

1 Purpose

1. The Vessel is a multipurpose sea-going workship,which should obtain the following roles:

1) Offshore platform supply(bulk cargo, liquid mud, diesel, fresh water,drill water,drilling equipment and living goods,etc.);

2) Anchor handling;

3) Towing;

4) External fire fighting

2 Navigation area

The platform supply, loading deck cargo, towing within the prot and stand-by working are to be designed in accordance with the requirements issued by CCS for offshore service.

The dispatch sailing and towing on the sea of the vessel are to be designed in accordance with the requirements issued by CCS for open sea service.

3 Type

★ The vessel is of oil field stand-by type. The vessel is of full steel welding, transverse system, single continuous deck, with forecastle and three-storeyed deckhouse. Platform deck is under main deck. The Vessel shall be designed to have double bottom double hull except bow. Main deck is flush deck without camber or sheer. The vessel is designed to have rakedbow and cruiser stern. The vessel is driven by two diesel engines, propelled by double adjustable fixed duct paddle. Besides double suspension type rudders, the vessel is equipped with two bowthrusters and one sternthruster. The middle and aft part of the main deck is deck cargo area. Stern towline roller is located on the stern of the main deck.

4 Classification

The vessel shall acquire the following Class Notation by CCS:

★ CSA Offshore Tug / Supply Ship,Stand-By Ship, Fire Fighting Ship 1, Water Spraying,Ice Class B

★ CSM AUT-0 ,DP2

5 Principal technical parameters

Length overall Loa 77.00m

Length between perpendiculars Lpp 68.68m

Breadth moulded B 18.00m

Depth moulded D 7.50m

Design draft T 6.20m

Load capacity abt. 2500 t

Main deck cargo area 650m2

Main deck unit load 10t/m2

Main deckcargo capacity 1400 t

Ballast/drillingwater tank capacity 1966 m3

Fresh water tank capacity 1054m3


(including service fuel tank) 1320m3

Cement tank(bulkload)capacity 280 m3

Mud tank capacity 450 m3

Main engine continuous rating(MCR) 4000 kW×2

Rated speed 750 r/min

Free trial speed 16 kn

(draft 5.2m and 100%MCR)

Endurance 8000 n mile

Self-supplying capacity 30 days

Maximum continuous bollard pull 1360 kN

Main generator 800 kW×2

Shaft generator 1600kW×2

Emergency/Harbor generator 215 kW×1

Bowthruster unit 100 kN×2

Sternthruster unit 100 kN×1

Height between decks:

Main deck to Upper deck 2.80 m

Upper deck to Forecastle deck 2.80 m

Forecastle deck to Captain deck 2.80 m

Captain deck to Bridge deck 2.80 m

Bridge deck to Compass deck 2.80 m

Platform deck (from base line) 4.40 m

Double bottom height 1.00 m


Sheer forward 0

Sheer aft 0


Main deck 0

Deck over Bridge deck 0

6 General arrangement

The main deck of the vessel is to be of continuous deck, with forecastle on it. On the forecastle deck there are three-storeyed deckhouses.

Under the main deck, main hull is separated by five watertight transverse bulkheads into six watertight compartments. From bow to stern there are:

1) FR109 ~ bow №1drill water /ballast water tank.

2) FR5 ~ FR109 area

Below the platform under deck:

FR100 ~ FR109 is bowthruster tank, equipped with two tunnel transverse thrust units sand one emergency fire pume;

FR73 ~ FR100 is engine room area, equipped with marine engine equipment like propusion engine (P.) and (S.).

FR69 ~ FR73 №1 and №2 Diesel service tank are located at the middle line on both sides of this area,FR58 ~ FR69 №2 and №3 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher are located at the middle line on both sides of this area;

FR27 ~ FR58 Four bulk cement silos are located at the middle line of this area;

FR18 ~ FR27 propusion gear box (P.) and (S.), shaft generator are located,FR19 ~ FR23 Cleaning water tank is located at the middle line;

FR13 ~ FR18 №7 and №8 Fresh water tank are located at the middle line on both sides of this area,FR5 ~ FR13 at the middle line of this area an opening is set for going in and out of the sternthruster, and №14 and №15 Drill water/ Ballast tank on both sides.

On the platform under deck:

FR102 ~ FR109 is Store room equipped with sewage treatment unit and vertical ladder and inclined ladder.

FR66 ~ FR102 is engine room area, on port side of which is FR66 ~ FR73 where engine control room is located, on starboard side FR67 ~ FR73 is work shop, FR99 ~ FR102 Electrician room is located on port side, precious spare part room is on starboard side;

№2 and №3 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher are in front of cement tank area,under the platform facing bow bulkhead is FR69,on the platform is FR66,stern bulkhead is FR59;

FR20 ~ FR24 №7 and №8 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher are located facing the broadside on both sides,FR16 ~ FR19 is №1 rolling tank,FR13 ~ FR16 is №2 rolling tank,FR5 ~ FR12 №9 and №10 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher are located at the middle line of this area;cement tank area is facing

the broadside:FR30 ~ FR38 №3 and №4 mud tank are on both sides,FR38 ~ FR51 №5 and №6 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher are on both sides,FR51 ~ FR59 №1 and №2 mud tank are on both sides,№1 and №4 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher, under the platform facing bow bulkhead is FR69,on the platform is FR67,stern bulkhead FR59;

3) Broadside

FR87 ~ FR100 №1 and №2 Fresh water tank / Ballast tank are located on both sides;

FR78 ~ FR85 on the port side is foam tank,FR73 ~ FR78 on the port side is oil dispersant tank,under the platform FR74 ~ FR85 on the starboard side is auxiliary engine lube oil storage tank, on the platform FR74 ~ FR76 on the starboard side is hydraulic oil storage tank,FR76 ~ FR85 on the starboard side is sanitary sewage storage tank;

№8 and №9 Drill water/ Ballast tank are located on both sides of FR59 ~ FR73,№10 and №11 Drill water/ Ballast tank are located on both sides of FR46 ~ FR59, №12 and №13 Drill water/ Ballast tank are located on both sides of FR35 ~ FR46,№1 and №2 sewage tank are located on both sides of FR30 ~ FR35,№5 and №6 fresh water tank are located on both sides of FR19 ~ FR27,№9 and №10 fresh water tank are located on both sides of FR5 ~ FR13,between which and №9 and №10 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher there is an annular void tank.

Stern ~ FR5 area

At the middle line of the area FR-3 ~ FR5 is steering gear room, №16 and №17 Drill water/ Ballast tank are located near the broadside and stern~ FR-3;

4) Double bottom

№7 and №8 fresh water tank are located at the middle line on both sides of FR13 ~ FR29,FR13 ~ FR17 near the broadside are №1and №2 propeller shaft cooling water tank,

№3 and №4 fresh water tank are located at the middle line on both sides of FR29 ~ FR58,FR29 ~ FR4 5and FR45 ~ FR58 near the broadside is Drill water/Ballast tank whose broadside is connecting up and down,on both sides of FR45 ~ FR58 are Drill water/ Ballast tank whose broadside is connecting up and down, at the middle line on both sides of FR73 ~ FR75 are log room and echo sounder room, near the broadsides are sludge tank, overflow tank and dirty hydraulic oil recovery tank;

At the middle line of FR75 ~ FR81 and FR81 ~ FR87 are dirty fuel oil tank, dirty lube oil tank and bilge well; near the broadsides on both sides of FR75 ~ FR87 are №6 and №7 Drill water/ Ballast tank,and main engine lube oil circulating tank (P.) and (S) isolated by the annular void tank. On both sides of FR87 ~ FR97 are №4 and №5 Drill water / Ballast tank, as well as high/low sea water valve box (P.) and (S.) and fire pump sea chest, FR97 ~ FR100 bilge water storage tank and bilge well (P.) and (S.) are located, №2 and №3 Drill water/Ballast tank are located on both sides of FR100 ~ FR109;

Main deck FR62 ~Bow area is forecastle,main deck FR62 ~ Stern is cargo area, where rails are set to block goods on both sides, wood deck is laid in the middle, whose thickness is 80mm. Stern roller, hydraulic shark jaws, towing pin and drag eye plate are installed on the after main deck.On the aft part of the main deck installed mooring equipment, like hydraulic capstan, bollard and cable chock.


