Chapter 6 section 1- A Nation Declares Independence

Chapter 6 section 1- A Nation Declares Independence


Our Terms are:







4. __________________________________________




Class notes:

1. Why did many colonists favor declaring independence?

(slide 3)

By 1776, tension filled the colonies. The king had ______

_____________________. Battles had been fought, and soldiers had died.

Still, the path ahead was not clear. Though blood had been shed


2. [pic] (slide 4)

3. That soon began to change. In January 1776, a colonist named __________________________wrote a pamphlet that received wide attention. (slide 5)

4. In Common Sense, Paine made powerful arguments _______ _________________________. (slide 6) These were:

George III is a “ _______________.”



5. In May, Virginia delegate Richard Henry Lee introduced a _________________declaring that the colonies should be free and independent states. (slide 7)

Congress formed a committee to write a statement ___________


The statement would be presented to Congress, then the ________


6. ___________________________, and _______________ were appointed to the committee. (slide 8)

Jefferson wrote most of the document, which would become the_________________________________________.

7. The Declaration of Independence begins has four parts, beginning with a_____________________. (slide 9)

The __________________________________________

___________explain why the colonists were breaking ties with Britain.

8. To begin the explanation, Jefferson declared that everyone _____________________________________ . (slide 10)

Governments are created to protect those rights.

If a government violates those rights, the people must________


9. The British government, Jefferson argued, had _________________________________. (slide 11)

To prove this, he presented a long list of_________________, including that the colonists were:

• ____________________

• _______________________

10. Therefore, Jefferson concluded, the colonies are free and independent states (slide 12)

_____________________________and the British government are____________________.

11. The Declaration of Independence was approved by Congress on_______________. (slide 13)

12. Americans still celebrate________________________.

(slide 14)

Today, the Declaration of Independence is ____________

____________for Americans and for people around the world.

13. For Americans in 1776, however, declaring independence was a serious and frightening step.

(slide 15)

The colonists were _______________________________

___________________world—and risking their lives.

The way ahead was dangerous, but there was no turning back. Americans were now fighting to create their own nation.


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