Lesson Plan


|Lesson Title: Number Lines |Date: |

|Subject: Math |Grade Level(s): 6-7 |

|Teacher: |Time Frame: 60 minutes |

|Lesson Summary: |

|Students will be able locate and name integers, fractions, and decimals on a number line. |

|Lesson Objectives |

|The students will know… |

|That numbers to the left of zero are negative and numbers to the right of zero are positive. |

|That the numbers on a number line increase in value from left to right. |

|How to locate and name integers on a number line. |

|How to locate and name fractions on a number line. |

|How to locate and name decimals on a number line. |

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|The students will be able to… |

|Locate and name integers, fractions, and decimals on a number line. |

|Lesson Plan |

|Time: |Procedure: |Materials Needed: |

|10 minutes |Warm-up Exercise: |PowerPoint Presentation, slide 2; index cards with one number line per|

| |Provide each student with a number line. Show slide 2. Demonstrate |card (include a variety of number lines, such as ones that show |

| |how to read the number line. Then have students view the number |coordinates for integers or in which the number line is divided into |

| |line on their index card. Ask whether they would represent |halves, thirds, fourths, or fifths and can be used to represent |

| |integers, fractions, and/or decimals on the number line and why. |fractions and decimals.) |

|10 minutes |Motivation (Real-world Applications): |PowerPoint Presentation, slides 3 and 4 |

| |Show slide 3. Have students answer the questions about the | |

| |temperatures represented on the number line. Refer to the answers | |

| |on slide 4 as needed. Elicit from students why it was helpful to | |

| |represent the temperatures on the number line. [easier to tell the | |

| |least and greatest temperatures] | |

| | | |

| |Ask students to name other real-world data they might show on a | |

| |number line and why they might do so. | |

|15 minutes |Presentation of New Material: |PowerPoint Presentation, slides 5–12 |

| |Show slides 5–12 on how to locate integers, fractions, and decimals| |

| |on number lines. As you work through the presentation, explain that| |

| |an infinite number of numbers can be represented between any two | |

| |tick marks. For example, on slide 11, either give examples or have | |

| |students give examples of numbers that could be located between the| |

| |tick marks 4.25 and 4.5. | |

|10 minutes |Guided Practice: |Index cards with number lines from Warm-up Exercise; red pencils or |

| |Have students work in pairs. Each student uses red dots to |markers |

| |represent three numbers on the number line. Partners exchange cards| |

| |and then name the numbers shown on the number line. Have each pair | |

| |trade number lines with other pairs and name the points. | |

|10 minutes |Independent Practice: |Study Island Worksheet on Number Lines |

| |Have students work on the Study Island Worksheet on Number Lines. | |

|5 minutes |Closing Activities: | |

| |Collect from each pair one number line with the three points | |

| |labeled. | |

|Homework: Have students complete the Study Island Worksheet on Number Lines. |

|Differentiation: For students needing extra support, provide printouts of slides 5, 7, 9, and 11. Have students label every tick mark on each number line. Give |

|students who need an additional challenge a combination of at least six whole numbers, fractions, and decimals to plot on one number line. Have students create |

|their own number line to represent the numbers. |

|Teacher Reflection: |

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