At the middle line of FR67 ~ FR82 of the main deck superstructure is recessed, equipped with towing winch and hydraulic winch, on both sides of the broadsides there are C2H2room,O2room, CO2room, paint room, deck store/power pack. Structure air duct is near the broadside on both sides of FR76 ~ FR82;From bow to stern in the area FR82 ~ FR109 of the main deck there are:chain locker, dry goods store room, laundry/drying room, sauna room, two 6-person rooms and two 4- person rooms, three 2- person rooms, changing room, washroom, engine casing, gateway and interior and exterior stairway, FR109 ~ Bow is №1 Drill water/Ballast tank.

From bow to stern in the area FR76 ~Bow of the upper deck there are:

Provision store, boatswain’s store /windlass hydraulic unit room, cold storage buffer room, freezer, cold store, office mess room, crew’s room, recreation room, hull office, engineer’s room, air conditioning unit room, emergency generator room, washroom and gateway,

Structure air duct is near the broadside on both sides of FR76 ~ FR82;lounge with interior and exterior stairway is located on the upper deck (where 100 rescued people can embark).

In the deckhouse on the forecastle deck there are four 2- person rooms, two single rooms, hospital, engine casing, gateway and interior and exterior stairway.

On the fore part of the forecastle deck installed two horizontal combination windlasses, bollard, cable chock, fairleader, chain cable fairlead, chain cable controller, mooring fibre rope wire winch. Two towing posts are installed on the bow.。

On starboard side of the after forecastle deck one high speed FRP rescue boat and handling gear. One electro-hydraulic crane is installed on the starboard side. Inflatable liferafts are provided on both sides.

In the deckhouse of captain deck there are captain’s room, chief engineer’s room, chief officer’s room, 1st engineer’s room, battery room, electrician room, engine casing, gateway and interior and exterior stairway.

In the wheelhouse there are navigation control console, chart space, radio space, operating control console, engine casing and interior and exterior stairway.

On the compass deck there is one signal mast, on which installed two radar antenna and navigation light and signal light. On the funnel installed the fire platform on which there are two fire monitors for external fire fighting. Refer to General Arrangement (SHG706-020-02) for details.

7 Main engine and speed

7.1 Main engine

Model: MAN B&W 8L32/40

Type: intermediate speed, four stroke, in line, water cooling, direct injection, exhaust turbo charging, middle cooling, non-reversible, marine diesel engine

Quantity: 2

Max.continuous rating power (MCR): 4000kW

Speed: 750 r/min

7.2 Propeller

The vessel is equipped with 4-blade propellers with fixed nozzle and adjustable pitch. The hub is made of stainless blade. The structure of this vessel has been strengthened in accordance with the requirement of ice Class B.

Blades: 4

Quantity: 2

Each vessel is provided with one spare blade (P.), one spare blade (S.) and one set of fixed pitch for the blade.

7.3 Gear box

Power of each main engine is passed on to the propeller via long axis, gear box, intermediate shaft and stern shaft. Gear box is two-shaft gear box, main shaft is to drive CPP propeller,while auxiliary shaft to drive the shaft driven generator.

7.4 Speed, oil comsumption and endurance

The sea trial shall be carried out at weather conditions not exceeding wind force 3 Beaufort Scale 3 and sea wave 2, in deep water and level tide, with clean hull and the vessel is at design draft (mean draft=5.2m).

When the main engine is running at 100%MCR, the sailing speed is 16kn.

Oil consumption: t/day.

When the main engine is running at 85%MCR, with oil&water tanks full and enough food, endurance of the vessel shall not be less than 30 days and not less than 8000 n.mile.

DGPS is adopted to test the sailing speed.

7.5 Bollard pull

When the main engine is working at maximum continuous torque and the speed is 0, maximum bollard pull should be ≥1360kN.

