BIOLOGY 207 LABORATORY 1 - Frankie Guevara
LAB 7 RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGYREADING in HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, 7th Edition, Silverthorn.Lung volumes and capacities: p. 544Spirometry: p. 545Gas exchange: pp. 565-567Regulation of ventilation p. 580OBJECTIVESTo measure various respiratory volumes with a spirometer and to calculate vital capacity.To define and understand the following: tidal volume, vital capacity, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume, residual volume and total lung capacity.To investigate the role of various physiological stressors/treatments on respiratory function and to demonstrate ventilation-perfusion coupling.Exercise 1: Vital CapacityEx. 1A: Calculating Predicted Vital CapacitySpirometry is a diagnostic technique used to measure respiratory volumes. In this exercise, we will evaluate vital capacity using a spirometer. A spirometer is an instrument used to measure lung volumes and capacities. Vital capacity (VC) is a reliable diagnostic indicator of one’s pulmonary status. To maintain normal homeostasis, a person’s vital capacity should be at least 80% of the predicted value (based upon gender, height, and age). Athletes may have vital capacities greater than their predicted value while those who smoke, have asthma, etc., may have reduced VC. Use the following equations to calculate predicted vital capacity and record data on worksheet p.4. Males: VC = 0.052(H) – 0.022(A) – 3.6Females:VC = 0.041(H) – 0.018(A) – 2.69Where: VC = vital capacity in liters (L)H = height in centimeters (cm)A = age in years (yrs)Ex. 1B: Generating a Hypothesis about Vital CapacityIn the next section of the lab, we will be measuring the vital capacity of each student in your group using a simple, handheld spirometer. Before beginning, each student should think about factors that might affect vital capacity such as his or her overall health (e.g. asthma, cold, etc.), lifestyle (e.g. smoker or nonsmoker) and fitness (e.g. athlete on swim team), to make a prediction about their own vital capacity. Each group member should form a hypothesis selecting one of the following and then explain their reasoning: My actual VC will be less than 80% of my predicted VCMy actual VC will be between 80% and 100% of my predicted VCMy actual VC will be greater than 100% of my predicted VCEach student should generate a hypothesis about his/her vital capacity and record on worksheet p.4. Ex. 1C: Measuring Vital Capacity with Handheld SpirometerFollow the procedure below to measure your actual vital capacity. Record data on worksheet p.4. Procedure:Obtain a handheld spirometer and disposable mouthpiece and set dial to zero before each trial.Breathe in and out normally several times, and then inhale as much as you possibly can. It is important that you strain to inhale as much air as physically possible. Then, quickly insert the spirometer with mouthpiece, and exhale as forcibly as you can. Do not allow air to exit your nostrils. Record your results in Table 1 and repeat two more times.Calculate your Average VC for the 3 trials. Then calculate Average VC/Predicted VC x 100 to estimate how close your actual VC is to your predicted VC.Ex. 1D: DiscussionDiscuss whether your hypothesis was supported by your results. Do actual values differ from group member predictions, and if so, what are some possible explanations for this? Are there any individuals whose lung volumes are of concern? Explain. Record data on worksheet p.5. Exercise 2: Respiratory Volumes and CapacitiesIn healthy young men, the maximum air that the lungs can hold is usually around 5.5 liters. In healthy young women, the maximum is normally about 4.0 liters. This total lung capacity varies between people based on build, age, how easily the lungs will stretch and whether disease is present. Normally, you breathe in and out without giving it much thought. Like the tides coming in and going out with regularity, the change in volume in your lungs while breathing is your tidal volume. Tidal volume is normally about 500 ml. You have probably noticed that you breathe faster and more deeply during exercise. A recorded measurement of this movement of air, representing the change in lung volume with time, is called a spirogram. Ex. 2A: Define the following lung volumes and capacities and list normal ranges for VC & TLC. Tidal Volume (TV), Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV), Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV), Residual Volume (RV), Vital Capacity (VC), and Total Lung Capacity (TLC). Enter answers on worksheet p.5. Ex. 2B: Questions about lung volumes and capacities. Lung volumes and capacities are influenced by height, gender, age, overall health and even fitness. Answer questions related to normal lung volumes and capacities. Enter answers on worksheet p.5. Exercise 3: Ventilation-Perfusion ResponsesThe rhythmic pattern of breathing is controlled by neural activity from respiratory centers in the brain stem. Since our breathing rate, or breaths per minute, changes in response to our activity, there must also be additional control in response to physiological changes in the body (e.g. due to exercise, etc.). The primary regulator of ventilation is the carbon dioxide-generated hydrogen ion concentration in the brain extracellular fluid. An increase in plasma carbon dioxide results in an increase in hydrogen ion concentration (lower pH) that strongly stimulates