Yule Decoration^ Lake Views






Mate, with Mrs. Allen's sister. Mrs. aat Loteti ttfesucd the SOU. wed-

Seward A. Miller.

, . ' ' ^^-^-^-i-^fc-wM, " jafr'. wwLhwJn* l i l a r t * a ? w l

Mrs. Delos Bond with Mrs. Charles aunt, Mr. t a d Mrs. Earl CauUtia

A V O C A News Notes

News Notes

Rev. Clair Sutfcacn

MaGill o f Bath, attended a Christ- of Woodfaull on ChrislnMs Day. mas play in Elmira College recently. Mi. and Mrs. William Cragg aad

10.-00 a. m. Sunday tchooi.

Miss Marsaleea Bond waj in the cast. children, Barbara and Donald are

M R S . R . R- K E L L O G G , Correspondent

Mrs. H o p e Hereford, Reporter ' .

Miss Druscilla Camstock, Supt.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burns and moving to Hammondsport from Co-

11:00 ?. m. Monuog worship.

Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn R. Burns ana hocton aad w S occupy flaw BOOK o a

ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHI RCH SOB were recent guests of Mr. and Main street

Schedule liens Yule Decoration^ Rev. Richard F. Henderson, ractor Mrs. Lawrence Ackcrson and Mrs.residence.

Panel Discussion Sunday. January 6

Kathryn Hoagland in Kanona.

Winners Lasted 7:30 a. m. Holy rflwrmtnioa

Mr. and Mrs. William . Murmncrt

Minstrel Shmc Lake V i e w s . . . Prizes for the best outside Christ-

10:00 a. ro. Church school.

and daughter JoAnne and Mrs. Er-

aBt ePtThrAothMedeeting* ,

? ,'


. ' .;'.-,

- - , - . ?,'.'. '-?

mas decorations sponsored by the

nd Waves o a This

' tpAaFBsWnbotsrarcival&C'Wo*ail*ojf.lKnegcJooaaeK:arkmlrclanMctcodmh,cmiCnwceoeJaniekcl/mtn1rsdneAoet:eJyeprttirsrce;aFola.taehstDnaetileasodeBibturhdncStu-deaT,orsCcdic.vwtiha2tolbaeuodoar2nAoriobdvudo,rGlbeVa.sinrf.etetMonroo;JeeoTMrrnrdorii.ns'agute:E.2sdhemativJA3eGprpeeuprSrlAotiWBuottnvifiin.lSsHmniaoicdhnktctiuitceoikagehhyld6w;;-:.;.ee- MaJaMMMRwRaAnennoeevrsirrdddlrybso^.sleen.eic'n-aaraoDMM nJ.n-lMRidWodAdcrhsyrksedHanMn-Msaialeado.dlinW arrenrSeH.csrdsCoc.se.amMbraOrRaKMalo.Lokbrseaeltu.filiyfdrnneKforamaensnr'rrnWneamoso.Hdtdynomh-aeeudCnlfMMreBnl.taCIrtiaAr"cr.Aoor.es*ncrn-.av.J-kfaM eJcoanlnswwcecmc.ddtsyJreetase.,nnu..MsJtDtdaMMognLrt*hyaerrsodne?ns.-.. d

A i d That by Hope Hereford,

^ H o w Should Rehgwus Education Fit hit? Your CMMY School?" wi8

he^ffie took for the Patent-Teacher

H a g ^ /New Year" See by: my cal- Association meeting Wednesday at

enda; that February i s not the only S p. m. at the Hainrnondsport Central

month of famous birthdays. Did you School.

know that there are five famous Students at the Pleassat Valley

men's birth dates in the mwiflt of School will act as a demonstration


class with - a panel drscusao* follow-

On Jan. 17. 1706. Benjamin Frank- ing with the parents and teachers

lin .first saw the light of day; on participating.

prqps. Walter Snyder; Mage manager.

Herb Towner; make-up. Dick Hunt:

costumes. Lou Crocker; attendance.