8 Capacity(The table is estimated, which should be subject to the table of tank capacities.)

8.1 Diesel oil tank

|No. |Name |Location |Net volume |

| | | |(m3) |

|1 |№1 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher |59 ~ 69 |140 |

|2 |№2 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher |59 ~ 66 |96 |

|3 |№3 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher |59 ~ 66 |96 |

|4 |№4 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher |59 ~ 69 |140 |

|5 |№5 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher |38 ~ 51 |203 |

|6 |№6 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher |38 ~ 51 |203 |

|7 |№7 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher | 20 ~ 24 |28 |

|8 |№8 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher |20 ~ 24 |28 |

|9 |№9 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher |5 ~ 12 |21 |

|10 |№10 Diesel oil tank & Oil catcher |5 ~ 12 |21 |

|11 |№1 Diesel service tank |69 ~ 73 |20 |

|12 |№2 Diesel service tank |69 ~ 73 |20 |

|13 |№1 Diesel sump tank |69 ~ 73 |28 |

|14 |№2 Diesel sump tank |69 ~ 73 |28 |

| | | | |

| |Σ | |1072 |

8.2 Fresh water tank

|No. |Name |Location |Net volume |

| | | |(m3) |

|1 |№1 Fresh water tank/Ballast tank |87 ~ 100 |105 |

|2 |№2 Fresh water tank/Ballast tank |87 ~ 100 |105 |

|3 |№3 Fresh water tank |30 ~ 59 |82 |

|4 |№4 Fresh water tank |30 ~ 59 |82 |

|5 |№5 Fresh water tank |19 ~ 27 |25 |

|6 |№6 Fresh water tank |19 ~ 27 |25 |

|7 |№7 Fresh water tank |13 ~ 18 |65 |

|8 |№8 Fresh water tank |13 ~ 18 |65 |

|9 |№9 Fresh water tank |5 ~ 13 |56 |

|10 |№10 Fresh water tank |5 ~ 13 |56 |

|11 |№1Rolling tank/ Fresh water tank / Ballast tank |16 ~ 19 |82 |

|12 |№21Anti-rolling tank/ Fresh water tank / Ballast tank |13 ~ 16 |85 |

|13 |Cleaning water tank |19 ~ 23 |15 |

| | | | |

| |Σ | |848 |

8.3 Drill water/ Ballast tank

|No. |Name |Location |Net volume |

| | | |(m3) |

|1 |№1 Drill water/ Ballast tank |109 ~ bow |58 |

|2 |№2 Drill water/ Ballast tank |100 ~ 109 |12 |

|3 |№3 Drill water/ Ballast tank |100 ~ 109 |12 |

|4 |№4 Drill water/ Ballast tank |87 ~ 97 |28 |

|5 |№5 Drill water/ Ballast tank |87 ~ 97 |28 |

|6 |№6 Drill water/ Ballast tank |75 ~ 87 |16 |

|7 |№7 Drill water/ Ballast tank |75 ~ 87 |16 |

|8 |№8 Drill water/ Ballast tank |59 ~ 73 |123 |

|9 |№9 Drill water/ Ballast tank |59 ~ 73 |123 |

|10 |№10 Drill water/ Ballast tank |46 ~ 59 |70 |

|11 |№11 Drill water/ Ballast tank |46 ~ 59 |70 |

|12 |№12 Drill water/ Ballast tank |30 ~ 46 |61 |

|13 |№13 Drill water/ Ballast tank |30 ~ 46 |61 |

|14 |№14 Drill water/ Ballast tank |5 ~ 13 |25 |

|15 |№15 Drill water/ Ballast tank |5 ~ 13 |25 |

|16 |№16 Drill water/ Ballast tank |Stern ~ -3 |70 |

|17 |№17 Drill water/ Ballast tank |Stern ~ -3 |70 |

| | | | |

| |Σ | |868 |

8.4 Mud tank

|No. |Name |Location |Net volume |

| | | |(m3) |

|1 |№1 Mud tank |51 ~ 59 |120 |

|2 |№2 Mud tank |51 ~ 59 |120 |

|3 |№3 Mud tank |30 ~ 38 |120 |

|4 |№4 Mud tank |30 ~ 38 |120 |

| | | | |

| |Σ | |480 |

9 Bulk cement tank

Four bulk cement silos (each volume is 60m3) are located in the bulk cement tank under the main deck, total is 240 m3.

10 Deck cargo area

The mid and aft part of the main deck is deck cargo area, where rails (2800mm in height) are set to block goods on both sides. In the middle deck imported seeketh mywood deck is laid, whose thickness is 80mm. The total area of the cargo area is 650 m2. Uniform load of the deck is designed to be 10t/ m2,and deck cargo (supplies) of 1400t can be loaded. (Stability Calculation shall prevail.)

11 Mud tank

In the vessel four rectangle mud tanks are located, the total volume of which is 480m3. The steel plate of the tank is to be thickened by 2mm. The base of the stirrer shall be matched.

12 Stability, trim and insubmeribility

As an offshore supply vessel for transporting bulk cargo, liquid mud, fuel oil, fresh water, drill water, drilling equipment and living gooods,its stability shall satisfy the requirements of “Statutory Inspection Technical Regulation for Sea-going Ships Engaged on International Voyages” (2004) for the offshore supply vessel issued by Marine Bureau of People's Republic of China.

As a ship with certain towing capacity, when operating on the sea, its stability shall satisfy the requirements of “Statutory Inspection Technical Regulation for Sea-going Ships Engaged on International Voyages” (2004) for the towing vessel in unrestricted waters issued by Marine Bureau of People's Republic of China.

When loading deck cargo, the stability of the vessel shall be designed according to the requirement of Offshore Service Area.

As a stand-by vessel which can carry 100 rescued persons, its stability shall satisfy the requirements of “Statutory Inspection Technical Regulation for International Sea-going Ships and Offshore Installation” (2004) issued by Marine Bureau of People's Republic of China for the passenger ship in Offshore Service Area, on which the passengers gather on one side of the ship.

When sailing under full load and no load, on condition that ballast water is allowed to adjust floating state, the vessel can be with no downpitch, and meanwhile the propeller must be submerged by aft draft.

13 Freeboard

Freeboard of the vessel shall be calculated according to the requirements of the loadline for B Type. Loadline mark shall be assigned at maximum draft (6.40m), at the moment the freeboard value is 1114mm,larger than the value calculated according to the specification.

14 Tonnage

Tonnage of the vessel shall be calculated according to the requirements for Tonnage Measurement:

Gross tonnage GT 2990

15 Maneuverability

Two suspension type rudders and two electro-hydraulic rotary vane type steering gears are installed on the vessel.

In order to improve the maneuverability of the vessel, the vessel is equipped with two adjustable pitch four-blade tubular transverse propellers driven by electric motor on the bow, side thrust of each is 100kN; one adjustable pitch four-blade tubular transverse propeller driven by electric motor on the stern, side thrust of which is 100kN.

16 Passenger

|Senior officer |7 persons |

|Crew |20 persons |

|Staff |17 persons |

| | |

|Total |44 persons |

17 Rules, regulations, conventions and certificatse

17.1 Rules, regulations and conventions

At the time of delivery, the Vessel shall ssatisfy the requirements of all the applicable rules and regulations within the period of validity issued by the supervise organizations.

The vessel shall be complied with the requirement of the following Rules:

Rules and Regulations for the Classification and Construction of Sea-going Steel Ships (2006)

Statutory Inspection Regulation for Ships and Offshore Installation (2008)

Test Guide of Oil Recovery Vessel

Statutory Inspection Technical Regulation for Marine Towage (1999)

Regulation for Survey of Ships under Construction (1984)

Current international conventions and rules:

The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (2004)

The International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 and Protocol 1978 and its amendment of 1992

The International Convention for Prevention of Collision at Sea 1972 including amendment of 1982

The International Convention on Load Lines 1966

The International Regulation for Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969

IMO Resolution 469(Ⅻ): Guardance Document of Design and Construction of Offshore Supply Ship

Guide to Safety Towing at Sea (1998) (MSC/Circ. 884)

Regulations for China National Offshore Oil Corporation:

Safety Management Rule of Stand-by Ship for Marine Oil Operation (1990)

17.2 Certificates and documents

The following shall be obtained by the Builder and furnished to the Owner in 5 sets (one original and four copies) at the time of delivery of the Vessel:

Classification Certificate

International Load Line Certificate

Ship Safety Radio Certificate

Ship Safety Construction Certificate

Ship Safety Equipment Certificate

International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate

Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan

Sanitary sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate

Hoisting equipment certificate

Life Saving Appliances Certificate

International Tonnage Certificate

Fresh Water Sanitary Certificate

GMDSS Certificate (A1+A2+A3)(including Shore-based Maintenance Agreement and Product Certificate)

Builder’s Certificate

Compass Adjustment Error Table

Deratization Certificate

Towing Equipment Certificate

Towing Certificate, Towing Tension Certificateand Towing Equipment Payload Certificate

Certificate for Fire Extinguishing and Detecting Apparatus

Cargo Securing Manual

Waste Management Plan

Shipping Operation Manual

Loading Manual

All the certificates and technical documents attached with material and equipment (The number refer to the makers’ list.)

18 Noise and vibration

18.1 Noise

Noise criteria of the VESSEL shall refer to the requirements of IMO468 (VII) “Rules of Noise Level for Ships”:

Engine room (as a measuring point): ≤ 110dB(A)

Engine control room: ≤ 75 dB(A)

Wheel house: ≤ 65~70 dB(A)

Accommodation space, hospital: ≤ 60 dB(A)

Mess room and lounge room: ≤ 65 dB(A)

Galley (when the equipment is not working): ≤ 75 dB(A)

(when the equipment is working): ≤ 80~85 dB(A)

The noise of the vessel shall be measured by GB4595-84“Ship Noise Measurement” and recorded. At the time of delivery, the test reports on noise in the accommodation space shall be submitted by the builder to the owner, CCS and Shanghai Hongguan Ship Design Co., LTD. The report may be made according to the estimate table about Noise Level on Board Ship in Part II of Chapter X VII Ship Noise in ZC86 Prevention of Harmful Vibration on ship.

