GLEs - Physical Education



Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

May, 2007


The Physical Education Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) represent content that Missouri students are expected to know at each grade level. The GLEs are not a curriculum. They are, however, the learner outcomes that should be assessed at the local level to appraise student achievement. The GLEs should not be taught in isolation. Rather, they should be bundled together where possible into well-planned, sequential, and targeted lessons to accomplish district objectives to meet the Show-Me Standards.

Alignment to the Missouri Show-Me Content standards is found in the row titled “State Standards.” The row titled “National Standards” refers to standards from the National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE, 2004)

The following coding system should be used to reference the Physical Education GLEs:


PA = Physical Activity and Lifetime Wellness

HM = Efficiency of Human Movement and Performance


Use the numeral preceding the Big Idea


Use the capital letter designation

EX: The GLE “identify health-related fitness components” can be found in the Physical Activity and Lifetime Wellness strand (PA), under the first Big Idea – Personal Fitness and Healthy Active Living (1), in the concept Health-Related and Skill-Related Fitness (A), in grade 3. Therefore, the code for that particular GLE is: PA1A3. Generally avoid the use of periods or dashes in the coding.

| 1. Personal Fitness and Healthy Active Living |

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E. |Grade K |Grade 1 |Grade 2 |Grade 3 |Grade 4 |Grade 5 |Grade 6 |Grade 7 |Grade 8 |Grade 9-12 | | | |Demonstrate appropriate social skills (e.g., responding to a partner in a positive manner) |Identify historical origins of folk dances (e.g., Kinder polka – Germany) |


|Identify the historical and cultural origin of various international folk dances (e.g., Teton Mountain Stomp – USA) |Demonstrate appropriate social skills while participating in dance activities, including etiquette and courtesies appropriate to various dance forms |Discuss the cultural and historic context of at least one dance form


|Compare the recreational and social aspects of a variety of dances and their impact on cultural development | |Social/Cultural Aspects of Dance | | | | | | | | | | | |State

Standards | |HPE 5 |HPE 4, FA 5 | | |HPE 4, FA 5 |HPE 4, FA 5 |HPE 4, FA 5 |HPE 4, FA 5 |HPE 4, FA 5 | |National

Standards | |NPE 5 |NPE 5 | | |NPE 5 |NPE 5, NPE 6 |NPE 5, NPE 6 |NPE 5, NPE 6 |NPE 5, NPE 6 | |


All students will participate in local fitness activities and assessments at every grade level (no assessments at grade K)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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