Gone- Schutz; gifts. Jim Reynolds:

minstrel cast party. Parry Partridge-

ana Jack Lyons:


Rehearsals .will r-egin Tuesday.

Jan. 8. at the Masonic .Temple. Jack

afonbotd musical director, wili be

?-?- COMPANY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Haines entertained members . o f : the Haines Mfg. Co. of Avoca. their wives and husbands. with' a dinner in the school cafeteria recently. Gifts were exchanged and a social eyenm? enjoyed.

Jasr-19, that great genera! of the

MISS RUTH -ML SALTSMAN Mr. and" Mrs. Clarence Saltsman

Southern Forces during the war between the states. Robert E. Lee, was

bave announced the. engagenv.it of born .". . i n 1807. Jan. 26. 1880 saw

their daughter. Ruth Marie, to Rob- the birth of Douglas MacArthur. On

ert W. Arnold, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Jan. 29. JS43. William McKinley was

George Arnold of Kanona.

born and one day and 39 years later.

Miss. Saltsman attended Avoca j Frankljn Delano Roosevelt came in-

Central School. Mr.ArnoM attend-} to the world, Jan. 30- 1832.-

Walter Faber, president. *fll conduct a business meeting preceding the program, Herman H; Wagner is 'program chairman.

Miss Mclanie Masson, Supt. 11:00 a. m. Morning prayer. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Roben C. HoHand. Moderator

Sunday, January^ * 10:00 a. m. Sunday Seo?ol. Mrs. James R. Short. Asst. Supt. .11 a. m. Holy communion. Dr. George H. AUea, Jr. admitustenng o'WWnmUQO^ ST. GABRIEL'S CATHOLIC

: CHURCH r Ear! M Tobin. resident pastor

Rev. Earl Tobin Masses at !> and 11 a. Bl.

RETLRNS TO AREA The many friends of Mrs. John ! E. YoeeL w?Jow of the former Presbyterian church interim minister here, will be happy to learn that Mrs. Youel is now living with Mr. and

in the former


assisted bv a small orchestra.


rj ed Haverlmg Central School aad is Two generals, i*-? presidents and

Mrs. Charles Wuton in Piattsburg.

Mt and ?drs\ Carlton Smith and 1 serving with the US Air Force.

Wilbur Stoddard

famil of ARamont spent the holt-i Wedding plans are incomplete.



days with his parents. Harrv Smith.

Mr. and Mrs.


Wilbur Stoddard lias re-en;ered Mr. and Mrs. Murray Barnes spent

the t ! S Army and left Wedrtesuav Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Clar-

far assignment. He first entered ence Scharrett and family of Web-j

the service in 1942 and served in ster. .


the Asiatic-Pacific theater. He was Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Haines spent 1

honoraWv discharged at Fort Dix several days last week, with relatives

in* 1946. He rc-cnlistcd in the in Maine. ? ?

622nd Transportation Company Mrs. Stacev Koenemann and sons

arty held at their borne. Don-

ald Mclntire is the _son of Mr. and

Mrs. Wilfred Mclntire. Hammonds-


Richard F. Krug. science instructor tpori RD 1


Mr, and Mrs. Nlervin Drake of land head of the visual aids depart- Miss McCaan. a graduate of Ham-

Avoca announce the engagement of t ment at the Hamrhondspon Central mondsport Central School and Roch-

theicdaughter. Mona Marie, to Ken- j School, is co-author of a New; York i ester Business institute, is employed

neth J- Nash, son of Mr. and Mrs. i State Museum and Science Service in the office of the Hammondsport

Kenneth F. Nash of Bath.

] Bulletin, recently published by the school.

.--- -:

, p | University of the State of New York.. Mammars and Si

Mr. Mclntire, who graduated from

Year's holiday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Linforc Dudley.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Storms entertained several couples on New Year's Eve. ,;; - ???.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stellar and C. H . Reynolds, Bath; and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hereford Jr. were Sunday night'guests o f Miss Shirley M. Kittelland Mr. and Mrs. Frank

will, be

Dr. Selleck Attends The

rKfmas" gues the 15: .Mrs. Gertrude Mattoon.

