Topic: Adding & Subtracting Decimals

|Topic: Adding & Subtracting Decimals |Date: Summer 2011 |

|Course/Subject: Math |Grade: 5 |

| |School District: Appoquinimink |

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

|Representing Decimals |Comparing Decimals to the thousandths |Adding and subtracting decimals to the |

| | |hundredths |

| | | |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

|How is a decimal similar to numbers I already |How can you use a number line or grid to compare |What strategies do you use to add and subtract |

|know? |decimals? |decimals (Including Decimals with Whole |

|How do you read and write tenths, hundredths |How can you use benchmark fractions and percents to |Numbers) |

|and thousands? |compare/order decimals? |How do you assess the reasonableness of you |

|How do we represent decimals as parts of a |How do you compare decimals that are greater than |answer using estimation? |

|100’s grid? |one? | |

| | | |

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|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |

|Tenths, hundredths, thousandths, fractions, |Benchmarks, number line, less than, greater than, |Rounding, estimation, |

|decimals, expanded form, number line, grid, |equal to, grid, equivalents, | |

|place value | | |

|Additional Resources: |

|Unit 6 Investigation 1 (1.5A) |

|Investigation 2 (2.5A) |

|Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |Concept: |

| | | | | |

|Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |Lesson Essential Questions: |

| | | | | |

|Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |Vocabulary: |


Key Learning: Students will read, write, compare, add and subtract decimals.

Unit Essential Question: How do you read, write, compare add and subtract decimals?


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