Unit Plan Template - University of North Texas

Adventures in the Atlantic!

|Unit Author |

|First and Last Name |Kim Clarke |

|Author's E-mail Address |Kcbabe830@ |

|Course Name(s) |CECS |

|Course Number(s) |4100 |

|Course Section(s) |008 |

|School City, State, Zip |University of North Texas |

|Instructor Name(s): |Dr. Rhonda Christensen |

|Unit Overview |

|Unit Plan Title |Adventures in the Atlantic |

|Curriculum-Framing Questions |

| |Essential Question |How do animals use their senses? |

| | | |

| |Unit Questions |What types of fish live in the Atlantic? |

| | |What are the layers of the ocean? |

| | |Which creatures are endangered? |

| | |Which creatures live in each layer of the ocean? |

| | |What are some ways that ocean animals use their senses? |

|Unit Summary |

|In this unit students will be able to identify the five layers of the ocean, different creatures that live in the ocean, which ocean |

|creatures are endangered, and how ocean creatures use their senses. Students will also become more familiar with a variety of forms of |

|technology. |

|Subject Area(s): (List all subjects that apply) |

|Science, Social Studies |

|Grade Level (Click boxes of all grade levels that apply) |

| K-2 | 3-5 |

|6-8 |9-12 |

|ESL |Resource |

|Gifted and Talented |Other:       |

|UQ # |Student Objective/Learning Outcome |Targeted State Standard/Benchmark/ Objective |Procedures/Activities |

| |      |Children will be able to identify at least five|Children will work in groups of 3 to make a |

|1.) |The objective is for students to name at least |types of fish that live in the Atlantic. They |PowerPoint presentation of one type of fish |

|What types of fish |three types of fish that live in the ocean. |will be able to work with PowerPoint to create |that lives in the Atlantic. Each group will |

|live in the Atlantic? | |a presentation for their class. |present their fish to the class. They will |

| | | |also use word processing to type two |

| | |Geography (6A) identify major landforms and |paragraphs about their fish. |

| | |bodies of water, including continents and | |

| | |oceans, on maps and globes |We can take a trip to the Dallas World |

| | | |Aquarium and use digital cameras to take |

| | |Social Studies (17B) obtain information about a|pictures of different types of fish. Students|

| | |topic using a variety of visual sources such as|can take notes on different fish they see. We|

| | |pictures, graphics, television, maps, computer |can make a class PowerPoint of the types of |

| | |software, literature, reference sources, and |fish. |

| | |artifacts; | |

| | | |Students can use Our Ocean World Pod-casting |

| | |Social Studies (18A) express ideas orally based|to hear about the latest creatures and their |

| | |on knowledge and experiences |interactions with other creatures. |

| | | | |

| | |Technology Applications (1B) Start and exit | |

| | |programs as well as create, name, and save | |

| | |files. | |

| | | | |

| | |Technology Applications (2A) Use variety of | |

| | |input devices such as mouse, keyboard, disk | |

| | |drive, modem, voice/sound recorder, digital | |

| | |video, or touch screen. | |

| | | | |

| | |Technology Applications (9B) Use software | |

| | |features, such as slide show previews, to | |

| | |evaluate final product. | |

| | |Students will identify the ocean depths and |The class will create a song about the layers |

|2.) |The objective is for students to identify the |list several characteristics about each level. |to help the students remember them. Students |

|What are the layers of|layers of the ocean. | |can type the lyrics and add graphics. They |

|the ocean? | |Social Studies (17A) obtain information about a|can keep their own class song. |

| | |topic using a variety of oral sources such as | |

| | |conversations, interviews, and music; | |

| | | |The teacher can also show the class a video |

| | | |about the ocean layers from Ocean Footage. |

| | |Students will be able to define endangered and |The class will discuss the endangered animals,|

|3.) | |list several endangered ocean animals. |and then they will act out each animal. This |

|Which creatures are |The objective is for students to list two types| |will involve kinesthetic/ bodily movement. |

|endangered? |of endangered ocean creatures. |Science (1.9) Identify characteristics of | |

| | |living organisms that allow their basic needs |The class can use “Webquest: The Oceans” to |

| | |to be met and compare and give examples of the |learn about ways to protect ocean creatures, |

| | |ways living organisms depend on each other for |and the ocean itself. They will also be able |

| | |their basic needs. |to visit a Deep Sea Research Site. |

| | | | |

| | |Technology Applications (8B) Use electronic |Observing Living Things: Oceans and |

| | |tools and research skills to build a knowledge |Rainforests by Clearvue is a great Internet |

| | |base regarding a topic, task, or assignment. |Project to use in the class that will teach |

| | | |them about ocean creatures’ life cycles, |

| | | |habitats, and food chains. |

| | | | |

| | | |Students can download ocean clips from the |

| | | |Ocean Channel to view and hear on their iPods.|

| | | | |

| |      |Students will be able to classify the animals |Students will receive a template with each of |

|4.) |The objective is for students to name at least |and put them in the right ocean layer category.|the five layers of the ocean on it. They will|

|Which creatures live |one creature from each ocean layer. | |then cut out ocean animals from another |

|in each layer of the | | |template and place them in the appropriate |

|ocean? | |Social Studies (17D) sequence and categorize |level. |

| | |information | |

| | | |The class will play around with “Activity |

| | |Science (1.4) Record and compare collected |Tree: Oceans”, which is an Internet Project. |