the central chemoreceptors in the brain. These chemoreceptors drive the respiratory centers. Ventilation increases when carbon dioxide builds up in your plasma and ventilation decreases when carbon dioxide levels decrease. Although oxygen levels are important, they play a less significant role in regulating ventilation, as will be discussed in lecture. In this exercise, we will explore changes in respiratory rates (RR) and heart rates (HR) in response to several treatments in order to determine the relationship between ventilation (breathing) and perfusion (blood flow to tissues). We expect that respiratory rates will vary according to body need. For example, if during exercise carbon dioxide levels increase and more oxygen is needed in skeletal muscle tissues, we might predict that the body will adjust respiratory rates accordingly in order to deliver more O2 to tissues and to remove CO2 from tissues. Since the cardiovascular system works with the respiratory system to transport respiratory gases, you might expect heart rate to vary as well. In this lab exercise, you will measure RR and HR for 6 treatments and then plot your data in order to determine the relationship between RR and HR.Ex. 3A: Generate Hypotheses for 6 Treatments and Include Specific Physiological ReasoningProcedure: Choose 1 test subject (or more test subjects as your instructor directs and time permits).Before you begin, think about the relationship between Respiratory Rate and Heart Rate and formulate hypotheses for the predicted change in RR and HR away from eupnea for each treatment. Record RR (breaths/min) and HR (beats/min) in Table 2 for each treatment. Wait several minutes between treatments to allow RR and HR to return to normal resting values before starting each new treatment. Record data on worksheet p.6.Eupnea (normal breathing while resting/sitting)Biofeedback (close eyes, relax and consciously focus on lowering RR & HR)Apnea (i.e. after holding breath as long as possible)Hyperventilation (after very deep, slow breathing for 2 minutes)Hypoventilation (after re-breathing in paper bag for 2 minutes)Exercise (after exercise)Ex. 3B: Record Respiratory Rates and Heart Rates Enter data for respiratory rates and heart rates for test subject in Table 2 below (additional rows are provided for classes using additional/multiple test subjects). Record data on board to discuss as a class or as instructed by your instructor. Record on worksheet p.6. Ex. 3C: Graph RR and HR Data for 6 Treatments Graph your individual group data for RR and HR (or graph the class mean) over the 6 treatments. This should be a line graph with 2 lines, one each for RR and HR. Draw directly on this sheet or graph on excel as you prefer. Enter the 6 treatments on X-axis and Rate/min on Y-axis. Record on worksheet p.7. Ex. 3D: Discussion of RR and HR Data for 6 TreatmentsWhat do your results for the various treatments show compared to normal resting breathing and heart rate values? Are there any surprises? Address your hypotheses for each treatment and analyze the physiology causing any or . Comment on the relationship between RR and HR. Record on worksheet p.7. GROUP MEMBERS: Christy Balderrama, Frankie Guevara, Lisa Reyes, Alexandrea Ruiz, and Anusara ThawpinitLAB DAY & TIME: Monday/Wednesday 7:00-10:10AMLab 7 Results & Questions Worksheets(Turn in as a Group) Exercise 1: Vital Capacity Ex. 1A: Calculating Predicted Vital Capacity (from p.1) 1. Calculate the predicted vital capacity for each group member. Show work below for one group member (sample calculation). Then record data for each student in Predicted VC column of Table 1.Frankie: A male, 21 years old, and 169 cm tall.VC = 0.052 (H)-0.022(A)-3.6= (0.052x169) -(0.022x21)-3.6= 4.726 Ex. 1B: Generating a Hypothesis about Vital Capacity (from p.1) 2. State each group member’s name, hypothesis, and reasoning regarding his/her vital capacity.Frankie: I am a healthy man and do not smoke. Therefore, my actual VC will be between 80% and 100% of my predicted VC.Anusara: I work out twice a week, I do not smoke, and I do not have any health problem, my actual VC will be between 80% and 100% of my predicted VC.Alexandra: I am a young girl with a healthy lifestyle, I always eat healthy and go to the gym. Therefore, my actual VC will be between 80% and 100% of my predicted VC.Lisa: I have a healthy person. I do not have any health problem; my actual VC will be between 80% and 100% of my predicted VC. Ex. 1C: Measuring Vital Capacity with Handheld Spirometer (from p.2) 3. Measure your vital capacity 3 times and enter data in Table 1. Each student should calculate his or her average vital capacity and then use this to calculate Average VC/Predicted VC x 100 to obtain their %. Table 1. Measured and Predicted Vital Capacities of Group MembersSubjectMeasuredTrial 1MeasuredTrial 2MeasuredTrial 3Average VC (3 trials)Predicted VC(Calculated)Average VC/ Predicted VC x 100 = ______% Frankie2850310031003016.674.72663.82%Anusara1900190018661866.673.21258.09%Alexandra25502550255025503.32076.80%Lisa2100225020002116.673.32663.62%Ex. 1D: Discussion (from p.2)4. Discuss whether your hypotheses were supported by your results for each group member. Based on the results for each group member, each group member’s hypothesis cannot be supported because the actual VC was below 80% and 100% for each group member. Our individual hypothesis cannot be supported because the predicted values are taken from statistical data and are based on the BMI or weight/height ratio. It does not consider pulmonary history such as smoking, exercise, asthma, or any factors.Exercise 2: Respiratory Volumes and CapacitiesEx. 