18.2 Vibration

Vibration measurement of the vessel shall be carried out in accordance with the requirement of ISO6954-1984“Comprehensive Evaluation Standard on Vibration of Merchant Ship”. When measured, the environment condition, ship’s condition, measurement instrument and report on the measurement shall refer to the provision in Appendix I “Suggestion of the Rules for Vibration of Seagoing ship” of CB*Z310-79. In the course of the measurement of the hull vibration, the main engine load shall be divided into four levels (30%、50%、75%、100%). The test point and requirements are as follows:

Aft end of main deck: vertical, transverse and longitudinal vibration

Deck in the wheelhouse: vertical, transverse and longitudinal


Mess room, lounge room, hospital: vertical, transverse and longitudinal vibration

Where there is obvious vibration: vertical, transverse and longitudinal vibration

The report on the measurement of hull vibration shall be submitted to the owner, CCS and Shanghai Hongguan Ship Design Co., LTD at the time of delivery.

19 Material, workmanship, standard and unit

19.1 Material

The quality of steel of hull and other important parts shall meet the requirements of CCS, and supplied with valid CCS certificate.

All the material used for the construction of the vessel must be of good quality and new.

In case equivalent material, equipment and articles are used as substitutes, the owner’s and CCS’s approval must be obtained in advance.

Clearance, examination, maintenance and repair shall be paid special attention to.

The material damaged in the construction of the ship shall be replaced or repaired after approved by the owner.

19.2 Workmanship

All workmanship adopted in the construction of the vessel shall be in accordance with the builder’s advanced and excellent standard for shipbuilding and ISO quality control procedure. The builder shall compile construction workmanship manual according to the standard and convention of the builder. Important procedures shall be approved by the owner and CCS’s surveyer.

All the equipment, panels, furniture, fittings and deck cover are installed on the vessel in the construction, and shall be shielded by the protective cover to prevent dust pollution and mechanical damage caused by the following construction and transportation

The protective cover shall be replaced if damaged.

In case the equipment, panels, furniture, fittings and deck cover are soiled or damaged, the affected part shall be carefully cleaned and repaired to satisfy the original standard, or be replaced.

In case stained or scratched, the interior, exterior surface shall be repainted before the delivery. If the damaged area is comparatively large, the whole surface shall be repaired.

19.3 Standard unit

All measurements for the hull, structure, outfitting, deck machinery, marine engine, system, electric and automation shall be the statutory measuring unit of the People's Republic of China, unless otherwise specified hereinafter, such as: m (meter), mm(millimeter), n mile(nautical mile) for length;kg(kilogram) and t(ton) for quality;N/mm2(Newton per square millimeter) for pressure;℃(centigrade) for temperature;W(watt) and kW(kilowatt) for power;N·m(Newton meter) for torque.

20 Equipment supplied by the owner

The equipment supplied by the owner shall be installed or laid with the help of the builder:

Apparatus, tool and device over and above the requirement of regulations, contract and specification;

Deck equipment and cabin store over and above the requirement of specification;

All the chart, port rules and navigation books;

Everyday consumable, such as: oil, food, non-staple food and fresh water;

21 Deadweight

The deadweight in sea water of 1.025t/m3 specific gravity is to be defined as the difference between the displacement at summer load line (without trim) and light ship weight.

Light ship weight:

Hull structure

Permanent ballast


Electric equipment


Spare parts required by the regulations

Boiler water in the boiler

Oil and water in the main engine, auxiliary engine and their piping lines

But the following is not included:

Spare parts over and above the regulations and rules

All the consumable

Ship’s crew and their effects

Owner’s supply

All personnel’s weight

22 Docking

If the period between launching and delivery is less than three months, there is no need to carry out dock trials. If the period is more than three months, before the delivery, the vessel is subjected to the docking after the sea trial, and the shell plate of the whole vessel shall be cleaned and painted once.

23 Inspection, examination, test and trial

Throughout the construction period, the owner’s representative is to be given free access to the Builder’s yard for inspection of the vessel, including its machinery and equipment.

Shipyard shall arrange the inspection of the sub-contractor upon the requirement of the owner’s representative.

The surveyor shall have appropriate office facilities in the shipyard, equipped with and have right to obtain domestic direct dial telephone and fax machine with the function of A4 paper laser printing, copying machine, Pentium 4 /2G computer,laser printer and broadline reticle for the Internet in order to communicate with the owner. The shipyard shall assist provide good accommodation to the the surveyor.

The surveyor shall obtain the technical letter, full-text memorandum andtechnical exchange between the shipyard and the owner. The surveyor shall obtain the project to be inspected and approved. The shipyard shall provided a construction schedule marked with important events, including tests and trials. Main events shall be approved by both parties.

Application for the test and trial shall be informed 24 hours in advance.

The owner shall be informed enough time prior to the test and trial.

If the Owner’s representative is unable to attend for the reason of his own, Classification Society's Surveyor and/or the shipyard's inspector shall be entrusted to such inspections and tests, then the results of the inspections and tests shall be submitted to and accepted by the Owner.

If the Owner’s representative finds some defects or omissions which disagree with the contract or the specification, he shall inform the shipyard without delay in writing, under no circumstances not later than one week after found. The shipyard shall be obliged to remedy after informed.

In the course of the construction of the vessel, a series of necessary inspections, tests and trials shall be carried out. All these shall be carried out in accordance with the standards of the rules, regulations and procedures issued by CCS, Mooring Test Program and Sea Trial Program.

All the test results shall be submitted to the owner by the shipyard. The projects related to the the rules and regulations shall be submitted to CCS to be examined and meanwhile submitted to the owner for future reference. The report on the tests shall be approved by the surveyor in charge of the tests. The tests related to design performance, strength and safety shall be submitted to the ship designing department, the owner and CCS.

After the mooring test has been completed and proved to be qualified, and the technical condition and domestic installation for safe sailing at sea are suitable, the sea trial can be carried out.

23.1 Inspection, test and trial of hull structure

Inspection, test and trial of the assembling and welding of the hull structure shall comply with the standard issued by CCS.

All the steel structure used for the liquid tank, bulkhead, superstructure deck and other area with water shall be tested and watertight test shall be carried out according to the standard.

Radiographic test, ultrasonic test and other defectoscopy shall be adopted to inspect the welds of the main structure of the hull according to the current standard issued by CCS.

After the completion of the shipbuilding block, section acceptance shall be conducted, even if all or some of the outfit are installed on the section. The outfit need not be removed for the inspection unless they stand in the way of the inspection.

In order to inspect the internal structure of the vessel, such as liquid tank and engine room, the inspection of hull, strength and watertightness shall be completed prior to the installation of the outfit. Under this circumstance, the final inspection shall be carried out in accordance with “Inspection and Trial Project” approved by the owner.

23.2 Shop test

Shop Test shall be carried out according to the requirements of CCS.

Trial run and test shall be conducted in the manufacturers' workshop after the completion of the machine, and necessary data shall be recorded to submit to the owner.

Shop Test shall be carried out according to the standard test program of the manufacturer.

After the test, inspection shall be conducted according to the practical standard of the manufacturer in the presence of CCS and the owner’s representative.

