take a “bit” of data propagating at the speed of light to traverse the distance from MWAH to my office in the Engineering Building? Assume the distance is about 1000 feet 300 meters . ______________________________ (25 Points) Fill in the table for the logic diagram. Input AInput BOutput COutput DOutput E00011011 Fill in the blanks DESCRIPTIONDECIMALBINARY (3 Points Each)HEXADECIMAL (3 Points Each)Number of credits for a BSECE DegreeYour estimate of the number of regular season wins for the Green Bay Packers (Decimal Number must be ≥ 4 but ≤16)Current Year2015EnergyShort Answer (5 Points Each)The U.S. standards for domestic power distribution is (115 volts DC, 115 volts AC) with an operating frequency of (0 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 400Hz) with a (SQUARE, TRIANGULAR, SINUSOIDAL) wave shape. Circle your choices.In Minnesota, what does the term 25 by 25 mean? Briefly explain.The U.S. electric grid has approximately ______________generators connected with most of the generation from (HYDRO, COAL, NATURAL GAS, NUCLEAR, DIESEL, SOLAR, WIND, GEOTHERMAL, WAVE, TIDAL, BIOMASS). Circle 4 choices.Those of you who came into class on the day we had the students from East High School observed that UMD Facilities Management were replacing the 50 watt incandescent spot light bulbs in our lecture hall, LSci 185) with equivalent lumen output LED bulbs (Phillips Model EnduraLED PAR30L) . LED bulbs use about 10% of the energy of incandescent bulbs. How much money is saved by the University in operating costs over the 45,000 hour estimated life of this single LED bulb replacement compared to the incandescent bulb? Assume energy cost is $0.065/KWH (6 cents per kilowatt hour)..*Most of the power generated from renewable sources by Minnesota Power is provided by (coal, oil, natural gas, wind, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, photovoltaic). Circle two choices.The Taconite Ridge wind farm has a total capacity of about ___________MW which is (MUCH LESS THAN, ABOUT THE SAME AS, MUCH GREATER THAN) most coal-fired generation plants and is (MUCH LESS THAN, ABOUT THE SAME AS, MUCH GREATER THAN) the photovoltaic array on top of Malosky stadium. Fill in the blank and circle your choices.……………………………………………………………………………EnergyThe Taconite Ridge wind farm has ten-2.5 megawatt (MW) wind generators. Of course the wind doesn’t blow all the time so the average output is estimated to be about 30% of this peak rating. Also assume the typical retail energy rate in this area is about 7.5 ? ($0.075) per kilowatt-hour (KWH). Also assume the typical household requires an average of 2000 watts of electric power or about 24 KWH every day .The Taconite Ridge project provides power for about _______________________households.How much retail revenue does the Taconite Ridge project generate in one-year (365 days) of operation?Your HDTV is never really OFF unless you unplug it. The same is true of a desktop computer. Assume the standby power is on the order of 100 watts. How much are you paying every month (30 days) for this stand-by energy usage?Most of the power generated by Minnesota Power is provided by (coal, oil, natural gas, wind, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, photovoltaic). Circle two choices.In this part of the country, which two power generation systems has the lowest generating cost? (coal, natural gas, wind, nuclear, hydro, geothermal) Circle two choices.Briefly describe the Federal legislation, effective starting in 2012, relating to incandescent lighting.. ____________________________________________________________________________________Briefly explain why oxidizing silicon to produce SiO2 is a very important part of the integrated circuit process.The SONY “Blu-Ray” video system claims a DVD data storage capacity of about 5 times that of a standard DVD. Suppose the standard DVD uses a semiconductor LASER operating in the near infrared with a wavelength of 8750 ? = 0.875 μm = 875 nm. What would be an approximate wavelength for the Blu-Ray system LASER?Match the person (letter) with the description. A person’s name may be used more than once or not at all. (1 point for each line)DESCRIPTIONYOUR ANSWER(S) EE Department HeadIEEE Student Branch Faculty AdvisorExpertise in Digital Systems-Primarily HardwareExpertise in Signal Processing and ElectromagneticsExpertise in Nano-Scale Optoelectronic DevicesEE 1001 ProfessorDirector of UMD Career ServicesIEEE Student Branch Officers (Three names minimum)Expertise in Transportation Research and Neural NetworksExpertise in Image PerceptionExpertise in Power Systems (Two choices required)Past Chair of the Department External Advisory BoardExpertise in Semiconductor Devices and Analog Circuit DesignUMD ChancellorRegistered