?s Ayoca Tuesdays. January^ S I - > . Mr a n d M r s Edward Blafcere-

2 . and 29. a n d a t t h c T o w n B u i l d r n g | c e m i v s p e n t ^ v e r a l d a v s w i i h h e r

Pj ruuMe*nro\





County. New -York," was written by Mr. Krug with Allen H. Benton of the

gf f.1!TDeeaPcbtet'y*[*C, oB}i)oelogge y- ANlbeawnyiYBorokth-M Starte

Marine Corps and is {Clarence Stanbury in

A summer wedding

employed Bath. . is planned.


ning were New Year's D a y guests oi their daughter and family. Mr. anc" Mrs. CiaudeTJrasted.

in Wallace on) Thursdays. January f a l h e f ?_ ^ B u l , a n d b e r ,ister

i0. I / . 24 and 31: 19s/, from

Former Resident a. m. to 3. p. m. :~ , '?.. .: '.

i 0 (>^ :M, brrisvSle:.


Mr. and Mrs. Wubur Read spent

Teaching at HCS J/2c72;

C. A. ^lARGESON several davs last week with Mr. and _'. '."-.'?_ .:. Collector I Mrs. Wm. Wikori and family- of

fMiddletown, N,, J. The Wit-dns

j moved last week to Baltimore. Md..

Dr. and Mrs. S. Zeno Selleck ^rnU^mmmUCxaz. the former.Miss Ar>::

their granddaughter. Mis-s-SaBy Con^^^f^,^

a r e g r a d u a t e s Qr- this

ley. left Thursday-- and wiB- sail to-}college'. She is ftird grade teaeher

day yFriday) from New York City | at fbe local school.

on the "Homeric"* West - I.n.dies-South

for a three-week | - *?.^--


rc-r?u?isem. .

Mr. month

and Mrs. old son.

Krug an f ;:ierr-8Richard. reside at

P l o i t r t a l k {twhere he is employed

f Mr. and Mrs. Arthur

?family of Rochester spent

_HCharr'ri'sit-sm- aasndoJDufraSnu.SrePslleueoecnrkstosweRct*icioona. tatlenmd eettnmeg

College , ir, San j




INSURANCE 1 with . Mrs. Guv Harris and family.




RD j

, , - ..


Mrs: Charles Shaw began teaching, high school. Eaglish: at the Hammondsport Centra! School this week. She replaces Mrs. Richard Pococfe

Mrs. Shaw will be reraembered in diammondsport as the former Miss Sheila Mctatis. The Mclnnis family

{ Mr. ~and Mrs; Ray .Ackley and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lodge en-i The Pleasant Valley Cooking Cor- resided in Hammondsport several

(son. Lynn George, returned home tertained with a dinner party cele- j kers held their Christmas party at years ago. A graduate of Ricker Cot-

DO VOL; SHOOT JJRAPS? [Tuesday evening after having spent hratina the birthday of her father. I the home of XL. and Mrs. Clifton lege. Houlton. Me., in 1955, she

Maybe no, but if you have- I the New Year's week end With rela- Ernest Dixon, at their home Sunday, j Bronson. recenny. Games and e x - ' majored in English and did associate

n't checked your insurance-

ves and friends at Niagara FHHS. jGGuueessttss wweerree MMrr.. aanndd MMrrss.. LLeeoo BB-jirrgg.. ]j charrgc of gifts were featured at the ] work in social sciences as well as

policies lately, you're quit?

Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs.iAtty. and Mrs. Charles Kaapp andjparty,


I graduate work at Cornell University.

a namhler. Should firs des- Harry Katner were Mr. and Mrs. (children. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C-j Th* next -neeting of this junior 4-H [?" Mrs. Shaw: who has taught in the

troy your home, the insurance yon took out ten years ago would only half replace it. Quit gambling--h a V e_ Taggart's ad^ist your insurance program before it's

Fashions from FOSTER'S too late.