The owner shall be informed in advance of shop test of the main equipment, such as main engine, gearbox, main propulsion unit, shaft generator, diesel generator set, boiler, crane, bowthruster unit, sternthruster unit, towing winch, windlass, winch, capstan, steering gear, air-conditioner, ice maker main switchboard, rescue boat, davit, anchor chain, central control console, navigation control console,etc.

23.3 Piping test

Shop test and shipment test of pipes can be conducted with hydulic or water pressure according to the requirements of CCS and CB standard. The test on board the ship shall be carried out after the completion of the piping system.

23.4 Mooring test

Mooring test and Sea trial program shall be compiled in accordance with GB/T3471-1995“General Principle of Mooring Test and Sea Trial of Seagoing Ship”. Mooring test shall be conducted prior ro the sea trial according to “Test Program”.

Main engine is connected with propeller shaft, and generator and other auxiliary machinery shall be tested at appropriate draft to ensure good operation during the sea trial. Above mentioned equipment shall not be changed after the sea trial unless approved by the owner.

23.5 Inclining test

Inclining test must be carried out for first vessel. Provided there is substantial change which may influence the lightweight and centre of gravity of the vessel, inclining test must be carried for subsequent vessels. Inclining test shall be arranged and conducted by the shipyard in accordance with the requirement of CB/T3035-1996 “Inclining Test of Vessel”,and the report on the test shall be supplied. The report shall be approved by CCS, and presented to the owner and Shanghai Hongguan Ship Design Co., LTD.

Upon completion except for minor items of work, inclining test shall be conducted in the presence of the owner’s representative, the representative of CCS and the representative of Shanghai Hongguan Ship Design Co., LTD.

The test shall be carried out at weather conditions not exceeding force 2 Beaufort Scale. The test shall be conducted in dock if possible. The test can also be conducted in quiet sheltered water without external interference.

Sufficient space shall be kept around and under the vessel, and the mooring line shall be long enough, and tied in the centre buttock. In the course of the test, the vessel shall be ensured to free float or heel.

Necessary stability and trim parameter shall be prepared on required form according to the rules, convenient for the vessel’s officer to understand.

If any superfluous weight is on board the Vessel or any item belonging to be light weight is not on board the vessel at the time of the light weight measurement, such a weight shall be corrected by calculation.

The light weight shall be measured by reading the draft at both sides of stem, stern and midship.

Draft marks shall be adjusted.

Specific gravity of local water shall be measured.

Displacement shall be determined by reading draft and trim through the correction for heel and trim and the specific gravity of seawater.

During the test, all the liquid tanks and cabinets shall be empty except those necessary.

The calculation of lightweight and deadweight shall be made by the shipyard, and checked by Shanghai Hongguan Ship Design Co., LTD.

23.6 Sea trial

The sea trial shall be carried out in accordance with the requirement of the trial program.

When the shipyard and the owner announce that the vessel is ready for the sea trial, it can be carried out.

Tests of efficiency and operating performance of the machinery shall agree with the contract.

The sea trial shall be carried out in accordance with the sea trial procedure approved by the owner/CCS.

The sea trial shall be carried out under the working condition of design draft.

In the course of the sea trial, suitable conditions shall be provided for the equipment and system to be tested at sea, and the result shall be submitted to the owner to be approved.

The following tests are to be carried out in the course of the sea trial:

1. Speed test

2. Inertia test

3. Turning test

4. Course keeping test

5. Anchor test

6. Steering test

7. Bowthruster test

8. Noise measurement in cabin

9. Measurement and observation of ship hull vibration

10. External fire fighting test

23.7 Bollard pull test

A static bollard pull trial shall be conducted at full power with the vessel securely fastened by a mooring line to a fixed point ashore. The strain gauge to be used for the test shall be properly calibrated before the test. The pulling from the bow shall be carried out and the steady pull shall be maintained for a minimum of 5 minutes. If a 110% overload pull test is to be carried out (towing ahead), it shall be performanced within the load range recommended by the main engine manufacturer, and within the shortest time approved by the owner, the manufacturer and the shipyard.

Main engine output shall be decreased in steps of equal decrement in a total of 4 steps and a steady pull shall be maintained at each step for a minimum of 5 minutes. The gauge reading, engine rpm, and shaft power shall be recorded, and graph of main engine speed and pull shall be drawn to present to the owner and Shanghai Hongguan Ship Design Co., LTD.

23.7.1Test condition:

1) Towline shall be wire rope not shorter than four times of the vessel length;

2) Depth of water where the test is carried out shall be twice larger than draft of the vessel (the depth is calculated from the bottom of the vessel), and not less than 10m.

3) There shall be open waters to spare to both port and starboard.

4) Wind speed not exceeding Beaufort Scale Force 4, wave not exceeding level 2,smooth tide.

23.7.2Maximum bollard pull calculation:


There: Ti is peak in per experiment interval △T

n is number of times of the pull tests conducted during the schedule time

24 Plan for approval

The plans designed by Shanghai Hongguan Ship Design Co., LTD shall be examined and approved by CCS.

Shanghai Hongguan Ship Design Co., LTD shall submit three sets of technical design drawings to the owner, and the owner shall return the amendment suggestions to Shanghai Hongguan Ship Design Co., LTD within 30 days.

The lists of plans presented to the owner for approval shall be mutually agreed upon between the Owner and Shanghai Hongguan Ship Design Co., LTD.

The suggestions of the owner and the builder shall not go against the approval of CCS; if there is some disagreement, the builder shall ask CCS for approval in advance.

25 Name plates and notice boards

Name plates of brass with engraved lettering shall be arranged at all machinery, electrical equipment and valves on the vessel (Equipment supplied by the builder may keep original name plates). Each name plate shall be marked with code, which is also indicated in the drawings.

All the rooms on the vessel shall be indicated by name plates over doors.

Vessel's name, port of registration company logo and funnel mark shall be made of steel plate of 8mm as requested by the owner.

Freeboard marks shall be provided at both sides of the vessel according to the requirement of “The International Convention on Load Lines (1996)” after the approval of the local surveyor.

Name plates and notice boards are to be in both English and Chinese.

Notices on the emergency equipment and in the exit ways shall be made of aluminum to satisfy the requirement of IMO.

26 Draft narks

Draft marks are to be provided at midship, forward and aft at both sides with a distance of 0.2m and a height of 0.1m.

27 Spare parts

On the time of delivery of the vessel, the builder shall provide attachment, tools (some tools are imported), supplies and spare parts according to the list.The spare parts and tools attached to the machine shall be supplied according to the list. They shall be put in suitable location on the vessel by the builder. Refer to List of Deck Attachment Spare Parts and Supplies and List of Cabin Spare Parts and Supplies for details. Storage rack and cabinets shall be set in the stores and storehouses when required.

28 Finished plan

The owner shall submit Emergency Arrangement Plan to the builder, and the builder shall set it in the frames with glass and install aboard the Vessel in designated location.

The following plans and/or data shall be framed and mounted after plastic-spayed and installed aboard the vessel at appropriate places.