| | |information. |Students can work on vocabulary and puzzles, |

| | | |while also learning about animals that live in|

| | |Technology Applications (4B) Select appropriate|each part of the ocean. |

| | |strategies to navigate and access information | |

| | |for research and resource sharing. |The class can visit the “Layers of the Ocean” |

| | | |website. We can make a picture depicting the |

| | | |ocean layers and which creatures live within |

| | | |them. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |      |Students will be able to list three ways in |Students will use foam ocean animal pieces to |

|5.) |The objective is for students to list two ways |which animals use their senses to eat, and |play with and learn about which animals are |

| |that ocean creatures use their senses. |survive, in the ocean. |predators and how each animal uses their |

|What are some ways | | |senses to survive in the ocean. |

|that ocean creatures | |Science (1.2) Ask questions about organisms, | |

|use their senses? | |objects, and events. Plan and conduct simple |Students will explore “The Virtual Ocean” with|

| | |descriptive investigations. Gather information|one partner. They will choose an animal to |

| | |to extend the senses. |research and create a typed newsletter for the|

| | | |class. The teacher will help the children add|

| | |Technology Applications (2E) Use language |graphics and text. Next, the class will put |

| | |skills including capitalization, punctuation, |the pages together to make a class newsletter |

| | |spelling, word division, and use of numbers and|booklet. |

| | |symbols as grade-level appropriate. | |

| | | | |

| | |Technology Applications (10A) Use font | |

| | |attributes, color, white space, and graphics to| |

| | |ensure that products are appropriate for the | |

| | |defined audience. | |

|Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.) |

|Unit Question 1: First Activity- Three days with 45 minutes per day. |

|Second Activity- One day for field trip. Two hours for class PowerPoint. |

| |

|Unit Question 2: Activity 1- 45 minutes. |

|Activity 2- 30 minutes. |

| |

|Unit Question 3: Activity 1- 15 minutes. |

|Activity 2- One hour |

|Activity 3- One hour |

|Activity 4- 30 minutes. |

| |

|Unit Question 4: Activity 1- 30 minutes. |

|Activity 2- 45 minutes. |

|Activity 3- One Hour |

| |

|Unit Question 5: Activity 1- 30 minutes |

|Activity 2- Four one-hour class periods. |

| |

|Prerequisite Skills: |

|Students should be familiar with opening Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Students should know how to insert text and graphics as well. |

|Students should also know how to use a search engine with little to no help. |

| |

| |

| |

|Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) |

| Camera | Laser Disk | VCR |

|Computer(s) |Printer |Video Camera |

|Digital Camera |Projection System |Video Conferencing Equip. |

|DVD Player |Scanner |Other:       |

|Internet Connection |Television | |

| |

|Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) |

| Database/Spreadsheet | Image Processing | Web Page Development |

|Desktop Publishing |Internet Web Browser |Word Processing |

|E-mail Software |Multimedia |Other:       |

|Encyclopedia on CD-ROM | | |

|Printed Materials |Ocean Layer Template, Ocean Crossword Puzzles, Ocean creature coloring pages. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Supplies |Paper, crayons, glue, scissors, foam ocean creature pieces. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Internet Resources |1.) Activity Tree: Oceans by Nordic Software |

| |This site has information about currents, tides, reefs, and animals that live in the |

| |ocean. |

| |2.) Observing Living Things: Oceans and Rainforests by Clearvue |

| | |

| |This site allows students to explore life cycles, habitats, and food chains of ocean |

| |animals. |

| |3.) Webquest: The Oceans |

| | |

| |This site allows students to discover different types of fish and visit a Deep Sea |

| |Research site. |

| |4.) Layers of the Ocean |

| | |

| |This site introduces the layers of the ocean and the creatures that live within them. |

| |5.)Under the Sea |

| |sseagraves/underthesea.htm |

| |This is an excellent website where children can learn about fish, mollusks, oceanography, |

| |and ocean life. |

| |Ocean Footage |

| | |

| |This is a great website where children can see ocean video clips, search each layer of the|

| |ocean, and hear real ocean creature noises. |

| |The Ocean Channel |

| | |

| |At this site, kids can learn about endangered ocean animals. Also, ocean articles, |

| |pictures, and videos. Students can download ocean clips onto their iPods. |

| |The Virtual Ocean |

| | |

| |Students can explore small ocean creatures that are found in the lowest levels of the |

| |ocean. They can observe the animals and how they use their senses to survive. |

| |Our Ocean World Podcasting |

| | |

| |This site allows students to hear about the latest ocean creatures and their interactions |

| |in the ocean. |

|Others | |

|Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction |

| |Resource Student |Resource students can work with partners for each activity. They can work with gifted |

| | |students to receive help and feedback with the activities. |

| |Gifted Student |Supplies will be available for the gifted students that finish the activities early. Some|

| | |may be asked to help other students who are behind on the projects. Students may work on |

| | |the ocean crosswords, coloring pages, and even create their own word searches ad |

| | |crosswords. They can also research additional ocean sites for more information to bring |

| | |to the class. |

|Student Assessment |

|Teacher will use general rubric to assess power points and word processing skills. |

| |





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