Charles Handy of Buffalo. Mr. andJLodge. ST.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Z y ^ ^ ^

Mrs. John Horton and daughter of danowicz and son and Mrs. Ernest' ^^^

Champaign, ill.


. -

Mrs. E. Charles -Smith is spend-

,ting the winter with her broTher-in-

ilaw, Harry Smiht of Dundee. ;

win -^ fodav. homemaking


(FridayV house.


the l Benjamin Franklin i School in Rochjester, is married to Charles Shaw. ! son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan Shaw of

Hammondsport and they are the parents of one child.

Mr. and Mrs. Erwm C. Young o! HaiTrrRondsport and" >Mr.' and Mr; ?avid Detany. HorneB^were Sunday guests of _Mf. and Mrs; Clarence knapp m Stocfaester.i ? Mrs. Merlin M. Gerow S r , and Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Draper anc son. Rowland. Jr.. were Christmas holidav guests of their daughter and' sister, Mrs. LJoyd Lyon and family of Youngstown, Pa.

Mrs. Sylvia Dixie of DuBois. Pa. is spendmg the holidays with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. John E. MiHiron.

Mrs. Cleon Heath has been spending the Christmas and New Year's holidays with her daughter. Mrs. Hubert Vogt and fan?iiy in Wayland.

Mr. and: Mrs. Carl Henimer were Monday and Christmas Day hosts to their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hamberger of Bath. "

Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Smalt and children, Norman Jr.. Michele,

JOHN W. ! SeventitGraders



Royalty Named

Jean, Nancy, and twins Robert and WBliam. were Christmas guests of


Contribute $ 1 3 ! Cones January--with ali the snow the children need for sfeddrng; night-

At HCS Dance u*eir sweats, Mr, and Mrs. Fred


: ?



Buell St. --


The 7tj? Grade Roft Ca:" - -^i. \ mares, of income tax returns floating through: our heads, houses looking bare j Charles Lockwood of Avoca Ccrrtra1; after strqjping down the colorful Christmas decorations and--those January tSchoof voted fo contribute to the j sales. Any woman??with^^ a loye for bargains--toes a "hey day" this month. jHungarian Emergency Relief F ' m i l O u r sales begin thb Friday on knit suits, dresses, car coats (Sub-Tean Coats, * They old this rather than e x c h a n g e f w o j jersey; Mouses and hats. Come up and have fun snooping for bargains--

Miss NaacyiJean Nudd. of Puitency and John San ford Ho r.eyman were crowned Qteea and King at the unnuii Junior-Senior Bail held at the Harnrnondsport Central School

Rev.- and Mrs. George H AHenJr., who are currerrtry supplying the i pulpit at the 'First: Presbyter^nI Church, spent Christmas in White:


'ft* M?fagMORt;, , TH1AH61B awt/'

gifts among tbemselves. A^^ total of HweYe famous for them!) ;

? T ?: ?

Friday -everting.

v --* .:.-.

| S ! 3 was collected and sent to Mr

Called "Silver Bells" the auditor-

Gtedhill at the Red Cross office in

Itataeady^ seems fi?e sfringin oui"store as we dairy unpack print dresses TMTM-of ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ ? ^

Bath. -? "

1 ted m colors.-.of while, silver and gold.:

Attendants of the royal couple were

tract designs with muted colors youtl not tire o f wearing! Watch our wis-

dow this weekend, for the print dress that's so popular this time of year t o

add color 'neath your winter coat and keep you weil-cresscd -eight - into



. - ,_- .:".,:.r.:. :"*?-~nr.?"

MCiosn5slCanoenestaSnmcoeJOosg,d. enfe.uSt avRoengaa;l aMnisds Ruaolph Emilson. Students danced to Ifee rnusk; of Ray Hedges orchestra' from Hornell.

Prayer For P?ice ... .

