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Instructions: COMPLETE ALL QUESTIONS AND MARGIN NOTES using the CLOSE reading strategies practiced in class. This requires reading of the article three times.

Step 1: Number the paragraphs. Skim the article using these colors and symbols as you read:

BOX -UNKNOWN WORDS/DEFINITIONS | PENCIL- questions/insights/impressions

(*) important, (!) surprising, (?) wondering, [(+) agree, (-) disagree]

Step 2: Define the vocabulary that has been boxed for you. Choose an appropriate synonym that has the same part of speech as the term. Write the synonym above each boxed term to help you better understand the excerpt.

Step 3: Read the article carefully, highlight text, and make associated notes in the margin. Notes should include:

o BLUE -strong connotation/denotation (diction/word choice)

o YELLOW-big ideas (write a summary statement of important ideas for each major section)

o PENCIL- questions/insights/impressions

o GREEN- elements of argumentation (claims/assertions, evidence/grounds)

o PURPLE - literary devices, tropes

o PINK- methods of development/organization

Step 3: A final quick read noting anything you may have missed during the first two reads.

Your margin notes are part of your score for this assessment. Answer the questions carefully in complete sentences unless otherwise instructed.

Article of the Week #5 Due Date____

“Why We Need to Start Dating Again”

Notes on my thoughts, reactions and questions as I read:

After reading this article, what would you title it?


Eileen Curran in 500 Words On on May 13, 2015

1. Our generation is pretty screwed up when it comes to the whole dating thing.

2. "I'll pick you up at 7 o'clock" has turned into arriving at 7:15 p.m. and sending a text saying, "I'm here." instead of walking to the door and to meet the parents.

3. Snapchats and Instagram "likes" have become acceptable forms of flirting. A "like" on Instagram is way more common than a compliment in real life.

4. Date night has evolved from going out to dinner, playing putt-putt (a completely underrated pastime in my opinion) or doing anything relatively thoughtful, to watching Netflix and maybe ordering a pizza.

5. It seems like no one is actually dating anymore. Everyone is "talking" or "has a thing with someone" or is "kind of dating" that one guy from bio lab. No one wants the commitment of a real relationship, but they don't want to be alone, either. A guy won't take the girl he's "talking to" on an actual date, but when he sees that her best friend on Snapchat is another guy, he freaks out. A girl doesn't want to commit to the guy she "has a thing" with, but she gets mad when she sees that he is liking other girls photos on Instagram.

6. I'm not sure when these actions became acceptable substitutes for real life conversations or dates, but it's happened, and it needs to change.

7. I think we should bring back dating. Real, honest-to-goodness, "I'll pick you up at 7 o'clock." dating. Instead of sending a Snapchat to that person you have your eye on, why not ask them out on a real date? I get it. It's scary. You have to deal with the fear of being rejected. There's also potential for it to be really awkward, but honestly, there are worse things in life. Sure, they might say no. That's a bummer, but it's not the end of the world. At least you tried.

8. On the other hand, let's pretend they say yes, and you do go on the date, and it's really awkward. First of all, take a deep breath. Again, this is not the end of the world. Tell some stupid jokes. Talk endlessly about your family. First dates are supposed to be awkward. And if it's really unfixable, at least you tried. You did better than the rest of us, stuck at home Snapchatting the person they're "talking to."

9. I'm not saying that we all need to go out and ask every person we've ever thought was cute out on a date. I'm not saying that these dates need to be extravagant and meticulously planned out. What I am saying is that really, there's nothing to lose. If you think the person you sit next to in calculus is cute, ask them to study sometime. Instead of Snapchatting your crush constantly, go get ice cream. Ask the person that you've always wanted to get to know better to hang out (in person! What a concept!).

10. Do something fun and spontaneous. Don't worry if it's awkward. Don't get mad over Instagram likes and Snapchat best friends. Life is too short. Plus, you never know what will happen.

11. Who knows? That random date you ask someone on might be the start of a beautiful relationship.


Notes on my thoughts, reactions and questions as I read:

Article of the Week #5

“Why We Need to Start Dating Again”

Comprehension questions – answers may be in phrases.

1. What two methods of flirting are now considered acceptable according to the author?

2. Which words help the reader understand the meaning of the word extravagant in paragraph 9?

3. What advice does the author give to those suffering an awkward first date?

4. Define spontaneous as used in paragraph 10.


Article of the Week #5

“Why We Need to Start Dating Again”

2. Answer each question in one or more complete sentences.

Twelve Word Summary: Summarize the entire article in twelve words. (think: who, what, when, where, how)

What is the author’s purpose is the author effective in advancing that purpose?  Why or why not?  Use examples from the text in your analysis.

What do you think is the theme of this article? Create a thematic statement from your list of abstract thematic ideas (in your reference handbook).

9-10.RL 1,2,4,10

Article of the Week #5

“Why We Need to Start Dating Again”

3. Create a bibliographic entry/MLA citation of this article (use your reference book for help).Don’t forget your HANGING INDENT,


4. Based on the thematic statement you created, explain how the author supports this idea or theme throughout the article. Be sure to state the theme. Cite directly from the text.

RI.9-10.2, W.9-10.9b, W.9-1010


5. Do you think the prevalence of social media is to blame for the downfall of authentic dating in today’s youth? Consider what you’ve read in this article as well as your personal experiences. Use textual evidence to support your opinion. (ICE/TAG)


Restate the question insert your opinion/argument/answer. According to (the author) in his/her (genre), “(title),” introduce quote “copy quote” (cite page/paragraph). Explain the connection from your opinion/argument/answer. (I)The general argument made by author (A) in her/his (G)work, (T)________, is that _______. More specifically, (A) argues that ____. She/he writes, “ _____________” (_#). (C)In this passage, (A) is suggesting that _______. (E)In conclusion, (A)’s belief is that _______________. In my view, (A) is wrong/right because_____. More specifically, I believe that _____. For example, _____. Although (A) might object that “____” (__#), (C) I maintain that _____. Therefore, I conclude that ___. (E)

9/10 RL.8,10


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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