1) General Arrangement

2) Capacity Plan

3) Fire Control Plan(dsmax, color drawing)

4) Lifesaving Equipment Arrangement

5) Arrangement of Air Duct, Sounding Pipe, Filling Pipe, Ballast Pipe

6) CO2 Lay out and Discharge (in CO2 room)

7) Diagrams of Piping System of Diesel oil, Dirty oil, Lube oil, Sea water, Fresh water and Drinking water (in engine room)

8) Operating Procedure of Rescue Boat (dsmax, brass plate with engraved lettering)(supplied by the manufacturer)

9) Introduction of Emergency Control of Steering Gear (in steering gear room)

10) Notice Board of Waste Management (three pieces)

11) Operating Introduction of Hydraulic watertight door (dsmax, brass plate with engraved lettering,two sets for each door) )(supplied by the manufacturer)

29 Shipbuilding photograph

At the time of delivery, the builder shall furnish to the owner with two comprehensive sets of colour photographs and CD-ROOM systematically showing the progress in construction of the vesse from laying keel until the completion. In addition, three as-built photographs of 30cm framed with glass shall be provided.

During the sea trial, photographs without back shadow shall be taken from bow, stern and side of the vessel and presented to the owner for certificates.

30 Delivery

The vessel shall be delivered to the owner as per the Contract, after the sea trial has been passed and all defects have been eliminated. The vessel shall be ready for seaworthiness, and be afloat at a safe berth designated by the contract.

At the time of delivery, the vessel shall be in the following condition:

Liquid tanks, engine room, pipeline, accommodation cabins, working space and others shall be clean.

The Vessel shall be ready for service in any aspect (except for the delay of the part supplied by the owner).

Paint shall be intact and clean.

All the machinery shall be ready for service.

All the systems can be operated.

All the lights shall be in good working condition.

Outfit, spare parts, supplies, tools and store shall be supplied and installed. All the defects found in the construction and sea trial shall be corrected by the shipyard prior to the delivery of the vessel. All the equipment on the vessel shall be ready for the delivery and navigation. At the time of delivery or during the specified period of the constract, the builder shall provide all the certificates and documents (including Finished Plans) as per the specification and constract.


1 General

The main structure of the vessel shall be designed in accordance with the requirement of Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Sea-going Steel Ships” (2006) issued by CCS of People's Republic of China for offshore supply ship. The structure of this vessel has been strengthened in accordance with the requirement of ice Class B.

Design load of the structure is as follows:

Scantling draft: 6.4 m

Main deck cargo area: 10 t/m2

Longitudinal frame system is mainly used for the main deck of the vessel, and transverse frame system is used for the other part. Frame space of the whole vessel is 600mm.

The Vessel shall be designed to have double bottom in engine room, bowthruster room and midship cement tank, the height of double bottom is 1.0m.

Three watertight transverse bulkheads and one collision bulkhead are arranged for the vessel. All the bulkheads are plane bulkheads with vertical stiffener.

The following measurements are taken to reduce vibration:

⑴ Longitudinal structure of the whole vessel shall have good continuity;

⑵ Girders of foundation of main engines in the engine room shall have good connection to the skeleton of the vessel's bottom;

⑶ Web frame and web beam shall be provided for the engine room and other relevant rooms to form strong frame;

⑷ Pillars shall be provided in the engine room for strengthening;

⑸ The span between the aft structure shall be reduced properly to increase stiffness;

⑹ Fillet weld of all the structure below main deck shall be of two-sided continuous welding;

⑺ Structure shall be reinforced in way of towing winch, stern roller, windlass, winch, capstan, crane, steering gear, boat davit, fire monitor, funnel and signal light mast.

⑻ Proper structural treatment and local reinforcement shall be done where duct, shaft bracket, shaft exit, bowthruster and strnthruster are installed.

⑼Proper structural treatment and local reinforcement shall be done where main engine, gearbox, main propulsion device, shaft generator, diesel generator set, boiler, air compressor and main pumping set.

2 Main dimensions

Specific dimensions in the sheet shall be subject to the plan approved by CCS after designed.

2.1 Shell Plate

|Name |Midship 0.4L |Bow End |Remarks |

|Plate keel |14×1500 | | |

|Bottom plate |12 | | |

|Bilge strake |12 | | |

|Side plate | 12 | | |

|Sheer strake | 14x1600 | | |

|Bulwark |8 |Stiffener L[pic] |

2.2 Deck

|Name |Midship 0.4L |Remarks |

| |Cargo Area | |

|Main deck |14 | |

|Platform deck |8 | |

|Forecastle deck |8 | |

|Captain deck |8 | |

|Bridge deck |8 | |

|Compass deck |8 | |

2.3Bottom skeleton

|Mame |Double Bottom Structure |Remarks |

|Keel girder |12 | |

|Side girder |10 | |

|Watertight side girder |12 | |

|Solid floor |10 | |

|Watertight floor |12 | |

|Top plate |10,14 | |

2.4 Deck frame

|Name |Upper Deck |

|Deck longitudinal |『 220×10 |

|Beam |『 160×9 |

|Deck strength beam |[pic],[pic],[pic],[pic],[pic] |

|Deck girder |[pic],[pic],[pic],[pic],[pic] |

3 Material, workmanshop and inspection

The structure of this vessel has been Class B strengthened for ice area. Domestic high quality marine carbon steel of Class B shall be adopted for the ice area of the shell plate. For other part domestic high quality marine carbon steel of Class A shall be used. Chemical compositions and mechanical properties of the adopted material shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements of the rules.


1 General

Outfitting of the vessel shall be equipped in accordance with the requirements of Rules and Regulations for the Classification and Construction of Sea-going Steel Ships (2006) issued by CCS for the offshore supply ship. Anchor and mooring equipmwent shall be adopted two grades larger than the calculated outfit value.

2 Anchoring and mooring equipment

2.1 Windlass

Two (2) single-side hydraulic windlasses are installed at the fore part of forecastle deck. The main parameters are as follows:

| Quantity | 2 sets |

| Speed | 9 m/min |

| Chain |φ46 mm AM3 |

2.2 Anchor

Three AC-14 high holding power anchors are provided, each of which is 2500kg in weight,one for spare.

2.3 Anchor chain

The vessel shall be equipped with two AM3-ø46 stud-link electric welded anchor cables, of which the total length is 742.5m.

2.4 Chain cable controller

Two ø 46 chain stoppers are provided.

2.5 Cut-in -step

In the chain locker two sets of φ46mm cut-in-steps shall be provided (CB*289-81).

3 Mooring equipment

3.1 Hydraulic winch

| Type |single winding drum |

| Quantity | 2 sets |

| Pulling force |100 KN |

| Speed | 12 m/min |

| Capacity | [pic] |

3.2 Hydraulic capstan

| Type | Vertical |

| Quantity | 2 |

| Workload |50 KN |

| Speed | 12 m/min |

3.3 Bollard and mooring equipment

Main deck shall be equipped with B500 GB/554-1996 bollard, and forecastle deck shall be provided with A type bollard. Cable chock, mooring roller and fairleader shall be arranged convenient for use.

3.4 Towing wire and mooring line

|No. | Name | Model | Quantity |

|1 |Towing wire |36ZAA6×37+FC1570ZS600 |190 m×1 |

|2 |Mooring line | Φ100mm polypropylene rope |170m×6 |

3.5 Rubber fender

Rubber fenders (D-type) are provided at both sides of the vessel.

4 Towing equipment

4.1 Towing winch

|Quantity | 1 set |

|Break holding |4000KN(First layer) |

|Towing drum load×speed |2500KN×6.5m/min(First layer) |

| |1300KN×12m/min(First layer) |

| |600KN×22m/min(First layer) |

|Diameter of wire rope |[pic] |

|Capacity |1500m(10 layers) |

Operation mode of the towing winch:operated by the machine+bridge remote control

4.2 Shark jaw and towing pins

|Max. workload of Shark jaws |5000KN |

|Diameter of applied anchor chain |64~114mm |

|Diameter of applied wire rope |57~114mm |

|Pin work load |5000KN |

4.3 Stern roller

Main technical parameters:

Diameter: ø2200 mm

Length: 5000 mm

4.4 Towing eye plate

At #36 of main deck, one dismountable towing eye plate is arranged.