I ta> first summery-looking dress to arrive is that nationally advertised

Install Officers pinen sheath by KAY WINDSOR priced at a tiny $10:98 (almost unbeuev-

I able, too.) This dress is the biggest seller in N e w York and bet it has been

j packed in many a suitcase t o head south. This machine-washable shortj sleeved Sneri in toast or Mack with coatrastng trim buttons down the front

OES, Thursday

iJrom its big Bertha collar--Very sleek fitting for sizes! from 10 t o IS. If Thomas ."AC^Hereford. Jr,, was

? you're not heading south: you'll want to buy it anyway to have tucked in among 21 men from'Steuben County

; yoor ciosetTojrihis summer. It's my idea of an ultra-smart sheath for a small y.'ho were invested into the office

price--come in. see it and then disagree widi md

of master o f their respective Masonic

Lodge in Bath. Dec. 27.. Hereford

At oar fee.* ft w ? about 4 A. M. when the Head of the House was g ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ J * S

rudety awakened by 5 yr. old Sherry,. (fTi nhee girls aatltt go to their Daddy in 1f ^^fjntf^a J.l^L o ^ *r a*S?_*i *A"'"?" ^ J ^ distress^--Mike comes to me.) "What's the matter. now-T muttered sleepy t D?tncf^5eputy James Reynolds of


??-.- j Avoca conducted the investiture serv-

O Ckxi, from wjbona proceed all holy desires, right

counsels, atnd Just woiks, g^ve unto T h y servants that

peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts being

given over to obey Thy commandments and the fear of

our enemies being removed, our times, by Thy Protection,

may be peaceful. Through Christ our Lord.

' Amen.

"There's smoke i? my room." whispered Sherry.


The Head of the House grunted and then shot out of bed. "Smoke?-- 1 Hereford-and the other officers o f

are you sure it's srnokeT*

j t n e local lodge w81 be MStaHed mto

?? "Oh. yes" replied serious Sherry, "do yxw suppose there are any Indians I their respective offices on Monday.

aroundr* .

;r: -"".-.-.:_".



^;.: ::.; Jan. ?, in -Harnmondspott. Installing

"-"^^ I'Jeedlcss to say. we both broke out laughing as Daddy fed ^ e r r y bade officer w i t be Leo Newfang of Avoca

to bed. As be left the bedroom I caned. Watch out for those tomahawks. and die service will be at 8:00 p. m.


New officers are Braer Oemming,


Willard M. Cummin, William C.

"OUR 33rd YEAR"

Licensed Managers James A. Fagan Bernard J. Fagan

Licensed Associates Rocco A . Bottont Forest C Casey

Waldo Funeral Home

4 E. Wasfaingt on S t -- Dial P R 6 - 4 2 2 2 Bath -- ESTABUSrffiD 1919 --

AMBULANCE SERVICE 24-Honr Service For The Entire Area


Pietsch. Robert Sides. Raymond L, f Reed. Archie Sherav Thedrow Cole." ArdeH Webster. WWaat S. Oecfcer, Donald R. Searles, Verae A. Hallenheck. Alderman Gleason. Norman S. Fay and Loren E. Davis.


'Robert C . Everritt, so* of Seward



31 W . MorriaSt. *

BaA, N. Y.

-- Minshall Electronic Organ for Services -- IJpcm request of family.

Wahh Monumental Works

75 RI-MSF.Y ST. -- Di.l PR M 7 1 2 __ B A T H i Stock of Both Nativt and Foreign Graniles On Disptar Craftaiui) Since 1920


P i c k u p tmi D e l i v e r y

Est. 1921

Phone PR 6-4651












All Garments Moth-Proofed - Free!!

C . Everrte o f WaaBnoadspoft, TCcervtiy was promoted to sergeant in tGcrmany. where he h a member of tJw 45th Antiaircraft ArtSkry Battalion.

Sergeant Evcrritt. a gunner in A c battal;on"s Battery D. entered the Army in Eebraary. Tf54, and eowtpfcted basfc traWsg at Fort Sill, Okla.


Fast. Modem, Dependable P R 6-273-3

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

l fflimfflmmgm ^ ^ w t ^ ^ a a a t ^ v i w i ^


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