Chapter 3 Exam Study Guide - Cattaraugus Little Valley ...

Chapter 3 Exam Study Guide

Section 1

Since the 1200s, what had been guaranteed by English law?

What was England’s first PERMANENT settlement in North America?

In 1619, a Dutch ship arrived in Virginia carrying

The winter following John Smith’s departure from Jamestown is called

What does the holiday of Thanksgiving commemorate?

Why did the English establish a colony on Roanoke Island?

Powhatan turned against the Jamestown settlers because

|“We, whose names are underwritten . . . do . . . combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, . . . to enact, |

|constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be |

|thought most . . . convenient for the General good of the Colony. . . “ |

|—Mayflower Compact |

Why did the Pilgrims create the Mayflower Compact?

Signing the Mayflower Compact represented the second step toward self-government in the Americas. Which action represented the first?

What type of established church did Rhode Island support?

The first ________ colony established during the 1580s was abandoned after a year.

England’s first permanent settlement in North America was called ________.

Virginia developed a dependable source of income for itself by growing ________.

The House of ________ marked the start of representative government in North America

Native American who helped the Pilgrims survive were

____________________________________ large farm where crops such as sugar, rice, and cotton are grown

Essay Question- What was the Mayflower Compact, and what brought it about?

Section 2-

True or False

King Charles I opposed England’s Puritan movement.

Salem minister Roger Williams believed the Puritans should split entirely from the

Church of England.

Anne Hutchinson was welcomed in Massachusetts.

Puritan influence in New England had begun to increase by the 1670s.

Short answer

What best describes New England’s climate?

Why did the Puritans leave England?

The Puritans founded their colony to assure freedom of worship for

What did Anne Hutchinson and Thomas Hooker have in common?

What happened when Massachusetts tried to control New Hampshire?

Who was King Philip?

Which colony began as a Dutch settlement?

|“We must consider that we shall be as a City upon a Hill. The eyes of all people are upon us.” – John Winthrop, “A Model of |

|Christian Charity,” 1630 |

What is another way to express the main idea of this quote?

The speaker of this quote led which group of people to North America in 1630?

|The Puritans left England because of religious persecution. They chose to settle in North America so they could enjoy freedom|

|of worship. Despite their beginnings, Puritan leaders failed to offer freedom of Religion to non-Puritans who lived in |

|Massachusetts Bay Colony. Eventually, disagreements about Religion led several colonists to leave Massachusetts and settle |

|elsewhere. For instance, Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, was expelled in 1635. He disturbed church leaders by |

|declaring that Puritans should split from Church of England and colonists should pay Native Americans for their land. |

|“ . . . I acknowledge that to molest any person, Jew or Gentile, for either professing doctrine, or practicing worship merely|

|religious or spiritual, it is to persecute him; and such a person, whatever his doctrine or practice be, true or false, |

|suffereth persecution . . .” |

|—Roger Williams, The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution, 1644 |

Based on the readings, what did Puritan leaders probably force all colonists to do?

What type of established church did Rhode Island support?

Essay Question-

Explain the similarities and differences between the settlers who founded Pennsylvania and the settlers who founded Rhode Island

Section 3-

Which four states made up the Middle Colonies?

What is the difference between a proprietary colony and a royal colony?

How did Pennsylvania’s founders differ from those of Massachusetts?

How did Pennsylvania’s founders differ from those of Massachusetts?

Which colony was originally part of Pennsylvania?

The western section of Pennsylvania was considered part of

The English colonies of New York and New Jersey were originally

Which best describes the climate of the southern colonies?


Which Middle Colony was known as “America’s breadbasket”?

Jewish and Amish settlers were most welcome in which of the following Middle Colonies?

New York is the farthest ________ of the Middle Colonies.

Quakers were among the first in England to speak out ________ slavery

In 1704, Delaware was ________ from Pennsylvania.

The Pennsylvania Dutch were actually ________ immigrants

Section 4-

The Tidewater is

Why did Bacon’s Rebellion collapse?

Who was NOT protected by Maryland’s 1649 Act of Toleration?

What is another name for the border established between Maryland and Pennsylvania in the 1760s?

By 1763, the three major Spanish settlements in the Florida colony were

James Oglethorpe wanted a colony in which


What geographic factor drew many settlers to the southern colonies?

What type of agriculture developed in the Tidewater region?

|Forts: Military posts, usually on the frontier, built to protect nearby communities. |

|Missions: Religious settlements where priests lived in order to spread the Roman Catholic Religion |

|to new areas. |

|Pueblos: Civilian towns that served as centers of farming and trade. |

Use the information in the box and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following questions:

Native Americans were important to keeping which type of Spanish settlement running?

A flat lowland called the ________ stretches along the southern coast.

Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon were hired in the 1760s to settle a ________ dispute

between Maryland and Pennsylvania.

George Calvert wanted Maryland to be a colony where ________ could live safely.

Because Georgia’s founders wanted a colony of small farms rather than large

plantations, they originally banned ________.

Section 5-

What was the main function of the Spanish Borderlands?

By 1763, the three major Spanish settlements in the Florida colony were

What was the main reason that the Spanish established missions?

Why did many enslaved African Americans flee to Spain’s Florida colony?

The main function of the Spanish borderlands was to protect what country?

San Antonio, Texas, was originally founded in what form?

One of the tasks given to Native Americans at Spanish missions was to ________.

The Spanish in Florida attempted to weaken the English colonies by offering protection

to whom


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