4.5Rope reel

|Type |Single winding drum |

|Quantity | 1 set |

|Pulling force |100 KN |

|Speed | 0~15 m/min |

5 Equipment for fixing cargo

(1) Five eye plates for carge lashing shall be installed under the rails at each side of the vessel, of which the load is 100kN.

(2) Eight wire rope leading blocks:A1YS-125、CB/T3759-95

(3) Binding chain:ø13CB*21 – 83 200m in length,one zinc plated chain of ø16CB*21-83,200m in length

(4) Three mooring rollers of 300ZG,CB*58-83 shall be installed under the rails at each side of the vessel.

(5) Wooden deck of 80mm thick shall be laidin cargo area.

(6) Ten shackles of D3-122.5 GB559-87 shall be provided.

6 Rudder and steering gear

The vessel shall be equipped with two suspension type flapped rudders and two swing-cylinder steering gears.

Type: suspension type flapped rudder

Area: 7.11m2×2

Diameter of rudder stock shall be Class B strengthened for ice area.

Two electric-hydraulic swing-cylinder steering gears are provided, maximum torque of each:160kN·m

7 Lifting equipment and mast

7.1 Lifting equipment

The vessel shall be equipped with one retractable hydraulic isolated pillar crane of 3t/15m.

Max. expansion: 5.5m

Lifting weight:3t(3.2m~5.2m)



7.2 Mast

The mast shall be arranged as follows:

One radar signal light mast shall be installed on the top of the superstructure, and stern light mast at the rail at the back end of the superstructure. One stern light and one stern anchor light shall be installed on the stern light mast.

8 Metal doors, windows and covers

8.1 Weather tight steel door

A-type weather tight steel single leaf door shall be installed in the external bulkhead of the main deck, of which the width is 700mm,and the height of the doorsill is 600 mm. Weather tight steel single leaf door shall be installed on the forecastle deck and external bulkhead of the upper deck, of which the width is 700 mm,and the height of the doorsill is 380 mm. Weather tight steel single leaf door shall be installed in the other external bulkheads, of which the width is 700 mm,and the height of the doorsill is 200 mm. All the weather tight doors shall be equipped with single handle closer.

8.2 Steel acoustic insulation anti-aeration door

Engine control room shall be equipped with steel acoustic insulation anti-aeration door with automatic closer, of which the width is 700 mm.

Wheel house sliding door shall be installed in the external bulkhead of the wheel house, packed and watertight all around,of which the width is 750 mm.

8.3 Hydraulic slid watertight door

Hydraulic slid watertight door of 700×1400 mm shall be installed in the watertight separated transverse bulkhead, used as the door of interior passage for the compartments under main deck. It shall be closed by remote control in the wheel house.

8.4 Wheelhouse fixed rectangular window

Rectangular windows shall be fitted in the bulkheads of the wheelhouse. Five french windows shall be provided in the aft bulkhead of the wheelhouse, all with translation type windscreen wipers and electrically heated glass.One window of 1100X1000 shall be provided in the front bulkhead of the wheelhouse, with translation type windscreen wipers and electrically heated glass.

8.5 Side scuttle

Heavy side scuttle of ø350mm with steel dead cover shall be provided at each side, port and starboard, of the main deck house. Side scuttle of ø350 mm with steel dead cover shall be provided for the other decks. Window boxes shall be provided.

8.6 Soundproof window

Engine control room shall be equipped with three aluminium double glazed soundproof windows, the middle of which is one French window of 1800X1200.

8.7 Hatch cover

Weather tight hatch covers of 630×630 or 830×830 shall be arranged,at the main deck, the upper deck or the forecastle deck, for access of crew and goods. All the hatch covers shall be equipped with vertical ladder where necessary.

8.8 Manhole cover

Oil tank, water tank and compartment shall be equipped with oil-water tight elliptic manhole cover. All the fastening bolts and nuts of the manhole cover shall be made of stainless steel.

9 Ladder and rail

9.1 Deck inclined ladder and stairway

Interior stairway in all the deckhouses shall be of steel structure of hull deckhouse. Steps shall be set in the inclined steel plate, with handrail at one side. Decorated type stainless steel section bar of ø42×1.5 shall be used for the handrail. Slip strips shall be set at the end of the step. Galvanized steel inclined ladder pattern of GB4444-84 shall be adopted for the exterior inclined ladder, the width of which is 800mm.

Steel tube type handrails shall be set at both sides of the exterior inclined ladder.

Stainless steel of ø42×2 shall be adopted for storm rails in the exterior bulkhead.

9.2 Miscellaneous ladder

The following movable type ladders shall be equipped:

Two pilot ladders (the length according to the rules) CB*3142-83

Two boarding ladders (rope ladder)

One aluminium spring board, 5m in length

9.3 Vertical ladder

Steel vertical ladders and steps shall be fitted for access and exit of oil tank, water tank, cpmpartment and mast. Flat steel vertical ladders shall be fitted for water tank and emergency exit.

9.4 Rail and handrail

Steel rails shall be fitted at the edge of every deck where bulkwark is not provided. The height shall be 1050mm (GB6169-85). The rails shall support water & gas pipes, with 2 crosspieces of steel rod ø20 in the mid. Rail post shall be flat steel of 60×16 mm.

Storm rail shall be fitted for exterior bulkhead of deckhouse.

Stainless steel grab rail shall be fitted at one side along the interior corridor.

Exterior rails shall be made of steel tube.

Marine chainlet shall be provided at both sides of the air inflation liferaft.

10 Lifesaving equipment

Lifesaving equipment of the vessel shall be provided in accordance with the relevant provisions of SOLAS (2004).

10.1 Inflatable life raft

The vessel shall be equipped with 6 floaters type aie flation liferaft, 3 on each side,each for 20 persons,and raft davit with hydrostatic release unit.

10.2 Rescue boat and boat davit

One high speed rescue boat shall be provided, of which the capacity is 15 persons. The rescue boat shall be arranged at the port side of the upper deck, equipped with one set of single hoist boom rescue boat crane & miscellaneous items crane.

10.3 Life jacket

148 life jackets shall be provided, all with whistle and light and conform to the specification. 47 immersion suits shall also be supplied.

10.4 Life buoy

The vessel shall be equipped with 8 plastic foam life buoy of ø710,of which 2 with light floating lamp, 2 with self-igniting light and self-activating smoke signal, 2 with buoyant lifeline. Life buoy of 4kg shall ne equipped at both sides of the wheel house.

10.5 Other lifesaving appliance

Other lifesaving appliance, such as line throwing appliance and smoke signal, shall be equipped in accordance with the rules and regulations.

11 Miscellaneous

The fire-fighting of the vessel shall be provided in accordance with the rules and regulations.

12 Spare parts and supplies

The spare parts and supplies of the vessel shall be provided in accordance with the special requirements of CB*3166-83“Quato of Deck Equipment and Supplies of Marine Carge Ship”and ship operation. They can be increased or decreased according to the owner’s actual requirement.


