Welcome to The Association at Cobblestone Ridge, Inc

The Association at Cobblestone Ridge, Inc.

P.O. Box 1677

Stockbridge, Georgia 30281

What is the Association at Cobblestone Ridge?

Your community has a mandatory homeowners association. The Association is made up of all the property owners within the community. The Association is directed by a board of directors. The board hires the management team to assist in the day-to-day operations of the community. Covenants are filed on every property in you community in Superior Court of your county. These covenants contain all of the restrictions and responsibilities of members.

The Management Team for your community is Grace Management and Subdivision Services. Grace Management assists the Board of Directors with the financial services of the community including collection of assessments, payment for services and production of monthly financial statements. Subdivision Services provides covenant enforcement, management of common area maintenance contracts and architectural review.


Please call Grace Management at

770-389-6528 if you should have any questions regarding your account. The assessments are in place to help pay for upkeep of the common areas, lawn maintenance, the association’s insurance policy, property taxes, legal expenses, financial management and enforcement of the protective covenants. Please pay your assessments on time. The association must file a lien against all members who do not pay their assessments. The legal expenses and other costs will be added to each delinquent member’s account.

Home improvements:

Improvements to your property such as major landscape improvements and any additions or changes made to your property must be approved prior to construction or installation by the Architectural Review Committee. You may mail the request for approval to: Architecture Review., P.O. Box 1677, Stockbridge, GA 30281. (Or fax to: 770-620-0069).

Covenant enforcement process: The covenants and by-laws dictate the legal process that the association must go through in order to mandate that a property be brought into compliance. The board will notify property owners of any violation. Please correct the violation by the date indicated to avoid any penalties. The goal is not to take further legal action, but to help homeowners be responsible for their own property. A well maintained community means higher property values and creates a more enjoyable atmosphere for all of owners in the community.

Important Association Information

Grace Management: (Financials, Statements)


Fax 770-506-8430


Pay your assessments on line at


Subdivision Services: (Covenant Enforcement, Common Area Maintenance and Architectural Review)

770-620-0069 Phone and Fax


Important Information

Copy of Covenants Grace Management 770-389-6528

Accounts payable/receivable Grace Management 770-389-6528

Report Covenant Violation Subdivision Services 770-620-0069


Report Common Area Subdivision Services 770-620-0069

Maintenance Issue

To send Architectural Review Request Subdivision Services Fax: 770-620-0069

Or mail to: P.O. Box 1677 Stockbridge, Georgia 30281

Covenants At A Glance

Architectural Standards

Article 6 Section 2

No exterior construction, addition or alteration shall be made unless and until plans and specifications shall have been submitted in writing to and approved by the Declarant. Please allow up to thirty (30) days for processing.


P.O. Box 1677 770-620-0069

Stockbridge, GA 30281

Owner’s Responsibility

Article 5 Section 2

All maintenance of the Lot and all structures, landscaping, and other improvements thereon shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner thereof, who shall maintain such Lot in a manner consistent with the community-wide standard and the Declaration of the Covenants and Restrictions. Such maintenance obligation shall include, without limitation:

• Prompt removal of all litter, trash, refuse, and waste;

• Lawn mowing on a regular basis

• Tree and shrub pruning

• Watering landscaped areas

• Keeping garden areas alive, free of weeds and attractive

• Keeping driveways in good repair

• Repair of exterior damages to improvements


Article 7 Section 3

No sign of any kind shall be erected within the community without the prior written consent of the Declarant or the Board of Directors.

For sale signs and security signs not larger than 18 inches by 18 inches and any signs required by legal proceedings may be erected upon any Lot.

Any sign displayed without approval will result in a fine of $150.00 each day the sign remains on the property.


Article 7 Section 4

Vehicles shall be parked only in appropriate parking spaces (garage or driveway)serving the Lot or other designated areas, if any.

No on-street parking, other than in connection with special events as approved by the Board of Directors, shall be permitted within the community.

All inoperable or unlicensed vehicles shall be parked in the garage or other area designated by the Board of Directors.

Any towed vehicle, boat, personal watercraft, recreational vehicle, motor home, mobile home, trailer, motorcycle, mini-bike, scooter, go-cart, commercial truck, camper or bus must be kept in the garage.

No eighteen wheel trucks or the cabs of such trucks or trucks with a load capacity in excess of three-quarters of a ton shall be parked, kept or stored within the community except during the time reasonably necessary to provide service or delivery within the community.

Garage doors shall be kept closed at all times, except during times of ingress and egress from the garage.