Professional Engineer (Three names required)Expertise in control systems Expertise in optical communicationsECE Department Staff (Two names minimum)Dean of the Swenson College of Science and EngineeringDepartment Laboratory Services CoordinatorStan BurnsJing BaiChris CarrollDan BernardTom FergusuonAaron RodgersDana GorgMohammed HasanSarah WilfahrtImran HayeeAamani GunduLee ZimmermanTaek KwonJeff ToresonScott NorrMarian StachowiczHua TangXiaogang ChenJiann-Shiou YangShey PetersenBryan WyattJoe MauerJulie WestlundLendly BlackCory LeClaireJim RiehlProblem 1 (21 Points)Your University And The Electrical Engineering Department Match the person (letter) with the description. A person’s name may be used more than once or not at all. (1 point for each line)DESCRIPTIONYOUR ANSWER(S) EE Department HeadIEEE Student Branch Faculty AdvisorExpertise in Digital Systems-Primarily HardwareExpertise in Signal Processing and ElectromagneticsExpertise in Nano-Scale Optoelectronic DevicesYour Awesome EE 1001 Professor Director of UMD Career and Internship ServicesIEEE Student Branch Officers (Three names minimum)Expertise in Transportation Research and Neural NetworksExpertise in Image Perception And An Accomplished Silk Painting ArtistExpertise in Power Systems (Two choices required)Past Chair of the Department External Advisory BoardExpertise in Semiconductor Devices and Analog Circuit DesignUMD ChancellorRegistered Professional Engineer (Two names required)Expertise in control systems Expertise in optical communications and V2V ResearchECE Department Executive SecretaryNew Dean of the Swenson College of Science and EngineeringDepartment Laboratory Services CoordinatorExpertise in Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) DesignStan BurnsJing BaiChris CarrollVinson GeeTom FergusonAaron RodgersVicki BourgetMohammed HasanJared JohnsonImran HayeeJohn FoxLee ZimmermanTaek KwonJason PeltierScott NorrJosh HamiltonHua TangXiaogang ChenJiann-Shiou YangShey PetersenCody NasceneJoe MauerJulie WestlundLendly BlackAaron RodgersSubbaram Naidu(aa) Not on this listProblem 2 (27 Points) Digital Systems And Related (Short Answer, Circle Your Choice, Fill In The Blanks)(a) (6 Points) The three sub-systems you will find in any computer are: ________________, ________________,and _____________________(b) (6 Points) An electrical engineering student decided to go to a bar but forgot their ID. In a slurring voice, the EE student told the bouncer, who was a CLA (College of Liberal Arts) student, that their age was 15. As the EE student was being very rudely escorted from the bar, the bartender who was an EE student doing really well in EE 1001 and understanding number systems, told the bouncer, “Let him in. He is OK” Briefly explain.(c) (15 Points) Using the sample questions for guidance, fill in the truth table for this logic diagram.ABCDEF00100111Problem 3 (31 Points, Parts (a) through (g) 3 points; Part (g) 10 Points)) Energy Generation and Distribution (Short Answer, Circle Your Choice, Fill In The Blanks)The U.S. and Canada standards for power distribution are (110 to 120 volts DC, 110-to 120 volts AC) with an operating frequency of (0 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 400Hz) with a (SQUARE, TRIANGULAR, SINUSOIDAL) wave shape. The power distribution standards in Europe and parts of the Far East are (110-120 volts DC, 110-120 volts AC, 220-240 volts DC, 220-240 volts AC) with an operating frequency of (0 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 400Hz) with a (SQUARE, TRIANGULAR, SINUSOIDAL) wave shape. Most of the power generated from renewable sources by Minnesota Power is provided by (coal, oil, natural gas, wind, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, photovoltaic). Circle two choicesUsing 2012 data, which is the latest available, rank in order from (1) being the most used to (4) being the least used , the sources of electricity generation in the U.S._____Natural Gas _____Nuclear _____Coal _____RenewablesAs mandated by the Minnesota legislature with respect to energy policy, what does the term 25 by 25 mean? Briefly explain.Even though the U.S annual increase in electric power usage has stabilized at (0%, 1%, 3%, 5%), the U.S still uses about (5%, 10%, 20%, 35%, 50%) of the planet’s total energy.Briefly explain the Native American “7th” generation concept as it relates to energy generation and usage.Suppose I replace ten 60 watt incandescent bulbs which are used 10 hours every day with 10 LED bulbs which only use 10 watts to produce the same 800 lumens of illumination. If electrical energy costs an average of 9 cents/KWH ($0.09/kilowatt hour) in the Duluth area, how much money would I save in one year?Digital Systems By definition an 8-bit binary number is called a ________. The largest 8-bit number < 11111111 > has the decimal equivalent of ____________ and the hexadecimal equivalent of _______________. The XBOX 360 Game System uses a a three core 3.2 GHZ 128 bit CPU with 16-bit audio. Convert the largest 128 bit number into a hexadecimal equivalent. Part (b) should provide some guidance. Count carefully. ______________________________________________________ . Do you consider this 3.2 GHz processor speed slow or fast compared to desktop or lap top computer? Provide numerical comparisons and justifications for your answer.What is the period of this 3.2 GHz clock signal? ________________. Approximately how far will a signal travel on a circuit board during one clock cycle._________________Suppose the 16-bit audio output ranges between 0 and 5 volts. What is the voltage difference between two adjacent bits in this 16-bit signal?……………………………………………………………………………(a)Fill in the following table.BINARYDECIMALHEXADECIMAL496BE1001 1100(2)Compared to a 32-bit processor, A 64-bit processor can handle word sizes that are(2 times larger, 8 times larger, 16 times larger, 4,294,967,296 times larger, 264 times larger) Circle your choice.…………………………………………………………………………… Digital Systems(a)Fill in the blanksDESCRIPTIONDECIMALBINARYHEXADECIMALLegal Drinking Age in U.S.Current Year 2008Boiling Point of H2O in F(b)Fill in the table for the logic diagram shown belowABCDEF000011111100110……………………………………………………………………………Digital Systems (9 Points) Short Answer and Fill In The Blank Pot Pourri [Parts (a) through (c), 3 Points each]The three sub-systems you will find in any computer or microcontroller are __________________,_____________________, and _______________________.A typical flash memory that you probably have can store _________________ BYTES which is equivalent to ___________________BITS of data.There are fiber optic links for computer data on campus. How long does it take a “bit” of data propagating at the speed of light to traverse the distance from MWAH to my office in the Engineering Building? Assume the distance is about 1000 feet 300 meters . ______________________________ (25 Points) Fill in the table for the logic diagram. Input AInput BOutput COutput DOutput E00011011(12 Points) Fill in the blanks DESCRIPTIONDECIMALBINARY (3 Points Each)HEXADECIMAL (3 Points Each)Number of credits for a BSECE DegreeYour estimate of the number of regular season wins for the Green Bay Packers (Decimal Number must be ≥ 2 but ≤15)Current Year2010……………………………………………………………………………EnergyShort Answer (5 Points Each)The U.S. standards for domestic power distribution is (115 volts DC, 115 volts AC) with an operating frequency of (0 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 400Hz) with a (SQUARE, TRIANGULAR, SINUSOIDAL) wave shape. Circle your choices.In Minnesota, what does the term 25 by 25 mean? Briefly explain.The U.S. electric grid has approximately ______________generators connected with most of the generation from (HYDRO, COAL, NATURAL GAS, NUCLEAR, DIESEL, SOLAR, WIND, GEOTHERMAL, WAVE, TIDAL, BIOMASS). Circle 4 choices.Those of you who came into class on the day we had the students from East High School observed that UMD Facilities Management were replacing the 50 watt incandescent spot light bulbs in our lecture hall, LSci 185) with equivalent lumen output LED bulbs (Phillips Model EnduraLED PAR30L) . LED bulbs use about 10% of the energy of incandescent bulbs. How much money is saved by the University in operating costs over the 45,000 hour estimated life of this single LED bulb replacement compared to the incandescent bulb? Assume energy cost is $0.065/KWH (6 cents per kilowatt hour)..*Most of the power generated from renewable sources by Minnesota Power is provided by (coal, oil, natural gas, wind, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, photovoltaic). Circle two choices.The Taconite Ridge wind farm has a total capacity of about ___________MW which is (MUCH LESS THAN, ABOUT THE SAME AS, MUCH GREATER THAN) most coal-fired generation plants and is (MUCH LESS THAN, ABOUT THE SAME AS, MUCH GREATER THAN) the photovoltaic array on top of Malosky stadium. Fill in the blank and circle your choices.