1 General

The fireproof structure of the vessel shall be designed in accordance with the requirement of SOLAS for the carge ship. IC Method shall be adopted to design the fireproof structure of the vessel.

2 Cabin arrangement

All the accommodation cabins shall be equipped with single-level bed and sanitary unit, for the convenience of crew’s daily life. The arrangement of the cabin shall meet the relevant requirements of ILO.

3 Galley equipment

Galley of the vessel shall be arranged at the port side of the vessel, the equipment of which is as follows:

Name Quantity Overall Dimension Remarks

Marine flat combination 1 800×700×875 with oven, stainless steel

electric cooking range

Multipurpose galley machine 1 8×550×1185

Full-automatic electric 1 400×280×630

water boiler (in the walkway of upper deck)

High-power electric fry pan(10.2kw) 1 800×700×875

Grinder(stainless steel shell) 1

Serving table 1 1200×600×850 stainless steel

Cooking table 1 1200×600×850 stainless steel

Combination washing table 1 stainless steel

Dish shelf (with door) 3 900×300×600 stainless steel

Cup shelf 1 900×300×600 stainless steel

Bottle holder 1 600×300×600 stainless steel

Chopping block shelf 1 600x500x850 stainless steel

Hoodforfumes 1 1200×800 stainless steel

Microwave oven 1

Electric cooker 3 stainless steel

Small electric soup pot 1 stainless steel

Steamed rice cooker 1 690×520×1200 stainless steel

Steel tablet (white) 1

Refrigerator 219L 1

Condiment cupboard 1 stainless steel

4 Washroom, laundry and drying room equipment

Washroom and laundry shall be arranged on the main deck of the vessel.

4.1 Laundry

Full-automatic (stainless steel marine) drum type washing machine

5.0kg 2

Full-automatic (stainless steel marine) drum type washing machine

5.0kg 2

Ironing equipment 1 set

Tub 2

4.2 Washroom

One closestool and one wash basin are provided.

4.3 Change room

Locker shall be provided in the change room of the main deck.

Four-door steel locker 875×400×1800 2

Sanitary unit 1 set

5 Hardware, textile and supplies

5.1 Hardware

Hardware shall be made of stainless steel.

All the sanitary units and attachment shall be of standard marine type.

6 Woodwork insulation

Fire protection of the woodwork of the vessel shall be designed in accordance with the requirement of SOLAS (2004) for the cargo ship (except the liquid cargo ship), using IC method. Composite rockwool panel, rockwool panel and ceramic wool (A-60) shall be adopted for the insulation of woodwork of the vessel. Ceramic wool shall be fixed with nail by pressing.

Micropore acoustic panel of 50mm thick shall be used for engine control room.

Composite rockwool panel of 25mm shall be adopted for the ceiling of accommodation cabins, and composite rockwool panel of 25mm shall be used as scaleboard. Composite rockwool panel of 50mm thick shall be used for independent trunk bulkhead. Moistureproof composite rockwool panel shall be used in the wet space. Galley shall be covered with stainless steel plate.

7 Deck coverings

In the area with the requirement of deck fire integrity of fire proof structure, deck composition (A – 60) shall be laid on the deck, 50mm thick.

In the accommodation cabin, mess room, recreation room and the ladder of interior walkway on the other deck, primary deck covering shall be laid 12mm thick.

Plastic floor shall be laid on the deck composition in the accommodation cabin, mess room, hospital and all the interior walkways. Rubber floor shall be laid on the deck composition in the wheel house, engine control room and stairway.

Non-slip floor tile shall be fitted in the washroom and laundry, with stainless steel plate pasted around the trunk bulkhead, 200mm in height. Moistureproof composite rockwool panel shall be used above 200mm.

Floor in the galley shall be fitted with non-slip earthenware brick, with cement of 30mm thick laid on the bulkhead around. The surface shall be covered with stainless steel plate, 200mm in height. Stainless steel drainage channel shall be arranged on the deck around the galley,with floor drain at each corner.

8 Fire protection door and non-ferro door

Fire protection door shall be selected and installed according to Fire Protection Division Plan. All the doors for fire proof division shall be selected to be the same fire proof class as the bulkheads.

Self-closing type fire protection doors (A-0) shall be installed at the interior stairway on each deck. The doorsill is 150mm in height,and 700mm in width.

Fire protection doors (A-0/B-0) shall be installed for the accommodation cabin, bathroom, toilet, washroom, mess room, recreation room, galley and clothing room. The doorsill is 150mm in height,and 650mm/700mm in width.

The door of crew’s sanitary unit shall be matching supplied with the sanitary unit.

All the doors shall be equipped with door holder except the self-closing type door.

9 Navigation equipment

Navigation equipment shall be provided as follows:

Reflector compass 1

Compass circle 1

Compass magnifier 1

Sounding handlead 3kg、5kg 1 each

Chronometer SY5T 1

Radio bell SY5B 1

Sextant GLH-130 2

Stopwatch 2

Star finder 1

Aneroid DYM3 2

800~1060 millibar

Aneroid barometer 1

Outdoor thermometer 2

Psychrometer 2

Seawater thermometer 1

Weather fax receiver 1

Anemograph 1~30m/s 1

Barograph DYJ1-1 1

7×50 binoculars 3

Hand lens 2

Protractor TJ1 1

Arm protractor TS-630 1

Sector 2

Parallel rulers TFB-460 2

Triangle 300mm 2

Bakelite inclinometer QJ-70 2

Chart-weights TY1 10

Sharpener 3

Drawing instrument 9 1set

Three-square scale 30cm 1

Electronic calculator tech-type 2

Ship’s clock 8

Brine hydrometer 1

Sunglasses 4

Broad brush 1

T-square (1m) 1

12 Vessel’s markings

The design of the vessel's name and port of registration shall be provided by the owner, and made of steel plate of 8mm. Two markings of the vessel’s name shall be welded at both sides of the bow. One marking of the vessel’s name and one marking of port of registration shall be welded respectively at the port and starboard side of the stern.

Name board shall be arranged at both sides of compass deck, and one flood light shall be installed outboard.

Markings of side thruster shall be installed above the side thruster outboard at both sides of the vessel.

Markings of the rescue zone shall be provided at both sides of the vessel, made of steel plate of 8mm, “RESCUE ZONE” and “营救区” (in both Chinese and English).

13 Accommodation outfitting spare parts and supplies

Accommodation outfitting spare parts and supplies shall be provided referring to the requirements of CB*3166-83 “Quato of Deck Equipment and Supplies of Marine Carge Ship” issued by National Ship Technical Committee for Standardization. They can be increased or decreased according to the owner’s actual requirement.

14 Paint

Color of the finish coat of the vessel shall be approved by the owner.

Except the surface of stainless steel and aluminium, all the steel plate not less than 6mm shall be sandblasted to SA2.5, and then painted with shop primer. Steel plate less than 6mm shall be polished to ST3, and cleaned with brush or grinding wheel.

Shell of the hull (bottom, broadside and sheer strake) shall be coated with exoxy paint in general.

Mud tank shall be coated with long-acting antirustwater tank paint.

Pure epoxy paint shall be adopted for fresh water tank, ballast/drill water tank and rolling tank.

After derusted, diesel oil tank shall be coated with antirust oil which can be dissolved in diesel.

Lube oil tank shall not be coated with any paint.

15 Protection zinc plate

Current cathodic protection shall be applied to protect the shell plate of the vessel.


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77m AHTS

Hull Specification







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