Animals and Pets

Article 7 Section 5

No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, kept or permitted on any Lot with the exception of dogs, cats or other usual and common household pets in reasonable number.

No pets shall be kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose.

No exterior pens for household pets shall be erected or maintained on any Lot unless approved in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.

Dogs shall at all times when outside a Lot be kept on a leash or otherwise under control at all times.


Article 7 Section 6

It shall be the responsibility of each Owner and Occupant to prevent the development of any unclean, unhealthy, unsightly or unkempt condition on a Lot.

No property within the community shall be used, in whole, or in part for the storage of any property or thing that will cause such Lot to appear to be in an unclean or untidy condition or that will be obnoxious to the eye;

Nor shall any substance, thing or material be kept that will emit foul or obnoxious odors or that will cause any noise or other condition that will or might disturb the peace, quiet, safety, comfort or serenity of the occupants of surrounding property.

Without the limiting the generality of the foregoing, no speaker, horn, whistle, siren, bell, amplifier, or other sound device except such devices as may be used exclusively for security purposes, shall be located, installed or maintained upon the exterior of any Lot.

Garbage Cans, Woodpiles, Etc.

Article 7 Section 11

All garbage cans, woodpiles, swimming pool pumps, filters and related equipment, and other similar items shall be located or screened so as to be concealed from view of neighboring streets and property.

All rubbish, trash and garbage shall be regularly removed and shall not be allowed to accumulate.

Trash, garbage, debris or other waste matter of any Kind may not be burned within the community.


Article 7 Section 14

No fence or fencing type barrier of any kind shall be placed, erected, allowed or maintained upon any Lot without prior written approval in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.

No chain link fence, barbed wire fence will be permitted on any Lot

Air Conditioning Units

Article 7 Section 16

No window air-conditioning units may be installed.


Article 7 Section 17

Exterior lighting on any Lot visible from the street shall not be permitted, except for:

Approved lighting as originally installed on a Lot

One decorative post light

Streetlights in conformity with an established street lighting program for the community

Seasonal decorative lights (must be removed 15 days after the holiday)

Front house illumination of model homes

Swimming Pools

Article 7 Section 19

No swimming pool shall be constructed, erected, or maintained upon any Lot without the prior written approval in accordance with the provisions of Article 6. Above-ground pools will not be permitted/approved.

Artificial Vegetation, Gardens, Play Equipment, Exterior Sculptures, Water Features, and Similar Items

Article 7 Section 20

No artificial vegetation shall be permitted on the exterior of any property.

No vegetable garden, hammock, statuary, play equipment (including basketball goals), exterior sculpture, fountains, flags or water features may be erected on any Lot without prior written approval in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.


Article 7 Section 21

All mailboxes serving the Lots shall be approved in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.

Identical replacement mailboxes may be installed without further approval; but no modification to or change in mailboxes may be made unless approved.


Article 7 Section 22

No exterior clotheslines of any type shall be permitted upon any Lot.

Wetlands, Ponds and Streams

Article 7 Section 24

All ponds, wetlands, storm water retention or detention ponds and streams within the community shall be used for aesthetic amenities and storm water drainage only, no other use thereof shall be permitted without the express written consent of the Board of Directors.

Natural Buffer Areas

Article 7 Section 25

Lots along the perimeter of the community will contain a buffer area. This natural buffer area shall not contain any improvements. The buffer area shall exist as an undisturbed natural buffer area of existing vegetation.

Stream Buffers

Article 7 Section 26

Land-disturbing activities shall not be conducted within 25 feet of the banks of any stream within the community.

Subdivision Services Enforcement Process

● A Violation can be reported by the Homeowners or observed by Subdivision Services.

● Once a violation is identified, Subdivision Services will go through the following process: (subject to change with direction from the Board of Directors)

Friendly letter will be mailed:

This letter is mailed to the homeowner by first class mail. It is sent to make the homeowner aware that their home/property is in violation of the Protective Covenants and Restrictions and/or Rules and Regulations set forth by the Board of Directors. The homeowner has seven (7) days to correct the violation or to contact Subdivision Services with their intentions.

Certified letter will be mailed:

This letter is mailed both first class and certified mail to the homeowner if the violation is not corrected within the seven days. It again states the violation and gives the homeowner ten (10) days for the violation to be corrected. If the violation is not corrected within ten (10) days, the Board has the right to take further action which may include: entering the property and making all necessary and reasonable corrections and/or assessing fines against the owner for each day the violation occurs/exists.

* Please refer to your set of Covenants and Restrictions for full description of Covenants.

* If you need a copy of Covenants please contact Grace Management at 770-389-6528.


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