……………………………………………………………………………EnergyThe Taconite Ridge wind farm has ten-2.5 megawatt (MW) wind generators. Of course the wind doesn’t blow all the time so the average output is estimated to be about 30% of this peak rating. Also assume the typical retail energy rate in this area is about 7.5 ? ($0.075) per kilowatt-hour (KWH). Also assume the typical household requires an average of 2000 watts of electric power or about 24 KWH every day .The Taconite Ridge project provides power for about _______________________households.How much retail revenue does the Taconite Ridge project generate in one-year (365 days) of operation?Your HDTV is never really OFF unless you unplug it. The same is true of a desktop computer. Assume the standby power is on the order of 100 watts. How much are you paying every month (30 days) for this stand-by energy usage?Most of the power generated by Minnesota Power is provided by (coal, oil, natural gas, wind, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, photvoltaic). Circle two choices.In this part of the country, which two power generation systems has the lowest generating cost? (coal, natural gas, wind, nuclear, hydro, geothermal) Circle two choices.Briefly describe the Federal legislation, effective starting in 2012, relating to incandescent lighting.. ……………………………………………………………………………Your University and Your ECE Department Match the person with the description. A person’s name may be used more than once or not at all.DESCRIPTIONYOUR ANSWER(S) CHOICESECE Department HeadStan BurnsSwenson College of Science and Engineering DeanJing BaiIEEE Student Branch Faculty AdvisorChris CarrollExpertise in Digital Systems and Assistant ECE Department HeadTom FergusonExpertise in Signal Processing and Electromagnetics Mohammed HasanExpertise in Fuzzy Logic Software Imran HayeeExpertise in Nano-Scale Optoelectronic Devices Nisha KondrathSwenson College of Science and Engineering Associate Dean and ECE 1001 ProfessorTaek KwonDirector of UMD Career ServicesScott NorrIEEE Student Branch Treasurer Marian StachowiczExpertise in Transportation Research and Neural Networks Hua TangExpertise in Power Electronics & Related Power Devices Jiann-Shiou YangExpertise in Power Systems (Two choices required) Jim RiehlIEEE Student Branch Vice-President Aamani GundaExpertise in Semiconductor Devices and Analog Circuit Design Julie WestlundUMD Chancellor Nicholas WeissRegistered Professional Engineer (Three choices required) Lendly BlackExpertise in control systems (Two choices required)(r ) Shey PetersonExpertise in optical communicationsECE Department SecretaryProblem 1 (46 Points)Digital Systems And Related(12 Points) Fill in the following table with the binary and hexadecimal equivalents..DESCRIPTIONBINARYHEXADECIMALCurrent Year (2011) Largest 8-bit numberYour age when you graduated from high school. (18 Points) Several specifications for a high end Apple iPADTM 2 are:1 GHz (GigaHertz) dual-core processor 32 GB (Gigabytes) of memory25 watt-hour battery8 bits of resolution for each color in the display10 hours of surfing the WEB before a battery recharge is requiredAnswer the following questions:What is the period of this 1 GHz clock signal? ________________. Assuming the clock signal travel close to the speed of light, approximately how far will this clock signal travel on a circuit board during one clock cycle? (1 inch, 1 foot, 1 yard, 1 mile) Circle your choice.How many bits of memory are in the iPADTM 32 GB memory chip?_____________________What is the average power dissipation while surfing the WEB assuming a fully-charged battery?__________________How many discrete colors can be displayed recognizing that each color has 8-bits of resolution?____________If a full 8 bits spans the range from 0 to 3.6 volts, how many volts does a single bit change represent?(16 Points) Fill in the table for this logic diagram.ABCDEF00100111Problem 3 (34 Points) Energy and PowerShort Answer (4 Points each for (a) through (g; 6 Points for (h))The U.S. consumes about (5%, 15%, 25%, 50%) of the total world’s energy. Circle your choice.In the U.S., annual electric energy growth is about (0.5%, 2%, 5%, 12%, Showing a Decrease). Circle your choice.The Minnesota Energy Act of 2007 places what requirement on Minnesota utilities by the year 2025? Briefly explain.The U.S. standards for electric power distribution is (115 volts DC, 115 volts AC) with an operating frequency of (0 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 400Hz) with a (SQUARE, TRIANGULAR, SINUSOIDAL) wave shape. Circle your choices.Most of the power generated from renewable sources by Minnesota Power is provided by (coal, oil, natural gas, wind, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, photovoltaic). Circle two choices.What is the most expensive generating system to build and install? (Clean Coal, Wind, Wind Offshore, Solar, Nuclear, Hydro). Circle your choice.The Taconite Ridge wind farm has a total capacity of about ___________MW which is (MUCH LESS THAN, ABOUT THE SAME AS, MUCH GREATER THAN) most coal-fired generation plants and is (MUCH LESS THAN, ABOUT THE SAME AS, MUCH GREATER THAN) the photovoltaic array on top of Malosky stadium. Fill in the blank and circle your choices.This issue has been in the news very recently. Briefly describe the Federal legislation, effective starting in 2012, relating