2A: Define the following lung volumes and capacities and list normal ranges for VC & TLC. 5. Define the Following Terms and list normal ranges for VC and TLC for males and females.Tidal Volume (TV): The amount of air entering or leaving the lungs in a single normal, resting breath which is approximately 500 mLInspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV): The amount of extra air that can be forcibly inspired beyond the tidal volume which is about 3000 mL in males and 2100 mL in femalesExpiratory Reserve Volume (ERV): The amount of extra air that can be forcibly expired beyond the Tidal Volume which is about 1100 mL in males and 800 mL in females.Residual Volume (RV): The amount of air left in the lungs even after forcible exhalation which is about 1200 mL in males and 1000 mL in femalesVital Capacity (VC) and normal range for males and females: The maximum amount of air that can be expired after a maximum inspiration which is about 4600 mL in males and 3400 mL in femalesTotal Lung Capacity (TLC) and normal range for males and females: The maximum amount of air the lungs can hold which is about 5800 mL in males and 4300 mL in femalesEx. 2B: Questions about lung volumes and capacities. 6. Answer questions related to normal lung volumes and capacities. a) Taller people generally have greater lung volumes than shorter people. Why?Taller people anatomically tend to have a greater body mass and thoracic cavity than shorter people. A greater body mass requires more oxygen to fuel body tissues, so they require greater lung capacity to compensate for the larger body mass. b) Males generally have greater lung volumes and capacities than females. Why?Anatomically, males tend to have a greater muscle volume than females. Muscle tissues require lots more oxygen for movement, so males with higher muscle mass require higher lung volume for oxygen exchange in the lungs. c) Lungs mature at 20-25 yrs of age. Vital capacity decreases with age after this point. Why?As a person ages, their organs and tissues age as well including bone density and cartilage elasticity. When elasticity in the rib cartilage and intercostal muscles depreciates, so does the person’s capacity to bring in more oxygen with each deep breath. d) Why do you think overall health (e.g. asthma, etc.) and fitness (e.g. swimmer, etc.) affect these values?A person’s activity levels influences their ability to take in oxygen. The more active they are, the more oxygen their body requires to compensate for their energy expenditure. If they are inflicted with health issues such as asthma, their anatomical structures of their lungs are directly affected in their ability to ingest oxygen on a molecular level. Exercise 3: Ventilation-Perfusion Responses Ex. 3A: Generate Hypotheses for 6 Treatments and Include Physiological Reasoning (from p.3)7. Present your hypotheses and rationale for each treatment. Predict how RR and HR will be affected by the following treatments relative to Eupnea. Will they , or not change? Why?EupneaEupnea is the base reading that will be compared to all other treatments because it is normal at rest breathing.BiofeedbackConsciously lowering heart rate and respiratory rate may have one of two effects compared to eupnea readings. One effect is that the subject can feel pressure or anxiety to keep their heart and respiratory rate down, which can cause an increase in RR and HR. The other effect is that they may have full control and be able to successfully relax into a low RR and HR. ApneaHolding the breath may cause respiratory and heart rate to go below eupnea rate because the muscles are not drawing in as much oxygen while breath is being held.HyperventilationHyperventilating may cause the respiratory and heart rate to increase above eupnea rate, because deep breathing brings in more oxygen into the lungs.HypoventilationHypoventilation would cause the heart and respiratory rate to decrease below eupnea because the short and quick breaths would create deficient oxygen ingestion in the lungs.ExerciseExercise would have the highest increase in respiratory and heart rate because physical activity to fuel the tissues of the entire body requires the highest need for oxygen ingestion. Ex. 3B: Record Respiratory Rates and Heart Rates (from p.3) 8. Enter data for respiratory rates and heart rates for your test subject in Table 2 below (additional rows are provided for classes using multiple test subjects). Record class (or group) mean.Table 2. Respiratory Rates and Heart Rates EupneaBiofeedback ApneaHyper-ventilationHypo-ventilationExerciseTest SubjectRRHRRRHRRRHRRRHRRRHRRRHRGroup or Class MeanEx. 3C: Graph RR and HR Data for 6 Treatments (from p.3)9. Graph your individual group RR and HR data over the 6 treatments (or graph the class mean). 25641302540002299335190500- Label the X-axis with the 6 treatments and the Y-axis with the rate/minute.- There will be two lines (RR and HR).- Connect the data points in each line graph with a smooth curve and label the two lines (RR & HR). - Label your figure (graph) with an appropriate title.Ex. 3D: Discussion of RR and HR Data for 6 Treatments10. Discuss your results. What is the relationship between ventilation and perfusion? (from p.3) ................
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