to incandescent lighting. This follows legislation in Australia and many European countries.I replaced ten 60 watt incandescent lights with ten 13 watt compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs which provides about the same number of lumens. I use the bulbs ten hours every day. If I pay $0.08 (8 cents) for every KWH (kilowatt hour), how much money will I save every month? Assume a 30 day month.Problem 1 (22 Points)Your University And The Electrical Engineering Department Match the person (letter) with the description. A person’s name may be used more than once or not at all. (1 point for each line)DESCRIPTIONYOUR ANSWER(S) Your Awesome EE 1001 Professor IEEE Student Branch Faculty AdvisorExpertise in Digital Systems-Primarily HardwareExpertise in Signal Processing and ElectromagneticsExpertise in Nano-Scale Optoelectronic DevicesEE Department HeadDirector of UMD Career and Internship ServicesIEEE Student Branch Officers (Three names required)Expertise in Transportation Research and Neural NetworksExpertise in Image Perception And An Accomplished Silk Painting ArtistExpertise in Power Systems (Two choices required)Jack Rowe Chair and Prosthetic Hand R&D ProjectExecutive Vice Chancellor of Academic AffairsExpertise in Semiconductor Devices and Analog Circuit DesignUMD ChancellorRegistered Professional Engineer (Two names required)Expertise in control systems Expertise in optical communications and V2V ResearchEE Department Executive SecretaryDean of the Swenson College of Science and EngineeringDepartment Laboratory Services CoordinatorExpertise in Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) DesignStan BurnsJing BaiChris CarrollSalil PaiTom FergusonAaron RodgersAdam WeidlingMohammed HasanCharles FarrellImran HayeeDanny AlvarezLee ZimmermanTaek KwonNick RobillardScott NorrJosh HamiltonHua TangXiaogang ChenJiann-Shiou YangShey PetersenMiles PearsonJoe MauerJulie WestlundLendly (Lynn) BlackMark DaytonSubbaram NaiduAndrea SchokkerSubbaram NaiduMik McCarthyNone of the aboveProblem 2 (33 Points) Digital Systems And Related (Short Answer, Circle Your Choice, Fill In The Blanks)(a) (6 Points) The three sub-systems you will find in any computer are: ________________, ________________,and _____________________(b) (15 Points) What Boolean function is realized by each of the three truth tables? Neatly draw and label the logic gate symbol Input 1Input 2OutputInput 1Input 2OutputInput 1Input 2Output000000000011010011101100101111111110Boolean Function__________ Boolean Function___________ Boolean Function__________Logic Gate Symbol Logic Gate Symbol Logic Gate Symbol (8 Points) Fill in the following table with the decimal, binary and hexadecimal equivalents.DESCRIPTIONDECIMALBINARYHEXADECIMALNumber of Credits to Graduate With a BSEE from UMD 127Largest 8-bit number 1111 1111Problem 3 (21 Points, 3 Points Each) Energy Generation and Distribution (Short Answer, Circle Your Choice(s), Fill In The Blanks)As of the latest 2013-2014 data, demand for electric energy in the U.S. is (Decreasing at about 3%/year, Increasing at about 1%/year, Increasing at about 3%/year but the U.S still uses about (5%, 10%, 20%, 35%, 50%) of the planet’s total energy. Circle your choices.In the context of energy policy in Minnesota, briefly explain what does the term 25 in 25 mean?The U.S. standards for electric power distribution in a residence is (115 volts DC, 115 volts AC) with an operating frequency of (0 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 400Hz) with a (SQUARE, TRIANGULAR, SINUSOIDAL) wave shape. Circle your choices.The power distribution standards in Europe and parts of the Far East are (110-120 volts DC, 110-120 volts AC, 220-240 volts DC, 220-240 volts AC) with an operating frequency of (0 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz, 400Hz) with a (SQUARE, TRIANGULAR, SINUSOIDAL) wave shape. Circle your choices.Most of the power generated from renewable sources by Minnesota Power is provided by (coal, oil, natural gas, wind, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, photovoltaic). Circle two choices.Using the most recent 2014 data, which is the latest available, rank in order from (1) being the most used to (5) being the least used , the sources of electricity generation in the U.S._____Natural Gas _____Nuclear _____Coal _____Renewables ________PetroleumIf I replaced ten 60 watt incandescent lights with ten 10 watt LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs which provides about the same number of lumens and I use the ten bulbs ten hours every day, how much money will I save in a year? I live in Duluth and pay about $0.08 (8 cents) for every KWH (kilowatt hour) of energy. ................

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